THE GODS 2: THE DARK SIDE | Action Crime Thriller | Mykel Shannon Jenkins | Free Full Movie

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<b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Yo.</b> <b>- What's up?</b> <b>- You good?</b> <b>- Not really.</b> <b>- Me neither.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>I miss home.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- Me too.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>I miss my friends.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- Me too.</b> <b>See you.</b> <b>- [Little Homie] Yeah, I hear you.</b> <b>- I'm sorry.</b> <b>- [Little Homie] I hear you.</b> <b>- Seen Bobby and Keith?</b> <b>- Good morning.</b> <b>It's still morning.</b> <b>Hi.</b> <b>- Where you been?</b> <b>- You don't wanna know.</b> <b>Got something in my shoe.</b> <b>- Is Mikey up?</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>Chris is here.</b> <b>- We need to talk.</b> <b>- We're talking now.</b> <b>- No, we need to talk.</b> <b>- Hello.</b> <b>- Really, motherfucker, nothing?</b> <b>Like we not standing here?</b> <b>Yo man, I'm talking to you.</b> <b>Bro, I'm tired of this shit.</b> <b>I'm tired.</b> <b>I'm tired of this hiding.</b> <b>I want my life back.</b> <b>- Come on, Keith, it's early, relax.</b> <b>- Motherfucker, all we do is relax.</b> <b>I tried to tell you this shit</b> <b>was going to end up bad, Mikey.</b> <b>But we stuck by you and we're still here.</b> <b>- Let him talk.</b> <b>- For you.</b> <b>You gotta let it go.</b> <b>She's gone.</b> <b>Enough is enough.</b> <b>- Not today, man.</b> <b>- No, no, no, no, today.</b> <b>Today.</b> <b>Enough time has passed,</b> <b>we gotta let it go.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- We gotta move on, okay.</b> <b>It's like you died up there on the wharf.</b> <b>- Enough, enough enough.</b> <b>- Yes, yes, enough.</b> <b>Enough.</b> <b>We did what you wanted to do and we are here now, okay.</b> <b>It's time for you to start thinking about your brothers</b> <b>and what the fuck we gave up, huh.</b> <b>Because if you ask me, she got what she deserved,</b> <b>both of you did.</b> <b>(both moaning)</b> <b>- Fuck, we're family, we're family.</b> <b>Let this shit go, let go.</b> <b>Let it go.</b> <b>- Keith.</b> <b>- Let it go.</b> <b>(door knocking)</b> <b>(head banging)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>♪ I'll die ♪</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>♪ I'll die ♪</b> <b>♪ I'll die ♪</b> <b>♪ I'll die ♪</b> <b>♪ I'll die ♪</b> <b>♪ I'll die ♪</b> <b>♪ I'll die for you ♪</b> <b>♪ I'll die for you ♪</b> <b>♪ I'll die ♪</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- That's too fucking far.</b> <b>That's too fucking far.</b> <b>Shit, that's we need to do, We just need to talk this out.</b> <b>- You look great.</b> <b>- It's been five years.</b> <b>Oh, it's way too long, man, but I get it.</b> <b>He was hurt, he needed the time to heal,</b> <b>we needed time to regroup.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>Time's up.</b> <b>- [Bobby] He's not ready.</b> <b>- He looks fine to me.</b> <b>- He's not ready.</b> <b>- How do you know?</b> <b>What makes you say that?</b> <b>- Be patient.</b> <b>The time will come.</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- Yeah, okay.</b> <b>I don't think so because he look mighty comfortable to me.</b> <b>Shit, he see this five times a day, for five years.</b> <b>Shit, I could rebuild a motherfucker from scratch</b> <b>in that amount of time.</b> <b>(Bobby laughing)</b> <b>- You have a point.</b> <b>And I stink, so lemme just take a shower,</b> <b>but be patient.</b> <b>I love you.</b> <b>- I love you too. - Sorta.</b> <b>(Bobby laughing)</b> <b>- It's too far Mikey.</b> <b>It's too far.</b> <b>- You're just going to stand there.</b> <b>What's wrong with you?</b> <b>Fight.</b> <b>(moaning)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(guns firing)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>What's going on with you?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>There's something inside of you that's holding you back.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>I know you want me.</b> <b>You have guys guarding your house, men following me home.</b> <b>- You don't understand.</b> <b>I'm just trying to protect you.</b> <b>- From who?</b> <b>- From everyone.</b> <b>Everyone.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- NDAs, pat downs?</b> <b>- It's not what you think.</b> <b>- I think you need to get your together.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>Life is for the living.</b> <b>And if you decide to join me,</b> <b>I'll be right here.</b> <b>- [Bobby] How you feeling?</b> <b>Good to hear it.</b> <b>- [Keith] So what's up, what's next?</b> <b>Any thoughts to what we gonna do when we gonna do it?</b> <b>- Bobby, you still got contacts on Anthony?</b> <b>- Anthony who?</b> <b>Oh, really, that Anthony?</b> <b>I do.</b> <b>- Call him. - What?</b> <b>What the are you doing?</b> <b>- Call him.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>It's what you want, right?</b> <b>War.</b> <b>What, you don't want that no more?</b> <b>Want me to tell me to hang up?</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Ringing.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(cellphone vibrating)</b> <b>- Hello.</b> <b>- It's Mikey.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- What the fuck you want?</b> <b>- Come on, man.</b> <b>- I'll be waiting on you.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- Call the boys.</b> <b>Tell them to ready the fucking safe house,</b> <b>we're leaving tonight.</b> <b>- Okay, so what about Chicago?</b> <b>What about the contracts that's on our heads?</b> <b>The moment we stepped foot out of this house, we're dead.</b> <b>- You said you wanted your life back, right?</b> <b>- Just get everyone together.</b> <b>- No, I'm sorry, you said you want your fucking life back.</b> <b>- Yeah, we're coming over tonight.</b> <b>- That's what this life is.</b> <b>This is your fucking life.</b> <b>You can still get in contact with O, right?</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- Call him.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- Speed dial that motherfucker.</b> <b>- It's done.</b> <b>(birds chirping)</b> <b>(wind gushing)</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>(wind gushing)</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>- O.</b> <b>- Mikey James.</b> <b>- Set up a meeting.</b> <b>We wanna come home and make these right.</b> <b>- Well, well, well about time.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- We're going home.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>This is for you, Keith.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(all laughing)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- I love you guys, man. - Yeah.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(cellphone vibrating)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- Mikey, I.</b> <b>- [Mikey] I need you to look after Chris for me.</b> <b>I promise I'll be back for both of you.</b> <b>I just got a few things I gotta take of.</b> <b>What do you say?</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>♪ Pain is all I know, I know ♪</b> <b>♪ Hate is all I know, I know ♪</b> <b>♪ Heartbreak is all I know, ah ♪</b> <b>♪ Ain't no more light ♪</b> <b>♪ I was dead wrong in the light ♪</b> <b>♪ Left me alone in the light ♪</b> <b>♪ Come take a walk with me to the dark side ♪</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>♪ Walk with me, talk with me ♪</b> <b>♪ Here we go ♪</b> <b>♪ I killed before, don't tempt me ♪</b> <b>♪ Don't do it ♪</b> <b>♪ This road I'm on gets more empty ♪</b> <b>♪ I feel like I'm alone in this world, that's so filthy ♪</b> <b>♪ Many men tried getting me that don't get me ♪</b> <b>♪ Many men die trying, I feel like 50, for real ♪</b> <b>♪ Forgive me, but anybody whoever believed in me ♪</b> <b>♪ I've been wrong ♪</b> <b>♪ Ain't no way that I could leave it be ♪</b> <b>♪ I'm not focused ♪</b> <b>♪ This is how I deal with the pain, I'm just coping ♪</b> <b>♪ Promises are just like hearts, they get broken ♪</b> <b>♪ Can shed no tears if I did, they'd make oceans ♪</b> <b>♪ They say, good guys finish last, finish last ♪</b> <b>♪ I'm starting to feel like they was right ♪</b> <b>♪ The trauma from my past, trying to shadow out the light ♪</b> <b>♪ After every sun rise comes night ♪</b> <b>♪ The story in my life, life, life ♪</b> <b>♪ Pain is all I know, I know ♪</b> <b>♪ Hate is all I know, I know ♪</b> <b>♪ Heartbreak is all I know, ah ♪</b> <b>♪ Ain't no more light ♪</b> <b>♪ I was dead wrong in the light ♪</b> <b>♪ Left me alone in the light ♪</b> <b>♪ Come take a walk with me to the dark side ♪</b> <b>(guns firing)</b> <b>- All right, so the house is completely secured.</b> <b>Okay, I'm gonna put Knockout on the back door.</b> <b>T is on the front.</b> <b>There's about 20 bodies working the perimeter.</b> <b>Bobby, go liquidate our assets, cash in our accounts,</b> <b>just in case we gotta make a move, all right.</b> <b>Knockout, go with him.</b> <b>Then when you get back, hit the back door.</b> <b>- That cash in the bag?</b> <b>Yo, Bobby, is that cash in the bag?</b> <b>- You all right?</b> <b>- What the fuck's wrong with him?</b> <b>- Just relax.</b> <b>- John Wayne, nothing.</b> <b>- Just relax, just relax.</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>- Hey.</b> <b>- If someone kills your dog, you kill their kid.</b> <b>If someone kills your kid, you kill their mother.</b> <b>But if someone kills your brother,</b> <b>you wipe out the whole fucking family.</b> <b>- You sound like a happy guy.</b> <b>Like a ray of sunshine.</b> <b>- You sound like someone who lost their sister</b> <b>and their father.