Malibu Barbie x Colourpop...HOW DARE YOU!?

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I watched this the other day, I never thought about it when I saw it on trendmood but when I was watching I found it weird there was no Barbie hot pink blush??? Like Trixie had to use her own... A massive highlighter but no blush? They could have done a cool sunset ombre blush in that large compact but instead did a HL?

👍︎︎ 229 👤︎︎ u/stace_m8 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Pretty much what it says on the tin. I love that Colourpop delivered the collection to her personally with a Barbie jeep :D

👍︎︎ 80 👤︎︎ u/BeautyAddict101 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love how she only used the blue color lmao, Like I wanted to see more colors but it felt very Trixie of her so I can't blame her haha

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/rdweezy27 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

They made sure to deliver the Barbie collection to Barbie’s biggest stan, but forgot about Hilary Duff 😭😂 (also this is no shade to Trixie, I absolutely love her!).

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/itsmyopinion2 📅︎︎ May 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

I think the lipstick segment was the gayest thing Trixie has ever done, including having a pink condo

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/biscuitandjelly 📅︎︎ May 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

I wish she used some of the pinks, as I would’ve loved to see how they went. But oh well!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/pinkybandinski77 📅︎︎ May 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

How can people be so talented?!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/krkpo 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi it's trixie mattel using  the colourpop barbie collab hi it's matrix and mattel if you're new here  i'm a world famous drag queen with a passion   for makeup artistry and as you know a deep  passion for america's favorite 11 and a half   inch plastic supermodel barbie i love barbie i've  always loved barbie if you guys are curious about   how much i love barbie there's an entire series  on this channel dedicated to decades of my barbie   collection but our friends at colourpop are doing  a barbie collab now by the time you guys find out   about a barbie collab and you start tagging  me on every platform i've been new i've got my   connections i know what barbie collab is coming  on the pipe from a year from now i can tell you   exactly how she's gonna die and what's gonna  happen to her family and i love that about me   if you don't know what that's from it's from um  real housewives so i just dm'd on my my iphone   rich i dm'd colourpop and said can i just get the  collection early i just want to do a video with it   can i just buy it early and they were like  we're on the road now can we just swing by   our house i go sure they stopped by my house in  a pink barbie jeep there's footage look at this and they gave me one of everything  so i figured we would just   get in to the looks today now this is not a  sponsored video so if the products aren't right   not on my watch but i will say this i love  colourpop and i've done a master class for   them i've been using colourpop for years  colourpop makes beautiful products so i'm   not concerned at all pure just did a barbie  collab and we just did a video on that and   we found some good ones in that collection  a few flops but some of those products were   really beautiful and i'm excited to see what's  going on here today today we have lips lashes   a shadow palette and a highlighter so i'm gonna  do my foundation and everything and i'm gonna be   right back hello i have returned i have foundation  on i have brows on let's see what happens here   before i start my eye makeup i'm going to do a  little template i have my one size point made   black liner and i'm just going to do like a little  sketch oh by the way i'm not abused i have been   playing kickball and look i just you guys isn't  that horrible look at that from kickball so let's   do a little template here by the way new trixie  cosmetics merch this is my trixie cosmetics merch so that's gonna be eyeliner i often think of  somebody who just like stumbled in here from   youtube and you've never seen my makeup before and  you're like that's eyeliner yes on this channel we   abuse our rights with makeup okay that's pretty  listen for a free hand that is pretty even   look i normally don't do my foundation first i  normally do my eye first so i actually grabbed   some primer this is the be perfect cosmetics  perfect prime eyeshadow priming base i actually   really like this for days when i'm gonna be doing  eyeshadow second i just my eye makeup works better   when i sort of wet the area because i'm putting so  much shadow on you know what i mean and i'm just   going to take a little brush and buff it out the  trick here is to try not to lift up the makeup and   reveal my brows i've used this base before i think  i got this in the mail i think it came with the   blue hydrangea collab and i actually really like  it it reminds me of this is kind of old school but   do you guys remember too faced primer potion  everybody was like obsessed with it about 10 years   ago it makes me think of that but a little more  a little more yellow because primer potion was so   light see and like that shadow is gonna stick  better now i haven't even looked at the