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greetings friendship west family and those who are like family and all of you who serve and support your communities not only in the city of dallas but across this country at friendship west under the leadership of our senior pastor the reverend dr freda douglas haines iii we believe in economic justice and whether that is advocating for just lending practices or whether it's running our black owned credit union or whether it is supporting our black-owned businesses right here in the city of dallas of the leadership of albany haynes we believe in making sure that we support our black owned businesses here in the city whether they have a storefront or whether they are online we want to do all we can to make sure that you are aware of who they are where they are so that we can spend our dollars in our community and you may be aware this is the 100th commemoration of the 1921 tulsa race massacre and its friendship west we have three phases in which we have chosen to commemorate our ancestors who were there in tulsa in the greenwood district first phase was on june 2nd we held a sankofa moment where we remembered our ancestors what they built what they were able to do with grit determination faith their innovation and their creativity to create a black wall street that rivaled not only other black communities but any community in the united states and that was known as black wall street and then phase two albany haines gave leadership who gives leadership to our west wall street where we support small business owners we had that during our church anniversary and people really came out from the community and supported our black owned businesses and so here is phase three where we want to implement what does it mean to spend the last 100 days of this year commemorating the 100 race massacre what does it mean for us to take the last 100 days and to support black owned business wherever they may be whether they're online whether they have a storefront we want us to wake up every day in whatever good or service you need think is there a black owned business that i can support and turn my dollars over did you know that as a people we have 1.3 trillion dollar buying power in this country however it is estimated that less than 3 percent of that circulates back in our communities and in friendship west we want to change that and we want to challenge you to join us to make sure that we can begin to turn our dollar over in our community to create a future a just future for generations to come come with me now to a small business owner that we love and support right here in oak cliff who not only feeds your mind but also feeds your body and not only at san copa can you get amazing food fresh food well-made food and healthy food for your body with a name like sand coffee you know they also come with a wealth of knowledge and books that you can purchase that can also feed your soul so we're so appreciative of this black home business right here in oakland texas that we support and we encourage you to support as well we'll be back at a later date to highlight san copa and many other businesses so you can know more about them how to find them and how to support them so here's what we're asking you to do for the last 100 days of this year starting on september 23rd we're asking you to make sure that you turn your dollar over in the black community and so here's how you can be involved in what we're doing in friendship with go to friendship west social justice page on facebook search for 100 commemoration tulsa race massacre 100 days of buying black group join that group we'll have updates every week we'll have ways in which you can make sure you're supporting black owned visitors as well as ways for you to share businesses that you think we ought to highlight so people can support also make sure you're following friendship with all of our social media platforms we'll have information there as well so we look forward to you joining us to go there today join the group so you can be informed we look forward to seeing you in that group interacting with that group and let's do what we can to make sure our buying power first goes to our business so we can supply what we need in our communities whether it's a good or a service and let's leave a future for generations to come and those we can hire when they come out of college our kids need a place to work when they come out of college and we can provide that if we were to continue to do what our answers have already done in black wall street let's make black wall street great again [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good morning this is the day that the lord has made and let us rejoice and be glad in it we do thank and praise god for your presence this morning as we now enter what the month of october continuing in our third trimester of responsibility but we have a new monthly theme that monthly theme is what i am a steward and thanks be unto god that the bible reminds us in corinthians that what we are to be what stewards of grace and we what are stewards of grace as a result of having the divine example in the person of jesus christ the sovereign steward who was a steward of mercy steward of love steward of hope and steward of liberation and transformation and you know that whole word of stewardship is what i'm a caretaker and an agent on behalf of somebody else's interests and aren't you glad to know this morning that the lord has never slept and or slumbered and or slacked in god's stewardship in terms of loving us healing us transforming us delivering us from the hand of the enemy so we should have a little extra energy on the first sunday why because we are celebrating the fact that living he loved us dying he saved us buried he carried our sins far away but rising he justified and freed us forever so we should be in a spirit of worship should be in the spirit of thanksgiving for all that the lord has done for us and we are called to continue to be the stewards based upon the sovereign steward demonstrating divine love for others so now let's pray and let's get ready for worship and let's get ready for the word that's going to come forth on this morning god of love power and peace we do give you thanks we give you honor we give you glory we give you praise we exhort your name we extol you we come first god asking for forgiveness of sin whatever we've done and word thought deed or action that was contrary to you realize you helping us realize the best of who you want us to be please forgive us so that we can