</b> <b>- I know you?</b> <b>- You're my brother, Ghost.</b> <b>The James brothers killed my brother.</b> <b>Someone's gotta pay.</b> <b>- Vinny still there?</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- Yeah, is this guy all they say he is or what?</b> <b>And he's ready to roll?</b> <b>Okay.</b> <b>Did you want to tell me something?</b> <b>Pick up Conrad, come over.</b> <b>- Oh.</b> <b>- We may need to make a move.</b> <b>- You hear from Olympus yet?</b> <b>- He's meeting with the family right now.</b> <b>Like you asked.</b> <b>He asked for that meeting just like you asked him to.</b> <b>You know, if they don't like what he has to say.</b> <b>he's the first one to die.</b> <b>Now that's the chance he's willing to take</b> <b>if he buys us some more time to get outta here.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Now Olympus, it's true, you've done many favors for us,</b> <b>but you violated a direct order.</b> <b>You were warned.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>Now the James boys and the Fasano kid,</b> <b>all that nonsense cost us a lot of money.</b> <b>So I sent Florian,</b> <b>to get their attention.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>Do we have their attention?</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- So,</b> <b>as you know, my Papa is dead,</b> <b>and my sister Sophia too.</b> <b>And I just heard that the motherfuckers responsible for it,</b> <b>mi familia, is meeting with the James brothers right now.</b> <b>Ah, I'm lucky to be alive.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>And so far as I'm concerned, I'm done giving them my money.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>I'm sick and tired of them deciding my fate.</b> <b>And it feels like you're the only family I got.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>Now, if I put my foot down, these motherfuckers,</b> <b>you know what they're gonna do.</b> <b>It's not gonna be long before they try to finish,</b> <b>but they started five years ago on the fucking wharf.</b> <b>So, I'm done taking orders.</b> <b>Never again from nobody, nobody.</b> <b>They want a funeral downtown,</b> <b>they're gonna have one up town.</b> <b>Are you with me?</b> <b>Yes or no?</b> <b>Yes or no?</b> <b>- Let's do it.</b> <b>- [Anthony] Then let's go.</b> <b>- Yo Anthony,</b> <b>mind if I speak to you alone?</b> <b>- You know, my brother Ghost was very loyal to you.</b> <b>- [Anthony] I know.</b> <b>- You know, he found me when I was only 10-years-old.</b> <b>You know, in and out of foster homes.</b> <b>He took me under his wing.</b> <b>You know, became the only family I had.</b> <b>The James brothers took that from me.</b> <b>And I know</b> <b>that you know what it feels like</b> <b>to have something taken from you, from them.</b> <b>So when this is all goes down,</b> <b>you just look after you're familia</b> <b>and leave those niggas to me.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- How much?</b> <b>- What they be gone for like five years, hiding out?</b> <b>- Right.</b> <b>- Inflation is a motherfucker right.</b> <b>How much is their life worth?</b> <b>A milli?</b> <b>- A million?</b> <b>- I thought it was 300,000.</b> <b>- Oh, that's on top of our normal taxes, yeah.</b> <b>- That's impossible.</b> <b>- You better hope not.</b> <b>- 'Cause there's also an additional $50,000</b> <b>for every day late.</b> <b>We'll give you a two-day grace period.</b> <b>- You've got one month to raise the money.</b> <b>And if it's not in these hands by the deadline,</b> <b>we start piling up the bodies one by one.</b> <b>- Who's gonna talk to Anthony?</b> <b>- That's your problem.</b> <b>- What makes you think Anthony gonna listen to me?</b> <b>- You know, word around the street</b> <b>is that Anthony listens to you pretty well.</b> <b>In fact, you know what?</b> <b>Tell Anthony that we're tired of his shit, all right.</b> <b>If he doesn't fall in line, he's not Pops, he's expendable.</b> <b>- Okay, understood.</b> <b>Thank you.</b> <b>- What's wrong with you?</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>- Diego.</b> <b>- Anthony.</b> <b>What are you doing?</b> <b>There goes your two-day grace period.</b> <b>You got 30 days, not a minute less.</b> <b>- Understood.</b> <b>Anthony, can I holler you, can we talk?</b> <b>Can we talk?</b> <b>Come on.</b> <b>- What are you doing here?</b> <b>What is going on? - Anthony, Anthony,</b> <b>I'm trying to save our ass, I'm trying to save our ass.</b> <b>- What you doing?</b> <b>- I'm trying to save our ass, you're not listening.</b> <b>You're not listening. - I'm listening now go.</b> <b>- All right, look, they've had the eyes on you</b> <b>since you left the wharf.</b> <b>If they wanted you dead, you'd be dead right now.</b> <b>The only reason you're not dead, I talked to them.</b> <b>They said specifically to talk to you.</b> <b>Oh you got 30 days to come up with a million and a half.</b> <b>- What?</b> <b>- Yeah, a million and a half.</b> <b>Or you get a chance to relive your glory days.</b> <b>- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.</b> <b>This is your debt, I don't owe nobody nothing, O,</b> <b>it's done.</b> <b>- Okay, tell that to them.</b> <b>Look, you want to be king, you gotta start acting like one.</b> <b>- That's their mess, I didn't do shit.</b> <b>The James brothers started this whole fucking thing.</b> <b>And I'm gonna go in there right now</b> <b>and I'm gonna talk to Frank.</b> <b>- You wanna know why I haven't talked to you in five years?</b> <b>- Why? - This right here.</b> <b>This right here.</b> <b>Whether you like it or not, the only way to clear our names,</b> <b>we have to work together.</b> <b>Neither one of us can come up</b> <b>with that amount of money that fast.</b> <b>Now you want to be king.</b> <b>Do you want to be king?</b> <b>Start acting like one and let's get this shit.</b> <b>- It's not my debt.</b> <b>- It's our debt.</b> <b>Act like a king and get this shit done.</b> <b>Get this shit done, man.</b> <b>- They have to kill me fucking first.</b> <b>- Well, which they were happily do.</b> <b>- [Anthony] Good.</b> <b>(cellphone vibrating)</b> <b>- Shit.</b> <b>Quit calling me so much.</b> <b>- [Mikey] Where you at, what's going on.</b> <b>- Shit calm your ass down.</b> <b>- [Mikey] Tell me something, what's going on?</b> <b>- Where you at?</b> <b>- [Mikey] You know where?</b> <b>- All right, I'm on my way.</b> <b>- That's 50% on the dollar, so we have 30 days</b> <b>to come up with a million and a half dollars.</b> <b>Side note, we should have invested in crypto five years ago,</b> <b>but no one listened to me.</b> <b>So how the hell are we gonna come up with that?</b> <b>- We can't and we don't.</b> <b>- There's nowhere you can go where they won't find you.</b> <b>- What you thinking?</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>- You ain't gonna like it.</b> <b>If we combine our companies efforts.</b> <b>- Combine our companies efforts?</b> <b>Who we combining with?</b> <b>- Them.</b> <b>- Them?</b> <b>- Well now I spoke to Anthony.</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>- Mikey.</b> <b>- I said no, bro.</b> <b>- So you'd rather die than work together</b> <b>even though it's the only way to save your own ass.</b> <b>- Yes.</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>- I'm asking you, please talk to him.</b> <b>- No, drop that shit already.</b> <b>Did you not hear what I just said?</b> <b>All he wants is war.</b> <b>- If the motherfucker want war, war he gonna get.</b> <b>- That's, war he will or might get.</b> <b>- Bobby.</b> <b>- Both you motherfuckers are insane.</b> <b>- No, no, Tony, no, no, no.</b> <b>No.</b> <b>- I couldn't agree with you more.</b> <b>But there's are rules to this shit, man, okay.</b> <b>- Then why the fuck are we even having this discussion?</b> <b>There's gotta be a better way.</b> <b>- When you think of one, you lemme know.</b> <b>'Cause I gotta think of ways to bite us some time.</b> <b>- Time for what?</b> <b>- Time to kill them all.</b> <b>- Let me get this straight.</b> <b>This guy's the reason that your Pops</b> <b>and your sister are dead.</b> <b>And you want to go in business with them, Don.</b> <b>- For now.</b> <b>You got a better idea Vinny?</b> <b>- Fine.</b> <b>Let me hit the streets.</b> <b>Let me shake some things up.</b> <b>Lemme see what I can find out.</b> <b>Man, we don't need them.</b> <b>- [Conrad] He's right Tony.</b> <b>We don't need them.</b> <b>- Oh, he's right, you telling me he's right.</b> <b>Who are you?</b> <b>You a bug.</b> <b>What we talking about?</b> <b>You gonna go shake your in the street</b> <b>to raise the money, huh?</b> <b>Huh, you gonna shake your butt?</b> <b>Can you raise a million and half dollars shaking your ass,</b> <b>can you bug?</b> <b>No.</b> <b>Think, think.</b> <b>So, as I was saying,</b> <b>we going into business with these motherfuckers</b> <b>until the time is right.</b> <b>And then, then we put them out of business for good.</b> <b>- Anthony, I'm telling you.</b> <b>- Vinny.</b> <b>Just do as you're told.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Hey.</b> <b>- What?</b> <b>I spoke to Olympus and he said they'll do it,</b> <b>they won't like it.</b> <b>Just want to get this shit over with.</b> <b>And I couldn't fucking agree more.</b> <b>- Listen Anthony, just so we're clear,</b> <b>I don't give a about any of the shit you're planning.</b> <b>As long as those James brothers are fucking dead.</b> <b>Capeesh?</b> <b>- You know you talk a lot.</b> <b>You know what I liked most about your brother?</b> <b>He didn't.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>- Oh really, oh really?</b> <b>Fuck out the car bro.</b> <b>Hit the fucking lawn bitch.</b> <b>- I told you I've been waiting for you, man.</b> <b>Only thing I regret is not killing you</b> <b>when I had the fucking chance.