Trollge Sims in Gmod (FULL MOVIE)

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welcome to the show it's me Mr Gibbs here's my gun bang bang that's gun for leave a like And subscribe guys big news I've got a Sims World in Gary's Mod that's right an actual Sims he does his own thing he has his own thoughts I don't know he might try and overthrow the government let's go and check him out here he is uh he's just standing here I actually have his Thinking Off My Sims is actually a trolled I thought that would be funny because we're going to actually flip the script on him we are going to troll him and terrorize our Sim as you do right that's the whole point of Sims right is that right I don't know let's go ahead and let him loose I'm gonna go ahead and turn on his thinking guys and we're just gonna see what he does in his new home here he goes okay thinking is on and oh okay he's looking around he's literally just been born pretty much I don't think he can see me I I don't I I'm kind of like a a spectral being in this he's looking around he's looking at the tree why is he looking at the tree um I think he's I I think he's trying to be the tree or maybe it's a mating ritual I think he's confused about what he is okay he's humping the tree he's not he's actually humping the I how do I stop him oh okay he's done I think he's learned that he's actually not a tree he's going inside oh okay okay he's exploring his surroundings oh okay I think he just turned the TV on he's laughing he's watching TV I got what is he watching hold on [Music] um he's literally just watching some weird stuff on TV guys I'm very worried about our our trolls here I don't know if he's normal he's jumping on the couch now we might have gotten a broken one guys I think we gotta change up his environment a little bit I think he I honestly think he's too happy but if we just deleted all the stuff in his house why he's picking up the fridge what is he doing okay hold on hold on I'm I'm getting rid of all his stuff three two one clean up he's very confused he's running around the house wait there's a crowbar down there oh no he's gonna pick it he picked up the Crowbar he's got the Crowbar I don't know where did that come from he's beating up the house now um okay uh oh oh there's a front door on and I actually don't I think it's locked oh yeah the door is locked so he's he's stuck in here okay yeah he's panicking he's freaking out I'm gonna I'm gonna put down some resources over here for him to like Farm I wonder if that will work so we've got some rocks over here and we've got I'm gonna put some tree she's a tree over here this way he'll be able to use his resources to build once you get wait where is he oh he's trying to break out of the window okay guys I'll I'm gonna remove the front door for him to let him out hold on okay the front door is off let's see oh oh he see I think he sees it yep okay he he realizes it he is now outside okay he's looking around and okay he's found the resources yeah he's he's farming because he's doing it Minecraft style he's farming the resources he's gonna be able to start a new life here and while he's doing that I'm Gonna Fill his house with chickens these chickens look angry um so hopefully he'll be okay in here oh he's actually broken pieces off of the rock he's bringing the Rock in his house I think he's pleased with himself I think that's what he oh okay he's trying to fit the Rock and he did it he did it he's like not taking any okay he noticed the chickens he's he's noticing the chickens oh God the chickens are attacking him guys he's trying to kill the chickens you got to get in another room trolls go hide go get out of there get out of there okay oh okay he's back on the Rocks now I think he might be trying to craft something maybe like a stone sword or something could be oh no he crafted a gun I I don't know he's going nuts guys that's it for these chickens man he's getting the chickens oh the oh we got the chicken jeez oh my God what is how did he make a gun wow oh and look at how pleased he is with himself guys I think he learned a new emotion and that's called bloodlust oh he's cheering about it I really I I think I messed up guys I shouldn't have I shouldn't have put that chicken down let's let him continue going about his his thing here I think he was trying to make a rock couch um and in the meantime let me see if I can find him a wife the trolls are oh yeah the trolls trolls are all evil we could give him a child to look after there's nobody he's still being chased by another chicken he can't get this chicken I think that's a that's a high level chicken right there so that must be the problem he's really go the chicken's coming for me hey hold on I'm God in this situation chicken maybe I should oh oh thank God he got the chicken he's like phew he's yeah he's exhausted from chasing that chicken okay he's going back about his day that's good okay let's go ahead and spawn in a baby and just see I you know I I kind of want to just see like his mannerisms his nurture it if he's nurturing if he's parental at all so we're gonna see what he does with that when he gets back um he's just looking at a rock right now oh he's is he really gonna try that that rock is not gonna fit in your house Troll he's trying to put the biggest rock in that he's not very smart okay he's throwing it okay he just dunked it in his house and now he's okay he's partying again this guy's really weird man oh wait I think he sees the child does he no he doesn't see the child oh now he sees the child oh okay is he is he gonna become his father he's approaching it slowly what is he doing he's dancing he's doing the robot okay now he's waving at it okay I think they are becoming friends maybe oh he's bowing he's bowing to the the baby troll okay this is a good sign guys I think that you know I was worried with the whole chicken thing he's putting the Rock in his bedroom oh I see that's his Rock bed he's gonna sleep on that he's now putting the baby in the room oh it's a crib it's the he's putting the putting the baby I think he's getting frustrated with the baby because it's not staying in its room oh okay okay it's good it's playing in the corner I don't know what he's gonna do here he's really gonna have to step up his game because he doesn't even have a kitchen he's okay yeah he's realizing now that there's another chicken in the house I think he's got it I think okay he killed the chicken very good that was a close one uh there's all there's just a lot of blood in his house he's really gonna need to get some sort of maid service in here uh maybe if I spawn in a person for him to like just interact with I wonder how that would go oh he's bringing the trash in his house why is he bringing the trash inside oh my God he's trying to throw the baby out he's he's putting the baby in the trash can right now I I guys okay I I need to put somebody in here that's maybe gonna help him out like get his get his mind off him what if I just put in like a regular person what about a clone of me oh yeah there's just a me clone right there I'm gonna ring his doorbell so he so he comes outside all right okay does he notice that I'm okay he notices that I'm outside yes he's very cautious of me he does not trust oh right because I'm a chicken oh my God all the chickens just attacked him this probably isn't gonna end well for my clone oh he's he's saying no he's he's shaking his head at me he's trying to scare me off trying to get rid of me but he's scared okay okay I'm gonna get rid of me I'm gonna get rid of me I think he feels better now or maybe he's confused as to why I just vanished Into Thin Air I don't know you know it's things like this oh my God yeah I think he's convinced that he's like an alpha male or something for being able to scare off that guy um let's put somebody else in somebody that's not a chicken I I just really wasn't thinking there was I okay let's put in a refugee okay there we go just a regular guy I'm just gonna put him inside what if this is just his roommate okay so he's he oh my God he's going back to trying to put the baby in the trash can you don't need to put the baby in the trash can for I'm taking the trash can I'm taking it away from him he's very confused as to what happened to the trash can no more trash can for you I have to take it away from him so that he'll learn okay oh oh he's scared of the person that's in his house yeah I I didn't really think about that it's kind of just he's kind of just an intruder um oh okay they're scared of each other you know we're just learning Behavior here that's what it is oh he's waving okay oh he's picking him up oh he's putting it he's putting him on the couch she's treating him to the couch wow that's so nice he needs to go make a TV so that they can watch stuff together I that might actually be what he's doing right now oh what should I do I I oh my god did he just he just made like an antique television you're not gonna be able to fit that in the door this is this guy's just ridiculous man it's it's like he's never played that game you know when you're a kid and you try and fit this the the cubes into the holes and like he clearly doesn't understand nope he just tried to Ram it in where'd