Monsters Destroy Our Destructible House (FULL MOVIE)

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welcome home boys wow it's great to be here Ledger yeah so good to be home and comforted it's comforting us are bleeding with the lovely sound of cartoon cat he's outside but as long as he doesn't break these fragile walls we'll be safe Joe don't stand Too Close why he can't reach me why didn't we put any glass in the windows Joe are you gonna be able to get back inside you guys distract them okay okay I'm good I'm gonna make a run for it Brock do a dance to distract them quickly open the door open the door open the front door oh God oh God come on quickly quickly now oh God close it close it oh no he's fine ledger so oh oh Jesus oh this is gonna be a hard one to get going Ledger why are we here hello there get upstairs upstairs everybody up oh he killed brunch he ripped his eyes out look at it oh no go go no no no no no no no no no no no no no shoot him guys we gotta decorate the house you guys ready for a home makeover boy am I I think we gotta fix it I think we already did all right and you like that whoa that was very cool and you got rid of all the cartoon cats yeah I'm gonna put them back down outside because it's just not the same without them yeah you're right you're right he's right I've always wanted a cat what would you like to see in terms of Decor maybe turrets or metal Turks yeah yeah very metal walls turrets for the doors perhaps a dog this doesn't seem like something we should have in the living room oh no no it's just Decor it's just Decor uh-huh so you're sure it's not gonna if you're telling me if I if I okay yeah so that was live oh it was a live bomb oh yeah um but I'll tell you what it sure has made it roomy in here okay let's put this um lamp there boom okay oh there's another room over here yeah I didn't even know it's a kitchen use the door what were you born in a barn got so are we living in here after all this is over or what yeah yeah what the [ __ ] I did that I think we had a gas explosion hey I think something's wrong with the gas hey Ledger I hate to be this guy but do you think you could do you think you could cast that spell and reset the house yeah do you think I should here's what I'm thinking because not only does a house need to be beautiful it also needs to be practical yes yes that's what I always say oh Joe's blocking the door Joe Joe can you open the open The Joe let me in let me add him let me do this wall I'm from Amazon to order the package broke your package just give me the don't talk about Brock's package oh wait oh Brock look your package all right just become a pyromaniac he's trying to burn the house um now I'm now I'm UPS I hate to be this guy Legend hold on uh-huh I hate to be this guy Legend could you reset the house oh God here hold on don't worry there we go oh wow it's like a whole new it's like a whole new house oh it was on delivery guy again oh look hey it's so good to see you man you have my package I actually don't I don't have any wow dude you're fired my phone though what is this early 2000s what is that yeah Jesus dude get upgraded you loser special delivery okay now for realsies this time for real we're gonna go seriously amp this up a notch ready make Brock Red Rocks right now oh he's blue wait a minute that's not right oh now he's red oh Joe oh he's blue ah he's he's sad because he's blue I get it oh he's crying maybe you should deliver him a package Brock I think someone's here for you at the door okay okay it's okay buddy oh it's Amazon delivery guy Mr Brock yeah give it here oh there's your package buddy thank you oh guys I'm feeling much better oh dude okay then in that case yeah pleasure could you come in here oh yeah hold on just move this out of the way thank God for me I hate to be this guy could you reset the house uh yeah would you also like me to turn you green again yeah please what about pink oh hot pink I don't know if I like hot pink Brock I like hot pink oh God reset the house Ledger thank you turn it back oh God turn it back what do you mean let's decorate the house I'm gonna go hey there we go okay so you guys go ahead and start setting down some defenses I swear to God if you break my house one more time all right here's the thing Joe here's what I'm thinking I want people to come over to the house to think that we're active we're sporty let's put a soccer ball I might distract the cats too they might we'll kick it around and then also to make sure that they really think that we're active and sporty let's just put this cannon in oh oh good lord you know what I'm gonna put a couple turrets on it too just to make sure [Music] oh yeah it works here stand in front of that um just just take a couple steps this way but you promise you won't shoot it though oh definitely yeah on my Scout's Honor dude oh wow maybe a little more my way definitely not gonna shoot it I think we are more like of a problem than cartoon cat is what yeah no it seems kind of nice does anyone feel that so far so good dude I think that this is coming along great I'm get I went to the grocery by the way did you what'd you get I got a bunch of milk go you got a bunch of milk huh yeah there it is oh nice dude um now we'll be able to see our bones will be nice and strong for him to break them and now I pleasure I don't know about you but I make YouTube videos so I'm gonna need to uh put this here oh there we go oh sick new desktop thanks man I left it open on the side so I can add some more uh gaming and uh and here's the mouse yep and and here's the rat and there's the wrap for my gaming there's the mouse there's the mouse dude there he is oh dude I'm gonna put down a hack station so we can hack oh yeah put down a hack station we need that yeah console oh wow are you actually hacking oh wow console um what happens when I oh it literally is the console that's cool what if I do um that's quite cool dude oh yeah there we go look it keeps up with our commands whoa penis oh here we go a Howitzer um the hell is this it's a house no no it's no glory I'm gonna put it I use a roof yeah I think we can use it you know what let's just get on the roof yeah don't jump though oh oh yeah we got this oh God what did I have to do sorry are you guys loading the house yeah we're loading the Howitzer wow guys this is a house we should I'm listing this on Airbnb right now yeah dude I think people are going to want to come see this here guys I'm gonna you guys keep setting up the Howitzer I'm gonna go around the property and I'm gonna take some pictures okay [Music] oh dude I just loaded the Howitzer oh the it just fell right out the bottom oh no oh my god really good thing I took the Airbnb pictures already you know what I mean yeah bad news I my frame rate's like zero my frame rate is very bad could you maybe I don't know reset the house do you think yeah dude is that a possibility yeah I hate to be that guy let me see if I can do that while this does while this freaks out admittedly it was a bad idea to let the bomb just slip right out of the how it's there but how was I how