</b> <b>Put the gun's down.</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>Vinny, now put 'em down.</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>- This is between Mikey and me.</b> <b>- Put the fucking gun down, Keith.</b> <b>- Fuck him.</b> <b>- If you just stayed away from my sister,</b> <b>she'd still be alive, you know that?</b> <b>You know that?</b> <b>(Anthony screaming)</b> <b>Yeah.</b> <b>Hear me.</b> <b>When this is over you and me we're gonna fucking finish it.</b> <b>- I'm here right now.</b> <b>Come on.</b> <b>(both moaning)</b> <b>- Enough, enough of this bullshit.</b> <b>Enough of this dick slinging bullshit.</b> <b>Come on Anthony, Anthony, Anthony, Anthony.</b> <b>- Motherfucker.</b> <b>- What the fuck?</b> <b>Do something then, don't start.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Enough, enough.</b> <b>Hey, hey, hey, hey.</b> <b>Come on man, really?</b> <b>Really?</b> <b>Are you done yet?</b> <b>- I ain't moving.</b> <b>- Come on, Mikey, Mikey.</b> <b>- I'm fucking right here, bro.</b> <b>I ain't moving.</b> <b>- Mikey, Mikey.</b> <b>Damn, damn.</b> <b>I'm an old motherfucker, have some respect for my ass, shit.</b> <b>Are you done yet?</b> <b>Shit, shit.</b> <b>Mikey, please, please.</b> <b>- [Anthony] Now I'm done.</b> <b>- Come on Mikey.</b> <b>Come on Mikey.</b> <b>Come on Mikey.</b> <b>Huh?</b> <b>Come on, y'all, haven't we lost enough already, y'all.</b> <b>Let's just get this fucking debt paid for, man.</b> <b>Now I don't care if y'all come out here</b> <b>and beat each other to death.</b> <b>Now we wasting enough time.</b> <b>Calling it a truce all right,</b> <b>let's get this shit taken care of.</b> <b>Un-fucking-believable.</b> <b>Y'all gotta figure this shit out.</b> <b>Y'all gon get everybody killed.</b> <b>Please y'all,</b> <b>for me shake hands.</b> <b>Shake hands, please.</b> <b>- Fuck that.</b> <b>- Unbelievable, un-fucking-believable.</b> <b>Oh my God, oh.</b> <b>Shit.</b> <b>♪ If they don't kill you ♪</b> <b>- Want some water?</b> <b>- Yeah, I'll take a cup of water.</b> <b>- Yeah, we got like a Fiji, Evian.</b> <b>- Anything.</b> <b>Whisky.</b> <b>Vodka, vodka. - Vodka?</b> <b>- Vodka, vodka.</b> <b>(both laughing)</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>♪ Y'all talking behind my back, you need to listen up ♪</b> <b>- [Keith] That shit's a goody hoodie.</b> <b>- [Mikey] Wait, wait what?</b> <b>- [Keith] Hey who thinks that's a good luck.</b> <b>Yeah, that's a good luck hoodie.</b> <b>(all laughing)</b> <b>- He called him up like pack man, daddy.</b> <b>You already know.</b> <b>Hey, bro, called the records I'ma rock this.</b> <b>Yeah.</b> <b>- I hear you in. - Exactly.</b> <b>And since then, you you've been second.</b> <b>- I like it.</b> <b>- [Keith] Oh yeah, you would, you would.</b> <b>- Yeah, I would.</b> <b>And I like it.</b> <b>- That's right. - My man, my man.</b> <b>- Y'all hating.</b> <b>- Well you need to be congratulated.</b> <b>All right, listen, my man, my man, look, Look,</b> <b>on the real, we need all the help we can get.</b> <b>So, get phoning bro.</b> <b>- All right.</b> <b>- Let's get it.</b> <b>- [Mikey] You can get 'em at Marshalls for 19,99.</b> <b>♪ Reminds me that it could be worse ♪</b> <b>♪ So I stay grateful and prayed up too ♪</b> <b>♪ Too many bros, I be with the same old crew ♪</b> <b>♪ I ain't worried by nobody and what they gon do ♪</b> <b>♪ I'm studying the greats ♪</b> <b>♪ One day I'ma fill those shoes ♪</b> <b>♪ Slow feet, don't eat, I'm Usain with it ♪</b> <b>♪ Hop in that motherfucking coop and go insane in it ♪</b> <b>♪ I had to go against the grain to get it ♪</b> <b>♪ Rap niggas lack 20/20 vision ♪</b> <b>♪ You ain't seen a tray ♪</b> <b>- Can you hear me?</b> <b>Okay, listen, listen, stop your talking.</b> <b>Stop, hold on, hold on, hold on.</b> <b>Richie, Richie, listen,</b> <b>before we started working together, what happened?</b> <b>Every one of your loads</b> <b>are getting hijacked right, every one.</b> <b>And now you got no issues, got no problems, right,</b> <b>we're good, okay.</b> <b>I not be responsible,</b> <b>you decide to go somewhere else with your loads,</b> <b>you understand, I can't.</b> <b>Now, please I need you to work with me here please.</b> <b>Prices are gonna go down to normal soon, I promise.</b> <b>I swear to God.</b> <b>But right now, that's the price, okay.</b> <b>Okay, good.</b> <b>Okay, I'll get the guys there tomorrow, okay.</b> <b>All right, ciao, ciao.</b> <b>(birds chirping)</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>What the fuck are you doing here?</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Where are they?</b> <b>- I said I'll bring 'em to you after work today, right?</b> <b>- What better time now.</b> <b>I'm right here.</b> <b>- After work.</b> <b>(birds chirping)</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>I'll see you soon.</b> <b>(wind gushing)</b> <b>- Hey Vinny, is that him?</b> <b>(birds chirping)</b> <b>- Is that him?</b> <b>- [Vinny] That's him.</b> <b>- [Conrad] What do you wanna do?</b> <b>- [Vinny] We wait.</b> <b>- [Conrad] What?</b> <b>Really?</b> <b>- [Phantom] Yeah, it seems to be what Anthony does best.</b> <b>- This is some bullshit.</b> <b>What?</b> <b>What are you following?</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- I respect what he's done and I know what he's capable of.</b> <b>He just needs a little inspiration.</b> <b>I'm here to inspire.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(Conrad laughing)</b> <b>- What's so funny?</b> <b>What the fuck is so funny?</b> <b>- I just think it's funny.</b> <b>You think Anthony's running shit?</b> <b>Look, he might be a Don, but he works for the family.</b> <b>They don't want them boys dead, nobody can kill 'em.</b> <b>- Really?</b> <b>- Not you</b> <b>and definitely not Anthony.</b> <b>Be lucky if they don't take him out.</b> <b>- [Vinny] What the fuck did you just say?</b> <b>- Boys like him, way too emotional.</b> <b>He ain't never gonna lead nobody nowhere.</b> <b>Aint got the head for you.</b> <b>- [Phantom] Did you just talk to me like that?</b> <b>- Let's go take care of this now.</b> <b>- Yeah?</b> <b>- [Vinny] Why the fuck not.</b> <b>(guns firing)</b> <b>- [Vinny] Big fucking mouth.</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(door knocking)</b> <b>- You wanted to see me?</b> <b>- Oh yes please, come in.</b> <b>Close that door behind you.</b> <b>You know I got your numbers from Bobby</b> <b>and we're doing pretty good.</b> <b>Hell we're doing lot better.</b> <b>I have to admit when it comes to trucking,</b> <b>I don't think there's a better man for the job than you.</b> <b>Except maybe Anthony.</b> <b>Maybe, I dunno.</b> <b>Well, it got me to thinking you know.</b> <b>Maybe when this is all said and done, you know,</b> <b>you and I can sit down, crunch the numbers as they say.</b> <b>Talk about possibly entering a long-term deal, yeah.</b> <b>- Well, I don't make decisions without my brothers.</b> <b>- Come again?</b> <b>- [Mikey] I don't make deals without my brothers.</b> <b>- Then go talk to them, yeah.</b> <b>- Florian, let me ask you a question.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>You put a bullet in my wife,</b> <b>killed my unborn child.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- Let's get something straight to you and me, Mikey James.</b> <b>If you're looking to blame someone</b> <b>for the death of your wife,</b> <b>I'm looking right into his eyes.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>It was you.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>Now</b> <b>go talk to the boys.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- All right Bobby's in route</b> <b>with a million and a half in cash.</b> <b>Anthony, can you get a hold of Phantom</b> <b>and your guys and have them trail Bobby?</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>We'll use Tony or one of our guys.</b> <b>- Why Mikey, you don't trust us?</b> <b>- Fuck no.</b> <b>- I was talking to Mikey.</b> <b>- And I'm answering.</b> <b>We don't trust you.</b> <b>- Sorry guys.</b> <b>Had to make some chess moves.</b> <b>Could've sworn I was being followed.</b> <b>- Probably.</b> <b>- Hey, look, there's a million and half</b> <b>in cash in those bags.</b> <b>I wouldn't even trust him myself with them.</b> <b>- It's all here.</b> <b>- Hey, I'll take that. - What?</b> <b>- [Frankie] Give it to me.</b> <b>Don't worry about me on the last one that needs protection.</b> <b>- What you wanna do, Mikey?</b> <b>- You don't mind if I follow you?</b> <b>Make sure the drop gets where it's supposed to be on time.</b> <b>- I take these to the right people</b> <b>and then I'll call when it's all clear.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- Don't follow your ass.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Come on man, what's taking so long?</b> <b>Jesus, go in, count the money, leave.</b> <b>- Calm down.</b> <b>What do we know?</b> <b>Nothing, right?</b> <b>Give it a little more time.</b> <b>- Money's moved enough.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(cellphone vibrating)</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Let's just stick the money and go.</b> <b>You really thinking Italian mobster will travel the world</b> <b>just to come get us?</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Yes.</b> <b>- You know sometimes, you gotta surrender it to the facts</b> <b>and the facts are simple.</b> <b>They are who they are and we are who we are.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- What the hell does that mean?</b> <b>- It mean, he don't like niggas.</b> <b>Now with me.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>Hello.</b> <b>- [Olympus] It's done.</b> <b>(all laughing)</b> <b>- It's fucking done.</b> <b>- Oh shit.