Trollge Sims in Gmod 12 (FULL MOVIE)

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welcome back to some more Gmod Sims I'm Mr Gibbs here's my gun bang bang that's gun for leave a like And subscribe today cursed Garden of bon bon characters are on the loose and Troll's gonna have to fortify his house and see if he can survive the onslaught also Shaggy's in jail yeah don't forget to subscribe for more Adventures like these troll where what you oh you playing piano with an ax oh oh it's actually lovely you've gotten really good I can tell that uh Tudor has really uh been coming in handy how you doing buddy I'm back it's been a little while yeah um oh oh my God what is that is that an Urgent Message on the TV watch out wife oh yeah oh god oh that's not good cursed Garden of Bonbon on the loose what does that even mean troll did you hear about this you don't seem very alarmed okay there you go now you seem appropriately alarmed okay good well we better fortify the house you know what that's funny actually I thought I saw a character that looked like um a garden of Bonbon but he wasn't cursed at all across the street we actually have uh Shaggy he finally he finally did it they put him in prison if you remember last episode he was stealing stuff I mean Shaggy just kind of been up to all kinds of bad so yeah they got a sheriff right here his eyes are really bloodshot I don't know what he's been smoking but I don't know how long of time he has to serve troll what are you doing oh you're barricading good good have you been to visit Shaggy in prison I'm I know he'd appreciate it no you're La okay yeah no you think it's funny it is kind of funny um and you know I think he kind of deserves it but I'm kind of worried about this guy there's curse guard and the bonbon characters on the loose you know are we at risk no he is a sheriff so he's supposed to protect us I don't want to be discriminating or anything but uh we're gonna have to keep an eye on him yeah yeah climb up onto the walls of your house oh there you go maybe we should bring the trash inside we don't want them to steal our trash um what are you doing troll you have behind that tree oh don't throw stuff at him he's an officer of the law this is hard but I feel like if there's some evil guys on the loose we really shouldn't let Shaggy just we're hanging him out to dry uh I feel like he's gonna get eaten first if monsters come in attack so let's go ahead and let him out what do you think troll are you not in your head it's so subtle it's hard to tell oh okay you're letting him out hold on I've got it's my hand print we linked it up to my handprint there we go oh still locked hold on oh is this guy holding it shut okay there we go come on out Shaggy yeah sorry buddy there's an emergency but we're gonna lock you back up afterwards also that sink seems to be malfunctioning we can't have you locked up in there with a improperly working sink that's not code are you laughing at him don't don't laugh don't come into the house come on you know you hear the sirens that's that's the monster alert siren all right they're they're going to be coming all right so troll now you get in the house all right are you putting him in jail oh I wouldn't do that I wouldn't do that if I were you I would not do that I wouldn't put him in the J oh god oh geez thank you oh actually it worked out oh God Daisy just kicked the door off holy crap no run troll run troll oh he got he turned cursed he doesn't like his authority being uh trampled upon get inside oh god oh geez what the Joel save me save me troll I'm flying I forgot I can fly what am I doing your son is uh taking a nap surely that's what he's doing the door is freaking out that's not good Shaggy you good where's your wife he's trying to get in the side but so far it's just him maybe you if you play him a lovely uh show tune medley he'll uh he'll get out of here go ahead oh I see you're bowing okay oh oh it seems to have only riled him up more but honestly Bravo man it was really good what's that slapping sound I hear oh god oh there's an ugly little snail in here oh now we're just gonna have to use the bathroom with him looking at us that makes me really uncomfortable but I've done worse um oh you hiding in the corner I don't know how to handle this situation honestly but I would like to get out the front door so I'm gonna move all these barricades it doesn't really seem to be helping since they're ginormous where are you oh you're in jail yeah no that's a good idea actually here let me get the door Bingo oh oh no oh look it's like it's Lego shell oh she's dead oh no I'm gonna put her inside anyways we'll resuscitate her later well now that Troll's safe I'm feeling good about this oh is there not a toilet in there oh no wonder why the sink's not working they've been pooping in the sink what does that switch do troll that one right there yeah yeah flip that oh God it seems to have called more of them oh geez okay I'm going inside I'm going inside holy crap you guys got a big old hole in his stomach you think I can crawl in there and I don't know punch him in the appendix the jails bro control did you die where are you what is this it's a restaurant oh the tea shop okay let's go in um I'm getting ravaged oh no the building they just destroyed it oh God what is this place even sell is that bacon oh God there's people hanging in here draw what is this place oh God okay okay I'm gonna lead them over here troll I'm gonna lead them away I led them away to a different city full of um innocent people so they should be there for