LDShadowLady vs. YouTubers | Minecraft Bed Wars

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I see somebody I saw somebody ah they have a thought hey guys what's up LD Shai Lydia and welcome to a very special youtuber bed waz we have some really cool youtubers taking part and those youtubers are Kyle cpk Joel Yami myself Scott Joey and Allie and only one of us will be victorious at the end so let's see how it goes so here is my bed and I am Team Blue which is my lucky color so over there we have I'm not sure and over there I'm also not sure so I don't know if in my neighbors are but hopefully they don't kill me immediately so let's go for let's just get loads of wool and surround my bed that's going to be a problem when people start getting fire balls and fire and stuff but right now this is the safest strategy oh can we get like obsidian or something that would be great we need for emeralds yeah that isn't happening let's just get wool and make our way to the Centers we can try and get some stuff maybe that way yeah towards diamonds that's smart or who's that over there who is that is that Kyle in red okay let's be careful just need to get across here safely take some of the diamonds for myself equip myself for life yes I have some okay I'm going to knock him off let's wait until he's not looking maybe we can even destroy his bed immediately just had to wait for him to haha oh my gosh he wasn't ready for that and I'm going to sneak over to his island just try it better eyes not looking quick quick yes I got it running away though running away I've made a getaway and I even got some diamonds okay hopefully he hasn't come to me I wouldn't blame every did because that was really cheeky but we need to defend ourselves in case he does so we don't have enough a diamond sides but we can do an iron sword and maybe some armor and yes let's get some more gold let's take some of these diamonds hopefully he isn't waiting for me to do the exact same thing that I did to him nope we're safe okay well I'm a sell off okay now we can get our armor I'm going to get some sweet iron armor oh I'm so strong okay now let's see if some of this stuff Oh a dragon birth your team will have two dragons okay I'm not making it to the deathmatch so let's get some of the protection and sharpness yes oh my gosh I am so strong now I think that's yummy over there oh my gosh I had a couple either side of me okay I think I'm just going to wait for Kyle to make his bridge out to the main island and then I'm just going to use this bridge because I really don't want to do any building I'll be fine on my island for a while I'm going to make it really nice and strong I want to get the heal pole so we get region here and minor fatigue so that people can't break my stuff oh I should probably defend my bed a bit better let's get some end stone that would be good let's surround it hopefully nobody sneaks up on me oh I see you over that kale I see you stay away from me I'm sorry for what I did to your bed I had to strike early hopefully yeah me doesn't avenge him I'm kind of scared of yummi now okay this is a lot better than just wool because now people can't just quickly break in yeah good luck trying to get in here now if anyone ender pills I am in trouble oh I know let's get some diamonds from here no no there's only one okay okay the players I'm scared of cpk Kyle yummy well pretty much everyone except for Olly to be honest Oh pink pad was destroyed oh well knives get a Scott in fact I'm just scared of everyone I'm just going to focus on making my bed super safe this is really important nobody is getting close to this thing except maybe from above so we should probably fix that I'm just going to make a mess of blocks around it and hopefully that will keep it safe there we go nice and safe okay well can we apply to upgrade my island tools we should get tools after let's get a stone pickaxe and I don't think of an attack anyone's island but that is just in case okay now I'm just scared of people enter pedaling that's going to be my main risk I have a plan okay it's a crazy plan but hear me out I'm going to get loads of wool and then I'm going to make it so that people can't enderpearl onto my Island check this out whoa there was an explosion jewels over there trying to attack yeah that's a bad idea okay I think this will make my island so that nobody can end up ill on to it now there's only one way onto this island and it's this gate and I have a perfect idea I'm going to make it look safe but there's actually a hole oh hello don't mind me you aren't be getting on my own anytime soon okay hopefully they can't enderpearl up but just in case we should probably make sure this place is safe so I don't have any diamonds dang it well he's trying to fire an arrow at me heck no I'm going to go get that diamond before it's too late I got some diamonds okay let's get the miner fatigue that's pretty important and the heal pool as well so I can stay healthy okay now nobody's coming over here right I'll see you if you're trying to be invisible and sneaky and stuff oh my gosh Joel said just got destroyed and he just dried yummies bed back oh my gosh I'm so glad that I've been left out of this beef wait hang on was that I can see potion effects what is that is it me am I crazy oh it's my heal stuff okay ignore me okay I think this is nice and safe I feel safe anyway let's have a look at what it looks like from the outside oh yes an impenetrable fortress who would mess with this let's see what else we can get let's see if we can make a bow or have enough for a power one bow let's try that and then let's just get a bunch of arrows let's try and shoot some people i why should I kill Joel I know he's really low health oh my gosh she's over there oh my gosh that wasn't me hey you stay away from me if only I had good aim ah yes there was no way I was going to hit that I want to try and kill Joel instead dang it he's over there on the island and his bed