it go it's just it's over here hold on I'm gonna put it in for him all right there we go it's just in the house oh it scared him uh you almost knocked your buddy off the couch there I gotta put somebody in here so he's got he's got him roommate he's got a baby he's got a child which he's tried to throw out repeatedly I feel like I should put like an enemy outside you know like maybe they I have Jeff the Killer here what if I gave him a gun they're just oh well I accidentally spawned him on the building oh no he's killing his roommate trolls turn around oh my God but he's dead oh my God he's lighting him up he's lighting them up I don't even know where he's gotten all these guns from I think that oh he got him already shoved him off the roof oh and now he's beating the crap out of his dead body he's shooting it some more he's teabagging his body this troll just vengeful man he is really he is really vengeful now he's laughing at him oh my God that's pretty sick oh God he's now he's mourning his friend he's mourning his dead friend he says why God what is he gonna do oh he's trying to give him mouth to mouth I think oh but he hasn't taken the necessary courses yet so he his oh we know we know never mind he's trying to smush him with the rock this is just a bloody mess in here did you expect this because I I did not I did not see this coming oh what if the cops showed up what would he do I think he's coming in to investigate the seat hold on I'm gonna push him inside oh trolls is acting very nonchalant like like he didn't do anything oh he's waving to the police officer he says nothing to see here all of a sudden he can literally see the body oh he's saluting the the police officer okay don't be too much now don't ham it up okay he's oh oh don't oh my God you're gonna expose the hand there he's gonna have to do something here maybe I can help him out somehow guys I I don't know like if I spawn something that'll kill the cop I don't know if that's a good idea if I can get trolls to go into the other room or if I can get this the the police officer maybe hmm oh God I I don't know what to do he's oh oh my God I just shot the troll oh my god oh he shot he thought it was the cop that shot him guys I screwed up big time oh my God and now he's I think he's having a panic attack okay he's going in to check on his baby he's trying to explain to his child that he didn't kill the police officer oh my God this is horrible it is all my fault I feel so responsible oh he's putting a door on the child's room oh so the child doesn't have to see so he doesn't have to see the mess now he's got two bodies here bad he doesn't know what to do guys I I don't know how he's gonna do this he's re I like maybe he can bury them wait what is that is that a that button says fire he just pushed the button oh my God he's got a flamethrower he's literally lighting them on fire also there's Minecraft fire in there okay there you go good idea man great idea all right I think that's gonna work he's cheering for himself you did it man you did a great job so one body's gone but some things I think something's like glitched about this body oh he's just gonna he's gonna put the trash can on him he's yup uh and okay wow no one will ever notice and he's dancing about it God this troll just so cocky guys I still want to know when that fire button got there I don't remember that being there I guess it's time to clean up a little bit maybe no you just okay he's just putting the couch back oh because he can let the baby out now I think that baby's honestly going to starve if he doesn't feed it soon so he's really gonna need to whip up a kitchen maybe I should put a kitchen down for him ah there's a stove okay just don't cook the baby okay oh yeah he's taken to it pretty well I think he's pretty happy about it okay he's going to the he's going to the yeah I gotta put a fridge down for him that way okay there we go nice okay he's doing it guys he really is oh my God he made one slice of birthday cake how did he do that I've never I didn't know you could just make one slice he's oh it's it's the baby's birthday they're dancing together look they're both dancing I don't think I like uh troll just being a single dad I I think he needs a lover um what if we just put what if we put one in right here Derpina she might be a little little crazy huh but crazy for him that I I think this is gonna be nice oh he sees her is it Love at First Sight oh my God he's approaching I watch out for her little dagger there oh he's waving okay this is going well uh-huh approach okay maybe if he does a little dance for her he really should have tidied up a bit before he got here oh yeah he's doing it he's doing the sexy dance yeah there it is okay now we're talking I This is Love at First Sight she's smiling I think oh my god oh no now he's gesturing her to come to the bedroom oh God uh welcome to the show it's me Mr Gibbs here's my gun bang bang that's gun for subscribe and leave a like for some more Sims videos guys we are back in our Sims World you can see my troll right there he's laughing he's watching the TV and I just surrounded him by the US Armed Forces that's right they're here they're gonna try and put an end to him you can see his child is here uh in his beautiful wife the wife I had in here for him before I put in Derpina but she's actually hostile so she tried to kill him so instead I spawned in another one of him and I put hair on it so far he has he has not been able to tell the difference also I got some new furniture you like this we've got uh we've got a new stove in here a brand new bed let's go ahead and have the military knock down his door I should probably actually put in something for him I'll just park a car in the driveway he needs a fighting chance so uh what What's this the rap mobile oh yeah this works good I wonder if he's gonna know how to operate this thing that's a lot of missiles okay yeah let's go ahead and just open up his door here and the military oh wait I hear them screaming okay they're ready to invade the house what's going on I think they're throwing grenades oh they're jolts is out here oh God I'm getting shot at oh my God they're shooting me stop okay the troll is he's in the vehicle now God mode is effectively working for me where's our guy where is he his wife's looking out the window she's got her hair on backwards where's our guy where is he oh he's over there like it's hard to see in the fog oh oh he's getting him oh my God he lost a wheel oh no this is not good where'd the wheel go oh he got his wheel back oh my God he's just plowing through him oh no oh God he blew up is he okay okay oh he's he's okay are you gonna try and repair that or something okay he's scared he's cowering in fear that's a good tactic I would use it as well how's his wife doing she's okay how's the kid she still hasn't figured out her whole hair thing the kid's fine just chilling here I'm gonna put the baby in the bedroom just in case because I would feel terrible if the Armed Forces uh you know killed his family maybe I should do something here where'd he go oh I I've lost him oh he's over there okay um he's got a gun oh maybe I can do him one better guys I think I have a portal gun I do have a portal gun what if I gave him a portal gun here you go okay he just got it in his hands now you got this yep okay there you go left and right that's how you you spawn different port there you go he's a quick learner man he really is unless he's about to oh God he just got himself infinitely stuck in the portal oh okay he's out he's out you just gotta he why'd you go back in he's dancing he's dancing in the pool oh there there we go you've okay he's dead they're dead he's reload he's smacking them now God this troll is really vengeful he successfully defended his family and look his loving wife is in here ready to welcome him back with open arms and now he's got a portal gun and I can't get that back from him so I I really hope that that oh God okay now he's he's feeling really good about himself after his victory here and I think he's trying to seduce his wife well I'm happy for them he's he's gesturing her okay he's trying to I think he's trying to woohoo right now I'll go ahead and put no now he's watching TV okay he's quick he quickly forgot about trying to have sex with his wife I'm kind of nervous about him having the portal gun maybe since he's feeling so big about himself and so great maybe I should uh oh he's he's cooking do I have a shrink gun I think I have a shrink gun yes okay I have a shrink gun let's go ahead and just hit him with this and see what happens oh okay it's working now what is he thinking does he think everything just got bigger that he got small why look at his crowbar ends of his curl bar is still big it looks like a balloon okay go see your wife guy go see if she thinks oh wait she's gonna think he's the baby maybe the baby maybe maybe we should make his baby big okay she's looking at him oh he's oh he's doing the sexy dance again oh he's going to check on his kid his kids are actually terrifyingly big compared to him he's really big his kid could kill him oh God he pulled out a gun does he realize that it's his kid I oh he's trying to scare it away I feel bad I'm