Trash Picking MILLIONAIRES Beach Homes!

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all right what is up everybody welcome back to another video so this entire summer long we've been going out to some of the richest beach towns down here at the jersey shore and seeing what we can find in the roadside garbage and we have found a lot of treasures sadly the summer is over it is now going into winter but people are still coming down they are like more than they ever used to it was halloween yesterday so happy halloween everybody and we do think we still have a chance before it gets too cold out to find some really epic stuff in the roadside trash so let's see what treasures we can find today go welcome to our channel we're tucker and sammy j a young couple from a sleepy coastal town called summers point located directly across the bay from some of the richest beach towns in the country every summer millions of people flock to the new jersey coast to enjoy the sun and sandy beaches and with them they bring the excess of american culture which many times ends up in the garbage this series follows us as we drive from beach town to beach town salvaging roadside treasures for profit and the best part is we never know what we'll find next all right so i'm hoping that the people who came down and possibly left i guess it wouldn't really matter if they left i hope they threw out old halloween stuff that's what i would like to find or you know something that's worth a lot of money but that doesn't happen often but you never know unless you go you go and of course he's quick with it we just went to wawa coffee before claims i was peeping this pile while you were doing the intro it's looking like just uh we're gonna have to get out just a little all right so here we go first pile right off the bat here um not very promising but skin board skin board god awful a henna tattoo looking thing on it from like the early 2000s empty box some people would know what i'm referring to scrap what are these those are creeping me out the way those christians are creepy band-aids on the chest they have like gauze taped on them that's paper towel and that's it all right moving on so that's the kind of thing people come down and throw out some last minute stuff at the end of the season uh so yeah we're gonna see what we can find you guys see this baby chicken what's up baby yeah yeah get them ready baby did you see where he was going to resist [Music] three [Music] all right our first thing of the day here is going to be a broken power washer and i'm just off the bat saying it's broken because i really don't know for sure but looks like a good brand could be usable for parts or to just sell for parts maybe the lawnmower man wants it not bad all right we got a pile here and then some questions over there all right so this is a typical uh this is a really cool lamp i've just we've had so much trouble trying to sell lamps and we have like the coolest lamps like this that's just a topper i guess like something they added [Music] you're from like where these are from these are this is from like 14th century japan it's from china this this is made in china nah this is this one this one this is it this one's like this is at least 1400 this is 1400 hand etched oh with gold i don't know i think i'm going to take this this one over this one do you want this to sell nah i just forgot about that one right what's in here oh some grace creepy sheets or clothes yeah like like yeah like towels vintage towels look yeah yeah they use that one is there other stuff in here vintage clothes right i don't wanna just open it yeah that's gonna respectful and like rip the bag look at this some people do for cooking this is this is cool you put your hot then when you're like bad i could just take this piece of flagstone just whack you in the ass you must be doing that all right we're taking this no we don't want that no but what is uh there's a cutting board and then this is for like to let the stuff sizzle right oh this is for sharpening knives i'm just thinking what the hell is wrong with this board is that creepy i don't want that i like this side is this for sharpening knives oh they let me just make one of these dude this thing's creeping me out oh dude old box yeah dude true blood these guys now see this is better spring cleaning it's so good actually should i just grab these first and second season did you ever watch dude know what this all-time favorite you actually watch that i never heard it i never heard of it this way i never even heard of it till today should i even take it or not like not that it's like the same uh genre that's dawson's creek in vermont it's like in the same category in my brain somebody you guys know what i'm saying i can't get this open for your life really how many nails chicken all right we got it open what are we looking at here looking at anything vintage versus bogus this should have been donated though at least why didn't they donate this why would they have just turned it out though don't do that it's weird though because like it's all separated it's not like dude it smells like yesterday's trash oh wait yeah it is yesterday's trash it was juicing in the rain last night it was juicing actually it didn't rain like that much though it sprinkled a little bit um before trick-or-treating started but i don't know about that i can tie it here what are we getting into here i can't look at all this gold all right she's taking her time here to actually well this is like these aren't used dude and i would say give these to jesse or no is it bad but this one had a stain on it so this is just like um there's underneath it here's a little one of those trees that you like though there's trees that you like oh that goes with your lamp yeah that one's weird see what right limited edition what is this is it it's metal china fresh pair of bands in here fresh they knew that they had the doctor's shoulders in there so do i right now say do i how you guys think i'd be rocking these all the time look at this now these are actually do you actually have the trolls yeah dude so do i mine are for the balls of my feet though