Sonic The Hedgehog in GMOD (FULL MOVIE)

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welcome to the show how you doing it's me Mr Gibbs and today we're going to be taking on Sonic.exe he lives in that house over there and every time we kill him he's gonna get worse but first I gotta see a lake about a frog oh there he is Brock how are you oh God how long was I down there I don't know man you said all that nonsense about wanting to spend some quality time with your family are you done with that my family doesn't live down there what you think just because I'm a Frog my family's in the lake that's racist man does it feel better to be on dry land yeah no I'm I'm like I'm pruned you've pruned yeah dude like a raisin listen Bud we've got some big things to do today we've got some things to tackle I want to show you something come on over today we're going to be fighting uh Sonic the Hedgehog yes and not the version you're used to this one's much worse now I know he looks Pleasant in there okay it looks pretty normal if you go in there he'd Rock if you go in there he's gonna kill you no he's totally normal oh God man this piece of property is really nice and I want it and so that's why we have to kill him do you understand oh okay so you're after the deed I'm after the deed I want the land um but every time we kill him he's gonna get worse okay so yeah so I'm kind of doing the dirty work so you can get the D do we like are we gonna share the property after that you can you the Lakers man the Lake's all yours yeah okay I can run with that that sounds good pull something out do you got a gun of the day oh you know what I've been looking at a lot recently just like just eyeballing it for the chance that I might get to use it as the mg3 Christmas oh yeah the Christmas special it's made out of real reindeer let's see what it'll do man he's got a decent amount oh he's chill chill it's bad when he comes out of the house man Sonic I need you to chill out we just want the d to your property for free we just want the land we just want the land you're getting them man you're getting them did he kill you oh he killed you I'll tell you what dude nothing works better wait what oh god he turned into the what do you just do the one day go so after a brief exorcism uh you can see it still going on over there we got Sonic back do you see all this oh I'm glad you can hear that too I thought it was my schizophrenia oh yeah I'll hold him off while you build okay you make something nice and strong I'm building a simple structure bring them on dude he's found it out he's found he destroys it immediately good news I've got the secret formula yeah you take that dude oh I got him with it are you kidding me I had the mg3 Christmas and you killed him faster with Krabby Patty yeah man well I'll tell you what it goes right to your thighs if we go in there Brock we're about to see something spooky you ready you want to come see dude I was born ready like I said every single time we kill him he gets worse and now oh God he looks much worse like I said if you go into that house it's gonna set him off all right that's the aggro line that's the line of aggression right there it's like the reverse of a vampire right don't you have to invite a vampire into your home isn't that the rule yeah yeah you got a vitamin yeah so you're saying he just kills me for going in yeah he kills you for going and exactly maybe asking is the right move maybe bring him some tribute bring it bring him uh bring him a gift did you just pull Scooby-Doo out of your back pocket have you been holding him no no no I just have a direct line to the mystery crew oh okay and they let you borrow him yeah they owe me a favor um I didn't really include all the details instead of saying I'm going to bring Scooby-Doo into a house with a murderous Sonic I said we're just going for a walk in the park oh okay yeah well this is kind of like a park Sonic I'm coming in I just want you to know I don't intend any harm and I'm bringing with me one of my closest friends who is just enormously fat and won't fit through your door so you got it you got it yeah there you go there it is oh we got him no oh God Scooby it wasn't enough he was a Hardy Brothers fan he was not in a Scooby at all you gotta go fast that's what he says you got to be quicker than that I've lost you are you in the home I'm in the home dude I snuck inside okay oh I'm in here too does he know do you think he knows do you want to board up the door yeah let's board up the door oh yeah a great that he can see through that'll be good but he's on the outside and we're on the inside let her job well done I think I'm well done I I guess that pretty much we we've got the deed wait hold on oh no Ledger he has the deed on him he took it out of the secret compartment God he's a clever he is really clever where is he I think he's gone oh no there he is it's time for the python Desperados Ledger do you have one I have two big dogs oh wow step back dude this is before you go in there I have an idea I am going to rope