One TeeVee on SMILING CRITTERS RAFT in Minecraft!

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hi it's TV and today we're stuck on one raft and we have to save The Smiling Critters oh no they split up everywhere we have to find them and save them oh but I got my best friend Digi and catnb hey catnb what no there can only be one best friend you can only have one no that's you oh I'm just saying cab is also with us but kadab is afraid of water oh no cab whatever you do just don't touch the water okay it can't be that bad right what are you doing you're TV you're electrical you hi I'm a TV wow wait Didi no what why would you do that cab cab come on buddy oh you know what you you can push him you can push him back in iPhone I there you go what no I just got out no please cab get him get him cab no bad cat bad no katab why did you jump in the wall okay Digi we need you also you're a marshmallow you're going to like puff up in the water I know okay we all don't like the water so let's all not touch the water but Digi do you have a fishing rod you can get us some food no what you're liing who put that in my hand I that wasn't me okay do you have any wood as well cuz we need to uh get make a boat and I need to go and save this modern crit is there somewhere maybe in the submarine the little house under there that's probably a pirate ship wa I like in Ikea do you think I have everything you got next thing you're ask me is do I have meatballs in my pockets uh we need a wrench and a douche uh that's a table a table a wrench and a and a Walla it's it's Swedish for table look it up don't look it up okay well here's your Swedish table and your wrench what how did you oh and your meatballs ooh I love Ikea yay guys do you like Ikea I like Ikea I like my Digi Ikea no but serly we need a boat we need wood we need crafting tables what are you doing why you give me all this stuff ah fine here's your stupid wood okay uh crafting table I think I have enough to build a boat uh I'm going to put this next to the table the D I don't remember what I said you're making words up all right you guys are going who who whoa whoa waa guys that was catnap all right well I'm going to leave you guys to it uh good luck have fun don't don't hurt each other okay don't worry we'll be just fun I want you guys to learn to dance dance okay or get food learn how to dance all right bye by bye going down Punk okay we're going to go to the pirate ship because I believe that there's probably a uh a smiling Critters on the uh pirate sh which I actually I just I think I just saw an ear I just I think I just saw a dog is that dog day I see do are you a pirate what is this what what's oh wait there's an island over there too ooh o all right uh let's see if we can save dog day dog day uh oh wait there's a pirate wait there's a dog T Dog T hi are you okay yeah I'm fine I'm a pirate dog who this is my Sea Dog see a sea dog get it Sea Dog uh yeah I kind of need him and take him back to the raft over there no he's mine you're going to have to walk the plank Come on talk D make it walk the plank yeah walk the plank I got a phone to pick with you give what uhu the wait where the pl wait I don't want to please uh right right C dog yeah Sea Dog Sea Dog and uh Captain uh what's your name you know my name I told you my name well I forgot it's a very complex and very ex Captain Billy Water yeah see Billy Billy Billy blobber you know what you've been making fun of my name for far too long you're going to walk the plank too no but dog oh no dog D what do we do we're going to have to jump no I wait I have I have a little boat yeah take this yeah get get yeah quick into the boat into the boat the boat quick come on dug they swim doggy paddle doggy paddle doggy paddle doggy paddle doggy paddle why is your head glitching are you okay I'm fine are you okay no wait I see catnap but I don't see Digi oh that's Digi he's in the water what are you guys doing a you stupid cat you keep thr me in the water stop it look I have dog day dog day all right uh go join him I okay SE dog reported for Duty you guys can help each other out did did anyone tell you that Digi and dog you kind of sound similar what no really we do nah definitely seed dogs sound different yeah Didi does too yeah I don't know who was talking also bam check it out on your screen a poster we have a bunch of posters now yeah you can check them out Link in the description or click the shopping Tab and we ship worldwide and I sign every poster but hurry we only have 250 so yeah check them out in the description okay we're going to go save another smiling Critter okay bye bye bye uh you know what submarine time we're going to go to the submarine we're going to see uh who in the submarine but there's a bunch of shocks around the submarine so I'm just going to be very careful also before we go to the submarine I'm just going to quickly check the house just to make sure that no one is in there cuz if someone's trapped inside the house that would be so bad okay I'm just going to quickly swim down hello anyone go no no one's in here uh the chest is empty all right I'm getting out of