receive the bread and the wine in a way that allows us to continue to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth we ask a special blessing upon our pastor crown him and anoint him afresh from the crown of his head to the soul of his feet allow him to preach cry aloud and spare not prepare our hearts and our minds to hear from you in order that we leave this virtual space a whole lot better than we came in jesus name now let's get ready to worship our great god on this morning come on put your hands together come on come on [Music] and i gotta let it out i gotta praise that again [Music] i got a place i gotta [Applause] [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] i gotta pray [Music] [Applause] come on they give them plans right here [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] i love it i love it now what i'm saying [Applause] [Music] you practice [Music] you will never be the same [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] what's it gonna do what's it gonna do why jesus is about what you gonna do right now when what you gonna do wow [Music] let me help you [Music] [Music] right now [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] in the lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] friendship west family many of you joined us last year when we served thanksgiving meals to families in the southern dallas community with your help we were able to bless a little over 2 000 families wow what an impact your giving and volunteering accomplished god's light was truly shown that day as recipients reached out letting us know how much the prayers kind spirits smiling faces and fulfilling mailboxes bless their lives well we are at it again in collaboration with our partners in the red bird outreach collaboration together this year we will provide boxes to 3 000 families we saw the need to increase the number as the need has continued to grow friendship west members who will be needing a thanksgiving box will need to register on our website distribution for members only will be friday november 19th saturday november 20th distribution is open to all we can only do this with your help you can help us by one donating we are responsible for collecting six thousand cans of corn three thousand boxes of jiffy cornbread make sure it's jiffy and three thousand packets of brown gravy mix donations can be dropped off or delivered to 616 west keys boulevard dallas texas 75224 or 2020 west wheatland road dallas texas 75232 anytime between october 3rd and november 7th you can also help by volunteering there are many opportunities to volunteer we will need assistance the entire week with things such as loading and unloading preparing boxes distributing boxes and turkeys and traffic control for more information or to register please visit or email me at g shellman let's continue to be a blessing together [Music] good morning good morning and thank you gloria for reminding us that we are blessed so that we can be a blessing to those here in dallas texas whether that's thanksgiving day or whether that is helping our folks over in highland hills and so we are so grateful that we serve a god of total sufficiency a god of unlimited resources and so today what we want to do is give you another update on the haiti migrate migrants who are down at the border though the cameras are gone they have moved them away from the bridge the situation is still dire and they are still in need of so much help and so here are just a few photos of how it looks currently and we didn't share some of the pictures because we want to preserve their dignity because the conditions in which they live in under currently are just inhumane is not fit for a human being and so what we want to do at this moment is put out a call to action of what we need in this moment having talked to some of the organizations who cross the border daily what's needed at this moment are gym mats so they can have something to sleep on they're currently sipping on the grass the dirt the mud and concrete and they don't have tents so they don't have any covering from the elements the sun the wind etc and the rain and so we want to make sure we can supply that but the easiest way to do that is to make contributions so that we can buy them in bulk and we can get them down to the border and make sure that it gets across the border into the people there's a challenge getting some of the other products to them just for a number of reasons and so we think it's best to serve them the way in which the organizations have already let us know we can be most impactful and that's going to be jim matt's intent so you've already made significant contributions and we're so grateful for that so we're still asking for more contributions so that we can buy what they need and what's coming ahead the encampments are overflowing they're going to construct a new encampment because they're still trying to process many of the people so they can stay here and they're not sent back to haiti where they have absolutely no resources and so a new encampment will be constructed in the coming weeks and they're going to need water station food service stations and so we'll continue to keep you updated on how you can be a part of being a blessing certainly to god's people who are at the border so we're grateful for a god who loves all of us and we're grateful for god who has unlimited resources and who puts us in position that we might be able to continue to be a blessing so god bless you and we look forward to serving along with you in our endeavors [Music] how appropriate it is that on this sunday as we commemorate the ultimate act of love which was from a heart that gives that we transition from the message coming from pastor ayers [Music] giving us an opportunity to give to serve to be a blessing of course our motto is our god our motto is our savior god so loved the world that god gave god showed god's love for us and that while we were yet sinners christ died for us there is a connection between loving and giving there is the model of our maker who shows us repeatedly but especially powerfully and perfectly in the life sacrificial death of jesus christ that life is about what you do for others and greater love has no one than this then one lays down his or her life for their friends y'all we are loved and we are loved by our great god god loves you so much that god gave god's very best and so on the night that jesus was betrayed he gathered his followers and took bread and wine symbols of a sacrifice that was about to express the love of almighty god and so i