Kiki with Willam (two women getting ready)

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I thought Willam was Kesha in the beginning lmao

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/Jesse1205 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’m sorry but that mask that Willam said she was wearing on the street... mama that ain’t it

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/icebending 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Willam was high as fuck here. It might make it more fun for her but next to trixie she was giving off weird energy.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Empty-Tea 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I want more Trixie with a big single thicc shoulder braid

it's giving me fresh vibes I never knew I needed until the moment I saw

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/cnxd 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I hate that fucking gold tooth

👍︎︎ 96 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I didn’t know Willam had a drag daughter. Anyone know their name?

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/WarEagle9 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

"A home owner" is my favorite fun fact about Willam.

The unfinished looks at the beginning of this video are totally giving me a "Flowers In The Attic" vibe, with Willam playing Cathy and Trixie as the wicked Grandmother.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/xelfxelfxelfxelfer 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

they have such a weird dynamic i never even thought about the two of them doing a collab

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/junoangel 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did Willam's makeup get rebranded? Wasn't it called Coverboy?

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/surejan94 📅︎︎ Nov 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
you want to say uh trixie and  willam trixie and willam take one hi welcome back to my channel if you're new here  my name is trixie mattel and welcome back to my   channel a world famous drag queen with a passion  for makeup artistry and i had to bring in another   world famous dragon with a passion for makeup  artistry the most followed youtube drag queen not   for long not for long summer long hunty one of the  most celebrated drag musicians in the world one of   the funniest people anybody's ever known you're so  nice a marijuana enthusiast a homeowner she has a   gold tooth human hair wigs a touring professional  been all over the world a thousand times a delta   million miler two oh a two million miler okay so  this woman showed up here today like this and then   i was like well i need to put on some face then i  had a mask on it's this really cute one like that   oh that's fear my drag daughter got off amazon hi  ty hey ty it's me it's mommy mommy's on tv look at   me i'm on trixie's channel then i rhinestoned  it she's well that's kind of a compliment she   said here's your mask and you're so beautiful even  in a pandemic we need to be able to see that face   underneath the jawline that sank a thousand ships  wait feel it give me rain it whatever is beyond   sandpaper that's a cactus cactus she was like  this amount ready so i got this amount ready and i   i'm not gonna lie jaywalking the vivian yeah the  movie and the vivian goes on holiday vivian goes   to the market well you're a cosmetics entrepreneur  and i love some of your makeup so we're gonna put   it on today i got this from your launch party this  trouble color oh it's so good i wear it on a drag   i want to call it truffle butter but they wouldn't  let me we have a product coming out a gloss called   pleather daddy and there were certain department  stores who said you cannot carry we will not carry   a product name but i love the name so i kept the  name everyone what are you gonna do today with   your makeup obviously when you're putting on your  makeup it's like you're an artist wait a minute   you're doing your makeup she's starting with the  arms yeah you always gotta start with the arms   for sure what is that that's that colourpop  hopeless romantic literally obsessed these are   it's so nice start with the arms start you're  darker than me get it oh i got more more chest   hair than eyebrows at this point so i've never  had a full wig on with this much makeup on oh   it's so fun isn't it it's day walking i feel  like i belong in gem in the holograms for sure   i know that you didn't take well you drive yeah  see you were driving around like this yeah you   guys imagine you're in los angeles and a huge  sport utility vehicle goes by and this thing   who's got the keys to the jeep all right i think  i'm going to do an eye that's all black and white i'm going to do a little bit  of do you mind no prime away   prime darling i normally don't do primer because  i do my eyes while my liquid foundation's wet   so i'm just trying to make sure it actually  girl and now look won't she do it every time how you like me now crafter new tings now  how long have you been on youtube because   you were probably the first queen to do like  a lot of videos a lot of views how many views   did boyza bottom get when it came out millions  of dollars oh yeah isn't up to something like   something crazy like tens of millions 24. did you  feel like the only no i there were two others do   you talk to vicky we were all the only i was not  the only one we went you went to our shows we were   the only like we lived that's right you came to  madison wisconsin and you know what it was you   detox and vicki and vicki um i remember i  love you vicki and i'll tell the story forever   for her second number her costume change was  she took off a coat and it was kind of a coat   it was like an afghan it was like a sweater is  this a dust-off brush yeah it was like a sweater   but then you know what we booked rayla tray  once and she and i'll tell this story forever   she had a look and for her costume chain she took  off a jacket and part of her hair the other way la yes l queen's really going to go stepping  up i like this wow who makes this perfect prime   eyeshadow base wow very peachy how long have  we known each other for real like when did