So I Tried The Worst New Minecraft Mods...

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now when it comes to making mods i am an expert so we have started today's video with a lie that is a lie i don't have a clue how to make mods but what i am good at is using people's hard work for content and laughing at it sometimes even though they probably spent a very long time on it oh dear am i a bad person yes yes i am does admitting it making it better no prob probably not to be honest oh well whilst we're being bad i heard that if you're not subscribed to smallish beans you'll be on santa's naughty list this year make sure to subscribe to please santa this is blackmail please subscribe anyway we're going to be checking out some brand new mods today i want to see funny things let's hope we see funny things we start off with a mod called hentai no tengoku probably a bunch of that pronunciation so it looks like we got three new mobs which is what i like to see some books some a stone so here is a hellhound okay what on earth is that what is that why does he look like why does his niece do that do they move oh he just floats okay and a void person okay well yeah this soul essent which has minus one attack damage what does that even mean it heals the noise just isn't stopping i'm gonna leave i've got this scythe here as well which actually looks pretty cool to be fair and this is called tengoku infused obsidian which makes me think can we make a portal out of this no oh wait no we've got to use this portal igniter essence oh there is a portal let's head through oh it's not the most colorful is it apart from the flowers like it's the most dark and dingy dimension then you've got these lovely flowers here we also have this staff which look oh my gosh that's quite powerful what happens if you drink the soul soup you eat it for about 10 seconds then you get nausea why is the eating animation so long look what's this all about you just get nausea why is this got mine as well i'm so confused next up we've got a mod that literally everybody i know has been asking for and that is all cows that's right there's now cows that have oars on them there's the diamond one and i presume when you kill them that they drop at one of the things no what what oh wait that one dropped lapis blocks that one doesn't drop anything though the redstone one what about the diamond one two diamond blocks now what would be cool would be if they are weak to diamond pickaxes they're not but there you go you get one one diamond block i don't get this mod why would you want cows that are oz why next up with a mod called refuse never and it says if you like never you like a for example like it you won't download this mod or no not sure what any of that means and i've been to the never couldn't see anything so we're just gonna spawn these in so it looks like it's added in a pure guest which looks like a tiny little cute gas looking except it's on fire for some reason then we've got a fire medusa which is a strider but it flies and looks strange okay then a flying eyeball oh that's kind of cool fire spirits that is ablaze except oh my gosh look at its super speed why is it spitting so fast soul cow okay and a fortress cow okay there you have it how much do they hurt if i'm in survival mode let's find out okay it's kind of painful about the guest oh he's mad but he doesn't care what about this fella oh my gosh where's he gone oh my gosh oh he's still going this next mod is called the better sleep mod and apparently you can have dreams and nightmares so i'm quite excited to try this out i really hope it works okay time to sleep oh oh oh gosh you are in a nightmare what happens if i put myself in survival this feels like a nightmare oh gosh wait i didn't even look at the end of when they got angry at me didn't it this is yep this is definitely a nightmare oh no wake me up i need to be woken up all right and then what happens oh i actually died and lost all my stuff but what about a dream oh look we're in a dream oh and almost died just how i start all my dreams and there's zombies and skeletons how is this a dream oh gosh they're getting shooting at me why are there so many of them this is not a dream why are there so many zombies oh my gosh this is not a dream and then i died and lost everything again it just this seems who would want this look you just get teleported and look at one heart that was not better sleep i'm actually quite excited to try this next part it's called crazy creepers and adding a load of cool creepers starting with the diamond creep here which apparently when it explodes diamonds come out of it like that oh my gosh four diamonds not bad wait is it always fall whoa it might be more than four i just didn't pick them all up the next one is the enchanting creep which apparently look enchants all your items and whatever you got in your hand at the time look at that it worked fire aspect two and sharpness three oh mending this one is called the mutant creature it's apparently oh my gosh quite big that is quite scary why won't it explode i can't actually get close enough to it for it to explode i'm pretty sure look it's like pushes me away so we got the healing creeper which should apparently heal you oh lovely the molten creeper which oh spreads lava horrible a tnt creeper oh my gosh where's that going imagine that in your survival world a lightning creeper oh cool ender creeper don't really know what that did and uh whatever this one was aquatic oh it adds water pretty interesting this next mod is called hidden creepers look at these two chickens both look like chickens right well if i go into survival mode that one blows up and there's also a wolf which is a creeper a sheep everybody's worst nightmare what is everyone's obsessions with creepers i hate creepers stop with the creepers this next mod sounds adorable it's called christmas wish in a bottle and apparently you can launch your christmas wishes into the sky to send to santa so there is a way to make this thing but i don't know how i tried it uses these blocks somehow but it didn't work and you also have to make a christmas wish in the bottle but once again it didn't say how and i don't know how but you put it in and look oh it's gone up and now i have to wait till morning so if i sleep i should get my wish which i've wished for diamonds oh look oh my gosh there's presents everywhere what i don't remember wishing for this much stuff let's see what we get cole is this some sort of sick joke i did not wish for coal a wooden shovel gold nugget what i didn't wish for any of this i wish for diamonds about these ones over here seats oh my gosh a wooden axe my there's just disappointment