T.REX ARMY!!! | Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator HD

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surprise her nuke is what killed the dinosaurs hello 1 I'm the game people welcome to ultimate epic battle simulator where you can now play as a t-rex which is awesome some of you guys may recognize this t-rex right here as the one that was put in Ark is the additional creatures mom so I already could tell that the guy didn't bother making hit me just imported in however there may be unique animations at all our jars into t-rex it's good enough for me they've also implemented this automatic cinematic thing which is I think you can't turn it off like you just click the mouse and it goes to different camera angles like apparently if you click see that disables it and then maybe you can move so what we're gonna do is we've got a thousand T Rexes facing off against two thousand footmen that you see there five hundred archers and in the middle of the town if we can get to them now though they are is another two thousand spearmen so I they just waiting in the middle this is Jurassic world to this ok I'm gonna click K once we're in like a good bottle okay go go T Rexes press any key to play I would love to play all the chests ruff don't go deal one there there we go there we go the T Rexes are a common sing them oh my god I don't think this is the right scale t-rex is way too big to be realistic oh my god it just can't be arches desperately firing arrows at the T Rexes this is awesome Oh No t-rex down oh my god awesome yes this is what I've been waiting for yeah they don't stand a chance other T the T Rexes I don't think they're going for the spear man just yet that all oh my god how many T Rexes have died we've got one t-rex Ted's otua t-rex is dead now that's all there is those can again City pardon they've improved the AI as well oh there is a dead t-rex there let's have a look let's have a look seven aunty wretches are dead are they coming through can they get round to the city I think all the artists I just about there there we go the T Rexes are good and try to get through look at the spirit - I'll try to take control of the spirit now where would they come through where would they come through t-rexes oh there he goes oh no there's an oldest one through already oh here we go the final safe haven for the humans oh there goes another one and another one as well but tell you what for every bite like ten humans fall we need to make a run you can make Rexy in Jurassic Park that's what we need to do all this looks awesome now we need Raptors Raptors steak sauce thank you so much game dev for everyone this is awesome when I first saw this game I was like it's amazing all it needs is like dinosaurs and look at that look at that we don't have like a t-rex roar which is probably good because it might be copyrighted from July Universal but look at that dead t-rex is what a bloody war this was another way they died it's really cool like it would be also if they just like brown through Oman love it love it love it so in the end how many t-rex has died 12 out of a thousand t-rexes right let's do another battle scenario shall we the cavalry arrived all 10,000 of em but facing them off on the other side if the camera will get to them I can see them over there okay ready guys Go Go Billy go little t-rex is for the cavalry charge out the gates it's the Riders of Rohan vs t-rex hoses clash could I go oh push oh maybe not push there we go there we go oh oh god I was hoping the t-rex's would do a little bit more damage I mean the horses but no no the t-rex is just all of the [ __ ] is slowly coming ot but one t-rex down see I don't need to sit him on a camera I've got my own how about we yeah let's enable there we go here is a [ __ ] about it camera zero zero one zero zero and fifty phone the horses slowly grind up up nope my turn well I want more angles look at the t-rex let's go the last ones join the fray up there he is that is the last one look at him go can we take control of them awesome I am a t-rex yes okay I wanna join the battle a t-rex is have died than almost 3000 oh here we go George Oh God keep fine I blow I can block with a apparently oh I keep Keira attacking your arms oh this is awesome - all the red horses are the ones that are on our Ike Road and yeah I killed all of them yes giving those my beauties yeah you just have to stand here we should hide the t-rex is to stand away and see what happened they make a huge wall of dinosaur bodies house in hell so 10,000 hell is kind of crazy though God is nuts oh there we go ah that's more like it sit about a camera number 55 directors you can't get this an ark you cannot get a bottle miss crazy an ark without it lagging oh no I died Oh for shame Oh actually wait now I'm pretty sure is over here well yeah it looks like lik ethat face but the