Trixie Reviews The PUR x Barbie Collection

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trixie having a sexual experience with blush, just another monday

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/sailormerry 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really like Trixie’s style but sometimes I wish she experimented with color a bit more! I would have loved if she put on that red lipstick, or tried the blue eyeshadow.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/DanteDameron 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

from damian to regina george

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/max_osorio 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi it's trixie mattel using  the PUR x Barbie collection hi it's me trixie mattel if you're new here i'm a  world famous drag queen with a passion for makeup   artistry and also hoarding even when i was on a  shoestring budget as a drag queen if there was a   makeup collection that spoke to me i found a way  to get all of it and of course when PUR released   their Barbie collection this month pretty much  everybody on earth was tagging me to try this   collection let me just say this if a Barbie thing  happens i already know about it 50 texts being   like do you know about this i'm like of course  i know about this you think i'm brand new so   just to go through the collection it's a lot of  stuff it's shadows it's a setting spray lashes   there's lipsticks lip glosses body powder mascara  and primer blush palette a highlighter skincare   brush and there's brushes i did get the entire  collection and i'll tell you what i accidentally   ordered two so we're gonna give some away we'll  talk about it at the end so i'm gonna go shave   because look at did you guys know that i'm  male that is a human male look at that look   at the material so i'm gonna shave and i'm gonna  cover my eyebrows and i'm gonna be right back   all right we are covered so before we start  the eyeshadow i'm gonna do just some foundation   because i think it'll help everything stick  so don't mind me you guys superstay drugstore   foundation full i think you could cover  tattoos with this stuff it's amazing it's   amazing it makes me think of when i tour brazil  and people like trixie and cad they don't catch uh   kaja look at that i mean i feel like every video  we talk about but i just love this foundation   just look at it not to mention that's another  thing drugstore foundations aren't always in glass   we got glass i kind of forgot but let's do  the moisturizer here a dreamy gel to water   hydrating moisture moisturizer let's do a little  bit where i just shaved i just want to smell it   oh it's very uh very sugary smelling today um  not too bad though i like it not to be like a an   elderly caucasian woman but i love these little  like travel size items for when i'm trying to go   somewhere i love that let's get into these isis  we have the PUR and Barbie endless possibilities   2 palette let's get into it let's see i  like the packaging i do i really do oh   let's keep it simple i mean they're very  very pretty i mean very pretty neutrals   very pretty metallics a lot of mattes honestly  this is kind of all matching my vibe which is   bright packaging with boring colors i love boring  colors let's get into the brushes a five piece   collection i think i bought three because i  thought they were all different and they're not   pretty cute right okay something's  happening oh the brushes have bows   i am gay for that i am very gay for that  i'm just doing some black to start my liner   they even sure you know what it's good enough i  like the brush so far synthetic i like the handle   i will say for an angle brush it's very pointy  let's start with some brows i mean i normally   don't start with the brows but let's just i'm  going to use career doll the shade names you   guys career doll icon innovator did they make this  about me can i set this here no i can't i can't   i have to have the mirror here okay i know we're  supposed to be doing a video but i have to be able   to like see this here it's a little orangey but  let's just use it in drag i really don't mind like   a really warm brow shades i'm fine with it very  good very nice not very matte i can sense already   that this is one of those palettes where the  mattes are satins a lot of like neutrally palettes   like this they make it like very user friendly and  i think if you're an average person wearing these   kind of colors on a daily basis you don't really  want a matte you want like a satin a matte shadow   takes a little more finesse so i get it i'm not  mad just disappointed i'm not disappointed but   hello oh did i snap this this brows a little low  compared to what i normally do i but i'm not used   to doing brows first so we'll see we'll just  see about that do you guys have anything from   PUR that you like i've only ever tried the  concealer which i did like i did i'm gonna   do some concealer around the brows i gotta get  one i gotta get one i know what you're thinking   editor why don't you grab the products before  you sit down because i don't think about it okay   i got my little shape tape and my little uh kim  the most concealer i'm just kind of mixing the   lightest color of each to make a highlight color  now