myself to you oh okay sort of like an emotional support uh body I will distract him now this might look uncomfortable but I am perfectly fine with this uh I'm gonna start shooting okay all right you're I'm gonna go get his attention yeah you like this yeah um yeah he doesn't he doesn't like he doesn't like it okay I'm coming I'm doing damage to him though Ledger I'm doing it like you're like a human Beyblade I'm gonna spin around you you're working very well as a human shield though so keep keep doing what you do I've got it dude I've got it under control here I go don't don't stop me once I get going man I I I'm go I get crazy when I start spinning like this I'm unraveling I'm unraveling on him is it working dude I feel like a Lone Ranger yeah it is working his health is definitely going down it's just that he's really really strong and if I get into a certain range of him he will start to chase me like he is right now oh oh I've unraveled I've unraveled man okay I've got to get something to help okay I've got you don't worry I've got you I'm gonna hit you with them wait did I get you what did you do to me I tried to make you grow are you bigger now no I feel the same I mean I might be a couple inches taller you might be taller man I really gotta measure you up when's the last time we we checked how tall you were here let's go Mark me on the wall yeah I'll mark you on the wall okay here let me just okay yeah that's about right okay now let me hit you with the grow Ray okay huh wait did you get shorter no go up against it I feel shorter no I think you're about the same still maybe if I right click you with it oh there we go oh it's beautiful the big Brock that we needed okay now pull out a gun I don't like being this high up Ledger it's it's really hold on let me Mark you on the wall man just to make sure if you're taller or not uh yes you are taller well thank God we use the scientific method for that now go step on that guy man okay Sonic yeah how does how does this feel a big old guy coming for you how do you like the big guy oh wow you really just leapt at him and I'm calling a friend of mine okay phone a friend yeah that's a good idea hello yeah could you come to the park yeah no I know it's a bad time but I we just really need your help it'll be quick I promise no don't bring them no do please don't bring them they're they always ruin it they do they always ruin it no I'm not trying to be mean I'm just oh Rocky's coming for me you gotta help who are you on the phone with I I didn't invite him I swear I didn't invite him you invited the T-Rex it was Shaggy's idea he was mad about Scooby yeah no he's just trying to pay me back by sending the T-Rex he always is a bummer dude he ruins every party it's just like Shaggy man okay let's give him let's give him to him oh he's getting him oh oh wow sorry I I'm just handling him I'm handling him he's almost dead I think I think he's oh yeah yeah you got him you got him good and you know what that means it means he gets worse Jesus Christ before we move on to that I'm just gonna look I'm just gonna tell the T-Rex that he can head home that we're done just pretend like you're leaving yeah yeah like like we're going to someone's house but we don't know them very well so we don't we feel rude bringing guests it's a more intimate event it's sort of like a mix a mix and mean goal sort of like a cocktail party so it just might be kind of awkward do you mind like do you need a ride I can call you an Uber how did he take it bloodly yeah okay so it's Super Saiyan Sonic is now uh he's now with us oh isn't I thought isn't Super Saiyan Sonic good though isn't he fundamentally good like he's a he's a hero yeah well I think he knows what we did to the other ones and we're just on his list you know also what is that that's a really cool thing you have oh thanks man this is the Thunder Force the Thunder Force man wow that's what they called me in high school oh all right all right I'm gonna try diplomacy here I think he might be wrong he seems like a good guy okay yeah yeah no actually you're right I might be wrong I've been wrong before yep okay well you just got I'm thinking maybe he's actually not a good guy you bait him outside and then I'm gonna be inside this military pill box you must know that I'm a masturbator I've heard as much okay yep I'm getting them I'm getting them here he comes just smoosh them through the window there you go okay there you go yeah there it is all right leave him there I'm oh God okay I'm opening fire okay let me in let me in let me oh okay he shot me inside the military barricaded yeah now we now neither of us can get in 10 million dollars wasted dude I think it's time to bring out our old friend troll okay now we'll troll fight him that's the question or are they on the same side no they're fighting okay Sonic doesn't like him Sonic just killed him but don't worry this is all part of the plan okay he goes to the next phase yeah there we go I'm gonna lay down cover fire for him while he's while he's respawning here nice that's