</b> <b>- It's fucking done.</b> <b>- [Keith] I need to call Reggie and Chris.</b> <b>- [Mikey] It's fucking done.</b> <b>- [Keith] Tell 'em Daddy is coming home.</b> <b>♪ The fact I even made it outta there alive ♪</b> <b>♪ Is a blessing you know ♪</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>- All right.</b> <b>- Listen up, listen up.</b> <b>You the man, you the man.</b> <b>(all laughing)</b> <b>Let's do it baby.</b> <b>(all laughing)</b> <b>- You were right.</b> <b>- Hey, hey, hey, hey,</b> <b>I got something to say right now.</b> <b>I want say, Mikey,</b> <b>I love you.</b> <b>And I just got one question.</b> <b>♪ When them boys got to drumming ♪</b> <b>- Man, what took y'all so long for?</b> <b>♪ What you wanted for ♪</b> <b>- [Keith] Come on let's all bring that in.</b> <b>Bring that in.</b> <b>- I fucking. - You real.</b> <b>I fucking killed it.</b> <b>I fucking killed it.</b> <b>You too.</b> <b>Childish Gambino.</b> <b>♪ Make money, money, money ♪</b> <b>♪ Make money, money, money, money ♪</b> <b>♪ Hey, hey ♪</b> <b>(all laughing)</b> <b>- You motherfuckers starting that shit.</b> <b>- [Keith] My turn.</b> <b>- [Mikey] Speak of the dog.</b> <b>- I got to admit.</b> <b>- Aha.</b> <b>- You usually do a lot of stupid shit</b> <b>and most of the time your ideas are borderline trash.</b> <b>- He said borderline trash. - But.</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- I just want to say today,</b> <b>I'm proud to call myself your brother,</b> <b>Mikey Garfield James.</b> <b>- [Keith] The whole name.</b> <b>- You're officially fucked up, Bobby.</b> <b>- What?</b> <b>- Are you always?</b> <b>You know how much I hate it when you call me.</b> <b>- Seriously, Mr. Garfield, you are the man.</b> <b>- Stop it. - You were so awesome today.</b> <b>- Stop it, hey.</b> <b>(all laughing)</b> <b>Hey, you coulda known me brother.</b> <b>- I love you.</b> <b>I love you, Mikey.</b> <b>Oh.</b> <b>(Bobby laughing)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- Sorry about Conrad.</b> <b>- Someone had to do something.</b> <b>- What are you saying exactly, what?</b> <b>- The Fasano family was feared.</b> <b>You and your father were legends.</b> <b>- And?</b> <b>- And you just sit and wait.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>And take orders.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- He's right Anthony.</b> <b>No disrespect but there was a time.</b> <b>- How many times I gotta tell you and you.</b> <b>There's rules to this shit.</b> <b>There's consequences.</b> <b>Capeesh, capeesh?</b> <b>- Not if you're the boss.</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>- Let me ask you something.</b> <b>What makes you think the boys in Chicago</b> <b>won't wake up and change the game?</b> <b>Take the money and kill us anyways?</b> <b>- You'll never get free of 'em anyway.</b> <b>You just showed 'em you could double your intake.</b> <b>(door knocking)</b> <b>- [Florian] Anthony.</b> <b>- [Anthony] Who the fuck is that?</b> <b>- We need to talk it out, we need to talk.</b> <b>Well, well you boys having another party without me?</b> <b>I'll take a whiskey.</b> <b>Irish if you have it.</b> <b>- [Anthony] No whiskey.</b> <b>What do you want?</b> <b>- Fine, fine.</b> <b>Hey big fella, you can read right?</b> <b>Take a look at that, one of you.</b> <b>- Hey, you talk to me, not him.</b> <b>Take a look at what?</b> <b>- Well, if you could see here, column on the left.</b> <b>That's what the James brothers are bringing in.</b> <b>And the column on the right.</b> <b>That's what you boys are bringing in.</b> <b>- Okay, so what, what are you saying?</b> <b>- I'm saying if you take a look at column three,</b> <b>it's what the lot of you are doing altogether.</b> <b>So it's time to team up with the James Brothers.</b> <b>Oh, here we go.</b> <b>- This shit will all be over,</b> <b>once we pay our debt, right.</b> <b>That's what you said.</b> <b>- I know, but that was before I knew</b> <b>what you lads were capable of, the lot of you.</b> <b>- You've gotta be outta your fucking mind.</b> <b>What do you think Mikey is gonna say about this?</b> <b>- Oh, Anthony, you always take things personally,</b> <b>it's business.</b> <b>You've got a bad habit of mixing the two, you know that.</b> <b>- What the fuck you talking about?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- Let me refresh your memory.</b> <b>When your family got involved.</b> <b>- Be careful.</b> <b>- When your family got involved, when they shouldn't have,</b> <b>you made personal.</b> <b>So we made it personal.</b> <b>It's business.</b> <b>So let's fucking keep it that way.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- I think it's time you leave now.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- You know, I can't leave without a verbal.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>Okay.</b> <b>Verbal agreement, you got it.</b> <b>What was I thinking?</b> <b>I'm gonna write it down,</b> <b>so the family know I'm true to my word.</b> <b>Vinny, gimme a piece of paper in a pen, come on.</b> <b>- What do you think I'm a fucking errand boy now?</b> <b>- Get the paper and a pen, give me,</b> <b>I'm gonna write it down.</b> <b>Go ahead.</b> <b>This the way the familia know, I'm true.</b> <b>Okay.</b> <b>How's that?</b> <b>- [Florian] That's good, that's very smart of you to do.</b> <b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- Truth be told, this is gonna put you</b> <b>in a very good position. - You think so?</b> <b>Really?</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>And the foreigners, they're gonna appreciate it even more.</b> <b>You know what I'm trying to say,</b> <b>is that if you stay true to your world for once.</b> <b>- Yeah?</b> <b>- And you keep it about the business, you're gonna be fine.</b> <b>- You think so?</b> <b>- You'll have a long, prosperous life.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>On my father,</b> <b>I ever see you again, one of us is not gonna walk away.</b> <b>Trust that word.</b> <b>This is my verbal to you.</b> <b>- [Florian] I'll see you in the morning.</b> <b>- Wait, this motherfucker.</b> <b>Florian.</b> <b>(gun firing)</b> <b>Now it's a personal.</b> <b>- It's about fucking time.</b> <b>- Yeah, about fucking time.</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>- A toast. - Bring that in.</b> <b>- To the motherfucking James brothers.</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>- [Knockout] Right.</b> <b>- To the James brothers.</b> <b>- This world is officially yours.</b> <b>It has taken from me all I can afford to lose.</b> <b>So, I'm retiring now for a second time.</b> <b>But this time is for good.</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>But proud of you boys.</b> <b>- [Keith] Thank you.</b> <b>- I love you like you my own.</b> <b>- [Bobby] Yes sir, we love you too, OG.</b> <b>- [Keith] Old ass.</b> <b>- On a serious note, though, this is goodbye.</b> <b>This life no longer belongs to me.</b> <b>If I were you, I would seriously consider following me.</b> <b>This evil, selfish game</b> <b>destroys everything it touches.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>In the end, everybody loses.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>To Mikey.</b> <b>- [Bobby] To Mikey.</b> <b>- Since you've been shot and you survived,</b> <b>you may think you invincible now.</b> <b>But the loss of Sophia</b> <b>should remind us, we're not Gods,</b> <b>not Gods, mere mortal beings gentlemen</b> <b>with beginnings and ends.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>No Gods here, just men.</b> <b>- [All] Just men.</b> <b>- [Mikey] Just men.</b> <b>- If you find yourself in a situation</b> <b>and you're tempted to call.</b> <b>(all laughing)</b> <b>Please, please don't.</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>- Yo Bobby.</b> <b>- [Bobby] Yeah.</b> <b>- You're special bro.</b> <b>- Special, special.</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>We love you.</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>Don't ever change, yo.</b> <b>- We did it.</b> <b>- Like we do, we did it.</b> <b>- We did it.</b> <b>- Yeah, we did it. - We did it.</b> <b>- We did it.</b> <b>(all laughing)</b> <b>- We fucking did that.</b> <b>- We did that.</b> <b>- We did that.</b> <b>- I don't know exactly what that is that we did.</b> <b>- We did that.</b> <b>- Or how we did that, that,</b> <b>but we did that, that.</b> <b>- We did that.</b> <b>- You know, that would,</b> <b>that wouldn't really make our, well you know,</b> <b>that would make Dad proud.</b> <b>- If we knew who that motherfucker was.</b> <b>(both laughing)</b> <b>- You are such a dog.</b> <b>You are so wrong for that.</b> <b>You wrong for that.</b> <b>- Fuck it.</b> <b>(all laughing)</b> <b>- You ain't sound right, saying that.</b> <b>- How you gonna say, fuck that nigga,</b> <b>you don't know that nigga is.</b> <b>Fuck all them niggas.</b> <b>- Fuck 'em.</b> <b>- All right.</b> <b>All right. - We did all right,</b> <b>we didn't need that nigga.</b> <b>Okay, now you going to the club that on for real?</b> <b>- I mean, with the neon lights.</b> <b>So like I'd be like a glow.</b> <b>- Put the hood all the way over.</b> <b>- Oh over?</b> <b>- Yeah, yeah.</b> <b>- I got it, I got it.</b> <b>Don't touch the waves.</b> <b>- Waves.</b> <b>- Hey if you need some,</b> <b>if you need some help over there, call me.</b> <b>- Yeah, I will.</b> <b>- [Keith] Yeah, yeah.</b> <b>- [Mikey] Don't call me, I'm going to sleep.</b> <b>I'm done.</b> <b>- Good night.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>Lost my balance.</b> <b>- [Mikey] Use the side door, Bobby.</b> <b>- [Bobby] Wash the dishes please.</b> <b>- [Keith] You turn nigga.</b> <b>- That's from two nights ago.</b> <b>Bye, see ya.</b> <b>♪ Make money, money, money, money ♪</b> <b>♪ Make money ♪</b> <b>(Bobby laughing)</b> <b>- This dude is stupid.