encourage you wherever you may be to get the utensils that are appropriate that you have access to some kind of drink grape juice orange juice apple juice even water cracker bread [Music] as symbols of this love sacrifice and as we partake of them may the message and meaning of this meal speak to you envelop your heart encourage your spirit and let you know of the healing liberating love of jesus christ let us now reverently bow and commune together take eat this is my body which is broken for you drink this cup the new testament covenant of my blood which was shared for you let us commune together in jesus name [Music] let us silently pray [Music] oh god we thank you and praise you for your extravagant extraordinary love we thank you and praise you for your healing love we thank you and praise you for your love that gives to us forgives us and gives us chance after chance after chance after chance god thank you for loving us even when we are unlovable and unlovely thank you for loving us for looking beyond our faults and seeing our needs thank you for loving us thank you for believing in us thank you for valuing us thank you for healing us and liberating us through the love you showed for us in jesus christ god we thank you for jesus and now we thank you and we praise you for your amazing grace now as you forgive us and please forgive us you know where we are wrong and where we need correcting god deliver us from us help us to get out of our own way and out of your way and all that you want to accomplish through us oh god forgive us free us heal us liberate us and then give us that same love to turn around and lovingly forgive those who've done us wrong and now god fill us with your holy spirit yes lord fill us with your holy spirit order our lives with your word and may we just as you in love gave your life for us us may we give our lives for others in jesus name amen [Music] i'm gonna wait on you i'm gonna wait on you i've tasted your goodness trust in your promise i'm gonna wait on you i'm gonna wait on you [Music] i've tasted your goodness trust in your promise say i'm gonna wait on you yeah i'm gonna wait on you taste if you're [Music] i'm going away cause i've tasted your goodness [Music] if you trust them i just need you to sing in your own way just worship to him hallelujah just have your way jesus ship this place god jesus no matter how long it takes me trusting you lord i'm going to wait on your way trust me [Music] wait on the lord wait on the lord he will renew your strength so wait i'll say wait on the lord yes god wait on the lord he will renew your strength he will be [Music] [Music] come on [Music] he will be [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] and i think that's what happens when you wake [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] is is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's what i'm saying [Music] i will trust the lord i will [Laughter] [Music] i had to take it trust in the lord until i i was lost [Music] [Music] i will trust in everybody right i'm trying to at least [Music] [Music] i'm gonna [Music] [Music] [Music] yes oh [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah wow what an awesome god we serve matter of fact god is so awesome i'm with you chadney i will trust in the lord until i die and i like how chatting he shifted that old school and said if i'm a trust in god that means i'm going to treat everybody right and i'm going to do it how long till i die hallelujah and praise god god is amazing god is awesome this is the day the lord has made we rejoice and we are glad in it god thank you so much for your presence for your power thank you that your joy is our strength thank you for your move even in worship this day and thank you that even in virtual spaces we can feel the reality of your presence as we praise your name and yes as we hear from you god you know how we feel you know what we're dealing with you know what we need what we're up against what we're going through god we need a word from you we need to hear from you we don't hear from you god what shall we do so please remove any distractions that may divert our attention don't let me or anything in me or about me get in the way of what you are up to and what you want to say and accomplish through me hide me behind the cross and help us to see jesus and we'll give you all glory and honor in jesus name amen amen one more time praise god right where you are for our praise team chatney and praise team are just phenomenal and powerful listen i see you in the zoom zoom room what's happening i miss y'all so good to see you listen i got a big announcement coming up so hang out because i may get to see you real soon i'm looking forward to that we're beginning a series today uh this month our overall umbrella theme is i am a steward and i want to preach this month uh from the theme steward the bag i like that you'll get that uh as we go through steward the bag and i want to begin today uh in as we continue and esther and the minor prophets i'm in esther chapter 2 verse 7 from the new international version translation of the hebrew text we find these words mordecai had a cousin named hadassah whom he had brought up because she had neither father nor mother this young woman who is also known as esther had a lovely figure and was beautiful mordecai had taken her as his own daughter when her father and mother died mordecai had taken her as his own daughter when her father and mother died in these few moments i'd like to use as a subject from which to preach come through mordecai come through mordecai question is how do you come through when there's so much that you are going through yesterday i'm watching the early morning national news show of a particular station and i learned a new phrase in the area of meteorology in the area of meteorology they speak of weather whiplash weather whiplash my sisters and brothers is when weather conditions change from one extreme to another unexpectedly and disruptively and as a consequence one is caught up in a change that they did not see coming were not prepared for and meteorologists liking it unto whiplash and so they call it weather whiplash weather whiplash that's powerful because earlier this summer weather whiplash took place i believe it was in the month of august or perhaps the beginning of september that there was weather whiplash that took place in that there were unprecedented record-breaking uh temperatures there in california the heat had gone up unexpectedly i'm not going to end there because not only were there record-setting