How to beat Trial of the Sword pt.3 - The Final Trials

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so this is my third part and final parts of my overly long guide video to trial the sword the final trials and in my opinion the trial to the swords final chapter is substantially easier in comparison to the first and maybe even second chapter because it was designed in such a way to be very intimidating but the game gives you all the necessary tools for the job so the very first floor that we go into is filled with style bow Coughlin's now as you see it's a lightning everywhere you have to be very careful when you're around those puddles since they also conduct lightning it doesn't happen as often but does happen but there are rusty weapons lining the floor that will also attract the lightning and if you want you could pick them up and then save them for a later date but only do that if you have the room in your inventory for its second floor again the same thing they use the Lightning mechanics of an attempt to scare you off and really try to kill it happens to me twice actually where I would get hit by a lightning bolt even if I were to get hit by the splash damages so not a direct hit from the lightning bolt but just you know how the lighting explosion hit me it would still leave me with about a quarter of my heart so that's two hearts and three quarters and it's just really really deadly something you don't want to deal with and finally yeah you go inside of this little cave area you fight in two lizalfos you think about bow call blue enemies is that they actually all can be one-hit killed by your arrows if you want but what I like to do is just pull them all up with one variety of remote bomb and then follow it up to destroy their heads killing them for good with the second variety so as you see over here for whatever reason the head roll and can cause on the mouth of the skull and it does admittedly it does get a little bit unfair when the you know these skulls kind of just roll away from you so you go straight to a body and it's almost impossible to catch me I blow up all over again but thankfully you know a bomb consumption is absolutely free you just have to wait for the cooldown underground floor number three now this part is pretty fun actually I think this is where my first death was the first time I tried this I did not want to deal with trying to bomb these guys I decided you know what I'm just gonna take out these electric choo-choo from very far away so again if you miss your arrows don't worry 'epic them right back up would be both he got on the first floor all the way on the chests they provide you with what this one's going to provide you with a knight's shield those two barrels will provide you with arrows and we will look at that Magnus is one later so as you get to the top of this little structure then these style Mullins will with a lab for you and as you can see over here I'm just like they just staying calm waiting for them to get in range in my bomb throws and then hitting them like that and see I'm trying to get from here but they are quite far away any saw over there I almost got hit by a lightning bolt up surprised as I didn't hit me but anyways up the square remote bombs they don't go with a far distance since they don't roll so what I ended up doing is that I resorted to just blowing them up with the the round spherical bombs and then jumping in after them as you see me doing over here if you take too long eventually they're just going to go back to the spot where they were resting but you can kind of see their bones lying down so you don't have to worry about like you know losing track of them as you see me doing over here I'm just waiting for them and decides you know what forget it I'm gonna go and deal with it the old-fashioned way it's like to save the arrow for all the good that does the nice thing about this particular floor really is the fact that again the game actually gives you a very large variety of tools to work with and you'll see me employing that's very heavily for the duration of this video the final trials are about 24 floors in a link so it is the longest but it's by no means the most challenging in my opinion anyway I might change my mind when I actually decided tackle within master mode and then we finally get the Knights bow a clear upgrade to the one that we have but we can't use it yet because it's a metal therefore attracts lightning now as soon as you get into this part if I against the skeletal horses or as some someone on the discord channel likes to call them the cavalry fun thing about the calvary you're able to mount them yourself this is a very big floor and the thing is though since you're on a horse I'd find that the safest way of dealing with these guys sort of bombing them or if you're unable to bomb them is to just jump off your horse go bullet time one of these archers also uses shock arrows so just be very very careful that if you get hit by the sakyo and you don't have enough hearts you're going to die in one hit so it's be very very very careful with that and yeah just like that there's not really much of note I believe I think I go through a couple of crates and find some more arrows and some like normal fruits so floor number five I get the style knocks Estelle knocks again it's exact same strategy as before but this time you get an entire room to work with so yes spaces him shoot them in the eye and make them fall down and then wait so wait a little bit yeah as exact same as with the he knocks just to repeat this process over and over and over again kind of give you that classic Zelda feel unfortunately you won't be able to access his weapons until after you kill him since they're actually lodged inside of the skeleton once you get into low enough health you'll actually knock out his eye the