</b> <b>- Retarded.</b> <b>I love that motherfucker.</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪</b> <b>(Anthony whistling)</b> <b>(gun firing)</b> <b>- Oh.</b> <b>Oops.</b> <b>(gun firing)</b> <b>(dog barking)</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>(dog barking)</b> <b>- Mikey.</b> <b>Mikey.</b> <b>- [Mikey] What, what, what?</b> <b>- Have you heard from Bobby?</b> <b>- [Mikey] What?</b> <b>- Have you heard from Bobby?</b> <b>- No, not since he left here last night from the party.</b> <b>Why?</b> <b>- He's dead.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- He's what?</b> <b>- [Keith] He's dead.</b> <b>- [Mikey] What?</b> <b>- He's dead, Mikey.</b> <b>- [Mikey] Where's Bobby?</b> <b>- Bobby's dead.</b> <b>- [Mikey] Where's Bobby?</b> <b>- Somebody pulled up on him.</b> <b>- [Mikey] Fucking don't play with me, Keith.</b> <b>- And empty a clip. - Where is he?</b> <b>- He's gone.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>Jesus.</b> <b>(Keith crying)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- Is this you?</b> <b>wasn't me.</b> <b>(door knocking)</b> <b>- Mikey?</b> <b>- It's me.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>He's gone.</b> <b>- Who gone?</b> <b>- Bobby.</b> <b>Why'd they do that, man?</b> <b>Why'd they do that?</b> <b>We did everything they asked us to do.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>I swear,</b> <b>I'm gonna find out who did that.</b> <b>And I'm gonna kill every single one of them.</b> <b>On God.</b> <b>- [Olympus] No.</b> <b>- You hear what I'm saying?</b> <b>- Let's be smart.</b> <b>Let's be I'm smart. - I'ma kill</b> <b>every single fucking one of 'em.</b> <b>- You thinking with your heart, not with your head.</b> <b>You don't want to kill innocent people.</b> <b>You're smarter than that.</b> <b>What do we know?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>What do we know?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- I don't wanna know what I know.</b> <b>I know nothing.</b> <b>I don't wanna know.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>Fuck.</b> <b>All right.</b> <b>All right, so.</b> <b>What do we know?</b> <b>- [Olympus] We'll figure it out.</b> <b>Gotta think.</b> <b>Just calm down, okay.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- Mikey,</b> <b>Mikey. - I'm good.</b> <b>- Are you good?</b> <b>- I'm gonna find out what's going on, yeah.</b> <b>- Mikey, you call me before you do anything.</b> <b>- [Mikey] Yeah.</b> <b>- My God.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(birds chirping)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- [Mikey] I dunno about you, but I'm willing to die mine.</b> <b>- It's about time you start seeing shit my way.</b> <b>- I know.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>You with me?</b> <b>Fucking what's going on?</b> <b>- On my life.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- Tony?</b> <b>- [Tony] Yo.</b> <b>- You with us?</b> <b>- Hell yeah.</b> <b>- [Mikey] No matter what?</b> <b>What matter what.</b> <b>- Even if they got a gun to your head.</b> <b>- I'm ready to go down.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(birds chirping)</b> <b>- Bobby's the last motherfucker</b> <b>that they put their hands on this group.</b> <b>Keith. - What?</b> <b>- I love you right?</b> <b>- [Keith] Yeah.</b> <b>- You trust me? - Yeah.</b> <b>- On everything? - Yeah.</b> <b>- On God. - On God.</b> <b>- Good, 'cause this about to get,</b> <b>this shit about to get destined.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- What the fuck</b> <b>are you doing here? - I asked him to come bro.</b> <b>- What?</b> <b>- I asked him to come, so just settle it down.</b> <b>Hey I got it.</b> <b>- This is some bullshit.</b> <b>- Mikey, you wanted to talk or what?</b> <b>- You and me, we both had loss man.</b> <b>You lost your pop, you lost a sister.</b> <b>I lost a wife and a baby.</b> <b>Today, I lost my brother.</b> <b>That will not go ahead unanswered.</b> <b>- Yeah, you know I got some questions too.</b> <b>Stay there.</b> <b>How do I know it wasn't you?</b> <b>How do I know it wasn't Keith?</b> <b>Or your other people that set up my father,</b> <b>how do I know?</b> <b>Really, Mikey, how do we know?</b> <b>- Nobody in my family would ever put a bullet in Sophia.</b> <b>Nobody in my family man, would ever put a bullet in Sophia.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>Okay.</b> <b>Go.</b> <b>Go.</b> <b>We're okay.</b> <b>I'm gonna talk to him for a second.</b> <b>It's all right, there's no threat here, go.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- I got it Tony.</b> <b>Go make sure they ain't get into nothing.</b> <b>I'm good.</b> <b>- You sure? - I'm good.</b> <b>Thank you.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- When was the last time it was just you and me, huh?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>We know the world we are in, Mikey.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>And if you say that you are not involved with Papa</b> <b>and him dying on the wharf, okay.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>I know what you feeling?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>But Bobby.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>It's too bad.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- I'ma find him, Bobby.</b> <b>I'ma fucking find him.</b> <b>I swear on everything I know, I'ma fucking find him.</b> <b>I'm trying.</b> <b>(crying)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>Okay, Tony.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- I've already told you,</b> <b>once we have consulted, we will let you know</b> <b>and then you will be compensated.</b> <b>- All right, let me reiterate,</b> <b>I'm leaving.</b> <b>You have 'til six.</b> <b>(birds chirping)</b> <b>But you know what?</b> <b>Make that seven.</b> <b>- Hello.</b> <b>Son of a bitch.</b> <b>- Listen, listen, are you coming over or not?</b> <b>Come on, you know that your competition over there,</b> <b>they got deals.</b> <b>They're getting two for one situations.</b> <b>No, no, come on, come on, I'm just playing.</b> <b>Come on, I'm just fucking with you, come on.</b> <b>You coming over?</b> <b>All right.</b> <b>No, no, but come quick.</b> <b>All right.</b> <b>(birds chirping)</b> <b>- Are you ready?</b> <b>Olympus?</b> <b>- He's being followed.</b> <b>Won't let nothing happen to him?</b> <b>- [Knockout] On my mama, he gonna be good.</b> <b>- Chris?</b> <b>- [Tony] Get him away safe.</b> <b>- You told me that last time and he got out.</b> <b>- He's safe.</b> <b>- Anthony?</b> <b>- Got eyes on him.</b> <b>Everything's good.</b> <b>- Yeah he gonna get his for sure.</b> <b>- What about the?</b> <b>- The money's withdrawn,</b> <b>broken down into small bills and ready for travel.</b> <b>Plane, bus and train tickets are already purchased.</b> <b>Fake passports and licenses are ready to go.</b> <b>All right, everything's good.</b> <b>Mikey, come what may, we are ready.</b> <b>- Fucking did this.</b> <b>Fucking do this right now.</b> <b>Say what?</b> <b>Let me do this.</b> <b>Papa, no, no.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- They know we did it.</b> <b>- Nah, I don't think they do.</b> <b>If they did, we'd know by now.</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>So either way.</b> <b>- Either way, what?</b> <b>- Ah, either way,</b> <b>I think we just start killing motherfuckers,</b> <b>let them figure it out.</b> <b>I'm gonna start by putting a hole in Diego's head.</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>This look familiar?</b> <b>(Vinny laughing)</b> <b>Here's the deal.</b> <b>I'm gonna find Diego.</b> <b>He's collecting the money for the familia.</b> <b>I'm gonna put his ass down,</b> <b>take my money back,</b> <b>and put this next to him.</b> <b>And the boys of Chicago wanna come find someone to blame,</b> <b>and I'll have 'em.</b> <b>Okay?</b> <b>- It's fucking brilliant.</b> <b>- All right, get to work.</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(door bell ringing)</b> <b>- [Diego] Hello.</b> <b>(gun firing)</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Find the fucking money.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- [Mikey] Go get the fucking money, bro.</b> <b>- [Keith] Let's go, let's go, let's go.</b> <b>You gotta move, gotta move bro.</b> <b>Move, move, move.</b> <b>Move, move, move.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Son of bitch, they beat us to it.</b> <b>(gun firing)</b> <b>- Leave the lighter anyways.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>Come on.</b> <b>Oh son of a bitch, the fucker's dead.</b> <b>Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.</b> <b>What are you doing?</b> <b>- Calm down.</b> <b>Calm down man, what doing?</b> <b>Put it down.</b> <b>- Pull that shit on me again.</b> <b>- Dude, fucking come on, calm down, put that thing down.</b> <b>Come on, what are you doing?</b> <b>- Who the fuck you talking to?</b> <b>Who the fuck you talking to motherfucker?</b> <b>Who do you think you're fucking talking to?</b> <b>- Tone, it's me.</b> <b>- Don't you ever fix your fucking mouth</b> <b>to talk to me like that again.</b> <b>Put the money on the table, I'm gonna count it.</b> <b>Put the money on the table.</b> <b>- [Vinny] They took the money.</b> <b>- What?</b> <b>- They took the fucking money.</b> <b>They took the fucking money.</b> <b>I told you two things to do,</b> <b>one, take out Diego,</b> <b>which you didn't even do.</b> <b>Two, get the money.</b> <b>Where's the fucking money, huh?</b> <b>You put the lighter next to Diego, like I said?</b> <b>Okay, you want a fucking trophy for that one?</b> <b>Where's the money?</b> <b>Where's my money?