gonna make him big can I can I resize him okay here it is the grow Ray that's what I need there we go now hopefully he doesn't get too big oh my God no that was not what I meant to do why can he jump so high oh God why isn't there an in the middle Ray I only have a grow Ray and a shrink ray how do I make him back to normal his wife is wearing her hair backwards again he's doing the sexy dance again God why every time with this guy that's not a good sight oh well at least now he sees his kid as normal size what can I do here I'm sure he's disturbing his wife here who is just trying to peacefully watch TV on the screen that just says obey maybe I should fill his house with TNT oh now his crowbar has the opposite problem it's what is he doing is he trying to hack down the tree he's cutting okay he's cutting down the tree for more resources oh I forgot to put resources down for him I should probably do that I put some Stone down for him and I'll just put down one tree for him apparently he needs that I'm really interested to see what he's trying to craft oh he just made Lumber is he trying to build a roof or a bigger house maybe he's trying to build a bigger house guys I think he's building another house maybe because he's so big he needs more space I'm Gonna Fill his house with TNT and let's see if that gets his attention I really don't want to kill his wife but if that happens you know um it happens now this is going to be an issue I can see that I can see the issue for him here I kind of feel bad about it a little bit what's going uh oh all right that was slightly too much TNT I think that's plenty I think that this would be enough to cause problems for him and his family she doesn't quite get it she's not a thinker like him though that's what I like about him uh I'll also I have to figure out how to get him back to normal size I think he's mad at the wood he was unable to construct a house and now he's mad at the wood it's not the woods fault oh he but he thinks it is there's got to be a way to get him back to normal if I shrink him again okay now he's getting shrunk oh okay oh yeah okay so if I just pass him back and forth enough they'll shrink and grow eventually he levels out here he does seem to notice I think he's comparing his size to the man on the ground the dead bodies or no what what is he now he's putting the trash can on them what is this guy in the trash can there he goes he's throwing them out you don't even have a big enough trash can for all these bodies I just move on he still hasn't noticed that I filled his house with literally Dynamite here explosives the Garry's Mod equivalent of TNT which is just flammable barrels oh where's okay he does notice oh good now now we gotta see if he uses his brain he actually does have a tool in which he can get rid of the dynamite and we're just gonna see okay he pulled out a gun that's not the one I wish I could tell him no that's also not the tool there's a different tool you there's a troll there's a different tool one I gave you earlier there oh there you go oh he's a genius guys he's a little he's he really is he's a genius um now if you can just oh oh be careful okay he's got he what what is he doing he's now on the barrel this okay he's trying to get his life out of the house oh that's so sweet okay guys I'm pulling his wife through I'm doing I'm doing him a favor here just to get her out her she left her hair behind though I'm gonna grab that too okay and now I guess he's just gotta tuck the barrels away tuck him in here I don't know how this is gonna work hopefully his wife doesn't get blown up up over here okay oh he's putting him in the same portal as his okay oh the couch is coming through now hold on they're oh geez they're flying through um I've got to help him out here oh geez oh the couch is out this is weird this is weird there's there's another one he's really doing it the couch is back here I've got a I've got oh God [Laughter] his mission success what about his child oh his child's alive but the the house is burning he's got to get him out where is he oh he's coming okay save your child oh he's got a squirt gun he's trying he's putting out the fire oh he did it wow what a guy he really figured it out you know I don't give him enough credit I don't think that uh that explosion was pretty rough though it's amazing that he uh it's amazing that his child survived oh there's a few explosive barrels left but they seem to be far enough away um hold on let me fix let me fix this what's what's her name you think oh oh God oh God I gotta put the hair back on before he notices okay he didn't notice good oh this isn't right it's just it's completely normal it's a woman it's a woman he's laughing at her oh silly wife your hair just fell off for a second classic my wife hair falling off all the time oh his kid's running away okay oh man maybe I need oh guys should we make the kid grow up I think we gotta make the kid grow up hold on I'm gonna do this okay there we go he's all grown up and he's happy about it he even brought balloons to celebrate his kids growing up oh he noticed his kid grew up and he's happy about it he's really happy about it look at him jump he's dancing what's the next step for for the the child then I don't I don't really know where where he's gonna go from here what is this what in the world is that he just bought him a bookshelf he bought him books that's really good yeah that yeah oh okay yeah oh he's climbing the books oh I get it he's trying to make him learn he's trying to make him smarter so that he can grow up and go to college it appears that he climbed he mounted the Bookshop so maybe that means he's smarter now that's even more books he keeps trying to get him books he's got plenty of books man he's he can climb walls that's new this kid needs to stop trying to run into the street um what is it wait what did they do they always have a mailbox did he build a mailbox or was that mailbox there I don't remember I think he got mail I think guys I think this is the kids college acceptance letter hold on yep he got in he got he got accepted to college wow he just threw it up in the air you might you might want that he's so happy for his kid let's bring life on over who should probably give her a name they're all so happy for him how are they gonna get him to college though I don't even know where where it would be I don't think they know where it would be what in the world is this I think he's building something again guys he's building a car to take his child to college this is really good wow I'm so proud of him he's a real thinker come on over here and see your new car guy oh what the what wow that's actually not that bad I mean it's a piece of junk but like it's not that bad well he's got a car for his kid to go to college and now what if I would it be would it be totally horrible of me guys to just um give the car mad car disease oh the car's driving back the car's just leaving look out look oh my God it almost killed him it almost killed him he's shooting the car now oh the car's trying to hit him again oh he's is really playing it close with this car here you gotta get out of here man you got to get out of here save your wife save your family he's he's gesturing to it he's saying bring it on to the car I think he's actually accepting the challenge oh he's doing it no oh my God it hit him oh are you okay oh oh he's fine okay he just sprung back into action um jeez this guy's really resilient it's like he's made of rubber or something oh he's shooting the car okay oh we don't kill your wife in the crossfire guy oh he's he is smashing the car it's actually working I think okay he threw it off in the distance it looks like it's dead it's not moving anymore okay he beat it into submission it's actually working again I didn't think that you could actually do that but now he's ready to take it on he's ready to take it to College don't run your wife over he's putting the books in the car ah yeah those are some heavy books oh my God um well the the the cars broke but look you still got your college acceptance letter so I'll just tuck that inside for you um you're gonna need a new what is he he's doing the sexy dance again why is he doing the sexy dance again welcome to the show it's me Mr Gibbs here's my gun bang bang that's gun for leave a like And subscribe guys we're back with some more Sims look at this we're in our Sims World everything is peaceful except wait Juniors just got back from college but there's a sniper in the bushes what are we gonna do what's our trolls gonna do I don't know he's actually inside just watching TV he doesn't know and look oh I actually got a side note I managed to put his wife in here and she's much more convincing now there's a problem outside trolls how do I get him to go outside maybe if I were to like bait him out with some cake there's a slice of cake does he see I'm gonna make a trail of cake oh he sees the cake he's eating the cake very good yeah yeah okay okay he sees what's going on here oh okay he notices the sniper in the bushes Incognito guys wow so sneaky they'll never notice quickly Junior's in trouble he doesn't care look at that face okay he's going around oh guys this is a super sneaky Mission here