eye is super durable like it has a lot of health I'm just wailing away on him I spend a lot of time trying to try to beat it but the best thing I can say is just get between the eye and the body and try to cut off his passage when he tries to return back what friends out fixes I back on saves him hit him in the eye and then repeat the process again it should only take you two tries considering what weapons are available to you at this time so yeah takes about two attempts and things though this is a very important encounter though like remember when I said that the game gives you the tools necessary to beat this a challenge this is what I'm talking about so as soon as you beat the boss you get access to three elemental weapons which are basically required in my opinion so you get the frost blade oh sorry the great frost blade the flame spear and the Thunder blade Thunder blade not as required and I kind of do forget to use them but the flames lay us our another flame like the flame spear is extremely important for a future in cancer as well as the frost blade and finally there is a metal chest just be very careful if you see it sparking up and then stay away from it but you get the icy arrows which is also essential for what we're going to be encountering in the future so now you're at the first break room get yourself your fairy and you get three chests containing flame breaker boots which is a huge hint or you're going next and the Knights bow again very very good for again where we're going and ancient arrows now ancient arrows are the focal points of our success in completing trial of the sword and there are a total of nine I believe available in the entire in this entire area so yeah we're actually going to be taking those nine but theoretically speaking you'll only need five or six and you can easily get those but you know it's always nice to have as many available so that you have you're able to relax a little bit more there's also quite a few good ingredients that you can use here I recommend saving the mighty bananas so that didn't get yourself a good upgrade for it the like that the third tier of this area but anyways go to the next area and you're in the flaming area so yeah you're agreed by a shoe shoe and there is an ox rock in the distance if you decided to take the rusted weapons from the first floor then we're going to be converting those into actual weapons there are two fire pellets that you can deal with it here again they're all one-hit kills not you no difficulty just need to identify them wait for him to spit the closer you get the less time he uses to fire as you can see over there he fires it really really quickly once he cowers away then just drop all of your weapons take out the night seals that you got from the the room with skeleton mom sorry the style mob limbs figure out that night shield and block the attacks because when he spits those weapons back out at you there's a good chance it's going to land in the lava and you can't recover it anymore because it's too deep you can't even use magnesia to recover them so as you can see over here I actually get lucky I get one my favorite weapons I get the Knight's Claymore as a reward for doing this the thing is though is that don't worry if you don't get any good weapons from it cause it's entirely random don't worry about getting good weapons because I actually never used it I was so excited but I end up becoming really really stingy I never used it but anyways if you want to well yeah as soon as you beat this guy wait for him to start sucking in some air use a remote bomb and what an app but yeah I actually never used the knight Claymore so don't worry about not getting it because you have more than enough again like you have all the equipment that is necessary for beating it and the game just gives it to you there are three fire lizalfos in here I decide you know what screw it I'm going to use three ice arrows because that is like this is durability on my bow that I don't want to consume and you get the strength and lose elbow it's only slightly weaker than the Knights bow and it's metal so it can last and won't get set on fire when you're using it in these areas that you can see over here just make use of the updrafts get your bullet time the same rule always applies when it comes to trial of the sword always always always try to get that one v1 as best as you can and you're going to see me employing that almost always actually as many opportunities as I get so I start off this room immediately on your left is going to be a meteor wizzrobe and it drops the meteor rod this is the most or one of the most important tools for the success of this run and to make sure you get that like always always make sure that you get it it's very very important so I can see here I add road one glozell folks after to go after me the mullen got wise to it but he decides to go back in and leave this guy alone to die remember what I was saying earlier try to get that one v1 very very important I'm just going through all my weapons to see what I can do because here's the thing when you have a 1v1 you can get away with using basically any weapon like you can go through all your weak weapons first and this continuously stack damage since you have stasis you can easily run away from your enemies and for these ones over here I couldn't do that unfortunately so I end up to the right side which is slightly more elevated and I'm able to just get my bullet time shots in so this is pretty cool I was able to get double head shots for the single shot which is awesome yeah I was able to finish off the Moblin relatively quickly since I'm using a regular bow in a fire area I can actually I can actually get free fire arrows as a result of that which is pretty nice otherwise yeah all wooden weapons they will get set on fire usually that