a while killing everyone if we can lure them away with meat maybe maybe that's the plan I don't know man I I honestly doesn't even seem like that good of an idea you have any better ideas oh my God that's one big idea does it work do you load it like this I can see that you load it like this okay now fire it's kind of crap no I do like it can you [ __ ] it oh crap oh geez oh that didn't work hey troll anyway side note um I forgot to get you a birthday present I know it was your birthday last week so I got you this it's your very own pet watermelon yeah I know live it up man what's up oh my God I forgot to tell you how fragile they are I know okay hold on hold on I'll get you another one okay there we go now now don't do that again now this one you're gonna take care of right okay now be careful you know they're very fragile yeah are you rocking him good okay cool yeah he's asleep so I don't know maybe we could involve the watermelon in the plants somehow oh wow they grow up so fast he's got a job and everything now is he what is uh the lifespan of a watermelon oh oh my God Troll he's he's geriatric either that or he got in a horrible accident I don't know which it is Jesus blinking you'll miss it you know what I'm saying well at least he lived to a ripe old age yeah right right because it's a fruit because he's and he's dead um what were we doing today I forget yeah right those monsters remember the monsters um they're gonna come back right because the town that I led them to it had a lot of people but it really didn't have that many people like uh they're not gonna last even as long as that watermelon so we better go ahead and build a fortress maybe a fortress here hold on I think I got something in my back pocket yeah okay cool I've got really Deep Pockets I don't know why it's so tiny oh oh no troll it's gnomes they live here we're gonna need this space gentlemen there's monsters on the loose I know you can hear me your ears are ginormous so don't act like you can't hear me um good idea let's just trap this bad boy onto the front maybe a couple more of these well don't have them pointing at each other that doesn't make any sense we wanna we wanted to point outside what is that did you just put in a soldier he doesn't seem happy with you oh my God why is he tearing the place up what's wrong with this guy what are you the town idiot he just threw a helmet at me what's wrong dude he's got scoliosis it's bad he's got bad scoliosis man I've never seen it this bad let's see if he gets along with the Gnomes maybe he can rally the troops don't step on the Gnomes don't step on them oh God he's trying to step on okay you got him you gotta get some more of those guys I really like them you're covered in blood you man the tower or the turret there you go he's loading it keep on putting him up what are they are they German or oh yeah cool okay you've got them did he just jump up what the f what is this guy doing man listen listen ow Listen whoa that one just shot the cannon okay yeah get him get him just if they disobey we have to kill them yeah no the trooper weren't a good idea of ad I don't think so this one's tearing up the place he's kicking the walls oh he's kicking the gnome to death you might want to get that guy too [Applause] going well is it no I don't think it is oh god oh it's an army of birds oh geez they're here for flesh we gotta give them what they want there you go oh God they got him oh no they seem to be friends with The Gnome yeah the gnome is oh is he leading them nope they're eating them wait wait no he's leading them right now he seems to be stomping on their heads any other ideas I see oh they got him oh oh no here comes their dad oh geez oh my God what is it oh no oh the chickens they're coming for me now run troll I'm gonna hide in the melons uh hold home oh no oh God he's on me I'm gonna get in the cannon okay this is good oh no no no no no no let me check in the cannon let me back in the cannon okay great news troll I'm currently in the cannon I got a really good view of um the gravestone it looks like the outro of like uh like a Bugs Bunny cartoon watch if I zoom out did it did it That's all folks hey troll I see you oh now it's like a James Bond now it's like James Bond dude 007.7 yeah yeah yeah there you go oh there we go how do we undo this I think we need some kind of witch doctor or just a witch oh the house is on fire troll all the piano's on fire oh no oh nuts the best I can do is a clown in short notice he's dead okay I've got both of the Mario Brothers okay they're dead oh Thanos it's you I got Thanos here I'm pretty sure if we snap him it'll delete half of the universe and maybe that'll just be the bad half so go ahead and snap them in half want a break from the ads if you tap now to watch a short video you'll receive 30 minutes of ad-free Music who's saying that now that he's gone it does seem as if all the evil has stopped dude that just goes to show you stuff sometimes you gotta just have him around when Thanos goes to the chiropractor do you think it like kills half of humanity right am I right you know welcome back to some more Gmod Sims I'm Mr Gibbs here's my gun bang bang that's gone for leave a like And subscribe today it's an Easter special and the Easter Bunny is coming to town so Shaggy really chose the wrong day to be selling eggs don't forget to subscribe for more Adventures like these troll are you flirting oh my God it's been a while I thought you and your wife kind of had an open relationship at this point wait is there another one is it an open relationship