we thought we shouldn't dig deep there's not many people around so i did i dug deep and i found a 60 balance to the spa probably not usable in my name but we went a little deeper and we found actual somebody's volkswagen car key they would be so mad if they had to buy another one of these that would be like 200 bucks so i'll just keep this what else he's gonna keep that he says lifestyle condoms okay at least they were using protection that's nice that's nice more keys all right we're going no hands in this which is so savage this is the gnarliest thing ever alright we're down here let me get up in here actually we're not done look at this later on when sammy can't find a candle uh a lighter to light one of her candles i'm on it i have one thank you thank you we have to adjust this because a lot shorter than you know why yeah yeah clearly college dressed did not help the addiction very much because the whole bag is filled all right let's get out of here yeah but i got it i gotta clean this this guy all right never mind we got some drugs we just came up hydroxazine no idea what that is yeah i don't is that like an antibiotic or am i literally which i feel like i've heard of it before so what do we got all right i'm getting crazy here only because i got crazy now she gets crazy i'm gonna go through our bathroom closet which is like the only closet we have all of our towels in our bathroom towels and towels that i use for the kitchen and anything else but i'm gonna go through it and weed out the ones that were impulse grabs like such as these and i'm gonna refresh them with these ones after i wash them and that's what you do let's get these gatorade tail vintage gold but i'm gonna donate the ones that i pull out of our actual closet to um our friend jessie who works with this organization a lot when she's not working her actual job and she goes to georgia and other places and rescues dogs and i think they do cats too but mainly dogs so from abusive situations from yeah very abusive uh sad actually all right let's just dig deep and we'll show you guys what we get after all right so this is kind of what you look for though you would just want it to be in a wealthier house but this was a clean out as you can tell that they just literally threw everything in the kitchen and the bathroom including every hair straightener they own in the trash these are empty the straighteners dude is that a cheese street get the hell out of here is that good don't judge me i just got something real creepy on my finger [Music] is that a cheese straightener it's an amphora i mean in my head it says infrared but it's infra tech chi straightener um so it's good quality bed head too it's not like it's like the top of the line but they're not cheap i've sold cheaper ones that were who had all these is this for your butt that is not up for your butt babe that looks like a butt plug five i'm not really hip i'm sure that's nice too that's a one too we're gonna need some hand sanitizer after this because that that one creepy claw looking one definitely saw the light of someone's anus what and it's dead girls don't do that they would just go buy it how do you know how do you know these are girls uh straighteners and neither would a gay man i know that's they would not do that you would they would just be getting there's toys for that stuff you know this let me just get out of here get my towels and my my cheese straightener all right we're done we're done shopping here for today we'll move on to the next store on to the next garbage store actually what's it okay taking a mental note so i can look it up i know it's not cheap unless she the brand like got cheaper they got cheap sanitizer they may have gotten chi purr some guy on a bike just rode off he was looking at these headboards though that's not my style but somebody might need them go down here and he might know somebody that needs something i mean that's why i was looking i feel like a lot of people do that like if they see something and the people do it to us all the time they see something in the trash and they think it might be valuable to somebody they'll let them know sure look how cool that house is i like that it's like mixed with brick oh see this is the come-ups now this is all baby stuff but oh yeah car seats they sell because aren't they expensive yeah the only problem is like uh to sell use one if it was in an accident yeah actually that's a little iffy because i did think of that before and then i was like look at the three witches here get this shot it's kind of crazy a couple things here uh outdoor furniture not really that great could be used for something though and then what do we got here it's like a blow up something like a pool right i don't know i wish there was a massive raft oh it's a dude it's a massive blow up trampoline it definitely has a hole in it otherwise it would never all right this is like the neighborhood we call the finger links because it's all like little finger looking islands that stretch out uh but this is the about the richest part of the island here it's also the part or i should say the place where we got a lot of the particle board or the catio true that is true out of a dumpster that this contractor is doing a job on all right something caught my eye over here and then we couldn't determine what it was really from the okay so it's outdoor speakers so obviously taken out for a reason but who knows to be honest this whole area here and everything looks clean but we don't have a use for it how's this little hook thing for the blinds we don't have blinds for like like it's like for um when you're in like a store i think it's for uh like winding the uh the blinds like those big shutters that we had from the trash here right down the street we found a lot of stuff in these neighborhoods though so it's a constant battle of just being out here just being out here and looking because sometimes these people it doesn't look like much now it doesn't look like much ever but these people have a lot of money it's just it doesn't look that crazy because the properties are really small but this is probably the dumpster we got the wood