we   first work together like i don't know  what tour it might have been oh yes i do   no center stage in atlanta it was me you adore  darian lake katya ginger and pearl it was like a   season seven reveal kind of thing and  that's when i heard adora sing live for   the first time and i thought she was lip syncing  because i'd never heard a drag queen sing like   i was like um okay maybe the rest of us should  go practice let's see what kind of liner that was   a fun gig by the way this is the knicks that's  the point uh liner this is my favorite one it's   like a sharpie that one's good too i have that  that's that one yes yeah i use it for my wings   sometimes when did you start playing makeup oh god  four tell them a story about that tell them tell   them what the theater gig you were doing when  they had to ask you to stop writing eyeliner   well i got to wear for the mikado when i was  probably like 11 or 12 or something i don't know   we wore black eyeliner for that but then for gypsy  they had to tell me to tone it down a little bit   because that smoky under eye was not working not  this not the serve no extra hey look at the crossy   they said sir you're uh playing a background  character at a bus stop you don't need to do a   cut crease and a bold lip that bottom lash is  really unnecessary yeah and you know you were   the first drag queen i ever traveled with  too who on the road you weren't a drinker   you like the the edibles oh hell yeah but you  don't really mess with the drinking which is   honestly for touring so smart yeah stay thin  wake up refreshed go to bed early early no   never always stay out do a last lap but never  like say no to a party last laugh last laugh   and we've done by the way i'm using this blend  and snap pink i love pink this is the one it's   beautiful i'm getting into that one i'm getting  into that one and then i'm getting into those two   too nikki tutorials work nikki tutorials i would  like some free stuff too i do drag you really   i love you i worship do you have any extra  brushes yep these are all pretty clean work oh wow   i love to buy brushes i used to shoplift  them when i was a kid from uh burdines   i know we just had somebody on the pod and  we were talking about you know as a drag   queen when i go to beauty supply stores i don't  appreciate being watched like i steal and then   i do oh no i do i was like well i didn't steal  oh i did but they would watch me like i stole you   know the walgreens at santa monica and highland of  course they lock up their lashes and their razors   because you've been there no because the  girls steal okay i will say this can i just   say something controversial yet brave please do  putting makeup on with a wig on oh i feel like i'm   a woman like i'm touching up a little bit touching  your percent and also i'm used to doing eye makeup   with no skin on and doing doing the skin first  it's a whole different woman experience oh yeah   you're a gorge a little orange oh i can't  take me i love me do you love yourself oh my   so much i love myself i know as gay people that's  kind of sacrilegious to actually like yourself but hard thundercat i've been wearing less and less  eyeshadow and more and more just white and black   eyeliner and not having my eyes be as like smokey  i saw that new shape that you'd been pumping yeah   i've been doing this new kind of shape did you  clear that with your fans yeah oh cause they're   loud i've looked oh my i've looked the same for so  long that when i change a single thing people are   like queen of lucks new lip liner oh my god but  when i did the movie the grown-up tour all the   looks were really 60 so i was like i want like a  white twiggy sculpted and you know on tour you can   wear glitter every night but you gotta be careful  because you'll start to get scratched up from no   you don't i do take it off right i don't take it  off well then you're an idiot i dream tour with   straight people they don't drink very much i'm  used to touring with the gay the the girls and you   know watching you know black out and take a [ __ ]  down a brick wall and eat a hungry man before bed   what are you doing huh i wanted to try all  the colors and the colors you better work your   [ __ ] i'm a guest i vlog so you could too yeah i  think it's important you know as young drag queens   for us to acknowledge the older queens who came  before us and created our industry so thank you   you're you're the michelle jaber oh no i spilled  i'm sorry you're the michelle old that was a   better thought in my head if anybody's looking  for video evidence that one doesn't act right   i hope that it's a long it's just a long  clip of us putting brushes back in here   what do you think is a good brow color there's a  good brow color in that trixie sugarpill palette   i like that for like blondes like that oh yeah i  do yellow color she's great this is my honestly   this palette has gone everywhere on the road  with me for the last since it came out because   it's the palette i do want to do a neutral eye  and then just want to do a glitter on top of it   this and this blush it's like it's described as  like a sheer watermelon tone that you can build   this is the best blush so good katya wears it  and she hates blush she has a tiny little face i   understand why she would hate blush yeah and she  doesn't like to look for her skin at least she   doesn't like to look too makeupy which you know  at 45 is wishful but okay so beat down how long   have you been doing it because i've been featured  on it and it truly is an honor it's an honor to do   something so ridiculous that it makes it on beat  down it's very affirming it's the oscars of acting   but you weren't even acting like you were just  like not aware of your surroundings for a moment   and we all got to laugh at that and then you  fell oh my god it was karma instantly taking over   that is one of the things that i see  vlogged constantly i brought you new glitter your glitter is beautiful i agree you said  you were going to do a strong black graphic   eye didn't you yeah i kind of derailed  from that this is like a like pinky melon   pinky melon is there going to be like pinkie  melon maybe he's in that queen pinky milky melon   she left her stuff in the back i thought