a good gun another one it looks like that last one same brand it is no it's the same one it's just different firing modes oh I see okay okay well look out behind you Sonic he's so powerful oh my God does he not take any damage is there no way to kill this man no dude hold on let me take out something a bit heavier Enchanted hand Ledger ooh Enchanted hand that's a good one I think you accidentally killed the troll this is a really powerful weapon I should have led with this yeah we're getting the ruler here we're almost there I'm shooting my balls at him yeah shoot your yeah there you go shoot your balls at him pleasure he's not taking any damage Ledger the balls aren't doing anything there oh wait wait wait there's so many so many almost flying around bro there's a lot of balls Ledger but I'll tell you what if you can't keep track of the balls don't you'll be there for the Falls you know what I mean yeah that's the rhyme if you don't that's what they say you won't hit your walls you'll hit a wall that's right I think he's completely Invincible I am starting to think he's completely Invincible as well okay Brock he's gone the ruler we had to get rid of the ruler because he was he put a curse on us um and that's bad but now I hear some eerie music playing you hear that oh God yeah I know I'm hearing that um okay you know what that means we've got the worst one now okay I think this is as bad as it gets are you ready here we go oh my God okay it's it's supersonic.exe this is as bad as it gets his health is 6666 I mean the other one could could barely be killed so you know this one is uh Unstoppable but if we want the deed we have to kill him I'm gonna skip diplomacy this time okay it's worth it Brock I also you know I'm starting to get hungry and I brought a can of beans with me I like to keep them around man I like he's become a staple kind of in my videos oh oh my bean just wait they're turning on me my the beans no they're dancing on my body this is my plan I'm not gonna go for diplomacy but I'm gonna capture him I'm rushing in ladder I'm rushing with the Pokemon okay okay yep yep yep here we go I'm looking I'm looking at him I'm throwing the Pokeball again okay oh you got him I got him I caught him you caught him dude that's incredible and you know what you know what he has the deed and since we have him in a Pokeball with the deed we also have the deed we're probably gonna have to throw him out at some point to prove that we have the deed in terms of the law yeah but that's the Law's problem today it's Sonic's turn to level up by fighting Brock's evil Army of goons and honestly I'm starting to think Sonic might be the strongest guy in the universe don't forget to subscribe for more Adventures like these Brock your guys making the sky red that's what he does your guy is a video game character from the 90s what does that have anything to do I don't understand we're both just pointing out facts about the other guy and so I suppose I would do that oh your guy's blue this is Sonic the freaking Hedgehog man he kind of looks like he's doing that Meme with his fist balled up you know rock put up the meme your guy that's basically what I'm seeing here dude like this his stance right now is standing in front of this guy he's like he's not even bothered I know that Sonic is strong I do but is he strong enough for that I mean he won't he's not even as big as the tip of my guy's tongue he's gonna eat him in one bite are you trying to start now you're just trying to throw him in now no he's gonna level up are you kidding me what he looks like he's like five years old well now you understand why I was confused I thought you know oh this is unlike you well just because I enjoyed the game so much but not the new one I'll give you a pass goodbye the mall he just said he didn't like your new game I wouldn't let him talk to me that way but uh what was your guy's name I didn't get his first name it's the mall oh that's the ma the the is his first name yeah the okay well we'll see him again at the end let's go ahead and start simple you know this one just says man strong he just looks like a normal guy yeah but he's stronger than usual that's why it's in his name Ledger you need to just let wait and see okay okay so he wasn't as strong as I thought he might be I'm gonna tell you that he could have been a relatively strong guy but he was still just a guy you know you know what Uncle Ben once said yeah you're not gonna tell me oh oh okay was I supposed to become Uncle Ben there yeah okay yeah I'll do that great that's the sound of him dying oh man dude that scene gets me every time Sonic doesn't care though he's actually just looking for something to do he's he has ADD doesn't he yeah I think he does man they don't talk about that enough I'm gonna be honest with you your guy was not that strong we're gonna need another guy I don't think he's gonna level up Buffa just then wow look at how shiny his shoes are maybe I should bring in somebody he knows somebody from his universe who it's Knuckles it looks so bad why