was I gonna know that it was gonna be a hot dog down a hallway I thought there was going to be some grip in there my face when the bomb slips right out of the house I gotta tell you guys something I've been meaning to tell you for a while I have got to pee so bad go now because now's a good time take your mic take the mic take the mic do you need me to come shake it for you I better go just in case oh yeah yes oh my God yeah dude that you were just in time I literally just fixed it oh thank God man that's awesome my fiance just started her college classes back up today online because on account of the virus and um she's just doing like a ballet class upstairs in the kitchen so I walked upstairs and there she was with the webcam on doing ballet and he was my dumb ass wheedley waddling up in the [ __ ] oh keep it there it's like your nose well anyways so I think I think swooping up the house hasn't been the move so how about we just turn them on and shoot them yeah I'm thinking that I'm thinking that what about the woe gun oh that works damn all we had to do is pull that out all we all we had to do was call on Crash and the house is fine yeah wow phew [Music] Nothing Like A Hard Day's Work to really get the you know blood flowing oh nice dude is that the chair gun uh yeah do you here have a seat oh my God you could rest the old because if you wouldn't mind earlier but that doesn't mean I forgot upstairs okay right now there's a big Mist hold on wait upstairs right now there's a big mystery surprise and I want you to all come with me and check it out okay are you ready are you ready for the mystery surprise three two one walk up these stairs yeah a bathtub I found him on the streets go sit in with him [Applause] yeah look out he's very uh I'm definitely closer I think yeah yeah this um call the FBI the ears are actually the most terrifying part of this today we're all Bugs Bunny it's just the tips too it's just the tips it's just the waggly little I hate it who's who Brock jump okay Brock didn't you have a story to tell us oh yeah so I was home recently with my with my my family we were talking about pets that we've had in the past and they got to talking about a tarantula that the family had had and I am not kidding you at all I have zero recollection of our family having a tarantula and I swear to God they were like yeah dude we had what are you talking about in California we lived in a place for a year and a half for six months of that year and a half we had a tarantula it was in a cage in the kitchen you must have blocked it out dude I don't know what happened but I swear to and then my dad came into the room and I was like dead they're like with me right like they we didn't have a tarantula he's like yeah we did we had a tarantula oh how old were you I was like 4 until I had some kind of Jedi Mind control over you yeah dude the tarantula [ __ ] me up yeah he has some kind of dude you know who else wants to [ __ ] you up there he is a cannibal bunny my my next yeah kiss me I think he was uh proposing to you here comes another look out oh [ __ ] run get inside everybody in the house shut the door okay all right guys so welcome home downstairs everybody upstairs okay we're uh I think we're safe yeah I think we should be totally fine up here yeah uh just hopefully uh nobody just spawns in a hole ass ton of money yeah I'm in the house oh no I'm going Harry Potter guys is it room for another yeah sure come on in dude nice ears I'll handle this guys don't worry what did you do I'm just handling it dude oh are you eviscerating at all yeah yeah I sure am glad I paid for all those Renovations yeah you know they say that the best slate is a clean one you know so I don't know about that oh my camera oh you gotta get survived oh wow dude nice carrots hey can you eat them oh we can't you ate you ate it you ate both of them you greedy you ready for the house to be fixed yeah very cool right we need uh we need to think about this guys we need to fortify I'm sure those rabbits are gonna be back they don't like the humanoid rabbits uh like us who is the era oh it's a Minecraft carrot I see the cat what's the who's this oh god what the [ __ ] he's a different Bugs Bunny oh I don't see it Darren Bugs Bunny yeah leave dude you can't hang out with us like that oh he just went out and killed himself dude that was really sad hey guys I'm back from the store oh that wasn't you what there was a oh God there's another Bugs Bunny here I think he we made fun of him and he went out back and killed himself we thought it was wait hold on oh dude that was my Aunt Carol you made fun of her we did we did she has Tendencies dude what the [ __ ] Tendencies Tendencies yeah it's what connects your muscles to your bones yeah look at him laughing oh look out behind you oh hey there he's in he's in Joe don't just stand there take it I was gonna get a sword oh well you got eaten instead quick about it get him I'm trying to be quick dude but we all shouldn't have dressed up for bunnies for this one yeah why'd we all dress up to look like him dude it really makes it confusing yeah dude I can't tell you guys apart oh God I'm getting him I'm getting him with the lightsaber oh no save me save me give me how to claim a song Let Me In oh look who is dude I just how hello hi Brock how are you welcome back I see you shed your bunny husk I shed my bunny husk and you know it really being a bunny it reminded me of all the cold cruel terrors in the world and so I'm evil once more yeah yeah being a bunny did that bunnies have a lot of enemies yeah yeah I'm assuming this is ledger by the way is that right yeah you got that right let's try and find some guns that are you know Gonna Save Us we got us some stipulations they can't destroy the house so they gotta be pre-pinpoint we gotta find a gun that doesn't destroy the house how do we do that oh I've got one it's a flashlight wow that's really potent I didn't think it would kill you in one hit in an attempt not to destroy the house I'm gonna use the Destroyer oh well look what you did how about we all give each other a weapon we all give each other the weapons we can and whoever lasts the longest in the house wins Ledger gave me a crowbar Maverick it's like a crowbar but it's like he's rigged up some Electronics to it yeah use it cool should I try it on you yeah it doesn't even kill you in one hit so this should go very well for me here's yours Leisure oh okay oh I see you've given me the p-swept yeah the one that does no damage the one yeah that shouldn't do anything at all yeah and I'm I'm thinking Here Comes yep yeah okay I get it no I understand no sorry sorry go ahead go ahead um I'm giving I'm giving Joe a would you stop it please sorry yeah yeah okay I'm gonna give Joe uh oh my God that's fine just take it's a Nerf gun oh oh let's see what it does sorry I accidentally gave Joe a good gun it's a Nerf gun he just loaded it with real bullets there's one upstairs and I'm fighting him okay how's that going oh I see how it's going it's going quite poorly really good actually no you're really giving it to him