okay he's gotten around what's he gonna do oh my oh my fancy where did he learn that I didn't teach him that he's tea bagging his body yep exactly there you go right in the bushes cool oh he notices his kid's home okay he's waving to his son and look at that he doesn't care he's got he's angsty right now I think he's uh he's going through a phase he's gesturing to him to come inside I'll bring him inside for him I'm gonna oh normal walking animes yeah this is it he's walking inside totally normal not me nothing weird about that okay he's bringing him some cake to welcome him home from college and and that's still not doing it for him he's still not doing oh he's trying to make him eat the cake I think he's looking for his son's approval he's dancing right now he's doing the robot yeah he's definitely looking for approval um what you know what a good father he is I think maybe I could help him what do kids like pets I could bring in some like exotic pets maybe for them to have and they could I don't know just just kind of crazy stuff uh what if I brought out King Kong oh God he's too big for the math he's oh okay I just see his feet is everyone okay okay everyone's okay this is gonna be strange to them I think there are just giant gorilla feet in the sky I don't think they notice I don't think oh oh troll just crying in his bed because he's just desperate for his son's approval that's so sad man I really need to give him something maybe something besides giant monkey feet what other things could I give him what else is a good pet gorefield that doesn't look like a good pet I don't think he's gonna like that at all hold on no no not that oh I've got an idea what about a cat oh yeah okay let's turn him on yeah a cat oh what just happened I think God I think King Kong just killed us all why is the house on fire all right good news guys I brought in a medic uh to bring his family back to life cause uh you know I I just couldn't leave them like that and uh he's actually out here still I think he's he's bowing I honestly think he saw King Kong's foot in the sky he saw the giant monkey foot he's praying to it or he's worshiping it I had to get rid of of them because uh you know all the damage he caused in there but yes he is actually I think he is he is actually worshiping it so that might cause problems eventually I'm not sure all right medic your job is fulfilled now let's get this guy out of here remover oh oh my God why why did he just kill him I think he thought he was invading his home he's checking on his family now that's probably bad um hopefully the police don't show up where where did he go where he's bringing the trash can in God why do I even bother with this guy go ahead just put the trash on him that's fine your son is not amused by this he's looking at his stuff I I maybe he thought he was protecting his family he was doing a good thing um but I don't I don't know I don't know if they see it he's laughing about it he's like oh I just killed that guy what are you gonna do wait more exotic animals I've got to find them a pet oh I've got a little nerpo this is weird I think they might find this very strange but it could be kind of like their you know their quirky little pet we'll see what he does when he comes back that's that's just nurple there I could put other creatures in here what maybe I should just give them some birds there you go that's good that's that's a good pet right there it's so Random in here uh what's going on oh my God I think he's guys I think he's starting a religion about the King Kong he saw that might be the perfect thing is if I just give him a an actual monkey there we go that's his pet I found it do you like the monkey oh oh my God he just killed the monkey he's sacrificing it to the monkey Gods why okay uh we need to get this out of his life here I want to remove it but also I kind of want to see if he's gonna start some kind of cult maybe I should put in other worshipers for him okay I've got followers here for him uh I don't think he's noticed though really weird excited about it he's waving to them if I just killed one he doesn't know yet um oh now he knows um oh and one's gone where'd the other one go did he oh he's inside the house he's watching TV um he's just making more shrines to King Kong god what have I done I'm you know what there's only oh wait no maybe that's a gravestone for his follower I'm gonna put in a car here to run them all over um and then just be done with it you know I I don't like this Arc anymore I think we need to get rid of it boom he's waving to the car he's way oh oh he's yup okay watch out there we go wait they didn't die how are they oh there they go I've just ended your religion now oh he's he's even taking out the gray stunts the car is actually trying to take out his house now yes yes smash it there you go get right yeah okay it's dead yeah it's super dead no need to worry okay he's dancing okay now that all that's done I'm removing this stuff okay I don't want him to have any weird cult thing going on he's now inside is he no he's not oh no it's just the the last cult member um I don't know what he's gonna do about that he's just kind of oh oh and he noticed the nerpo yeah that's right that one of these things just doesn't belong here does it one of these things is not like the others oh oh okay I think he I think he does enjoy his presence maybe nerpo is the right pet for him after all what what wait what is he doing is he taking his son out I think he's taking his son out is he going are they going for a walk he's always taking his whole family out oh it's because wait a minute oh oh it's because he didn't want him to see he didn't want him to see that he was gonna kill that guy okay yeah well well oh he does now he's turning nerpa away I'll just uh I'll help him out here I'm just gonna cover that up no one will notice who looks under a coffee table nobody ever oh and he's still trying the trash can though oh right there good idea yeah even though that now uncovers the other dead body but we won't talk about that oh the lid yeah the oh the lids for the other body uh yeah perfect that's really good okay so he's got them both outside I don't know what the whole plan is here I think he's trying to get them to okay yeah he's trying to get them to follow him I don't know where they're going and just on a walk maybe here I'll I'll drag them along yeah here they come wait what what is that what is this building here this was not here before Hooters there's a Hooters when did they build a Hooters he's taking his family out to Hooters and uh the Hooters is filled with old men and they don't have any shirts on hello there sir this is the wrong kind of Hooters oh God why are they so close to me I don't like this place man I'm out of here they're dancing oh what is what are they doing I I guess they're gonna go in for a lovely meal you guys go in there and you have yourself a time oh they're like how can I help you ma'am how can I help you oh he's shooting Nick okay that guy got in the way so he killed him and now he's dancing that's oh this guy's up on him though okay okay I'm bringing them inside he's just trying to take your order he's just trying to take your order okay well now he's trying to do your wife are you gonna oh my God he broke his neck and they're going to Hooters and it's a fun family time okay well at least this last one's behind the counter so maybe he won't get up on them and you know try to take their order he's waving to him hi yeah just killed your whole staff he's ordering for his family and look they're at the table I wonder what they're gonna get to eat a hot dog a hamburger and one banana it's a very curious order um oh he's giving him to his family there you go wow okay yeah what yeah who ordered the hot dog he dropped the banana and it's really getting away from him uh I don't I he's having a heart it's a slippery banana I think he just ate the banana okay he ate the banana okay I hear screaming I think oh okay the police oh yeah the Army's here um oh God he he must have hit the button under the desk you old oh he got him yep he knows he hit the alarm button oh God what are they gonna do you guys gotta bust out of Hooters hold on I'll make a way out this way I removed the back troll come here yeah come out the back take your family out the back the escape from Hooters let's go come on trolls come on back to home base quickly Now quickly dunk your family in we just both slam dunked them in that was really cool okay we got away they're still shooting at us though that'll be fine I'm sure that problem will solve itself wait where'd troll go is he cleaning the oh yeah he's good he's holding down the fort I think he got them all yeah they're all dead well so much for Hooters this place sucks guys I'm putting in a rock for him there we go um because I keep forgetting to put resources down for him uh at the beginning he really needs to uh he needs to have stuff around so he can craft when you know when he's feeling crafty I I do wonder what he's trying to make right now he was pretty quick to get on the resources here what have you what oh go oh we made a bomb okay I'm gonna take a step back here is he gonna go blow up the Hooters he is he's going to