would mean extra damage but and looking to give them a stun but most of these entities are fireproof so you won't be able to get any bonuses like that inside of the skull you're going to find mainly just arrows and roasted food so floor number 10 this is a pretty important floor as well because there are ancient arrows available here again I believe this was a fire lacell phone he has an ice area no I didn't know I just headshot him to death talking about lizalfos is that since they are able to swim knocking them into lava won't do you any good now this part again we're employing the same philosophy of doing your 1v ones this guy right here had the arrow so I had to take him out first so yeah here here floating up to him getting as many consecutive head shots as I could while still maintaining my stamina then using stasis to hit him now the thing about stasis something you need to remember is that whenever someone is caught stasis and it's going to go out really really quickly and you don't think you can get their time just hit them with the arrow since you will get that stagger animation anyway and that is what is the main advantage it gives you more time what I want to do here is I want to knock this guy off and I think I do I wanted off this guy off he has a royal guards halberd which is a very powerful weapon but the durability is quite low and despite that when I actually completed trial the sword for the first time I did kill him and I took the Royal Guard halberd but I actually ended up never using it but if you guys want it then yeah you can definitely can get it but I thought to myself too you know what we're gonna knock this gun it's the lava because this guy can't survive with a lava it's nice I thought I failed too but then I just see over here some Sun pause he just kind of backflips off it's pretty crazy this guy the third I believe it's the final mullen of this staged as well comes at me he has a royal ass or another parole claim or a Knights claim or so I use a shock arrow to get him to drop it you know if I can actually hit them I make them drop it and I get that nice Claymore for those of you guys that are wondering a very easy way of dealing dealing with your moblins is to get a two-handed weapon and use the charge attack and continuously spin towards their rifle continue trying to log on to you as you're spinning and if they are carrying a weapon already and they're trying to hit you there's a good chance that since you're so close we'll just go right over you and if they're unarmed they actually just can't hit you as long as you maintain staying their left your right so yeah that pretty much does it for these guys this guy's really tenacious though he couldn't even didn't even have the decency to stay in the lava I decide yeah hit him with one shot arrow and a fish them off with two more arrows and that will be the room now in but important treasure chest to find here is actually very close to where I am right now as you can see over here use magnesia to identify it little pink glowy thingy and yeah you just pick it up close carefully so that you don't actually fall into a lava and kill yourself and you finally get to open a chest which gives you three ancient arrows and now we're up to six technically you only need like five and might well maybe you can go for a little bit more some more is better but realistically speaking you would only need like five or six to actually be trial of the sword in my opinion you don't even need one to be honest maybe you can just get good like everybody else you know science here the igni all tell us earlier in another video I said that the elemental Tallis are far easier and it's because you can easily get them to stagger something to note with apos houses that don't use a wooden weapon on an igneous Alice because the environments will set the weapon on fire and it will reignite the rock and it'll send you off you think about igneel tell us that makes them so easy as well as that as long as you're wearing flame proof gear well like you'll still it'll still damage you but you have to wait so actually has nothing to do with your gear it's just that you have to like it has to take some time to get close with the ice tablets you can jet like it'll actually do damage thing at the moment you get too close I screwed up a little bit I I fell off I didn't time it properly but again it doesn't take that long very very easily beats in my opinion because you just needed the one hit from the frost blade or an icy arrow you still have that lying around as well now I believe there's nothing inside of that buck so that's why I didn't show anything in that one and it's we're at our second break room but now the nature of trial of the sword is that they give you the fairies but you're only allowed to have three so yes keep that in mind you get three lives and that is more than enough so yeah get itself a roll guard shield a stone Smasher and a Hylian tunic which we equip immediately there's a lot of spicy peppers in this area so that's another big thing that's where we're going you need one level of cold resistance which is exactly what we do we actually young there's a cooking pot that you can use and a bunch of spicy peppers and sizzle thing trouts which is going to give you a level two cold resistance buff so that's going to be nice - I see Publix and the two - nothing we're not used to and again yeah prioritize headshot both of these guys and then take out the black bow Cullen while he's by himself easily done we have a steel was elbow that you got in the room where you get to the second chest of ancient arrows so yeah that's the strongest bow that you're going to be getting for now I believe it doesn't even break actually I don't know I think I was pretty good for it but this is funny though this was like the part of the stream where