of  a good name the other day uh mini corn dog   from the legendary house of corndog if you could  start over with a different drag name what would   you pick i guess you never really got one no  what about you um i would love to have been   like barbara or diane just like a woman named  we just claudia claudia carol cause imagine like   up next in the show tonight we have anastasia amon  dupree andrews and bernadette you know like just   like a human name yeah eyeliner i love eyeliner  it's my favorite part of do makeup i love once the   eyeliner goes on it goes from monster to madam for  sure it's still monster it's reading a bit warnos   it's a bit more nose today eileen can i tell  you something yeah i love her i should have   just gotten dragged to that video what video  eileen okay i was in your video and i didn't   get in drag and i was really tired at the  time this is my apology video to you girl   no one cares but thank you that's sweet mascara  huh i'm not putting on glitter before blush what   a terrible idea oh my god i'm doing everything  backwards because i never do foundation first   either it's weird i do eyes first usually this  blush is so pretty it's a pretty fantasia on   my face put on some lashes having a wig on  while doing makeup is the weirdest sensation   it's so fun this is a good old mac pinch of peach  to me lashes do you have a lash on yet i sure do but look there's more there's that one too wait  there's uh 301 and done i love these new boxes   yeah these are adorable the lashes i love these  are so great people haven't tried these you cut   them up and make like little like just spikys  beautiful i i always layer them with a bunch   of three oh yes because then they have like  a little flirt to them a little flirt to them   yeah this is nice mascara flash glue theme  glamour i've been really into highlighter   till you get wrinkled you're into it i'm gonna  put some of this shell and then i love this   that cream or powder it's cream and then i love  this wet and wild powder put cream over powder that's so pretty oh my god what is that so this  is the wet and wild mega glow i have like four   of these yeah and i put it over this i'm just  gonna put on my little side lash that i have   to put on before my base lash and just wear that  oh yeah you do kind of like one on the end yeah   yeah i am a woman all it takes is a lash sometimes  lash some glitter and a good ass lip suck less   face and body truffle lip varnish okay i'm gonna  be honest i've only worn this alone i didn't think   of putting it over things at least really it looks  good oh my god it's life changing over things   good old spice lip liner or something i also love  i love the way that they dry i like the texture it   dries it dries like nothing as long as you put  on like one coat let it dry and then another   just a tiny little pinch of a bottom lash  you know what let me grab my topper and   i'll start to put the top on a top or  a topper or a bottom bring one for me take my hair down okay avida oh seven brides for seven brides i miss getting  in drag for shows for real people for people   yelling me too i miss my hoverboard  there's nowhere else to ride it never ever so pretty you can't take it you're  just an overgrown orangutan it's always the   earrings for me oh these have always brought me  luck and then get hit by a car in the earrings   what you got there good it's pink glitter can i  try something sure i put i spit in it though oh   it's really wet yeah you spin it spit on water oh  my god because when it dries out i have to like   make it wet again you know i think i have that  hey at least i was honest but look at how pretty   it makes me oh yeah i look like roller girl's  uncle oh my god look at how pretty these lips are i showed them and if you want to look like me you  can just buy my mask oh i love yours i look kind   of great you look amazing thank you you always  do you do too you look really nice i love it when   you do hair bigger than your head oh it makes  you look so tiny like i either go huge or like   janice pin straight fashion velma from scooby  doo have you ever seen two girls you look great   45 really does it i don't have a nail on do you  want a nail no you don't want a nail these are   beautiful yeah you can keep them my friend sends  them to me for free thanks girl this is trey chic   by the way i have to say as a best-selling author  i know a thing or two about books same saying   your book is the best drag book it's amazing  thank you when katy and i were making our book   we were talking about your book like that's the  standard the other drag books i don't see yours so   funny organized good and the pictures they don't  tell you this when you make a book they say you   know what don't you want to sit down and slow down  for a little bit work on a book you say yes please   and then they go great we need 45 000 pictures  new well i i spent my like part of my advance   and then i was like oh so when do we do the photo  shoots for the book and stuff they're like that's   what your advance pays for and i was like oh is  that how that works and then i was like oh and   look at that nail oh just one that's all you need  sometimes oh yeah the picture just has to be that   well um thank you for coming do you want to let  everybody know where they can find you you can   find me on my youtube channel and please  subscribe i would love to see you there i   don't think we sold your youtube hard enough the  video about getting her makeup done by courtney   unplugged oh my god and alaska did yours which was  a circle i looked great sir i looked sickening and   then courtney got her somebody courtney looks  great courtney looked like a [ __ ] yeah she   looked so trashy yeah it's so good so pretty  all your music videos all your videos are   amazing like watching you watch things trixie  reacts girl welcome to the world of my house   drunk yelling at a computer that's me all right  that's it okay thank you bye see you later bye
Channel: Trixie Mattel
Views: 1,511,217
Rating: 4.9442344 out of 5
Keywords: willam, belli, trixie, mattel, cosmetics, makeup, drag, queens, rpdr, getting ready
Id: 0nTZ-jEtTwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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