Trollge Sims in Gmod 10 (FULL MOVIE)

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welcome back to some more Gmod Sims today I become a school teacher and unfortunately one of my students is being bullied so Troll and I are gonna give him a cool kid makeover yeah oh my god oh geez ah well troll I'm I'm off to my job at the school where I will be teaching um school from now on somebody had to scrounge up some cash around here so I figured I'd do it you are welcome to join in class so you could learn a thing or two so maybe you could get a job no no okay I'll be back uh with more money hopefully does teaching pay well oh God okay oh here it is right outside school school I don't know how to sprint I don't know how to do the inflection on this whoever made this side needs to go back here okay hi everybody um I'm here it's me your teacher settle down all right is everybody here are we ready to start school today um nope oh God who is this guy are they siamese twins or are they riding each other I don't understand all right come on in ah geez I I can tell we're gonna have some trouble with these guys right here well they do say two heads is better than one okay now they're dancing this is really weird hi Gregory now this seems like it's going to be our best student here he just seems like he came here to learn the rest of you Hooligans you look way too old to be here you look a little bit nervous is it this guy is he freaking you out oh whoa whoa he's beating up Gregory hey stop that oh my God we got a real Class Clown over here okay you keep your hands to yourself except for the one on bottom who is obviously he he has to hold your butt cheeks to support you on his back I'm gonna go ahead and get up here and start teaching school here so um can anybody tell me oh wait what subject am I even teaching we'll do uh PE today that's what we're gonna do now everybody get up on this scale so we can weigh you there we go what was that noise oh my God he just killed Gregory with lasagna okay it's okay Gregory was actually just knocked unconscious by the lasagna he's he's okay um now listen here guy you're not allowed to throw no stop laughing I'm don't make me hit you teachers aren't supposed to do that yeah that's right you should be you should you see ow oh god oh now he's bullying me okay all right I gotta take five man I gotta step outside for some air this whole school thing is really hard all right everybody uh like I said we're lining up to weigh ourselves so that we know how uh out of shape we are okay so come on over here oh oh wow real fatty over here oh well I guess it's because there's two guys right hey don't look at me like that guy it's okay we're done we're done with that part oh no oh now he's tea bagging gregory no come here stop yeah hop off of him God gosh I don't know what to do Gregory just looks so scared oh now he's trying to run away oh my god oh poor Gregory right oh he's chasing after him I don't know what to do they're all chasing him why is everybody chasing Gregory this is the teacher's worst nightmare hold on I'm gonna take him out of here oh guys I don't know what to do here I I think I gotta ask troll for some help can I shut these doors it's like he's he's beating us he really yeah troll I I need your help buddy come out here I see you what do you why are you dancing on the table oh my God is that are you putting on a show for your wife you know that's healthy that's it's good you should have a healthy relationship with your wife but uh for the time being here you go in there okay time out Funk okay troll I'm gonna need your help okay because as everybody knows you're really really cool and I want to give Gregory a cool kid makeover you know make him really stand out in the class make everybody think he's a real good guy to hang out with and not bully at all right does that sound like a good idea okay cool we're gonna fight bullying with uh coolness I think making him taller would definitely help him fit in with the rest of the class since they're they're all like in their 30s I'm gonna put them over here yeah okay and we're just gonna recalibrate him with the help of science random science I mean by just randomly hitting buttons until something happens yeah make sure you get yeah spread that blood around a little bit most science is actually blood magic oh wow that it really worked you look at how much taller he is okay you probably feel a little bit disoriented a little bit far from the ground Troll's like yes that's excellent you look really good right now I think there's a little bit of a proportion issue going on here it's just your stomach has gotten really long I think we need to also lengthen the legs or what do you think troll yeah does that sound like a good idea yeah just start smacking the crap out of it again there we go really get in there wow wow okay well let's get starting to get a little weird here why does one sleeve get longer but this other one didn't control I think we're kind of messing this up a little bit maybe we need to sacrifice a lamb on the machine and that will help hold on I don't have a lamb but I have a bear kill it yeah there we go there we go this for science so it's not cruel yeah put yep all right there we go plug that in upload that there it is oh oh uh oh okay I think we've taken it too far now hmm I'm not sure if this is what we were going for troll you're dancing like it's cool but it's not we wanted to make him one of the cool kids I mean like I do like his studded elbows also he seems to have a mouth on his stomach which is a little terrifying and he's like twitching he's like really tweaking out here man I I don't know I'm starting to have second thoughts you don't think the other kids are gonna be scared of him no okay all right well as long as you don't think so because remember we want him to be cool and fit in well I'm gonna bring him back to school and uh you can go back to watching whatever you were watching on TV I'll just come back and report in later God I'm I'm kind of nervous I know you're nervous too Gregory that that one guy riding that other guy he's a real jerk but I think now that you kind of look like a punk rock star it's really gonna help you know everybody's Gonna Wanna be your friend trust me those glowing red eyes are really gonna strike a chord with the ladies let's open these doors It's a Brand New Day it's a brand new you okay here we go everybody look who it is remember Gregory why you why are you looking at me like that oh it's that it's it's the guy oh he gave him a thumbs up very cool Gregory how does that make you feel gregory no holy he just kicked me through the wall oh no oh gregory no stay back oh geez oh she tried to help rap oh and now he's going after the Alpine sweat machine that's sugary drink it's only gonna make him worse Gregory listen listen to me I think there's only one thing I can do uh troll bad news I think something went very wrong with Gregory um in fact that's him at the door right now trying to claw his way through it and eat us something definitely went wrong I think it was the bear probably too much bear we put too much bear in him that's the thing do you have any ideas of how we could write this wrong he knocked everybody out in the school he just started hitting people oh he got me through the wall oh oh wow he's learning a new move it seems to be laser beams yeah no oh he's teleported into the house now he's just marching off oh he's going to kill Shaggy someone's got a Warren Shaggy oh my god he has a grapple hook move I can't even I get oh God he's like it's like Attack on Titan he just zaps the what is he doing he's got a grapple hook move he's got a lightning move he's everything you would want and more out of a Gregory I mean there's no doubt he's cool now it's just the fact that he's he's abusing his power maybe we should bring in somebody to teach Gregory how to be cool again I think we took a left turn when we were meaning to take a right turn you know what I'm saying if anyone's