I completely forgot to aim which was like the entire screen to see you guys know but yeah again you don't need to have the perfect aim to win just focus on getting those head shots you know stay calm get those head shots and if you find them 1v1 it's a lot easier to stay calm anyway so floor 14 very important room yeah big shout out to the guys that were on the chat that were telling me that there are ancient arrows on this one so we actually have a total of nine ancient arrows nine one-shot weapons which is insane so yeah shout outs to me Kyle casella's mu lover and now berry quartz naturally also game paints are for reminding me that they existed as well but yes thank you guys very very much it was very helpful for the run again business as usual using spaces and using the arrows this was a nice action so he jumped at me but I jumped back and then did I slo-mo bullet time shot and the final enemy is the silver Marlin now again you could do what I said earlier just continuously spin to the side but I was really antsy see seeing those explosive barrels on the on the stage so I decide you know what we're going to focus on getting as many headshots as we can on this guy if this was master mode then yeah I would be forced to do my usual method since this would cost him to regenerate all of his HP but yeah the this Moblin over here eventually I do just man up and start finding him on there but I didn't use a two-handed weapon because again I didn't want to risk sending a weapon flying straight into that explosive keg and yeah just work away at him you have more than enough weapons like I was being waste injure than I needed to be but again like you know if you want to be careful you can be careful but don't be afraid of accidentally using one weapon and no longer having a mint-condition because it's better to use it if you can I use really weak weapons for this run actually could have saved a lot of time in my opinion so yeah that does it for the broom you get an awesome Club that's going to do some great damage for some for the next boss of this area as well yes to give you some context I've drawn out this clip a little bit more to show you guys where the chest containing the ancient arrows are you have to melt it thankfully melting is quite easy I was told that yeah of course you could just cut down trees using bombs um to create bundles of woods and igniting those once the save time but you can just also hold out your flame spear and wait a couple of minutes really really fun moments in the stream or just talking waiting for this ice to melt but yeah that gives you nine intros so this part is pretty easy there is one Blizz robe as it were and of course because of the whole elemental rule it is immediately a one-shot if you hit them with the opposite element so I decided to wait for him for using a fire arrow is a bullet time give myself all the time in the world aim and I won shots and then I had my sights focus on this guy decided to acryl him take out a spear then stasis him you know the whole shebang waiting for him a little bit for finally going in for some damage again using say the Stations of your friends seriously like I couldn't have done this without stasis maybe it would be more of a challenge what if I didn't use stasis maybe but it's just it's so useful not to pass on realtively cheap too but I did is I just kind of climbed up gave myself some airtime at the top of that structure fired some I don't even know how these were headshots getting them between the shoulder blades apparently counts as a headshot but yeah then there's the camp to blue bow Collins and a silver and yeah you have to be really really careful when fighting against these Silver's because if you make too many mistakes gets a silver it will consume fairies especially have low hearts as I do yeah so just take up to again the 1v1 rule if I had more space I could just taking out the weapons that would have put me at a huge advantage but yeah nothing that we haven't seen before really just a really really strong silver bow cobbling if you want you can just run back up the wall start head shines I had shining them to that as you see me doing over here and yeah there's some pretty good items that you can get us mainly Knight weapons so there's a knight Knight broadsword a nice halberd and the Knights bow but yeah now arrows inside of the crates as usual so for number 16 we fight against another talus and I got the frost talus big neo tells very very easy in comparison in my opinion anyway think about these ones those that you get into close he's going to freeze you and you have no ice proof buffs in this trial of the sword so you have to use a you have to use a single fire arrow but really one is all you need as you see over here I finally succeeded in using the method I've been explaining in these videos that I don't even need to go back down to the ground till it's over here I climb on to him then I hit him a couple of times hit him once while he's in stasis so that yet I can tie my paraglider float back down to safety and continuing the combo really really easily done I I didn't even have to go back down to the ground no damage taken whatsoever it was just a really really good fight for me very proud of myself there and yeah that is the Frost fellows down using only the weapon that the silver modeling drops for us so that's gonna be great all right now we're in the final frosty floor and it's against a blue line oh I said two spaces him and finish him off with an ancient arrow since we have so many to begin with so yeah that's kind of a non-issue otherwise you can fight him but the thing is though it's just it's not worth fighting in my opinion because like the amount of durability that you have to expend to kill him versus the amount of durability that you gain from like taking his equipment it's