Edge - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love this stuff

Get him on Hot Ones next!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/the-bladed-one 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone graham from loudwire here and it's my distinct honor to welcome the one and only rated r superstar the absolute legend edge how are you doing man good i even got like the namaste absolutely i think raves graves stole that from me i think but uh and you will be of course main eventing wrestlemania and of course you can check that out on the wwe network and in the united states on peacock as well but right now we're going to prove and disprove what's written about you on wikipedia are you ready yeah okay i'm ready i'm ready as i'm gonna get first of all because we checked everybody's information first adam joseph copeland born in orangeville ontario canada that is correct that is true okay they don't get that wrong sometimes yeah no that they they got that one right overall represent it says on wikipedia that you attended humber college where you graduated with a degree in radio broadcasting television radio okay in uh in etobicoke ontario which is it's a suburb of toronto and uh so that that is true yeah excellent so when you're going to college there obviously i i assume wrestling is in the back of your mind constantly but if you were to have a career in radio or or television what do you think you would have gone into well full disclosure wrestling was in the very front of my brain i took that so that i could get better on a microphone at that time austin 316 you know he had just cut that promo and i realized it was going to be a very very pivotal part of your entire package that's why i went to school for television radio was awesome um because i thought it would kind of holster what i felt like i was lacking which was confidence in front of a microphone and like what do i do with my hands i was ricky bobby you know it just i needed that to kind of break out of my shell to get my timing uh inflection so you don't sound like a robot that that all came from that and like doing overnight dj on the campus radio station with my congrats and just literally we would get together and go okay use your blue album and just play the whole thing wow talk to each other and talk to each other about the songs and you know that that was basically my college career for sure so when you're in that radio station booth and you got that microphone in front of your face are you picturing yourself in the middle of a ring holding the stick with a crowd all around you at any time i'm big on visualization so there were moments where you know i thought okay if i if i can visualize this maybe i can manifest it but i'm getting reps here is basically what i was right you know trying to to use it for is is they just get wraps because with reps you're gonna get better so it says in wikipedia that you wrestled under the name for a short period of time damon striker wrong wrong that's not true it was damien striker damian wcw got the caption underneath wrong so it was never supposed to be damon it was supposed to be damien striker and any time i see damon striker pisses me off because i'm like damien damn it okay but uh fall said and for two matches when you debuted in wwe it says that it was preceded by weeks of vignettes for your character which included you aimlessly walking around darkened city streets and assaulting innocent pedestrians yeah that's that's well i mean they were they were plants obviously i didn't just attack people nothing was fleshed out character wise which was a good thing and also a hard thing because you're not pigeonholed but then i didn't know what edge was like what is edge and nobody had an idea that's free freeing in a way because you go okay well i i got wide open boundaries here like i i can take it anywhere but at the same time it would have been nice at that point to have a little bit of direction to go okay right this is the direction at least i can focus and bite into that and then start creating from there but it was just like the autobahn just like wide open it says in wikipedia at that point you were uncomfortable with the gimmick uh saying that you lacked the confidence at the time to be a single star and welcomed your inclusion into the brood of course with gangrel and christian no i didn't lack confidence in that in being a singles guy it was i didn't there was no direction to the character so with the brood i went oh here we go now there's a character and now there's something that i can you know uh take this thing and go okay now we can turn it into something so then it was okay we're doing this brood thing right we're the last voice and we'll throw in the blood bath from blade and i was reading vampire encyclopedias and trying to like dip into the lore and really like that's what i needed it says on wikipedia that your first uh singles title was the intercontinental championship which you won in 99 but you did lose it the next night that is correct um we we called them house shows non-televised shows it was at the sky dome in toronto my hometown completely off the cuff um i think it was maybe ken shamrock missed the flight got stuck at the board or something i don't know what it was and they needed an opponent for jeff jarrett during the match we did this thing where i pinned them and the crowd thought i won and then they were going to reverse it but then jack lanza who was the the road agent at the time walked out and said uh go get your belt we're calling an audible here right okay and uh so my first title was in my hometown which already pretty amazing and spectacular especially as i look back on it now and then from that i'll never forget howard finkel doing that what only his voice could do that iconic and new intercontinental champion you know and i i will forever have that lodged in my brain losing the title the next night is that in any way uh uh difficult to be like oh man like i just had this belt and now am i ever going to get yeah no it was for me it was uh it was an acknowledgement like okay we can we can give this kid the intercontinental title that that's how i looked at it and because it was an audible it was all completely unplanned and like that that just makes it even crazier more special now but