actually I think he likes it I think he I think he says more give it to me Daddy that's what he says Could you um give it to me Daddy Jesus how much health do these things have uh yeah oh there it goes nicely done did you kill him wow I died so I lost the gun oh and I was just about to give you guys this to help out excuse me what am I supposed to do with the p gun all right fine I'll get you a new one new rule the guns have to do some kind of damage they all have to do some kind of damage that's the new rule okay I'll give mine to Joe I actually don't know if it does do damage but here it is it's a moon case oh it's a moon cake yeah it's very tiny it's just a little movie open the door quick open the door oh okay I just loaded it you've loaded it oh God you loaded the moon wow confetti all right Ledger well I actually had a similar one for you Ledger um in not only for your battle but also to confess my undying friendship uh here's a beat my Beating Heart you're beating heart that's so sweet don't you need this oh you've got another I have a second yeah okay cool and uh so yeah in the the addition the reason my heart does damage is when you throw it it actually is a bomb so oh okay let me see yeah give it a go wow oh it blows up into little hearts that's so sweet Brock here's yours oh very good the cap gun is actually really strong it's a catling gun that's not actually what it's called I came up with that yeah clap louder yeah [Music] thank you all right well now with these weapons I guess we'll yeah I guess you have to picture this from my point of view two Bugs Bunnies one holding a tiny moon cake in the other a beating heart yeah where have I seen this before other than my nightmares all right whoever lasts the longest wins whoever lasts the longest wins and you can only use the weapons that were gifted upon you hey you can't just get in the ceiling Brock I see your move no I'm getting it shut up now I need to eat a mixed sandwich or something to get my health back oh there's one on the roof boys oh yeah oh get him don't bring them over here oh no oh he's after me oh oh they're all after me I just saw Joe jump off the roof look at bugs run here catch it's a beating heart it'll help you oh yeah can you distract them there's like some camping the door I'm trying I'm trying to give him some love but uh I'm throwing down some covering fire oh there's one in the kitchen there's one in the kitchen oh yeah there's a lot at the front door uh nobody let them in okay starting they're starting to jump how much cat got ammo you got left I've only got 160 rounds dude oh wait what the hell oh my God one almost killed me oh I think I'm signed to break the house sorry boys look at Joe over there he's just chilling [Applause] he couldn't handle it he couldn't oh no Joe just possessed one of them don't possessed one I saw it I saw it all right well my previous rabbit Clan betrayed me oh are they all murdering me I think I'm dying that'll have to be part of the game then when you die you become one of them you become one of the rabbits yeah I like it I'm stuck though I can't tell which one's Joe they're all oh I think that one I'm the one getting smacked oh wow it's just a Feeding Frenzy over there oh thanks man yeah load up dude he's definitely coming for me it's Revenge it's Revenge bro Joe didn't you ever hear that Revenge doesn't make you feel any better it just leaves you emptier oh God is that you Joe Here I Come Joe I didn't mean it I I was just trying to give you my undying love You're Gonna Learn you will learn I've learned nothing oh you're stuck in the roof oh I'm stuck no I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you with the hearts I'm stuck I'm trying to bounce it off of something oh [ __ ] I think I killed myself with it no oh yeah that means I win no double Revenge yeah and now we need to get inside of one let me see we all got to take it in turns being the rabbit and the other two have to protect the house oh okay okay I vote Joe's the first rabbit he's already a rabbit we have to give each other weapons uh yeah do you want to pick each other weapons I'm gonna pick you a good one okay so pick me a good one yep I'll pick you a good one as well and I have three I have three minutes to kill you both starting wait no no no not starting now starting when you're ready starting when you're ready now I'm coming okay no no no okay we're getting I gave you one I gave you I gave you one all right the skull eight oh thanks dude that's a cool weapon I'll give you the hunter killer oh it's really cool holy wow okay cool come up get him oh dude all these hit markers oh I'm stuck I'm stuck again I gotta reload um all right I'm going upstairs he's trying to get in the front door go go yeah I'm gonna go in the kitchen okay yeah good idea split up that's what they say what you do that's what I always do the giant movies bunny it starts destroying your house oh I'm stuck again I don't think it's hard it doesn't seem fast dude when your rabbit gets stuck in the roof am I right oh I got him dead oh you got him you both did really well congratulations thank you hell yeah thank you what does that mean who's next is it mine um yeah sure okay I'll give you a good one Joe oh I want the um oh do we choose it for each other yeah yeah okay I've got you some cuts hey Brock get out of here we're choosing our weapons in which to kill you oh hell yeah you like those oh they're pretty sick what do you got there you go a chainsaw are you serious this is what you were trying to figure out how to spell no no I couldn't find the other thing when is a chainsaw not been enough for a rabbit yeah this is the first time in history that's how I butcher them oh God all right Brock you guys ready yep Ready okay three two one go where is he did you see where he started but I think you broke the stairs oh did I can't get up there oh no we can you just gotta van damage the TV good idea oh you're a genius yeah just Django Unchained to get up it okay cool Brooke where are you Brock where are you I'll meet you at the stairs he's on the roof don't go out okay not going out rock if you come to the stairs we can have like some kind of Anakin battle here uh he's breaking something I see him he's in the back oh he's done he's done loads of damage he's wrong he's going to the seat the rabbit's natural habitat the sea you can't see me I see you serious though actually yes you saw a large fish with rounded fins it seems like the worst time to decorate no dude rabbit's attacking yeah well you know oh my God he's here you got him Joe it's all you I just don't have the proper weapons for this so I'm gonna hide under in this location that I will not disclose no oh my God I'll kill you I killed him oh wow that gun was much too powerful I didn't even I didn't even need your help Ledger all right this is just called a blaster Blaster I barely know her get out of here guys get out of here um I don't know if you can pick it up a sport a Spartan Kick is not a gun oh whoa that's actually it worked really well oh you killed oh my God you actually killed me with it