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holds me you make my life a lot easier [Music] go in I know well humor back to each number episode of the factions how you guys do to hope you guys are having a fantastic day today we are going to be starting off the episode by spawning in a horde and hoping just hoping that it's gonna be a legendary horde but let's see I guess let's see if I'm not lucky today but welcome to factions if you guys do enjoy this slab of that like what smash it down below with your nose but be careful and also to celebrate the release of October's end of all make sure to sub like one even more and well you don't actually have a sub like button it just it just helps but make sure to cover double your IGN and stuff and I guess I'll be picking winners in 24 hours and usually I don't really announce the winners sometimes I might pop up in next episode but if you log on randomly and you have an end of all you want and if you guys are wondering where I'm going to tweet out the winner when I do pick it it will be on Twitter in 24 hours from this video actually being out but ever guys let's get into this so I've got my gear on I've got my horse masculine because I could alert the lesson the other day when I had my am mushroom mask on because I killed here's got his skull never get that and had to like it that was being chased by quite a lot of people and without the speed 3 I was pretty much wrecked but what I'm doing is I've let life know and life is an enemy faction we're kind of a lie slash enemies kinda like that but I've let them know because Ted has let me know multiple times in the past that he was am gonna spawn a hoarding so I just thought I returned the favor and say hello I'm actually spawning in a second so they're the only ones who know this is about to happen now I really hope this could go horribly wrong and an XP horde could just born him but I hope it doesn't I hope it's a proper horde okay here we go let's go let's see what this is gonna be hopefully it's gonna be some good three two one boom it's a house this morning yep waiting waiting okay I thought it was after glitching out so I went back up to spawn and it just apparently someone in a well for it so here we go where the at though will yeah I totally glitched out yo get down from here what are you doing up there okay let's kill him there with you old yo we got a body pouch let's check it yo it's a simple money punch but I will take it first frickin villager no freakin way and he's of my needs of my needs of mine stop hitting me it's not worth it okay right we're swickle this way and we'll kill these over here y'all actually so happy you actually got a money pouch that was simple so I don't think we're gonna get anything too amazing from it but at least is somewhat of a where rare reward it's some guy seriously after me like literally just kill the dude okay someone else has got a simple money pouch it's okay there's a guy literally asked me it's just not worth it it's just all summer garden looks money pouch just same no it's not the same person I thought same person leeches guard looks when you guys no way but it's not that would be too lucky okay there's 50 mobs remaining I have no idea what the last few could be there could be open he's about that mountainside there they actually got cleared out fair fast this is probably the fastest I've ever seen a horde to be murdered I am I swear you jet this stage is about a hundred left maybe where could the last few be I have no idea are they open this mountain I hope so okay they seem to be all killed so anyway I can't really complain like we got something rare and also now with the new update whenever you buy a board summoner you always get two bloody containers out and they can be friend good when they want to be and but I know in the future that they are getting buffed up soon so I know that they're gonna be really good anyway if not now but in the future so yeah I think they're all killed look I let you in scouting up this mountain but I don't see any there's a cough right there okay right so while we're in the war zone cuz why not let's just open up everything that we got so we'll go with and I guess the bloody notes first see what we get out of these so the obviously this is just random notes we got 1502 and we got 1275 okay that's fairly terrible but they are only pretty much simple money power or money notes of lychee Ottoman to be but I did get like I think I got like four okay over the everyday which wasn't bad but we also have this body pouch now I don't know how much you're gonna get out of this but let's open it up and see it is a simple money pouch but it does have the option of giving quite a rare reward if I can get it here we go three two one boom what's it gonna be it's going to be geez I just got the jackpot yo that was extremely good for a simple money pouch it's got one hundred and fifty two thousand dollars I will take that any day I let you just obtain the jackpot out of this and but money pouch which is really good so it's like the highest or one in the highest you can really get nice so it's gonna be a good day today and we also have some bloody container so it's open them up so we got a order I came pickaxe some gold blocks see this is this is why don't I said I don't is that why they