I don't understand oh he's celebrating be careful okay you're doing the sexy dance again if you do it too much it gets too hot in here oh my God oh God no it's too hot it's too hot oh my god oh she's burning you gotta put her out put her in the sink put her it just run the tap this is you got an extra wife so anyways Shaggy's over here Shaggy shell and who the who in the world is this guy why is he so little oh I see from his shirt I can tell I see who this is only a man that does does this one specific thing would wear a shirt like this it's the Eggman troll the eggman's in town he's slinging eggs oh look at that see eggs oh my God that's that's a hall right there how many chickens you gotta squeeze to get all these eggs no I'm not a cop why do you ask so come out and check this out what are you doing in here oh wait when did you get all these eggs have you already been have you been into the Eggman stash did you pay him for these eggs I don't want him to find out dude he's not the kind of guy you want to cross what are we gonna make an omelette or something this is great oh wait a minute troll you know what day it is where are you going you know what day it is right it's exactly one we what day is it actually it's about a week away from uh Easter which means the Easter Bunny is out prowling for his egg so if you've seen it yeah I know it's crazy uh I can't believe we let this thing just the this this crazy ravenous bunny hang out and call it a holiday but regardless of that fact he's out okay so if he sees you with any eggs he's not gonna be happy okay yeah put him on put them under the tip yep yep there you go he's never gonna see that oh that was that the doorbell for all some of the eggs are spilling out okay just just uh could you cover that up I'm gonna get the door all right oh what a pleasure to see you did you shut my own door and my face come on in actually wait hold on stay here uh troll I'll put the eggs are you kidding me don't put the eggs why are you just standing behind me with eggs okay God I hope you didn't see that hi sorry about that Mr rabbit come on in come on in Mr giant bunny oh let me just oh sorry hold on it's a pleasure to have you what what brings you into the neighborhood what's that he's speaking in tongues I can't understand what he's saying oh yeah good good good good good would you like to use our you'd like to use our phone troll he wants to use the phone go grab the phone what do you mean we don't have a phone anymore no you can't you're not supposed to deny the Easter Bunny anything sorry Mr rabbit go find a phone I don't care I don't care what phone it is get the burner phone what the [ __ ] we're gonna have to fix that door what is that sound oh my god oh did you go to the gas station and rip the phone out of it okay yeah here's our phone go ahead and use it call whoever you need to call we'll give you some privacy grab the eggs and we're gonna go bring them back around to Shaggy okay come on yoga okay oh God I think he sees us oh God we're oh we're making a mess of this come on come on we want a refund what do you mean we stole the eggs troll did you steal the eggs quick kill the Eggman that's a lot of blood for one little Eggman sucking himself in oh my God I didn't say desecrate his corpse troll Jesus I just said kill the man but well done all right we gotta get more eggs hey Shaggy we're bringing back more eggs um why don't you clean the place up God it's filthy okay um oh what the it's all the bunny's gone oh you gave Shaggy a mop good idea the Easter Bunny is just gone he might be running around the house hey he's not under the bed he's um oh no the eggs are gone he got the rest of the eggs and he bolted oh no unless unless they're nope they're not glued down there's the underside of the table so yeah he definitely got the eggs oh unless they're in the fridge nope they're not under the fridge so what what have you found what is what is your sniffer found oh oh wow wow you got a good nose on you man you can sniff out an egg for anywhere let's take this inside this is a big egg you think he left this for us for in exchange for his other eggs you think this is a good thing or a bad thing well you're just throwing your furniture out of the house making room for the egg then well don't kick it around it seems fragile oh I see a big frying pan wait we're gonna cook the egg we're gonna cook the mysterious egg we don't even know well what this came out of we don't know whose butt this came out of it could be anything okay yeah let's cook it I I can hear your stomach yeah I can hear your stomach rumbling well it's on the pan turn it crank up the heat and let me go ahead and hit the okay there we go nice now that's that's um you smell that smells like cooking mysterious egg is what it smells like oh God what is that is that one of his children yeah oh you really got there quick didn't you where is that is that the real Easter Bunny like from the from the stories you know not just the one you tell your kids about the ones the one you purposely leave out and don't tell your kids anything about because it's horrible yeah it could be that oh you're really cooking in this pan aren't you what do we do oh leave are you just you just leave okay I'm not staying here either oh you're telling Shaggy yeah Shaggy we got a big problem oh it's that it seems like you have problems of your own Shaggy is is this a Nazi with scoliosis did you by chance steal these eggs from the Nazis seems like the eggs are all catching on fire now the only kind of eggs that do that are Nazi Eggs only Nazi