from yeah it was on the other side the seagull you thought that the last time took over he came back [Music] it wasn't it i don't even it wasn't even this street it was the first street it would just literally be so cool because of the way that the area where we live works it's only busy in the summer so right now there's literally nobody around like some people came down maybe for the weekend but if you had one of these big mansions like this crazy house right here it would be so cool to just calm down but there was literally no one around like dead of winter and just hang out that's what i would do i would just bring my cats come down dead of winter just live the dream what's wrong what are they what are they they're they're not australian are they are they halloween costumes he keeps saying they're halloween costumes they're not looking awesome no oh no smell it smell it smells good is it cool you got to give them new names babe should i bring them and try to sell them yeah go on with yourself i'll hold this open or can you squeeze i know some little kids do not really like these that's true i could just donate them to somebody we know who has a pool and a baby on cinematic you know that right all right let's hit the road uh this thing just throw it next to my dude this what is this a big heater yeah damn you think we could sell this we got to see this thing i think we could sell this beast so until you see how nice it is if it actually works for the outside deck it's definitely rusty but it dude oh it's oh it seems like it's going that doesn't seem like it moves though no it's rusted so that's just scrap because i can see it all rusty so that's a heater oh well i've scrapped watch out watch out i've scrapped one like this before all right we got a grill oh no why is everything so smoked right here because look at that so just rusted off completely and this has tape on it to hold it oh they you know what they painted it so like it didn't look as crazy as it was nah that thing's done cooked that was like a trash pick trash pic it's like a rat rod volkswagen should i give him his key back yeah right i have your key look at this though it's for sale how much you think they want pretty cool but we just we saw some chairs over there that i don't know they look like the vintage style don't know if they're vintage though we're gonna say does he need snacks why is he sitting in the middle of the road let me get him out let me just see him dude he's definitely someone's cat look how fat he is is he chilling let me just get him out of the street so nobody hits him no this isn't happening this chunky cat is just coming right up to her she played you out sammy jack all right so we were going to look at these chairs that are in the trash and of course we say a cat and sammy has to get out but i'd have to say her love for animals is one of the best traits about the sammy j let's go see this cat coast guard helicopter look at that this girl's not hungry no she didn't even eat you're a pretty girl hey [Music] you need fresh water i have water too oh she's scared of you not for long hey hey dude her crib hey her house come back princess come here all right these were the original chairs that i that i saw and yes one of them is vintage but it's rusty i'll take his closer inspection here the design of this is pretty sweet but it's ruined it's just like totally done for i like this though they tried to repaint it we had a set like that before we sold it [Music] all right we might have found something else actually here guys so this isn't a half bad day out here it's like a it's a princess jewelry box i think is it is it for princesses i don't know because these open like a princesses thing was oh that's really cool is there anybody in it no but they just threw it out because this is broken but we can just screw it back on oh and this side opens too dude oh yeah this is a score this is a score dude scored off baby i didn't just score i thought it was like a mailbox like a fancy mailbox should we get this in yeah i would say you've literally scored gold so far because look at this right out of the trash guys this is what we're talking about because i could actually get hurt yeah is it one piece or yeah yeah this is yeah this is really nice this is so crazy just get excited about towels in this thing i mean that's the little things in life this is true practice what you preach practice what you preach all right we gotta rock and we're gonna do what are you gonna do to it smell trash are we going to smell check this or no no this thing's ruined is it creepy i can actually see i can visibly see the mold on the end here no no they just drug it across the yard my bad i don't know here bring it out into it it's wet it's an indoor out there around though it's so wet though all right let's just bail on it right it's not indoors is it not yeah oh well then they just let it get soaked all right so we just got back home quick mission it wasn't too long and we didn't find anything of great value but we did score [Music] this it has the top too i just got to fix it uh screw it back in but this is a cool super nice makeup [Music] shelf that sammy can either use or maybe we could sell again but she's just got to repaint it and that's it this is really nice to have she can organize almost everything in here that she owns like jewelry and makeup and whatever else [Music] but score it was successful it was awesome good fun good clean fun out there um and you never know where you're gonna find so for a winter session this ain't that this is not bad got some blankets to give to the dogs and the vintage lamp those two dudes you know it wasn't the worst mission ever so hope you guys enjoyed the video and we are gonna go do so a couple errands real quick for the end of the night but i might add this in with some more footage so i don't know if this is the end but we'll see you guys in the next one if it is [Music] [Music] [Music] all right welcome to another day so what are we doing all right welcome back to another video that's tucker and i'm sammy j and that's buggy in the back but we won't show him because he's too cozy he