start of the battle happened and it's just full of dead horses and look at the end beautiful it's a thing of beauty I love it oh there's another t-rex down now ten thousand horses and so far takes about ten thousand horses to kill a hundred t-rex there we go the first lot casualties of the t-rexes and it looks like they're quite early on actually it's probably cuz the em recovery get a good trampling bonus if they just run into something if it's a normal unit then they almost kill it instantly oh the directors are heading over and the last of the horses are about to be surrounded oh my god I love it so much and there you go t-rex is your prize nuke is what killed the dinosaurs yeah this this was the new creature that was added not too long ago however I don't know I'm kind of okay like it's only a kangaroo but this is a t-rex that's more wide shot now we have a melee block chance so we have a melon clutch chance of zero so the t-rex will never block you know Adam that's okay I think the t-rex should block for at least 10% because it's got a thick hide so this one is about ten thousand attack sorry ten thousand health let's make Rexy you know fifty to fifty thousands good damage you know a thousand that's better now the tier like this t-rex it's sort of a tagged but at the same time it had to get really close so I would say give it like ten meters and speed multiplier to give me extra extra attack II and t-rex should go up to thirty forty five hours now right so let's give it a speed increase of 1.5 yeah that sounds about right we'll call this sexy there you go I've seen in the comments lots of requests for some old favorites of past episodes to come back so what do you guys think about the return Oh Steve the penguin attacking t-rex is let's see oh no something we're dying some fingers are dying this is a normal t-rex and they are just flopping oh my God look at them go there's like 2,000 Steve's there by 2,000 steeps you know there's losses from both sides but oh my god yeah the t-rex is just dying Wow dot that bottle was them over really quick oh wait what oh no oh oh just like what t-rex in the top ha ha oh okay um well that's Steve versus t-rex's so let's do that again except with a Breck see I'd like to see that bottle okay this time at one end of the canyon we have the T Rexes and now the other will have the Penguins off they go off to attack now the Penguins oh the Biggers are gonna fly in Steve valiantly as they fly fighting to stay come T Rexes intimate levees and rexy's they move a little bit quicker I'm devote all the health Oh Rexy down completely obliterated oh my god [Laughter] oh how is Steven since last time I played this game Steven is acquired the ability to shoot arrows at an infinite amount of speed Oh the T vectors are falling but can they keep them at babe while the Avalanche Falls there is a lot of T Rexes that can't really fit in the Avalanche comes down oh no it's gonna hit the T Rexes oh boy toys brother Steve Steve switches oh they're just falling into it just dying oh no I cannot didn't really make much of a dent I've got to admit look at that pink ones here they're just constantly running into it because they're so quick and it's a death ball but T Rexes it's kind of an even fight I guess giving the air penguins I never gave them projectiles though ever oh my god this is awesome I think Steve's gonna lose though Steve so far has killed 54 t-rexes and they've lost 1,000 but same that oh my god that's so cool and you can do that oh look at the T Rexes look at the sheer amount of T Rexes two penguins in fact it's over Oh Oh were they running for oh is that like one penguin there oh there he is is stuck oh yeah well Rexy completely obliterated I'm Steve but Steve even Steve had the advantage look at how the first t-rex but look I mean I think that's killed from the bowler though isn't it I just realized that my custom units have like and a projectile why it should be melee oh my god so you could have a t-rex that fires bullets oh we gotta make that we're gonna make tech t-rex we will have fffff join the battle that only a hundred because I think it may be unfair on the T Rexes there's the penguin where are the Turtles the tortoises they go the tortoises bringing up the rear ours is awesome they flock to their deaths but we now have tortoises to help them can't believe the arrow why do they weigh that weight sorry hold on guys I gotta make the melee they do not need to fly our opens oh there they go right okay this time Steve is back to normal and you shouldn't be firing arrows out of god-knows-where you should be meleeing so will this make much of a difference t-rex is again a melon at first here it's in and boom oh oh they all wow oh hold the phone this might make all the difference because they get up close t-rex is for I mean to be honest there's a lot of penguins dying boat it seems