</b> <b>- [Vinny] Tone, they got the fucking money.</b> <b>- You get paid.</b> <b>You get paid.</b> <b>Who pays me?</b> <b>Nobody.</b> <b>You make a money every week.</b> <b>Who pays me?</b> <b>Nobody.</b> <b>Where's my money?</b> <b>Where's my money?</b> <b>Where's my money?</b> <b>- They took the fucking. - Motherfucker.</b> <b>That's it, that's it I'm fucking done.</b> <b>I'm done.</b> <b>If I don't get my money,</b> <b>I'ma get blood.</b> <b>Get out, get the fuck outta my house, get out now.</b> <b>Get out.</b> <b>Get out.</b> <b>- [Mikey] I'm leaving.</b> <b>- We got unfinished business, bro.</b> <b>You can't leave.</b> <b>There's too bullshit much going on.</b> <b>- I can't do this shit no more.</b> <b>- What the fuck do you mean?</b> <b>- I done lost too many motherfuckers, man.</b> <b>- No man, no, no, no, you can't go.</b> <b>You can't.</b> <b>- Watch me. - After that shit</b> <b>that just happened at Diego's,</b> <b>it's only a matter of time before some</b> <b>come over here. - That's some fucked up shit.</b> <b>You did this shit nigga.</b> <b>- I don't give a fuck how fucked up it is.</b> <b>You know it had to be done.</b> <b>- Wait, wait.</b> <b>What happened to Diego?</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Tell him.</b> <b>- I followed Phantom in Vinny to Diego's.</b> <b>- [Tony] That's right.</b> <b>- I wanted to know who put a bullet in Bobby.</b> <b>So I went over there to shake things up.</b> <b>Before we got to the door, we heard gunshots.</b> <b>Phantom killed Diego.</b> <b>- Phantom killed Diego?</b> <b>Ah, ah, bullshit.</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>Frankie.</b> <b>- Look Frankie, you got it all wrong, man.</b> <b>- Got everything ready to go.</b> <b>Just say the word.</b> <b>- Knockout you coming with me.</b> <b>- He stays.</b> <b>- Tony, if you go, you go by yourself.</b> <b>And that stays too.</b> <b>We in this shit because of you.</b> <b>And now you wanna leave me here</b> <b>in the middle this to clean it up.</b> <b>- No nigga, we in this 'cause of you.</b> <b>You know how it be.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- You niggas strap up.</b> <b>If war's what they want,</b> <b>war's what they gonna get.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>(gun cocking)</b> <b>- Tell your brother I said hello.</b> <b>(guns firing)</b> <b>(cellphone vibrating)</b> <b>- Hey.</b> <b>- Anthony.</b> <b>It's done.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>Come and get me.</b> <b>- I'm on my way.</b> <b>(door knocking)</b> <b>- Oh my God.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>Well I drove a long way for that.</b> <b>Hi.</b> <b>- Hi.</b> <b>- How are you?</b> <b>- Good and you?</b> <b>- Better.</b> <b>- Yeah?</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- I miss you.</b> <b>- Yeah, I missed you too.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>Where is he?</b> <b>- Inside.</b> <b>- You good?</b> <b>- Yeah, I guess.</b> <b>Okay.</b> <b>Okay.</b> <b>Time to say hello.</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>- It's the bottom of the hill, keep going.</b> <b>- Look at you, so close to being king of the world.</b> <b>- Not yet.</b> <b>- Well, you owe me.</b> <b>- What'd you say?</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>- I mean, this it's a chance to do</b> <b>what your Pops couldn't or wouldn't.</b> <b>- And keep my father's name outta your mouth.</b> <b>You don't know him.</b> <b>- That's where you're wrong, Anthony.</b> <b>I actually knew you and your Pops really well.</b> <b>See, my brother told me about the problems you were having</b> <b>with the James brothers and how people were laughing at you.</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>Something had to be done, so.</b> <b>- Pull over right here.</b> <b>Pull over right here.</b> <b>- Right here?</b> <b>- What you talking about?</b> <b>- Listen, something had to be done.</b> <b>You weren't doing anything, so,</b> <b>my brother went over your head.</b> <b>- Are you saying?</b> <b>- See that night on the wharf,</b> <b>I sent some guys out to check on you to help you out.</b> <b>But we were too late.</b> <b>By the time they got there,</b> <b>you were barely clinging on to life.</b> <b>So they got you outta there.</b> <b>They went to checkup on Sophia, but,</b> <b>she was gone.</b> <b>And just as they were about to leave,</b> <b>they heard your Pops gasp.</b> <b>So they called me and asked me what they should do,</b> <b>so I gave the order.</b> <b>Listen Anthony, I did it for you, okay.</b> <b>I did it for you, I did it for my fucking brother.</b> <b>He loved you.</b> <b>You know that right.</b> <b>He loved you.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>He died for you.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>He fucking died for you.</b> <b>And all he ever wanted was for you to be a boss.</b> <b>So we made that shit happen for you.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(Anthony crying)</b> <b>- You did that for me?</b> <b>You and your brother did that for me?</b> <b>- Yeah, we did.</b> <b>- I don't even know how to thank you.</b> <b>(Anthony laughing)</b> <b>Because if a Papa was here, this wouldn't have happened.</b> <b>- [Phantom] See, he was already gone, Anthony.</b> <b>- No, I know.</b> <b>You know, I don't even know your name.</b> <b>I don't even know your name.</b> <b>I know your brother's name is like Freddy</b> <b>or some of the shit.</b> <b>What is your name?</b> <b>- You want to know my name? - Yeah.</b> <b>- You're not gonna believe this shit but it's Anthony.</b> <b>- [Anthony] It's Anthony.</b> <b>(both laughing)</b> <b>Wow, that's crazy.</b> <b>- Isn't it.</b> <b>- [Anthony] Yeah, 'cause there's only one, Anthony.</b> <b>(gun firing)</b> <b>(gasping)</b> <b>(gun firing)</b> <b>(gasping)</b> <b>(crying)</b> <b>(screaming)</b> <b>- So your brother's coming into town?</b> <b>- I hope so.</b> <b>That'd be cool, right?</b> <b>- That depends.</b> <b>- Oh yeah.</b> <b>On what?</b> <b>- On what you plan on doing with me?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>- He's waiting for me, shit.</b> <b>See you guys later.</b> <b>Papi.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- I was worried about you.</b> <b>You didn't let me know you're going to be late.</b> <b>- I know, I'm sorry.</b> <b>I'm really sorry. - It's okay.</b> <b>I'm just glad you're all right.</b> <b>Do me a favor mija, go inside,</b> <b>I need to have a word with your friends, huh.</b> <b>- No Papi, it's. - Mija,</b> <b>I would not push my luck if I were you.</b> <b>Inside.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>You're the reason my daughter</b> <b>can't make it home on time, eh?</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- My fault.</b> <b>We apologize.</b> <b>- Is this your son?</b> <b>- Yes, Sir.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- I know who you are.</b> <b>- You know who I am?</b> <b>You know who I am?</b> <b>- I get paid to know about people like you, Michael James.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>I'm going to tell you something, something very important.</b> <b>So pay attention 'cause I'm only going to say it once.</b> <b>Right now, between us, there's no trouble.</b> <b>I'd like to keep it that way.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>But know this, and I say this to you,</b> <b>eye to eye, man to man, one father to another,</b> <b>if your boy continues to see my daughter,</b> <b>me and you we're gonna have a problem.</b> <b>And amigo, it's my job to get rid of problems</b> <b>and I am very good at my job.</b> <b>Do you understand?</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>- Let's get outta here.</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>- Pendejos.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>If it slithers like a snake,</b> <b>is it a snake?</b> <b>Or do you need to be bitten?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>My grandfather used to say that to me when I was a boy.</b> <b>I never paid attention to him,</b> <b>I thought he was a crazy old man</b> <b>that did too much perjury.</b> <b>But as I grew older,</b> <b>I came to realize what he was trying to say made sense.</b> <b>He said a lot of things that made sense,</b> <b>I wish I had paid attention to,</b> <b>it would've saved me a lot of trouble.</b> <b>But when we're young.</b> <b>- Papi, you don't understand. - We don't wanna hear</b> <b>the things we need to hear.</b> <b>When we're young, we think we have all the answers.</b> <b>Well, we don't.</b> <b>(crying)</b> <b>Mija, of all the boys in the world to love,</b> <b>you had to choose this one.</b> <b>These people, they're not who you think they are.</b> <b>If you continue down this path with this boy,</b> <b>with this family,</b> <b>you will only know heartache and pain.</b> <b>This I can promise you.</b> <b>- Papi, I love him.</b> <b>- Then you will love someone else.</b> <b>This is something that I cannot allow</b> <b>and I will not allow it.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(crying)</b> <b>I am sorry mija.</b> <b>You will love someone else.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- You just don't get it.</b> <b>(crying)</b> <b>- Hey, where's Phantom?</b> <b>- That's the last fucking thing</b> <b>you need to be worried about right now.</b> <b>I'm gonna ask you one question, I'm not ask you again.</b> <b>Did you know what Phantom had did to Papa?</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>- He killed him.</b> <b>He found him on the wharf that night</b> <b>and he killed him.</b> <b>- What?</b> <b>- You don't know, huh?</b> <b>- Anthony, on my mother, I swear to God, I don't know.</b> <b>If I'd known, I would've said something to you.</b> <b>Come on man, look at me, it's me.</b> <b>I swear to God, I didn't know anything.