eggs do that so I'm starting to think that you know what maybe we should just leave them to it troll oh god oh look out Shaggy oh god oh geez okay we gotta help him troll good job oh god oh troll I don't want to alarm you but the bunny is is is is uh he's moving are you going in there with a shield is that is that your Shield yeah go in there he is very angry he sounds like a rabid dog you are a brave mantle yeah just yep there you go oh oh my god oh what okay that's that's terrifying that's that's terrifying get out of there troll sorry I just shut the door in your face this guy's crazy oh my god oh he's coming for me he's trying to get me okay I've got his attention uh troll you're gonna have to do something I don't know how do we get rid of it uh a satanic Easter Bunny can you call a priest or maybe uh I don't know Shaman they've got to know more than I do here I'm gonna lead him away for a second you talk to a shaman or a priest the more familiar they are with Christian holidays the better all right I led them to that town over there again I let him to the gas station that you took the phone from so they probably won't be able to call for help is this your idea of this is the guy you called really good thinking because this guy really knows his stuff what do you think about these eggs give him a sniff yeah no they were taken from Nazis why do you ask oh I see oh now SpongeBob's taking it SpongeBob's removing it with his mind these eggs have strange properties hold on okay sponge I'm gonna need you to use your magic to bring these two back to life okay we need them they're on fire oh yeah I think you misunderstood what I was asking you to do oh would you look at that it actually did work he brought him back and he gave them one of these strange machines you have here oh it's a it's a Gatling gun I see they're just stuffed into the Earth that's cool that's gonna be helpful thanks sponge oh so far so good I just hope that demon bunny doesn't make its way back over here oh God it just jumped in my face what was that what the f oh my God he did it again okay oh God I spawned back in the house is everybody okay oh god oh they're dead it didn't even do it didn't matter at all we just added a one to their death count where'd he go maybe this guy's the answer maybe they're mad because this guy's selling illegal eggs here hold on maybe he had something else in his pocket let me just shake it out in it yeah oh there we go oh yeah he had another one of these eggs he must he must have had a spare I guess he was the one with the eggs I thought the Easter Bunny left it but [Music] that was unsettling maybe we should crack into this egg before that one notices us she's not attacking us that's excellent news okay let's crack into this one and that one is much worse that was way worse than the other one good Lord no don't shoot it don't shoot it we don't know yet maybe he's on our team just because he's ugly doesn't mean he's not on our team I mean you're here oh no no okay he's bad he's evil he's worse he's actually a lot worse than the other one hold on I'm going inside okay I'm inside I'm gonna go in this room oh my god oh their noises are so awful dude their noises are so bad I'm stuck between two bunnies I don't know which one's worse I think what we have to do is we got to get the other Easter Bunny back we gotta get the good one back yeah how do we how do we call him can we put up like a bat signal for bunnies I think that's it what is he oh my God he's playing the piano that's a different bunny that's definitely a different bunny that's stop oh my God why is he attacking okay go fight oh God he didn't last a second oh god oh geez try it again maybe call it a different bunny I think you had it set to big big and chungus instead of Easter Bunny oh okay all right is this wind supposed to be calling the bunny oh oh my God he's here he's beating me up okay it worked no he's dead now too you know what they say when the D when the East the demon bunnies rise on Easter Bunny's Eve um the Sinners will pay for their sins yeah yeah maybe we just needed bigger guns light them up troll light them up with your crotch gun yeah get him oh God look at the devastation and this is this one was this is a rough one oh my God everything's all everywhere and what does that feel oh God I thought I felt someone breathing down my neck hey Easter Bunny you come back you came back to hopefully save the day by chance um oh oh oh god oh oh my God are you having a conversation with him let me put you up closer so you guys can talk talk this through what do you think they're saying yeah I don't know either this one's got a what oh my God he sent him back to the shadow realm whoa that's crazy what about the other one that's right there was another one okay there he is there's the other one send him back too send him away please oh and there he goes poof oh my gosh that's crazy that's uh almost feels like that doll didn't need to happen what's that Mr Easter Bunny he says that'll teach you a lesson for [ __ ] with me pretty pretty messed up he said don't ever touch his eggs again let's kick his ass welcome back to some more Gmod Sims I'm Mr Gibbs here's my gun bang bang that's gun for leave a like And subscribe today troll is pig farming and he's feeding the pigs really weird stuff I don't know if it's good for them also Shaggy is a monster living in his attic don't forget to subscribe for more Adventures like these troll what in the okay well good thing you don't have a roof otherwise that would definitely be like that would be a choking