have diamond blocks and stuff like that inside there boom is open again we got oh dude okay oh my god okay we got another money pouch out of that oh my god okay now don't think I'm gonna be rude but I don't need this Armour so I'm gonna throw it out and hopefully someone maybe might get it down below I I don't think so okay but I'm gonna keep the pickaxe that's really good but we got a nother money pouch out of this so we're going to open this up I love how much you're sitting in war zone right now probably not the safest place to be doing something like this but here we go yo I just realized when we get another Helios this would be such a good spot to spawn him like imagine spawned him up here so that players would have to climb them out and find it like yet I know cords I know cords are released but imagine if you placed it here you definitely get top damage by the time lamb something else comes that's a good shout maybe I shouldn't advertise now the video because this should be my secret spot anyway here we go let's open us up three two one boom now what are we gonna get we got 54,000 195 I love the fact that we just got more money out of the simple than the normal money pouch Wow and someone just bought me a chatter charm couldn't have been better timing I guess whoever bought me that thank you very much a super appreciated Mackrell I've said enjoy thanks dude I'm gay gonna assume max bought of me so max thank you very much I appreciate you're the best if I do get a holy nugget I will give it to you no I obviously I know how much hey I got last time for giving away a Turkish rank I won't do it again I just know not to open up over peoples charms for them because that's what I was doing lobby were confused and I was opening up his charms okay so I actually have some more of those bloody containers so we're gonna open up those quickly and see oh we got another money pouch miss you these things are bent and I thought maybe I'm thinking of loot bags or I'm just getting incredibly lucky oh why destroy the sex I wanted the sex okay that's fine okay more sex okay legendary armor we don't want to keep I can't believe we just got another money pouch oh I'm extremely happy and another mystery mob pass to you more armor which I don't want I'm sorry I'm sorry I just I just don't need prop for anymore and here we go last water boom we got more tree breaks and some golden blocks so we got a number money pouch now come on can we hear another jackpot please give me another jackpot here we go three two one boom it's going to be oh my god it could be oh my god wait what is that why I think it is wait wait wait wait was that was that 80 mm or was that 800 in like something thousand I couldn't they didn't say in chat I couldn't see in time I don't know I think it was 800 some of that I couldn't see it time I couldn't like yeah just way got hang on hang on hang on I need to watch that video back oh my god we actually got eight hundred and twenty five thousand what no anyway okay moving on so this episode we have a lot of cloth stuff that we do need to open so obviously we'll open up these mystery mob masks with your mystery mob mask too we also have a mystery mob masked 3 which I want to open up because I'm hoping that if we get the IG mask out that that will literally be perfect so we have these to open up do we have anything else to open up now I know I have something challenge arms to open but I am saving them I just need to get rid of these because they're actually technically of space no there's this guy lit she just said he's spawning in a horde and I hope he's not trolling me right now he just said I'm like he said he spotted her and I appreciate it but he said that he tried to get a cheeky invite cuz he said yo yo yo invite me so I don't hit you I was like the war zone isn't that small don't worry don't worry I think he's trolling I think he's showing anyway we're gonna go ahead and I guess opens up if it does spawn don't worry I will jump down with whatever I have with my inventory but anyway let's open up these a mystery in my box to see what we get please me something good we got a wolf mass not sure I'm not exactly sure what that does think it like spawns an angry pack of wolves not sure did you damage done but it's not a max mass so it's not that great I wouldn't say okay what's this gonna be it's a slime for not slime fine first time for and then we got a mystery mob mastery now these are the good ones but knowing me I'm gonna get unlucky here we go three two one let's open it up and see what we get go on go on Quan Quan it's a spider five we got one of these the last episode at least if it gave me a cave spider 500 the second r.i.p I guess what I could try do is try sell it but I don't know if it will sell or not now it does give slowness mining fatigue so I feel like like people might use that I'll serve for 225,000 yes fair I hope so and the slime ask yourself for $1 and the wolf mask i sell for $1 too I'm just selling them because I don't need them I kind of just want to give them out to the crowd but I can't drop stuff like it doesn't let me drop stuff so I can't do that oh actually we have another bloody container open up where did I get all these I can't remember I just been my pv has been such a mess it's just been storing stuff up what do we