Disaster. | Ep. 6 | Secret Life

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hey guys what's up Ellie shadow lady here and welcome back to secret life where dessert is on the menu and also revenge is on there too and I'm going to have both today starting with dessert first I will devour the last slice of cake from my failure of a slumber party and then I will move on to my next course sweet sweet revenge on everyone who made me fail my task last week hopefully my red life secret task will give me a license to Kill here it is my first red task oh please let me kill somebody use Redstone to damage a non- red player you cannot hit them with the item it has to be a machine or trap of some kind ooh this is going to be hard because I don't have any Redstone okay but I am very determined to cause harm to another human being today so let's go get some Redstone so I can hurt somebody as soon as possible a tunnel perhaps there's red stone down here uhoh this looks dangerous o dripstone that could come in handy also maybe I could do a redstone dripstone trap alas there is no red stone here one eternity later Redstone yes oh perfect just what I need needed okay now we can do it let's get out of here before I poke myself on a dripstone oh my gosh where did I even come in what how did I get in this is so embarrassing but I am extremely lost now I'm so lost and it's not like I can call for help nobody would come it must be over here somewhere here it is okay it was right here all along it was just concealed now that I've escaped the the mines I can craft all the tools I need to make a redstone trap a little lever and a piston now I need to find a victim I have so many to choose from oh look there are two of them right now there's three of them okay hey PE yeah listen I'm just goodling all over the place it's fine good evening all right oh hi good evening Lizzy did you have a lovely party last session I'm sorry I didn't attend I was very Tower busy it was so much fun without you oh you see I just wanted to have a nice conversation with you oneon-one but I mean if you had a lot of fun without me then I guess yes why don't you step into my lir I mean home I will let's go come on Lizzie we're friends right yeah you did save me that time at the beginning of the series and you do have wolves now we could have a good Ally ship here going on and you know what my task is perfectly going to lean into it today what if if you would like some help is there no one listening maybe we should take this inside my task this week is to help red lives do some damage you have to give me a task for today to do some damage to Greens and I have to try and fulfill it that's perfect because I need to take revenge on basically everyone where am I going to find the time that is yes that's a huge job but if you take out one of my targets for me that would be very helpful take some hearts from Etho eth oh yeah o i want you to say him on fire here's a flint and steel on fire yes set him on fire okay oh my gosh Lizzy I'm glad I'm not on your bad side today right yeah we're good right are we sure for now for now now if you excuse me I've got a lot of people to kill so okay I guess I have EO to burn thank you let me know when it's done bye I hope she makes him burn and while she's busy doing that I need to find a victim and set up my trap so let me check my Skelly horse and we will go scouting for the perfect Mark ooh what about scar he did wrong me so many times we would like you know pill her up and try to hey hello Lizzy hi this is so fortified now it's a fortification but with beautiful flowers to make it softer who are you trying to keep out oh you know particular people yeah mostly dogs just dangerous people yeah dangerous people right like the kind of people that might want to exact some kind of evil revenge on anyone who didn't turn up to their party or people that turned up and ate all the cake I turned up I showed up and you have a highly fortified base good for you good for you I'll be on my way now okay all right it's probably not a great idea to trap Scar's base while there's a bunch of people in it so the heart foundation and it looks empty this could be the perfect opportunity for what I'm about to do oh hang on a second better leave my horse behind I don't want to tip anyone off that I'm doing something nefarious in here I'll just mosy on up this ladder and let's see what we can do ooh it appears that the only way in requires you to stand on this block so this would be the perfect place to hang the dripstone above I need to act quickly though before anyone comes over there now the Trap is ready dare I test it out I think I shall all I have to do is pull the lever crunk and look at that that is definitely going to kill somebody or at least hurt them scares where is everyone I'm just rigging the machine you're just what you're just doing M heart Lottery okay you know do I'll leave you I'll leave you be scared I'm busy working that was totally not suspicious whatsoever he didn't even come up here now I just need to wait around for another victim to come along someone's coming it's Jimmy Dang it get out of here get out of here it's not safe it's not safe no oh he's dancing for me I must communicate back in the form of interpretive dance I think he got the message those red names kind of have our own language skis perfect yes everybody into position and by everyone I mean just me uh for extra and that's their right but we're going to go ahead and go and uh let's see in fact I bet you as soon as I announce that we're about to I bet you somebody says wait wait wait wait let's go going up I'm going to double check the sanctity of the system by the way nobody's allowed up here while we do this anymore yeah I was yeah it did Lizzy wow excuse me I don't know what we do I've made a terrible fool of myself please excuse me I'll just collect my belongings and then I'll I'll be on my way don't take it personally I would have killed any of you now if you excuse me I really need to go kill somebody else go how terrible that's so embarrassing it didn't work I didn't have a clear line of sight oh it must have been so close though I'm going to have to try it somewhere else who who can I try it on oh it seems that scar isn't home right now and I would love to cause him some harm because quite frankly over the course of this series he has become some much of my arch nemesis okay the Trap is set now when I see him coming I'm going to pretend to be looting through his chests so that he runs right in and I spring the Trap he's coming he's coming I'm rumaging I'm rumaging projectile protection pants wow iron nuggets oh my gosh so so much luxury in one place I think I'll take it all what about over here oh this is cool also get out of here get out of here this is your warning excuse me you're out of here get out of here I I can't believe I have to use Redstone and people are just allowed to smack me get out of here get out of here try to trap Trader scars is an honest business oh my gosh being a red life is so hard I was trying to take away some of Scar's hearts and