wishes buggy was in here i wish that boy didn't get scared but we are at we're in summers point which is where we live but mcnaughton's garden center is literally a few blocks away from where we live and it's been here since i don't know i was a kid probably way longer before that and it's i just feel like it's a hidden gem and when turner was in the bahamas i had stopped over here because i got a little packet of catnip uh seeds like catnip leaf seeds from the true value and i had them and i was like well i need to go get soil so mc mcnaughton's is a garden center so i went here when he was in the bahamas i ended up getting him a little succulent that looked like a truffle tree from the lorax but when he got back from the bahamas i was like we should really go in there because the last time we went in there together was a long time ago and it was like bare in there but when i went in there by myself it was like flourishing it was so fluffy they had like rejuvenated the whole place put all these plants and there's these two older guys who set up like a whole um like train the old little train sets and i guess that's what they do as a hobby and they're gonna try and make it nice for christmas so i thought it would be cool for us to go in there i would like to get some like vines for our flower box but i don't know if they're seasonal because it's about to be cold out so we're gonna go in there we're gonna take you guys with us a summer's point tradition let's go it should be it should be this place is it is i love i love it no one's ever in here either unless they're like older there's always like four people but let's do this this place you can tell by the way the sign looks that it's really traditional you're right these guys are cool though we were we were always wondering like how they stay in business because this is a huge huge uh plot of land for summers point at the moment christmas presents yeah we should fill up all the trip sure presents for the bugs wait look at this wow and they have really cool stuff in here because like uh 160 that's a lot of money at the same time they these will last as long as this is a nice big one yeah we've never owned a new one now this was only 100. this is like the ones the neighbor has our neighbors are so savage they were having a fire on halloween night in the front of their house and they invited us over but we got too tired and we ended up eating like it was bare look at this guys because all the all the strawberries were outside you know what i mean let's just buy this guy he has to be inside though he seems like he's tropical obviously right he's so expensive i bet i don't know i'm feeling it parrot look at all the succulents where'd you get the truffle tree from so the truffle tree came from this this spot over here because i was when i was in here by myself i was walking through i was like all right i'm just getting the organic cat soil that's it sam like that's it and then i was like oh let me just look same thing i did with rue at the flea market when we first got here i was like i'm just look but and that's the chocolate trees and these are orchids right yes oh christmas christmas stuff it's just a nice place it's fun and they have like it's nice it's alive in here it's a nice feel nowadays this year the halloweens are seventy percent off now yeah remember when we they must have put this backpack which wasn't here but i walked through the yard that's why i told you i was like they put all the halloween stuff away but maybe they brought it you went the other way no not this way but when i was here by myself needs batteries batteries are more than the thing [Music] little cotton puffs the train people yeah so the train crews here no they're not yeah i told you this was cool and no one was in here so i asked him if i could take a video and i did this is cool thursday through sunday 1 to 4 30 starting this friday starting this friday yeah okay this is really cool should we see the village [Music] plasticville should we go to the christmas side we need a train set like this mj can knock it over we're gonna have to come back when they're all set up i used to love these things no no i'm saying no i do obviously i told you you had to come here and see this but uh my dad used to have little like houses like that and they would just have lights in them but i would play with the porcelain like figurines as if they were like a child's toy but they weren't they are though they can be the trolley car button go ahead ice skating ring try the ice skating rink yeah maybe you know what crazy is like in the very intro the introduction of beetlejuice is a playset overhead shot as if it was a helicopter or a drone yeah we will trains yeah time we're here so yeah we'll be here we live right a couple blocks over so yeah i have like uh three business nets oh really 15 18 this was set up relatively quick uh in actually four and a half weeks wow it's a lot of work yeah so next next year we'll be able to put more uh before like valves and stuff like that this year we kind of ran out of time did you guys used to set up stuff at the shore mall at one time so we were left with nothing and these mountains gave us the space so i like that it's in mcnaughton's yeah i do so we kind of actually had probably about 15-20 people come through already and considering that this is a dry run well the reason we came is because of the trains because she saw when i was away and then when i got back she wanted to come show me here so it's definitely going to bring people in yeah yeah i mean uh it works for them works for us yeah you know just pass the word around uh we have a facebook page uh shoreline model railroad plus we do updates and everything like that so uh and if you're you got some trains on here none none of my none of those are mine though but you got a bunch of trains oh yeah so we have to rotate when we're open now so i'm gonna have to bring some of mine too oh look the big dog's coming this one wait look and they have like the trees right here in here it's like it's supposed to be a farm right yeah wow look it's got the john deere and they had to do each one of these