get we got a another mystery from our past two I guess let's open this up and here we go what's it gonna be IG no horse tube okay a horse tree okay weirdo we actually might be the sounds for a bit of money we'll sell it for a hundred thousand open sound okay so now that we level 25 we need to do a very very important thing we need to make a PvP arena now I'm trying to think of what I want to make and I'm thinking of just making a simple arena and just seeing what happens like literally just plain simple arena nothing crazy like Gucci a hole in the ground and just see I guess okay let's just go for something natural let's see we should just build an air foam right here down here and I guess when people joined I'll claim like a big area and I guess we can just fight okay so I'm just gonna make a very very simple air foam what's gonna make it in the end plus ijy I'll just final area to make it and I'll say home like I'm not gonna build it out of obsidian or like making up city wall around I'm just gonna build neck foam just kind of see what happens I guess and the only reason why I'm doing this is because f homes gonna be set here so obviously I don't really want it to be in a massive hole that's gonna be crude break for days so at least if this happens is a bit of a platform that we can kind of work with you get what I mean okie dokie so all of this is claimed and set a home I probably shouldn't be here the moment cuz I barely have any gears is we go sharp and if we can in time we'll get rid of all this stuff and get ready I guess to make me PvP for the record having WP in a while and I wouldn't mind trying something now I may be catchy maybe I should keep someone sitting on me because I am a lone wolf at the moment so I most likely will have to trap people yeah I'm probably gonna die okay it's cool okay right so simple iPhone so for now people can run off make traps this is probably transform into a complete warzone you probably gave it a few days in a probably creep rag do to the bottom it's it's it's gonna be a mess like it looks like nice peaceful land right now but it's gonna be on fire in a few minutes okay people are stars for nin it's not a trap it's opened I just made it down there because it was kind of like it look cool oh I forgot we can fly its life yay okay I'm just gonna take off here and just you know just keep my distance until people start fighting then I'll kind of mix my way into the crowd you know what I mean I guess let's have a cheeky look and see what's going on now we do have a spare divine sword and we're not yet wearing God's it so I'm not really gonna be too concerned if I die the only thing I'm technically worried about really worried about is the horse mask because that's something I can't exactly purchase straight back again so yeah not the best thing to be peeing but hey we'll go over hey why did you quit one against Nick yo Nick's is I don't think Nick's wearing a fully decked out horse mask he's dropping quite fast faster than I thought the thing is though I'm dropping fairly quick too [Laughter] okay there is three life members on me I've got no other choice but to potentially set up a trap or to have at least a getaway room because if not we could be dead we seem to have a life member down in an area that doesn't look good and maybe I can block him in maybe oh oh oh oh my god oh my god if we oh my god we have a life paper stock we have a life member stock oh my god let's go can I handle the pressure though I don't know if I can the pressure the responsibility is a bit too much yeah he can print out though Kenny he wants to thank you actually I just realized they can get creep breakdown I just realized yeah he can definitely get creep breakout oh we're gonna watch it back gonna watch your back okay I'll just let you dig in as much as I can and just see if I can do damage now I doubt I'm gonna get the kill but I'll see what I can do oh can I block him in oh not block this up and rip our epi and dead or he's out he's definitely out he's definitely out he's definitely out he's definitely out oh my god oh dude oh he's dead oh my god he's actually dead already holy freaking smokes this Getti stuff as quick as possible I did not expect to kill him I thought literally that he would get out because they were trying to creep bring him out and actually I need died a few times I'm not gonna lie that was he was a pretty good player oh yes dude that's insane oh let's go another mask fully decked out let's freaking go I'm so freakin happy let's go okay let's block that in okay I didn't guys that was life right I did not expect to actually get that guy trapped in there that easy like I didn't think I was gonna trap anyone today but holy smokes the F choppers we know that phone's been open for five seconds and we need to get a horse mask for it now he might be sad and but that sadly means nothing to life they can get one of those back in a few minutes so yeah that means absolutely nothing to life and he just said GG so that's that's nice of him see if you guys don't notice me us in life really get along we just choose to be enemies because it's a lot more fun that kind of rhymed so there we go we just got a no first spare horse mask or a natural spare horse mask like this is telling me a spare but it's not but this is fully decked out