CM Punk - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?

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hey everybody this is CM Punk and you're watching Loudwire hey everyone Graham from Loudwire here and it's Wikipedia fact or fiction time with CM Punk thank you so much for being here I'm scared you're scared yeah we're told me that Wikipedia has been a kind of black hole for you and I mean I don't I don't read my own Wikipedia but I think see I can only imagine what's down there I'm gonna find some [ __ ] for you I promise great they'll fix it okay so went on there today picked out some stuff that is suspect you can prove them disapprove okay all right so first because we we check with everybody Phillip Jack Brooks born in Chicago Illinois okay I would have been stunned if the Chicago thing was how did they spell my first name to l2 else okay checks out and they do get that wrong sometimes it says some Wikipedia that you once worked for a shop called all-american comics oh yeah yeah was that as a like a childhood get is that is accurate yeah and I still have the urge when a phone rings to pick up the phone and say all American comics how long were you there for on and off that was like my first real job I think I was 14 or 15 and the guy who worked there I became really good friends with and he was either supremely lazy or I don't know it was doing me a favor and would be like hey I'll give you comic books if you take the garbage out and it just kind of evolved from there I went up being the the manager and then I I left and then I wound up getting the job again like years later okay it was it was a strange strange occurrence I was like nowhere they're gonna hire me again and they did and they did yeah was that sort of a dream job as a kid being such a comic book fan absolutely yeah yeah I mean dream job probably for the owner too because you know like I'll pay in comics kid it's just like Oh King you know absolutely just to hang out and be involved and read comics all day yeah dream job for pretty killer and it says on Wikipedia that your favorite comic book is preacher yeah I'd say that's accurate fairly act yeah I mean it'll change it you know we do the show again tomorrow it might change a little bit but that's always I mean that's always top three probably of all time it says back in your early wrestling days when you form the chick magnets with CM venom you did it because another performer skipped out on the card that day yeah that's true at this point yeah it's ingrained in folklore I don't I don't really I'm at the age now where I legitimately forget things so I could imagine there's a wind there's a window and now like my my early years are slipping away where I'm going is that what would it really did I say that did I was I there yeah that's that's one of those yeah yeah I got you so there's been a lot of funny memes for what does the CM stand for I knew this was coming exact but these are the ones that were on there you can tell me if there are any funny ones that are missing okay there's been Cookie Monster it's cookie master crooked moons no cookie master I mean what the [ __ ] is a cookie master crooked moonsault Chuck Mosley yeah that that's a hundred percent that's the Ritz that's real that's an excellent one Charles Montgomery great Charles Manson and Chicago made yeah yeah those are all accurate any good ones that we missed uh Charlie Murphy Charlie Murphy good couch yes exactly that's a good next time you can use that one it said when you used to yell it's clobberin time during your entrance it was a reference to sick of it all that's true too yeah I mean both sick of it all and the thing you know I'm a I'm a comic book nerd I'm a hardcore kid yeah it's you know it's one of those things that now I guess is taken on three separate random pop-culture meetings gotcha sorry I can't bust any of these these are all true well we'll get to it I promise it says back in the day that you refused to wrestle for IWA mid-south as a protest to the mistreatment of Chris hero I think that's true but I couldn't tell you what the [ __ ] I was upset about I'm uh I'm loyal to a fault yes like like to a fault you know what I mean even when my friends are wrong I'm like don't you I thought heroes should have stuck up for himself on for something and I think it was like working other places like maybe him working for CCW or something like that and you know and then I he lets it go and then I'm still holding on to it like an idiot yeah when you know he already let it go and I should have been like okay fine that's it's your business but I was like man we've always been a guy who's like it I feel like encouraging other people to stand up for themselves yeah take any [ __ ] yeah it gets me in trouble it said that you at one point ruptured your eardrum and broke your nose during a match because of an overly stiff right hand yes that's true that was my first match in Ohio Valley Wrestling oh wow okay so now yeah so welcome the developmental kid