hazard right there you'd be smoking out the house what are you doing you're brewing potions again I never like it when you Brews potions they're always weird he always puts weird stuff in them like Bill why do you put dip why are you why are you pending me off with the potion do you want me to drink this okay here hold on I'm gonna drink it uh Bottoms Up okay it killed me instantly who are these potions for don't dance buddy I'm omnipotent I just keep on coming back all right you can't get rid of me uh you know what well you no okay well you're getting rid of me ha I'm gonna go over here for a bit Shaggy what's going on you seem a lot less hostile than troll is today he's in one of his moods you know he just gets like this sometimes how you doing Michelle um your house looks nice what what the heck is that whatever that is in your attic you got something living in your attic you got to call somebody for that call the the uh Pest Control maybe an exorcist I I don't know um troll there's a lot of there's too much going on right now what is this what's good bro when did you get a bunch of pigs and is it in any way related to the potion thing this one's going off the rails already um troll what's going on here pig farm for profit or just for for for your own Joy well I wish I hadn't seen that I don't thumbs up don't thumbs up like you just achieved something well now we have to eat it you use every part of the animal all right I hate that I hated that well okay come on we're gonna eat this pig we just don't get inside um oh God you got in here quick I forget there's a back door how did you make so many potions already how were there so many potions I don't understand what your what your deal is today I don't know do you want me to drink this one too you want me to drink this okay better give me super powers or something well it doesn't feel great I I am slowly dying okay it seems I exploded into shards of glass is that what the potion was supposed to do it was It was supposed to do that okay I'm worried for everyone today I'm worried for everybody um all at once oh especially the pig so you're gonna feed that one to the pig oh I guess maybe it works differently on on animals than it does on humans is that why you have the pigs are these just test subjects no that's not cool troll there's laws against that there's laws that probably don't apply to you yeah no trolls got to deal with the government he's okay he's feeding it to the pig yep Down the Hatch Down the Hatch Wilbur oh you've you've turned him into some kind of cartoon creature what's the goal here troll I'm starting I'm not really getting it I'm not really getting it okay well maybe if Shaggy called an exterminator I can get him to come over and exterminate this thing too yeah no no I'm leaving oh you're gonna what do you want you want me to follow you what's going on you're you're seem off awfully chipper right now you're hopping around okay are we gonna get on the internet oh should I you want me to okay for all you're you're pawning them off as as some kind of exotic animal you don't even know that okay they could be dangerous and you probably don't care do you okay well you're not wrong they are Exotics and uh yeah I'm going over to shaggies again uh do whatever you want to do what's that theme music oh oh I see Shaggy you've hired Rocky with a baseball bat this thing looks too tough you know you should have gotten Rocky with a lead pipe or maybe Rocky with a gun any of those guys would have been much better than rocky with a baseball bat oh I see he's got a pipe as well okay perfect choice uh Rocky are you gonna fight this guy Rocky's calling out that thing in the in your attic he's calling him out that's crazy all right I'm sure this is gonna unfold soon so I'm gonna be right back okay don't start without me troll some crazy stuff's going on over here uh oh my God oh my God you're giving them all their own potions you think that's you think that's safe we still don't know you know like what what the side effects are oh God oh my God as I was saying we still don't know what the side effects are this one's gotten even bigger who's to say he doesn't keep on getting bigger he has two sets of eyes he's got four eyes man or are those no's no those are his noses why does he have four eyes well you better start selling them okay I'm gonna go down the street because Rocky's about to fight a snake thing you should check it out too dude man it's gonna be awesome come on let's check it out all right guys I want a good clean fight Rocky with a pipe versus whatever in the world that is sorry what's your name sir silence Steve is it okay that's great that's awesome Charlie you might want to step back don't point and laugh troll you're gonna draw his attention oh here he goes Shaggy look out oh no oh God he I said I said it I said it he should have had a gun oh the pigs are getting loose get round round them up run him oh oh no draw the pigs the pigs are was that necessary sound that Steve's trying to get in your house I would deal with him quickly yeah good idea good idea um troll bad news the pigs they got killed by the other Pig honestly I saw it coming it was kind of obvious that this guy's evil nobody with that big of a mouth is a good guy you know that's a good it's a Telltale sign yeah you're ruined you're financially ruined so I don't know what you're gonna do I'm sure you took out a sizable loan what are you doing are you gonna box him in just make the cage smaller [Music] though because uh you know silence Steve you know from what I've heard he's well