does he look so bad oh you're thinking of Knuckles yeah yeah this isn't him this is Knuckles oh he's from a parallel universe where they all look like idiots well let's see if my guy can kill that goals come on big guy he's actually very strong oh God my guy's gonna push him off the face of the Earth and push him off of it he goes into this little ball he kind of looks like it's like monkey ball or something you know he does look like Monkey Ball yeah yeah it's a great game God he's just Sonic okay he put him in the does that count is it oh my God oh my God he put him in the mountain he's just he just fossilized my guy disrespectful I've never seen them one do that before Sonic might be the strongest guy ever I don't know because this is his first form would you hear that I don't know it's happening here it comes he's like a teenager now he hit puberty you're too slow it's a really good Sonic impression thanks man thank you yeah are you Sonic yeah actually no he looks more real his shoes are still really shiny though yeah dude how do you keep him the shiny side oh you know what it's because he runs so fast the bacteria just can't stay on his shoes oh nothing can stay on the shoes that makes sense they would have to be some kind of hard shiny material for them to not just break into flames could you give me a pair of those I need something to put on that can withstand a lot of friction when I'm banging your mom dude what have you done he's leaving no it's not a dude I'm sorry I didn't mean it oh you're talking a third that's good hey Sonic listen uh it's just Sports no Sonic come on dude oh dude oh he's heating up now dude he's pissed why did you say that oh you shouldn't have said that about his mother because all right that's your guy yeah you know are you sure you want these lovely little cartoon characters to get absolutely pummeled the reality is these guys are vicious cold-blooded Killers so oh we'll see what really happens oh my god oh Sonic Sonic oh he can't swim Sonic can't swim I don't know can he not I thought he can I don't know dude I got him no better than I do he's your guy dude I just met him you just met him yeah I just met him oh my God he agreed to this yeah of course everyone wants to be on the show okay he's going back out true they're going oh wait here we go where'd he go he went back to the water dude are you sure he doesn't swim I think he likes it oh okay come on Sonic where'd he go come on stay in this buddy you got him he got him wait oh he killed him he has a problem with flying out of the map a little bit but besides that he's hey come back here I was talking he does just leave he does man he has it he has a problem with his Focus um but that's okay because he's strong oh and I think actually hold on hold on oh oh he's got he got taller oh wow he actually is quite a bit taller I don't like Sonic this way this is scary yeah it is kind of scary isn't it this is like a nightmare for me yeah he's kind of he's like adorable when he's smiling you but then when he's bigger it's no it is scary do you have a guy you know we might have opened Pandora's Box here I don't think that Sonic will ever be tame again he's gonna get a complex now that he's bigger than people he's just gonna start killing everyone you can see it in his eye put a stop to it bring out someone strong okay I I told you to bring out a guy to be able to kill that thing doesn't even look like it works okay yeah that's what you think but I'll tell you right now he's tough this is wither Bonnie okay well as long as he's oh my God here comes big Sonic come on Bonnie Bonnie come on come on Bonnie get up get get him get big Sonic I know you're stronger than they think you're not weak right how are you you're not surely you're not weak come on but you don't have the top Jaws so I don't know what you would do Sonic is just too fast whoa he finished him off like that wow that was oh my God he jumped so hard that he actually went to space there for a second that is crazy all right we fished him out of the water it's not easy keeping a track keeping uh this guy under lock and key you know what I'm saying bring out a better guy you know I'll bring somebody really tough and bad right now if that's what you want oh oh my God what did you do to Woody oh we've seen some stuff he's seen some stuff yeah and by some stuff I mean the video of my birth oh my God yeah I heard you came out full size full size and full speed baby I launched out all kinds of Mayhem all kinds of tragedy that's how I imagined Sonic's birth to be like the speed at which he must have came out okay well go kill that big Woody thing please put him out of his misery I don't like Woody like this yeah enough Woody oh my gosh okay all right they're going at it okay oh oh you just got him he smashed him he turned back to normal size dude oh you just filled him full of helium he wasn't even that big of a Woody dude stop stop revealing my tricks you act like you're a wizard but you know I don't think so man I think it's all just close up magic come here son