Trolling Your LITTLE BROTHER In Minecraft!

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here's little brother joints our server he's really good at minecraft in fact a little too good he knows everyone's minecraft secrets not only that he has his own secret place to keep the diamonds that he's got please definitely hiding more than he sees how is he getting so many diamonds all right so I need to ask the serious question anybody got some obsidian they could just give me forever maybe cuz that would be nice I kinda wanna meet I got stone I was able to find some coal mine at least it's black like obsidian colored I got some purple flowers if you need purple okay all right you know what up here's what are you by the way are you my little bro see on the disc alright no no actually he's just a little nervous about talking Wow he gave me some fun you never give me flowers Pierce thank you so me a passion good good good good good first impressions man good job good job don't feel fatty man you're welcome oh my gosh thank you thank all right you have a nice little brother unlike you I'm time to say hey oh you know why I tried to make him better than me at least a little bit really nice also he's got a chicken sure so that's like one point ahead so just just putting that's true 40 percent nicer as a result by the way I really appreciate your effort here's to uh to kind of clean up you know after the trees I've been noticing that lately normally I wouldn't care but I got a make sure I'm good you'd make a good pressure for my bro you don't cuz he's doing the right thing so I don't have to do them and he can clean up after me later Wow but ya know I guess I guess it's nice to have him around so he can help you out you kind of really need it no no it was something clear he needs me I don't I'm the older bro here all right oh okay check come on over come check out the progress so far oh yeah I want to come see oh wow it's very boxy and square I'm working on adding some shape to it there's nothing wrong with a box house it's just it's you know I will work it with boxes after all how's your placement coming along actually you want to come visit oh yeah that would be awesome I have actually seen your place yeah do you mind if I tag along all right where we going while you're here while in the neighborhood I suppose there's any weird chickens around here what do you what do you mean weird chiggers define what makes a chicken weird I mean there's a cute little yellow chicken here never mind never mind I have some presents for you since you came all the way this way meat I've ever walked in my life my diamonds what do you mean diamonds are they in are they in your other chests I don't know it's like maybe your wallets in your other pocket you never know ya know your own we have you guys ever seen chicken like you know chickens acting they kind of like you know right or zombies ride them to the chickens all right something different no diamonds right now just just hear me out maybe the chickens are riding the diamonds okay I think what is he doing in my house guys yeah what's up my gold is missing you're gold yeah it was mining some gold earlier in the mines and it's not taken to sweet both of you are missing something yeah super valuable iron I could oh absolutely no I mean come on you know it's really nice to share things with your brother yes it is true very of sigh I have I have none presently I use the ball missions what's going on uh yeah of your iron you know death let's just say you know actually uh okay real quick I'll look up here back here back what's that so Pierce little brother Paxton is obviously up to no good so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna risk it for the biscuit all right I'm gonna go down there I'm gonna go down there and see what he's actually up to because I know he took my flowers that he gave me himself also guys before we go down there be sure to leave a like maybe subscribe that would be awesome also to help you feel more confident that I'm not going to die down there let's go he doesn't see us okay alright little too far oh okay I don't know it sound it uh looks spooky not going down there what is this what is going on uh act like a dog bark bark bark I'm so he's taking really good care of the chickens also by the way he has an amazing secret base and Pierce only has like a stupid little box house and he's got a diamond picket oh my god I want to go in those chests so bad but I can't gotta blend in dry chickens don't don't rat me out don't rat me out oh can I try no cuz looking at me me oh my god big P that's a big gold P oh my god I'm gonna open this really wait to see what he's got oh I put a chicken down I think I don't get this over here it's got a lot of stuff in here he's got pierced article the blog oh my god okay alright so I'm assuming those might be quite Chan's diamonds where did it go I didn't blend in a little bit more kind of stand out as a wolf so I'm gonna go with chicken okay in here it looks like he has a room of what okay act natural macaque stay right okay I'm getting out here I'm getting out here before he kills me he's gonna kill me okay maybe was a bad idea to change from a wolf into a chicken but uh you know it's just uh a little bit more and I'm gonna get murdered there's so many chickens and gas up to you guys he's just up to no good at all oh I think I see what he's doing he doesn't sneak this kid is not good news you literally isn't you know just do a little bit of this alright and what's up here this is uh this is quite shits houses she's just oh my god oh my god okay Wow alright mister horse it's pretty obvious this kid is bad news like for real like I don't have anybody to talk to you sure he's gonna talk with you right so well I'm gonna do is I'm gonna teach you a little lesson I'm also gonna taken people stuff building secret underground bases especially ones that lead to people's houses good it's probably late to my at some point so mister horse what I'm gonna do I'm gonna doing guys but I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make sure he learns a little lesson I'm gonna take everyone's stuff back let's start off a little light you know maybe just like yeah let's go down the stairs how about a little water leak you know just something really small I don't know what downstairs now it was pretty good I'm gonna go see this happen actually I wanna go see what he notices that water leak I'm just a chicken don't worry about me let me do something like like this notice maybe around here there we go that's should that's something small he can deal with I'm pretty sure what's going on what happened what's he doing now alright so he's got a little bit of this little small little taste of his own medicine right here what if up here I were to oh he's got look at all this stuff oh my god all right so what if up here