like they'd do it way better once they swamp the t-rex's or rexy's oh they just kill him I mean there's a lot of penguins dying per t-rex so you can meet about ten penguins - a t-rex so probably about a hundred thousand four maybe yeah it'll probably be a hundred thousand four thousand seagrasses oh they are pushing in fact really quick look at that that's way better than before screw projectiles they suck like the t-rex that fires arrows with a 1% of our chance of accuracy oh do you exercise boulders oh my oh no no that's what the tortoises are coming in no that's so amazing though I think oh no they die oh god oh no yeah they've killed a loss okay tosses you really need to help them out you mean to help Steve's they're doing well they're pushing them back and I've given the tortoise like the normal amount of fire health he's gotta have enough them so I think that they're because some tortoise is there there he is yes look at the go Steve's an for the books folding the Lions to take on Rexy and they're doing a pretty good job but before still down there oh my god they're really I think this is gonna be the perfect tortoises laughs look at that look at that guy go just nibbling another blood pouring go for this plenty more where I came from they've killed almost 100 t-rexes but a thousand and three hundred of them have died oh god I don't know I don't know if they can last I think they're away from the boulders here they are but Rex is just too strong but actually there is lots of tortoises left if this Steve's of this seems of dropping they're dropping like flies but I don't think I've seen a dead tortoise and they are just going and going yeah look at this like it was like 1 1 or so Steve's laugh just let it rip waiting we can't get round to him now the T Rexes have a good range which means that the ones up front can fight and so can the ones behind I think they may win this they're pulling a bag there's only how many 60 60 probably tortoises left I think all the Steve's are dead and there is only so the foot folks are going to lose look at that look at that pushing back they should they just can't quite do it I don't think they don't have the numbers there's only about 50 or so left but on a water one fight the tortoises would win every time it's been a long time since modern day tortoises have force prehistoric t-rexes and it's a good thing too because the dinosaurs would get their asses kicked why are the t-rex is feathered maybe the big boat maybe the may like the t-rex a man you know feathered versus scales oh you like that I know I would this is all I love it you can't even see them - hiding under the bodies of their victims having a left oh this only 11 left in the triumph you know there's only a few left no no you can only be bitten 50 times before he dies oh no one left and he's down here somewhere oh oh there he is no use high demand areas already dies [Music] okay guys this is it this is the battle for Helm's Deep that we saw before we've got the footmen at the bottom of the Rohan soldiers then we've got the elf arches which have a 90 percent chance of hitting with arrows as well as doing double damage the Rohan grunt have a 50% chance of hitting and of course the Rohan Royal Guard which er up there would have been used as oil Knights or so just Hawk yeah sorry heavy Knights but there is one Rexy can this single Rexy take on the army the protected helms deep against what is it like 10,000 Oryx I think it was Oh hold hold the phone oh I forgot I forgot we need to like 10,000 Rohan cavalry and they need to be on the same team as well that would definitely help okay here we go we gotta cover you that's gonna come in the t-rex is probably gonna go for the castle first he's the only one attacking and then we've got the cover charging him from the cliff this is exactly the same battle as I set it up last time oh there's there's the cover on the cliff they've got the most but can they get him coming get there in time to save Rohan are you ready go go go go where's that t-rex oh I see him he's charging away he's gonna get that he's inside he's inside dammit oh God a mutilating absolutely lame there's the elven arches as well as the normal Rohan arches Oh Oh seems to be just fiddling about oh my god they should probably be set to attack where's the Rohan cavalry oh that trickling but that's time we did this bottle they uh the polymers going on for ages here but yeah this t-rex is already running all of them down just by walking on oh we did not we don't have Aragon our damn groups I think this game's updated to a point where my original troops have all been ad like sit there - leave it sir and there you go onto the arches oh oh we've been them through the cliff what is this magic Oh Lord it's a lot of arrows oh now he's going straight for the elves they're the best ones look at the arrows just flying