oh there you are oh my God he's scary in the water dude he's scary on the land yeah he's scary everywhere honestly I'm terrified of him right now okay hold on now I'm I might be I might be crazy but I think he's actually about to level up again take a step back Brock don't don't get caught in the blast radius here he goes he's doing it hold on to your butt oh my God look at him wow geez God he's floating yeah he's floating he doesn't even need to touch the ground now him in gravity they they they haven't have an agreement they have an agreement this is an insult to regular hedgehogs everywhere yeah dude no regular hedgehogs look at Sonic and they're like you think you're better than us and he says my God yes dude this guy's Juiced up right now how many rings is he holding on to I couldn't even tell you where's he keeping him yeah he has red eyes you notice that yeah yeah his his eyes I feel like have changed colors multiple times I don't know he yeah she might be evil now he might be evil I don't know dude this is one of my childhood Heroes so I hope he's not okay yeah I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself I'll ask him to behave I still think he can be better than this by the way so we'll wait a couple more until the mom bring out a really strong guy though oh yeah there you go I'm gonna speak the magic words patootie grow your booty that is Magic wow oh my God he really did get big okay yeah that seems about that seems about right this is choo choo Charles epic form by the way it's not as normal form okay so this is choo choo Charles on crack well he actually does speed oh gotcha three two one go oh my God bring out a knee okay you know what it's gonna get into we're getting into a weird Zone here I guess it's time to go ahead and spawn Squilliam Fancy sun with a Gatling gun like you would ever come to this he killed him he killed him where'd he go I don't know but he left his Gatling gun he goes into the ocean because he's moving so fast he's got to cool off we're in the speed round now though you got to spawn you gotta spawn another guy real quick okay this is the battle we've all waited for waiting on the movie to come out what he's too big oh my God what is this is Godzilla oh yeah the movie they're working on right now uh Super Sonic versus Godzilla I'm just taking a big step back so I don't die horribly three two one and they're going look at him he's just in there he's bouncing off his ankles oh my God blinking you'll miss it he's going he's going for six seconds oh he just grinded him down to a pulp now he's emoting okay dude I think that did it yep I can see it in his eyes here he goes oh my God look at him now dude he looks pretty strong I mean I would I would mess with him I like how he also kept his like glow his yellow glow on the outside you know what he looks really cool I'll say it no I think that means a lot to him man he values your opinion oh does he wow that means a lot to me dude no he doesn't Brock no I'm gonna do it oh god oh no right are you okay yeah I'm fine it was just a gag gun Ledger because I would never promote that please don't please uh please don't do that damn dude you're a stand-up guy oh yeah dude I'm all about uh mental health loving yourself psych speaking of mental health put down the ma let's do it all right Sonic is so freaking ready for this dude you've never seen him like this I literally haven't don't tell anybody you've seen him like this oh okay I won't here he comes I'll do the mall mating call Cricket oh there he is wow he really came fast for that you are one thirsty mom and now you got a mirror all roused up that you said that was the mating call that was the mating call oh God so now he's got the wrong idea oh he thought he was coming here to meet a sweet hot ma honey you know he's gonna fight Sonic so he's about to be on another mad right now okay okay here it goes dude this is the Battle of a lifetime all right are you ready oh god oh dude he just jumped in his mouth I thought he got eaten instantly dude I think he's still inside of him they're beating up his innards okay oh the mod is so strong the boy's so strong oh he's emoting now he's just emoting he's emoting he's wagging his big butt he says haha yeah not only did Sonic jump into his throat into his tummy the Moss spit him out and then ate him ate him again he's out here and you gotta you gotta be on the lookout Dave if you see a mall in your area where are you where do you live are you get out of here Rock and I are staying at this lovely little cabin here but when monsters keep showing up we gotta call Sonic the Hedgehog to fend them off don't forget to subscribe for more Adventures like these ah what a lovely little cabin this is what a just a pleasant day out in the sunshine Brock where are you oh I shouldn't have asked oh God are you okay in there hey oh hey Ledger hey what's wrong with the door what what's the door doing you know I'm still working on Magic so sometimes when you're taking a dump magic just kind of happens yeah dude if I get really emotional