connected I think he has friends he brought them around here things could get hairy what's going on oh oh Joker with a long revolver he's here to buy the pig the pig seems to be spewing fire though so that troll your your face is so covered in ass troll did you know that the pig spews fire Joker's trying to get in you say stay back until you pay bro you seem to be on fire say cough up the money first oh Bingo the money God that's a lot of money is that just for one Pig all right Joker the pig is all yours man how you know what have a great day go on and get the pig happy birthday the pig kill Joker are you trying to beat him to death with the money okay oh oh God excuse me there's a new drunken here it's stinky Joe stop stinky Joe you got to stop him okay he was making a break for the potions we don't need stinky Joe getting into the potions that's for sure yeah lock the door Troll lock the door there you go all right stinky Joe what do you think you're doing here your eyes are looking awfully bloodshot hey give him a good zap just for good for good measure yep zap all right stinky Joe don't go telling your friends about this place all right we got oh look a pig is still alive yes biggie Wilbur hello oh my God hey hey I protected the pig with my life I laid down my life for the pig let it be known I did troll don't zap this pig I this is my pig all right I'll name you [Music] Daphne you look beautiful Daphne you do you look great you never look better um oh draw behind you the kid got out yeah Pig got out of his cage um we're gonna need a new buyer yeah I know troll what do we do you've got us into this mess you got to get us out maybe you can brew a new potion that will I I don't know get rid of them get in there climb in through the window just just toss one out to me toss one out to me yep there you go nice nice nice um okay perfect and uh good oh my god oh geez uh Charlie dropped it I think it broke so this guy's here now too and he seems to have some kind of crotch pocket perhaps shoots crotch rockets I don't know I don't know what his deal is I've never seen anything like that before were you telling him off well I don't think you should yell at him I don't no no I don't think you should yell at him this guy looks dangerous he's definitely friends with these guys oh oh the potion yeah yeah okay hold uh which mouth should I give it to bottom one right I think that one will take quicker effect hold still young man there you go oh my God oh God oh Jeezy got yeah we got him the classic old uh disintegrator that's what we got him with that works um I wonder how his friends feel about that I'm not happy no no Daphne definitely Daphne run run Daphne run oh God they're coming for death no okay uh troll you got to do something you gotta do something get it oh god oh geez they're still coming for us this guy really wants Daphne yeah get him get him grab him troll give him the potion no don't grab Daphne grab the guy I got the pig the pig is mine okay I'm gonna go hide her at Shaggy's house just grab the grumpkin You Gotta Give Them potions before they kill my pig yeah yeah dunk him in the house Daphne no where are you going don't be a hero stay at this house right here okay this is where you'll be safest Daphne no Daphne wants to slay some demons today dude yeah put them all in the house oh yeah just put them in the room with the potions and then they'll just all drink the potions because they're idiots oh no troll look out here comes Slinky Andrew oh no no Here Comes Hunter Tim God they all have bloodshot eyes you know makes you wonder you gotta smoke some crack to come up with this stuff I'm amazed his wife is still alive piggy where are you piggy where'd my pig go hey have you seen my pig you see my pig shaggy troll have you seen my pig have you oh my God the mother alone is this are you yelling like a mad scientist you've done it you've done it you've made whatever you've made a big Brewing Station this is something else now what oh my God are you ascending to the heavens oh my goodness the Legends are true he's going up there to brew what'd it do he's a science guy it's got an exact science troll you've you've it's one big potion that ought to do it man that ought to get rid of all of them you coming down buddy and you must be on some crazy higher right now a lot of power for one little troll I'm sure it's gone right to your head oh God actually you scared me stop fooling around and get the potion all right we gotta feed him to him to this guy before uh all these guys before they get my pig my Pig dies I'll be severely put out yeah get Circle it up yeah mix it up a little bit swirl it yep there you go yeah bingo I think you crushed your wife with it that one roster with the giant potion oh my god with great power comes great responsibility yeah put it in there there you go oh yeah there goes one oh there goes another oh they're just dropping like flies oh there goes uh what's his face oh and what's his face They're All Dead wow that was crazy man what a day you did it and then you undid it really it's all it's kind of got us nowhere but that's kind of how this goes you better bring yeah you got put her in the sink oh you're just gonna set her back up oh oh you're giving her uh you're zapping her back to life oh you brought her back trolls perfect no no no no she's back you brought her back you don't need to keep you need to learn when to stop man you need to learn when you're ahead welcome back to some more Gmod Sims I'm Mr Gibbs here's my gun bang bang that scribe today troll feels inadequate intellectually