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[Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go the way [Music] [Music] go [Music] now [Music] Scott suit [Music] yourself [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] la [Music] hey [Music] get on your feet do like I tell you now get on that meal before he decides to use that Winchester good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right lady what's your name Mrs low Nancy low from lburg yes I should have [Music] [Music] known [Music] [Music] [Music] mind Gathering some sticks ma'am no not at all now that's going to be kind of hard to do sitting up there Mr Cody you said you should have known who I was what do you mean by that month ago commanda jumped your coach halfway to Lords butchered the Whip and shotgun and took you alive I suppose most everybody around here knows about that then my husband didn't send you for me no ma'am well how to talked to a tame Indian up cway said the comman you were holding a white woman holding a for trade so you came after me yes Ma'am why seemed like a good idea you could have been killed man come morning we'll swing South two days will put us in the Lordsburg good night mlo if if you'd had a woman taken by the commanche and and you got her back how would you feel knowing I loved it it wouldn't matter wouldn't it no ma'am it would wouldn't matter at [Music] all [Music] command your [Music] [Music] station [Music] station man likely road to eastbound to caver double back on the Lordsburg run I'll grain and water the animal Mr Cody I could take the stage on to Lordsburg from here I've been enough trouble I started taking you back to Lords and that I full intend to [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] he [Music] much obliged Cody we needed that extra gun Doby get up on that rise make sure them Devils don't lay out in the weeds and wait till dark to come killing yes sir Frank you the station man's woman this year is BU L well now how about that hey Frank this here's Mrs low we've been looking this country clear over for you you've been looking for me yes ma'am just about every man in the territory has been out beating the brush you got a wor low ain't that right Frank might have figured you'd beat me too Cody Frank better catch up to your partner you and him drag them dead indians up on that hill with you do like he said Le hello those bucks they had paint on so couldn't be you carrying comman your hair on those meals could it we ain't scal on this Cody you know that do I you'd do anything for Bounty look me and the boys rode into Ransom Canyon same as you did thought Miss Lo here was still up for trade they come at us and we run was worth a try though and every day a man gets a chance to make that amount of money don't you know how much your husband's offering the man brings you back Miss low didn't he tell you $5,000 can't say as I blame him p a shame you beat me T her Cody yes sir [Music] pure I've heard about men like you Coen cheros I think they call them well it won't be necessary for you to take me on to Lordsburg and I'll see to it my husband pays you your [Music] bounty [Music] now hold on him boys we got him all right here goes that L will do it get him Doby oh [Applause] come on come on Doby grab him I'm trying that's it Doby don't be scared of him he don't seem hurt too bad a bullet just creased his hi nothing like jackass Li that'll cure anything been a long time Cody last time I seen you was MAV that's right the day you busted me out of the army never could figure why killing Indians that's what we were there for was it seems like we've been over this before I heard you'd give giving up the Critter soldiers I kind of figured you'd stay with it being a major and all man was wiped out in M cabin yeah I know least they can't blame me for that can't they I was doing my job you overran a village of tame Indians I didn't know you're a liar that's what you said in my court Marshal didn't you had my way that'll hung you you said that too Overland stage the Lordsburg run leaves Overland stage the Lordsburg run leaves casaver Sunrise team change Ki station sunset uh weather weather permitting I didn't know you could read Dolby well I ain't much with books and newspapers but plain words you know like Signs and rappers and such I do pretty good which one's Kami right there dang you planning on taking the coach to Lord's Z mlo yes I am wouldn't suppose youd hold kind to that Cody lady here says she's going to take the coach to Lords I'm not a prisoner anymore Mr Lane aren't you Lane hello there's plenty of light left you would have leave now you could cover a good amount of ground before before night we say anything about going anywhere did we I didn't no close town around now that's a fact nothing but empty between here and Lord no I think we'll stay around for a while maybe I get a kick out of watching that coach come in waving into the people don't you Bo that is unless you have any objections Mr Cody I don't really see that it's any of his business now you took the words right out of my [Music] mouth Mr Lane yes ma'am that that stage should have been here by now shouldn't it the driver likely saw War signs late over the night at Castle ver I see your husband's a fortunate man getting you back I guess you'll always wonder though why he didn't come