you doubt me you doubt me don't ever doubt me again dude I've decided to give up life as a rabbit murderer and become a sailor so well see that's really bad timing dude because it's your turn pepper and pepper no hey back off it's rabbit hunts it's rabbit season oh he was up there he is oh he's near me get away come on demon oh God come on oh I'm in I'm hot I'm in here I'm in this oh God oh God I am in it uh I can't see inside the house I can't see oh God yeah I'm dead I'm so dead nice Victory uh now I'll lay my eggs just in time for a big mystery who down who [Music] oh yep hey welcome home how you doing I'm Mr Gibson uh you guys are probably familiar with this space this is the destructible house you know it's my destructible house but just in case you are new let me let me give you the tour here over here this is the uh this is the Wardrobe thing uh case I don't know we don't keep anything in here this is the couch this is the TV that's my favorite lamp over here by the window I will show you there's a horrible monster that that looks in on me while I sleep at night and he whispers sweet nothing's into my ear it's lovely it's the only way I can get to sleep anymore no I'm just kidding it's actually he's here to destroy my house yep that's what we're doing here today guys we're gonna be doing everything ahead versus the destructible house and now this is gonna be a good one I'm gonna set down some reinforcements uh and I'm also probably gonna give him some reinforcements I've decided that I was thinking maybe I could give him some of the uh you know poorly made next Bots to also invade the house that's bridgewarm if you uh if you didn't notice he's waving but yeah guys I I'm gonna need some reinforcements so if you could uh do me a favor leave a like on this video to offer up some reinforcements guys I could really use them um because I don't know something about these walls being so fragile look at it it just falls apart I haven't been taking care of the place and look at this shrub you think this shrub's gonna stop anything it's not even alive it's a dead shrub I need your help oh who's that buzz hey hey you got oh wow Buzz with a with a samurai sword that's really good I think that's I don't know I'll put him at the door that's the door guy thank you all very much that's that's it's a pleasure to have him here oh oh and it's and it's Dobby with uh with the with an AK-47 that's a nice eye yeah good taking a break from the Harry Potter World to come out here and shoot some monsters let's go put them uh let's put him on the roof Dobby's a free elf and that comes with an AK-47 oh oh it's Bigfoot with the bazooka bazooka foot that's what they call them all right let's go ahead and put them over here I guess I don't know I'll put them around back we need someone to watch watch the back door wow guys all right if you guys could either have a Buzz Lightyear with a samurai sword or B Dobby with an AK-47 or C Bigfoot with a bazooka which one would you pick all right vote now down in the comments A B C or D I am interested I'm dying to know I'm also dying to get in my house Buzz could you could you can I squeeze past you here so I have a very great feeling about uh how horrible these reinforcements are actually gonna do I don't guys I don't think they're gonna last very long but I'm gonna go ahead and get out here on my roof and uh see see how it goes Dobby you ready I wanna I really wanna see that thing uh kicking into high gear all right really shoot it like you mean it okay three two one release the everything okay and he's coming for me okay oh Dobby is lighting him up I'm gonna go inside I'm getting inside I hear Dobby shooting okay oh yeah it's going well all right let me see oh okay his whole hand is in there what's going on oh Bridge worm oh my God he's here to say hey just Pat just drop it in you got a cup of sugar he's wow oh Lord we don't even need to we don't even need this maybe I should ignore players so they don't attack me and they just attacked my oh Buzz no buzz why why look at his face so surprised hey back off all right I've got a I've got a samurai sword a Yamamoto and I'm not afraid to use it where's uh where's Dobby's AK I need everything I can get here oh god oh don't come for me guy hey hey now uh who is anyone still alive is Bigfoot still back here no Bigfoot's dead he's big dead Okay Dobby Dobby where'd you go where'd Dobby go oh he was dead down there I already found out um I'm gonna shoot this guy with the rocket launcher here for a sec how much health does he have I can't see with all the errors in the way oh wow yes half Health we need some more reinforcements uh clearly we were doing pretty good there I I think Dobby took a lot of his health away I'm gonna reset up here and uh you know what maybe we'll take on a new form of every head for this next one let's just get in here and clean everything up ah beautiful everything back where it should be yep my couch everything's good okay now let's make up another let's let's whip up a fresh batch of siren heads here all right you guys know the combination all right if you don't write it down okay uh you gotta get it all right it's one part siren head one part blood one part dark ice shadow wood and you know you gotta add a little uh little light head in there just uh gives it that extra bit of kick beautiful all right he looks like he's pregnant or something it's a big belly you got there guy all right um okay I need some reinforcements guys uh Dobby was doing really good stuff for me I think but I did like the Bigfoot with the Bazooka he he was also he was also doing work what are these guys oh my God these are these look scary what are they oh god ew is that a cockroach get it out of here get out of here hate that sorry you had to see that siren head with your mini heads um okay let's find somebody else here why is tank and Shrek both in the same in oh I get it now that's who he's modeled after it's it that's why he does that it's the tank from Left For Dead it's all coming together we're learning a lot today maybe I should just put a bunch of Hulks out you know really just hold down the fort here with with a Hulk on each side maybe one on the Roof oh but yeah one in this tree why not who's gonna tell me no all right let's get inside here um just one one every head against all these hulks that doesn't seem fair does it so I'm gonna have to put down you know I'm gonna have to put down some of these weird ones um how about oh well I guess we we should just put down like a mini siren head this is like his children I did say he was pregnant earlier maybe this is what he gives birth to these little things we're just gonna put down one of those because I'm pretty sure they're infinitely strong the babies are really strong they're like scorpions you know baby scorpions they don't know how to control the amount of uh poison they release when they sting things all right I'm gonna go um I guess I could get in the Harry Potter cupboard it feels safe but at the same time I can't watch anything so maybe I should I'll I'll be in there but I'll put a