gonna teach him how to be cool it's gonna be James Bond come on okay hold on if anyone's gonna teach them how to be cool it's gonna be ramble obviously it'll be Rambo yeah teach him how to hmm maybe he needs an outlet a creative Outlet geez what could that possibly be he just wants out that door for some reason oh is there someone he's trying to get hold on hold on I have an idea perhaps what's going on over here oh oh my God he's dancing with the back rooms monster that's what he wants to get into he wants to be a break dancer and now that he's found his creative Outlet he won't be so angsty and angry all the time pump up the jams oh oh God we just turned it off oh oh my God he's pissed okay turn the music back on okay the music's back on everybody's happy holy crap that was a close one man I'm really glad we sorted that out well can we all go back to school now you think uh all right everybody outdoor class today since the school fell apart you know I'm happy to see everybody still alive and doing well after all that terrible accident now that Gregory's found something he's passionate about everybody thinks he's cool even that guy or those guys I should say still not sure if they're one dude or two I'm pretty sure they actually just are glued together I think they had gotten to a horrible Elmer's Glue accident and they're just glued together um oh that's right welcome back to some more Garry's Mod Sims today Talking Tom is back and he brought a lady with him they're settling down and making a family too bad being a parent is hard troll exciting news stop watching the blank TV screen I'm concerned for your mental health come on outside troll this is really good look we got new neighbors remember talking Tom he finally decided to put down the old iron and he settled down with a lady look at him they look Happy Well he kind of looks sad why does he always look so sad under construction I guess they're building their house it's like a DIY kit it does not look good they got a Minecraft door this is just broken wood troll I don't get it yeah no okay well we probably shouldn't laugh at their house you know what happened last time with Tom you know when he went all crazy and he would start killing everybody he's slightly unhinged now we we need to let them bees let them start their family we'll come back and check in in like I don't know five hours see how far they've made it [Music] no oh come on seriously every time I'm winning ow oh oh God okay well I think that's a good opportunity for us to check back in on the Newly Weds huh what do you think man I clearly won so we don't need to keep playing and oh oh wow they did it they built the whole house look at that they even updated the sign constructed yeah wow that's really nice it's yeah it's it could be better you know it's no Shaggy Shack but it's it's something um and what oh my God what is going on here do they have babies troll they had they had a litter of babies look at all these kittens that wait let me get a closer look at these oh my God they're little Abraham Lincolns they gave birth to little Abraham Lincolns okay thank you for bringing in more 14th presidents of the United States that's very honorable Duty that you've done for us all how many of them are one two three four five six seven seven Abraham Abraham Lincoln's put it on the screen plus seven um oh no no no no no troll just watched the Star Wars movie uh what is that is that the third one when he kills all that yeah that's the third one he just watched Star Wars no no don't do that don't do it that's the worst scene you can't troll no did you talking Angela is afraid of you oh that's her name her name's Angela oh I see that's what you were doing you're just trying to get the truth out of her so you zapped her a little bit well as long as all the little Abraham Lincoln's are safe uh I'm happy let's go in and check it check out the house wow this is actually really nice and oh look at that there's a little Abraham Lincoln on the dresser how does he get in here no troll no yeah already dishes piling up you know that's what it's like this is the family life in here just all one big room y'all sleeping in the same bed or something this is a little depressing I'm not gonna lie to you well guys everything looks good in there and oh oh my god oh being a father is hard he's been awake so long all the babies crying keeping him awake it's only been like five hours though I thought wow Parenthood has not been good to him this is definitely gonna be strenuous on their relationship it was easier for you troll because when the trolls come out you kind of just leave them to fend for themselves but they're actually raising these baby Abraham Lincoln's to be presidents again it's the circle of life well oh they've got they all oh my God they got fed up with the children oh no they're trying to get into the last one they've had enough they've had enough of these little Abraham Lincoln's this is the last one what do we we gotta save him okay be careful oh they're after him they want to get rid of their kids so bad keep going troll you gotta run oh no now they're trying to claw their way into the house I think they they think their house is crap and they want to move into yours we have a much better house or you're tantalizing them with the little Abe I see you're trying to lure them away by their off with their offspring oh you got them as soon as he reached puberty you know I'm starting to think this is not a good relationship oh what be careful what are you pointing that thing buddy well maybe if we kill him then she can find herself a new mate he seems to be like the toxic one in the relationship you know I don't know she just seems too nice yeah okay go ahead get him get her yeah here I'll hold her back no listen listen I know you I know you think you love him but it's it's just we got to put him to the sword you're going hang out with Lego Shaggy and oh my God you killed them I was wrong I was wrong it's not him he's not the toxic one oh you've killed him it was her she's the bad one I know I find it hard to believe too and after you slowly saw it through him with the lightsaber oh don't do that you're gonna make her mad troll troll well now you've done it look at her now oh she's all bloodied up she's much less appealing I got her I got her at arm's length right now I want to get a good look at her oh wow ew oh okay well now we know the real problem we can deal with it right here let's go back to Shaggy's house oh oh my gosh she got you through the whoa she broke the wall oh my gosh she's after the picture of that young man there oh she's trying to jump in oh she's after the egg she wants the offspring that egg is gonna be reborn into a new Lego Shaggy we need that for the next episode otherwise Shaggy would always be dead don't you know how this thing works out okay oh Joel did you blow up the house good thinking oh geez oh boy okay here's an idea I don't know do you want to saw through her with the lightsaber now here one sec I'll get a car and i'll hit her with it oh yeah that's gonna do the trick right there there it is uh this thing's a lot slower than I thought it was gonna be oh there you are okay here we go oh I hit her oh God she just pushed the truck back she's really strong oh my she's really strong hold on maybe if I actually you let me on fire with your forest fire oh I hit her in the head with it and it didn't even Crush her unless it take to crush a cat with a car oh what was did she just shoot something at you oh my god oh oh there's like a little ghost oh I obliterated it okay you can shoot the ghosts it's like she's Spirit walking look at it and she's got little puffs of smoke out there what is that what is that is this something to do with you troll are you puffing the the nasty oh I guess that's what happens you fart when you die you know God all these Abraham Lincoln's dead for no reason you know why were they brought into this world maybe if we can bring the Abraham Lincoln's back to