for any reason magic will start happening around me and that happens often in the toilet all the time anyways I think what is that what is that rock there's a lake monster there's a goon in the lake oh my god dude I'd be way more scared of this if I didn't just experience what I experienced in that bathroom yeah this is nothing compared to that unlike your experience in the John I think I know the man for the job oh really yeah come check this out I got this really cool thing put in try and ignore that big monster in the lake right now yeah so there it is that's a big phone it is that calls a big man by the name of Sonic the Hedgehog you have a direct line to Sonic sometimes he gets a little annoyed because I just call him for tedious stuff but he did tell me that I can call him anytime he needs to fend off a big monster dude that's really nice of him he's a busy guy yeah this is the perfect situation you want to give him a ring oh I'm going to do it oh do you not are you not comfortable talking to him well I mean no I'm happy I mean I'm excited I'll be a little star struck I just feel like I don't know him like that that's all but no no no he's he's good with people he's good with people okay hi yeah is this a Mr Hedgehog yeah I'll hold he is an assistant um really all right maybe he's busy he's a busy guy so I guess yeah oh okay hi hi Mr Hedgehog um listen I you know don't know you're not the voice you were I'm not the voice you were expecting but uh there's a lake monster here at Ledger's property in the woods was wondering if you could stop by and help us out okay great love the movie by the way it was really good oh you hated it oh you didn't want any part of it oh you're not getting residuals from it oh you're actually a legal battle with the studio right now sorry I brought it up yeah he'll be here shortly he's pretty quick so he should be here any second oh oh my God Sonic he already killed the thing what's that Sonic you also fixed the porter John oh my God he did okay well he really did okay dude I'll take it for a whirl oh my God he's gonna go break it again Sonic oh he always does this no I'm not ugh oh yeah everything looks nice in here oh God oh God oh Sonic don't look in oh Sonic already left gotten the doors up there again my magic I'm sorry it's my magic we should just keep it closed yeah there you go [Music] and then Sonic will have to come back and he'll have to kill that and then maybe he can also fix porta potty again yeah dude I just really hate that I'm asking so much of him I know I know what's that I hear oh just the the evening bus route I thought I was like I was just gonna head home if that's all right with you since we already knocked out the what knocked out the villain yeah yeah I just called the bus up I was like I better head out no we got the villain wait a minute bro who who is driving the bus yeah that's a good point uh maybe it's a self-driving bus you know it's a newfangled attack Tesla it might be a Tesla bus yeah this is Imagine Tesla rolling this out on stage look here's the Tesla bus oh yeah okay so you're gonna drive it home yeah I'll drive it oh here I'll just wake it up hey come on let's get going is that how you start a car yeah just give us yeah just zap it just start it up yeah just start it up just give it a little juice I think it's out of charge oh my God [Music] he just doesn't want to fix the porta potty he already did it once he says he's not doing it anymore isn't there a toilet in here is that the only toilet you have here dude this is yeah but you can just poop in the sink if you want oh actually I have this the you can go ahead and poop in there you really need to go again already man no not yet no no I'm fine now actually I'm fine Sonic's really coming in handy here I I I I really appreciate it man you know being being a legend here just coming out and clean up the crew for us oh what's that I hear oh my God oh my God what is this thing oh it's bone eater food bone guy bone bones muncher oh God he's trying to cut me off dude he probably smelt all the bones of the things that were killed here and now he's coming to eat them God it's one thing after the other I'm getting in the cellar I mean in the Attic hold on yeah I'm gonna get in there too oh dude he ate your he ate the back of your skull turn around no oh dude yeah he got the back of your skull do I need that I know jeez dude your brain is so exposed right now okay this is bad this is bad well we can worry about my brain later we have to call Sonic what do we gotta call Sonic how do we get into the house I'm not going down there again that's for sure if only I had a spare phone on me I don't know why I said that like I do I don't oh god well good news for you is that I do well here it is oh nice okay that's my personal sell okay so just don't run out the minutes okay how many minutes do you have ten Sonic we gotta be quick oh he sent me a text hey next time show up for the date ask oh oh God no don't look at that yeah just don't okay Sonic listen buddy are you there we we need