Surviving in an Indestructible Rescue Tank!

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[Music] hi there hi this is the world's most capable all-terrain vehicle aka the shirt and we're in the middle of nowhere nowhere no nowhere nowhere no way now if we didn't have this shirt for survival out here tonight it is likely that we would die we were told that when Nightfall arrives do not leave the safety of the vehicle so clearly the problem is we have no supplies but our team has deployed multiple supply drops in the area for us to find we have no idea where they are but we definitely want to find them before nightfall all right let's go get our supplies is so fun it feels like we're driving on a cloud so we gotta be on the lookout first grade we really have no idea where they are guys like they could be anywhere we might go to bed without anything so we gotta figure this out there's a total of three Supply crates that we're looking for so we have to keep moving if we want to find them all before dark inside we're gonna get out for a little bit and search the forest you ready Chris yes I'm thirsty and I'm hungry dude this is sketch you can just hear all the noises of the force if I hear twixnap I am eating myself back to the sherp what was that was that you I'm not seeing anything bro well you haven't looked for that long Chris it's honestly a little intimidating leaving the safety of the shirt we could get lost in the thick forest or run into some of the crazy Predators Josh the sherp owner told us about so sharps are the most capable off-road amphibious vehicle on the planet with four World Records to prove it nothing can do what these machines can do so right now in northern Minnesota everything is coming out of hibernation and everything is hungry nothing is green yet so there isn't really any food for them to eat so they're going after anything that moves we got wolves we got Bears we got coyotes even the raccoons get kind of nasty this time of year so you guys are gonna have some fun I'm sure you're gonna hear some animals uh sniff it around you as far as I understand the guys are doing a full 24 hours hopefully they can find some food hopefully they can find some water Chris I just spotted something right there I see a little bit of orange I don't know if that's a crate or not but do I think it is come follow me yes I think we found a crate oh it is dude dude it's a huge crane yes oh it's a sleepy one heck yes dude this is kind of big yeah I don't think we're gonna be able to carry this back to the car all right I'm gonna go get the Crowbar crowbar the view of Minecraft I am in Minecraft mode dude how do they expect us to be not oh this is an unbreakable Box video there we go wow there's a bunch of stuff in here okay let's see what we got we got some pillows sleeping bags sleeping bag very good another sleeping bag very good I think that's it yeah I think that's it all right well Chris we got our comfort boom this is a big win but we need to find the rest of the crates to ensure our survival wave 100 there might be one around in nearby lake that we passed earlier so we decided to sit down and explore it the lake that the guys are going to be going on today is an extremely dangerous lake at least three people that I know of have died on the lake and it's surrounded by floating Lake bog and bottomless mud so in order to get onto the Open Water they're gonna have to go through that so far the the sherp is the only vehicle that's been capable of actually accessing this lake to go out and fish it and there is fish in that lake so hopefully they'll catch something and not starve to death tonight so we just got to the lake and there's something peculiar Chris do you see that thing there's something out on the lake well let's go investigate if I had a guess that is our next supply drop so we're gonna go out there remember what the guy said about the lake we do not want to get out once we're in there and if this thing breaks down we're stuck you know that's a good point though singing float and drive on the water we're gonna test this thing out and see what it can do here we go okay this part is the bog right here guys you can get sucked into it if you get out the fog oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh dude wow look at this gets stuck down oh my God and we are officially floating in the lake this is crazy dude if I really enjoy our adventures together we gotta go that way to the drop let's go all right there it is you need that bag you got it uh yeah heck yeah dude all right let's see what's inside heck yes dude Tackle Box Tackle Box gotta catch some fish barbecue uh barbecue nice nice propane burners propane barbecue stuff oh that's a night tonight holding the blade Chris this is for when we catch the fish someone's gotta gut it pots pans and plates ooh fishing pole heck yes oh this is like an extendable one we just got our fishing pole set up we're thinking about trying to fish for a couple hours and if we have no luck we're gonna try to go get our water but I'm hungry dude mine's all set up too so I'll probably fish out the front if we can both catch two pan fish That'll be amazing here goes nothing I'm just gonna see it hey this isn't cool oh yeah that was a good guess [Music] we fished and fished but didn't get a single bite our chances of eating tonight are looking slim to none with even less time now