Chris Jericho - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction? (Part 1)

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hey this is Chris Jericho Fozzie and by the way our song sandpapers in the Loudwire cage match all of Fame and you're watching Loudwire don't ever stop hey everyone grommet from loud wire here and it's wikipedia fact or fiction time with one Chris Jericho I've really been wanting to get you in here for one of these segments ever since so tell us the point is you're gonna read through Wikipedia we're gonna find out what's true and what's not true yes okay comes a cloak a um s that will start with this one on April 13th 2014 you died mm-hmm yeah fact yes I guess then I guess we're done I'm actually dead no we're not done I'm still here oh yeah all zombies aren't decaying and eating flesh there's zombies like me that just kind of walk around hanging out yeah I can just get in and out of shows easier it's not too bad in Des all right whatever yeah April 13th it said that I was dead what you're laughing at but I'll tell you what this is a true story on April 13th I was extra careful that day because like cuz you can you imagine if I really did die on April 13th after I read it like uh-huh and then I'm looking at my phone to get hit by a bus and like ah it happened it's true and I go for a bike ride around my house and it's kind of a rural areas there's always cars run by in that time I say I was like every car was convinced I'm gonna get hit and die and it's gonna all be true it's the IR the irony oh the irony is surrounding Jericho's death so uh but yes I can honestly say that I am not dead yet and that was not true so one for the not true category on the Wikipedia review is your first fiction and exclusive there you go SLUSA by the way there's exclusive law to our story Jericho not dead and true story not too long ago I actually had a dream that Chris Jericho was dead yeah that he could not come in for the second I swear I was if I couldn't come in I was just canceled I wouldn't have to die to not make trust me I don't want to be here would you say I'm not coming in today I guess that's the better so your full name according to Wikipedia Christopher Keith Irvine that's true true okay back to one more fact yes your son your father Ted Irvine played professional hockey for the New York Rangers true sure that's fact set 70 to 75 he played for the range and anyone else yeah he played for the Kings the first LA Kings team and he be face from 67 to 70 and then he played for the Blues from 75 cents okay so and that's why I was a dual citizen because I was born in Manhattan on the island even though my parents were Canadian sure so uh with that did you grow up playing hockey was there any pressure to like become a big hockey star yourself um I played but I just wasn't interested I was interested in being in a rock band and being a wrestler those are the two things I was really into and I just really wasn't very good at hockey either I tried I just yeah so I think my dad knew that I just didn't really it'd be different if I was really good and just didn't apply myself but I think he knew like alright kid you're not gonna be playing any pro hockey soon so you should try that music wrestling thing out that's good dad I'm glad you attended Red River Community College you took a course in creative communications and you graduated with top honors well all that is true graduating with top honors not sure I did make the honor roll one semester out of six so I don't know if that means graduate top honors but one one semester I got top honors so I guess it's kind of true alright now that's a fact I was in journalism journalist yeah so I was doing interviews like you are for class ah yeah I feel like I'm about to get fired actually yes I would know that highly recommend that your desire to become a pro wrestler came when you saw footage of Owen Hart compete and the Stampede Wrestling promotion I'm not really true I decided I wanted to be a wrestler a few years before all that I used to watch is my grandma at her house and I really got enamored with with wrestling and I mean seeing Owen Hart definitely put the the icing on the cake I was already kind of thinking about it because I grew up in Winnipeg and I had a band but there really wasn't much of a scene the big the big band from Winnipeg was the guess who like you know 20 years earlier and then the only other band that really made a huge was that was the crash test dummies or that super-g boys mm-hmm and they came around with 94 I left one a big so he basically guess who in 72 and the crash test dummies in 92 and not much in between so I thought well I may be able to try this wrestling thing and get out of Winnipeg so uh yes Owen Hart influential for sure sure so kind of after awesome wrestler awesome yes I your first experience with a wrestling promotion was when you were part of the ring crew for the first the first tour of the Keystone wrestling alliance that's true I was I was part of the ring true a crew and we did a tour of Indian reservations where you would travel in northern Manitoba for 24 hours to get to a reservation and then find out that maybe there's you know there's maybe a pow this is not joking a powwow that happened to be in the same night and the Indians would Indian people would drop off their kids at the wrestling and then go to the powwow so you'd have like 100 crazy unruly kids just running a little trying to pickpocket you and come steal your stuff and then you have to go sleep in a high school gymnasium on a mat and go to Hudson Bay Company which was like the Trading Post thing this is like real and you'd get a jar of peanut butter for like 30 bucks like it was super expensive that was the first tour that I did Wow Pro Wrestling babysitting pro awesome babysit out as the power and we went to another one that was able to one reservation 24 hours another 18 hours reservation if we didn't fund together the show was canceled somebody died or was it the funeral so it's like okay see you later back to the is yeah so the early days man yeah well in 1990 you had your debut match under the name of cowboy Chris Jericho without the age in Jericho oh that's because they spelled my name wrong yeah just like Rik Emmett from triumph was Rik because in the first record they forgot the C and left but yes I was cowboy Chris Jericho without the H from Casper Wyoming and the reason for that as a training Calgary and they decided they wanted me to be a cowboy and I hated the I hate Cowboys no offense to any Cowboys watching and I just did not like I was a rocker dude man like I wanted it you know I was like I wanted to be the Paul Stanley of wrestling the David Lee Roth of wrestling I don't want to be a cowboy and so the compromise was that I didn't have to wear a cowboy outfit but they still were going to say that us from Casper Wyoming so I no offense the fine people of Casper and milk turn that gimmick is still better than the Mountie well I got at least he had a Taser though hazing rod yeah for the record I love the Mounties you took the name Jericho from the album walls of Jericho by Halloween yes that's true and the finishing maneuver as well walls of Jericho um well originally I was gonna call myself Jack action after the obscure wasp song and I remember I was writing Jack action like practicing my my autograph jack action Jack actual let's go put a star in the end of it like post Downey's disciple standing a star I sent Jack action with the star and um Lance Storm who was training with me as well looked at my binder that I had said Jack action that's a stupid name what does that mean I'm like well nothing I know it's a stupid name it's just fun to write and like I need a name and I was Halloween walls of Jericho cassette was in the car and I said Chris Halloween now Chris walls no Chris Jericho ah and that's where it came from and then the walls of Jericho was years later my finishing move was called the lion tamer when I went to the WB Ken Shamrock was there who had the lion's den and Vince what I mean change it he's like all we have too many lions around here you need to change it so they actually had this creative department that their job was to come up with names it's the game of this list of names for for this finishing move and one of them was the solid shooter one of them was the rock and roll finisher one of them was the huge insult not sure exactly that was and the other one was the standing torture device the STD people hey they came up with this stuff and I just said how about we just call it the walls of Jericho and Vince I love it and as a funny story the very liberal when you sign with the W you have to sign your autograph because they use that on the back of you know toys or on cups like anything with this year and the only time I ever signed Chris Jericho with the Paul Stanley star and then it stopped doing that to this day this I'll still see that autograph on new merch the Chris Jericho autograph the Paul Stanley star on the end of it so I haven't changed it in 15 years that makes it more of a cleave immersive man you
Channel: Loudwire
Views: 442,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Jericho (Musical Artist), Wikipedia (Website), Fozzy (Musical Group), Loudwire, Wikipedia Fact or Fiction, Interview, Chris Jericho (TV Personality)
Id: JpO_yBdCLb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 11 2014
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