is destroyed so maybe I can scare him huh no he's getting away oh no he got away okay well I really want to go and try and kill Joel unfortunately there's no path so maybe I won't do the hat I'm definitely gonna have to kill Kyle before I try and do anything he's just going to kill me otherwise I'm just gonna have to do it I'm coming for you whoa whoa huh I like it so bad I think I can kill him what's happening oh look like I don't know how I died I had that okay we have to be careful now super careful I see you your thumbs me I know you are but I'm still here and my base is protected thank goodness I still have my bed let's see what we can get back okay we keep the armor I just lost my sword which is a little bit upsetting put all the end of the world oh my gosh whether you have an invisibility potion I'll just keep doing this in case somebody tries to come through this door and they won't be able to get through cuz I'll punch them I really just wanted to kill Joel Kyle's just standing in my way okay let go and get that diamond ma there we go okay we got three don't you dare hit me off this bridge what can I get what can I get let's get this sword oh my gosh white team got eliminated who is white team I don't even know okay Joel is on a rampage right now need to take him down that's all I want in life is to kill Joel let's put my diamonds safely in there and I'm just going to get a bunch of wool and I'm going places I'm going up high I think it's just going to be the entire left at the end of this rate I'm going to try and get over to that Island I think I'm quite high up so I'm a little bit scared of piles to be honest maybe I should block myself off that's not going to help is it no I just got to be quick about it let's go go go he's not looking I'm still safe I don't feel very safe huh Joel is killing everybody and he doesn't even have a bed how is he doing this okay we had to take him down before he gets too big for his boots hopefully kyle doesn't head over to my base while i'm gone because that would be a disaster come on okay now it looks like he is is he going oh no he isn't yes he is I messed up I messed up so bad no I can't get back on my island very quick no well yes I killed him oh I'm a vet still safe thank goodness for that that was terrifying I don't feel safe anymore my island is definitely not as favorite I thought it was ah but that is the end of Kyle so that means we only have to take out Joel Scott and Ollie yep only all of those people oh my gosh I got an old I got emeralds where did they come from I don't know let's see what we can get Oh blindness and slowness that cool I got that when I went to Kyle's let's also get oh I know let's try the invisibility potion that's cool I'm gonna get loads put all this stuff in here and I'm going to take two of my potions and let's go I'm going to Joel he's not going to know what hit him I just need to find him first oh my gosh what was that and then the pearl somebody enderpearls I'm sure I'm going back to my island I don't feel safe I don't feel safe at all is everything okay here Beth are you still alive what was that what the heck happened if somebody here hello okay I'm really scared and confused aqua bed was destroyed that's not mine okay I don't know if there's anyone here but I think I'm just gonna have to go otherwise I'm just gonna be stuck on his island forever oh my gosh somebody else killed Joel I didn't get my chance right that's it I'm going to kill the man that killed Joel whoever it was I'm coming for you that was my kill only I'm allowed to kill Joel let's drink this invisibility potion so we can get around a little safer I don't even know where we're heading home tonight visibility last okay only another few seconds I think he sees me what how does he see me are you kidding me I'm not as invisible as I thought but I pray sure Scott oh my gosh yes I Madonna oh no you don't Scott okay yes you do yes you do well my dad's still alive so I'm fine I just need to get all my stuff back really quick quick my gosh she's coming to me no it's got stay awake me oh my gosh I'm chasing him away huh oh no oh no oh oh dear oh oh dear he's going for my bed he's going for it I chewed it the trap him off him off he's dead oh thank goodness the bed is safe another day actually no oh yes the bed still there oh my basement so safe who else is alive okay Scott is still alive somehow so apparently his bed wasn't destroyed which means I still have to kill him and I have nothing maybe I should get a bow I should probably get a bow let's put all this stuff in the chest nice and safe I'm just going out there with my Bell and stuff okay I still have an invisibility potion but I don't trust that these even work anymore Scott saw right through my plan I see somebody I saw somebody ah they have a thought who is that who goes there who are you oh my gosh I still have a bed okay it's not a bit it was Scott he is coming for me no you know Scott no no no Scott ah I think I go in and my bed still there somehow I don't know how oh my gosh my bed okay if only comes now my bed is dead ha I'm so scared oh there he is hey ollie hug truth should we live happily ever after I don't think he wants to live happily ever after it's on like Donkey Kong okay I see his name he's trying to be sneaky no you don't ha hey I just won I've never won a bed was before he said that was really I think it's yes thank you guys for watching this video if you want to check out everyone else's channel I'll leave a link in the description below and I will see you next time
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 8,386,857
Rating: 4.9303746 out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, bed wars, minecraft pvp, bed warz, minigame, pvp minigame, minecraft minigame, theorionsound, seapeekay, smallishbeans, yammy kyle, yammyxox, joeygraceffagames
Id: RNNHpc7VVj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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