life we can make one big Abraham Lincoln to fight her wouldn't that make sense I think it does hey magic man oh you're dead hold on I'll just get a piece of Abraham Lincoln's beard hair okay I'm gonna plug it into the machine just a little piece of beard hair beep boop boop big Abraham Lincoln go beautiful beautiful that is a big Abraham Lincoln with a gun it's actually big Glock but it kind of looks like a tiny Glock when it's in his big big mitts troll what do you think about this so where are you at oh you laying traps I don't understand oh you're blocking it off here hold on let me poke my head in oh oh I do see her yeah okay I see a tail in there okay she is in there that's really creepy okay Abraham Lincoln it's time to do this it's time to open your eyes man what's going on with your eyelids what's wrong with ew why do you have so many pupils oh it's because there's five of them in there yeah that's right he's five Abraham Lincoln's in one all right I'm gonna bring him over here there we go okay now actually if he just Stomps on the house can you just stomp on the house oh oh my God now that's the power of five Abraham Lincoln's except he died in the process he was like a trojan horse with a bomb in it and look at her she's just stood here like that it all just blew up around her and she's fine I don't get it maybe now's your chance to saw her head off with a lightsaber Adam boy get in there yeah oh she just got bigger and now she's made a fire maybe when she takes a certain amount oh yeah there you go when you when she takes a certain amount of damage she gets worse oh yeah okay so she's finally had enough holy crap oh and then she's just normal again no get that little ghosty thing away from me okay I've got an idea hold on I just gotta get under into troll secret stash under his bed troll I'm I got your favorite toy oh well she took it from me here we go troll I'm gonna Bonk her on the head with this magic toy of yours you said it was magic it's just a regular toy troll oh what he swallowed the laser laser pointer okay all right I've had enough of this that's it we really ought to start going to this thing as a first weapon you know welcome back to some more Gmod Sims today troll opens up his very own restaurant but a food critic keeps coming and giving him bad reviews he's not handling it well to say the least wow troll you finally did it look at this place is beautiful oh and after you took out that really big high interest loan that will never be able to pay off you've finally done it you really got you a business of your very own and you even got Alpine sweat that's how you know you're in the big leagues is this the grand opening uh are we are you waiting for customers you know I'm not I'm not trying to say anything but it's a bit dead in here oh okay you haven't opened yet well it's time to open these doors buddy we got a loan to pay back you know Tom Nook is uh waiting to take our kidneys if we can't pay that back you understand right you signed it you signed the paper you read the part about the kidneys okay cool all right well then that's good uh now that we both understand the risks I think that this is going to be a huge success and look at this you even have a sign and there's a button what is this like a crosswalk or something why is there what's the button do oh did you oh wow bet you paid extra for that didn't you yep okay I thought so we are never paying this long back okay well all right all uh we better put put a sign down or something that says grand opening uh that I hear that really draws a Crowd Oh wow that's a real good sign yeah and usually they say like grand opening or something like that I don't know hopefully this works get a get a couple people in here and oh oh my god oh wow there's a line wait oh my God what's going on here it's like they're tied for first or something or is this like an accident or you guys this is a power struggle I don't really know what I'm looking at they both kind of seem normal well everybody get inside oh you just pulled that person inside and uh this lady's flying okay I'm gonna just shove her in the doors get in here and get a burger in your ear that's our motto actual what does it even have a name it's literally just it's just a burger it doesn't have a name oh you're gonna write it you're gonna spell it out is that an s s i see it oh sandwich sandwich wow come on down to sandwich do you got a slogan for that is there a slogan what okay what are you doing now is this the slogan come come well I'm here for it so I guess it's working all right troll well keep those Burgers coming because you know what's gonna happen when you come down to sandwich business is booming and wait who's that at the back of the line he's tall he has bad posture he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks troll I think it's a food critic I think we got our very first food critic a really real one who's gonna come in here and tell and write a review oh yeah okay there you go are you just going back to get him God he's so tall yeah bring him on inside give him a burger when the red water I don't know what he's saying man he's like whispering and it's really creepy here oh let me help you oh geez you just broke the him with the window I don't think he's gonna like that in his review sit him down oh you just broke him broke the table oh geez oh you oh wow there you go oh we made it to a booth thank the Lord okay give him give this guy a burger we only got one thing here burgers that make you come oh look oh wow Burgers I think two of those were on the floor but yeah serve them up the burgers from the floor how do you like that put it in your pie hole you creep eat the freaking mush it in your mouth oh he he just threw it on the floor oh wait oh the other burgers are gone too I get I guess he ate them all now he's signaling to us what is he trying to say he's like rubbing his stomach I think he's still hungry I think he wants more well you better get cooking up some more troll yeah go get him some more oh no nice that one's in a little to-go Box Troll wait troll that's um that was a McDonald's burger I literally saw it on there it said McDonald's did you just run to McDonald's real quick and get that burger oh wait a minute no okay well I believe you okay all right Mr food critic are you happy with your stay I sure hope so because it's time for you to get lost you had your burger so go away that's also our slogan ah well this guy really doesn't have booths figured out does he I well I guess it's maybe because they don't have tables they're trying to find new ways to use chairs troll hey it's been a minute do you want to go check out the online reviews of this place see if that one guy Salad Fingers see if he left a review yeah okay I I would imagine he probably had really good things to say yeah log into I think that's it yeah okay cool here let me see [Applause] [Music] oh he was not kind he didn't like the food at all I can you believe it troll where are you going troll where have you gone oh you're going back to work okay yeah good idea you know what they say just work it off put your nose down to the grindstone put your face in the on the grind put your face on the grill draw why why are you just looking at me like that oh my God done the building just blew up troll what happened was there a gas leak got all the Shockwave from the explosion that killed your family man I'm so sorry about that I'm so sorry well you know what they say uh what what's going on what do you mean wait wait troll are you don't don't tell me this was planned you're that upset by the review that you just blew the place up for the insurance money and now you're rebuilding a new restaurant am I getting all that yeah that's right what are you just gonna pick up parts of the old building and build a new building that's ridiculous and I love it here we go okay we're gonna start fresh what a business that no one's gonna say anything about especially not Long Tall finger guys we'll put a sign