blow up the Hooters he's got the bomb in the building now how are you gonna detonate that oh he pulled okay yeah oh he's just smacking It On The Ground uh oh oh god oh he killed himself hold on let me get the medic medic you see what's going on here why do you have a gun oh is that your medic gun is that you bring them back your resuscitation gun I don't know anything about medicine wait where where did he go oh he's oh my God he just killed her what's with them and killing these people what ever since he learned how to break people's necks it's all he wants to do this is just a disaster here man I can't believe he blew up Hooters and now he's oh no he's making it for his for the his King Kong God he's worship he's worshiping his God now here that's good welcome to the show it's me Mr Gibbs with a gun bang bang that's gun for leave a like And subscribe for some more Gary's Mod Sims guys we are back in our Sims World uh last episode we got him a pet here um he's watching TV and Junior here is taking a fat dump but we're all out of toilet paper who took the toilet paper it's Sorcerer Mickey he's got the toilet paper we're in big trouble what's he gonna do oh troll just checking on his son oh he's worried for him he says he says wait here he's gonna go find the toilet paper you got this oh the door works now didn't the door not work I think he fixed the door oh he sees the toilet paper Bandit he sees it what's he gonna do I think I have an idea it's okay well right now he's trying to intimidate him first now he's waving at him oh maybe he likes maybe he likes Disney no never mind he's shooting him he's getting behind him oh the kill move oh he's choking him so much for Mickey Mouse Disney's not gonna like this do you get the toilet paper you get the you got the toilet paper okay wow another day saved by a great father who's willing to do anything for his son's dumps and nerpo's here they're pet nerpo he's got his hands on his hips he looks really sassy I don't know what's up with nerpo guys today you know I think he it's time for our troll here to get a job that's right he's got to pay bills I mean all they do is watch TV and uh you know it costs money to keep the lights on in here so I think I'm gonna go put down a McDonald's and force him to get a job okay so I'm gonna put down a McDonald's here I'm gonna try and get it angled right there we go and uh you know it doesn't look right without the color here so hold on let me go ahead and just grab this you gotta you gotta have the yellow uh McDonald's it's nice in here you know it's got space for customers and everything he's gonna need to cook let's go ahead and get him and make him come over here um where is he he is any I think he is he he's waving his kid's butt he didn't even take the toilet paper out of the package his son is unamused he says yeah whatever wipe my butt oh he's dancing wow what a good father I'm gonna take the relationship and I'm going to Okay click him and I'm gonna make him like the building boom there we go okay so now that he likes it he should come work here is he on the he's on the move all right I didn't know that would actually work but apparently making him like the building will make him go to it he's here are you gonna go inside oh no oh no he liked he likes he likes the building guys he's humping the building he's now humping the McDonald's how do I okay hold on hold on instead of like maybe neutral okay bang There we go okay now he's neutral with the building so does that mean he's gonna work there now is that the oh he's just waving to it oh well can you just walk right through this door he seems to be just as surprised as I am yeah you work here now guy get behind there's who are you waving to it's just you get get behind here buddy guys I think he needs an employee there's no better employee than old Man without a shirt I think he's gonna where'd the troll go oh he's up in the corner why oh yeah oh that's right last episode this guy was in Hooters and it caused a lot of problems he's fine he's fine okay look he's just a normal guy look at him look at him just be normal okay I don't think he believes it oh he's waving to him okay yeah that's good okay now let's get these guys some customers I think he's gonna get him on I don't know like dishes Duty or something like that uh and the troll will cook up the food um he's drowning him oh no no he's just he put him in the oven oh okay okay that must have been a mistake he didn't mean to put him in the oven let's get some customers all right guys wow we got a lot of hungry customers the the line is going down the street this guy what the heck is this guy doing he's trying to get around the back that's weird I think he's trying to come around the back door um oh he's inviting the customers up let's go ahead and move them up here all right guy just place your order here there you go he's waving to him he's taking their order oh okay I think he's cooking what's he got he get is that propane I'm sure he didn't order propane also it's dangerous I don't like an explosive being anywhere near this guy he's he's nodding like yes this is what you order okay let's just give it to him okay there's your propane uh oh he dropped it oh oh he's offended I think he's offended that he threw the the propane oh my god oh oh and look at that next in line oh that's okay step right up sir I'm sure you're gonna have a much better time he's waving at him okay what's he gonna order or I guess the question is what's troll gonna order for him really he's got oh a milk crate wow I suggest you take it he's getting all up in his business yeah take you sir I I I I recommend you take the milk crate take it now take the milk crate no oh god oh no maybe he's catching on you know guys I I do think he is capable of learning um I think he's maybe asking the old man okay look at that he cooked up uh is that a hamburger or those pancakes it's kind of hard to tell I think that's a cheeseburger the food is in hand wow okay he just dropped it on the floor why did he drop it oh okay he said wait no that's not right you were so close man was the food for him who was the food God he almost had it right I bet that person was like wow that burger looks real good what's next I don't know what's taking him so long sir here let me go ahead and take a look and um oh why is there a dead body back here and a pizza oh they're cooking the people they're cooking the people into food he says get in the pot this poor guy right here is actually cooking pizza and then meanwhile the troll is trying to put a person in a pot well there's only one way that this is gonna end oh he's always saying goodbye never mind I thought he was gonna kill him oh wait oh oh he's not good at his job but did we expect him to be good at his job you know what actually I think I think that's a full day's work maybe I should just give him money hold on let me see can I just get some money here money yeah okay um what if I just give him a ton of money where'd he go oh he's back there he's doing the robot or is he cooking no he's doing the robot um okay here's your here's your uh pay it's all in a day's work oh I is he okay I think I crushed him with the money okay he's good there we go look at all your money wow you know ever since they raised the minimum wage pay at McDonald's has been really good I don't think he's gonna be happy when he finds out that he actually has to split the money with his employee oh oh he just broke his neck okay now the money's all his and he knows it now we gotta figure out a way for him to spend this guys he's trying to fit it out the door right now [Music] um new problem he can't get the money out hold on I've got an idea I've got an idea I'll just remove uh who needs this building anymore anyways right you got all the money you came for before he gets home with the money I'm gonna set up a computer for him so he can order stuff online that sounds like a good idea right okay guys I've just set up a desk and a computer here he has internet access so I'm gonna allow him to spend his money however he wants to and here he comes with it here he comes with his his large money oh he threw it over the house he's trying to dunk it into his house right now don't accidentally kill your family okay wow that was close and now he can't get in the door he got it yeah the money's in the the money's in the bag okay where are you gonna keep all that he's gonna keep it under his couch or is he replacing the couch with the money uh oh oh he knocked his wife over with the money uh-oh do you know what they say Mo Money Mo Problems it's okay we'll resuscitate her if he's trying to resuscitate her okay come on surely she's not she's not dead dead right uh oh well with the power of the internet maybe he can order a new one yeah there we go yeah and is he want is he gonna watch TV he's watching TV he's so simple you gotta love him so I don't has he noticed the the internet yet I mean that's a pretty big deal I would think maybe he should go order something online and okay he's he is noticing it he's never had access to the internet before oh he's bowing to the computer um it says welcome to my home um okay okay he is ordering stuff online uh is Junior still in the bathroom God teenagers