here then getting out getting out getting out go back to the okay uh to the submarine okay I'm going to go down okay uh I'm coming down hello anyone in here oh picky oh my goodness please help me yeah why are you in here why do you have the door open the water can come in no it's not doing that I don't know I'm stuck here wait do you know how to push these buttons oh what is this like light switch like this yeah I tried pressing buttons and then I went underneath Vicky there's there's a shock there's a shock swimming around us no I'm too delicious he's going to eat me D okay what if I distract the shock and then you oh no he's trying to get in he's trying to break the glass behind you you have to sacrifice yourself I was wow I was going to suggest that but I don't like that you said that okay list oh no wait no no stop I have a plan I have a plan let me distract the shock you get in the boat and then pick me up and we'll sell to the raft okay all right yeah you you're definitely going to pick me up right you're not going to leave me behind no remember we're besties I thought we were besties remember we're besties yeah we're besties we're besties I'm doing this to help you okay all right let's do this yeah let's do it right here chck I'm distracted the okay piggy go go go okay I'm here I'm here I'm on the boat I'm on the boat okay right click it what are you doing got to sail here okay go go piy go going to the going there you go that go that way yeah there you go no what I'm let oh God this the shock's behind us keep going keep going the sh is chasing us he wants the bacon he wants the bacon go go my goodness uh-oh what did you do with catnap what what are you talking about he's right there ah catnap hey okay the shock uh you know what I have the meatballs this will distract him hey shark uh take this go over there there you go it he's leaving us leing no piggy what are you doing piggy what are you doing trying to get the what are you doing what are you doing you said meatballs I went down to get my meatballs piggy we're trying to okay the shocks going pH bye no the sh would want to eat you you can't go in the water okay I would have it would have been okay if I had the meatballs okay Digi and uh py you guys are going to work together to get uh more food but make sure that py doesn't eat it okay do you guys you guys like each other have you guys met before yes I've met your cousin and uncle and probably your whole family in his in his tummy in his tummy oh my goodness no you can't leave you can't leave you have to I'm going to go save someone else bye bye rumbly in my tumbly Digi don't eat don't eat pigy pigy I don't eat him oh don't eat I'll eat you yeah come at me marshmallow you're marshmallow I'll you you try to eat me I'll eat you all right let's all make an agreement not to eat each other okay all right dog day Dog Day You're the Leader I need you to keep an eye on him I'm no longer the leader in this situation okay bye all right bye I'm going to check out that little island over there there's a little island over there I'm just going to see what's over there H I'm going to go do that I'm going to do that also while I'm say don't forget to click that subscribe button if you're new to my channel uh and yeah comment down below if you're subscribed I want to know I want to talk to you I will hot your comment yeah ooh there you go okay let's see who's over here there's a little bonfire ooh okay I'm going to park over here is that is that is that the right term I guess dock I'm going to dock my boat right here there you go uh I think a little key it's locked no one can steal it h this island looks so cool someone must be on the this island uh let's see maybe we should just why are we on this smelly small raft when we could be living on this island H let's see uh hello oh it's kick and chicken kick and chicken hey hey kick a chicken I'm not alone in this world yay hey yeah we're trying to save all you guys are you okay am I okay I'm great look at me I got my like a little fire pit a little little big fire to burn everyone who watch up to shore wait what and uh what what you wait what have you been doing what what what how long you been here for eating it's been 1 two three four it's been 5 years 5 years five oh my gosh wow but I like your chair thank you I made it with the skin of stop stop just stopes stop stop okay well uh you want to come back with me to the raft what no why why would why would I go to a raft when I've got everything right here you even have a bom what this is and a smothie blenda a pirate ship wrecked onto my my Island the whole crew are no longer with us but you stole that wine it's a little bit of wine a little bit of rum why are you allowed to drink wine and rum how old are you now your business you're so right never ask a lady their age that's right that's what happened to the crew of the pirate ship they asked how old you were and then you yeed them now they're all gone well as much as I love this conversation we need to get you with your friend let's go no I don't want to leave you have to leave this luxury Island and and go to the raft also