just it wasn't worth it in my opinion but yeah you get a bunch of royal equipment from here so that's already sort of like to make up for the fact that you didn't get the mighty Lionel equipment you can if you want to but I I'd prefer not to nobody's um yeah as you saw earlier we got those banana buffs that does bananas which is great now there's a chest in here I didn't have enough room for it but it's a shield for those of you guys that are into parrying I explained this in the previous video I suck at parrying I'm not good at pairing at all and it one or risk using the parry so I decide to do it was just expend all the weapons out gains here we have more than enough weapons so the usual strategy for fighting this form of guardian as you see here actually eight a weapon buff so that I can just go through this a little bit faster but you can see that this weapon is a super weak and see how little damage I'm doing main strategies they head them with stasis and then hit them while they're in stasis so that they sort of lose focus on you if they do focus on you hit them in the eye with an arrow and then that's going to make them lose focus of you again as you can see over here I'm kind of just timing when I would be able to get hit by things if I'm running in like the OP not in the opposite direction but like if they're hitting me from the aiming at me from the sides and then I move forward that kind of time my dodges like that it takes about 5 SEC's for it to fire a laser and here's the thing too that you guys need to know I actually a mistake at this part I was getting him so loads of health and I seemed aiming at me I forgot to switch the standard arrows so actually kind of wasted everyone's time there but you know um that's just something you guys need to remember don't use ancient arrows unless you really want to but I'm actually drawing out this clip so I can show you where they like where they start to activate but basically if they're aiming at me from the sides um I kind of wait before I start running using my desk so that I can dodge the laser because they'll shoot where you were at the time and you can't really get there fast and you can't really do it fast enough by not sprinting so keep that in mind when it comes to them actively aiming at me though uh it takes about like five seconds then you can all you hide behind something but think it let's just say it was like four seconds and then you hid behind a tree and then they stopped firing they stopped aiming at you but then you go back out again they actually could just shoot you because they did have it ready so you kind of have to wait a second or two before actually um you know before actually having to dodge or avoid or hide so this is pretty funny I have three guys at once and I kind of just like doing a combo before alternating sides but then this is kind of a sweet spot though so I went for this guy first down the sweet spot so that the tree was blocking me on the left and then this guy this Guardian was blocking me from the guy on the right so that's pretty nice that's something that you have to remember as well is that just find those sweet spots for what we're doing here so you see I'm just waiting for him to fire then I dodge dash forward and then the laser misses me because again they shoot where you actually are they see over here yeah guy shoots me right at the tree actually so hiding what does that mean oh good and yeah just working away at them again like you know if you're amazing at parrying then you can't do that but in my opinion this is a lot safer it's certainly slower you know like it's definitely slower but you know it can't be amazing pear years like I see on YouTube all the time and when you finish that one it's just a matter of finding the last guy again really easy to dodge the lasers especially with this one of them and that's what I want to do with this clip especially is just sort of show off like where you should position yourself when you're using this melee attack method so yeah that's basically what it is I'm just trying to figure out which weapon I should be using to fight against these guys and eventually I succeeded really really fun though this is this was a lot of fun it's a bit of a rush I'm fighting guardians in general just to such an adrenaline rush I love it and I cannot wait to see more of it I'd love to see more variants actually so this room - all horses but they are considered wild so you do have to sneak up on them I decided you know what we're going to climb up this tree if I against the single Guardian stalker and kill a look at ancient arrow I mean we have seven ancient arrows I'm pretty sure no one will mind if we just started spinning some more you can parry them and in my opinion they actually are relatively easy to parry since they consistently distance themselves from you so you're always at the parrying sweet spot or at least the timing would be consistent and here are the Guardian sky watchers I despise these guys on my goodness so the end about Guardian sky watchers is that you could parry them the problem is though is that they're constantly moving so that even if you were to somehow get that parry timing down you'll reflect the laser where they aren't anymore or it's going to hit them in a part that isn't their eye so I totally thought it was worth using an ancient arrow to get rid of these guys because they were more trouble than they're worth I also heard that you could also use your um protocol you can just blow up the the rotors I believe like the propellers but I I didn't want to do that I didn't know how to do that first of all I'll have to look it up or try it myself Sunday I didn't want to do that so this is where there are three Guardian variants there like you'll see over here on the side that I'm on right now there is the turret Guardian all