you know only is that is that the doorbell oh someone's at the door oh is that a oh my God it's a is that a mail-order bride she's got an ax dude I wouldn't mess with her I don't know if you I you might be uh using the wrong website for this one oh he's bringing her in the house though well maybe he sees many good qualities in her he's dancing for her now um She's Got next she can gather firewood she is old that means she's experienced yeah I'm a lot of stuff but I guess I guess that's good she oh he's putting her in the oh no he's putting her in the bedroom you know I just don't see this match up really I I don't see it I think I need to bring his other wife back okay okay here she is I brought her back oh he notices right away okay oh he's so happy but what are you gonna do about you know oh he says one second I'll be right back oh God oh my God oh God oh my God what is going out with her that I've never seen someone take this long to die oh wait he's taking her he's throwing her out of the house that's a lot of blood um he's dancing about it though he says yay I don't need my new wife I've got my old wife that's pretty messed up what else is he gonna order online I like how he hasn't noticed that she's actually just standing on the other one's body but he also thinks that nobody's gonna notice the money under the couch so I guess it's just his way of thinking okay he's going outside now um oh wow look at that that's nice oh he got a he got himself a car okay what's he gonna do with that he's oh I don't know if he's ever driven a car before no I guess we have seen him get in a car though okay don't run me over a guy where's he going with it is he gonna run those people over surely he's not gonna oh okay oh wait oh he's assembling a squad of people he said oh he wants them to all come and enjoy his car that's so nice of him oh my wait what um I don't think they know how to use cars oh here they come what's he gonna do about that oh he's he's flashing the headlights at them get in or move maybe can I get in with what did he just make the car jump is he what what is that Hydraulics did he always running him over he says if you don't want to get in then you can get run over he's spinning it back around oh my god well they had the option to get in the car but they didn't take it they should have I want to get in the car with him well this is weird I don't like this um oh wait did he just park it he did he just parked us back in the driveway oh okay now he's gonna go order now that he knows the power of the internet I don't think I'm ever gonna get him off of it okay oh what do I what is that noise did he oh God guys he ordered the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles how do you do how do you even do that oh he's so happy about it guys I think he's a big fan I think he's a big fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles he's waving to them he now has a piece of paper I think he's trying to get their autograph yeah okay he is trying to get them this size oh they crap guys I don't know about this these Mutant Ninja Turtles don't exactly look peaceful oh oh no they're wait what are they doing why'd they just jump on top of each other oh no they're attacking oh God one's dead wait no he's not dead oh he's got to kill them though his Heroes they say never meet your Heroes oh the humanity oh he killed him they say all it takes is one bad order from the internet to make you never want to use a computer again I I think that's where he is right now he's like what have I done what is life you poor man oh he's going inside oh he didn't even bring the thing that he wanted to get signed I'm gonna bring it in his house for him oh what's he doing with the computer is he did he just throw the computer oh he's taking it out back and putting it down uh that's horrible got oh look he's shaking his head he's like why oh he's going back he's and he is he's watching TV he's already forgotten about it he's got the attention span of a goldfish tune in next time guys uh I don't know what we're gonna do probably has something to do with the zombie invasion I'll see you all there welcome to the show it's me Mr Gibbs here's my gun bang bang that's gun for leave a like And subscribe guys we are back in our Sims World and it's night time it's a spooky one because the debt collectors at the door Trojan the last episode had a lot of money and he actually spent it all and racked up a lot of credit card debt I'll go ahead and ring the doorbell for him there we go come outside the bills are due this is the worst moment in your adult life is when this guy comes to your door and what are you gonna do when he does oh my God oh my God just like that step one step walk outside step two kill the guy and oh step three of course is always cover him with the trash can and now you know how to pay bills that don't listen to any of this guys I'm also noticing uh inside uh his family they have weapons now which I think that can only mean one thing let's see yup okay there's a zombie warning guys zombies are going to be coming I guess that's just what happens at night time in our Sims World we've we've never seen the night time we're gonna have to give them the tools to actually I think he's he's waving at the TV oh he's saying no no no no no zombies not today for him I'm gonna go ahead and just actually put down a uh a computer here that way like last time he can kind of order the supplies he needs he actually does have a tiny bit of money left and luckily he killed the debt collector so he still has it free to use I think he's just gonna go jam it yep he's gonna he's putting it in the computer as you do when you purchase things online oh okay I think something's here um it seems the delivery guy cleared out quick he must have seen uh what happened to the last guy oh it's a it's a brown paper bag please tell me you didn't order drugs did he you get what he needed out of the plastic out of the paper bag here oh okay oh oh we got seeds oh it's he's a genius and sometimes he really surprises me he's surrounding his house with plants it is a it is a plant versus zombies moment here in The Sims World does he only have one type I'm surely there's more right I guess we'll keep his family in here they'll kind of be like the indoor protection if any zombies make it inside oh oh my God okay the zombies are here the zombies have arrived and he's just dancing oh okay he's realized it um they're actually making quick work of his plants he's gonna need to step in here okay he is putting in work oh no no they need time to grow up and become stronger why does he why did he plant the sunflowers they don't do anything he's trying to get every seed out of that bag every last seed things like this will make good fertilizer I think people people make good fertilizer oh it's a stronger one okay he does have stuff in that bag it's oh okay more zombies though that one's a kid oh god oh they're going for the strong one oh guys they're coming from all directions here they're in the back of the house too uh oh this is not good oh look at the Big Walnut he's not happy about this where's oh I hear oh there he is oh he's getting him he's got more walnuts that's good the walnuts are really good distractions they just don't stop coming how many waves are there gonna be there's more in the back he's got him there's some on the right side oh guys I need to help him out you know what's gonna be a good zombie killing weapon I'm gonna give him a samurai sword I'm gonna give him the Yamamoto here it is oh he's putting down more plants I'll give him a second here he's got some squishers those are pretty good oh yeah got one nice but those are one time use so I don't think that's gonna be very helpful um where is he where is he now he's running around the house really quick I can't even keep up with him oh there he is there you go take the sword oh God he he left it behind he didn't see it hopefully the zombies don't get the sword oh he's going back to the sword he sees it there you go that's the weapon of the day come on give it to him oh my God it just cleared them out how many waves are we gonna have to face oh he's in the back getting him now wow it's actually a really good weapon I think I have something here this is actually an NPC spawner where he'll be able to make his own where did he go where is he um I gotta find him oh geez there's there's so much going on okay okay there he is I think he got it I think he picked it up he literally has a little guy in his hand okay use it yeah there you go you got him oh God they don't have any weapons though they're just there to die look at all the blood oh the the horror he really needs to make some kind of cure but I don't know if he knows how to do that he's no chemist maybe it needs to be up to Junior here junior you need to do this okay get in the kitchen and start whipping up a cure I'm gonna put him in the kitchen you know where you make cures at the stove maybe oh wait if I pick him up does he shoot at them yeah he's shooting them I'm using Junior as a weapon come on Junior you can do it kill one get your first kill oh Junior's really bad do you think that shotgun would do some more damage oh there you go good job Junior okay you've