temperatures in california on top of that there was a down slope of wind that set the stage for fires and then in colorado my wyoming and new mexico there were snows that came out of nowhere all of this was perhaps pushed or powered by two back-to-back typhoons in japan and korea watch this there were that was a weather weather whiplash this weather whiplash caught meteorologists off guard the changes were extreme not only were the changes extreme but again they were disruptive and abrupt and it dawned on me that's a powerful metaphor for what happens every now and then in this life in their the in that the climate around us it changes on us it's disruptive and abrupt and if you're not careful you will end up experiencing whiplash what is whiplash whiplash is when you experience a sudden jerking motion as a result of being hit or hitting something and as a consequence you are left injured so imagine that weather weather whiplash for the weather has to do with extreme climate changes around you and whiplash has to do with an injury that has happened to you because of the changes that are going on whether whiplash is that not a metaphor for what happened beginning march 9th 1892 in memphis tennessee ida b wales my sisters and brothers was doing her work as a great journalist but all of a sudden she got word that three acquaintances of hers that she knew well black businessmen had been lynched and when they were lynched understand that this particular vigilante justice was rooted in racism and noting this ida b wales wrote a scathing column in which she went in on the vigilantes who engaged in the racist practice of lynching and then she did not stop there but she spoke truth to power and dared to indict those who complicitly stood by as this vigilante justice rooted in racism took place right there in memphis tennessee i to be whales my sisters and brothers then went to the african methodist episcopal national conference in philadelphia pennsylvania and while she was away the press had received word of her scathing speaking truth to power column and when word got out the next thing you know they bombed her printing press not only did they bomb her printing press but they put the word out that when she returned to memphis that she also was going to get lynch weight she hoped that somehow justice would be served and the authorities would step in but she was sorely disappointed after all we all know that what ensued was a murderous reign there in the black community as businesses were torched and black people were killed all of this had started march 9th 1892 and my sisters and brothers understand that ida b whales her life was turned upside down i call it watch this a weather whiplash the weather whiplash started when something happened to friends of hers and then it continued when she dared to step up come through and take a stand only to be only to discover that while she was away everything that she had worked hard to give her life to and build up had been burnt down and then injustice continued to reign there in memphis tennessee i call it a weather whiplash and somebody is listening to me right now i don't know you but god has me in your kool-aid i called out your flavor because when you think about all that is going on in the world in your world you may want to testify that i am experiencing a weather whiplash the changes have been disruptive and abrupt there were some things that happened i never saw coming and like ida be whales i find myself now wondering how i'm going to make it listen david r williams of harvard university did a study and in this study he did a piece where they talked about the mental health of african americans in the aftermath of police shootings suffering in a terrible and traumatic fashion that's what happened to ida b whales and the memphis community as they find themselves handcuffed by helplessness terrorized and traumatized because of the lynchings that have taken place but again i lost everything that she had built up and all of that left her i suggest in a state of weather whiplash somebody has tuned in and god has me at your house in your place and god wants you to know yes life is filled with swift treacherous and traumatic transition and when you find yourself traumatized by transition when you find yourself whiplash by weather conditions around you that have left you injured perhaps we need to understand a lesson from my man mordecai the bible lets us know that mordecai knew something about whether whiplash read the first two chapters of the book of esther and you'll discover that mordecai had found himself in a situation that was insufferable because of changes that had been disruptive and abrupt look what the bible says happened the bible lets us know that his daddy kish had been a part of the community that had been defeated and then displaced and taken from judah the bible lets us know to babylon they had been defeated by nebuchadnezzar and the babylonian army and then the city of jerusalem had been destroyed the temple had been demolished they had known devastating defeat but the defeat was then magnified by displacement as they are taken from the home they had known to babylon where they hang their harps on the willows and say how shall we sing the lord's song in a strange land the book lets us know that man my man mordecai grows up in babylon but then a change take pla takes place it's extreme persia defeats babylon when persia defeats babylon evidently mordecai is moved again now from babylon to persia he's living in a jewish community in persia i hope you see the weather whiplash that is going on displacement now is followed by the death of his uncle and his aunt for the book lets us know that the mother and father of esther they die and when that whiplash takes place look what happens another whiplash event occurs because now mordecai adopts esther as his own do you see all that mordecai has been through he's been this family was displaced from jerusalem to babylon and then babylon was defeated and they were uprooted and taken to persia and then the book lets us know his uncle and aunt die and that leaves esther to fend for herself but now he takes this teenage young lady into his home but wait that's not all because his notifications must have been blowing up when vashtai had taken a stand and decided defiantly that she was not going to disrespect herself and parade her naked body with only her clown on her head in front of her husband and his drunken buddies she takes a stand asserting her agency and the book lets us know that that atmosphere of toxic masculinity was