on the door that says they can't come in two hours later wow look at this brand like brand new I don't really know what the hey troll what do we sell here this is there's just a big pepper on the above the door can you put a a sign up that tells me the name of the restaurant again that was very helpful for the last one yeah yeah just a name for the restaurant so that I can you know keep these two straight okay okay don't tell me you're just gonna name it troll there's already a Chili's we can't do I don't think we can name it okay what is it like a franchise or are we just taking over okay Chili's too oh okay that's a brand that's brand new that's never been done before okay cool uh what about us uh a slogan do we got anything like that Chili's two more this is awesome man wow um there's still a dead body outside but I really don't think that's gonna keep people away from Chili's too more in fact I think I can hear some hungry customers behind me right now and oh oh my God it's him he's back troll it's yeah good idea start blasting oh wait actually don't don't don't we get you know what if we want to beat him we gotta beat him at his own game you got to cook him something so delicious that he has a heart attack and dies good okay cool I think that's the only way to kill him it's like how you can only throw the One Ring into the Mount Mount Doom like you have to kill this guy with food I'm gonna bring him in and butter him up come here you slippery son of a nope oh oh god oh he's so he's so wide that he breaks every okay we'll just make room for him all right guy get ready to get buttered troll where's the butter where do we keep the butter I just found this big thing of spinach ooh Pizza spinach that's you know that's gonna be new there we go boom yeah just rub that on there rub that on there yeah there we go spinach pizza coming up it's um uh you know healthy is it healthy oh it's not healthy okay well we won't tell him that um eat up oh oh no he ate it oh he ate it whole what a fool you've really done yourself now guy because here at Chili's too there's poison in everything that's what there's more of poison break the table that'll show him you idiot oh oh no troll watch out he's oh he's a dick ow ow he's slapping me oh God troll run oh geez oh he's oh he's stuck in the chilies wow we can just condemn the building we can just never go in there ever troll where yeah oh oh you left the building on fire this is horrible he's burning alive in the building all that smoke that cannot be good for you wait troll what what oh my God what is that is that a missile draw oh wow you got him oh wow okay that's uh that's a wrap right well it kind of makes me think do you think that maybe he like got his review off before he died like maybe he sent it from his iPhone or something it's possible oh okay oh I see the explosions they knocked over the there we go do you want to just yeah punch it in there and I'll read it sideways foreign he liked it troll he really liked it he had wrote a good review five stars and a half five and a half stars out of five oh I see you're kind of feeling a little bit guilty huh uh well you know what they say just uh keep your chin down keep your nose up confusing instructions what are you doing now you gonna become a knight oh geez ow welcome back to back this is today trolls meets his hero that's right Sonic well I couldn't afford the real Sonic so uh I got these guys hopefully he doesn't know the difference Joel what are you watching Sonic again oh yeah [Music] wow uh you know troll let me tell you your love for Sonic has really oh yep you're running around the room just like your hero your love for Sonic these past few days have been detrimental I think it's about time that we fight you know get it out of your system and just meet the real Sonic are you ready for that yeah the real I'm I'm serious I'm not I'm not even joking the real one hold on he's actually at the door right now yeah you hear that clawing and banging on the door that's Sonic that's him trying to get in open the door go on open it before he gets angry there he is wow he's really cool somehow everybody died in the House suddenly what are you trying to come back inside no no go let me get a picture with you and your your hero stand a little closer to him get get it oh no Joel don't do that no now you've done it oh he's gonna go fast oh I just spawned right back under his crotch oh it happened again somebody stop it oh there he goes he's running backwards oh I'm not gonna lie to you troll funds are a little low right now I couldn't afford the real Sonic I thought I know you thought this was the real Sonic but yeah there's just something a little off about him I can't quite place it we better kill it before it okay well it killed us yeah try that okay whoa he's really strong oh he's Shaggy's problem now good oh no no no he's he's our problem again Shaggy got any guns hidden in here all right I got him hold still okay yep I killed him everybody calmed down he's dead oh well I guess everybody's everybody else is dead um oh oh I'm sorry troll I just really wanted to impress you I just really wanted you to you know get to meet your hero Sonic and you know it's still possible no no don't freak out it's still possible okay I've got other numbers I could call I just opened up a phone book and looked up Sonic and these are all the guys that are listed in the phone book here let me call the next one okay he's on his way by any second now he should probably pull up because he's really fast you know that Sonic guy don't know what is that oh my God that this hold on oh yeah where is he that is the real sign no wait a minute no that's not the real Sonic that's it's a donkey that's that one time when Sonic made sweet sweet love to a donkey its face is really weird what is it yawning why does he keep yawning he's gonna make me yawn oh man this donkey's making me ow oh sorry sorry um well I don't know what should we kill it he's kind of kind of docile he's not really doing anything I feel bad killing him but not that bad alright Sonic the time to take you to the pasture you just took two shotgun shells to the Dome and he didn't even face him something's not right here oh why did I just die I think I just had a heart attack what are you doing what's up where are you taking Sonic donkey oh oh you're trying to put him in the trash he doesn't like that he okay he has moves like Sonic but he's not Sonic very strange I'm gonna try and hit him with the phone get over here Sonic or not Sonic face up where the heck is he oh there he is his uh energy is very chaotic I like I feel like he's just above us randomly he just comes down from the heavens Sonic donkey Sonic where are you oh there he is oh my God he's so fast and annoying just like Sonic they do have a lot in common all right I got him I got him he's trying to get loose he's trying to he's trying to get out of my oh be careful he's pointy he's a hedgehog oh sorry I'm gonna stop holding him over you here you gotta shoot him with something I don't know maybe some kind of anti-hedgehog device are you trying to use magic oh you are using magic yeah there you go spurn him up into a crispy little bit oh now you put him out with the water magic yeah try some Lightning God he's so strong oh yeah I'm just gonna put him in Shaggy's house and forget about him let's just Jam them in there this is your house now you've earned it oh careful don't break his house he's gonna freak out he just got that new plan new plan um I'm gonna make another phone call hold on just stay here now this time is gonna be the real Sonic I promise I would not lie to you troll I would not I would never do that what what you don't believe me look behind you he's right there that's Sonic that's him that's oh wait a minute something's a little weird about that he's got a banana body oh my God it's not my fault it's I think Joe had some sort of relationship with this Sonic it's kind of uh Majestic if you think about it you ever seen one