palette   but i do know that there's a mirror let's check it  out barbie and colourpop hand mirror god that that   wound looks awful i'm not abused i'm just athletic  if i was athletic i wouldn't be injured oh oh oh   look at the little barbie colourpop mirror i will  say this this is too small for me to do my makeup   this is the trixie cosmetics here i will say  this when i'm on set in my little set bag i love   teeny little mirrors like this just for a real  quick like like when i'm on netflix or whatever i   just hide it in the couch so that between takes i  can look at myself hello let's look at the shadows   this is the malibu barbie pressed powder palette  i mean i just feel like i have to use that blue   i know that i mean that paint you know what i'm  so torn the neutrals are beautiful to you guys   look at this isn't that gorgeous it's a little  bit tricky to tell like i would make a palette   with these colors a couple blues couple pinks  and a lot of neutrals i got to get into this   malibu memories color this blue i just got to  do it let's start pounding some blue on there's   going to take a stiff little morphe brush and  i'm really just going to like press that in   oh [ __ ] wow do you guys see how far that pigment  the one dip in the palette got me look at that   rest in peace this reminds me of channel surfer  from daytime realness which was a lovely blue   gorge gorgina mama gorgina see and normally when i  do my foundation first the shadows don't stick but   i that be perfect priming base really does make  the shadow stick i mean there's no fallout under   here and anybody out there who's really fair like  me you know fallout can like get really intense   i've been very into one shadow looks lately like  a whole look using one shadow i think that's what   i'm going to do here today let's try the little  mirror maybe i'm being a hater i don't want to be   sizeist we all know that size is not what matters  it's what you do with it it's funny because this   collection was announced everybody was texting  it to me and i'm like i have seen i saw this like   a while ago i might have seen it through  the grapevine through the gay grapevine   but gg gorgeous sent it to me too and she was like  oh my god look and i was like they're outside my   house right now she was like no i'm like yeah  sorry gigi you're a husband flop sorry i'm the   new gigi sorry beautiful blonde makeup artist on  youtube let's get into that gagarina all right i   want to do some shadow on the bottom i'm going  to do a little bit more of this primer on the   bottom you see what i mean i just kind of like  approximately place it and then i'm just going   to buff it it really helps when you wear as much  makeup as i do to put powders on to a surface   that's kind of wet that's why i'm so into cream  shadows shape tape shape tape's a great uh shadow   base anything kind of not not necessarily  creamy but like a slightly tacky liquid   love i'll say this even with this blue shadow it's  not a competition but this colourpop is giving   what we wanted the pure collection to be giving  the pure launch was really beautiful had a   beautiful blush palette beautiful highlighter and  some great lipsticks but i'll say that the pure   barbie collection was a little more barbie as a  hero colors were called like inspired and like ceo   and like one of them was like girl boss i  like that too but i mean this palette being   a little more truly like come on barbie let's  go party that's that's fun that's really fun   look at that wow beautiful the shadow's blending  really well but i'm not surprised um if you guys   don't know we've used them on the channel before  i'm a huge fan of the colourpop palettes you guys   colourpop palettes are beautiful not to tell  colourpop's business a little bit but this   isn't a sponsored video i'm a free agent colourpop  famously owns their lab and they print their own   boxes so like colourpop can get inspired for an  idea make the colors print the colors themselves   print the boxes themselves like they can get an  idea for a product get inspired and have it on the   shelves very quickly so i'm really happy they did  this collection it's so cute so far i am living   i'll say there's a lot of fallout in the  palette here the palette looks a little like   a crime scene right now but i mean i am using  a lot of shadow so just buffing out the edges   okay wow it's pretty much one of the easiest blue  eyeshadow makeup applications i've done in a while   you guys this is not like a review like full  swatch video but like i mean i'm loving the colors   if i had time to do like three looks i would love  to do this peach and like some of these browns i   would love to do this big pink eye i'm just gonna  use a little more of malibu memories and i really   want this look to have a lot going on so i'm just  gonna keep buffing around i just want the edges   a little more snatched i love doing one shadow  and doing the shape of everything really big   and really diffused so you guys i'm gonna go put  on some black and white liner and be right back   i was in the middle of my white liner and i lied  i want to do this yellow this yellow called west   coast i want to do it on my lid well my lid you  know what i mean oh yeah oh god i'm a genius   my makeup artistry is so incredible sometimes  you know this reminds me of this reminds me of   butter cupcake a little bit from sugarpill god  i'm incredible is it okay to love yourself pat   just pat it on pat the puss pat the puss let's  