TABS - DINOSAURS HAVE BEEN ADDED!!! - Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Gameplay

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I don't think he knows more oh there you go he shot I don't know why oh I'm learning all of this stuff why is it why is it give me a whole tutorial anyway hello everyone welcome to totally accurate baguette pocket Becket simulator and today I've been flooded with comments telling me that there are Raptors in the game but you cannot just place these Raptors no you have to be oh oh there we go well but that's the end of that unlock and find the Raptor how do I look for something how - oh my god it's F oh I've been searching for that radius so we need in order to unlock of the Raptors cuz there's two dinosaur units on I can't wait to find them we need to go apparently go and find some skulls I think although Evie we have like a crocodile skull why we have another skull here is that not it that looks very Raptor esque I thought that would be it nope nope nothing on that laughs either car police I can't see them ah here we go a shrine where what This Is It this is it ah there it is and there you have it so it's around about if i zoom out there you go I think or is it flipped from the click of a it's flip hello oh is that it oh that's it Shh the Raptor Rider and they have those of the two new units and now that we have them it's ways that it I just unlocked it didn't I Oh oh dear oh dear we seem to have run into a little bit of a glitch okay well anyway it's always good to have a look at what we're dealing with here oh we've got some energetic Raptors I'm assuming this is how they're gonna they're gonna move oh god how do we start to the button to click still do not to to have to do this so one close Oh way I'm controller one oops am i dead I think I think I'm dead oh dear Oh God just this sound like geese I think blue is lost yet blue has lost would you believe no do I still not get my Oh Oh where's my Raptor rider what I'm so confused why you see not if for whatever reason it didn't count they go ok so now if I go yeah ok so let's have a look oh it looks awesome he's ready for battle yes I mean we all know the Raptors were the size of chickens but really who cares oh there we go who's gonna win blue or red please shop oh my god he killed him instantly blue one out of the Dino riders over red one out of the Raptors how look at him he's aw he's taking a tight turning circle is that sphere gonna hit him all the wrong assuming yep blue one that I didn't didn't know that we took the Raptors the question that has always puzzled so many paleontologists and that is just how many Raptors does it take to kill a mammoth blue echo Delta Charlie you got the four Raptors as far as currency goes and I don't know why it's stuck on 30 cuz also that's not right why is my games who clinched up technically these Raptors shouldn't stand a chance up to them dead oh there we go ok so it for apt is not a chance is this I'm on the workshop and somebody I think is just put a scenario where it's just Raptors I kind of I kind of Oh Raptor take over alright school let's do that one what is Raptors this is just are they just normal no old kind of dudes what is this unit oh watch it oh oh I'm gonna go for to spend it's not good I don't feel like that's gonna be good enough to take on the Raptors squad for willful oh god oh no no that did not work oh my god and even kill a single one what about what about an amazing chieftain the last surviving caveman of his times Oh God oh we killed one oh is that it oh there we go modern technology we've got a musket and a fencer there you go how could you how could you do worse than that he's obvious only go on oh oh okay painters we're gonna be slightly artistic go on then paint them beautiful colors is this what happened during the Renaissance you couldn't tell what was blood and what was paint there ya go Frodo Baggins is this will do it oh oh no what it was a little bit disappointing wasn't he put it really far away there you go the knight can hold them you can do it buddy I believe in you oh no oh no he's gone did the musketeer just shoot the tree oh no he's stuck of the tree he doesn't stand it oh oh that's great since they just hold onto the rope the woods Oh fantastic okay I give up Chelsea I think it was you've officially defeated me what a rock to take over Oh oh dear I like how there's no there's no colour correlation between the way he plays those you could tell you a little lays them all so wait am i the Raptors right if I click start is are we just gonna win so in like four Musketeers look at the Raptors Gocha always a balloon sir oh dear yeah they don't stand a chance [Music] where is this a battle or a massacre oh my god it turned into something from World War Z okay how about we do our own custom scenarios yes ambush that's what I'm talking about this guy this guy submitted by one he knows what I want we just got a lonely mammoth and he's gonna be ambushed Oh got it what is he doing he does ease or he's getting ready he's getting ready to run so the attack doesn't come from the front but he sees the Raptor from the front the attack comes from the side there we go how many Raptors is it gonna take to take down a mammoth here we go we have 11 and they're actually a little bit more expensive than mammoths but the moments of sheer mass on its side so here we go what's what is the mama's gonna do oh wait what oh it's Kenny not move oh oh they went for the underbelly that was a beautiful tactic let's see that in action again for whatever reason the mammoth decides to turn round oh he's not messing up anymore that's good now we might stop over chance so he turns to face one of the Raptors revealing his weakness the giant buttocks which gets ravaged by the other Raptors they jump on top cling on to him oh he's and he's actually doing like no damage I don't think oh no this summit touch2o it's not they're not doing so hot they're really not doing so out they're clinging on to the side open to do damage over is he gonna take a boot can he survive oh let me tell Vic around Oh No Oh one of the mammoths one that time that's because a mammoth wasn't messing up family of mammoths they know they've been trapped in they know they don't stand a chance death is in the air the Raptors are closing in a mega pack of raptors are surrounding them already there are they're not as expensive actually here we go so we'll get around about the right amount I don't think the Raptors are gonna stand much of a chance here but let's see the Mammoth's decide each to pick a battle and the rafters they filter in Oh looks at that moment might be done at the top we always got two of them a gun the Horde of rafters turn around attack the other mammoths on this side like a bunch of zombies attacking Brad Pitt there you go after all there's only one mammoth left and there yeah how that numbers defeats them so if we include don't give them eruptive what if we give them another mammoth because it seems like the right and the turn