of them before yeah oh yeah you like it don't you let's see what happens when we let him loose oh it's he just threw a barrel of bananas are they gonna explode they look like they're gonna explode what's going on oh it did it did explode it was a banana bomb Oh they've oh no they've teamed up oh geez oh they have this sense of Brotherhood being both half Sonic half something else uh well we might as well get the other one down too now it's a party oh they're trying to get in oh look at them all it's good to have friends isn't that right troll finally friends for them they're friends they definitely want to kill us though um what's that Barrel doing over there is it gonna blow up or yep it is okay troll where are you gone buddy where have you gone have you left did I cure you of your obsession with Sonic that is the question because that's what I was really trying to do here I wasn't actually trying to introduce you to your hero I was just trying to scar you so you would stop watching Sonic all the time where are you oh oh what is this um what is this Sonic Haters Club oh no he's joined the haters Club I didn't mean to take it this far troll should I have a seat or something so is this what this is where you are now uh-huh just uh talk with people about hating Sonic what oh wait do you own the place oh oh you serve pizza oh that's cool any other guests come here are you having trouble with the door oh okay yeah that's nice what's the uh what's the goal here what's the objective of the Sonic Haters Club oh oh you have an information you have an infomercial well that makes a lot of sense and doesn't raise any other questions I'm gonna eat this pizza and I'm Gonna Leave because uh I don't know this feels like a cult it kind of feels a little culty you know Sonics sorry I gotta let them know I feel a little weird about this and I I just I just don't feel right about it hold on they're coming um oh here they come oh actually this is a bad idea this is a they think I'm involved oh geez oh no they're bombing the place they're bombing the place maybe if we give them the pizza you so kindly offered me oh God that was terrifying he got all up in my face man all right oh my God there's more banana bombs coming in I'm making another phone call troll we got another name on the list this is it I can really I can feel it this time oh God they're all over the haters club they're taking it apart troll I I got somebody else to come over I think he's here oh oh no there's just this weird Gumball here I could have sworn I called up another Sonic but this definitely just looks like some kind of Gumball oh oh my God no it's Sonic look at him it's really him oh they killed him oh God they they killed him like instantly it wasn't even a challenge you would have thought the real deal would be like stronger than that go on real Sonic show them who's boss there we go get in there how many real Sonics does it take to take down an imposter oh my God they're just getting destroyed troll I had one of those those uh you know uh ideas what if we take these knockoff Sonics and give them their own video game like Sonic you know yeah okay here come here guys I I've got something for you you're gonna love this let's put them in the game um here can you bring Magic Man back to life actually hold on I'll just get another one okay you are now you're the new magic man don't let it go to your head uh okay here we go oh oh you noticed there was two in there that actually can happen sometimes and if it does things usually go horribly wrong having two sets of hands touching the machine um good job good thing control okay yeah move that one over there or do you want to tuck them all in one game I think that might be a lot no all at once okay well let's just start beaming them into their games okay oh okay well I don't know why I even bother all right well it seems like you got it all under control just spread that blood around a little bit oh yeah oh I can hear something happening here it goes oh there's the big one there's the banana oh yeah and the donkey's in they're all in good job wow um can we see them I I'm I'm in their game now I want to make sure they're doing okay oh wow is that their game disc it's huge what do we put that in oh you're gonna put it in the computer okay yeah Which slot just right you see it oh yeah look at them wow they look so happy in there doesn't that just make warm your heart are you over your Sonic Obsession now no no oh God welcome back to some more Gmod Sims today troll finds a new pet living out in his trash can it's a little weird a little creepy and something kind of messed up happens when he forgets to feed it yikes uh okay troll what what's going on here I see that we are not even like 10 seconds into this episode and you've already busted the TV off the wall it's gone how many times do we need to get a new TV what are you gonna do for entertainment now yeah that's what I'm saying man are we gonna have to go outside get some sun touch some grass is that what is that what we're doing in today's episode no you don't want to do that your pale skin can't take the light can it yeah get under the bed good idea is that is that not crushing you okay there we go ah some fresh air yeah that's nice that's real good get catch those rays and what's that control there's something behind your trash can it's laughing menacingly evil oh yeah no dude it's immune to trash cans it was born there it's a dumpster baby no wonder nobody wanted it it's creepy man it's super creepy well you're still alive it says really creepy things troll yeah like what what did you just say you know this is our responsibility now it's almost like we gotta raise this as our own you know maybe when it gets old enough we can put a saddle on it and ride it around I don't like how it just keeps on rocking its head it's like it's listening to screamo music put on screamo music what is that is that a child or is that real or is that a doll oh you're giving it a doll oh maybe we should size it down so like they're a similar size there we go I made it small the aspect of the ratio is a little bit off but it's fine she likes oh she loves it oh what do they eat you think you think they eat people here let's go see if they'll eat Lego Shaggy oh where's Lego Shack oh he must have known something was up he already left town they left their melon out it's gonna get cold usually he's there man I do have we blown his house up too many times oh yeah there you go you can use Shaggy's house as a as a little uh little pig pen for it a little little little uh Rat house give it give it its toy it seemed to like the toy it's already got its own house what is this is that bacon or is that human flesh I don't know it looks kind of gross I'm gonna feed it to it here you go open up oh oh well it ate the mysterious meat that you've put down what is this pink Critter house yeah okay is that its name we should probably give it a name scary Pink crit house yeah okay we'll call her scary scary long legs yeah I think that works scary's got her own little house here she's even got indoor plumbing and lighting which is really big seeing as she used to be living in the trash can maybe she's gonna need a car so she can get to work and make money and pay rent because uh now that Shaggy's gone I really think we ought to rent this out what is that oh my God it's oh it is a blanket oh there you go oh put down some bedding for it yeah that's nice okay and here's a car so she can get to work I don't know what she does but I assume she works right yeah oh yeah no she works okay maybe we should give her a little bit of extra flesh just in case she gets hungry you know there you go oh what's going on I threw that little guy in there and he hasn't what what the heck he's supposed to turn into a real guy what's going on nice oh there what the what the heck was that all about oh look he's doing it again he's getting stuck in the blanket what is that oh it's ribs oh that's good yeah yeah my plan to feed didn't