so now if we lose our head or if we lose our horse mask or we die we have a backup one and also I'm gonna keep his head because I'm this is a life member and I definitely know this can go for a lot more money than just that and we also got Depp Striders or yeah we did I thought they were fake peptides but I warrant okay and sadly no custom enchants a I was really hoping that maybe we would get a custom insurance set but we didn't yeah the guy just killed said I'll come back you just wait yeah see like it doesn't mean anything to them but ya know those life guys do some amount of damage when they're all together and just even by themselves like I got absolutely annihilated there I nearly got quick drop which was quite bad that would have been that would have been terrible that happened and now I am all out of gapless it was back to good old PvP and I guess okay so if I die I'm a little bit secured now because I have the spare like I just needed one spare horse mask and then if I die it's okay but now I haven't so we're good to go you know this guy I'm stoned oh well we got some life guys over here oh dude like there's two of them I'm fighting off way more than I can forget you know they'd just be murdering everyone down there oh my god they have yo Nick what's going on they've just been murdering everyone holy frickin smokes why do I have to feel that today's the day I'm not gonna die I just have the feeling it is at least I redeemed myself or at least have backups in case it does happen it apparently as well the god acts the the good acts that is sold to Ted he actually died with that and now I think another guy has it so maybe I could buy it back up that guy for cheaper um I don't know now you probably won't sell it for under five mil yeah okay I've got three live boys on me what do I do when I'm by myself hmm I don't know obsidian potentially mm-hmm okay I'm getting absolutely smashed by these guys they're just digging into me okay all right I'm just gonna go down the cave because I really need to go down this way I'm just gonna I doubt they're gonna follow me but they might who knows who knows hey hello what's going on guys yeah they get it they don't want to come down today I'm sorry guys but I have no other choice there's no way I'm gonna beat you in normal hand-to-hand combat there's just no way it just wouldn't make sense if I could oh dude this guy can pop this guy could pop let's work together to pop this one guy yo who said not TT in my land that is so rude come on Nick come on let's go let's go we're having a nice little one be on in mind us consider I said there won't be one more it a bit too too early okay guys the amount of damage they do is unreal Joe how many times of need I'd like now's another time I'm battery died holy smokes holy frickin smokes like I am getting absolutely trashed I need to separate them I hope he's pearls in line I don't know if his pearl just landed hello buddy oh no they got sex Lamont again oh they get out he's get out he's getting out today oh no dude did you so much damage surreal oh he's running he's running he's running I'm sorry but I had to trap hello buddy hi I'm just gonna see if I could drop you in oh no never mind never mind I can't seem to do it hello Nick what a fall done that holds me you make my life a lot easier come on Nick Nick move out of the way dude move out of the way you're not getting how he's only get out he's totally get out he's totally getting out no he got out yeah I had that all set up and ready okay I'm gonna see if I can funnel someone in this way and if the right situation happens I actually might be able to trap them in they can see me making this trap but I really don't care I have to do I have literally no other choice but to do it hey um wait maybe I could just do a fake fall trap if someone's come sprinting here really fast they won't see the corner that you won't see it happen I just need someone to come down here who doesn't know about this trap hitting at full force and just come around the corner like that like that guy but like hopefully you know I mean I'm sorry dude I gotta kill you because if not then other people would know but like that guy but hopefully geared like now like it's his life kind of Nick gonna fall down make you wanna fall down Nick Nick Joey could you want to go in there Nick Nick Nick come on Nick come on now I messed up saying you're playing your dangerous game here very very dangerous game literally playing with fire right now come on come on don't hit me that's rude that's rude Oh Ted's here catch it Ted Ted does anyone at Ted you want to fall into the trap that'd be great I love that we just did a radio a day and now we're doing this like we're just having a standoff Oh who's gonna win hey if I could pull out that quick enough we can just in a minute surprise attack oh actually this is nice fight this is that you for any nice fight surprise attack let's go okay I've got another hole made does he know it's there I'm hoping that that guy will punch him go on go on my guy oh no I just killed my dude I just kill the dude to help me out how could I've done I'm out here I'm fighting how long until they care about down is my cave probably like 10 seconds from now oh do do do do do did you see like the big guy does drop but I also drop to look at how