we were to start say a little fire oh no oh no he's probably know what's happening but even better we're gonna put this chest down so he doesn't know what it is watch what it's gonna do watch what's gonna do if the notice we got some water smart very smart look at that no chicken okay no more chicken yes yes yes perfect oh my god those are mimic chests all right those are mimics and they will come after you no matter what all right this is probably for you speaking of chest I didn't grab the diamonds and stuff from in there oh good job mimic good job up there he goes he's back he's fighting he's got a lotta chicken eggs so that works but you know what maybe a baby fever can help him out just a little bit just a little bit you know just we didn't notice it there it goes there it goes there it goes oh oh that's all right that's all right you know it's done and you just track him try to get the stuff out of the place I'm gonna put something I'm gonna put some lava up here he sees it all right I'm going for he's got the water bucket again kid that doesn't work Pierce's heads oh my god I know exactly what to do with those all right all right all right all right all right see how these armor stands over here what if I were to just oh no oh no oh my god maybe it's like nerve I'm freaked him out pretty good that way his brother's like I'm so disappointed in you practicing oh oh yeah they're judging you they're judging you they know what you did they know exactly what you did I'm gonna get the arrow so he feels the pinch of self conscious oh I've missed him okay I think he suspects something I think he suspects something so I'm gonna do I'll put these babies snowman's down uh yeah he's absolutely suspect something he's super mad right now oh my god he is really mad okay I gotta hide I got a hide what is this room there's a special chest here what is this Zain sore he has enough oh my god I'm gonna put vegetables in his oh he's mad whoo he mad he meant I got it I gotta get some help I got a spawn a witch there we go baby wished I'll keep him super strike that little cutie count there though you cats gonna kill him when he comes over here he's too much no and the kid I went down there no backfire my plan all right my next play spawn some chickens put some chickens down all right I gotta cover myself you see so many chickens he won't know it's gonna be like a fire oh these chickens spawning and he won't know he won't know he is he's playing lava to kill the chicken no all right that's it I'll put some TNT right here okay that didn't do exactly what I was hoping it would do but hey it did the job right I'm going to start putting water all over the base flooding the chickens effectively there we go all right I think that's good I think that's a good chickens I think we did it so now that I got everyone stuff back I'm gonna take it back to their house cuz that's the right thing to do I didn't buy my flowers I'm sad about that no lost his golden block so I'm gonna come in here and put it right inside oh this just all you deserve anything I'm gonna leave you I'm gonna leave you some lava too just in case you don't put some of it now we got to go give this back to Zane put stuff in there I'm gonna feel this one for myself but we'll see now back to Kauai chance house BAM diamonds are back all right I restored everything now all right I'm a book back hey guys oh hey what's what's going on everything all right yeah good drink of water no just uh just grab something for myself we'll snack does anybody have any obsidian like anything so just some wood that's nice mines are scary I decided not to go down there nice nice my cool this back and I also love you your Gold's back you like the stuff you were missing before yeah it's exactly where I left it right maybe it was a glitch on the server uh quite sad what do you have your stuff back oh yeah my dad mr. back - just checking with past - plus I don't use business some stuff - you know that's you probably got it back more likely no well I'm near my house what's up I want to show you a cooler minor right okay chicken over there you see that chicken right there yeah yeah what about it follow me follow me real quick I need to show you something to show you something is it is it looking like that's one suspicious chicken I knew those chickens from the seat we're coming out - fela stuff a chicken of the sea it's a regular chicken but that chicken is in the chicken Oh see that see that he fell out of the world to his tomb no no follow me this way my goodness what's going on watch this watch this alright uh-huh your kids speaking of the world - oh my god you're somebody about this come here come young sir founder see us my house your house no it's not mine I don't know how to make stuff like this oh yeah looks like it's yours it's got your head yeah okay but that's that's actually just creepier why would I have my own head in my own house that sounds like a really bad idea oh my god my head is everywhere why you do this oh my god thought I could trust you I put a lot of the line bring you in here and you do this you sure you just aren't chicken come on Paxton cheese hop hey oh there it is Paris this is noise goal block and he took some other things too he's feeling sad other things too hey guys I'm just finding out that my little brother is a criminal oh yeah we should really teach him a lesson about stealing from other people wait what did he take you can go black and go block is here yeah guy he's got your gold what you just literally handed me the deal yeah I know Toma that's the worst minecraft your mom okay oh no you really kept up Pearce come on come on packs believe but cats still from friends it's wrong to do Oh can't be doing the head what can you teach them a life less than their yeah absolutely there are so many life lessons that this boy needs to learn including but not limited to of course not stealing from friends but also we can steal from our bras [Laughter] No okay you know what I'm just I'm just I'm just gonna I'm just gonna explode this house all right that's all I got boy that's the no back - stop please nice to see brothers getting along [Laughter]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,928,528
Rating: 4.9018307 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft pranks aphmau, minecraft aphmau, aphmau, minecraft, pranks in minecraft, revenge pranks in minecraft, how to pranks your friends in minecraft, minecraft challenges, minecraft pranks, minecraft funny moments aphmau, minecraft no swears, tricks to play on your friends, funny ways to prank your family, sneaky ways to prank your friends in minecraft, the best pranks in minecraft, easy minecraft pranks, funny minecraft pranks, funny pranks to play on your brother
Id: epjntmYNl6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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