so upset that the advisors of the king they got together and they passed a public policy that in essence said women no longer have agency over their bodies is this texas in the bible women no longer have agency over their bodies and the book lets us know because of that that women are now second even third class citizens simply with their bodies being objectified they no longer are seen as humans to be respected but things to be used and now mordecai has to raise this adopted daughter in an atmosphere where at the intersection of ethnicity sexuality the book lets us know discrimination and second-class citizenship is going on i hope y'all feel the weather whiplash that my man mordechai must have been feeling because the book lets us know in spite of that weather whiplash that somehow someway mordecai was able to come through come through i love that phrase come through because you know i'm borrowing that from the culture the culture every now and then whenever somebody steps up and does something big time the culture responds with come through and when they stay they come through they're saying that person was successful that person has done something that was awesome and all inspiring that person is being appreciatively applauded because they were successful they stepped up they were able to come through i love it i can't help but remember back during basketball season as we anticipate the coming nba season when steph curry had had an amazing game and mark jackson his former coach was calling the game and steph curry hit a shot sometimes mark jackson would simply say mama there goes that man but this time here's what mark said mark jackson said come through steph curry come through and y'all what he was saying is that the game was on the line what he was saying the warriors were about to lose but somehow steph curry did what steph curry does and as a consequence mark jackson said come through come through and that's what god sent me to tell somebody who's tuned in today with all that is going on in this world with the disruptive abrupt changes going on in this nation god needs some christians to come through come through child of god come through because the because reproductive rights have been assaulted and attacked come through child of god because we're in a fight against fascism in what's supposed to be a democracy come through child of god after all democracy is unraveling come through child of god because haitians have been through hell and back and they're being dehumanized come through child of god come through god wants somebody to step up and come through come through mordecai mordecai what can you tell us mordecai says whenever a child of god comes through a child of god comes through because who you are sets the stage for what you do when challenges put the squeeze on you i'ma go back and do that one more time who you are sets the stage for what you do when challenges tried to put the squeeze on you y'all i had a talk with an orange and the orange said you're about to squeeze me home freddie i said you got that right i'mma squeeze you and get some juice out of you and that orange said to me well go ahead and put the squeeze on me because you'll discover that when you squeeze me whatever is in me is going to come out of me and y'all it dawned on me when life puts the squeeze on you whatever is in you is going to come out of you whatever you're full of is going to come out of you because who you are determines what you do when challenges try to put the squeeze on you oh i'm preaching y'all just not getting this thing i'm loving that thing the book lets us know mordecai oh stop right there the text says his name etymologically i was helped with this name by our phd from cambridge david malcolm magruder did my research to back it up magruder says that the name mordecai it means warrior i love that what is a warrior a warrior watch this is a courageous soldier who does not run from a crisis but to a crisis a warrior is one who steps up in a time of danger and drama a warrior does not give up a warrior knows how to step up i gotta help y'all right here because i've discovered who you are determines what you do when life puts the squeeze on you no one denies threw down like this and said my african skin gave me passion to win what was not saying nas was saying who i am as an african man as in black men it gave me my passion to win and y'all please don't forget that in this life who you are determines what you do when life is challenging you come here jesus they act like i'm making this thing up jesus is hanging on a cross and the bible lets us know god only a few months before on the mountain of transfiguration had said this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased hear him now the book lets us know he's hanging on a cross and while hanging on that cross you all know what happened there were some criminals on his right and left and the one on the left said ah while jesus was being mocked spat upon dissed in pain challenges putting the squeeze on him and the criminal on the left said if you're the son of god come down from this cross save yourself and us and jesus lets us know when you know who you are that some stuff ain't worth responding to because jesus threw his silence to him in essence said what do you mean i've got to tell you who i am by coming down coming down does not define who i am coming down ain't about who i am i'm going to stay up because if i stay up then you can get saved if i stay up there'll be a fountain filled with blood drawn from my veins sinners will plunge beneath that flood lose all their if i stay up i'll be wounded for your transgressions bruise for your iniquities the chastisement of my peace will be upon you and with my stripes you are healed i ain't coming down i'm gonna stay up and that's a word for somebody listening right now stay up don't let nobody bring you down you stay who you are regardless of what happens to you why because who you are informs what you do when life's challenges try and put the squeeze on you i love that right there jesus lets us know the importance of and the power of identity identity i'm still not coming through like i need to but but understand that when you know who you are and check this we know who we are based on the stories we tell ourselves okay okay so so you know who you are based on stories you tell yourself and so if you want to make sure that who you are gives you victory when challenges come at you check the stories you tell yourself now now i got to tell y'all this and and don't hate just just celebrate okay but