through that 90% chance of hitting is not doing a very good job is it look at these guys just firing everywhere this mega 50% chance of hitting them oh oh oh I underestimated the helms deep forces all the foot soldiers died 250 of them quite a few they elves died they didn't even make a dent into them into the Knights and the cavalry I mean they were comin but they were taking their sweet time and they it's hard to be like weird and glitch out over the cliff oh no t-rex he died it what if this was the lost world and there was - oh that's awesome right well back here this is the start of the war so there's two t-rex is now this is site B you've got the male and the female oh the elven archers get some shots and they went a different way this time that's not good those elven arches do a lot of damage but what can - t-rexes do doable the damages you would have thought they're gonna rip through these guys twice as quick and you just need to walk over them they're like stopping to bite if they just walked they could kill them all because they have like really good try knowledge is firing down trying to help out how about you guys you guys find it kind of I don't even know where your arrows are landing it is everywhere well think they I mean they go through these losses one soldier left vitam help me go right this is where they start dying last time wish you could see the health I'd be good if you could have a health bar sort of enabled now that's the oh here we go make this done the elves maintenance army elves oh good reason they're not going round they're taking loads of hits oh you don't imagine that you liked IT Rex died just his head right there what are they doing I thought the AI was like made way better oh now you're attack them through that clip for you oh I guess it's the range on them they're pretty darn good so the T Rexes are being a bit more stupid just are there we go that's what always just running over that's more like having the other one oh the cavalry are here oh my god oh that's here X is gonna be taking a ton of damage as he's taken all of the Alvin arches oh but he just walked over him it was beautiful me the t-rex dead one fending off the came cover Calvary the other one taking on the arches and the elven arches as well they do double damage and have really good accuracy so they're taken out quick good thoughts just only gonna help the mother help the cause awfully tight there oh yeah I think this is about right for racks I would say Oh one down on them now they those elven archers cannot attack this t-rex I think he's gonna slowly take on the horse it's right down here go just walking up the but imagine being that cavalry dude know how the cavalry doing oh yeah I mean that actually did not do too bad they're not getting stuck like they used to as soon as they hit that but like okay let's move around or this there is some elf archers supplying covering fire to the cavalry I can't believe that are you so close those elven archers they do a lot of damage I mean every arrow does 66 so you get hit by ten that's already 600 get by hit fight and sorry hit by a hundred which isn't too hard that's six thousand damage that's over a tenth of its entire health and just in just a hundred arrows and not another imagine his being a plough he's been like walloped by horses and and swords and the footmen as well they're already dead this t-rex I took no damage either just all those arrows this is about what 300 elves up there so I mean two volleys of arrows at 600 that's probably enough to kill one t-rex he's doing really well though he recovery are coming more than there's more Calvary coming than he's killing though oh and down it goes the rexy's killed 567 with almost 5000 left and they only killed two would you look at that there you go all the death and destruction with the to Rex's one died on their cliff one died over here a large Calvary died though a lot of it and that is gonna run this video that's also if you want to see more like t-rex scenarios or Ottoman Empire simulators leave in the comments below what kind of boss and always you'd like to see we can have like shotgun t-rex's whatever you like let's make it for lots of loads of fun with us until next time I'll see you later why
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,666,502
Rating: 4.8628664 out of 5
Keywords: t.rex, dinosaur army, dino, dinosaurs, Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator, epic battle simulator, uebs, total war, epic battle simulator gameplay, Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator Funny Moments, nuke, new unit, 300, chuck norris, chickens, orcs, lord of the rings, gaming beaver, battle, fight, epic, ultimate, ultimate battle, ultimate epic, part 1, campaign
Id: jl3yTfD1JLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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