we're talking absolutely wonderful do you guys   ever listen to me do my australian accent and go  like i can't believe she's not just a professional   voice actor because it's so good the brows are  a little thin i don't normally do this then of   brows but we'll see what happens okay okay okay  even though if i'm not filming you guys know i   talk to myself this much getting ready like i'm  alone being like does that look right no answer no   one in the room we'll start to build some shadow  with this i kind of want to use these like rosy   kind of colors but i don't know that's like  shimmer do you see how streaky that is oh   it like came back off and went on my finger again  i really wanted to like this palette and now i'm   going to hate it oh i'm gonna hate it but like i  said if you're a normal person i think you know   medium coverage satin finish eyeshadows i mean  like throw it on and go i understand i understand   that i'm a 31 year old crossdresser who has unique  needs when it comes to cosmetics i understand i   think i might use the browns are you guys mad if i  stick to the browns oh oh the blue's pretty but i   can't use a blue shimmer on my situation you guys  these are gonna be bad i think these are gonna be   bad we're gonna do like this it doesn't look like  it's gonna be easy to work with but let's just   do it not a lot of pigmentation folks not a lot of  pigmentation what is this called trendsetter hmm   interesting name because i don't think eye  shadows are ever gonna be trending i mean it's not   it's not sh that's it that's  it's just not happening   i don't know about you guys i want to put on eye  shadow and go like yes and right now i'm going let's just keep going isn't that the worst in  makeup when you hate one eye and you're like   well we're already in this so we have to keep  going i'm gonna switch to that fluffier brush i   do think they did a really beautiful job on these  brushes these little bows are really really cute   let's add some depth here i think this is  dream doll this deep burgundy let's get into it   dream doll um it's serviceable it's serviceable   let's just keep going if you guys don't know if  you've never seen me do this i like to like re-wet   underneath my eyes before i do all my under  eye shadow because it helps me personally   with fallout for the shadow the foundation to be  like wet i'm 31 you guys ever get into singing   i get into singing let's go with the deep burgundy  and i'm going to start to kind of do my thing   which i don't know not much fallout but not much  pigmentation does that make sense it is sticking   it's just not looking like anything i'm gonna go  with this deep color this timeless this deep brown   and i'm gonna use that deep brown to wrap around  the ends here and then i'm gonna go back in with   the burgundy and and sop it up it's not right but  it's okay ask any gay guy say those words to him   in succession it's not right but it's okay he'll  be like i'm gonna make it anyway i hate using this   word for makeup but it's serviceable could i go  on stage with this eyeshadow of course i could   because i have that level of confidence but does  it look good no you know what i feel like putting   this makeup on it's a Barbie collection i'm  so excited and PUR is like is that something   you want well let me tell you you're never  gonna get it the top of it is so like patchy   i don't live don't get me wrong neutrals do not  bother me the palette like this is absolutely   fine but i need these neutrals to do more than  they're doing in the monitor they look fine but in   person you guys they just aren't oh they're just  uneven like they're not even similar on each side   i'm gonna do what i do with every shadow look i'm  not happy with i just keep going darker until it's   like a smokey eye because it's not happening  i'm gonna go in and do the rest of my skin   you know like my concealer and all that you guys  have seen that before and i'll be right back   all right so we're back and we have some  skin on here i feel like on this channel   we never really get to do mascara because i  usually have this much eyeliner on and then   i'm putting on black mascara and even if you're  like magnifying glass you can't see anything so   let's just do it like for real for real today i  got the PUR and Barbie fully charged primer and   the fully charged mascara so you know what  let's do it you guys i never curl my lashes   because i wear such big lashes like who cares  who can tell my lashes are so big they don't   have to be curled they just have to be black see  like that did nothing i don't think my lashes   curl let's use the primer i've never been a huge  fan of lash primers i don't know i don't always   feel like they do anything let's let's trust the  process having a primer is good if you get stuck   with a mascara you just don't like but you don't  want to throw it away oh yes white lashes hello   so then we're gonna try this fully charged mascara  this packaging reminds me of lights camera lashes   from tarte which is my personal all-time favorite  mascara let's get in here and see what the tea is   okay very good very good i mean it's happening  those are eyelashes i've never had the best   eyelashes um i'm half native american and people  who are native american just have like stick   