My Friends Gaming Setups Are Terrible…

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I asked my friends to send me their setups and I am not holding back on them alright the first setup is from Brenner and I'm not gonna lie it's valid you got a PC monitor keyboard and mouse you can't go wrong it's pretty simple but why is your PC on the left side literally no one does that like Google so I mean there really isn't much to say it's a simple setup your desk is way too small though like get that upgraded if I'm being completely honest RGB lights actually a w Blue by far the best RGB light color you can't argue on that one and yeah simple setup can't go wrong with that solid seven and a half out of ten okay this is already going downhill pretty fast we got pedram set up just clean the setup bro like what what am I even looking at war zone no one plays war zone that movement is terrible but uh yeah the setup's just a complete mess he does have water in the table gotta stay hydrated so I give that a Big W there I think he has an Xbox One S so he has more of like an old gen console and I don't even know how that would run Warzone I feel like that's so laggy but yeah just clean the setup add some RGB and you're done you got the basic gamer setup right there that's the basic gamer setup starter kit right there I feel like it'd be pretty hard for me to actually give this setup away rating because if he just cleaned it which would take like two seconds and then just put the console on the table because he'd have a lot more space and then added an RGB strip behind the desk it would literally be like a solid seven and a half or seven right now it's looking like a solid four and a half I'm Gonna Keep it a buck and imagine he added a full-sized mouse pad on his desk it would literally be so much better I might just give him one when I go to school on Monday if I'm being honest okay I'm not gonna lie Matisse is set up actually had like a setup glow up if that's even a thing I'll pop up a picture of his old setup it was in my last reaction friends video and it wasn't bad at all but he had a PS4 I sold him my um PS5 and he changed up a couple of things like he added some go V light bars here which are actually like really nice because in like a light blue teal color we got some RGB strips at the top but those messy posters gotta go like Ronaldo's just the best sui you know what I mean like bro messy's not to go another thing I'll actually say is that whenever I'm on FaceTime with him he literally is staring up at the TV like this and I know it probably would be really annoying to do and he probably won't do it but I would have definitely moved that TV down because he's literally gaming like this on controller looking all the way up and I feel like that's pretty annoying on his neck so I would give this setup like a seven and a half which is similar to what I've been giving for like all the setups but because he has a messy poster we gotta take away like half a point so a solid seven for this setup this is John's setup and he's a little bit of a car nerd and just like pedram set up his setup is so messy bro like you got an Xbox series X the most expensive like Xbox you can get so it's really good and you just have it sat on like a messy desk and I'm Gonna Keep it a buck I I hate to say it but the desk kind of looks pretty bad I would if you could upgrade the desk just get a simple flat desk Xbox monitor I don't is that it's that's like a TV or monitor I'm not 100 sure hopefully it's more than 60 hertz so he can actually take advantage of the Xbox series X but yeah just Xbox monitor keyboard mouse big mouse pad and RGB strip on the back you got a solid seven right there you can't go wrong I'm telling you it would make this setup so much better because right now I have to it's another four and you could get it to another like seven that's like what I've been rating all the setups but you could get it so much better if you just did those small changes what even is that in the top right is that a bird cage or that that's like a lamp all right A lot of my friends actually have consoles and it's just another messy setup I hate to repeat myself but I gotta be honest y'all don't clean your rooms bro I mean my room right now is actually pretty clean you guys can't really see but you know my room actually does get messy pop up some videos of how messy my room has gotten what's that random like Chinese hat doing on the left it's just kind of random because you have like football decorations around I'm not into American football but it looks like he's a little bit of a Tom Brady fan some of you guys may hate that I don't know I can't really care because I don't really watch it but yeah for the celebrating though a little bit messy but it's not like terribly messy if I'm being honest it looks like he just has a couple games to clean up and that's really it and uh yeah I'd probably rate this setup another four and a half like they all have really similar ratings all right I've been saving this setup near the end because Blake he's my iro friend so he lives like an hour away from me but his setup is actually insane he's like I'm not saying this in a defensive way he's not like a big streamer or content creator but he does stream I'll actually plug his channel on the bottom in the description because I know he really will want me to so you can go check that out but he's another kind of he has a SIM racing wheel I got one and he copied me so yeah I just gotta say that and he has like three monitors one of them is not turned on and I think in his PC he has a 2060 he was saying but yeah his setup is actually like really really nice we got the RGB at the top could do better cable management but I can't speak at all my cable management is absolutely terrible at least below my desk on top it's completely fine though I don't know I just really like it because it's like a unique monitor layout setup and I actually really like the color scheme he went for here so I'd have to rate this like many people won't agree but if you're comparing it to the subs we have earlier in the video this setup is at least like a nine nine and a half if I'm being honest this is Nick's setup and he he's a pretty big car nerd I'm not gonna lie his dad like has a Lamborghini and he's getting