Gossip, Cursing and Lying! Oh My

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some I said gossip I admit it's fun that's too real for somebody are a bit admit it's fun acting like you know what you talk about when you don't know what you're talking about but the Bible calls gossip evil speaking that you are saying something sensational about someone's intimacy their relationships their circumstances and you've never talked to them I've never talked to them but I'm acting like I know your business the Bible calls that a back biter because most gossips don't talk to you now the brothers sitting up here looking glum let me tell you something ladies they let you in on a secret [Applause] brothers love to tea we don't tell you to stop telling us until we get all the information you run your mouth for half an hour we know and then after we get it off you know we shouldn't be talking about people y'all call it gossip we call it information God calls it backbiting evil speaking but when you feel like you've messed up a lot in your life you like it when you hear something bad about someone else so you gossip about someone else to make you feel better about you I knew I was gonna get no amens right today when you're gossiping you're looking for somebody that is messed up watch this as much as you think you messed up even though they don't know how much you've missed so gossip is driven from an internal desire to be equal with other people so I talk about you to bring you down to where I feel I am in my inner man ashin a bird you gossip now now here's the Bible for you y'all mess with me so I says now watch the illustration so David David David is hiding in the cave when Saul comes in so saw Davis already indicated in the dark but all the way up in the back Saul comes in in the cave to go to the bathroom so while Saul is busy David takes his knife and cuts the back out his road so when Saul comes out his behind is hanging out to the hole to all the Israel it's in your Bible so the King comes out with his rear exposed now David thought he did something good because he didn't kill him when he had the chance but then he gets convicted to that I've touched the Lord's anointed wait a minute he cut his role his role was attached to him so the role felon of the anointing when you gossip about your brother and sister you're cutting their role and exposing them to the public [Applause] acid Amy you still go gossip you're touching the Lords of noisy and cutting the back out of their road some I say Kirsten could God Almighty mmm I didn't cuss before I started pastor I'm telling true about it not cursed before I was sanctified holy started pastoring people office up my language changed it's too real for some of y'all raised a couple kids you said something said up there saying to man you said sir the first time I heard about grandmama cus I said I was so shocked I couldn't react I was like some had got on her last nerve and the missionary said a cuss word some might say cursing now fortunately the Bible is not talking so much about expletives the Bible is talking about you speaking a word of hindrance concerning somebody else's life that you take negative advantage of the fact that you have the Holy Spirit and authority in the word and you call yourself cursing someone who deserves to be cursed themselves so we cursed people out of our own negativity we curse people sometime because of envy and jealousy we try to hinder people with our mouths because they may have something we desire but a curse in the Bible is a word that hinders another now now that you're saved people can't really mess with you but what they will do is attack your name you already hear what I say they can't get you now they have to get what they called you let's make it sense so we've got to be careful that because of some rough places we have been in life that we are not speaking words of hindrance concerning other people so you shouldn't be gossiping hmm and they can't speak words of hindrance like you on your job and you drop a negative C to the supervisor not realizing that God's got a a bounce-back theory in the Bible you reap what you sow it could it be possible that the reason your promotions have been slowed down is because you've been dropping seeds on other employees forgiving it is God who elevates the bishop that's the politics of the office that's not Kingdom politics kingdom politics is let God handling vengeance is but the last point he says I will repair oh I must be out of time okay all right let me see somebody say lion now you need to understand that the Bible only attributes a lot to the demonic so there's no innocent life when you lie the Holy Ghost is not using you now some people lie as a lifestyle they don't know anything else but lies because the truth will let you see who they are so that we have to lie to cover up well how do I stop lying pastor stop doing stuff you have to lie for that was too simple for you if I change my behavior it'll change what I have to say so don't plan how you can get away with it plan not to do it do you feel regret over your past feeling like you've missed your window to become or do something great or maybe you're just frustrated in every new relationship because you're held captive by the emotional pain of one past failed relationship or quite possibly your struggle is financial it seems like no matter what you do you cannot get ahead in life always living check to check and never having enough David G Evans has a revelation you need to hear that will change your situation right now offenses are barriers that we create the greatest barrier to God fulfilling his purpose in our lives may be that fence you're dealing with you see what you're feeling regret failure frustration these are all fences the enemy uses to try and ensnare and block you from releasing the greatness and the power of God within you but there is good news you are God's beloved you were born again with his power to tear down and destroy any fences standing in the way of your god-given destiny you have authority and you are powerful and God desires for you to overthrow every obstacle that opposes his truth in your life to help you engage and tear down your barriers David G Evans has prepared a dynamic sermon series titled fences in this power-packed series your eyes will be open to the fences and barriers you've constructed as defense mechanisms you'll begin to recognize them as destructive elements that will keep you from your destiny but this series will also equip you to dismantle your damaging fences by using the weapons of your warfare to bring them down for good starting today you can eliminate the impossibilities obstacles obstructions and uncontrolled emotions that have held you captive for far too long it's time for your fences to come down stop unknowingly participating in your own demise and learn how to use the Word of God faith and the holy spirit to utterly bring down your fences call now with your love gift of $45 or more to receive the entire uncut thought-provoking and life transforming series fences but wait when you call right now we'll also send you a copy of David G Evans highly inspirational and encouraging book healed without scars you'll be moved you'll cry and ultimately be transformed as you journey with David G Evans to uncover the root of past wounds and their accompanying memories so that you can finally experience the freedom Jesus blood bar for you today is your day of deliverance and victory call now and receive the impactful and life transforming 5 sermon series fences along with David G Evans amazing life-changing book healed without scars God created you with power now use it propelled by the Word of God to destroy your fences today God has already prepared a future and hope for you it's time to walk in it a call now our operators are standing by I would really love it if you would subscribe to my channel and also share the gist subscribing with all your friends now it's really important you turn 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Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 5,094
Rating: 4.8954248 out of 5
Keywords: Gossip, Cursing, Lying, Lions, Tigers, Bears, Preach, Preacher, Bishop, Elevation, Relentless, John Gray, Steven Furtick, Bishop david evans, Bethany
Id: Apb04W0HTaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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