to know that east side of the raft is just decide just demolished the other mammoths so here we go was gonna split them up a little bit more and don't think this rub his mama's gonna last much very long it's gone it's gone oh oh I tell you what the woo I think the Mamas I got this oh oh oh is he dead yes there is three months left and three rafters somehow an older 400 he's got him on the underbelly he's got him on the underbelly unfortunately he arrow is dead oh this woodland oh not the Vale there's another one another best place to it oh and I think he just fell over just fell over and cog does ed poor pug it this is Jurassic world three type of fiasco we'll give them Chris Pratt there you go we got the US military and Chris Pratt on his trusty blue but the genetic Raptors oh these shots have been fired a lot of rafters are dead Chris Pratt goes over to kind of finish up a few of them but what happens when the raft is getting too close combat they tear through them like a hot knife through butter oh they don't stand a chance where's Chris chris is dead Oh Kristin Stella chance oh can we just make tabs and just make it all dinosaurs screw the boring humans can can Raptors take on there's amazing contraption that looks like it's filled with cannonballs oh my god but if they get inside over there vorticons side I think they've looked there and it was oh it just takes a lot of raptors together and I think they can swamp them old oh that's one gun they're going on to the next one Oh what is even in sight is it just one do it I think it's only fair to find out how Knights do against their prehistoric adversaries I'm assuming that these jousters are gonna do very well I don't know there is a lot of rafters here they come I think Oh Oh kill straight of the band The Clash brohan versus Jurassic Park or every drastic park game Oh after the initial overdone those nights at oh no he oh he got off his horse he's valiantly trying to do it his weapon just doesn't give him the range he needs oh and they have it blue wins by a lot what about their road mounted unit the Raptor riders oh it looks like the Raptors did not do too hot in that exchange of the charge Oh yep it looks like there's only about was only one left and oh but there we go on he got unfortunately this guy this guy came in to surgically removed him from the Raptor I wonder if they can survive once that off the Raptors or if they died looks at the Knights can a joust discard we've got Jurassic world 3 on the way even though we can't have you known modern-day US military in this game what happened at the US military got you know found out and decided to take care of all of these abominations this is probably what would happen oh no oh they need to they need to reload and not that's when it's not gonna be very good although that the formations weren't too great it's gonna take a while to reload the muskets and by the time they've reloaded oh they don't stand a chance they oh they're all gone okay yeah that's that's is it how many halflings does Oh a youth are you freaking serious to even make this amount of like currency too many that's too many are things but I think they need hold the puck if they can get all of the frodo baggins is some way Ganges I don't know anyway off we go are the frames seven frames a second we'll have to slow it down if you want to see oh now halflings only have one cut all I got leg oh no oh no they got one oh they looks like they were hugging him the wrap that was happy about it like yeah also gotta give kudos to landfill games making raptors feathered very well done they're obviously not the size of Raptors or he's given a lovely big oh oh look at I don't know whatever man the thing that Dyna Ryder decide to have enough of being hugged fire the halflings have any Raptors died no and I Raptor as the easy ting him I think he's got him by the head and he's just dragging him along the floor oh no we've lost at least two Raptors at least two of them are gone we now have a scientific proof that Raptors could indeed fly there's another one oh I'll just kick that hop it away I think we could probably speed up now yeah oh no they can they do survive when they're off oh god they are the Raptors just have too much maneuverability the hobbits they didn't stand a chance they're all gonna go down let me well I don't know I can't even kill one and the rest of the horn comes tougher for this one one did so well even though he's broken his leg that way any so how many Raptors actually did die one two three four five actually five Raptors and oh no I think he's alive and for the final battle how about a head-on assault against the mammoths I think that's really the only way we can end this portal assault oh they are actually pushing back the air mamas one has fallen nuts that's more than I expected two three I think three of fallen oh oh god there's a few Raptors stuck underneath the the dead mammoth so probably the best tactic mama said was just an amazing charge oh how did that time a week and is seen oh if the mom had actually can't reach him oh he's dead is he gonna do damage I don't even know oh Lord oh he's that guy still life is oh no oh no oh I am the Raptor oh oh I have an attack that's left okay okay here we go oh jesus this is so weird George oh right there's not my health I lost so much shell oh there we go did I get one or can I take them all out can I jump oh this is okay there we go but they turn into a first person get like dinosaur game now how about we have a musketeer I would love to try and kill the musketeer and not a free shot okay here we go here we go Musketeers are amazing for getting that first down shot but can II refuse to believe it I can dodge bullets okay here we go here we go here we go let's move left let's move left use cover there we go there we go oh no oh no oh no hide behind the rock like a I like a true rock there he doesn't know where I am busy oh oh I don't think he knows more oh there we go he shot we shot our wife okay guys so that's gonna have to route this video but if you do want to see more tabs don't forget to leave a like and there's a bunch of secret units that I didn't even realize we're in the game and because as I see is this other like I think it's like a flying mammoth or I don't know there's just loads of other weird stuff that you can do or like units you can have I'd love to do I'd love to go over that and thanks again for watching and until next time I'll see you later Oh bye bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,385,781
Rating: 4.9258699 out of 5
Keywords: dinosaurs in tabs, raptor tabs, tabs dinosaurs, primal, ancient, god, god battle, battles, versus, vs, epic battle, epic, totally accurate battle simulator, Game of thrones, game of thanes battle, game of thrones tabs, game of thrones totally accurate battle simulator, totally accurate battle simulator wall, totally accurate battle simulator castle black, halfling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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