a Porsche GT3 RS so yeah they have like really really nice cars and he's helping me out with my car I never like actually stated publicly I meant to say is that I literally like never told anyone that I actually got a car recently and I'm gonna get it customized and all that before I actually reveal it but yeah he's gonna help me out with that a little bit but about his setup we have the Sim racing kit and he actually told me he spent like three hours trying to fix the wheel and it was like kind of broken I don't know it wasn't like I I don't really know it was broken on it but yeah that wheel is pretty much broken right now but about the setup we got dual monitors so that's a w his setup though I don't know where the mouse pad I gave him is I literally gave him a full-size mouse pad Nick where is that bro I gave him a full on-size mouse pad don't tell me it's still in the back of his car his PC is definitely on the lower end I remember I checked it it was around like it had like a 1080 or something like that so it's kind of like a budget PC but it's not bad at all he just needs a mouse pad uh clean up the setup a little bit with some wires it's not terrible and then he has already car decorations so I like the theme he has in his setup and just add RGB though if he added RGB it would definitely be a lot better and yeah that's basically it for this setup if I had to truly read it there's so many things that could be better bro six and a half I it could definitely bump up a lot if he cleaned it added mouse pad rgb2 just as a little bonus for this video make sure you guys follow my Twitter it will be in the description but I'm gonna tweet out right now and add like one or two of your guys's setups for a video and just basically the first people to respond I'm just gonna check out their setup so that yeah okay this was literally the first picture that I got sent and it's from Breezy I hosted him like about 10 months ago actually when I was streaming earlier he's actually wrapping the Vermax Community pretty good here because it's a really nice setup if I'm being honest he has some posters which I'm not really a fan of but his actual setup is really sick he's like a streamer we got a little ring light on the left there microphone PC dual monitor setup and then it looks like a really nice keyboard and I think that's the ninja air 58 if I'm not wrong for his Mouse and it's just overall a really really nice setup one thing I probably would switch out though is his mouse pad it matches too much with his desk and you could get the Vermax mouse pad I'll pop it up on the screen right now it'll also be linked down below but I feel like the Vermax mouse pad would look really really nice on this setup just to add kind of to the blue he has in his room I think the RGB he actually has his purple but just any mouse pad with color doesn't have to be my mouse pad yo yo these guys have insane setups I I didn't even know your guys's setups were this good okay no this is a 10. this is actually a 10. and I and it has to be his setup because it's usually yeah it's his setup he has a little YouTube plaque and it's the same as his Twitter oh my what what it I don't yo this setup is so I love this finally finally my eyes bro oh my gosh this looks I'm overreacting because this setup compared to everything else we've seen I'm sorry to anyone and all my friends but this setup is just insane you can't even compare it bro he has even the custom PS5 are you kidding me 10 10. like I even need to learn from this guy I love the background I I love the bricks bro it just oh my the setup is so nice and it's clean okay I'm getting a little too excited but this setup is a 10 bro king king or I know I butchered your name W set up honestly all right there's just so many good setups I was only planning to react to like one or two but I gotta add more of them in here here is Libby's setup W setup three monitors I love the lightsaber at the top that's the lean Lee PC case this was actually my editor she edited for me for like a year and a half and I literally love how organized it is and I really like the idea of adding like a mini fridge instead of like one of the Alex drawers it's like really really creative Libby's setup is a solid nine and a half bro this is so nice all right the last setup because I was showing you guys some really expensive setups I want to show you like what exactly I was talking about that my friend should do the entire video and noodles has the exact setup I was talking about full size mouse pad that's actually my mouse pad that you guys see on the screen right now that's the ver Max and gutsy Aiden swirl mouse pad link below he has a console on the side organized and like not a huge mess and he has a little mini laptop probably for school work or anything like that and just a simple Monitor and a mic dude this is what I've been saying the whole time and he has an RGB strip on the back of the desk too and it's a good sized desk this is exactly what I was talking about the entire video this is perfect bro and noodle is definitely more in a budget so for the budget he had nine eight and a half around there really nice setup there's actually so many nice setups so I definitely will have to put them in a future YouTube video maybe if you guys really do enjoy this one I'll just pop up some extra ones up on the screen right now from the tweet I just posted because dude these setups are so nice if you guys did enjoy this video though make sure you let me know down below because this is a little bit different from the setups I've actually been making and I really enjoyed making this so if you enjoy it then I can definitely make more of these maybe even put up like some simple prize pools like a hundred dollars for the best setup just let me know down below but yeah if you watch all the way to the end make sure you drop a quick sub over 70 of you guys have watched my videos are not subbed and YouTube recommends the video somewhere on the top corner of the screen I don't really know here it's kind of complicated but yeah that's about it God bless
Channel: Vermax
Views: 560,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vermax, xen vermax
Id: ukmVsPgn7HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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