the raft is getting a bit crapped so no even worse why would you want me right get in the boat get in the boat Stop drowning get in the boat come on we're going now get in the boat this is DB there you go yep Sor right say bye to your precious little island bye Island I'm going to eat all of you now wait what' you say I didn't hear that what sorry the the breeze of the ocean is really loud I don't like the ocean breeze if they're going to say mean things like that curse you ocean yeah c the ocean yeah it was the ocean that said that look that's your friends guys stop eating each other what we're not eating each other also I now have a chicken we have a pig where's the pig the pig's right there here I'm right here I'm sorry you blind there's a lot of people there's a lot come on K chicken come on there you go chicken do you guys have any like fish are you guys eating the fish you guys okay um um yeah piggy over here keeps eating it hey I got kick you're eating the fish my fish okay fine you know what I don't think I need food you guys need to eat food you guys are going to eat either the pig or the chicken or the Marshmallow but no don't eat me please I'm the cat nibbling on me stop it okay with a Breakfast Bunch with a Breakfast Bunch God I don't think we should refer to you guys as food anymore I know we're on the raft and we're stranded but I'm trying to save everyone and then we can get out of here okay so just hold tight we've saved four we got to find four more people let's see there's a there's be hug hoppy Hopscotch crafty corn and a Bubba Bubba oo can you stop fishing stop hook yeah how you like that you guys both have fishing rods what yeah we made he made one oh okay well I'm going to leave you guys to it then uh I'm going to go find the elas bye everyone stupid cat yeah take me back home please no that's okay you stay no stay there no T you go away okay I saw that there was a really big island earlier so maybe there's a probably a couple of smiling Critters on that island so let's just go over to that island and see if we can find them who should we find next guys comment down below either hoppy Hopscotch or crafty corn ooh who should we save next comment down below right now as we're sailing to the island hoppy Hopscotch your crafty corn I also want to find a way out this place I don't want to be stranded on this raft with all these animals uh okay let's see hoppy Hop star or crafty corn let me check the comments let me see what you guys are saying H there's a good mix of hoppy and crafty so let's just see which one pops up is that no this is this is scary is that like an Aztec building in the middle what is this place this is terrifying uh let's check in the middle oh wait I hear a crafty no no don't run away no it's me what are you doing crafting C come back what are you do stop hey it's me hey what's wrong oh I'm looking for my toys I can't find them H I have this really amazing toy from Sweden look it's a Swedish toy a Reen yeah it's called a that's what they call it in Sweden I I don't know yeah totally what you said yeah do you like it it's heavy it's like a paper weight it's pretty I [Music] okay uh now you have your toy did you want to come with me to your friends your other friends do you have more toys now yeah there's like a squishy marshmallow toy that you can play with yeah squishy marshmallow toy we got to go oh wait before we do that is there another friend on this island this Island's pretty big uh I think there's another friend here ooh let's try to find them uh which way which way should we go maybe the caves wait there's a cave oh do I don't want to go to Cave don't be a wussy let's can can you show me which way is under the mountain yeah okay I'm going to follow you following the Unicorn into these into the cave the Unicorn follow the Unicorn we taking the bridge I love that there you go yeah why we go in the water not try not what my things hotter you're not entirely wrong why are there a bunch of tracks ah because you can do like railroads and stuff like that ooh it's like the island soda is Thomas the tankage in here yeah well maybe oh no oh no I don't wait wait maybe oh no wait no he's a friendly he's a he's a very useful engine okay and then if he's mean I'll hit him yeah there you go uh wait wait oh no to be buny wait CRA C quick use the wrench on the wolf quick get get the wolf yeah get out of here wolf get out of here I don't want to I don't want to hurt you I sorry no run just run run C you did it you scared the wolf away I did it do I get toys now yeah on the raft yeah okay but like now yeah we don't have it right now uh here's a here's a uh uh like a building block like a kid's building block oh I will destroy everybody with this okay okay you do that hoppy are you okay hello no I'm not okay I'm terrified okay well that's okay we're here to save you we're going to take you to the raft with all your friends all my friends though oh I I think it's going to be the greatest thing in the whole entire world yeah okay you two come with me okay okay w we have one problem though uh there's only my boat can only hold two people so uh