but by hand that's what i'm saying as i said it's a lot of work he's off the track now boys all right this is the outside section here and it's getting cold so they moved everything inside is this where you like it some cabbage i don't usually come outside but i guess for i honestly just wanted to see how much sea dress that's it right over there if it was seasonal because i don't have a green thumb at all but i do say because like like i feel like we've had this conversation where like we see like older people tending to their gardens a lot and i'm like why why how did they you know do why do they do that i see why now because it's kind of fun and it's relaxing in a way this is the sea grass you like the puffkins i like the soft soft sea grass this is it right here right i don't know if you're supposed to plant it nowadays though now but that's why uh yes the it's what's called pink muoli that's what this one is yeah because you can see that it's white cloud see this one's pink pink muley look the white cloud neoli nah the pink mueller this is the pink miole yes you know what the neighborhood cats would be like oh perfect they just planted fresh pink mule for me to take a giant on the neighborhood cats or just land us but this land is but he doesn't really well yeah he does he's gonna be on his way browning out anything anyway because uh it's the end of the year what what kind of soil would i need for that uh you just it is your soil in your ground good or no bad i would buy a bag of compost okay all right okay thank you no problem guys you want the mule i just had a feeling that you could because all the shore tanks the grass is still alive it's not like it dies or like well that stuff stays all year i guess it's like the same as i'm saying every time we see it it's in the winter or any time of the year it's alive all right we might be looking for something that we can put in the flower pot that would last through the winter some vines we were preferably thinking of but see these are ferns right yeah these are ferns babe the hanging ferns these so they should last all year what do you call that guy wet goldfish is that really the name of it i like it when would a goldfish not be wet wet goldfish [Music] oh yes so this is fun does it not look like a spicy tomato lovable hearts antherium they look poisonous wanna get on the north pole for a second yeah let's do it all right we'll see if santa claus is here 228 for a tree yeah because it's in here all night long they have a lot of blow molds in here really cool ones like these guys yeah the penguins like i like playing this time of year no but in spring and summer there's a lot of different things unfortunately nothing for the fall though all right that idea is over we're gonna have to come back sorry oh wait are they cats yeah cats and dogs what kind of other pots we got in here i've never been back here not this deep right no this is cool too this is the pot wow straight although you want to put them in there you want to put them in the flour you want to put them in the flour pot out front because we do have that metal like metal pot bobs yeah the other one but also the one that's red and metal the one that the cat nips in oh yeah usually i forgot about that yeah use bob all right we're getting stoked now right 111 and to make our house nice though it is it's going to be so fun because it's unboxed that's how you open it so we got the fern fern goalies some vines and we're going to try a technique where we leave them out until it gets too cold and then we're going to bring them into the back room so that's the plan put these guys right here i want this italian ceramic uh flower pot pots great all right hope you guys enjoyed the video um i had we filmed a whole bunch of stuff halloween night that somehow i have no idea how it happened got deleted either from the card or from the computer and we've lost the footage we're trying our best to recover it because it was some pretty awesome footage of us dressed up um and landis was greeting all the trick-or-treaters i'm just really sad that i lost the footage and i'm trying to recover it with this program but if we do recover it it'll just be added into another video later on um i just wanted to say that the trash picking videos are probably going to get less and less exciting as the winner comes along we don't know that for sure never know what someone's going to put out but in the beginning of the summer and the end of the summer are usually the best to find stuff on the roadside but we got some other ideas and actually we're going to today later on go to a storage auction that's live in person so we can bid on units in person and that's going to probably be our next video that we put out so stay tuned for that but uh yeah thanks for watching everyone thank you everyone for the continuous support happy halloween and yeah now thanksgiving and christmas are coming so we got a lot to look forward to the dream continues you oh yeah real quick these are the ferns we got and those are the ivy so we're gonna take these and put them in we'll show you guys when we actually do it but we're gonna put them in this flower box which is a massive flower box so that's the plan that's our plan for those plants and then when it gets too cold we're going to move them into the back room but yeah that's why we went to mcnaughton's to check it out get some cool ferns and it should look really nice [Music] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 53,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash, picking, millionaires, beach, homes, trash picking, garbage picking, finds, pickers, gold, finding, rich people, mansions, beach town, scrap metal, salvage, find, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, fun couple, couple, couple goals, hot wife, laughing, funny, best finds, what's inside?, unboxing, crazy, yard sale, trash to cash, money, sell, sold, coffee, married, wife and husband, wife, husband, flea market, treasure, treasure hunting, hunting, road side, garbage
Id: M0Aw0ZvIBZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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