Transforming My Brothers Room Into His Dream Room!

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this is my brother's setup and yeah it's pretty messy my brother has been living in the same room for seven years and it hasn't really changed but now it's hopefully time to change that and as you guys can see I have a ton of different products that I'm going to be using to transform his room [Music] look at this guy's wall this thing literally looks terrible I mean there's just a bunch of old tape this wall is just completely damaged especially this side you could literally already see the paint what is this bro [Music] dude this is literally nasty look at how much dust there is like literally look at all this bro my brother has allergies so no wonder bro look how much dust this is I have to literally clean all this dude this thing is so dusty in the back of his PC and everything is just so dusty he actually needs to clean his setup more look at this bro I already made two videos completely redoing my brother's setup but he already got an extremely messy again so I bought some things to hopefully change that get a ton of pencils and just school supplies all over the place so I bought this all in one stand and although it's not the best looking thing it should definitely help a lot with keeping all those papers and pencils organized but for real he really needs to keep his desk more clean because at this rate I'm gonna be remaking his setup like every month or so I'm really hoping that this stand over here solves his problem of just having a super messy desk with like all the pencils and like books and everything all over the place [Music] foreign literally has no LED lights at all so I wanted to try something new in his room that I've never done before you guys have probably seen on Tick Tock how people have like these RGB light strips at the very top of their walls and it just makes the entire room that kind of RGB color so I decided to go ahead and try that so I bought like 64 feet of RGB strips and it should hopefully be enough to cover their entire wall this is my first time using a ladder and I already know that hanging up all the LED strips like on the roof is going to take me such a long time I'm not really looking forward to it imagine I fall off the ladder that'd be kind of funny all right so I brought the camera up here so hopefully I don't drop it but I always wondered what was on the top of like of this kind of thing I don't even know what you call it and it looks like this room used to be purple or pink who painted this room purple or pink what type of color choice is that but I'm just gonna hang the LED strip all the way kind of up till there and we'll see like how far I can wrap it foreign [Music] [Music] sent out a ton of new gaming peripherals for my brother's setup the Scarborough 2 mouse pad from Asics is more of kind of a minimal gaming mouse pad but it really matches any kind of red or black color scheme setup the best part about this mouse pad compared to other mouse pads is that it has a kind of special coating that makes it water dust and oil repellent no offense to my brother but I think this is a pretty good mouse pad for him because whenever I give him any of my mouse pads he makes them really dirty this new keyboard is the Rog strix scope RX tkl Wireless Deluxe and it looks really good it's a wireless keyboard so it will help make his setup look really clean because there's not going to be almost any cables not only that but the keyboard is also super responsive paired with the Rog Gladius 3 wireless mouse it just makes the setup look super clean since there's barely any cables on it at all just like the keyboard it's super responsive and doesn't have any delay my brother has been using the exact same headset for around one year now and it's finally time for an upgrade these new wireless headphones the Asus Delta wireless headset has really really good sound quality and of course it's also Wireless and I basically just hooked my brother up with a completely wireless gaming setup they also sent me the Asus scope RX keyboard which of course is another wireless keyboard This is a full-size keyboard so it's really good for anyone who does school work and also games with the exact same keyboard because it's not missing any useful Keys just for now I'm only gonna put one of the keyboards on his desk and then after the video ends I'll let him choose which keyboard he wants the RGB on both of these keyboards is really really bright so it makes it perfect for anyone who has a gaming setup again huge shout out to Asus for sponsoring this video make sure to check them out with the first link in the description and pinned comment alright so since my brother also uses his setup for school I decided to give him like this little headlamp I used to have in my old setup and I had an extra one so I just decided to give it for him and then it basically will just shine a light like over here so whenever he's doing homework or something late at night last time I rebuilt my brother's setup I added these foam wall panels but they just didn't stick to the wall whatsoever I don't know if it was a material or the tape I was using but they just literally were falling off my brother decided to add these wall panels that I actually have in my own gaming setup but I don't know if he didn't use enough tape or if it was just bad quality tape he used but it wasn't strong enough at all so then also those started falling off what I'm gonna be doing is using this super strong double-sided tape to actually firmly stick these wall panels up here so then they never fall off again [Music] to the mess [Music] I literally hate setting up wall panels but they just make the setup look so much better I mean one The Ripped wallet just looked absolutely terrible but then just having these 3dr panels like in whatever setup I add them they just always make it look so much better so I know his room has a good amount of RGB light already with the LED strips at the top of the roof but I still wanted to add just a little bit more these are the Govi Glides and I used to have them in my room but I didn't really have any space for them anymore to be honest and I just decided to add them to my brother's setup I've actually seen a couple of people put up these Govi Glides like right next to the wall panel so I decided to do the same thing in his setup this actually looks a lot better than expected and I think I might even add this to my setup I mean I'm just learning stuff but probably what could be done in the future is if I add it on the top over here I think it would make it look like even 10 times cooler it would look really really sick his setup is definitely missing some RGB so I kind of have some more things I have my old star like projector over here and then we have some cabinet lights and then two flood lights and I think I don't know if I'm gonna set all these up because to be honest I'm really tired I've already spent three hours like kind of building a setup I'm gonna see like if I'm gonna sell all this up the floodlights were actually mad bright and you can change it to any color you want but like in my room I think that blue or pink like any kind of RG should be that is that color just looks by far the best this was actually my old star projector from around one year ago and I just randomly found it behind my mirror like a week or two ago and I remember when I very first got it my brother actually wanted one if any of you guys are ogs you remember my old videos when I used to have this set up last thing I need is set up in his room is his fake bamboo plan I saw a couple of YouTubers had it and decided to pick it up but to be honest it probably wasn't worth it for the price I mean don't get me wrong it definitely looks pretty good but if you're on a budget you definitely don't need this in your setup and to be honest it probably shouldn't even be more than like 60 bucks of course it's a fake bamboo plant Because by the way my brother takes care of his room I would not trust him with his plan at all just being honest by the way my brother finally made a YouTube channel after some convincing I don't know what type of content he's gonna post but I think it's gonna be something gaming so make sure to drop a sub to him down below I also bought this metal poster from display and I actually really really like their posters but they are kinda expensive it was like almost 95 or almost a hundred dollars and it just didn't arrive here I think it's a ride driving like two or three days but I just had to get this video out and I couldn't really wait but then later I'll probably just add it to a setup all right I never show this when I'm building setups but look at just how messy the rest of the room is like this is what you guys see on camera right like it looks like decent you know but then this is what's actually realistically like happening behind camera so yeah I just have to clean like all this up I mean look at this bro look at all that junk wow I'm in I'm a nurse somebody yeah baby [Music] nobody back [Music] I just finished remaking his room and it's now time for the final reveal the money coming to me so fast everybody living better I still remember times when I'm
Channel: Vermax
Views: 1,294,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vermax, xen vermax, vermax room transformation, vermax setup makeover, gaming room makeover, transforming brother setup, gaming setup transformation, building my dream gaming setuo, building my brother his dream setup, build my brother a gaming setup, building my brothers dream setup
Id: UyUt3eh85nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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