Alice Cooper - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?

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He bought it in the memory of his friend grocho marx

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bolanrox 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Let me see your O face Alice

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello kiddies I'm Alice Cooper and I'm on Loudwire and you better watch because I know where you live yeah Manson got that one for me hey everyone grabbed from Loudwire here and I'm here with the one and only super duper Alice Cooper I am not worthy thank you so much you are worthy oh please please you may live Thanks so this is Wikipedia fact or fiction I went on Wikipedia today okay pulled out some stuff that may be true may be false and you can let me know okay great I don't mind so because we do check everybody your birthday Vincent Damon Bernier right torn in Detroit Michigan exactly okay exactly am i proud of Detroit of course they do get that wrong sometimes it says in Wikipedia at 16 years old you gathered for fellow cross-country teammates to form a group for your high school talent show you dressed up in costumes and wigs to resemble the Beatles and performed several Beatles parodies with the lyrics modified to refer to the track team absolutely right that's we were state champions Wow we were 72 in Oh gin cross country hey I was a 440 mile er I would have been number one at any other school I was number seven at our school we had kids running for 10 for 12 so we were just killing it we couldn't win a football game to save our life but the cross-country team was monstrous so I was basically Ferris Bueller I had the jocks covered and then we were in a high school band that was the number one band in Phoenix playing at the number one club so I had the rockers covered nobody was out to beat me up because I had all the bases covered anyone ever paint your name on a water tower or anything oh yeah I mean the spiders we were the spiders our track uniforms were black with red stripes and every team in Arizona was terrified of us because they would be out stretching getting ready we put bells little jingle bells on our shoes yeah and all of a sudden all you hear is and we all came out in a pack you know wow and everybody's older this black you know and it was just like we'd go in - hi guys I don't know that we're going to kill you were right there that's great and we didn't come out like other teams we came out in a pack and it held over to the band the band was always inherently theatrical the very first time we did that show for the Letterman's Club talent show Beale wigs the whole thing there was a guillotine onstage and there was a guy in a coffin and without ever thinking who's Alice Cooper that never if that didn't come to way later we were the earwigs then but somehow that was part of who we were was that sort of horror mock horror rock and roll belong together somehow in our minds sure so did that guillotine belong to your cross-country coach Emmitt Smith Emmitt Smith not the Emmitt Smith that played for Dallas Cowboys know this Emmitt Smith was a Mormon elder and in order to get on the team you had to beat him in a three-mile run really and he was good and I beat him the first night when I was a freshman and so we were all in his journalism class also Dennis Glenn and myself were all in the journalism class we were the earwigs the the principal of the school and the vice-principal were both Mormon elders hmm okay hair your hair would have been too long in our school oh yeah we'd walk by and mr. Bennett was coming mr. Smith would pull us into the room and put us in the closet and say stay here and eat come eagle are they in here you know no you know okay Wow but we got like I kicked out seven times my senior year for my hair or your hair for my hair oh my god still graduated no so you get kicked out for the hair but he is allowed to bring a working guillotine to wicked people eight four if you were late for a column mmm they put you in the guillotine you had to stay there for like ten minutes oh my god you know girls guys know if you were that was just part of the fun of the journalism class you know the guillotine was a you know cardboard okay that wasn't brought one that could Slater we made it into a real one any watermelon slicing no we didn't talk abut the blade that I use tonight on stages of forty pound blade and it misses me by that much every night I do not doubt that yeah it says that in your high school yearbook your ambition was to be a million record seller that's it that's what you wrote here you're look you know I said that and we you know like I said the band was just starting to play it like clubs yeah and we were we were the best club band around we definitely were the best club band and to me I said the next thing is to make our own record and start to be one of these bands that we see on all of blue and shindig but why not why can't we be you know and that was you know of course you always say I want to win the Academy Award or I want to you know play centerfield for the Detroit Tigers or something and those things never come true with us it did come true the audition for Frank Zappa's record label wikipedia says he told you to come to his house at seven o'clock but the band mistakenly assumed it was 7:00 in the morning yes I and then for him being woken up by a band willing to play that particular brand of psychedelic rock at 7:00 a.m. impressed him enough to sign you to a three-album deal we were in chrome I had blond hair down to here with the makeup all over and we were doing these songs that were so bizarre first of all we were also art majors sure so Dali was a big factor in what we did West Side Story was it was a lot of weird little factors James Bond themes were in there somewhere and we would do like there was six songs that were two minutes or under and there with 35 changes in it that didn't make any sense at all didn't go in any order it just ended and Frank sitting there listening and he goes I don't get it while Frank didn't Ken Foree and I said is that good he goes oh I'm gonna sign you because I don't get it he said where you guys from San Francisco and I went no I'm from Phoenix he goes now I really don't get it you know what Phoenix to blow his mind wow what a yeah mazing feeling how cool it says in the United Kingdom Mary Whitehouse a Christian morality campaigner persuaded the BBC to ban the video for school's out although the campaign did not prevent the single from reaching number one and you sent her a bunch of flowers and gratitude for the publicity absolutely we heard we realized very early