many there are they're in like full God sets yo yo come come fall into my trap I want the bounty okay no no no no okay this is bad this is real bad Nick Nick Nick what are you doing dude you're playing with fire and he knows that as well that's this cheeky thing hey don't don't play come on guys come on Oh Nicki's going solo okay I need to swap up my gear otherwise this is gonna pop if I don't swap this out I'm dead not a good idea I wouldn't come down this way this could be bad for me and you cuz I'm dying your macros back and this guy's back you know there's traps all around you I hope they know that hope he knows that this guy could have this guy trapped in now he's gonna get your breakdown he's gonna get crude breakdown oh he's lucky he's very very very very very lucky right now very I don't think he's gonna make that same mistake again maybe you will though maybe haha I blocked myself in so they can't get me I hope that works I'm just gonna get out right now before it's too late because if I don't I'm dead if I don't get out of here I am dead guys that was definitely interesting but there is an absolute monster of a power faction trying to get me so I guess I will leave that there I just got a horse five with protection for in it I'm gonna leave it there fully decked out horse mask I'm gonna leave it there because otherwise I will die because there's me some situation there where I believe died there's just too many of them and that's exactly what you want when you have a faction like I'm not complaining about the two v5b ones at in the day that is factions if I don't have the members to attack them it's my own fault you don't mean I should be in those situations in factions this is about one we want it's about playing as a faction and I think some people don't understand that I'm gonna be frankly honest because I see people complaining about 1v1 to self and it's just like it's faction dude unless you say let's have a 1v1 then yeah that is bad but and it can happen and you can go ok I want to test something out I hope it works I'm going to see now this isn't a special and at all this isn't special chess play as you see it's just normal proper chess player I'm going to see and I really hope it works because otherwise and we've got a huge issue because juggernaut 2 is extremely rare to get but we're gonna see hopefully if this will work in his chest plate because what what important about this is cuz if I this works and I pretty much take less damage done which is really good here we go three two work piece of the ding that's nice okay we got the King ding now obviously we do need to repair that but I will pray that in just a bit but that's fairly good now let's see if we can get another juggernaut to out of all these books we have here because we will start to grind souls and we are on the mission to make it I got it now so prepare for that I'm excited and I believe that's why life we're doing so much damage is I'm pretty sure they literally all have gods that's going ok resurrection - I want resurrection but I need a good one vanquish a kid has terrible chances reflect 5 oh my god 1% seriously vanquish 1 no thank you blah - like born no thank you do not know ok what is going on game buffs upon gaining a kill vitalize ok that's kind of decent and I like to know obviously somebody's are decent but we if we're making gods that we needed the max annihilate you can get and I think it's like an I like 5 you can get not an island to so obviously is decent but not when you're making God set and a 9 8 3 juggernaut to but we were 24 percent chance that at 21 percent only 1% chance to fail blind strike 1 what is going on crippling swing 5 we have a 34 percent chance yo that is good that would be going on a god acts there we go put up there that was be staying as well the rest of the kind of will be kind of going now I do want a good resurrection because that can save your life really bad if you don't know what it does is when you go below I think a certain amount of hearts it just literally gives you a ton of hearts like a god up or kind of chance to reflect damage dealt 67% I have Jim what reflect 5 a team or reflect for I think I might keep that it's not I don't I think you can get reflect 5 but if that's if that's all I get I'll keep it joking up one we keep that for a spare set which is quite good if it works and last book here we go boom it's a resurrection one rip but it has good chance to sake but well there we go guys that is all for this episode of hope you guys have enjoyed we got a nice nice horse mask i'm super hyped about that the getting eight hundred and fifty seven thousand out the money pouch like butter guys thank you for watching and i will see you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 66,529
Rating: 4.929523 out of 5
Keywords: TRAPPING THE RICHEST FACTION!? | Minecraft FACTIONS #709, minecraft, minecraft youtuber, minecraft factions, minecraft video, mine craft, minecraf, custom minecraft map, minecraft mod, creepersedge, minecraft raiding, ladder, base, rich, minecraft videos, factions, saicopvp, server, video, command, raid, no swearing, minecraft best factions raids, trapping, richest, kid friendly
Id: S7340K1oa18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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