your help again he says he's busy fixing somebody else's toilet why is he fixing their toilet why couldn't you fix our truck never mind sending your uh sending somebody just send anyone yeah okay I think he will I think he will okay hold on let's check the bone Thrasher might be outside yeah no I think he might be out there something's telling me he might be outside oh there it is it's toon Sonic get him oh God get in there oh my dude I think he just I think he just sent him to space did you send him to space camp on the moon he's so tough for how small he is here have an apple keep your sugar levels up what's that stop calling you well that's not gonna happen yeah no we're definitely gonna call him we're definitely gonna go what do you mean you gave us the phone you can't no backseats there's too many monsters here go tell your dad go take this apple and go tell your dad is he your dad go tell your dad that uh we're keeping the phone also come fix our toilet all right thank you bye oh God he really is fast and he didn't even take the Apple well dang I think that uh I think we're starting to push their patience you know but I and we can't help it when all these monsters just keep showing up one after the other after the other and oh wait what's that oh oh what the hell bro you got you the thing is terrifying dude he's so oh they keep sneaking up on you man I'm so sorry you keep getting jumped you never get hit he wants me right now but the good thing is that you're there to well no no no no are you inside the house yeah I'm inside I'm inside okay I'm gonna close the door uh where's the door um oh he ate it I'm in I'm in oh God or use this door I have a second we have a second door in here perfectly good door oh true good point yeah okay yeah just shut that perfect boom no the phone the phone to call Sonic is in the other room I have another phone that we could use you got to be a little suspicious with a guy that has a lot of burner phones but okay go ahead come on dude I participate in a lot of different Rec Soccer Leagues and I don't want them to know about each other okay is that so wrong right right right right yeah no no that's that makes complete sense totally totally don't believe it but go ahead bring out your phone just put it on the wall here it's a big oh okay yeah cool all right let's call him up I'll put them on speakerphone hello Sonic guesses it's us again it's us hey I know you said to stop calling you I know you said that you know you said you don't want to fix our toilet but could you do it hahaha but could you but could you also by the way uh totally tangential unrelated note there's a killer terrain outside we need some help with just no big deal or anything it's just a giant train that is also a killer he's on the loose you know you wouldn't believe it what is that three kill four killers in one day we're just having a really unlucky day dude but you know you're supposed to save us right you're the hero so would you mind you might want to power up for this one all right see you soon bye bye okay cool I'm sure he'll make it I'm sure he'll come yeah dude he didn't even say anything on that whole call he was listening he seems really frustrated I don't think I might have called the wrong number I got on the Roof oh oh wait what's that oh no I accidentally called my pediatrician nothing seems to be happening he's trying to get him I see him he's trying to run him he's trying to get him he's circling him like a shark oh God oh God he's got him he's got him right where he wants him that's my pediatrician right there man you never know he's doing them oh no hey come back here he's so unreliable but good news is though I saw he I think he had timed yeah yeah he fixed the toilet oh my God he fixed the John you know it just goes to show that you don't really need sonic yeah sonic sonic we don't need you you hear me yeah yeah why we're both looking up like is God or something he kind of is he kind of is oh oh my God Sonic whoa Sonic dude he's here Sonic what is he oh God we're I'm sorry I'm sorry about what we said don't be mad he's pissed dude he's pissed you just point me in the direction of the guy I need to kill sir he's over there he's oh there you go you go oh my god dude he's why he just killed him just like that dude wow he's really showing off now isn't he or he's leaving God we gotta send that guy like some kind of like gift basket or something yeah I'm not doing it I'm gonna try this new toilet out just real quick no no it got me nervous it's I'm just peeing dude I'm just peeing this time okay okay it's just number one this time it's nice and easy well because we can't call Sonic anymore dude I I just can't do it okay yeah no yeah okay just relax okay I was worried for a second huh what hey yeah it's fine yeah can I go yeah go have a try oh my God
Channel: Mr.Gibbs
Views: 546,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic The Hedgehog in GMOD (FULL MOVIE)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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