maybe you guys can both H maybe you could pick each other up and then go on the boat we'll have to try that okay oh yeah I'm very strong oh okay well yeah you could pick up crafty cor then uh I think the boats are here I I'm a strong I'm strong okay here's that boat so uh hoppy if you pick up crafty let's see if this works and then I'm going to go the boat okay and then you're going to see if you get on the boat um yeah oh it worked it worked woohoo yeah all right back to just don't throw crafty don't throw me don't throw me I didn't throw you we're not go to we're not go to I it I didn't do it oh look there's your friends over there wait was that a is that a juke box yeah wow did you fish that uh-huh we fish it out of the sea what oh my wait does it work can you put something on uh we haven't really tried that part yet actually let me I'm my dance party oh you need Bubba Bubba F he's the smart one who can make it work oh don't you think we've got enough people on here uh yeah there's not enough room here for everybody hoppy why are you dancing there's no music I'm always dancing I'm happy hop SC Didi how's babysitting I hate this this is not what I wanted to do did you want to go out and like babysitter did you want to go out into the Wilderness and try to find them then I'm giving you the easy job is it easy I feel like they're trying to kill each other constantly yeah I need you to stop get rid of them kick it chicken stop what is wrong with you wow I'm crazy all right you know what we still need two more friends we need to say bu and bear hug so I need to go back out try to find them Digi just make sure they don't you know ye Each Other Well now with Hoppy here it's going to be so much harder no hoppy can help you fish hoppy don't you want to help fish yeah what's fishing uh you throw that in and then when it starts tugging you pull it in all right okay there we go and yeah you did it ni do let's see if hoppy can catch anything all right hoppy let's Okay uh nothing yet oh no you got to wait for it to tug you gotta be patient you got to be patient it's about fishing what is I can't be patient yes you can this is all about like Bros chatting with each other okay so what up Su how how is life sup bro life's very Bleak right now oh wa oh my gosh you got a book can I see the book I got a I got a book what is this enchanted book oh my gosh wait it says damag and P you know what I'm going to keep this thank you oh okay thank you bye bye keep fishing hoppy keep fishing yeah keep fishing hoppy seems to be very magical all right let's see we need two more friends where would they be H let's try maybe the maybe on the island there's probably one more friend cuz this island over here is huge maybe there's someone on top of the mountain maybe I don't even know where else they would be unless wait wait I think over there there's a Island over there oh of course there's probably a friend over there and then maybe there's another friend on top of the mountain okay what we're going to do is we're going to go to the mountain first and then uh we're going to go to that little deserted island and we'll go save uh the pattle friend ow all right we're going to go to the mountain uh hello I'm heading T what is the the LW of this island maybe it is Thomas the Tank Engine Island the Sodor okay hello is anyone there hello Bubba be hug oh no I can't see anyone it looks like a little Igloo is that no um what's that's almost up there wait there's a nest wait hello hi beug down here where are you be hug I'm in the C I'm there's this little cave at the top wait what where right hi hello oh hi B you okay hi hi I'm okay of course the bad's going to be in a cave that makes so much sense I thought you'd be like down below with the wolf though no I ran away from the wolf oh I see hey did you want to go to the raft with your friends sure okay and then uh maybe there's going to be uh if you ask Digi very nicely he might be able to uh fish you some honey I would love that yeah um how how are you doing like are you okay you seem lonely yeah yeah I'm totally okay um I I was a little going crazy um from being alone for so long but now I'm okay I don't remember where the boat is is it over here is it over there do you see a boat I have no idea oh there it is okay here you go uh do B like water I don't know let's find out no I don't like the water all right just stay in the boat we're going to take you back to the friends all right they're over here we just have to say bubba bubba Fern and I think he's on that deserted island over there a deserted island way over there and I think he's on there so we need to uh head that way afterwards then we need to get everyone to the ra and then we done we saved everyone woo wait if everyone's on the raft then what ah we'll figure it out when we get to that point yeah it's fine don't worry about it everyone let's go oh there they are guys we got B hi hi guys Digi what is what is that on I don't I can't even see what that is from here stop eating the fish all right you got to share we have the ration what is leave them alone that's my friend oh my it's a GI you fished up a