put the liner on and see how we actually feel brb   okay we're back with lashes can you believe  can you believe this is looking pretty good i   feel beautiful i feel stunning i'm gonna do now  that the lashes are on just a little more blue   a little more i just want to be able to really see  it on top and i'm always a big fan of more shadow   on top and on bottom and on the sides of my head  and on every part of my body so i believe there's   a highlighter in this collection barbie colourpop  beach party super shock highlighter oh i love this   compact i have to admit it's like marc jacobs  does barbie oh my god you're killing me you're   killing me right now ooh rich let's see okay it's  like a soft gold honestly it's the same color as   i'm gonna get the pure barbie highlight i think  this is the same color so here's the pur barbie   highlight oh i lied i i really lied okay the  pure barbie one is a lot more yellow and the   color pop one in beach party is a lot more neutral  so let's let's see i have a little fan brush here   i'm not a huge fan of fan brushes but i just  whatever let's do it oh okay oh ooh okay ooh   see not a big fan of fan brushes because i feel  like it's already all over the place when i apply   highlighter i want like a like i want to use like  this brush for highlighter that's more my vibe   that's pretty right look what do you think i'm  kind of putting on a lot because drag okay now   i put on too much see see how i do i like keep  putting highlighter on because i like it and the   more i put on eventually it derails and i'm like  you should have stopped but this is beautiful i   really like this love this compact i actually love  this art too like look at the art on this isn't   that adorable look and look at the front so cute  soy cutie and look at the front of this palette   so cute we stan i mean everything so far the  shadows were beautiful the highlighter is   beautiful the mini mirror beautiful we do have  some lashes these are the barbie colourpop doll   lashes very cute packaging and i figured  we could apply these on the bottom   because i have this thick thick liner  on um it's just i mean it's a very   very small lash you guys i mean for bottom  lashes for me i think i'm going to cut it   into thirds and apply it that way to be honest or  have halves let's see let's put the little lash on   blink love it other lash for bottom lashes you  guys i wish i had found this out earlier in life   for bottom lashes cut them in half or  in thirds is even better i'm gonna say   honestly like if you guys want a good look  at these these to me are very my first lash   like if you've never had eyelashes before this  might be what you do they're very teeny very   tiny very approachable kind of be a pretty like  bride bridesmaid lash maybe not a bridal lash   but like a bridesmaid lash oh god when i used  to do brides you guys they would always be like   everybody getting their makeup professionally done  and you know everyone at weddings wants the same   look you know they want the smokey eye with the  neutral but not nude lip and then there's always   the hater friend who's like a mary kay consultant  who does her own makeup looks [ __ ] rotted   if you're a makeup artist watching this you know  it you know there's always the hater friend who   works for like mary kay or avon who's like i do my  own and you're like i see that you look horrible   we have the lashes on we have the highlighter  on the last piece of this collection you guys we   have some lip colors let's see there's three duos  here dream house malibu sunset and golden beach   let's see how we feel about any and all of them  oh it comes with a pencil uh this one's a rose   oh you know i'm already gonna like  that you know i love a pinky rose   neutral brownie oh i'm already gonna like  oh i think i'm gonna like that oh my god   we did it joe oh even better okay these  are two really beautiful colors oh god i love that oh you guys the inside of the box has  art i love when the inside of packaging has art   and then finally um oh this is like a really  okay a dark dark hot pink like a magenta well   not to be that girl that you knew i was  but you know i'm picking the neutral   you guys you i mean if you go to this channel  before you know i love to flirt with the idea   of bright lip color never do it um unless  it's like a hot pink like stacy or something okay very good very good okay is it even at all that's pretty right  neutral i think i'm gonna try to deepen the   edges a little bit with this one this isn't really  deeper it's just a little pinker that's gonna be   good enough this is gonna be good enough and  then this is golden beach i can already tell   i'm gonna be into this ah the lipstick has  a laser cut of the word barbie on it do you   see that oh my god it's done with lasers i know  that from being a cosmetics industry professional oh oh i didn't think i'd like it as much as i do oh  i think it's beautiful okay wait i'm gonna get   another liner for just a little more definition  you know what i can probably do with shadow let's   switch it up i'm gonna use this little brush  this is a colourpop e20 and i'm just gonna grab   i don't know i think something like this yeah  and just kind of deepen the edges a little bit   see that adds a little more  definition this is boardwalk   i mean you're basically just adding pigment to the  cream lipstick right do that all the way around   ooh see it makes a big difference right i mean  it's it's not a huge difference but