camera up here three two one go all right now the hulks are leaping oh my god oh the hulks are destroying my house and my dad oh it's all coming down around me guys I did I should have known I should have known I'm dead I'm clearly dead oh they put my head in the couch are the Hulk's dead the hulks are all dead wow oh my God he did it where's um what how is my house on fire what oh geez okay I'll look at this one little space up here that's perfectly fine this is just where this this is where you just sit and you watch the world burn right here I wonder where the mini siren head is he's probably he's I I think he just swam off somewhere he's got other places to be well that's just great isn't it I think the hulks weren't a very good choice they seem to have done the majority of the damage if someone down here is there a Hulk down here he seems like he's fighting someone oh it's just him oh okay yeah Hulk did about half his health so that's pretty good but then again so did so did Dobby with a uh with an AK-47 so maybe that's not that impressive oh I think he's trying to scoop up his baby that's what he's doing he's trying to get his baby he wants his baby back baby back baby back how How does it go we need a siren head we need sugar spice and everything nice and a whole lot of Chemical X in there that's the secret ingredient secret ingredient is uh malice I think okay let's go ahead and just Jam those all together um I'm gonna put them into see yeah actually let's put them in shadowhead because he teleports around and that's pretty cool all right that's what I'm going on maybe last we'll do blood head but blood head just kind of sits down and rubs his butt on things so I don't know he's not that special okay so now we've got a teleporting everyhead now I need something to be down here uh to protect me so what's that gonna be this time let's just put down zombies I don't know how how every head does against zombies I'm guessing he's gonna absolutely demolish them um but I did have some Resident Evil stuff in there so maybe we could just mix in some of that okay that's a lot of zombies this you know usually this is not what you want to see around your house um but I've done it willingly so I just hope it all pans out so to start I'm not even gonna put down any reinforcements for siren head there uh because that it just tears through my house way too quick I'm gonna go right here and I'm just gonna try and I'm just gonna watch it go down see how the zombies do all right ready three two one go release all right slowing the frame rate a bit him teleporting around uh oh oh no is he gonna eat each and every one of them oh this is not gonna be good uh oh this is wait did he die did they kill him no he just teleported oh the house was breaking where is he teleported to oh he's over there oh he's going my frame rate oh God my frame rate he's teleported again I don't know where he is I can't oh God it hurts oh it it's so bad oh there he is he's coming in hot all the zombies are oh yep he just jumped right over it oh now he's up there oh geez what is he doing where's he where are you going I hear oh god oh yep yep there's something in my house there's a cat in my house it's a servant of the dark lord hold on let me open this door guy move out of the way ah there he is look out for him what's he what's he doing he's actually just chilling in my house here I'll open the door for you guys oh no now he's in here he's just trying to get away from this zombie this Zombie's letting him have it yeah all right give you guys a room hold on let me move this out of the way this is a dedicated zombie right here this is what I want to see more of you know this is what we need on on the uh the house Defense Force I forgot I have them I have their ignore players on let's turn that on oh geez and cartoon cat just just okay I think I'm good I think I'm good we're siren ahead where's every head at oh no oh no please I hate when he does that it's very it's so creepy oh my God where is he gone now oh he's trying to fight a head crab out there now he's not very good at getting me once I'm inside my house so that's I kind of feel safe oh oh and I what the hell he just put his hey you want to use the door next time God oh my goodness it's awfully quiet in in here all right well I guess he's gone uh the house has seen better days but you know that's uh he really did a number on it when he put his whole body just through the house right here and there oh geez okay well you know uh I'm gonna have to get back to fixing this one up guys I ah sounds like a beautiful day outside or not I'm just gonna shut that door um looks like we got a serious problem guys that's a lot of cats that's like a hundred cats uh I know I see probably seem awfully calm about this and that's because I've got a secret weapon hold on only break it out on special occasions you know so hold on let me just just gotta get through this while I keep it really tucked away for same keeping just uh here we go are you okay oh god oh yeah sorry I've just been breathing the same recycled stale air for two months dog dude I swear I I was pumping oxygen in there no oh is that carbon dioxide yeah it was carbon dioxide I've been holding my breath this long my lungs are enormous dude it's been months I'm so sorry come on out come on out stretch your legs a bit yeah let me just yeah there you go does that feel good no yeah this is feeling good in my wall does that feel good oh God that Wall's the only lever I've known for months oh dude I'm so sorry but I I've got great news for you there's new lovers for you and they're right outside that door you want to go take a look oh really yeah my God yeah yeah that's exactly why I brought you out oh they're beautiful oh yeah they actually just went to the dentist you can see they all have very nice straight teeth they do actually have nice teeth dude this is horrible I yeah they are horrible yeah so we're gonna do a destructible House video is that cool oh yeah I'm game with that okay cool okay cool yeah their eyes are so fluorescent were they this fluorescent before I don't think they were actually I think they glow now yeah they definitely glow Jesus okay well yeah I guess we'll uh get along those eyes yeah we'll try we'll try and kill them so if you do recall in the in the last uh in the last destructible House video with the cats uh we destroyed the house more than the cats uh if you do recall we put I think there was a cannon we put through the house can we play that back to make sure that they really think that we're active and sporty let's just put this cannon in oh oh good lord ah yeah that was the cannon that's a good time bad news is uh these guys can break now they can break things so it's going to be much more destructible you see oh wow yeah no I see that um well okay so the we gotta keep the house as together as possible than what you're saying so no Cannon no Cannon yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna just a hunch no Cannon well in that case you know I guess I'm just gonna strap up and strap down you know what I'm