actually work out I thought she might want a living creature to gobble up but apparently she likes it uh she likes it pre-cut okay please stop talking and eat the ribs yeah cover her up with the blanket I'm sick of looking at her I think everything's fine here this is good she's got a house missing a few floorboards a couple dead people under the floorboards but really I mean in this housing market what can you expect I guess we should go inside yeah nope is that oh my God I thought I heard police noises hey officers what's going on troll the police are here troll they say they're looking for a weird creature snuck out of a lab an evil scientist lab funded by the government they're saying it what's that they're saying something about not overfeeding it but not also not under feeding it right yeah also not under feeding it it grows really fast or something like that hmm uh that's a little concerning oh oh my God she's huge troll she's uh she's outgrowing the house what what is this guy doing troll do you not hear me out here I'm like yelling at you troll are you oh my God are you playing old school RuneScape troll you know have you seen the after school specials soon your wife will leave you and and your kid won't respect you oh don't punch me troll stop playing old school RuneScape okay we need we need you to come out here and talk to the police your uh dumpster baby is outgrown its container its situation is dire I think we gotta just not feed it or what was that something about not overfeeding it but not under feeding it oh what are you doing did you follow you oh what the police are gone troll I honestly we don't have time for this we gotta deal with the monster and oh my God they're all in here watching you play old school RuneScape oh my God why are they so into it many hours later all right nobody go in there for a little bit hey are you guys still oh my God you're still playing RuneScape what did you why are you dancing has anybody been looking after the creature you know the one outside that we're not supposed to over feed or under feed have you guys just been sitting here playing RuneScape okay one sec I'm gonna go check on this thing just been going to the bathroom for like three days straight it's been hard uh it's all that Chinese food we ate it's uh oh oh God troll something went wrong it's expired I think it's gone bad it doesn't look good man oh it looks rancid you haven't been feeding it have you the monster you haven't been feeding it also it hasn't even taken its car out once I don't know how they're gonna pay rent you know they're not working maybe if we hit it with the car nope oh my God it's on the Move troll it's on the move you gotta go hit it hit the gas yeah you just you missed you had missed everything you went right under it where's it trying to go oh it's trying to get out of here all the cops aren't gonna like that yeah hit it with the car here let's bring it back around to the cops officers oh there they are they are on high alert here what if I bring them out one by one get them officer oh oh my God these shoes just slam dunked him back in the house she killed your wife with them even holy crap that was cool all right let's go one by one like an old kung Fu film everybody attacks slowly oh oh now you're just busting up her house yeah she's not gonna like that oh she just punched up the police officer I'm gonna get another one yeah yeah get out there oh she's going for the magic man oh she just high-fived him to death oh he she just high-fived him to death too maybe you'll kill her maybe you'll be the one oh troll nice that was a direct hit nope she killed all the police officers This Guy's in downward dog right now yeah this isn't word control and honestly I oh what the did you just throw the car troll yeah okay yeah you know what they say once the car's out of gas it's pretty much done oh oh Joel I don't like the way she's moving towards you troll troll I think she's coming for you oh man you should have just left some water out for her man you just this is what happens when you play too much RuneScape not feeding it made it like this now I wonder if we just keep not feeding it if if it'll just shrivel up and die oh but I don't think we have time for that oh God let me get inside what's troll doing oh he's guiding her away with big ice cream that's good what is that like 10 gallons of ice cream she really wants it man she really wants it there you go yeah oh oh she's wow she's back to her good old self except she's still trying to kill me it's only made her stronger yeah no that was a bad idea we should have we should have done the opposite and not given her food uh but now I think our only choice is just keep giving her food troll I'm gonna need you to get some more ice cream just start dumping a bunch of it out yeah yeah keep giving it to her oh yeah oh the ice cream's working yep oh my God it really is she's huge now oh we gotta keep making that stomach bigger until she she explodes that's what we're gonna do we're gonna feed her until she pops like a balloon those are all McDonald's cheeseburgers yeah that's going yeah big ones there you go super smart troll I'm just gonna start throwing a matter here comes the Happy Meal oh my god oh she's so big now what is that oh a Kinder Surprise the surprise is death give it to her quickly put it in her gullet oh what though oh my God she just exploded troll she she literally just blew up oh my God where I feel really bad about that honestly I'm I'm kind of I feel so bad that I'm actually dying right now of regret but you know what she was on a murderous Rampage so I think that God will let it slide you oh you want to split a giant ice cream oh yeah welcome back to some more Gmod Sims today Troll And I try and break into Lego Shaggy's troll proof safe only to find out the person in there is not at all who we expected man what is going on over here Shaggy's house is completely different he's upgraded and it seems like there was some kind of War outside there's just like there's bullet holes and ashes on the ground troll were you a part of this at all are you just humping your table we just cleaned that table troll where are you going what has gotten into him today he normally is like doing other weird stuff he's doing new weird stuff today he's switching up the kind of weird that he's doing troll come take a look at this yeah it's Shaggy's house you know how normally he has a very destructible house but right now he upgraded into like some sort of Mega safe this is like the safe a casino has built underground where they keep all the winnings oh there's a sign oh it says no trolls he would have been okay if he just didn't write that sign yep all right here we go now trolls gonna be determined you can't tell him no it just makes him want to do it it's reverse psychology Shaggy you fool maybe Shaggy was prepared though when he wrote that sign it seems pretty uh pretty sturdy here I think we're gonna have to try something more serious here I don't know do you got a welder or something should we go ask magic man yeah let's go ask him hey uh uh okay that was seemed unnecessary but you know if you want a job done right you gotta do it yourself that's what they say right whoa whoa what did you just spawn in oh it's like not even a full full guy it's not even a real is he good is he gonna give me a hug oh he slapped me he just slapped me in the face do you control him he's trying to slap you too wow maybe if you discombobulate him it'll sort him out okay I accidentally just killed him okay can you program them better hold on I'm gonna shake them around a little bit yeah maybe reprogram this to not kill us it can kill other stuff just not us oh you've got another one in okay well this one seems much more docile what did you upload depression into this one or something what is he oh well now he's mad you can't okay we gotta put this one down too just don't attack them okay there he is now he's still just as sad as the last one huh okay we'll wait