there's   definitely a difference and finally this look has  no blush now this collection did not have a blush   however i brought a blush where's my blush i  forgot the blush i brought a blush i got the   summer of love palette from trixie cosmetics  which we are restocking we would never leave   you hanging and look at this one's the  color of my wound i'm going to use girl   on girl which is my favorite pink blush for  when i just don't want like a lot of blush on   oh yeah see it's when you love pink blush but  you're trying to do a no blush day that's how i   would describe this color because it's soft enough  enough you can do a little on the forehead oh yeah   i'm so beautiful i wish you know i was gonna film  this video before going to netflix tomorrow but   i was afraid of messing it up if i would have  known this collection was gonna be this good   i would have just got ready tomorrow like this  hold onto the jaw oh you guys i look beautiful   all right i'm gonna wipe this off i'm gonna take  off my trixie cosmetics shirt i'm gonna put on   a wig and i'll be right back and we have returned  with the final look now i will say this collection   is small but mighty i loved everything presented  to me today i will say that in the past few years   barbie has done a lot of amazing collaborations i  mean if you start looking for barbie stuff you'll   see barbie collabs popping up all the time this  is probably my favorite barbie collab i've ever   seen as a collector and barbie enthusiast this had  what i wanted this really feels like barbie makeup   like this feels like the real person barbara her  makeup i mean that's why i'm wearing my swimsuit   from barbara my record and can you believe it it  still fits she had a big ass then she's got a big   ass now so let's recap everything we loved i'm  just gonna do a little more blush now that i'm in   the light i feel i need a little more blush just  a little more just a little there we go see and it   changes the look entirely it doesn't i just always  feel that there's more room for blush you guys are   not putting nails on live with it i've got enough  problems going on i love this collection you guys   starting with the mirror like i said it's a little  small i'm used to this okay and so it's a little   but i actually think this would be really fun  when i think of like some of my purses are really   little this could fit in some of my little baby  purses i will be using this again the highlighter   we live i just want to see a little more on the  cheekbone see like a smaller brush maybe that's   what i was missing do you see the difference i  like applying highlighter with a small brush like   i want precision see that yeah like that's more  the vibe do you see that for drag for me i'm only   trying to apply like highlighter in one spot so i  really like the way this looks i really like this   highlighter this is beach party this is all really  good i love these lashes obviously these are a   first time in drag sort of like first time wearing  lashes size lash but when i want like a collab   lash and i just basically want the packaging  because let's be honest it's what we want here   i'm glad it's a lash that i'll actually use and  this is really cute i mean anybody could wear   this lash anybody you could cut them in half and  just wear them as demi's i don't even know why   companies sell demi lashes because you know you  can just cut lashes in half right anyway different   conversation the barbie colourpop malibu barbie  palette we have to stan this is beautiful small   it feels weighted it has like a uv coating and the  barbie thing is like popped out it feels different   this is just great i can't wait to use these again  i'm actually going to bring this to set tomorrow   all of the lipsticks here were beautiful but i  love this one i have on this golden beach look how   pretty that is not nude not orange not it's just a  beautiful like peach coral like a peach nude coral   beautiful love it i loved the other liners too  i would wear any and all of these liners so all   of these lip colors are a hit you guys and i mean  for me to like all the lip colors in a collection   and you guys know i'm not the most versatile  personally i could wear the same two lipstick   shades forever a pink and a nude and never switch  it up and all three of these shades were very cool   that's the whole collection you guys i  mean i think this is incredible whether   you're a barbie person or not this collection is  stunning thank you to colourpop for giving it to   me today and i'm so happy i have it and if you  guys would like one colourpop gave me a second   one and told me that i was allowed to give it away  so if you would like to win this entire collection   we can ship it to you please enter below and  comment with your favorite barbie doll from your   childhood just comment your favorite barbie from  childhood is it moving groovin does it peaches   and cream i don't know your age i don't know  what was popular when you were a child but i   would love to give away um the whole collection  so congratulations to barbie and colourpop an   incredible collaboration i'm trixie mattel you  guys if you're just finding me please subscribe   we have exciting videos all the time i hope  you guys have a wonderful evening i love you goodbye
Channel: Trixie Mattel
Views: 1,006,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zO85YVHGqmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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