</b> <b>- You tell me the truth?</b> <b>- The truth, I didn't know anything.</b> <b>- Don't fucking lie to me, Vinny.</b> <b>- On my mother, I didn't know a thing about this.</b> <b>I'd have said something to you.</b> <b>You know I would've said something to you.</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>Okay.</b> <b>Get out the car.</b> <b>- Why?</b> <b>- Come on, get out the car, Vinny.</b> <b>- Where we going?</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- How'd you know where to find him?</b> <b>- Me and my Pops go way back.</b> <b>That's the thing about the brothers man,</b> <b>that they never really leave the block.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(gun firing)</b> <b>- You know when I was young,</b> <b>the older folks used this term, touched.</b> <b>That means something's wrong with you.</b> <b>And Anthony,</b> <b>your ass is touched.</b> <b>(gun firing)</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- And your ass is dead, Olympus.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>Three down, one to go.</b> <b>I was always a king.</b> <b>Touched, you say touched, huh?</b> <b>(spitting)</b> <b>And that's for Papa.</b> <b>- Shit fuck, damn it.</b> <b>- Reggie.</b> <b>Reggie.</b> <b>- Damn it. - Damn it.</b> <b>I can't get a hold of Keith, I gotta go back home.</b> <b>- I'm not going anywhere until I know she's okay.</b> <b>- [Mother] Chris, she's okay.</b> <b>- Dude, how long you and her dad have been beefing?</b> <b>- I just met the man tonight.</b> <b>- Alejandro Renoso.</b> <b>That's her father and his real name.</b> <b>He's a hired assassin for the Mexican Mafia.</b> <b>And well-known</b> <b>around these parts. - Lord have mercy.</b> <b>You hear that?</b> <b>He's a fucking hired assassin.</b> <b>You're dating the wrong girl.</b> <b>Now we gotta go home, bro.</b> <b>I know you, I know, I know, I know.</b> <b>But you don't have any idea what you're talking about.</b> <b>People are dying, bro.</b> <b>We gotta go.</b> <b>- I can't, I can't go, bro.</b> <b>I can't leave her like that.</b> <b>Not until I know she's okay.</b> <b>- You don't even know her, bro.</b> <b>She just told you who her daddy was.</b> <b>You don't even know</b> <b>what love is, bro. - I don't care</b> <b>about all that, man.</b> <b>I don't, I really don't.</b> <b>- All this going on and you said.</b> <b>Don't you. - Relax he's just a kid.</b> <b>- Don't you get it bro?</b> <b>- Get what bro?</b> <b>- What don't I get? - Chris, stop.</b> <b>- Tell me what I don't get.</b> <b>- You're black, bro.</b> <b>You're fucking black.</b> <b>And Mexicans don't like niggas.</b> <b>Do you understand that?</b> <b>The people in this world think you're violent.</b> <b>- Take that back.</b> <b>- They think you're violent. - Take that back.</b> <b>- They think</b> <b>you're a criminal. - Take it back right now.</b> <b>- They think you ain't shit.</b> <b>- Fuck you dawg.</b> <b>- Where you going bro?</b> <b>- [Chris] Don't worry about it.</b> <b>- People dying over this shit nigga.</b> <b>Fuck.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- If you had to do it over again, would you?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>With all that's happened,</b> <b>if you knew then what you know now,</b> <b>would you still have married Sophia?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(birds chirping)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- That was real.</b> <b>And though I really felt it twice in my life.</b> <b>So yeah, I'd probably do it again.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- Exactly.</b> <b>Then you see where he is coming from?</b> <b>It's his first love.</b> <b>He needs your support.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(birds chirping)</b> <b>(car engines revving)</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>You said twice.</b> <b>- Did I?</b> <b>- You said you've only known that feeling twice.</b> <b>- Yes I said it. - When was the second?</b> <b>- Wait, wait,</b> <b>wait, wait, wait.</b> <b>Hello.</b> <b>Yeah, yeah, yeah.</b> <b>That's fine.</b> <b>What about Slim.</b> <b>- Mikey.</b> <b>He's dead, Mikey.</b> <b>I tried to stay outta this shit.</b> <b>I really tried to stay outta this shit.</b> <b>But there's a time when enough is enough.</b> <b>I don't give a shit.</b> <b>I don't give a fuck what we do.</b> <b>Yeah, I have an idea who did it.</b> <b>Yeah, it was that motherfucker.</b> <b>At this point, I'd killed that twice.</b> <b>Fuck 'em all.</b> <b>Fuck 'em all.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(throat clearing)</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Whoops.</b> <b>Oh shit.</b> <b>Okay, I drink all your, I drink all your,</b> <b>I drink all I drink all your fucking deaths.</b> <b>Fucking.</b> <b>Or should I deal with the payment, now I pay myself.</b> <b>This is my money.</b> <b>This is my money.</b> <b>(gun firing)</b> <b>Everybody fucking on my ass about shit.</b> <b>Now you fucking dead and you fucking dead.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>Ain't gotta deal with nobody no more.</b> <b>And that's why I'm happy.</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>It's all I fucking want.</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>Fuck you cock.</b> <b>Fucking cock.</b> <b>(gun firing)</b> <b>Shoot you in your fucking.</b> <b>Why you want money, Frankie?</b> <b>Here, get the money.</b> <b>Yeah, there's 20, there's 20.</b> <b>What do you want?</b> <b>You want 30, go ahead.</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>This is my money.</b> <b>Me,</b> <b>mine.</b> <b>Little bitch I gotta deal with.</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>Oh Frankie, you want a friend, okay.</b> <b>Yes for the money.</b> <b>Frankie.</b> <b>(speaks in foreign language)</b> <b>Frankie Spanky.</b> <b>- So?</b> <b>- Well you play with a pussy, you get fucked boy,</b> <b>that's what I told you a long time ago.</b> <b>- It's not that simple.</b> <b>- What's going on?</b> <b>You don't sound well, you sound sick.</b> <b>What do you mean, it's not simple, what's going on?</b> <b>- Florian's dead.</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>- Floridian is dead, you gotta be fucking kidding me.</b> <b>Wow, that's crazy.</b> <b>Man oh, you know what I'll do?</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>I'm going to,</b> <b>you know, hit the streets,</b> <b>I shake things up a little bit, okay Frankie.</b> <b>I'll see, I'll see what's going on.</b> <b>I'll see what's going on.</b> <b>- You do that, Anthony?</b> <b>- Okay, I just fucking said I'll do that.</b> <b>- Diego's dead too.</b> <b>- Yeah, that's crazy that everyone is just dying.</b> <b>You know.</b> <b>- You got 24 hours.</b> <b>- What?</b> <b>What you say to me?</b> <b>Frankie?</b> <b>Frankie?</b> <b>What you fucking say to me?</b> <b>Huh, you fucking coward.</b> <b>Fucking die.</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>- [Nate] How are you, my old friend?</b> <b>- [Olympus] Retired.</b> <b>And you?</b> <b>- Never.</b> <b>- [Olympus] Ah, that's what I wanted to hear.</b> <b>So I hear you been looking for your son.</b> <b>- Yes.</b> <b>Free spirited young man.</b> <b>Who doesn't want daddy's help?</b> <b>(Olympus laughing)</b> <b>- [Olympus] Oh, don't I know.</b> <b>So when was the last time you saw Florian?</b> <b>- Why?</b> <b>Do you know where he is?</b> <b>- Unfortunately, my friend, I do.</b> <b>- What?</b> <b>Tell me more.</b> <b>- Hi Tony.</b> <b>- Frankie,</b> <b>I didn't hear you coming.</b> <b>Sit down please.</b> <b>- So good to see you.</b> <b>I mean, I'm like, wow.</b> <b>I'm always picking up the pieces for you, my friend.</b> <b>Look at this.</b> <b>It was quite a mess for the black team here,</b> <b>but I'm gonna fix it.</b> <b>- Wow, that's a lot of talk coming my way.</b> <b>- [Frankie] Oh, I know.</b> <b>Let me, let me.</b> <b>- You want a drink?</b> <b>- No, I'll just get at your speed</b> <b>so I can listen to you.</b> <b>- Okay, well let's, you know, let's play.</b> <b>You like the clowns?</b> <b>- Oh yeah, the clowns.</b> <b>- [Anthony] Nice right?</b> <b>- It's interesting you talk about clowns.</b> <b>(Frankie laughing)</b> <b>Oh, you got a little game for me.</b> <b>Man, I haven't played in 30 years, but I'll fix your mess.</b> <b>Starting with this.</b> <b>- Hey, okay, well,</b> <b>hey, I'm glad you come.</b> <b>Yeah, it's been a while we sat down.</b> <b>We don't break bread in a long time either, you know.</b> <b>Frankie, we go way back, you and me.</b> <b>And I just wanted to let you know</b> <b>that I'm starting to lose my patience a little bit</b> <b>with this whole situation, you know.</b> <b>I feel like you don't believe me, like no one believe me.</b> <b>- Oh, you feel I don't believe you?</b> <b>- Si.</b> <b>And I tell you, honest to God,</b> <b>that when I had nothing to do with anything, I didn't,</b> <b>I had nothing to do with the lepre, ah, with Florian</b> <b>or Diego or Keith.</b> <b>You know, Keith was a reckless, you know this.</b> <b>He had a lot of people that wanted him dead, you know.</b> <b>And the thing is, Frankie,</b> <b>I mean, I give you guys my money, I give you my word</b> <b>and I tell you, I don't feel anything from your end.</b> <b>'Cause I lost the guys too.</b> <b>I lost Conrad, I lost Vinny, I lost Phantom.</b> <b>And it seems like nobody just give a fuck about me.</b> <b>- Oh, we give a fuck.</b> <b>- [Anthony] You do?</b> <b>- About our money, about our reputation.</b> <b>- Of course, me too.</b> <b>- You have no idea what you did, do you.</b> <b>Florian was the son of the most powerful man</b> <b>in the Irish Mafia.</b> <b>Money is the least of our problems now.</b> <b>- Wow.</b> <b>- And Diego.</b> <b>We think you killed him</b> <b>or you had him killed. - Frankie.</b> <b>- He was in control of over 300 secret bank accounts.