here hold on let's go ahead and bring him over to uh for the old safe here God he looks so sad he's like do I really have to do I have to open the thing God he just looks like his wife just left him took the kids yeah shove them in oh oh he's transparent he's ghostly he can just go through okay now that you're in there pull the switch that opens the door oh oh my God he opened the door wow good job buddy Lego Shaggy come out with your hands up all right we know you're in there I don't know why I'm acting like this is up this is like a hostage situation actually we can just go in Shaggy there's no Shaggy in here no oh what is that oh my God it's a big oh well it's not that scary actually it's kind of cute it's like a cymbal monkey except a bunny that must be a stuffed animal that shaggy bought for his kid or something yeah you're right leave no Witnesses I like how he just kind of got jammed behind everything too to the back rooms with him so yeah this is weird this is is do you think Lego Shaggy's in there is this like a mascot suit why is the seat so high can I sit in that like a oh wow I feel like I'm sitting at the big kid table ah this is really cool oh troll what are you doing hold on oh oh God I spawned outside hold on come coming troll what have you done are you shooting it you don't want to do that where are you okay I thought you shot it oh my god oh now you've done it he's free oh ow hello bun bun oh geez bunzo is that your name you look like a bunzo cause your funza oh just kidding it's just kidding he's killing he's a killer I think I saw him on the news actually now that I think about this killer on the loose big bunny big symbol hands God it should have been obvious when I saw him just didn't connect the dots until now this is kind of like a Benny Hill moment with you running around chasing you around I'm starting to think that this thing actually killed Shaggy God what do we do maybe spawn in an army of these guys yeah okay oh yeah yeah get the panel get the panel let's go let's spawn in an army of them oh oh my god oh they're loose ow ow not me you idiots The Bunny The Big freaking symbol rabbit kill it yeah there we go no oh no they're they're working together troll what do we do yeah that's that's a good idea use a big gun yeah get him why are they on there side I don't get it you know it's really disrespectful all that time we put into making them useless useless pieces of them oh you got me but it's okay buddy just keep mowing them down God it's one thing after the other all right we gotta put this bunny down and I know just how we're gonna do it how to remove big bunny problems now we'll just wait for that to compute in a couple hours here and we'll just do whatever prints out in the meantime well we can't seem to go anywhere do you want to play uh your foot my foot your foot my foot ow you win I hate this game a few hours later oh oh what oh wow it printed out a whole book yeah okay like I'm gonna read that troll do you got any other ideas I'm just not gonna I honestly I'm not gonna read that book uh I'm sure the answer's in there somewhere but uh no that's just gonna take too long I don't think I I feel like the bunny might breach the door in that amount of time I don't know maybe call somebody one of your friends troll oh it's Elmer Fudd with a big Glock wow that's really good because he kills rabbits he kills Bugs Bunny that's his whole deal okay cool can we take him over to the Magic Man uh his dead body and have him clone him make a bunch of Elmer fuds and maybe we can win okay yeah let's take him over there here we go magic man and his beloved device which is now crushing him um go ahead and just pop plug in the numbers there and let's duplicate this guy oh wow why are they all doing that wow they look so serious though they look really serious they came here to kill man now let's let him do it oh yeah here we go oh wait why are they shooting I think they I think they went bad I think they expired oh no they're killing them they're killing them though yeah yeah get him get the bunny hold on I'm gonna hold them over there give me your bunny get over here let the rabbit Killers do their job there we go now a couple hours of this and uh it seems like they accidentally killed some of each other I probably shouldn't disappoint them at each other whoa whoa okay come on guys now chill out put the rest of the floods down guess you could call them Elmer Duds am I right yeah good got you laughing that's what it's all about sometimes you gotta forget about the killer rabbits and all that stuff you know sometimes you gotta just relax yeah cool well I'd say we did it unless that bunny laid eggs you don't think okay so probably if I look to my left there's not gonna be a ton of them right okay here I go oh wait that was right okay now I'll look the other direction and oh no oh they've made babies look at them ew they're so tiny oh we gotta stomp on them you got your stomping boots what did you just do you're shooting something at it oh whoa you just cleaned that one up dude oh now you made him angry though look at them all they're so tiny ew oh oh my God it's like rats it's like we have a rat problem yeah just keep shooting them with that big gun of yours uh we're gonna need more Elmer fuds for this oh geez oh God oh God they kill you like a big rabbit though don't they oh I just hear some symbols crashing I think that's them dying troll you're getting them where are you buddy all right troll uh I'll hold it while you shoot it probably pretty it seems like Overkill I'm gonna be honest oh my God you got it man wow that was crazy we are really getting this thing cleaned up just a couple more and I'm sure we're gonna be good and uh oh oh what the Lego Shaggy LEGO portal girl is it is are these your rabbits now I'm kind of confused they're like one big happy family I don't know what happened says troll what what happened to the rest of them we'll never know you have a lovely family let me tell you a beautiful family weird little cymbal rabbits straw we should go home um yeah let's just clean clean this up oh you're trying to rebuild them a home ah boom look at that wow it's like your whole house didn't explode it's like uh we did it's like we didn't kill uh members of your uh possible family adopted family clearly oh maybe that's what the book said maybe that's maybe we should have read the book yeah probably should have read the book on that one but hey you know how it goes right do you troll what are you doing why are you looking at me like welcome back to an extra spooky version of Gmod Sims that's right today there's a killer on the loose and Troll and I are gonna catch him Scooby-Doo style or or maybe he'll catch us somebody's gonna get caught oh my God troll there's breaking news on the screen it's breaking across the screen oh no three four five homicides the ticker's counting up he's killing them as we're watching this there's a killer on the loose troll the homicide ticker is counting that's that's bad that means like oh my God what is that oh my God is that the kid is that the killer were they coming for us next hold on oh my God I think that was completely unrelated to the killer I think that was just a duck oh it is duck season Troy you taking that inside oh my God wait what did you just did you just take the soul out is that the soul you like pulled it out of the one that was already there are you mounting it on your wall oh it's like you're hunting prize is that what it is yeah it's duck season it's duck hunting season so okay wow I've already completely forgotten about the fact that there's a murderer on the loose well we should probably do something barricade the house before another duck gets in or even worse a murderer what are you doing are you hiding under your bed again oh my God yeah yeah okay if a murderer shows up I'll tell them you're not here I better put the door back on it's covered in Duck guts which apparently are yellow and green you never maybe it was an alien duck I think