Trial of The Sword SKIP in Breath of The Wild (Updated 2021 Tutorial)

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yo what is going on guys my name is Linkous Evan and today I'm making a brand new video and today I'm going to be going over how to skip the trial of the sword I'm gonna go over how to skip the beginners trowel the middle trial and the final trial so you can go from not having an upgrade to Master Sword to the fully operated masses work now I'm also going to be going over a updated method because a lot of people were trying to do this trick had a lot of struggle because a lot of the original videos that were in posted when the trial the sword was released was this crazy method when you would stasis an object loaded up a bunch gogans the wall and his to basically hope that the game could be through the wall however now in 2019 there's a lot of different methods to clip through walls so I'm gonna go over a much more consistent one as well as an easier one so first off I need to explain how to set this up so before you even enter the trial you actually want to set up this glitch so this glitch is called a shield clipping with a skew so first off how do you even obtain a skew well it's pretty simple all you have to know first of all before you even attempt this is how to do a shield jump so all you simply have to do is you just need to hold the target button so the left shoulder button and then you press the jump button and then your a button to take out your shield now you probably done this into snowboarding sections or in other sections throughout the run it's just like Norton that uses the known mechanic in the game now how you actually do this in a glitch manner is that you want to land on a slope that doesn't make link fall off of it but it's pretty much close to it so what I like to do in this certain sands is actually walk up against the shrine and then just when I'm going up towards it I'm just gonna hold target into a shield jump kind of around this dot over here now the next step about this is checking how good you sq are because if you have a bad skew even though it could possibly work it will make the trick much more inconsistent than the more difficult or it's not gonna work at all so how to check your skew and also how not to lose your skew is that you want to do a shield jump however during your shield jump you want to hold the d-pad left and unequip your shield because if you ever land on your shield after you set this up then you're always going to lose this skew so make sure never to do that so basically hole targets do is she'll jump but right after you start to jump on a clipper shield and I'm gonna keep just holding a d-pad left releasing it and pressing it again so you can get a better like look and as you can see link is kind of gonna angle himself towards the side and this is basically what's known as a skew so if you see that link only makes like a 10 or 20 degree difference from being normal like standing up towards the left or to the right then it's probably not gonna work you almost want to be completely to the left like you see in this clip right here so if you do end up getting that then you're basically set and I would like to say that let's say you did not get it all you have to do is basically is do a she'll jump and land on the ground because if you land on the ground with your shield it's gonna completely reset it because if you try it again while having a small skew it's most likely not gonna work well so you just land on a shield it's gonna completely reset your state as you can see and then you run up try it again and I'm gonna get a good one you're now set now this specific glitch actually maintains itself through loading zones which is very very useful because what we can do that is we can just run up to this and enter the beginning trial and this is where the first part of this run and trick comes up so straightaway when you get into the first trial for the beginner trial what you like to do is you would like to run to the upper right here into this first ride and pick up the shield before the enemies pick it up now if they happen to pick it up my recommendation is basically is to throw a bomb to knock them over so you can pick it up without any trouble and now the first part you need to know right here after you got the shield in your into trial is that you need to figure out which wall is the opposite of the angle the link is gonna be facing when he's doing this skew glitch so in this circumstance it's gonna be the left side because if you're following the video you're gonna set it up on the same place which means it's going to be the same angle every time I'm gonna show it off anyway so if you see if I jump right here with this camera you're gonna see that it's gonna go towards the right which means that it's on the Left wall because it always has to be away from it so all you have to do then is I like to head over here and what you want to do you basically want to hold target press jump and shield and then hold deep head left and unequip your shield now the good thing about this is you have a limited amount of tries to get this it's a two frame window and this game runs a 30 FPS so it's fairly lenient if you have a good skew if you have a small one it might be very precise it also does depend a little bit about your angle so that's why I basically you say that's Randy's walls just kind of to jump into it and then when you're about to hit the wall to hold d-pad left and unequip the shield the only part you can mess up is if you happen to fail too unequipped the shield so you actually land on the ground with your shield so if you do that your eventually is gonna pop through the wall and you're now out of bounds and what you're gonna notice is dying gonna be running upwards right here and you kind of want to look at this video and a follow where I'll be running because this is the only place that it could go wrong because you might be lost so to simplify things basically to travel the sword all of the individual loading zones or I guess you wanna say all the rooms for every single trial is all shared on one map and all that the work does if we be the trial is that it takes you to the next area but it doesn't actually load in a brand new map that's why I don't get a long loading zone in between each time so basically with this knowledge in mind we can then run to a specific basically trial and this is actually going to be the last trial for the beginner when you eventually find this what I recommend if you're kind of confused about where to go when you finally find this one is which wall to go with so once again you could just basically do a she'll jump and equip your shield and you will see which angle link is going to face from and it will goes to the opposite so I'm gonna be climbing up on this side right here now you're going to be creating a bunch of ice blocks and what you want to do when you're getting closer because the actual blocks are here are not solid but it because basically the Box just followed by an invisible wall is you want to aim kind of where the area should end and then just continue to tap the a button and it is basically going to deny you from creating a block because you're trying to create button inside of a wall so slightly aim downwards and continue to press the a button and you're going to create a block against the wall after that just take out the paraglider leave towards it and you're just gonna stand on top of the block and there's gonna be an invisible wall in front of you then all you have to do is basically just do the same thing as before this whole target do a shield and do a jump and then a shield jump and then just