after yourself I don't mean to low grade him mind you after all he did put up $5,000 that's love of a sort I suppose but were you mind I'd come looking to find you even if I had to die in the D good night Mr Lane that stage going to get here come morning me and the boys will be obliged to see you the Lord's [Music] brother [Music] she something a she did you mean that Ben about us taking her on in Lords why not Cody won't like that country's crawling with Kaman he's going to need all the help he can get he ain't about to give up that 5,000 that's right we could kill him did that that woman a witness against us ain't that a fact Ben huh if she was alive what they said that Mr low fell they said he'd be willing to pay even if a man brought his wife in dead why would he do a full thing like that claims just knowing for sure would ease his loss well that's crazy that's the way he looks at him you mean the woman 5,000 that's a lot of [Music] money heard what Lane said about your husband he's wrong hold out to find you he likely got you both killed is that all Mr Cody no ma'am that uh that money offer to get your B guy I suppose you're going to tell me that you didn't know anything about that I didn't know I don't believe you I didn't think you would Frank were you awake yeah Frank you ever get the feeling we ain't alone with Ben what well the way he treats us you know do this do that he says jump and we say which way so well so we might as well not even have a head well if you want a ride DOA you can go Ben's not going to stop you you come along too would you what do you mean break with Ben I guess not huh well it's nothing personal it's just that a man sort of gets used to a thing sure hope I amount to something what my P he used to say Dolby no matter what you do or who you do it to be sure you amount to something well what do he mean by that oh a lot of things like what well like Cody Cody he does he does what I'm out to something how do you know well he was Army had braid on it yeah but not anymore he hasn't well that don't matter a man does one thing one thing in his life he can look back on go proud that's enough anyway that's what my P used to say he talked all the time didn't he yeah he was a good man sure is a shame shame yeah my PA he never did my good night [Music] [Music] Frank what do you think Ben I think we ought to get out of here Cody I see him Doby yes sir go catch up the animals we better get on the Lords before they decide to scald us out we'll wait for the stage from casaver if that was coming it would have been here by now Frank's right they might have got cut off fored up at some sank stop along the way you sure you don't have scalps on those mules you think I'd do something like that I know you look Cod man coming out here [Music] [Music] stage turned back to CTI had to get back take care of my take care of animals scalp Hunters raided a village up near mace kill the women and and small [Music] ones they they caught him caught him two no goods from verie killed them both I didn't Tau the command though been butchering the territory of one end to the other you better head clear out go on to Lordsburg before my horses I take care of my horse it'll take care of them [Music] Frank give Doby a hand we're all going to [Music] Lords [Music] it's amazing what an Indian will give up for a Winchester rifle and a bow of red Calico where's L sure a handsome woman see one like that man gets to thinking about taking a wife and settling down you well I admit I never had much luck when it comes to women oh I've run with it for you nothing you could call serious except maybe that little G down to Sonora she said right out she loved me wanted to marry me told everybody everybody but her husband who he came with a doing me with a scatter gun that taught me a lesson though always check the brand to make sure you ain't driving another man's St Lan hello back at the station what I said about your mules carrying kamany hair forget it everybody's entitled to a mistake you take that there Mr low offering all that money to get his wife back that's a mistake that amount of money has the way making a man go all greed and inside that CH Mak me get to thinking of doing things he might not otherwise do you know it's a long way to Lord for wouldn't surprise me if somebody didn't try to take that woman away from me like you for instance like me in particular [Music] [Music] and [Music] wait here [Music] come on the [Music] [Music] Closs come on come on straighten out those horses get come on come on let's get [Music] going [Music] we'll follow the river as far as we can that'll put us a full day out of the way if you're in a hurry you can travel Open Country nobody's stopping you we ride along with you figured you would [Music] [Music] oh [Music] better slip into this couple more miles you'll be PL out of that Mr Cody I think I owe you an apology no matter the reason you you did save my life had been me it would have been somebody else Lane told me you brought more whites out of commane country than any other man in this territory why Mr Cody they traded you for $5 worth of goods and a Winchester Mrs low figure it out for yourself we'll be staying here long enough to grain the animals and if you have a mind to wash there's a hole back around the bend of the river sure as a always I'm to do the woman