we have to make a decision about what we're gonna do next well this officially sucks fishy three two one now one two three two one now three me one now Chris what do we give up on food and go back and get water that's a very good question because what if we go and get water but we stay out here longer we get food I definitely want to get water before nightfall plus if we find the water quick we can just come right back here all right let's just go get some water I want food more than I want water I'm starving Jeff we'll go get water we'll come right back here and get something to find the water we spend an hour looking for earlier wow feeling sassy over there rock paper scissors I win we're fishing for another hour Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Rock Paper Scissors Shoot boom all right we're getting water all right reel them in we have two hours left before and I Fall to find the water crate so we need to find it fast our best bet is to trust we didn't accidentally miss it earlier in our search and explore the rest of the forest where's this last crate been looking all day for it yeah I don't want to be caught outside when the Predators start to come out we really need this crate we kept pressing forward traveling in the shirt searching through miles and miles of dense forest when suddenly something caught my eye dude there's a freaking what the frick is that what dude look at that in the tree is that a beaver in that oh it's a porcupine no dude that's a porcupine he's gonna shoot needles at you Chris that's not how it works how did you see that because I was looking in the tree what's up bud what should we call him healthy hey Pokey after Chris spotted Pokey I started imagining seeing things do you see it could have sworn I saw something I think my mind playing tricks on me dude it's getting dark where is this crate we're racing against the sun trying to find this crate but our energy is drained and we're running out of places to look now it's not that much daylight left we have to keep going while we still can we gotta find this water I'm so thirsty eating water is so bad the sun's almost down Paris once the sun goes down we're going to bed hungry and thirsty I don't think we're getting food though We're not gonna have time to go back to the lake I'm getting triggered keep searching [Music] do you see that water it's water Jeff heck yeah dude it's a water box I'm gonna eat it down should I just throw it down wait what if all of our water explodes let's do it dude this is sketch as heck how do I get this out I'm just gonna eat it dude you eat it bro oh bro water is here guys oh no Chris it is leaking Oh it's leaking when we do that no no get it to the car he's in the car this is the shirt get into the shirt why do we do that we should have done that we gotta perform resuscitation wow I'll be treating my dog some ranches rip my beat me up dude where's their shirt it's not leaking that bad maybe that's because all the water is drained out don't say that so let's see the damage hey Chris can you be a civilization being this time and not and not do break it open like you did last time oh no oh Chris he's doing it oh no get that anger out Chris get all your anger out all day you've been looking for the water see if you're using none of it there's just been none anywhere yeah I hope this water is okay dude oh no it's all gone is there another one no no dude this was an L I don't know what to do right now well Chris if we should find our camping spot before the wolves come out finding the water crate just to lose it all was a big bummer but on the bright side we can successfully say we found all the supply drops now we see if we can survive the night they're gonna be sleeping out in the middle of nowhere in this Wildlife that's just coming out of hibernation uh but it's going to be an adventure they're going to hear packs of coyotes yelping probably some wolves howling I'm sure there's going to be some bears sniffing around their unit so they're going to have to be extremely careful with that oh this is it half bath looking comfy over there Chris honestly this isn't too bad it's not too bad I feel like it's just it feels safe to me you know so just so you guys know no food no water all day luckily we have our bed so this is probably going to be an interesting night we were told that there's probably going to be wolves and bears maybe walking by so we'll see what happens it'd be hard to fall asleep we'll see good night good night well this is dark I hear the Wolves Josh was right I sent it that way [Music] I mean they they seem pretty far away [Music] good morning we made it through the night I had a dream that's trying to get water from people and they just kept giving me ketchup hey Jeff wake up it's been 24 hours we won we did it thankfully the shirt protected us from all the Predators that Josh warned us about we not only found all the supply drops and survived the night but we sure did have a great time exploring and traversing the train in the shirt thanks again to Josh and sherp USA for this experience cheers [Music]
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 3,400,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival, all terrain, offroad, overnight, rescue tank, Dangie bros
Id: moJx1BWxpD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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