saying uh here's the Cadillac weapon I guess I'll be using this it looks like you're wearing a diaper now oh it's a sink you're wearing a sink what does it do for me I don't think it does anything dude I think that's I think you picked the worst weapon and now you have to live with it oh god dude what have I done dude first day out of the wall and you pick the worst weapon wait let me spot have you used this let me Spawn this for you I don't know when you when you use it it's the Cadillac of weapons oh whoa when you when you click it just Wiggles the sink a little bit I had no idea what what they meant to do with this one yeah it's really nice all right it really can gun oh that's much better yeah it's much better what look what you've done now we have up here hold on I'm just gonna cover that up with the dresser here there we go you know we're never gonna know exactly what we need to uh cat proof until we just let the cats in the house that's what I always say so let's go ahead and let them think you know okay they're walking around I just uh seeing a couple times open the front door oh they just open I'm gonna go upstairs I think yeah I'm headed up there as well the can gun doesn't seem to be helping all that much okay they're saying oh they're climbing oh shut the door okay okay shut that door yep and I think maybe we should just live in this room now I think this is where we live now um okay so the house is looking pretty messed up downstairs oh I heard some breaking I can feel some breaking going on that was me actually I think I I broke this panel below the window here with my handgun sorry oh dude you got to be careful with that just litter all that litter out there who's gonna recycle yeah dude I'll I'll go around later with a with a plastic bag and one of those Pokey things okay all right good well as long as you're cleaning it up none of them have made it into the house yet I'm gonna shut the door see the thing is it's like one of those clogs where there's just too many so nothing can pass by normally they could pass through on their own but it's just clogged you got any Drano oh yeah yeah hold on I got a bacon thing let me just go ahead and try and give him some bacon oh okay they killed me they really just can't get through this door no that means should we help I kind of feel bad I think I'm gonna put down here hold on I I there's actually a special uh a secret weapon I have here hold on it's like one of them but except it's poorly drawn here it comes ready get ready don't blink oh it's beautiful where is it do you see it I think they're I think they're kicking the [ __ ] out of it dude oh no they're fighting it oh [Laughter] okay that's it's actually that's all the help they needed oh God oh God yeah get him back here climb through the window quickly climb through the window dude I can't get through that window how skinny are you just oh I can't dive I'm telling you dude if you actually go into weapons pull out the Ragdoll gun all right and then just get a running start and then you can get out no way dude oh God good thing I went rag doll around dude you gotta save me okay if I unraved all right now I'm gonna die you gotta save me are you in that massive I'm in yeah I'm in here all right oh God I'm coming I'm trying to I have a bad I'm trying to beat him oh they're trying to find him oh are you the rag doll as well yeah I'm trying to oh God if you could just oh wait they're kicking me around they're kicking me around so this is what it feels like to get trampled all right here I go I'm I'm tearing through him to get to you yeah just tear it through them there you go they're not focused on you just grab my limp flaccid body just grab my wiggling corpse oh no okay okay you can see you in there there's so many of them oh God now they're after me wait oh oh here oh wow they killed me instantly I think get on the roof there's one on the Roof oh okay okay thank God hi uh he seems to be nice he seems to be okay oh mighty cartoon cat of the roof what is your wisdom tell me your wisdoms lean in close so you can hear him okay let me go in so I can hear yeah it is Wednesday my dudes what a bright young man whoa he just jumped off the roof after you sham he RKO out of nowhere not even Yamamoto can help me do you have the Yamamoto oh you do dude they're coming for you you gotta train this it's just like Call of Duty okay yeah just just line them up keep them going and don't ever stop should I should I redo the house should I fix it up yeah yeah if you could catch that spell yeah most of the house is actually outside of the house now uh so yeah that's a problem there's there's a lot of paneling just kind of about at the moment do they not jump anymore uh no they still jump I think I don't think they jump I think they just climb I'm gonna reset it I'm gonna do the spell hold on I need a human sacrifice oh yeah I'll go oh you'll go are you sure I usually that's what I got this guy for though and he wasn't cheesy I see so you're saying you replaced me yeah yeah so dude you know you were in the wall damn it he took out you and also me oh okay well I think actually the Magic's working here it goes oh amazing wow it really worked you didn't need a sacrifice at all yeah dude it gets him every time all right let's get in here but wait wait do you think Brock is it possible that since we reset the house that hold on oh my god look you're back did you clone me I reset the house so it just put everything back I didn't do it dude it's the house magic I told you you reset Something Magic dude yeah dude well don't dude don't accidentally I don't have sex with yourself I think it might I think you might never be born 10 out of 10 for me fortifying are you doing good over there oh yeah yeah things are going very well it doesn't doesn't look like you've done anything okay there we go what is that my clone and I just we really like graphic novels so I was I'm just gonna read them some casters quarterly wow that's hot yeah you like that no go read go read that I bet he really liked it should we black him back in I'm a little worried about him now I'm gonna take a little bit of wall from this wall and I'm gonna move it over to this wall it's like one of those surgeries they do when they take a little uh skin from your butt cheek and put it somewhere else you know what I'm talking about is that not really no is that something that they do yeah sometimes when you need skin in other places they take it from your butt cheek wow that is bananas that they do that I have absolutely no idea yeah dude you know stick around after the video I'll take a little of your butt cheeks oh yeah please oh wow you're really wow look at you go that's genius oh yeah don't mind don't mind that one you gotta make sure you nail it on I like that I like that a lot really doing it yeah well oh don't trip all right well it looks pretty good uh maybe a little under here let me just board the this window well let's see how they do all right oh so far so good worth it every penny worth every penny every ten dollars wow they're never getting through that oh