giant fish yeah yeah what do you think we did ohy did it wait beog you like fish there you go perfect hey okay you guys can all start cooking the fish and uh make sure you share it out uh yeah we we'll try hoppy can't stop staring into the ocean I'm going to eat it oh hoppy you good there's so many emotions so many memories oh gosh this is so much harder okay uh did house we got to get one more friend one more please I don't think we can fit anymore please yeah look at this isn't this fun don't you guys want to be on this raft of all of us this is fun of course fun no my toys I want my toys I was promised a marshmallow to play with uh yeah yeah Digi uh that's your toy over there Digi he's over there there you go no I'm not I'm not your toy okay just I'm going to go I'm going bye Digi no please I'm got to save the elephant I got to SA face yeah don't worry calm down hi Cy stop what is happening about that guys stop it all right we're moving okay one more friend to go one more friend to go we're going to find Bubba Bubba fun we got to see Bubba H let's see where is Bubba Bubba fun there's a crashed oh my gosh there's a crashed submarine into that Island over there um which is probably I'm hoping Bubba's not in there Bubba's too smart even not crash a submarine um let's see there's a wait there he is there he is Bubba bbba Bubba fun hey over here turn around hi there t we're here to save you oh my gosh you look so deserted over here deserted what do you mean what like you're all alone and like trapped that's what I mean oh no I'm not trapped I'm here on a scientif Expedition oh you're like an archaeology no that's that's not at all what okay wait who's this guy oh that's Phillip Phillip what happened to Phillip he was my assistant apparently humans require water and food yeah so he uh he didn't he didn't survive that long no it was just about a week or so and then suddenly he started feeling a little H sad a little sad yeah and then he fell asleep and then he didn't wake up I thought well hold on I thought you were scientist but you know what this is exactly this was the experiment oh see how long humans can survive on an island well it's a good thing I'm not a human I guess uh hey you know what maybe we should um we should we should get out of here I found all your friends do you want to come join your friends oh yeah good thing you came by my experiment was all over oh perfect timing then H sorry Phillip bye Phillip sorry I'm thinking now to get a whole island and fill it with humans and they fight to the death 100 100 humans on one Island hey do you guys want to see that do you want to see that Minecraft YouTube video leave a like on the video and comment down below saying I want to watch a 100 humans on one Island that' be that's a fun idea and Bubba Bubba could do the experiment exactly it's going to be fantastic hey look that's your friends hey look hey guys there going to be bu there's going to be 10 of us on this raft all right wait wait please wait Bubba stop Bubba you're smart you can help us get out of here maybe there's like some kind of teleportation Crystal that you found or something oh hey guys what is this is this the remains of the fish this the remains of the fish yes wait this is my shell a little hungry oh no I wanted it no why why are there a bunch of what guys there a bunch of wallet around they are they stealing from Digi Digi they're trying to steal your wallets I don't have a wallet they Hoy just keeps catching these things from the ocean I I just keep finding wallets I don't understand it wait this one's Phillips BB we found Philip's wallet hey he's got a pict of his family uh don't don't worry about hey guys we're all on the raft we did it woo Y Man Bubba you're the smartest one here any idea how to get off this well let's see according to the sun's position and the stars that I have okay the the wind speed I say we are about 3 miles from land okay wait wait wait maybe we all need to get wait wait wait okay hoppy uh Digi quick we need to fish wood we only need to make a a bunch of boats and then we could sail the right direction Bobby you know the right direction right mhm just got to follow my nose okay great okay so uh there's 10 of us which means we need five boats so there's uh one and then I think I have enough out of one we need I think uh 15 Wood I think uh so you guys need to fish that up did Didi help out I don't have the fishing rod anymore oh canab has it okay canab Hy wait hoppy didn't give it back to you no hoppy refuses to give over the hoppy you're just staring into the you should have giv it back no I I can't say goodbye he's my friend it's going all Titanic on us that's water no we need wood that's not wood we need wood we need 15 planks come on catap get us 15 15 Woods and then uh we can build the boats and we can get out of here Digi I need you to kind of like pick them up pick what pick what the what wait we could pick we could pick some of these up okay wait actually we might only need two but wait we discovered the other day with um with crafty and hoppy we could just pick them up okay wait let's pick up dog T yeah look see