TRI-TIP: Low and Slow VS Hot and Fast!

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hey guys welcome back to mad moves barbecue I'm Zach and today I'm super excited because we're gonna be cooking my favorite cut of beef luckily here in California we have an abundance of tri-tip and today we are going to do loan slow versus a hot and fast and we're gonna see what the difference is if there's any at all so to get started oh well we're gonna that's the intro [Music] okay so to get started on these tri-tips we're just going to trim them up a little bit these are untrimmed so they do have a little bit of extra fat on them I like to keep a lot of the fat on because it adds flavor and moisture but stuff like this is just hanging off we're just gonna we're gonna get stuff like that off because it's gonna it's gonna burn we've got both sides trimmed up pretty good on this fat cap side we're just gonna score the meat to help our seasoning get in there you don't have to go real deep it's also going to help the fat render a little bit so just make like a checkerboard along back there and that'll be perfect we're gonna do the same thing to this other tri-tip and then we're gonna get them seasoned up all right so we were trimmed up we're gonna season these both exactly the same we're just gonna hit them both with a little bit of olive oil to help our seasoning stick to them doesn't you don't have to have a lot on there just enough to kind of get it wet today our friends over at TVs brew and barbecue have supplied us with some carne Sutra which is a salt pepper garlic with a little bit of citrus spice to it and we're just gonna season both of these very liberally they are thick cuts of meat so make sure you get plenty and seasoning on them we want to make sure we hit the entire thing especially that fat side I want that seasoning to really get in there Pat it in don't rub it in get all the sides [Music] just like that all right so we've got our tri-tip seasoned up trimmed up we've got one grill set to 400 degrees we've got the other grill set to 225 degrees we're gonna throw them both on like that this is the one's going to be set to 400 degrees and this one's going to be set to 225 all right so we're gonna take both of these to 120 degrees internal temperature and then we're gonna give them a good reverse sear on the charcoal grill so we'll check back in about 45 minutes I think the 400 degree one is going to be done in about that timeframe but we'll keep checking it this is the one that was on at 400 degrees this one was on at 225 the one that was on 400 only got down about 15 minutes earlier than the one that was at 225 the first thing that I noticed after taking them both off is that the one that was on at 400 degrees already has a really really nice crust to the outside the one that was on at 225 it it almost looks the same as when we put it on it's almost got like this gray color to it but we are going to throw that over some really hot charcoal and get a nice sear on it and see if we can't fix that up all right guys we have both tri-tips off the smoker they've both been taken off at about 135 degrees so they should be at the same doneness to my right we have the low and slow which we cooked at 225 degrees and then did a reverse sear the one on my left was cooked at 400 degrees and we did not do a reverse sear because cooking at that high of a heat it already had a really nice crust they've both been resting for 15 minutes each so the next thing we got to do is just slice into them and see if we can figure out if there's a difference and see if one's better than the other all right so we have our tri-tip sliced up again this is our low and slow at 225 with the reverse sear this is our hot and fast at 400 with no sear at the end we're gonna put some mad moves barbeque sauce down on the cutting board here just to give us a little bit to dip in now looking at these the smoke rings are about the same the juiciness seems to be the same so the only thing left to test is the tenderness and actual taste I'm gonna find out if we actually got some more smoke flavor in our low and slow one as opposed to the hot fast so first we're going to try the low and slow dip it in a little bit of sauce that's really really really tender it just kind of falls apart in your mouth very very very juicy you can just see it I mean it just flops around so that's super tender piece let's go here and try the hot and fast see what we got a little sauce still really good but I think you can tell that I was chewing that one a little bit longer you know this is this is kind of the traditional tri-tip here in California they do a hot and fast Santa maria-style you know if you go somewhere then they're cooking the kind of tri-tip they usually overcook it a little bit so that everybody gets them but today and this taste test this low and slow reverse sear was way more tender than the hot and fast one they had the same flavor we seasoned them the same there wasn't a huge difference in smokiness as far as you know this one bean on the smoked longer but in the end it's gonna come down to just straight-up tenderness and in this case the low and slow is by far more tender so there you go that's our winner today so next time you are gonna make a tri-tip try it out lowest slow of the reverse sear follow us on instagram at mad moose vbq calm hit that like and subscribe button down below the notification bell so you know we come out with new videos we're gonna do some awesome experimental and comparison videos in the future so you know count your friends let us know what you think in the comments below we'd really appreciate your feedback thanks for watching and we'll see you next time [Music]
Views: 100,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c5BByAO1wn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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