got a good KD now so you should be able to you should be able to whip up a cure where's that guy look at this it is just a bloody mess out here guys I have something else for him it's a classic troll move here uh it's actually a table flip so he should be able to throw tables at them okay oh okay he's yep he's got the cable there you go just throw tables at them yes oh it's not very good the tables are just breaking and these guys don't even notice it oh that one felt it oh oh he's doing kill moves on him oh my God he can oh look at that what is he doing he's punching them in the gut he's assassinating that one these these zombies are really stupid they're like where is he oh my God he's just tossing them around he's like some kind of superhero oh he broke that one's neck oh they've gotten sick of him okay they are now attacking him oh my God uh-oh uh oh he needs backup that one's crawling that he made a crawler oh no the trash can fell over now everybody's gonna know about that dead body oh wait he's literally making dollars don't let them inside the house okay the door closed that was a close one uh we don't want his family to die I'm gonna put in some resources for him guys just uh you know the classic tree Rock combo as we know these are the only two resources you need to make anything whatever whatever you can think of you can make it with a tree and a rock you're only limited by your own creativity he's still killing zombies he's tossing them around he's oh my God he's really good at this oh okay he's farming the resources good job guy they don't know what to do now oh they're going for the plants the plants are kind of positioned well to where the zombies don't realize them and then they get killed by them oh my God what did he make he made a minigun go get the ones around the back oh my God look at him go look at him go he's going around he's going around the back he's getting these guys oh he's he's too good oh okay I think that's oh wait yeah that's the last of them oh my God he really did it look at the Carnage guys that was awesome he's dancing too with the minigun in hand wow that must weigh a ton and yet it doesn't even matter him he's that strong he must have leveled up a lot out here let me put his trash can back for him I'm sure he'd appreciate that because you know we wouldn't want anybody to see this okay wait did Junior make the Cure Junior are you you oh you made a burrito that's close it's close burritos can bring people together but they can't stop a zombie infection luckily your Dad's here and he saved the day I would go to bed but he's it seems like he's getting back on the internet oh okay uh I think that's the doorbell just rang troll someone's here for you um who did he get this time I said oh my God it's the mayor it's journalists guys he literally got the Press here to cover what he just did I think he's I think he's showing off maybe he's trying to prove something hold on guys I need to check out the TV okay let me change the channel here oh my God no way guys he's on TV he's explaining what happened he's telling how he killed the zombies now he's bowing I think it's official he's running for mayor this is insane he's still out there talking to them I think he's actually trying to run for mayor right now he's using the zombie situation as leverage hopefully they don't see all these actual regular people just dead those were zombies too okay oh wait what's he doing is he putting the garbage on he's trying to put the garbage on the mayor he's canning the old mayor and becoming the new mayor he says give me your job oh my God he's fighting the mayor he's fighting the mayor for for mayor's ship he is now the new mayor and he's dancing guys he's dancing guys no way he is actually hold on yes he's he's on TV dancing over the the old mayor's body you guys are looking at the new mayor of Gary's Mod we've done it we're all the way at the top now baby what's his what's his first uh you know order of business going to be I wonder okay it seems like he's going inside to gather his family up maybe he's sharing with him the good news oh okay wait are they following him I'm gonna give Junior a little help here okay here we go where are they okay there they are um wait what what is that is that a castle did he have a cat how when did he have a castle belt who built him a castle what is this and oh my God he crucified the old mayor I'm a little bit worried about this I think this is going in a bad Direction okay let me see what's going on I want to check out his new digs though this is a big castle pretty big for just one guy how is he gonna furnish all this he ran out of all this money well I guess he's mayor now so he can afford whatever he wants you know like a mayor could I don't think Mayors are actually super rich but but we'll let him dream welcome to the show it's me Mr Gibbs here's my gun bang bang that's gun for leave a like And subscribe welcome back to some more Sims look here's our lovely home but wait where's troll his family's in the house his pets here uh junior is in the kitchen cooking up something I don't know he doesn't seem very excited about it actually guys today a troll is not even with his family he's over here in his castle now as you remember in the last episode he became a supreme mayor of the world and he built himself a castle well I got rid of his old castle and built this a new one it's a little bit more easy on the server he was a little upset at first but then I gave him this big chair and now he's really happy also he hired Mr Bean as his court jester we're gonna let some people in here to kiss the ring and ask for things and and and troll is either gonna bestow upon them a kingly gift or he is going to uh sick Mr Bean on them and he's gonna eat them alive um yeah that's why he hired Mr Bean can't you tell he's gonna he's gonna eat them alive and then he's gonna dance on their grave like that also guys over here I actually put in another troll Sim so he is going to start his own kingdom over here and throughout the episode we're gonna check in on him and uh see if he can rival our trolls Kingdom now that's gonna be good and I can't wait to see what the outcome's going to be what does he have now he has some sort of scepter I should probably let start letting people in so I'm gonna open the gates here and I'm gonna put in some people for him okay guys so we have a line of citizens uh peasants uh over which he rules with his Royal scepter he's gesturing them he says enter you first now remember don't look him straight in the eye and uh just ask for one thing everybody gets one okay if you ask for too much stuff he'll kill you he'll sick Mr Bean on you and Mr Bean's hungry he hasn't eaten in weeks now he is gesturing to them he is waving he says ask for your one thing what is she asking for I can't understand uh Sim talk oh it looks like she okay yeah she brought out some kind of balloon animal it looks like a dog or something is that her way of asking what is he doing oh he's laughing he's laughing at her that's not very nice um oh God wait he killed her he killed her oh he did he want it for himself he wanted the he wanted the dog he thought the dog was funny so he killed her for it you should let Mr Bean do the do the Dirty Work troll all right look at him he's already down here okay he's gesturing to the next one I don't know if the next one wants to come in he looks on their face man they get me every time okay all right here's the next one um now don't bring out anything too flashy because he might decide that he wants it that's that's the problem he says ask for your one thing okay what does he want I think he wants food to feed his family uh um yeah that's what I got out of that did you hear troll he wants food to the the no he says no instead I'll feed you to you to Mr Bean he says oh he gave the dog to Mr Bean that's nice wait wait where's Mr Bean oh oh Mr Bean's grinding on him he's bumping and grinding on him this is horrible it's it's oh God avert your eyes he's laughing at him oh it's horrible and oh God he he bumped and grind on him to death he killed him by dancing on him and that's what you get no they're dancing together this is really weird while this is happening I think I'm gonna go check on the other troll oh what is going on over here oh my God he's got tents he's got and he's got another guy and what is he why is he smacking two rocks together guys I think he's trying to start a fire he's smacking two rocks together to start a fire look at him go wow okay this one's just as smart as our other troll which is you know not he's trying to scare the rock into submission now I think yes he is just just as smart as our other troll but look he's setting up a tent he's got is this his lover um no he's yeah he's got he's got a lover he's got a campsite so maybe slowly he's gonna build his own family and army so now he seems to be getting resources he's given up on striking them to make fire um wow okay we've got a lot going on here today um oh he's got a flame what he's got a flamethrower wow he did it you know Starting Fire the old-fashioned way it's smack a rock till you make a flamethrower and then light the light the fireplace on fire and look at this one he's