Triple H - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?

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that is the game Triple H you're watching Loudwire hey everyone Graham from Loudwire here and it's Wikipedia factor fiction time with the founder of NXT and loud wires medal ambassador of the decade Paul Triple H Levesque thank you so much so so this oughta be interesting Wikipedia about me should have lots of fun facts okay it always is interesting so let's start a same factor fiction right that's it factor fiction you can tell us a story elaborate if you want first because we check with everyone Paul Michael yak born in Nashua New Hampshire yeah that is true ok they do get that wrong sometimes it says on Wikipedia that you watched her first wrestling match at five years old and it was a chief Jay Strongbow match actually that is accurate that's accurate yeah I don't know if I was five I but I was very young and and the facts of what I remember is I I had on a plastic little football helmet and I had a little plastic football and I remember this is how long ago was we had a big console TV my dad went up and was changing the channel on the TV and I was running around doing the football thing and he stopped on wrestling and went sat down grew up in New England so WF he sat down and I remember looking at it and I know it was chief just because I remember seeing the guy with a big feathered headdress and I stopped and they started to wrestle and I took the helmet off I put the football in the helmet I put it down and I went and climbed up my dad's lap sat down and was mesmerised and then you know I remember him telling me what it was and then that's man that's all I wanted to watch and then from there on out that's what I did we would go to shows my grandfather you know everything that's it's kind of that was my my thing growing up for sure but offered young all right so that's true it said that while you were working at a man as a manager at Gold's Gym in Nashua you're introduced to world champion power lifter ted arcidi who was employed by WWE at the time eventually after numerous attempts you finally persuaded him to introduce you to killer Kowalski who trained you mildly true okay wasn't any gold but it was a I was running a gym a job he came in we became friends he was no longer wrestling he was doing it on occasion not dead was the first first man in history to benchpress over 700 pounds he was he then parlayed that he was smart he then parlayed that into a quick wrestling career he would always try to dissuade me from it and I was constantly on him and then he gave me two phone numbers finally okay one was for Ken passerelle oh and in orange Connecticut for a gym called Passarella quest which was training people with Tony outs more and then a number that he didn't know Kowalski at all he had just gotten a number from somebody and he said look here's two numbers do what you want with him you know okay and I called both and Kowalski was actually his home phone number and then that's how I got started in the business I just really wanted to get in and you know the rest of it is history but so it mark mostly true mildly true yes it doesn't Wikipedia that you began training in 1992 but you didn't start using the pedigree until you were performing for WCW in 94 the first time I did the bet agree was actually at Kowalski's okay gotcha and it's funny because I've actually now seen which was only in the last year or two I've seen a clip of Andre the Giant doing a very similar move really where he you know the guys in the old days used to do the move where they put the guy's head between their knees and jump up and like oh sure jar their neck right but Andre did it in Japan with an Okie where he held his arms and dropped to his knees and like enoki took like a piledriver and I had never seen that it was only up until a couple of years ago when I saw that for the first time in like wow that's really cool how I just came to it was that exact thing Kowalski used to do the thing where you put the guy's head there and jump and the guy would take a bump on it right and he was doing he was showing it to somebody one day and I hated that move because I thought it looked okie and but he was showing you there's something in the cam and I was like you know and if you went down with that like it's like a face-first kind of piledriver thing that would actually be kind of cool and then I started thinking about I was like you kind of have to poke a guy's arms or something right so yeah I just started messing around with it there and but it's one of those things that when you're trying to figure it out and nobody could figure out how to do it like as I was trying to figure it out guys had always complain like - yeah I just smashed my entire face you know so trying to figure it out I started using it a little WCW because I felt like it was different and no one had ever seen it a first couple of times that I did it what I would come back people like what's that one thing he did that was really cool when I came up to double w e at the time they changed my character to the stuff originally they wanted me to use of the RKO like a version of Ella Connery yeah yeah and it was what they they they were just like hey how about this as a finish and I was like okay you know and Dallas Page called me very upset really yeah I was I he knows he didn't invent the cutter right you know he does but he you know it's Dallas he and Johnny gave it to him so but there was a couple of matches that I did with like enhancement guys where it didn't look good and I came back it was like that man that thing just sometimes it's hit or miss and they were like yeah you're right is there anything else you can do so that next day when we were at TV I went to the ring in the afternoon work just grabbed a guy in and showed him the pedigree and they were like oh that's so much better let's do that so then that became the thing and I would just work with guys in the afternoon on making sure they could take it right and then Michael Hayes is the one that named it because my character was a blueblood sure