straight eyelashes usually i also have pretty  long lashes so i like something that builds i   will say these are definitely building nicely i'm  not a huge fan of these i'm gonna be honest these   don't impress me currently anybody else whenever  you use a lash curler i feel like i always say   like a prayer like something bad is gonna happen  i'm losing all my lashes like working in makeup   i would hear stories of people like their oh my my  husband kicked open the bathroom door and tore out   all my eyelashes and i'd be like what i have in my  life sold eyelashes to a girl who had no eyelashes   because she ripped them out using a lash curler so  yes it does happen i mean i don't hate it i really   don't hate it i i mean for two steps the before  and after is a little like i don't i don't think   that person that seems like a lie let's just do  one more coat let's just go for it okay that side   looks a lot better doesn't it maybe it's just user  error honestly for mascaras i always just feel   like i have to try it try it alone try it with a  primer try it with one coat try it with 10 coats   upon first application i wouldn't say i'm living  but i like it it's not the worst okay so i'm back   i did some white liner some black liner i put  some lashes on but there is some lovely lashes   from PUR to get into this is the uh Barbie doll  lash signature cruelty free pro eyelash collection   there's two sizes here there's like a small and  a large i don't know if you guys can see that   there's a glue even i might have to try the glue  folks it's a little long for me so i'm gonna have   to trim it i'm gonna trim it to there oh yeah i've  been using duo forever i'm always very uncertain   about different glues but let's just try it okay  very good very good it's a very clear i like a   glue that is about clear blue almost iridescent  because usually that has a good stick to it   anything too white and gloppy i can't really get  into that's why i can't stand the way i look naked look at the material i mean i did it you guys  are so lucky that i'm here and i'm a professional   so let's do the other one too these are  nice i mean they're very simple lashes   but you know lashes if you're a lash person  you know that there's always somewhere to get   really cheap good lashes but the presentation's  not as nice like this feels more like a fancy gift   i love a brush applicator on a on a  glue i hate having to squirt it out   it has a very immediate grab to it the glue it  dries very quickly we got a lot left here so   let's just get into it i got a brush they call  it the PUR and Barbie keepsake kabuki brush   look at the tip i'll use this at the end  for like a setting dusting but um for now   i think we need to do blush let's get into it this  is the PUR and Barbie malibu blush set the shades   are wish sweet dreams malibu believe california  dreams and boss girl boss boss girl slaying ooh   okay 43 shades of mauve and beige that is  my vibe we're being unfair this is like a   bright coral this is an orange this is a plum  this is sort of an orgasm color this is like a   like i'm into this i'm actually gonna contour  a little further with this deep one to start   oh yes i love doing just in the pockets of my  cheeks like a red like a red purple like look   at that compared to that PUR you are coming  through you ho like i want to take this on   my forehead oh i'm now i want to do like a pop of  blush i know bobby brown doesn't watch this but i   love the bobbi brown look pop of color on the  cheek clean skin clean brows that is my vibe i   want to try this lovely this like bright tangerine  pink isn't that beautiful maybe it's because   there's a pink background these look really  neutral but these are brighter in real life oh this is happening i could see  myself taking this on tour   like i could do different  cheeks every day with this oh i wonder if my neighbors sometimes are like she's  trying blush she's drying blush she's fine nobody   is able to have a discussion with me ever again  this is a beautiful product this formula is very   soft very blendy even on deep skin i could see  maybe some of these washing out a little like   that these middle ones on deep skin i don't see  that working but this is this is beautiful i will   actually be using this again we have another  cheek product so i think we should do it the   PUR x Barbie confident glow signature  illuminating highlighter a pink taffy and   bubbly oh that rose gold is very nice just like  that on the lids and on the lip like on the chip   i'm i'm gay i know that i'm gay this is kind of  a big highlighter brush but whatever i'm going to   use one of these brushes oh it's very yellow okay  the yellow is very yellow is the pink very pink   okay it's almost a blush oh wow i ruined that i'm  just gonna do just a little bit oh i'm kind of   living you know how sometimes with highlighters  you don't think you see much and then you go to   put your compact down and you like pivot and the  light hits it different and you're like that's   nice i'm always interested in more of a glow than  a shine when it comes to highlighter i don't want   the whole texture of the skin to be different i  just want the light to behave differently on that   area if and when it hits it let's do a little more  i just want to push it oh