so he starts up a school for ghouls a Ghoul School I'm sure this will end well don't forget to subscribe for more Adventures like these troll what you doing you watching TV that's nice where's your wife I don't see her anywhere she's oh oh she's out here she seems to be talking to a professor of sorts um oh oh yes I I recognize you he he's uh the professor from oh he's a professor from the town over you know he's uh he works at the University yeah no I know pretty intimidating but he's honestly he's a nice guy you know just don't stand so close to me no no no no don't shoot him don't shoot him he provides a lot to the community you know being so smart and everything hey whoa don't intimidate him he has methods he has ways to make you to make you regret that don't see see I told you he's got methods of madness he didn't want to have to do this he didn't want to have to get big on you but he did oh God he's doing it again dude you don't want to do this you don't want to go down this road he gets so big eventually that he steps on you that's what he had that's how he punishes people that use their phones in his class I just back off you know call it a day you know yeah you've got your wife you got your wife though there is no guarantee she won't leave you again um because like I said he's just in the town over this isn't even his final size he keeps getting bigger if you keep challenging him where's Daphne where's my pig I forgot where's my pig oh there there she is all right here's Daphne she's an integral part of this now cool I'm glad we're on the same page anyways it was nice in you sir you can probably you can probably go now why do you look so surprised what was that did you just use magic it was like an earthquake are you doing that with your mind that's crazy you know you sure showed him a thing or two anyways all right are we done with this we're gonna we're gonna move on no what do you mean no what's going on in that little head of yours huh so two-dimensional there can't be a lot bouncing around in that Noggin all right let's get you guys inside um don't get back in the house and what's that visit oh my God troll did you just build that out of scrap metal wow that's really okay that's really nice uh where are you going with that anyways it seems to be caught on the curb let me help you out buddy I don't know where he's going Daphne this is crazy he's off the rails on this one all right here he comes he's coming back he's coming wait oh my God he's starting to not shut his house over here let me help you with that buddy here hold still I'm gonna I'm just gonna put a little bit of thrust on the back of it let's see here oh yeah we got some thrusters on there so okay here we go Russ oh my God hold on let me pull you back let me pull you back I'm gonna try this again I'm still not sure why we're knocking down Shaggy's house but here we go three two one oh god oh geez Daphne no oh why why was my pig so close to the explosion oh well you really did it you cleared it out where'd the truck go the truck exploded didn't it is that what that explosion was okay well it's all cleared out I don't know why I don't know why we did that hold on I'm gonna bring my pig back to life Japanese a lot more resilient than she looks Stephanie I'm gonna go ahead and put you in the house all right you need a bath anyways oh god look what you've done to Shaggy he's dead what's that noise oh my God Raven home school for intellectuals is this really it troll you built your own school and you're the dean is that your family you're not fooling me buddy I know that's not your family wow look at these maps and all this stuff that makes it seem like you know stuff um Wallace bringing declared interim administrator oh that's the guy that was just over here huh um what is this your Hit List where are you oh oh class right class is in session I hate to break it to you buddy but you're gonna need students yeah no there aren't any you know Shaggy and shell could have been good but there you uh you killed them so I could get my pig if you want oh you're gonna call up some students okay yeah yeah just just ring them up bring some people up oh look at that there's a student there now he looks gross but he's got a big brain doesn't he yeah he's ready to learn go stick him in there he we should also tell him about clothes you know maybe that should be the first thing that we do is we talk we go over dress code um oh yeah yeah give them a piece of paper to read yeah call them up bring them up oh a dead guy he's dying to get in [Laughter] sorry um go put them in there yeah oh yeah yeah you like that one huh oh what's that is that the okay I'm gonna put this guy in here cool school is filling up quick we've got a real ghoulish School in here you know a lot of Ghoulies go ahead and call up another guy you know what are you gonna shake him out of the phone booth I don't get it your [ __ ] oh it's Slimer from SL from Ghostbusters hello look how he's really just a mouse are we gonna let this guy into our school I mean your school really I don't want to be on any of the paperwork for legal reasons okay cool yeah go ahead and put him in there keep uh keep dialing yep there you go um this guy looks surprisingly normal compared to the other ones oh my God he just took over your personality he stole your identity dude oh my God oh my God he's still this guy kill him he's taking our identities thank you wow we can't have that guy in the school that's just not gonna work you know no no no okay dial it up again maybe just pick a different number this