Michael Hayes was in the company and Michael is like hey man what he called that the pedigree you know what I mean like you've given some guys pedigree no it's worked for me it said that you left for WWE in January 1995 after WCW turned down your request to be promoted as a singles competitor no that's false that's false okay so I when I went to WCW they want to talk they offered me a multi-year deal like I this is one of those things where like you look back now and go like I can't believe I had the balls to do that it was for very little money which won't sound like it was very little money now but it was like 450 grand but at that time you paid all your own expenses and I was on the road a lot gotcha so I was I was I was losing a lot of money wrestling so by the time I got to the end then I was broke but when they first offered me the contract housing PES you know it's not a lot of money and this shelf was ago I'm not paying you more money and I was like all right well it's a multi-year deal what if I just did one year and he was like I'm offering your multi years you just want to sign one like it's kind of a dumb decision I said look here's how I look at it let me wrestle for you for a year at the end of the year I'm even gonna be luck you're either gonna know I'm worth a lot more than 52 gram boy ain't worth keeping things were such a mess there sure and even nitro hadn't started yet but you could see the mess coming and everybody that was had come there or gone to WCW from New York WWE was like if I was asking anybody my contracts coming up anybody that had been up here was like dude get out of here go up there Vince will make you a star I came up and met with Vince first meeting with him I don't think he knew who I was I think somebody had just asked him to take the meeting and he wasn't like I left thinking like well I guess they weren't that interested in me I wrestled Starrcade was my first pay-per-view ever I wrestled Alex right at Starrcade okay they got Vince on the phone and then Vince said hey I saw you at the starcade yesterday I want you to come here and now he was what I wanted him to be he was like I wanted to come here I think you're talented kid I'm not offering you any spot I'm offering you a spot I don't guarantee money but I you know I had told him when I came in I'm not interested it's not about the money for me I want to work every day I want to work with the best I want to be the best yeah and he said I promise you this you'll work here every single day you'll work with the best guys in the business and if you want to get great this is where to do it that was all I needed to hear him said no there you go tell me what I start all right there's a contradiction on Wikipedia - who created the degeneration next name one page says it was Vince Russo another page says that it was New York Post columnist of Phil Mushnik much think would had nothing to do with it I believe the name came from Shan Shan the first time I ever heard it was from Shan real Bret had said we were nothing but a bunch of degenerates right like she just loses a bunch of degenerates and but he had said the food backstage and but Shan had was saying to somebody in I believe the first time I ever heard it was he was saying to somebody yeah but then these guys represent like they're young and this is kids today they're like Generation X man they are that thing and you know it combined the two and he's like it's like degenerates but they're Generation X and E generation acts and that's that that was the first time I ever heard it and then we flipped it into a promo that's when we said it live was Bret said it in a promo you're nothing but a bunch of loser degenerates and then Shaun said now now we're degenerate we're Generation X word we are degeneration X and that was the first time we said it so I don't believe that's actually a venture ooh show or a motioning thing I believe both of those are wrong okay well good to clear that up all right it says that Vince was hesitant to let the DX members perform the crotch chop at first but was later talked into it Finch was hesitant about almost everything we were doing in first there's a period of time in the very beginning of this where every week when we would come back he would Remus and like you guys are gonna get us thrown off the air I mean and Shawn was Shawn was the guy that it because Shawn was so talented he can get away with things that to this day I still can't believe that he would do with it but Vince is almost like a Vince saw himself as a dad - Shawn I thought like I can't throw this kid out cuz he'll self-destruct so I have to keep him with me to teach him how to be something more so he would put up with these things to try to mold him into being something better okay I was the guy that was just next time going C's I hope we don't get fired right when Vince is mad his eyes change and I can remember being in the ring in him this is when we were unscripted very unscripted and I remember them saying and then you know Sean will cut a promo you're gonna cut a promo you can do it directly to Vince and the whole thing and I'm like how far can I go and he was like do you think he can that's what he told me backstage and I remember cutting the promo and being in his face and when we walked backstage he was pissed but when I went to him and I said was that okay and he was like yeah that was fine and walked away from me and I was right oh but every week we were getting it there's a flip point on that and it's kind of a cool story where USA was now starting to send letters that we were gonna get thrown off the air sure USA then sent a letter to us that said here is a very distinct from 8 or whatever the hours we were on the air from 8 to 9 or whatever it was d-generation X they they did this group they can't say these words they can't do this they can't do that from 9 to 10 we're okay with him doing this but they still can't say that and do this mm-hmm and when we got the TV that day Vince was like you guys happy no look at that taking off the air and the whole thing but things were starting to click and we had both noticed that