if she was only ugly it wouldn't be so bad but pretty like she is it's an out and out waste maybe we won't have to I don't see any other way we could string along with Cody till after he gets the money and then we can won't work why not well because that' be just asking for a hang rope we going to have to do him in anyway and everybody's going to think that kaman's got him never thought of that I still don't like it my folks brought me up to be kind to a woman you know yes ma'am no ma'am open doors for him give him my chair not go around killing them well you you think I like it any better than you do well I guess not you want to go to work do you work making an honest living oh no I don't think I could do that i' cowboy son what'll that get you you work yourself to death for somebody and likely they have to take up a collection to bury you right ain't that pretty yeah Frank take a ride up River see if they crossed ahead of us they cut our track it's going to put us between a rock and a hard place you say that [Music] how long is that woman going to take sit down she'll be back in a [Music] minute we're getting out of here you're not going to leave him like that yes ma'am that ain't right Mr Cody not talking about right talking about staying alive I'll turn those stage horses loose they can take care of themselves now on Mr Cody you can't leave here till we give that man a proper Gade you want to end up again belonging to a commanche [Music] buck [Music] we rest here [Music] we'll turn Frank's horse loose he'll lead his way to Lordsburg yes sir saddle in a shirt that's all Frank had sure ain't much sure ain't wasn't his fault though no no he never knew anything but the Wild Side man can cross over anytime he's a mine it ain't that easy it ain't that easy at all how old are you Doby I don't know young family know you're running loose in this country do they no sir fever got him nobody to answer to so you threw in with a like sine me and Frank were riding together up your Val way Frank was alone same as me we heard about this fell who's looking for some Young Guns been with him ever since you'll end up on a rope Doby you know that yes sir you could break with him I've thought about that I've thought about that a lot Frank said it man gets used to a thing hope when we get to lawsburg you can ride along with me always man gets tired being all the time alone you do that for me take it over son hold it it's only me get out of the river Doby you see anything sang out yes sir van hello we get the Lords we ought to see if we can hunt up some of Frank's Ken they should be told yeah we'll do that I'm sure going to miss miss him Adobe kind of runs on the gentle side don't he maybe too gentle for what this is a hard country Cody man's called on to do a lot of things things that takes fine like M L's husband it took a lot of nerve to send another man out to bring his woman back now I mean it how's he know what's going to happen throwing two together like that I knew me a fell once wife was taken in a raid a good-looking woman kind of made you go lonely just being around her hearing her say words seeing her move come to think of it she's a lot like you mlo anyway he lost her and he sent a jet out to find her and he did of course at F at first they did didn't get on too good her thinking he'd traded her for a profit and him making out like uh you don't care this way or that and all the time they're getting closer and they never even knew it about the second night out she got to thinking on it got to feeling all grateful inside all with this fell risking his hide to save her while her own man stayed home doing who knows was what well the next thing you know I was only going to say that that husband never did get his woman back now losing them to a comman that's one thing losing them to a white that's something all together else of course in this case there's the money sure would put a man to the test having to decide between you and $5,000 his low sure glad it ain't me Lane hello any your luck we'll break out of kamanche country sometime tomorrow that happens I want you gone you'd like that wouldn't you then you could have Miss low here all to yourself Mr Cody wasn't necessary to do that for my sake I didn't [Music] hi I couldn't sleep I'm glad nothing as lonely as the night Doby yes ma'am how long have you known Cody since kamanche station you didn't know him at all before that no ma'am not face on I'd heard about him how he's all the time alone all the time in commanche country looking seems long ago he lost his woman to the Indians been hunting to find her ever since every time he hears of a white woman up for trade packs a mule and goes don't matter where of course his them that tries to tell him his wife's dead but he goes right on looking you'd think he'd give up at being so long and all but he don't I guess he never will sure must have been a love between them two funny thing I guess van don't but I do like Mr Cody Mrs low there's something you ought to know Ben and me well sometimes he figures we got to do things that things that just a what I'm trying to tell you is that no matter what happens between here and Lords you stick close to Cody and just as close as you can yes Doby yes I [Music] will oh maybe we ought to think again about Cody and the woman now I know it's a lot of money but