the way on that tower then there's the patrolling Guardian Sky Watcher and there is a stalker Guardian on the on my left over the wall so I decided I'm going to take out this guy first the ancient arrow I don't want to deal with this guy ever and that is the last one you'll ever have to fight ever again I decide to also kind of climb up on this wall and sort of get the attention of the other Guardian soccer from the and I lure him here so that the one on the tower wouldn't see me I was considering using a Guardian arrow or a ancient arrow sorry but I decided to not forget we're just going to do this the old-fashioned way with fisticuffs and bones it's great it kind of got weird though because then he started sort of flopping all over the place and hitting me get a lot of passive damage just for him kind of landing on my face so that was fun happens more often you think you guys are so glitchy I'm not even totally sure like I wish I could explain my they just are but same rules as usual like when they're in stasis and just like with the the decayed Guardians really like they'll look at you but then if you were to hit them in the eye you wouldn't be like go sort of lose focus of you or if you hit them while they're in stasis will lose focus of you but um yeah these guys are pretty good as well it's harder to hit them when you're not in slo-mo because they're constantly constantly moving so yeah I would recommend taking out the legs or at least having easy access to elevated ground so you can get your bullet on yeah there's a Royal Bowl uh you don't need it because you know ancient arrows is a one-hit kill no matter what kind of bow you use I don't even know what the stats are I don't I rarely use elbows but yeah this is the safe place to go if you have low stamina there are little lips or ledges that you can rest on restore your stamina and then continuing your way up thinking about guardian turrets is that like theoretically they're pretty easy to parry it's just that the distance is just so weird that I decided I wasn't going to so I just waited for him so you start aiming at me hit him with stasis and then spun around with out lights nice Claymore earlier I said that you don't have to worry if you didn't get the nice clean more it wasn't a setback this is the one that I got from the mob limb in the room where you get the the other chest of ancients arrows sake I was working Windham this guy's a lot of health eventually kind of just forgot that I was there which was really really convenient for me so I like that these guys have a lot of health like I have a tack up buff and everything but matt has an uncle in my favour you actually don't need weapons anymore at this point this is the second last room and after this you don't have to worry about weapons you just have to worry about having bows and thankfully this room gave us a bow so here we are at the final challenge so firstly you want to take out the meteor roll take out ancient arrows and aim at the white line l as soon as you can I have the best aim in the world as you can see over there it was great that the chat thought was hilarious but basically yeah you do that to get the media rod you give yourself plenty of airtime with the updrafts see if you can lure these guys to go towards you and ya go up in the air they all die in one hit because they're all really easy to deal with like that I think that was the main challenge and what people were so frightened of this is because it's so intuitive they have all these big weapons they're all charging at you with horses it's crazy but if you have the meteor rod and this place was filled with grass by the way so again there's also a guardian um there's a guardian turrets over there but thing is over constantly going forward while it's aiming at us from the side so that's relatively easier to dodge and it's quite far away so you do have time to dodge and of course you can also take cover behind here as you can see kind of making myself some more airtime and yes picking them off one by one again it's one hit kills like in master mode I feel like this room would still be easy just because like yeah I just know this means you have a headshot um it barely missed me there it barely missed me that would have been a fairy but thankfully I didn't I'd have to even consume a fairies that's nice I had three fairies under my belt at the time of doing this so yeah I get yourself the air time aim an ancient arrow and that is going to be it and that does that really I remember when people first saw this room they were so scared and they kept messaging is like oh no Lee you can't free heart it's literally impossible but then I actually been on my first try when I use the meteor rod to create an updraft so that's basically what it is you guys that doesn't reach all the sword I really liked this DLC and I cannot wait to try it in master mode and get my soul crushed by the sudden spike in difficulty then I like about it is that it gives you the tools necessary at least for the final trials it gives you the tools necessary to succeed in beating trial the sword and I really can't wait to see what Nintendo does in the future for it as well so anyways guys takes very much for watching the video I hope this guide was helpful for you especially those of you guys that were freaking out over like the final floors it does get intense I'll say that it does get intense but you have the tools for succeeding anyways guys thanks very much for watching and I will see you next time bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Nn Li
Views: 160,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild, Master Trials, Trial of the Sword, DLC, Guide, Final Trials, Lynel, Guardians, Strategy
Id: ykOrR-K3NKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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