in the career especially chef Gordon that the more people hated us the more the kids loved us we didn't there was no internet then everything was based on urban legend so by the time the rumors got to England of who we were it was so blown out of proportion that Mary Whitehouse and Leo ab/c decided that they were going to be you know they were going to be the moral conscience of what they didn't understand as it was just like the PMRC yeah all I got to put this PMRC labels so kids won't buy this you couldn't put anything better on a record if you didn't want kids to buy it than that and as soon as they started the British public even the adults said how dare you tell us what we can see and what we can't see yeah you know who are you to tell us this and we went right to number one sold every ticket out at Wembley and yeah I sent him cigars I sent her flowers and we did all the great Hollywood publicity stunts in London and they loved it they got it they got the idea that we stalled a truck in Piccadilly on rush hour on a Friday with a naked picture of Alice Cooper except for a boa constrictor covering it we all know the photo and and the great thing about it was we didn't get arrested we didn't get anything cuz they went good on you for doing that you know for doing something that ridiculous to us you know so the British public became our biggest allies before America did it's great it says on Wikipedia that you own one of the O's in the famous Hollywood sign yes you own it I own it and the reason was was because it was the 75th anniversary of Hollywood okay the Hollywood sign was up there falling off the hill sure we went to the Chamber of Commerce and said how much is each letter each letter was 27,000 to fix it okay and I said okay Groucho Marx had just died Groucho was one of my best friends and I said well it's the 75th anniversary we want to buy the Oh which one for Groucho the first one first one I said that old belongs to Groucho I said and we'll pay you $27,000 to do they owe so the owe is gonna be perfect for even if the other signs falling off the letters are falling out as soon as we did the publicity thing stunned another publicity stunt at Carlos and Charlie's you Heffner bought the H gene autry bought a letter to Spielberg bought a letter because they're part of Hollywood that's where they made their money and they looked at the sign going it's a disgrace its 75th anniversary analyst bought the offered Groucho everybody then bought a letter and they redid the sign but I still own the letter in 1987 you almost died of asphyxiation after a safety rope broke during a concert stunt where you're pretending to hang yourself well we did the hanging all the time and in order to do the hanging you had to do it correctly because I'll you know the guys from Hollywood showed us how to do it yeah you know if you're gonna do it really make it look right when you go up to the gallows which is a real gallows they bring the Rope down puts a rope around your neck what you don't see is the piano wire down the back of the rope okay that is one inch shorter than the rope so when you fall through the thing it stops you but the rope hits you but it stops mm every night right there and it makes you if you can flip here and you're hang in there that's the trick well after doing it a hundred times it was fine no no it worked every night in rehearsal in London didn't happen in a show every now versal so that was one of the fallacies yeah never thought that maybe the piano wire might start getting a little bit old after a while yeah and snap and as soon as I heard that snap your ear your self-preservation takes over I felt the thing as soon as I felt it more pressure than it should be I snapped my head back and it went over like that if I would have had like a Jay Leno chin it would have it would have caught me and it would have been bad really bad news yeah but as soon as that went like this I put my head up and it slipped up there burned me pretty good well the Rope burned me pretty good and I did get knocked out when I went down through the floors I dropped eight feet you know and boom you know but it was momentarily I woke up and I went what was that and I looked at the Rope and I looked at the the wire was snapped because the next day we had one wire on there that would hold like an elephant the wall here we went from that big to like that big probably smart and worked but it you know the next time I did it there was never a moment when you did that where you when that floor drops out it's it takes your breath a little bit you know because there's that moment of oh okay I'm okay I'm all right and it's the same thing with the guillotine so tonight when he pulls he's the one that pulls the thing well you know there's that moment of going die die die as soon as I hear that thing going I'm going and then you know I'm die go okay I'm okay last one for you it says on Wikipedia that you're a golf handicap is too I was too on for now okay still impressive I was I'm pretty impressive when it comes to I was I was scratched for a while and there was a moment there was a moment in the early 90s or went how weird would it be for Alice to be on the tour to actually get on the tour Alice Cooper playing against these guys and then you realize when you do play with them it's the difference between here and here you might shoot 72 maybe even 71 maybe 70 these guys if you can't shoot 68 every day you shouldn't be out there gotcha and you know I might have that great round great round 76 in 77 you're gone so you can't play with those guys unless you know you can shoot 68 every day or you won't stick around but I thought you know if I took two years off and and work just with Ledbetter or McClain or Sania these guys it's all short game if I can if I got my short game down and my putting down I might be able to actually play for a couple years on the tour you know and that would be really interesting because I would have worn the makeup oh yeah you got absolutely God if you can wear the makeup and the hair and the thing and shoot 68 what are you gonna say you're a hero well know that but you are become the guy you become the draw absolutely you know win a couple tournaments and it's over I mean you know you're you're there forever you're a legend forever [Music] you
Channel: Loudwire
Views: 1,181,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alice cooper, wikipedia fact or fiction, loudwire fact or fiction, loudwire wikipedia, alice cooper wikipedia, alice cooper interview, loudwire, interview, loudwire wiki
Id: 4PebLq32PvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 18 2018
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