absolutely okay that is   beautiful that is beautiful almost like a broken  glass look like like crystallized but i didn't die   isn't this pretty i think this is pretty these  cheek products are beautiful beautiful let's   look at the lipsticks i got because i got a  bunch ceo innovator and trailblazer of which i   am all three oh the packaging is very cute this  mechanism you see that hank and henry did like   a love collection i forget what it's  called from this year and they have these   push-to-release style things okay mine came  smashed that's okay things happen this is   the shade pretty deep let's see what trailblazer  looks like this one's supposed to be a light pink   this doesn't look pink to me a neutral okay  this is nice not much of a smell i almost   sucked that on my nose and let's see what  ceo looks like this is a red which by the way   around the time this video comes out we should be  restocking red scare in january so look for that that is so pretty it's like glowing kind of  like neon red almost do i dare no i'm not a   red lipstick person i can't i can't do it keep  it simple let's do the nude because i think i'm   gonna wear a pink outfit so i'm gonna do the  the neutral lipstick so i don't have any liners   from PUR so i'm just gonna use maybelline color  sensation lip liner in magnetic mauve i think   we used this in the maybelline video i think  we lived i do live that is pretty if you don't   have like a bruisy purple brown lip liner  you're you need to change your own life are   they symmetrical absolutely not does it matter it  does matter a little bit let's do trailblazer ah   you knew i was gonna love that you know  i'm so basic you guys this is so beautiful   if you've ever worn one of those lipsticks  that brags that the base is like a clay   this feels like clay not in a bad way not a bad  way i love this lipstick this is like really cool   in real life it looks almost purple and imagine  on deep skin with like a dark liner for like a   really matte nude oh my god honestly that is  beautiful the other two look nice too though   that is pretty let's just do a little bit of this  on it just to like on the edges see like that's   kind of nice i like these these are beautiful and  that red girl that red did something to me all   right let's do a gloss because i got some glosses  sis i picked out two oh okay this is called boss   gloss again i can't help but imagine this  on like deep skin oh my god give me a heart   attack this one's called girl gloss oh how  much pigmentation is in this let's see oh   oh something fun has happened look i'm gonna show  you guys look you push the button and it pops open   i've never seen that in all my life oh this is  yellow i have to put this on this looks fun oh it smells like kind of like caramel i think it  smells like caramel oh wow it has a very soft   sheen to it like a a little bit of a sparkle  yellow glosses are great because they just   to me they cut the deeper cooler tones  in your lips you guys i feel beautiful   we're not done yet so let's keep going i'm going  to get like a setting powder because i want to use   my brush lately i've been really into these this  is the juno and company this one's called juno   blur it's just like a blur powder but i just want  to see how this works do you think if i stamp it   i'm going to see the Barbie head we don't we don't  see the Barbie that's okay this is a synthetic   they call these like an airbrush brush with  like the duo fiber tip these were really popular   once upon a time these type of brushes i don't  think people really use these much anymore it's   very soft it has a lot of density like i could  see myself using this for like liquid foundation   it's heavy this is a heavy brush but it  did not come in the set this was extra   will i keep it in here absolutely i could  see myself bringing this to set like this is   enough brushes to touch up in the middle of the  day for me god i like that highlighter though   that is really the star this is the PUR x Barbie  lit mist signature illuminating setting spray   i'm a little nervous about this because with the  amount of makeup i wear as a cross dresser i don't   want like a dewy finish but i want to try it for  you guys so let's just do it oh look at the bottle   hello oh you have to twist it oh there we go let's  let's try it let's just try it it's pretty loud   you guys hear that i mean it feels fancy like i  would leave this sitting out in a pink bathroom   for sure i mean i like it for drag i'm not gonna  grab a setting spray that leaves me looking dewy   or illuminated i want like matte pretty much but  it's it's nice it's cute look at it it's very cute   i'm gonna put on a look we have one more product  and i will be right back and we have returned with   the final look using the PUR x Barbie collection  now we have one product left we didn't try this   is the oh i feel like i feel like a real beauty  youtuber with these nails PUR x Barbie forever   glow signature illuminating scented body powder  with applicator puff we'll just see about that   the puff is very cute urban decay used to make  a product like this that was like honey scented   body powder if anybody's tried it it actually  smelled like cat pee okay there's a little   applicator that says never lose your sparkle  oh but