we we better go out looking for clues or something you know like Scooby-Doo style and try and try and really pinpoint down what this killer is all about what he wants who he is you know you look different come on troll let's go find some Clues stores kind of working so that's good it's it's it's almost right yeah smack that door all right let's go find some Clues but uh do you want to snit yes to start sniffing sniff out some Clues troll you picking up a scent you got a cent because uh I just looked over here and there's a car accident maybe that has something to do with it there there's a bunch of people dead over here is what I'm saying no you don't think okay well then you keep sniffing truly it has something to do with this but I think it's best we let troll play this out you know it's best to let him think that he's figuring it all out you know and if it takes him a little longer to get there you know at least he's having a good time it looks like we're getting it looks like we're getting over there yeah okay here he comes wait oh troll you found it you think that has something to do with it yeah okay cool that's what that was my initial thought as well it's something suspicious about this they're they have a really nice car how did it just all of a sudden flip and kill three of them also there's only two seats in this car it's a sport car I don't understand oh look at that there are knives in the road somebody put down knives to pop their tires you got yeah okay nice don't ow don't those are sharp but we should take this over to the Magic Man and get it inspected and and and uh look for fingerprints all right uh oh wait hold on sorry I actually uh I have them in my pocket here there he is I forgot I carry him around with me sometimes now um did you just kill him and his identical twin that lives inside of him that was really rude of you to do that it's okay though we don't need him we just need the machine there we go all right let's see if we get a match oh it made a ding I don't know what that means is that like a match found or something oh look at that it's a it's a photo of him it just popped it up he looks really ugly the question is where are we gonna find him yeah yeah put that away I was thinking that too is pretty ugly huh we better go find this guy oh there he is it's the one from the picture he's right conveniently already here yeah I think yeah we don't have to look for any more clues imagine how hard it is to actually just hunt somebody down based off like a hunch you know what's your name sir not a talker huh strong silent type with the big claw hands huh ew look at them they're like all red it's like he's getting it's like it's like he stubbed them or something it's really gross also it looks like he scraped his knees maybe he's just looking for a compassionate mother oh or maybe he's looking for an AK that could be it maybe a few rounds to the chest I'll teach him go ahead okay that's oh it provoked them oh what the f oh my God he ripped me limb from limb oh no he's getting trolled now oh God that's so much blood it's so much oh man no wonder why his kill count was going up so fast okay troll come on get in the house get in quickly oh oh God I'm gonna shut the door oh no he's good he's stuck on the door oh he got it oh my God he got oh my God he figured out how to get in oh wow oh he just looked at the duck I wonder if the duck has some kind of significance yeah pull him out of here maybe we throw out the duck no the duck head didn't have anything to do with it hold on I've got an idea I'm gonna ride out of here on my bicycle here troll open the door actually wait I'm kind of scared oh so I shouldn't have had you open the door now that I think about it there's no way I'm going out that way okay the door's open yeah go go yes oh wait the door still up you just killed me with the bike here hold on I've got you I'm gonna get you started kind of like training wheels I'm just gonna oh [ __ ] oh geez I'm sorry I'm trying to No Control oh he's not he's on his way there you go troll Roger bicycle out of here tell the tell the others we found the murderer we found him go get the news go get the police oh troll you're back and you brought uh you brought the news and the police wow well done you know word's finally gonna get out the killer he's the one on the loose he's here he doesn't believe me he just looked at you yeah he's here the one from the news the one killing everybody stop looking at him I'm the one talking to you all right okay listen I say oh no there he dude the Cup's running oh no oh nuts wait he's not attacking us we fed him we brought him where are you troll oh there you are he's not attacking us because we're feeding him he sees us as a good food source because we'll keep on bringing you know the cops in the news so go get go get more news get more cops oh that's a lot of that's a lot of cops and news guys wow I don't know where they make these in a factory or something you just getting them down the road okay well maybe we should bring the dinner bell oh wait oh they're running oh he's over there oh they saw him and they took off running yeah I would too where are they going they're trying to get in our house Hey listen guys this is our house all right you are a food source stop it oh here he comes very nice it's not pretty but you know it's working okay there's still some food left here uh Mr Mr murderer okay what is that noise what is that insatiable hunger noise like the sound of zombies oh my God what is that there's an army of the Dead oh my God I bet I know what it is it's all his past victims it's all his victims you're shooting the guys that aren't zombies yeah shoot those guys look at them all it's all his victims it's Mickey Mouse twice it's uh it's there's a troll looking guy out there oh my gosh oh it's disgusting come here oh my God they got Brock no sorry Brock I'm gonna have to Bonk you don't get my way troll I'm bonking here yeah you like that oh my God they just keep coming oh it's evil Brock now oh troll where are you they've got the numbers on us this isn't even the root of the problem troll we gotta oh we gotta get rid of this guy who's killing all these people and making them into zombies I don't even know where he is he's probably got some kind of layer or something like that some kind of Evil Base that he set up or maybe some like hole in the ground that he's dug oh oh it's a Chili's oh do you think that he's operating out of a Chili's oh it's dastardly it's just like an evil villain to do something like that yeah I think so too okay come on let's go check it out hey hey ah there he is Hey listen listen I know you want to just operate your business here you know I I understand what you're doing now I get it all right you're going around you're killing people you're turning them into zombies so that you can get some free labor here at your franchise of Chili's honestly it's admirable it's admirable work it it really is you know you're doing a great job we just can't have this in our neighborhood right troll tell them troll it's nothing against you uh we just don't like Chili's really not that great you know if we're gonna have a restaurant you know we can probably get something else like I don't know what's better than Chili's Olive Garden we're gonna have to bring you out of the building troll put a bomb in it oh yeah there you go and and let that be a lesson to you oh he looks really sad it's like oh my God my chilies well now I kind of feel bad Bill a little bad but he was eating people so you know I I do feel like like he kind of had it coming yeah you think that's fair all right listen we're gonna call it even okay we destroyed your chilies you killed a lot of people
Channel: Mr.Gibbs
Views: 452,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trollge Sims in Gmod 10 (FULL MOVIE)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 45sec (3765 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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