crouching down by it I think maybe he's is he cooking something or is he scared oh he's bowing to him this is weird well you know we've got we've got trolls at different points he just broke the fire with him that's not gonna end well for this guy I don't think oh yep oh my God but it was your fault you killed you broke him oh my now he's dancing guys I'm seeing a lot of similarities here they're just at two different points in in life in evolution I guess uh we're just a few stages back here okay I'm gonna go back to the other guy and check in on him okay what's going on over here anything new this guy did you did he bring that toilet or was he gifted that toilet I honestly don't know he he's bowing to him I think he was gifted the toilet okay let's get him out of here quick before he get he gets killed that's all yours now use it wisely troll is now looking at the long line I think he's tired of this um oh he's shutting the door on them no more go away peasants he wants to dance with Mr Bean maybe I should put in another person to dance with them let's put this guy down there we go now it's a real dance party look at them go oh god oh no now he's getting sexy on it the scepter really completes this dance meanwhile his family's just back at home having an absolute normal day watching TV they don't know all this is going down I realize she doesn't have much in the way of resources in here so I'm just gonna put some Lumber oh that's that's too big hold on I'll just put some wood in here for him so he can have some resources um it seems that ever since he got this Castle he doesn't like leaving it these people are still just out here waiting I think that's all they have to do oh look oh he built the ladder oh so he can go see so he can see his surroundings yeah that's it's not quite long enough but that should work oh he's dead okay he's putting them together two ladders now you just oh a third ladder why do you need a third ladder okay he's using them like stairs why does he need a fourth ladder a fifth what is this guy doing so he's definitely got something going with the ladders here um I don't know if that's going to work for him but he's now what now he has a button on the wall what does that start okay he just hit the button what does that button do I I hear chickens what's going oh my God he released angry chickens on the peasants he has defense mechanisms that's really smart and also God why these poor innocent civilians um and now what is he gonna do about the chickens he's dancing up there he's really proud of the whole uh Angry Chicken uh grenade or whatever he wherever they came from I guess maybe he had like a secret hatch oh and now he's cleaning up the chickens okay that's one way of doing it that scepter is really strong now I want to know where he got it does he notice the troll in the distance oh I think he can see the Rocks over there does he know he's he's he's gesturing over there oh God okay he he's actually displaying power now he's gonna have to build an army go inside troll get yep there you go it's probably not smart to have a button into your Castle outside your Castle but whatever he doesn't do now he's shooting the button okay I think he I think he broke the button okay let's see what's going on with him there's a chicken in the street covered in blood I don't know what something happened here but what is going on here oh my God they're like in the future what is with their their futuristic bunkers and they have missiles he's got a standing army of like 25 men which is pretty good because it's a lot more than our guy has and look it's the the two rocks that he was banging together the first piece of mine coal they have a monument of The Rock's famous smash together in the beginning wow guys this is pretty crazy he is giving them instructions he's actually berating them right now he's telling them to uh straighten their shoulders and to get ready for war this is something else guys I said that he might be as smart as our troll but he might be smarter wow I'm actually kind of a little nervous now uh what's our troll gonna do to combat this I I what's oh here's the dead guy that one that he killed way back when his body is still it hasn't even decomposed yet that shows you how fast he's done all this and he's like let that be a lesson to all you this is terrifying guys he's a tyrant he's he's at he's an absolute Tyrant oh oh he just he just gave them he gave them the command he's saying Squad let's move oh no oh he's shooting at the door guys there the Army is showing up what are they shooting at they're not even shooting at him he says oh no no no no meanwhile Mr Bean and this guy are still dancing oh my God I think they're attacking his house they might be shooting at his wife and his kid and that's just a low blow guys either that or they're just that stupid I don't know that face it kind of tells me they they might just be dumb oh man what are you gonna do troll come on get you gotta build something man I don't think this is gonna hold up he's got to be quick because these missiles I think they are armed and ready to be fired uh troll what do you got going in here oh my God he made a nuke I guess he split the atoms with his hand he must have looked up a YouTube video on how to make uh nukes he's trying to carefully place it on top of the the castle I'm gonna grab it for him okay oh my God he's trying now he's trying to climb his ladders so he is ladders didn't even work and yet he was able to build a nuke I'm kind of worried if this thing's even functioning or not at this oh he made it up okay never mind it's I'm sure it's fine oh he's putting the nuke out there he's threatening them with the nuke he's showing them the nuke because they're not even looking he the boss is looking but they're not looking okay oh he's spawning in people but he's not giving them any guns he's so he's spotting them in but they don't have weapons oh oh okay that one had a gun but he didn't last long oh my God he's spawning in clones of himself that is really something okay wow they're they're going out there oh they're getting them they're really clearing them out the fight of the trolls the battle of the trolls World War troll it's going oh he's in there and he's going to fight the leader himself oh my God what he's he's always kill moving on me oh my God he's out there he's absolutely just killing the Army himself oh oh he broke that one's neck oh there's only a couple left oh and his troops are dying oh wait no he's got a few left I think that's the last guy oh he picked up his gun and now he's laughing he's laughing at them all this technology all of this for nothing wow he just laser beamed that guy and look and now there's just the nuke up there that's kind of unsettling it would be a shame if somebody just oh oh okay it's fine guys don't worry it's fine I didn't do it totally uh just uh you know they can only float in the air for so long oh he's laughing at the bomb he's like oh that would have been that was a close one oh wait oh wait Mr Bean setting up the bomb Oh God stop him stop Mr Bean you gotta stop him oh no oh why why Castle is gone guys oh look at the the the ladders they're falling they're crumbling oh it's this is the what this is this is it guys we accidentally made uh a nuclear fallout the house is destroyed um his wife is alive she's kind of like a cockroach I guess Junior Junior's alive wow his family is still here but his house is in Ruins oh god oh here he is he's witnessing the fallout look at him oh he's so sad he says why I don't think he'll ever be the same why why God guys this is actually a technique that uh I didn't I didn't think I was gonna have to show to you guys or anything but I think it's important now that you learn in in worst case scenarios how to reset your troll okay step one pull out your troll resetting shotgun okay then you go up behind him and you get okay if one doesn't do it two definitely will and then grab your Troll and really shake him around Shake him and smack him on the ground a few times that's good wiggle them around there you go we're just like this okay a few snacks it might not look like it's doing anything but we're actually setting his brain back and okay there we go all right and look at him he's back to normal it's like nothing ever happened okay he's going into his house he's inside he's seeing his wife oh he's dancing there we go oh he's setting the TV back up right oh and there you go guys see he's back to normal he's just laughing watching TV so remember that just in case you ever need to reset your troll you just knock him out shake them around a bit stir everything up in there in the old Noggin and then they're just back to normal let me go ahead and set his Lamborghini back up for him it's good to see everything back to normal guys tune in next episode where Junior goes to high school don't forget to leave a like And subscribe and I'll see you all there goodbye
Channel: Mr.Gibbs
Views: 2,259,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trollge Sims in Gmod (FULL MOVIE)
Id: b8SB4bo1WtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 18sec (4218 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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