read it in like a southern mom voice   okay huh never lose your sport pool i can't i  can't even how do people with nails do anything oh   look the sifter's a Barbie shape oh oh oh i mean  that it's really sparkly you guys whatever i mean   i don't need i don't need full body shine i don't  really relate to that let's do the chest though   do you guys mind if i get vulnerable do you  mind if i just unbutton my blouse a little bit like okay you know what on the chest i do kind of  like it you know what i would do this would be one   of those products i would put on and then nobody  would notice but because i have it on i would   feel different i mean that actually looks kind  of good on the chest don't you think do i take it   back i think i take it back what i do like about  this collection if it's a Barbie collection i like   that it's mostly neutrals because as like a Barbie  worshiper most decades Barbie's wearing just like   she just has eyelashes and like some cheek color  so i'm not gonna lie i feel gorgeous but let's   just go through the look because there was some  struggles starting off with queen of the struggle   bust herself the endless possibilities palette  of everything here this is the only thing that   i really will not use this again because these  shadows did not do anything close to what i wanted   them to do the coverage wasn't great even the mats  had like a shine to them i mean you can still see   this is not as blended as i think my makeup  normally is i could be wrong please let me   know in the comments you're like actually you  always look horrible you know what it wasn't   for me but if you were a normal human probably  wearing makeup in a normal god-honoring way   you might really love it based on everything else  here being great i think maybe this just wasn't my   style the four in one cloud cream gelda water that  felt really good smelled good the brushes you guys   i think we lived a five-piece brush set with a  little holder these are really nice i stand i   have no choice but to stand i'm ready to go  there america this blush palette the malibu   blush palette cis eye lip did i call it maliblue  sorry i'm accidentally plugging my own product   this blush palette is so pretty i use two of  the colors good job here this is nice we have   no choice but to stand this confident glow  powder girl this is beautiful look at that   stunning i think this is so pretty and  because it's like a gold and a rose gold   i could see this working on really any skin  tone because of the way it's pressed in there   this is really something you'd want to feel like i  have this from this collection if you can get this   get it this kabuki brush is fine i mean it's  extremely cute like like if i had a party and   i had people over these brushes might be the ones  that i like leave out do you know what i mean like   oh this is my station everything's pink you know  is that gay that's probably gay the body powder   listen i didn't expect to like this but i think  this is really pretty look at my hands don't   this look nice and soft i think that looks nice  right it smells good and let's be honest don't   you just feel like a woman imagine you and like a  camisole sitting in your house with that on your   shoulders like the setting spray i think this is  really pretty the bottle being able to do setting   spray like this the lipsticks all three of them  trailblazer ceo and innovator they are beautiful   both lip glosses i didn't get to try this one  on but i'm assuming it's a similar quality let's   just throw it on let's just do it ooh honestly  that is beautiful i'm not a paid spokeswoman for   PUR i'm going to be honest based on the eyeshadow  palette i thought this was all going to flop but   a lot of these are really really nice i  think both of these glosses are really nice   the mascaras they grew on me as we built them  i'm not used to taking my time and like doing   the curling and the priming and everything but i  thought they looked pretty good i like that too   i like all of this oh the lashes i mean i have  the lashes on the bottom they look pretty good   huh the glue i'll probably use this glue to the  end this is nice now i know that these are pretty   much sold out in stores already i looked recently  and i know that at my ulta at least they are gone   i have an entire other set of this collection  brand new in the box and if you would like to   win it you have to be a subscriber of this channel  obviously we put out new videos every single week   and comment below i would like to win the contest  literally just say something expressing that you   want to win and we'll pick a winner and i will  personally ship this i'll have my assistant   ship this to you look all brand new and  some of this is really nice you guys like   PUR final thoughts girl you've done it again  constantly raising the bar for all of us and   doing it flawlessly i'd say i'm surprised  but i see you besides the eye shadows which   i did not live for this was all really beautiful  packaging quality i love the names congratulations   PUR these are really beautiful thank you for  watching another video i will see you next week goodbye
Channel: Trixie Mattel
Views: 1,951,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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