unequip your shield and if you happen to hit this 2 frame window you're just gonna pop right through the wall now after this point you might be figuring out that we might be screwed because we're basically on the trial but no weapons whatsoever to defend ourselves and the only really way to get around this would be to throw bombs like over and over and over again we should take a very long time so the best thing we like to use is we like to switch to make Nice's we like to pick up this metal box and then Kenny was a walk to this enemy right here now what you want to do is you kind of want to aim up and down up and down to hit his stomach part because every time you hit the stomach part it is going to tell a small amount of damage and if you're not doing too much force upwards for the gyroscope controls or your C stick then the box is not going to break so because of that you can just continue to hit him hit him hit him and hit him over and over again until eventually you have drained all his health and he's dead and after that point you can simply just leave the trial and pick up your first upgrade for your master sword now if you do Bowl all of that correctly what you will notice is he actually still have a skew however every time we clip through a wall your ski will actually be worsened so what I recommended to do in between each individual actual trial is to basically do a shield jump to land on your shield to reset it entirely and do the setup again by running up on this little shrine right here do a she'll jump and set up your angle again then enter the trial and we're now gonna enter the second trial now my opinion the second trial is probably the hardest one to do because it's pretty easy to get messed up in the specific area because it's a lot of wind and such but what I recommended to do is fly to this middle section right here kind of drop a bomb and explode the sky with a shield and try not to get hit with the arrows and such and then pick up the shield now after you get that finally you as you can see if I show off from an angle you're gonna see that unfortunately the wall that is needed to clip through this is actually where two enemies are so you could take them out but I use kind of run up here try and she click through the shield and just hope for the best now when you do eventually clip out a bouncer you will notice that most of the outside is not solid because this is actually the up in the air and the wind however thankfully the wind extends outwards outside of this actual box so you can actually cut a leaf around the actual area and follow where I do in this video and you're gonna see these kind of a water boxes for each individual trial at once again which is actually where at last time so you went ahead over here on this field just fly forward land on the ground of the run and you're gonna be at the same exact trial that we were at earlier now you might be wondering why we're doing this well the reason we're gonna do this is because the final level and stage or I guess we want to say trial for both the medium and the last final trial is actually very very difficult to do and thankfully how the game is programmed if you used to finish a trial so you get to the a loading zone trial it is going to look at which difficulty entered in and it's gonna give you the representative upgrade so that means is if you then build up the ice box once again clip inside of this and do the exact same thing game of the box kill him and then when he's dead you just go to the portal you enter the portal you're actually gonna notice that you're going to actually be on the second upgrade even though you beat the trial for the first one so that allows you to use run up the stairs get your second master sword upgrade and you're now going to out of the three trials swords upgrades so we want to do next exact same process you just reset the sku get a new SKU and then enter the last stage now for the specific last one there is a metal shield you can always get I prefer to use run around let the skeleton spawn and then use a bomb to get the three one because if you do get a metal one then you kind of have to be a bit scared because if to keep unequipping it because of the Thunder so I just like to get the one from the Boca shield after that you're gonna figure out which and while you're supposed to clip through you click through the wall and then after you clip through this is one of the few things that you could actually mess up so I recommend to save before this one if you happen to go in the wrong spot during this you're actually getting able to softlock your game because you're gonna be stuck in this animation where one of the actual trials is gonna crush you but then you're gonna respond and get crushed again respawn and crushed again so the kind of lenient path I recommend you to follow is as follows so after you clip through you're gonna see two kind of black circles I guess or biome so you can kind of call it you're gonna run in between them and then when you see that it's about to drop off you want to do each jump and take out your paraglider and leaf forward and you're gonna see these also two kind of a light boxes in distance and what you're looking for is you basically want to go straight towards them and you're gonna see in the very very end here that part of the actual floor in front of you is going to be tilting upwards and the right in the middle of this kind of a part and section going downwards and you want to go towards that and if you happen to go up towards dad this is your way out of this section so if you watched my previous video we know exactly how to infinitely climb walls but if you didn't watch it simply hold down the d-pad down which is the whistle button and just continue to press the B button and by doing so you can then just run up this wall and then every time he basically runs out of I guess kind of a stamina he you will automatically continue to run so this is a method to actually climb up walls without taking any stamina so you're gonna do that all the way and yet make it away to the top after that you want to turn left run past the first trial right here and then you're actually add to the first final trial once again and you may do the exact same thing so build up your ice blocks fall your path over there and then simply is make one against the wall do we see you clip through and you're now officially in destroyed once again pick up the metal box and follow the instructions ahead for the first and second one after you kill the high knocks you're done going to go through the portal and as you're going to see on this one it's actually going to unlock the third and final one and you officially now upgraded your master sword all three times we did only a span of about 10 to 20 minutes but either way I hope this helped you out a lot and I hope that this is a much easier method than the previous methods that were out there if you did enjoy the video be sure to like I also would like to say that sorry for being a little bit inactive on my YouTube channel I've been working on a project which is about to come up within the next few days so you're excited for that be sure to hit that subscribe button it's going to be a very in-depth video but I will further adue thanks so much for watching hope you'll enjoy the channel please subscribe and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Linkus7
Views: 1,477,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Breath of The Wild, The Legend of Zelda, Speedrun, Speedruns, Glitch, Glitches, New, botw, botw glitches, Linkus, Linkus7, 2019, 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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