you got any idea how long it take us to make that amount of money Doby 3 years more we're losing Frank and all that only puts us two against one that man like Cody that ain't good odds Ben that ain't good odds at all I know we can't come straight at him we wouldn't have a chance have to figure as a plan I have you have when do we do it [Music] soon [Music] catch us in that open it's going to make the hill higher to climb what do you think Cody stand your animals when I reach the other side of the claring come on across what if you don't reach it Circle high around Cody [Music] here [Music] goby stay with the woman [Music] ha [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] I thought I told you to Circle High high around I couldn't let him do you without a chance Cody you have had the woman I never could have enjoyed spending that 5,000 if I done you that [Music] way I'll go catch up your horse hold still my leg's all right Miss l you got any whiskey no ma'am but Ben's got some of that jackass Li claims it'll cure anything a foolish thing to do right now that open alone it's one they didn't kill you he tried here it is you ain't going to make him drink it it's going to hurt follow that war party about a mile they won't be back no they picked up their dogs and squaws means they've headed back into the hills they're done with killing for now anyway then we should be in Lordsburg tomorrow with no trouble at all yes ma'am no trouble at all [Applause] we're just taking a look around before we bed down for the night so was I man can't be too careful yeah which reminds me of a story another fell was bringing in a white for Bounty some no Goods fell in with him rode along playing what they were planning just a matter of when so so he told him told him they shouldn't try but they didn't pay no heed should have he barried him that's a very s story Cody didn't have to be this fell how he manage it doing all out my way comman got one what happened to the others let's just say he had a away with a [Applause] gun [Music] oo Don't Mind If I Do Don't Mind at all thank you man you cook good mlo a woman should cook good I'm pretty good at cooking myself Miss Lo I'm going to miss [Music] you would you like some coffeee thanks we'll be in Lordsburg for sure tomorrow won't we yes ma'am Mr Cody I'm frightened frightened I have a feeling things will never be the same you'll forget you haven't Doby told me about your wife d you must have loved her very much would you be staying on in Lordsburg no man I was hoping you would make things easier somehow Miss L what Doby told you it's been 10 years ago that happened knowing you is the first in all that time I've ever been able to forget even for a little while I'm obliged [Music] Ed get up toss some on that blanket now get on your animals and get out of here what I lay eyes on you two between and Lords I'll kill you you got no call to do this Cody don't I [Music] move [Music] [Music] [Music] e you know something Ben what's that I'm glad it's over glad we didn't have to go through with it what would we have done with all that money anyway different if we had a purpose you know own something of our own something we could put it to like land or cattle or something like that but the way we are I'm glad I bet you are too huh B Doby yeah remember me telling you I had a plan yeah well I still got it this is it laying out here with a long gun waiting for Mr Cody to come riding in the rain but then we ain't got a long gun [Applause] we the only way into Lordsburg along there over them rocks or past here all we got to do is wait got to get them animals back out of [Applause] sight Ben hello I want no part of it where do you think you're going when I thought it was over Ben I felt good I felt good inside I haven't felt like that in a long while you wouldn't be thinking of doubling back to Cody and the woman would you I've been obliged to know you Ben kby Toby wait here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Music] Lan he's got a gun [Music] going to wake high around see if I can come in behind see him start shooting and don't [Music] [Music] stop [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] rain hello drop the gun do that I won't have a chance Cody which as Doby did that was a fair fight he was killed from behind he was a fool depends on how you look at it don't seem right we can't work this out with words Cody hadn't been for me you'd be in the ground in that Canyon back where the commands jumped you remember I remember I figured you would got the gun if I spin and do you I'll get the woman Cody I wouldn't try got to come too far to turn back now don't do it [Music] Ben it's a pure shame ain't it how man will push himself for money yes sir [Applause] [Music] sure [Music] M Mom [Music] momy Nancy yes John I'm home [Music] go help your [Music] father you never told me if you knew my man you'd understand he'd have to have a reason not to come after me yes ma'am I always figured that was thank you Mr Cody hello [Music] sweetheart [Music] h [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Silver Scenes
Views: 502,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zy5xRg3Xdw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 19sec (4399 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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