wait something's happening upstairs I think they just broke hold on um you go check okay let me see I'm just gonna look out on the roof let me know if there's anything yeah he's destroying my my patio furniture so yeah destroying patio furniture yeah oh he just climbed up to the roof yeah oh what is that a flamethrower yeah I'm just gonna exterminate them get him there you go I think he's on this roof I think he's above us here hold on oh God I'm coming for him oh yep he's up there I see his little ear poking out you can't hide from me on fire oh I can't believe you've done this I'm so sorry there's two on my left and I'm on fire here they go I'm taking the easy way out oh dude did you just holy grenade yourself I holy grenaded myself dude I secured my place in heaven look at how great the house is look at how nice it is let me just go ahead and take this panel off oh God I'll just um here let me just get rid of it yeah who needs it oh one got in one dude you gotta go he ripped my head off you gotta go going to run here I go I'm running you gotta run you gotta Carry On The Legend all right you gotta pass on my words of wisdom dude I will what are they uh oh um okay here here they come if you throw a cool looking Rock if you try and skip a cool looking Rock and it doesn't skip you just wasted a good rock and that's my wisdom okay I'll pass that on to the next Generations could you reset the house I will honor your wishes let me just what are you doing sure enough there's a new one there's a reborn dude I told you not you'd better not go you better not have sex with yourself I told you that could happen no no I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do that dude I will say only this my my young one uh don't uh if you try to skip a rock and it's a good rock and it doesn't skip what do you say it doesn't skip if you try to skip a good rock and it doesn't skip then you wasted a good rock oh and now he's replaced me oh dude he knows everything you know yeah become a Force ghost the ritual is complete dude wow dude and now we can move on Wow all right well thanks for coming hey Brock there's a guy out there walking around you see that oh he's gone I swear I'm I'm telling the truth man there was a guy out there pleasure you're seeing things again aren't you there's a guy right there right now right now look you got look you're just not sleeping well I get it dude oh my ledger there's no one out there it you gotta calm down you know I I know that things oh my God Ledger there's someone out there no no I know I swear oh wait no they're actually there at the time they're going there they are I told you they're all strutting around with their guns out no dude I see him now and with their guns out of all things how dis disrespectful and they're pointy fingers and they're weird hats and they all look like they're fleshy colored why does this always happen at this house man uh it's crazy we haven't moved hey dude that's my only TV slash microwave oh it does both yeah when you cook the food you get to watch it that's awesome that's really awesome is it so it's just it also does backflips that was amazing amazing so sweet dude uh anyway so uh let me just start I'm piecing together tattered memories here so we're back in this house this is the one hey how you doing you just probably used to use the bathroom I think I think yeah either that or he's getting a snack or something yeah I'll just click I'll let him yeah don't let it draft you dude you're gonna let it so this is the one that is destructible right yep there it goes yeah wow good yeah so we're probably gonna oh sorry you must be headed back out oh I guess he's got to go yeah thanks for dropping by yeah thanks man you forgot about the door okay what a great guy so we're just defending this yeah I'm just gonna let them start thinking now I mean they were thinking but now they're hot now they're thinking oh God oh God stay away from the windows spot the Harry Potter spot get him get oh dude look at oh man watch out for their bullets because they hurt oh Jesus dude they're guns they're so accurate yeah they're really accurate and also they're fast I'm gonna go upstairs I can't even get inside there shoot me so fat they're shooting they're sniping me yeah oh God here they come they're coming oh God they're coming upstairs I'm gonna hold a chair up yeah just hold the chair I'm gonna I'm gonna hold the chair yeah hold the table up here let's just let's just barricade let's just barricade there we go perfect a little bit of extra cover never hurt anybody can they shoot us up here yeah I do they I was flying inside like with the V clip they still managed to kill me yeah I got in a couple yeah they're really good shots I think they're all inside here let's drop one oh sorry I'm just I'm still barricading here what's your plan okay look out oh oh I just wanted to see if they were down there they are though so look out they are you know what this reminds me of um the Alamo no that level from Call of Duty 4 where you're in a Ghillie suit and you're with Captain Price and you have to snipe the uh high value Target from the building yeah yeah it's just like that it's just like that should we get a sniper we should get sniper rifles exactly you're seeing everyone coming from oh I just got shot in the head I did too I also got blasted in the face oh oh god oh geez oh yeah they're they're it's really hard to make your way back into the house too okay I'm in I'm gonna pull out the M90 or m95 ghost night 100 gun for sure yeah let me show you what I'm working with over here um oh that's gonna blast him I think that I'm gonna go ahead and use the Savory expert oh Savory huh Savory yeah wow oh yeah it looks good shoot it oh yeah dude that'll do it all right I'm gonna peek my head out this way you peek your head out that way all right all right just report if you see any of them oh I see one oh he saw me too oh [ __ ] oh he's coming around I got a crack on one I got a crack on one okay did it kill him no they're in the house they're all in the house I'm gonna bust out the roof real quick maybe maybe the actual Tech here is that we have to drop some bombs inside yeah maybe that is it oh geez that launched me whoa just stay away from the house for a second I I gotta do what has to be done I gotta draw them back into the house they all came outside to kill me oh God they're doing it they're really killing me man yeah type them over to you okay oh my God they I can't even get in the house dude don't worry I'm just spawning somebody it's it's no use dude let's we gotta empty these ones out oh man what did you do oh I'm I'm at the house get up in the attic get up in the attic oh God I can't get up okay so there's so oh okay equipment holy bomb refined oh here we go baby I've gotta I'm stuck in you you know what time oh sorry oh it's okay okay here we go no no no no bang oh that'll get him that'll teach him don't worry I've Got The Gnome grenade okay throw that what does it do oh damn it God The Gnome grenade is enormous dude this is way too I think now we now that we know of The Gnome