instead I lost Hearts I need a new Target oh if there weren't so many people hanging around I could trap mumbo's Tower I think he may have panicked a little bit I think there was happens it happens but now he don't want to do it anymore I need a name tag on a dear a fale dear Ray a drop of Golden Sun heck yeah oh they ran off but the Trap is set so now I have to wait for Mumbo to come home so I can spring the Trap update Mumbo is nowhere to be seen where is everyone there's Etho Scott oh no M's red the Trap no ow the Trap remove the Trap he's one of us now okay yet the fail did he not respawn you I was just removing a trap that I didn't set up but somebody did that's crazy of them I'm going going to go now thank you for not killing me Lizzy oh of course I would never appreciate it I'd actually have somebody else do it instead okay new plan we tra Joel's base I'm getting desperate now I just saw him run away so I think we have some time I'm so sorry Joel my wife I'm home hello honey I'm home I've been expecting you Mr Beans why would you do that why would you do that I was the only one that was nice to you I know and I thought you would maybe forgive me because of you're so nice to me all the time look see here's a thing did you take some damage I took like half a heart I think perfect I'm actually glad you didn't get too hurt you were the one I wanted to hurt the least do you know how you can make it up Lizzy I've got some a secret let's come go over to your house I want to know why people keep telling me there's secrets in my house let's get in the the Privacy boat okay the Privacy boat together okay so my task is that I have to kill or do at least 10 Hearts damage to Scott without him finding out please help me and do damage to Scott can I push him into the void you can and then you can say the flourist send his regards ah you're the florist yes cute You Can Count On Me sorry for attacking you but that means I succeeded my task so I can go and press the succeed button oh hi Scott do you want to come with me to the end I'm good for now for now so maybe later yeah maybe later okay I don't want to die though okay bye okay now I get to hand in my task I succeeded finally so hard to kill these people what that's all one little block of TNT but at least I got my hearts [Applause] back and a new task ooh this should be a lot easier to pull off I've been carrying these around this whole time I just need to find the perfect victim Jim is with Big B I just want to build my chicken cicor man that's all I want to do hello I would love oh my goodness Lizzy okay I'm going to level with you all you have to do is spit on me and I'm dead okay really I'm having a rough day people you should not have told me that hold on just wait wait wait I'll give you a head [Music] start I'm going run skiss I'm going look at him go I love this power oh he knows I'm watching him I can see the fear in his eyes oh gosh who you saw fear in his eyes did you oh yeah skis is definitely afraid of me and I think I know what to do with that I just got to keep an eye on him though I don't want him to get away skis is my um Arch Enemy by the way oh cool wait where'd he go He Slipped Away the little weasel there he is he's actually he's running into my house that's very convenient he's scared you should come inside come on come on I'll make a bunk bed I'll make a big bunk bed she look at this beds this is as vulnerable as they get why am I doing this okay let me make a bunk bed oh oh I threw them all away in a fit of rage you ever done that Lizzy's like an like an orca playing with her food before she kills it what's down there oh that's a tunnel to the back rooms you do not want to go through there is it really yep tunnel that out another unhinged thing that I did wait did he just Escape no come back I'm making bunk beds now I got to go hunt him down again oh he's right there there he is get him good luck Lizzy thank you SK did give up why is she always on me you know what SK you'd feel so much better if you just had a little rest I promise you I saw Solly swear that I will not kill you now will you come to my sleepover please 100% okay I I really like the idea of having an ally as a red Ally I love it yeah actually I have been uh I've been chosen as an assassin y I've been tasked with assassinating somebody not you don't worry not you somebody else which I'm very excited to do come on in come on in all right let's have a little look scene here you I got my color look at that yeah see I I set it up all real nice I even left something in the chest for you the the other one the other chest this one here yeah I'm sorry here I'm so sorry no you're I told you I wasn't going to kill you I didn't lie oh this guy's a jerk come on I can't back out uh ah your lack of self-preservation concerns me get away from me Mr zombie all right that was close you you blocked me in I was really worried you were going to die you were not but thank you very much for helping me with my task I'll stop following you now oh good okay that did not feel good but I have completed my task but before I hand it in and get a new one I have an assassination to attempt thanks guys I appreciate being included that's fun thank you Cleo we appreciate you're good Cleo it's time oh man D oh you want to go to the end ride what are we doing in the end yeah I'll show you when we get there follow me down here see we've been friends for a long time we have I need you to be honest with me here yes if I walk in here am I going to die if you walk in like do you think it's trapped maybe well do you want me to go first and I'll show you it's not think I want to go first you want to go first okay you go first then yeah I can't believe I'm fulfilling All of My Dreams by having everyone come to the end and to my slumber party why couldn't everyone do this last week okay I'll see you there see you there oh oh do you remember when we were last here and the Ender Dragon was here wasn't it great now follow me just over here there's something you need to see to be fair this works because Jimmy's been hunting me down all day so oh yeah he's never going to find you here nobody is ever going to find you here why did you say it like that say it like what okay anyway follow me oh this looks like the edge of the world yeah it's just down here follow me are you sure yeah it's just don't think wait I don't think I want it is it's right there can I put down some water to be safe I'm going to give you an ender pearl to be safe oh yeah that'd be good take just in case yeah here you go here's the ender pearl oh thank you oh lizie oh this has not gone very well you did three hearts of damage oh wow that's quite a lot L yeah I that was one heart of Dage oh that's not a lot no this Fang [Applause] H oh my God oh my God why did I throw the end pear I was panicking I was too busy well that the end of my secret life and I think it's safe to say I died as I lived embarrassingly
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 1,112,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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