but when mark jackson was coaching uh the warriors uh mark jackson uh would come to town let me know he's in town and so y'all i've never shared this i'm gonna share it now cause it just it just works and so mark jackson sent me tickets and so we're sitting behind uh the bench dev and i was sitting behind uh the bench uh where the warriors were seated as they're playing your hometown dallas mavericks and so here's what happened uh levester won't forget this the warriors were losing at halftime mark jackson was was upset and so mark jackson had walked with his team back to the locker room and mark jackson told his assistant coach go get pastor haynes and y'all they came to get me and they came and got me i didn't know what was going on i get to the locker room and mark jackson says we're losing i have nothing i can say to them x's and o's ain't what they need to hear go in there and preach and y'all at the halftime of the mavericks and warriors game mark jackson sent me in to preach the gospel and y'all i had to come off the cuff i didn't know where to start and so all of a sudden the holy spirit said what's the name of the team warriors and y'all guess what i preached about i preached about warriors now go out there and show them who you are that's what i talked about your warriors now go out there and show them who you are you know what text i use the text i used was ephesians chapter 6 because in ephesians chapter 6 it says put on the whole armor of god i went from there to say if god before you who can be against you the next thing i know y'all i'm in full preaching mode steph curry gets up and starts clapping clay thompson starts clapping the warriors are up clapping y'all i got the house i ain't dragging the holy ghost came through and y'all the warriors went out came from behind and beat the dallas mavericks i ain't saying it's me but i will say this i did tell them you are warriors now go out there and show them who you are now jesus just came by and said freddie haynes tell the people who have tuned in right now you are the light of the world show them who you are you are the sword of the earth show them who you are you are witnesses unto me show them who you are show them who you are show them who you are i got to quit i've held you all too long text says something else text says you come through with communal consciousness in the midst of the brokenness around you text says that the mother and father of esther died and mordecai adopted esther okay brokenness and mordecai says don't worry i have a village consciousness and my village consciousness is connected to the spirit of africans who speak of umbuntu umbuntu according to desmond tutu says it simply means we are persons who cannot become persons except through persons meaning that my identity is rooted in community if i want to fulfill my possibility and reach my date with destiny preach freddie i'm doing the best i can um says you're not going to be all that you're supposed to be unless you're connected unless you understand the power of community connection this this this this anthropologist was in africa pastor ayers and this anthropologist went to this village and said to the kids i have this basket of candy and i'm going to put this basket of candy in the middle of the village whoever gets to the basket of candy first gets all of it and y'all know what they did they joined hands and together they got to the center of the village where the candy was under this tree and when they got there together that's when the anthropologist said what are you doing i said the first one who gets their wins all of y'all are first this way and a little kid said exactly we are all first because how can any of us be happy if the rest of us are unhappy that's on boat to my sisters and brothers and that is diametrically opposed to the self-centered capitalist christianity that characterizes americanity americanity is all about me myself and i but if you follow my savior my savior said when you pray don't pray my father don't pray my will be you here's how you pray when you pray say our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation because life ain't just about you it's about us y'all don't like that because americanity emphasizes selfish me first individualism but christianity has that umbuntu village consciousness that says i'm gifted to share my gifts with others you think i made that up jesus helped help him help him jesus said well we'll check this i was in the wilderness being tempted by satan 40 days 40 nights i fasted satan comes up and says if you're the son of god turn these stones into hot water cornbread i said no it's written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god and then ten chapters later jesus is in the wilderness and the book says there's a crowd there with him suffering from food insecurity and jesus says y'all let's feed them but all we have is a two-piece and five biscuits that's all i need and the book says he took two piece five biscuits multiplied by dividing fed the multitude and when he fed the multitude here's the shout the shout is it's in the wilderness he's in the wilderness fasting 10 chapters before but he does not use his power to feed himself instead he uses his power to bless the community god gives you power not about you but power to be a blessing to the community well i've held you too long but here's my last piece and it makes me shout the last piece is this here it is i promise you i'm done when you come through in the now god sets the stage for blessings that come through and you're not yet okay if you come through in the present god comes through in your future if you come through right now god will come through with blessings because the blessings you sow right now will pop up with the harvest in your not yet look what the book says happen i already want to shout because the book says because mordecai took esther in esther who the book says was rihanna and beyonce fine the book lets us know that esther becomes eventually the queen of persia and when haman the hater decides to use public policy in order to exterminate the jewish community the book lets us know that esther is in position and esther says i'm going to see the king even if it cost my life but if she had not been adopted by mordecai she would not have been in position and so mordecai had no idea that when he was taking his cousin in he was setting the stage for a blessing that would come through for him in the future you never know how god is setting the stage for blessings in your future based on what you do right now y'all this