bomb I think it's time yeah we reset we gotta properly prepare for this with gnome grenades dude yeah now that we know what we're up against can you spawn me one yes I no I can't because I can't actually where uh what section is it under well if you just search grenades and weapons uh yes oh there's also a chain grenade let's see what this one does yeah it was not on her own house not as effective as I thought that they would be to be honest uh yeah that's not that good yeah throw the gnome grenade there he goes yeah that was really powerful all right I'll tell you what you use the plasma grenades I'll use the gnome grenades and we'll see who kills the most of them if any deal okay let's get inside and board up I guess here's the question though do we want to board it up or do we want them to come inside he wants them to come inside the sweet question because if we get them inside yeah then we might be able to just knock out the floor up here like this let me just knock it hold on oh I see it it's coming down here let me help you there you go yeah yeah okay and then we can just sneak a couple nades down there dude yeah but I feel like the nades are gonna drop us down in on uh yeah actually let's get one more layer up we'll go up yeah hold on dude you're you're a smart guy never tell you yeah I know dude oh I know oh okay there you go I wish I had my perspective footage for that particular moment I'm like you're a smart guy you're like I know and then a single panel of wood crashes down on you and knocks you downstairs oh yeah dude this is gonna be good look at this do it that's gonna do it so now if you if when you spot them in and you turn them on they'll come in here being like Oh we gotta oh we gotta go get those boys little do they know that we're waiting for them with gnome grenades yeah little do they know we're in the Attic with gnome grenades joke's on them all right let me go ahead and spawn them in all right you ready man I'm I'm ready to do something and I can't tell you what it is but it's full of passion it's probably gonna be a grenade in the form of a known I think I think that is going to be what it is I also have an M24 grenade it's like oh my God School German grenades oh that's a nice grenade dude yeah throw that one you know when they used to make him with handles right why they don't make them like they used to they don't make this one out the window I see them going by oh [ __ ] uh oh look aloe oh you're so lucky wow it's like that game with the ice pick and the Penguins you know oh yeah I gotta know him down there oh wow you know we forgot about the fact that everything would just come crumbling down dude how many episodes we done of this we still have a strategy that works for all this you know it's hard when they just can instantly shoot yet man like we usually usually we have things that don't have guns yeah we can at least no clip into the building this is gun guys really hard oh my god dude Gun Guys super hard maybe we should just have one gun guy whoa we've kind of like turned the tables on them now we're outside the house phone and stuff yep good watch out he's playing he's he's outside as well now oh is he well I just threw it oh there he is hey how you doing oh I'm getting him I'm getting them yeah get him I shot myself you gotta get them oh no I'm stuck on the house get me in the oh grenade take that no oh I'm gonna blow myself up damn you don't let him get your information yeah oh my God why is he so good and why is he also made of meat why is he a meat man forget this man I'm using the bleach swept the bleach swept oh dude don't do it it'll kill it'll destroy your innards oh there you go there you go you gotta use the bleach swept dude I told you about that you should have got internet Insurance before doing that insurance ensure your innards within your innards Insurance oh he threw the TV outside that's actually great news we can watch TV I mean microwave you can watch them I'll put that on a table for you to put it on look oh [ __ ] sorry you got it yeah just set it down just try not kicking it yeah oh oh it's almost that time we just gotta oh goodness dude this is kind of like his house now look at him oh dude this is the perfect thing a shrink ray oh shrink them and then we'll step on them I can't shrink them can I shrink you oh I can shrink you oh geez oh there you are you're tired oh God I'm so tiny it's so adorable small gun I might be small but I pack a big punch oh God yeah get him get him dude I respawn tiny I'm just forever tiny are you oh no what have I done can I step on you I can but you don't get hurt that's the core strength all right come on inside Brock I opened the door for you I know you can't reach the door handle no I can't all right dude I gotta I gotta be honest with you I can't see your face over that gun I got bad news dude I don't have a unshrink gun you don't have it on shrink gun I don't have it on shrink gun I didn't think about it I thought that it was kind of one of the oh come on listen it's gonna be okay are you kidding me right now no I'm not I'm sorry I'm gonna I'll put an ad out looking for unshrinked gun he's using hold on oh you climbing up to me so you can be on eye level you mean to tell me you didn't Peck an unshrink gun I didn't dude I packed a lunch and everything but not that are you kidding me Ledger I wish I would you had to pack the watch wasn't even good dude I hate tuna melts oh what do you mean you always you love tuna melts yeah last week I liked tuna melts I've changed yeah you're smaller now I know I have a small diet I'm tired of being small so I think I'm just gonna go ahead and oh my God oh God what you just went through the whole everything where are you yeah dude well you shouldn't oh my God how did you do that you should have counted your eggs before they hatched dude because now I'm enormous and I'm gonna seek my revenge on your body that's right kids never count your frog eggs before they turn into giant frogs how the tables have turned dude how did how they do it I'm small now that's crazy man here what if I put down this guy he didn't even get him now oh you're standing on him yeah just get him like that oh yeah you're getting them you're getting them yeah yeah this is really weird to watch it's weird for me too man I gotta be honest he's at my ankles right now oh yeah wow and that's all I needed to do Ledger was like not small but big I needed to make myself big and then we can defeat the guy duh God I feel so stupid now me too what do you say we get on out of here hop on my shoulders yeah let's just get out of here let's skedaddle man I'm just gonna head into the sunset can you uh can you like nay for me yeah okay Brock just add like a zoom in effect as if we're moving oh see y'all next time
Channel: Mr.Gibbs
Views: 222,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monsters Destroy Our Destructible House (FULL MOVIE)
Id: vQv0U9kxtJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 14sec (3494 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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