we can pick them up in your pockets no no no I'm holding I need you to help me pick them up fine get over here hoppy okay pick up uh kick a chicken put me down don't you H look at you holding them you told me to hold them I'm being hush all right I got I got these two what about the others can you pick up crafty con yeah C okay H ho um oh cat cat cat picked him up okay yeah okay Bubba Bubba fun pick up catnap what if I carry one of them yeah yeah I just said that oh good thinking pick up catnap there you go okay so I'm going to go in this boat like so and then did you go in the other one I don't know if I'll be able to can I get in it oh and then bbba you join me and then B hog you join Digi get in bear come on bubba here we go go I think I can yes you can yes you can seen it yes there we go yes all right Bubba which way uh I believe uh that way I think all right let's go everyone's go come on let's go you're saying it's this way Bubba oh yeah right over this way come on Digi Digi is so slow I'm sorry hoppy and kicking chicken are very heavy I'm trying to wait for you come on keep going there you go I'm past you what are you doing with those big muscles huh all right just keep going this way Bubba you you're certain it's this way right oh yeah I'm 100% positive 100% all right you heard that guys it's 100% this way keep going come on I hope so oh I really hope Bubba's right I'm we're just going to be lost in this ocean or maybe it was 100% the other way wait what no you can't say that now we've already committed this we can't go back now yeah we're like stranded in the middle of nowhere now oh Bubba Bubba what have you done I've done nothing good thing we've got some food though you guys have food no one left me any piggy piggy ate it all what who said that who's it that what that's crazy oh my God I literally F we the middle of nowhere oh no Digi what do we do I I don't know I'm a little day 63 in the middle of the ocean we have not found a boat or land yet all hope is lost at least together at least we're get I feel bad for crafty Cod he's stuck in a pocket please help me I can't help you sorry not until we find land I could just be on my Paradise Island but no someone had to kidnap me yeah wait why don't we have just we could have just stayed on the Paradise Island I guess that's what I would say but now you're like we got to get out of here we do have to get out of here oh there is a Paradise Island there was a Paradise Island k a chicken is just living life on that eat and eating all the Pirates yeah it pretty good scrumptious all right should we should we take a break and figure out a new plan a a break okay what new plan we're literally let me just like spin around yep we're literally lost uh does anyone know which way to go I'm facing forward do we keep going forward do we go left do we go right I don't think we should go back at this point I'm going to be honest I don't really know I'm more of a Science Guy we're trapped oh no Bubba buba done you got stuck here I'm sorry you want to go back no I do not want to go back oh this is useless I I say we just keep going forward let's just keep going forward oh wait look look what what what look forward what is this I can't see Hoppy's big big Goofy ears are in the w w uhoh Wait what do we do wait wait don't go down don't go down don't go down don't go down wait look wait maybe we have to go down okay on the count of three we're going to go down okay that's a terrible idea what if part of hey hey is everyone okay crafy c yeah I'm scared H yeah I'm fine wa look this land we did it oh my gosh it was we made it we did it it was we found way out the yay let's get out of here guys yay yeah oh I'm so proud of all of us well done guys well done pat pat yourselves on the back thank you I can't reach yeah let's everyone get out there you go everyone come on come on come on uh let's get you guys down and dog day and uh wait everyone here it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight we did it we've escaped w y y yes let's go so which way now hey guys thanks so much for watching click on your screen now for another video don't forget to check out my posters wait no we're we're still lost TV we we got to find our way out yeah so click on your screen now for another video don't forget to check my posters leave a like And subscribe see you later guys bye say how do we get out
Channel: TeeVee
Views: 280,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One TeeVee on SMILING CRITTERS RAFT in Minecraft!, teevee, smiling critters, smiling critters raft, raft, minecraft, catnap, poppy playtime, chapter 3, poppy playtime chapter 3, no cursing, no swearing, slime block, slime, block, sml, aphmau, omz, sunny and melon, sunny, melon, minecraft mod, new, update, jeffy minecraft, cash, nico, friend, tycer, princess hana, dogday, hoppy hopscotch, crafty corn, Bobby Bearhug, Bubba Bubbaphant, Kickin Chicken, Picky Piggy, poppy playtime minecraft
Id: qV8TkiTMa5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 41sec (2081 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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