at the time i was just like hey okay there's one off the off my my list that i need to check off so it says that your book adam copeland on edge it says unlike most wrestlers who do use ghost writers you wrote the entire book yourself in longhand no less yeah that's true i personally thought it was too soon to write a book um but the the company wanted to start having some younger talent right books to try to appeal to a different demographic i guess for me the biggest thing was i wanted to write it myself yeah i if we're gonna do this at this stage of my career at least want to write it myself i don't want a ghostwriter because i can always tell i can just always tell especially if i know the person i'm like that's not their voice and i knew after mick had uh written his that it was possible i think i wrote like 20 chapters or you know some kind of sampling size for them and um yeah that kind of got ball rolling and then at that point too i was uh i was off of the neck for my first neck surgery and it just it really really helped pass the time and keep the creative juices flowing even to this day i'm proud of that fact like i'm a new york times best-selling author yeah that's kind of crazy like that's something i never thought it wasn't even on the checklist because i didn't think that was possibility but now i can look back and say that and that is mind-boggling so it says in wikipedia that at one point during a match with john cena he locked you into a modified stf while you were wrapped up in a ladder and you were legitimately choked unconscious and it was the first time you've been knocked out in a match during your career yeah i don't know if it's the first time i was knocked out but it was first time i was choked out you can see it all unfold and all happen yeah and see the the change on my face my bottom lip start hanging and uh so that that's true is that a weird feeling to kind of just wake up in in the ring a few seconds not knowing really where you are or what's going on well you don't know how long has passed yeah that's the crazy part about it i i thought i was dreaming and that my alarm was going off in the hotel room and i was missing an air canada flight when i actually woke up and came to i was looking at the giant air canada logo above me on top of the arena roof and the alarm sound was me i was going ah like making this weird unconscious slash conscious noise and he was about to a ladder on top of me so that's a nice wake-up call going on into the legendary hardcore match with mick foley uh it says that you suffered second degree burns during that finish through the table because there was no flame resistant material applied to the table at both your and mix request uh i had what was you know some flame retardant material um but i sweat a lot of that off i was also shirtless which i didn't think of beforehand and as i'm running at him i'm like he's got three layers on i have no shirt on and i'm diving into this face first probably should have mapped this out a little bit um so we we ended up both getting burned mixed forearm because the table flat flipped over and he pushed it over his forearm and um and yeah so i got uh this tattoo to kind of cover some of the scarring there's another chronicle coming out on that match this year at some point and i just recently saw footage that had never seen before where the doctors were telling me about the burns and i almost still i think i'm still in a little bit of shock to be honest but my arm's gray they're saying okay so that second degree what that means is and trying to you know explain that to me meanwhile i'm getting my head glued and thumbtacks taken on my back but a legendary match no matter what i mean that was the goal of course i remember you walking back up the ramp uh with that shocked look in your eyes and of course that look was sort of uh a staple of your character at the time when mick foley is getting that uh killer of a of a performer out of you that violent uh like psychopathic edge character that look on your face that's that's real that shock you're saying that's just a real shock you going up the ramp um what that was uh i was happy because i knew what we had just accomplished what i couldn't figure out was why everything was yellow and because i've never had that much blood in my eye so i was trying to figure out what was happening i didn't realize until i watched it back that this eye was completely just ready and how freaky it looked then i realized what it was and i was like all right i'm gonna i'm gonna play this up and that's when i started you know kind of doing doing that but i know it worked because then mick's wife called him and asked if i was okay she didn't ask him if he was okay she just asked him if i was okay so i was like okay mission accomplished it worked wikipedia it does say that you have wrestled more tlc matches than any performer in the history of the business and that's a total of seven uh i think that's true i mean i know it's i know for me it's seven i imagine a tlc match is out of the question from from now on is that fair to say yeah i i think in order to live up to my past ones yeah it has to be in the rear view as much as i could try i i want to tell different stories now i want to i want to tell stories like the story i told with randy and backlash where it's wrestling based and it's hold based and it's working a body part and it's selling and a lot of that gets thrown out the window with dlcs there's a whole new generation of young vibrant uh talent without a triple neck fusion that can do that now yeah for sure i think beth would put the blocks on that before anybody else to be honest so yeah i think the fans it's sort of like the uh chair head shots and stuff like that you're like yeah it looks cool and everything but let's let's not do that again let's throw away from all that yeah [Music] you
Channel: Loudwire
Views: 91,233
Rating: 4.9678993 out of 5
Keywords: wwe, edge, adam copeland, loudwire, interview, wiki, wikipedia, fact or fiction, wikipedia fact or fiction, wrestlemania, edge interview, adam edge copeland, rated r superstar, wrestling, wrestling shoot, shoot interview, the brood, wwf, tlc match, mick foley
Id: PG8HP54L-ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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