time yep okay this guy looks fun oh he's making a call of his own do we think he's okay he reminds me of Bigfoot yeah he looks fun we're gonna have him we're gonna have him in the school I don't care what you say okay oh we're gonna need some lawyers but for now I'm gonna put this guy in the trash all right so since that last school killed that guy mysteriously somehow we had to get a new school then Rebrand it's still a cool school it's just a different building so no one can sue us send guys in here um except that guy's new oh so is that guy that guy's new I like his armor okay troll we need some more students though we don't have enough students what's what's the matter do you not have any quarters are you all out of quarters just just do what you were doing before just bang on it what do you mean wrong number yeah wrong wrong number this guy's ugly oh he does look like he's dressed for gym class what you think we should keep him even though he's making those horrible noises he'll fit right in yeah he'll fit right in okay come on I'll grab him by his big underwear well that wasn't very polite I'm worried about him now I'm worried if we put him in the school he's gonna hurt others yeah he's he's tearing up the place I don't think we can have a student like this in here he's he's throwing the chairs oh God he killed Skelly boy oh he was my favorite oh he's tearing the place up man he's tearing it up bring him out of here bring him out oh he doesn't like being taken out of the school either oh God he just what the bro I don't like that at all quickly Joel get inside get inside go go go go go okay oh geez that was like 10 straight minutes of getting jump scared what the heck man was he some kind of gummy bear we gotta call the cops oh we left the phone outside I know we left the phone outside I got the next best thing come over here buddy come here check this out I never leave the house without one of these and so this guy has a telepathic Powers he he you get you got to beat the message into him but he's kind of like a phone he sends he sends the message telepathically go ahead and give him the message actually if you all if you open up his mouth and just speak into it he works just like a phone or you could beat the message into him you could beat it into him yeah just talking through his mouth it's kind of like kissing but you really want to put the message in yeah there you go good idea don't forget to dial yep there you go the screams means it's working good yeah you know what if phones are cleaner but I I honestly prefer the kind of naturalness of this kind of this sort of it feels more connected to Nature yeah it's good to it's good to give him a bow okay oh and there's the doorbell you called the cops right okay okay cool so I'm not gonna be surprised when I open the door that's good um oh Robocop and Deputy boy he's looking a bit rough did you just make him on your way over here yeah we got a gummy bear over here he broke up the school that was well it was just over there and that's where he was too uh you buddy you got blood all over your face you definitely like super suspicious right now I'm just being honest with you you look so suspicious right now RoboCop's not gonna like it yeah just wash off good idea yeah you missed a spot but you know I don't think you'll notice now I think you got most of it guys we I swear we saw him he was just over there you know come follow me follow us boys wait there he is now come on quickly quickly to the scene of the crime let's go bring bring Robo boy yeah here wait a minute he looks different now he wasn't doing the dancing earlier he wasn't doing he was also bigger he was like twice as tall no troll don't dance with him he just murdered us don't dance with him this is not a dance party RoboCop talk some sense into my friend here no something just something just happened to Robo boy RoboCop explain yourself why did he just die the robo brains couldn't compute the situation man they it over it overloaded them and then they just ascended to Robo Heaven ah but what about this thing man he's just a regular bear now he's all he's still acting like he didn't do anything pull out the lightsaber teach him a lesson yeah really get in there he doesn't seem to yeah just let him cook in there this is the roast him on it I guess wait I'm hearing the screams again yeah that that sounds more like it um I feel like there's something behind me oh god oh this must be his child oh you were just killing his child oh maybe that's all he needed he wanted to be reunited with his son his son what his son's always on Tick Tock so he's just always doing these stupid little funny dances oh they look so good together you know I can see them now going to the liquor store yeah take a picture a family picture yeah yay hooray reunited and it feels so good now what weren't you trying to be a professor today wasn't that the whole thing wait a minute what's that I'm starting to make sense of these blood curdling screams yep he said that he wants you to tutor his son it's all coming together it's full circle you really are a teacher you're a big man now oh there you go yeah now you're big like the professor was in the beginning like I said full circle big brain time now go go teach this kid a thing or two about the world wow they grow up so fast am I right
Channel: Mr.Gibbs
Views: 457,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trollge Sims in Gmod 12 (FULL MOVIE)
Id: NE17KkTVP5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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