that's what that was oh they're trying to like big-league you a little bit yeah but then he had to drive me to the hospital ah so joke's on him and we had a conversation in the car where I was like hey if we got a problem we can pull over right now go no problem brother no problem brother it was an accident yeah okay and then this is a great story um I'm in the room getting checked out by the doctor and the doctor tells me that you know it's broken and I'm gonna have to come back they have to wait for it to heal and then I have to come back they rebrand then they said it which to me I was like what I was saying I've had my nose broken already like just said it yeah music oh we don't do that okay I'll be right back and he left the room and I went into the bathroom and I set my nose myself that's why you can see my nose it's sure it's ugly when I came back in the room dude was sitting on a table do to punch me and I was like what's wrong with you he's like I was sitting in the waiting room and my leg started to really hurt they MRI him dude tourist quad punching me in the face Kharma very nice this pretty instant yeah it's exactly instant car the most expensive punch thrown in Ohio Valley Wrestling history nice alright so but true another truth that's true yeah it said you were the first-ever trainer of the Ring of Honor wrestling school yeah that's true that's true too did you enjoy being a teacher I loved it yeah I was a pig and [ __ ] I mean I was I was living I was living in Philadelphia at the time and I was doing those one-off Wednesday night pay-per-views in Nashville for TNA okay so Monday and Tuesday I would train kids Wednesday I was in Nashville Wrestling Thursday I would train kids and then Friday Saturday and Sunday I was I was traveling the world wrestling it didn't get any better than that I thought I was rich I bought a laptop and an iPod and I was like dude I've made it it doesn't get any better than this it said in 2006 you were in an episode of ghost hunters live where viewers could interact with you throughout the show via text message yes that's true yes at the Stanley Stanley Hotel I was I think it was it was a crazy amount of live television and it didn't start till like midnight on Halloween okay so I think I turned into a real real crabby monster like like 90 minutes in where I was just like I don't think we're gonna see any ghosts guys yeah I need to watch that [ __ ] then you say I guess you didn't really see anything I didn't see anything no no did anyone else claim to see I feel bad like because those guys are really really awesome and you know they would be like oh there's a cold spot and I did camera would cut to me and I'd be like the windows open you know like the whole time I felt like I was a real big buzzkill yeah but I was tired as soon as a late it was a long long travel was this like a sci-fi obligation or something yeah because sci-fi ECW the show that I was on at the time was on sci-fi gotcha it was like it was like a crossover gotcha right so you were just like the the constant wet blanket on there yeah sorry I'm sorry guys I've apologized every time I run into them somewhere I apologize okay and last one for you and this is when we already know as false as this girl on the third floor was filmed are entirely and director Travis Stevens is house boss false and it's as much of the story he wrote was not entirely fictional yeah I mean I mean that part yeah I mean that part's true you know like we took I say we like you know I say we like I say we when the Blackhawks are playing somebody kind of like I like I see the part of this team now but Travis wrote you know he he was true to the the lore and the story and he you know he took that and like he said so it wouldn't be a documentary about some ghosts obviously he you know he spiced it up a lot and but not his house no not his house do we know whose house it was I mean I do yeah but it I don't want to I don't want to say anything because no one okay you know I don't wanna I don't want to upset people you know they might not want people to know that they own a haunted house okay do you think they don't know no they know oh they know oh god I know yeah you don't want them to like it's nothing I'm not like spoiler alert your house is home which could be a funny TV show in itself a surprise your house is haunted yeah okay yeah all right well you can host that when it comes out yeah talk to my agents all right perfect well thank you so much for being here man I really appreciate your time girl on the third floor October 25th in theaters video-on-demand starring this man CM Punk thank you so much thank you [Music]
Channel: Loudwire
Views: 905,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loudwire, cm punk, wwe, wrestling, girl on the third floor, interview, funny, wikipedia, wikipedia fact or fiction, fact or fiction, phil brooks, horror, 2019
Id: 48daU52RSTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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