Vince was starting to get less vocal about screaming at us when we came back right okay it was it was rather than a ten minute promo was a five minute promo and and so he was like we years won't do about this right we've got we gotta straighten this stuff out guys and we were like let's use it and that's when we did the it's the Bill Clinton promo in front of the podium where we say every horrible thing but we basically verbatim some of it read off the sheet of paper that they had sent us and beeped it out and did this whole big thing and it started the show like Vince thought it was funny and was like yeah we'll see what happens we're reversing course it can happen they hope they hate it and they you know we're headed down that road anyways and we did it shortly thereafter we got a letter that said Bravo on using the letter for something entertaining and the numbers are going up yeah Congrats that was like somebody came in and clicked the handcuffs on us and DX was free to go do what we were doing and then it started to become encouraged and then they wanted to try to script us and I remember Shawn crumpling up a piece of paper throwing it and bouncing it off Vince's forehead and saying you didn't write it before you ain't writing it now and walking out of the room and I was like so just go with him but that's it was it was tense but it was good Wow and last one for you today it says that the game nickname was originally intended for Owen Hart hmm that's a funny thing I have no idea where that rumor came from hmm okay the game was never a nickname that was intended for anybody a little Ajith Amit Lee set it in the promo right off the cuff an unscripted promo with Jim Ross gotcha we were backstage it was an unscripted promo Jim I mean literally came in and said I'm gonna ask you these questions answer how you want em hmm it was right when I was turning I was really becoming the hard-edged heel and the big term then was student being a student of the game if you really want to be good at this business you got to be a student of the game just like anything else you want to be want to be a great NBA player you gotta be a student of the game you got to watch the people that came before you you got to study everything all of that it was said a lot in our business sure and in that promo I didn't like legitimately use the f-word and they had a beep it out they the promo was so good that they were like we're gonna keep it we're just gonna beep out the effort but it I didn't think anything more about it than that and then following week on TV when I came out there were signs that just said triple aids the effing game or Triple H is a game whatever was the game things stuck I remember distinctly walking out on stage and seeing like six or seven signs and thinking like like it took me a second to go like I'll try to say that last week in that promo like but that's stuck that's it yeah and I and and then that became the thing and I went backstage after it was like hey the game is is it now like it's everywhere out there and I buzz jrjr start saying it on common Terry you know a lot of that stuff then was organic - you know Cerebral Assassin just came from jr. yeah King of Kings just I just said it in chrome Oh a lot of a lot of Champions a lot of icons a lot of people claim they're the king the only one King of Kings there's only one champion the champions there's only one and that stuck like just certain things that you say that organically resonate the game was just that so I don't I have no idea where the Owen thing came from yeah I don't know I had never heard it until like a couple of years ago and then I you know heard that go around so that's wicked pedia for you yeah and and then the game becomes a Motorhead song so yeah and I know the Motorhead connection for me was when they were trying to create a new theme song for me and I wanted a certain vibe they weren't getting it right and there was a certain point time I was talking to Kevin Dunn our executive producer and he was like man I'm frustrated we can't get this right for you and I kept down on this guttural you know raw sound and he was like give me an example and I said Motorhead like Motorhead like that just just in your face raw guttural sound and he was like well maybe we just see if they can do it and I was like oh well I didn't know that was an option yeah if that's an option absolutely and he called me back a couple days later so they're gonna do it and I did I had no I didn't know them but iddin it wasn't for a couple of years before I would really get to know them and then you know meet him a few times and then when we really became close was uh I did the track for them on an album called hammered mmm serial killer where they they call them they sing to our voices together on this thing but I spent a little bit of time with him in the studio during that and he had already done all his stuff so it was just cutting he and I sit around and that's where we really kind of bonded and connected and then formed this really cool friendship that lasted until right when he died yeah absolutely well thank you so much for giving me your time today human I so appreciate it and thank you so much for giving metal such a great platform I oughta man thank you guys for for you know I'm the kid that was at the the at rocket records in Nashua New Hampshire been buying the the and the cassettes and try to find the new bands that were up and coming so for me just this whole being kept alive all these years and now seeing a resurgence of it is awesome then I'm I'm a fan of all of it so I just want to keep seeing it keep going absolutely thank you so much you're an absolute legend triple h everyone [Music]
Channel: Loudwire
Views: 1,865,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: triple h, hhh, the game, loudwire, dx, wwe, nxt, metal ambassador of the decade, loudwire decade, loudwire 2010s, wrestling, metal, motorhead, lemmy, wikipedia, wiki, fact or fiction, wikipedia fact or fiction, interview
Id: 1eNm7T0A7xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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