happened to me for real for real i was in la antonio back in august and went to this restaurant that was recommended by a friend took my sisters with me and here's what happened friend recommends me the restaurant didn't tell me how expensive it was so i get there and before i get there i tell my sisters y'all order everything on me i got you i hear it's a great restaurant they had never been there i had never been there and so we get in the restaurant open up the menu once we sat down i saw the prices and now my ego won't let me tell my sisters uh what i said earlier about order everything you want uh let's stay on this side of the menu uh my ego wouldn't let me say that i'm trying to figure out how i'm gonna handle this thing and and all of a sudden the waiter comes up and the waiter says may i help you i said we need a little more time i never say that i'm always in a hurry but i'm trying to figure this thing out and the waiter then turns around and leaves and then the next thing i know let you know what kind of restaurant it was cousin vinnie uh the maitre d comes up and the maitre d comes up and the maitre d says i knew it your pastor haines and i said huh he said your pastor freddie haynes friendship west i was a member of your church when y'all were on keith's boulevard back in the day me and my mama and pastor haynes when i went away to college i can't ever forget that day i'm in college didn't have any money and pastor haynes you put a hundred dollar bill in my hand and pastor hayes i'm about to call my mama right now so mama can speak to you he called his mama mama was glad talked to me for about five minutes and i'm still sweating because now my ego won't let me deal with the fact the brother knows me knows me as pastor haynes from back in the day i don't know what i'm going to do and then once i hung up from mama he then said no pastor hayes who are these lovely women i told them they were my sisters he then said all right well pastor haynes because of that hundred dollar bill you gave me at prayer review first my my freshman year and my senior year and because of the scholarship your church gave me don't you worry about a thing the meal is on the house i said huh he said the meal is on the house order everything that you want i said i'll have the lobster and the king crab helena francine get everything that you want what happened y'all i had sold some seed years ago i had no idea that when i was up against it at just the right time the blessings would come through you see i came through for that young man back then and then god through him came through for me right now and i'm trying to let somebody know be not deceived god is not not whatsoever you sow that shall you also reap so go ahead and come through why because i haven't come through god i'm about to shout now but my god is in the come through business is there anybody who's tuned in right now who knows that god is a come true god come through my god and make a way out of no way come through my god open doors i can't open come through my god the bible says god came through yes god did paul and silas were in the philippian jail at midnight they began to sing and pray and god came through an earthquake rocked that jail and they were set free because god comes through hey peter was in jail and the church went down in prayer and god sent an angel because god will come through yeah yeah don't excuse me i'm getting a little happy now but one friday jesus bled and died he died for you he died for me they put him in the tomb and early sunday morning some women went to embalm his dead body and the women said how are we going to roll the stone away but when they got there they looked up and discovered that god has come through and raised jesus from the dead because my savior is a comet through savior my god is a come true god god will take care of you god will see you through god is i'll come through god so let me close with that old school song time is filled with swift transition no on earth unmoved can stand build your hopes on things eternal hold hey hold to his hand god's unchanging hand [Music] [Music] [Laughter] huh oh boy oh yeah hold to his hand god's [Applause] [Music] unchanging hand listen if ever we needed people of faith to come through it's now oh it's now this world is a wreck our nation is in crisis democracy is unraveling we're fighting fascism and y'all we need is a moral crisis that's why we're in a moral crisis and we need people of faith who will come through you know why i feel we can come through because if you walk by faith and not by sight you already know that you serve a come through god god has come through for you i know god has you still here ain't you because god came through and so here it is you're tuned in and you're saying preacher you know what you're right i need to step up and come through i need to remember who i am and start telling myself the right stories i need to come through preacher you're right you are so right i need to come through and and develop a village consciousness and recognize i got to step up because there's kids out there who need my mentorship there are others out there who need my ministry god has blessed me with privilege i'm going to use my privilege for those who don't have privileges and then here's the shout out the shout is whatever you do right now by coming through you never know what is setting up for you in your future because god is a come through god so here it is if you've tuned in and your thing is yeah pastor i'm ready to step up and come through i'm ready to do my part i feel the call of god on my life i've been through too much to not allow god to do something through me listen i want you to call that number right there 469-498-0210 don't just let this be a sermon that you get happy about let this be a message where god speaks to you and when god speaks to you listen don't just be a hearer be a doer of the word dial that number right now because you need a prayer worry to say hey prayer warrior listen i just heard the word and i need to come through i need to come through i need to step up i need to be that warrior for jesus four six nine four nine eight zero two one zero or preacher here's my deal i ain't gonna lie i need the lord in my life i need this savior who comes through to come through for me in grace and in salvation so that's you doubt that number right now you tuned in and you know you need a savior you tuned in and you know you need the healing power of jesus you tuned in and you need to be set free by jesus there it is four six nine four nine eight zero two one