</b> <b>Accounts that cannot be accessed because he's dead.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- What are we gonna do?</b> <b>- Oh, if and when we find out that you did kill them,</b> <b>we're gonna kill you.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Frankie,</b> <b>you know, I said,</b> <b>I said to you once, and I cannot keep on repeating.</b> <b>All I can do is a hope you believe me in your heart.</b> <b>Keith, Bobby, Phantom, Diego, Leprechaun, Olympus,</b> <b>I had nothing to do with any of their deaths, nothing.</b> <b>Cross my heart.</b> <b>I tell you what, Frankie, I tell you what,</b> <b>I take this one for you myself.</b> <b>You tell me who did it.</b> <b>You find out, you tell me.</b> <b>I'll go kill him all, okay.</b> <b>I'll do that for you.</b> <b>What do you say?</b> <b>- You know we go way back.</b> <b>When I was a kid, you were always in some kind of trouble.</b> <b>Your pops will call me.</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>And I would come and help you.</b> <b>You know, I told him you were</b> <b>the most courageous kid I ever met.</b> <b>- [Anthony] Frankie.</b> <b>- If you could gain control of your emotions,</b> <b>you'll be boss in no time.</b> <b>But your emotions always got the best of you.</b> <b>Anthony,</b> <b>if you did do all of that,</b> <b>only God can I help you.</b> <b>Oh, by the way, who told you that Olympus was dead?</b> <b>- [Anthony] What do you mean?</b> <b>- I never mentioned it.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>Fuck.</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>(upbeat music)</b> <b>(cellphone ringing)</b> <b>- Okay, I'm pulled over.</b> <b>What?</b> <b>- [Olympus] You in town?</b> <b>- I'm on my way.</b> <b>We were coming right before you called</b> <b>and told me to pull over.</b> <b>- [Olympus] All right, you need to turn around.</b> <b>You and Little Homie are safer where you, you'll just be</b> <b>getting in my way. - No.</b> <b>How's everybody, anybody left?</b> <b>Anybody left?</b> <b>- [Olympus] Nobody.</b> <b>- And Anthony?</b> <b>- [Olympus] I'm working on it.</b> <b>- Work harder.</b> <b>- [Olympus] Mikey.</b> <b>- Work fucking harder. - Mikey.</b> <b>Mikey.</b> <b>- They were my brothers O.</b> <b>- [Olympus] I know.</b> <b>- They were my brothers.</b> <b>- [Olympus] I know.</b> <b>- I'm not, listen, you listen to me, you listen to me.</b> <b>- [Olympus] I loved them too, man.</b> <b>- You listen to me, bro.</b> <b>I will do anything for you, anything in the world,</b> <b>and you know it.</b> <b>But I will not do that.</b> <b>- [Olympus] But I got things that play here.</b> <b>And you'll only be getting in my way.</b> <b>I need you to do me a favor, stay where you are,</b> <b>let me take care of this.</b> <b>- I'm listening.</b> <b>- [Olympus] If you insist with your hard ass head.</b> <b>Okay, but you gotta do exactly as I tell you to do.</b> <b>- Okay. - Understood?</b> <b>Exactly what I tell you to do.</b> <b>Here's the plan.</b> <b>- He's a fucking dead man.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>He is a dead man.</b> <b>- [Olympus] You're fucking right he is,</b> <b>I just made the call.</b> <b>- [Nate] Hello, we need to meet.</b> <b>- I know you?</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>- We need to meet about what?</b> <b>- You know what.</b> <b>- Huh.</b> <b>If I say no?</b> <b>- We'll meet anyway.</b> <b>- I gotta get a fucking dog.</b> <b>When?</b> <b>- [Nate] Now.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>Where?</b> <b>- How about here?</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- The Irish have a tradition.</b> <b>Soon after a man dies, a window must be opened.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>So his soul can leave.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- You talk too much.</b> <b>(Anthony moaning)</b> <b>- [Mikey] It's time, Tony.</b> <b>- You.</b> <b>You motherfucker.</b> <b>(Anthony moaning)</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Pick him up.</b> <b>Pick him up.</b> <b>A lot of people have died</b> <b>'cause I didn't want to kill you.</b> <b>Sophia.</b> <b>(Mikey screaming)</b> <b>Pick him up.</b> <b>Bobby.</b> <b>(Mikey screaming)</b> <b>Pick his ass up, pick him up.</b> <b>You fucking.</b> <b>Kill this motherfucker.</b> <b>I'll fucking kill you.</b> <b>(Mikey screaming)</b> <b>(Anthony laughing)</b> <b>You fucking ass.</b> <b>(Mikey screaming)</b> <b>Oh fuck.</b> <b>(Mickey screaming)</b> <b>You motherfucker.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>I fucking loved you dawg.</b> <b>We were fucking friends bro.</b> <b>It's fucking over now Tony.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>You dig a hole.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>You bury him next to his sister, do you understand?</b> <b>Do you fucking hear me?</b> <b>- [Thug] Aye.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b> <b>- Your ass is now done.</b> <b>- [Frankie] We've been waiting for you.</b> <b>Please take a seat.</b> <b>- Okay, Nate, what you want from me?</b> <b>(speaks in foreign language)</b> <b>- I believe I can help you with that.</b> <b>I have to admit, when we first issued that challenge to you,</b> <b>we didn't think there was any way possible</b> <b>for you to pull it off, like men.</b> <b>- But you and Anthony did.</b> <b>We haven't seen those numbers in woo, 20 years.</b> <b>What you and Anthony did was quite outstanding.</b> <b>Now 'cause of Nate, there's no more Anthony,</b> <b>which lives us with you.</b> <b>We've been thinking to leave the business open</b> <b>and letting you run it.</b> <b>- This business has cost me everything I love.</b> <b>That's what I'm gonna have to say, no,</b> <b>thanks but. - I'll do it.</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>- Why not?</b> <b>I grew up in the business watching you and Uncle Keith.</b> <b>I seen how it's done, I know how to do this.</b> <b>- I said no.</b> <b>You have no connections, you have no experience.</b> <b>People do business with us 'cause they trust us.</b> <b>They don't even fucking know you.</b> <b>- They'll get to know me.</b> <b>- This business is more than just business,</b> <b>you're not ready.</b> <b>- I'm ready.</b> <b>- I said, no.</b> <b>- Mikey.</b> <b>We're interested.</b> <b>How old are you, young man?</b> <b>- Old enough.</b> <b>(all laughing)</b> <b>- I like this kid.</b> <b>What's your name?</b> <b>- Chris, Sir.</b> <b>Chris Jackson.</b> <b>- I was 16 when I got my first job.</b> <b>And by the time I was 19, I was a lieutenant.</b> <b>The boy says he can do it,</b> <b>I believe him.</b> <b>- Look, you said in order to get what I want,</b> <b>I had to get my money right.</b> <b>It's time I got my money right.</b> <b>And I'm asking, will you help me?</b> <b>'Cause you're right, I can't do this one without you.</b> <b>- You have no idea what you're asking me to do.</b> <b>- Where we at?</b> <b>- Here.</b> <b>Not where we supposed to be.</b> <b>- And where we headed?</b> <b>- To the top.</b> <b>Where we belong.</b> <b>- And how we gonna get there?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- By any means necessary.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- I'm ready.</b> <b>♪ Pain is all I know, I know ♪</b> <b>♪ Hate is all I know, I know ♪</b> <b>♪ Heartbreak is all I know, ah ♪</b> <b>♪ Ain't no more light ♪</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>♪ I was dead wrong in the light ♪</b> <b>♪ Left me alone in the light ♪</b> <b>♪ Come take a walk with me to the dark side ♪</b> <b>(gentle upbeat music)</b> <b>♪ Walk with me, talk with me ♪</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>(car engine revving)</b> <b>- What do you want?</b> <b>- To talk to you.</b> <b>- Where do you think you're going?</b> <b>- With me.</b> <b>I have a business, a legitimate business.</b> <b>And I'll provide for her.</b> <b>I'll protect her with my life so that you know she's safe.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- And what if I say no?</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>- Do what you have to and I do what I have to.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- You're willing to die to be with my daughter?</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>- It's better than living without her.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>- You came here by yourself to tell me this?</b> <b>You're either very brave or very, very stupid.</b> <b>You know what I will do to you if something happens to her.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>- I wouldn't have it any other way.</b> <b>(gentle music)</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>- You tell your father, I'll be in touch with him.</b> <b>Come here. - Thank you, Papi.</b> <b>Thank you, thank you, thank you.</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>- Be safe.</b> <b>- We will.</b> <b>- Go on.</b> <b>- Thank you.</b> <b>(insects chirping)</b> <b>(cellphone vibrating)</b> <b>- [Anthony] You tell Mikey James,</b> <b>when you leave a man on the street for dead</b> <b>make sure he's dead, dead.</b> <b>(dramatic music)</b>
Channel: FilmIsNow Movies
Views: 154,251
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Keywords: mykel shannon jenkins movies, mykel shannon jenkins, crime movies, the gods, action movies, action crime thriller movies, movies, full movies, free movies, watch action crime movies, watch crime thriller movies, best aciton crime thriller movies, filmisnow, filmisnow movies, the gods 2, the gods 2 the dark side, the gods 2 movie, the gods 2 full movie, the gods mykel shannon jenkins
Id: 1WfZOozgirQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 44sec (7424 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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