after string honestly nothing but disappointment my christmas is ruined potatoes who asked for coal and potatoes for christmas and a wooden shovel i got so hyped with the jingling and i got nothing my christmas is over this next mod is called final craft and i went on the page and it's all in a different language so i'm excited to see what it does we've got a new tab oh bright rainbow's always a good sign sorry but that is absolutely hideous um what else have we got we got some oz light what does light do find the light and the light gem not sure what it does does it make oh it makes armor oh okay yep of course very op what is that plus a hundred final leggings is it worth being powerful if you have to look like this oh two new mobs we've got a scooter oh hello hello fella what are you doing oh look at him we've also got oh my gosh what is his nose look his nose look at his nose oh why is he moving so quick why does his nose move when he moves look honestly i can get running towards me look at his nose what's going on let's hit him oh there oh they are terrible oh dear what's going on mate what what whoa he won't hit me this king golems run away but this dude it's nuts look oh that's enough of that i just loaded up this mod and it's called the pocotroa mod and it apparently has three new biomes new mobs new resource new armor new tools and new dimensions look at this i don't know what's going on but i'm scared got some flowers this biome is very very dark more new flowers it feels like everything's in black and white like the green behind there looks really weird i don't know what a makono is but there's a portal here i didn't spawn this in those look like command blocks and what are these try some flint and steel on it doesn't work oh i bought this dark wand and look these creepy things are now following me what oh i hate this wait what was that thing there's something over there i just spotted something look at these noises go away what is this thing is this a makono no what's up i'm getting away from these guys they're kind of creeping me out well what is that is that the kono that's a mikono wait what's that what is this thing wait i'm going into survival mode let's see how quickly i die ah this is horrible so this sword is not doing any damage but it's got 12 attack damage the noises they're not stopping please stop i'm not near you anymore please go away i know there's another one up there right well we know what mcconnell is now whatever mobs do we have we have a dark titan and they look like this oh my gosh that is huge a primogenitus i hate that i hate that dark zombie are we already seeing those dogs i'll be a villager i've already seen that biggest he looks kind of cute look at him he looks cute three eyes yeah that thing's got three eyes dark creep yeah this is creeper it's dark tanoko okay a pillow oh that's the thing we killed earlier dark mage okay we've got a possessed villager oh yeah he's possessed hakunu i hate that i hate that don't know what it is but hey it i oh funky black eye oh it's the same the black poco trower this is what the mods named after oh my oh boy oh oh not sure i like him and strange spider oh it's got one eye and possessed so oh oh spooky boy we're on 1.6.4 and it's a my little pony mod and i've spawned in and there's lightning everywhere it's very loud it's such an old version of minecraft what is this what's going on wait if i was in survival mode do these things attack you just die this is how you spawn in why would anyone want i can't even sprint there's no sprint on this version these things are attacking me as well there's item frames and golden nuggets everywhere can i get away i can't run there's no ability to run a sheep just died by lightning over there so the lightning's died down it looks like this mod adds in a load of stuff oh no that's just vanilla minecraft so it just looks very weird twilight sparkle bow oh my gosh this bow is a bit powerful the apple sword does so much damage 950 attack damage all right let's see what mobs we've got there's a lot oh my gosh there's music playing get out of there all right what's this so we've got a robot sombra hate it just just purely hate it black widow spider don't like that either oh yeah go on boy levitation what on earth is that thing right chief thunder hooves look at his face what's happening there spawn centipede hate it oh gosh what's going on here king thousand nine thousand oh my goodness hydra what an earth is oh god it's huge windigo what's going on did i just see rainbow dash what is going on oh no what is this what is going on this is it's nice look at it oh no they're fighting it's the battle of the ages oh the lag i need to get out of here and the baby moves finally oh it's hideous and it's dead this is a buffalo oh we've already seen one of those getting destroyed okay that's a magic windigo it's insane gobble oh yo gobbles kind of looks kind of cute what's his face look like god we'll come back here go i can't keep up oh maybe not very cute adult moose right uh crocodile uh it died instantly oh something's killing it i don't know what's happening a bear yep that looks nothing like a bear tough guy oh my gosh look at his muscles oh he's gone mavis oh and uh major oh my goodness it is huge all right well let's leave here looks like we're getting some my little pony ones this is a phoenix what is this it's kind of cute we got twilight sparkle the pony oh oh yep they're gone rainbow dash oh they've dashed off whoa oh my gosh what's on the f manticore where'd it go manticot is gone again where'd it go okay this is just ridiculous rainbow dash is coming and killing everything that's a manticore rainbow centipede yep hate that apple jack that's another pony in it what is going on arctic scorpion oh yeah i hate that as well a timberwolf that's kind of creepy all right the final ones please have some cool stuff we got a trial the corn magic yep okay a cockatrice what was that crabzilla that's a big old crab iron will which is attacking the crab zilla rainbow dash cloud oh that's the thing that was killing us this entire time cool well this is the weirdest mod i've seen in a while we've got these rainbow dash cutie marks which you can shoot what on earth well wasn't that fun now it's time to end the video so i'm gonna say goodbye in a few seconds first i'm gonna say please subscribe okay now i'm saying goodbye goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,160,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, hilarious, new, mods, bad, terrible, funny, good, mlp, scary, brand new
Id: oREuJApzGus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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