zero or preacher here's my deal i'm filling this church at music that praise set me on fire i'm filling this ministry i heard the word i want to join this church you can join church even in a pandemic here's the good news wherever you are in the world you can join church dial that number 469-498-0210 go ahead do it right now and hold to his hand god's unchanging hand do it right now build your hopes on things eternal hold to god's unchanging hand hallelujah and god bless you god bless you dial that number right now hold to his hand god's unchanging head if y'all were here we say all of that come up yeah [Music] god's unchanging [Music] [Music] i know you wanna go [Music] you [Music] easy hallelujah i hope you do that i hope you do that 469. [Music] god bless you listen it's offering time it's offering time are you ready to come through come through bring the whole tithe into god's storehouse god will come through and open up the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing you won't have enough room to receive it come through give and it shall be give it unto you good measure press down shaken together running over come through because it's more blessed to give than to receive won't you right now go ahead you see the numbers right there you can text to give text to give 972-200-9419 [Music] fwbc to that number 972-200-9419 or you have the gimplify app if you don't download it secure method of giving search out friendship west give through that vehicle or if you are on our website listen it's right there you can give give online give through our fwbc app or you want to bring it here you can do that 2020 west wheatland road w-h-e-a-t l-a-n-d dallas texas seven five two three two come through and watch god come through for you god bless you or you can mail it send it in 2020 west wheatland road dallas texas 75232 hallelujah and god bless you let me share a few things with you and we're going to get ready to go first of all faith formula human services has rental and mortgage funding available if you or someone you know has the current month due that's september or october please go to to apply you know someone rental mortgage need please that's why we're here do that do it right now also uh i'm real excited this coming wednesday uh i'm going to be in a conversation with interviewing jennifer jones austin she's been here before powerful testimony jennifer jones austin has done something that is just a blessing uh when i was in college took a class called christian social ethics at now defunct but never dead bishop college christian social ethics had to do a book report the book report was of a book that just came out god in the ghetto by william augustus jones jr powerful the book literally helped to transform my own trajectory sense of ministry and what god would do through me 40 years later jennifer and i were in conversation we got to do this book again jennifer jones austin has put this book together again god in the ghetto a prophetic word revisited written by william augustus jones jr it's a word that is timely for today given all we're doing going through right now you would think he wrote the book yesterday please this coming wednesday join us here's what will also just to let you know the pastor of friendship west wrote a chapter in this book and so uh it's a good book even if i didn't write a chapter in it so this wednesday we're gonna discuss the book seven o'clock p.m during our theology matters series god bless you god keep you here's the big one the big one is this we've been watching the data watching the numbers and so we are planning a big re-opening as we watch and evaluate i'm a state you know i'm gonna stay safe and careful okay and so at the latest we're looking at december 31st watch night will be our re-entry now if stuff keeps going down we may try something earlier we're also going to try to do something to bring everybody on site in november i'll have details for you next week bottom line is y'all it's getting closer and closer so please wear your mask practice social distancing please no matter how other folk act crazy listen we ain't acting crazy because we want to live right and check this when you drive up on this campus here's what's beautiful you see signs all over the campus that say mask require we don't care what the governor says in this house you wear a mask on this campus you wear a mask because we want you to live all right so listen it's getting closer it's about to happen and y'all i am pumped and fired up so go ahead and let's praise god and pray that all continues to go well now receive the benediction hold to god's unchanging hand the lord bless you the lord keep you the lord caused god's space to shine on you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up the light of god's countenance upon you grant your peace in jesus name come through peace [Music] [Applause] oh i hope all y'all did late that show messed up especially this month october it's your birthday it's your birthday october october october october listen happy birthday to you all of you born in the month of october all of you who got married in october it's your anniversary we celebrate you we salute you we pray for you god bless you happy birthday and happy anniversary all right our moms dave and all my family born in october all of y'all happy anniversary [Music] we praise god for this impactful experience and for your joining us during it for all of you who joined as visitors you can share that you were here please do that by taking time to text f w v i z to the number two eight nine five zero and for those of you who are saying hey i want this time that i'm visiting to be the last time i'm a visitor you can join us here's how you do that join us by calling the number 469 or email us at join us at when you email email your first name your last name and your cell number and we will get back with you we are so excited that you are here until next time blessings on youtube [Music] [Applause] [Music] for yourself [Music] you
Channel: Friendship-West Baptist Church
Views: 3,446
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: Friendship-West Baptist Church, FWBC, Dallas, Oak Cliff, Friendship West, Dr. Haynes, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, Church, Baptist, Haynes, Christian, Community, Christ, God, Jesus, Justice, Bible based, Pastor Haynes, David Malcolm McGruder, Dr. McGruder
Id: lxWu_Kruj-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 53sec (5273 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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