So You Want To Deal OPTIMAL DPS As Titan? Well Look No Further…

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right hello guys so in today's video I wanted to give you a rundown of the best strategies for Titans to use for DPS unfortunately as we are all acutely aware Titans are the worst class for damage right now but that isn't to say that your damage is bad it just won't be as good as the others however in today's video I'm going to show you a couple methods that will get you very close to the Top Dogs such as your still Hunt Hunters and your euphony warlocks but of course the catch is that it's going to require a little bit more effort so what's the solution well you're seeing it right in front of you it is the Hazardous propulsion exotic chest piece for the Titan hazardous propulsion is a brand new exotic chest piece released with the final shape that reads weapon Precision hits or final blows have a chance to load a kinetic Exodus rocket activating your class ability fires loaded Exodus Rockets damaging targets with Exodus Rockets temporarily increases the damage you deal with all other Rockets so how does this exotic work well basically if you get Precision kills with any Precision weapon it will give you one stack of x Rockets it can be Precision hits as well it just won't give you one stack per Precision hit the best way to do this is just to get Precision kills because you're guaranteed one rocket per kill which means you only need six kills in order to fully charge the rocket volley so once you have your rocket volley you can use your class ability to expel the rockets and it will then buff all rocket damage that you have by 35% at the maximum of six Exodus Rockets now that really means all rocket damage it applies to Rocket sidearms it applies to Grand Overture and it app applies to normal Rockets of course so let me show you what that actually looks like so here I am on Carl and I'm just going to shoot him normally with my indebted kindness if he looks at me so normally a body shot on Carl is around 14,000 with 3,000 on there I'll add that up on screen but now if I look directly at him and use all of my rockets and then I shoot him it goes for 28,000 so 4,000 and 20,000 there I'll add that up on screen again but it is the 35% expected damage value of course because Bungie aren't very nice to Titans there is a catch this buff only lasts for 10 seconds and it is also currently being overridden by radiant I believe this bug hasn't been fixed yet but when it is just do bear in mind it acts as an empowering buff so it will not stack with well it will not stack with tractor Cannon or anything like that it's just a regular empowering buff 35% for 10 seconds is honestly the best we could ask for as Titans because there really isn't another exotic that has as much as an impact as this chest Beast does so that's the armor sorted what are we using for damage well there are a few things you could use but first of all we're going to talk about Cloud strike and an arc rocket which is this Loadout I have here so my two weapons of choice are of course Cloud strike with the Catalyst which gives it triple tap and here I have a Crux termination with reconstruction explosive light explosive light has been making a bit of a comeback recently because of everyone using exotic snipers like still hunt or Cloud strike because it is currently a lot easier to use a rocket with explosive light than it is with beton switch for example it just requires a lot less thinking and a lot less hassle so this is a very good role here also with Crux termination the intrinsic property of the aggressive frame is that it gives you 10 Rockets the only other Arc rocket I would think of in comparison would be an old hotthead with either autoloading explosive light or clown cartridge explosive light this weapon is old it's outdated I would rather have a reconstruction explosive like Crux but there are options so that's it for the weapons what are we using on the build well we are going to be on Prismatic Titan we are of course wanting to use Twilight Arsenal because this is the best range damage super that the Titans currently have as far as abilities go you can use whatever this is just your kind of main running build I would of course use Thruster because it has the lowest cooldown for the Rockets but I'm just using a general knockout consecration build here fragments wise is where it does start to matter some of these are more solo focused but this is a sort of guaranteed way of making sure you get the most out of your damage so for starters we have facet of Courage this is going to make it so whenever a Target is afflicted by a Darkness debuff it will take 10% more damage from your light abilities and in any normal raid group you are guaranteed to be applying at least one Darkness debuff to whatever boss you are fighting most commonly from an arcade needle from a warlock for example so this is just going to increase our ability damage by 10% fast of dawn makes us radiant whenever we throw our melee this is going to be important for our damage load out facet of protection just to live more just a little bit of extra Dr it's a 15% damage resist then we have facet of dominance to make it so that our void grenades weaken Targets this is again going to be important for our damage Loadout and then we have facet of Grace to make our Transcendence energy gains a lot faster so that's it for the sort of running Loadout mods Wise It's just making sure you have some something that lets you store armor charge and then for the damage load out here we change a couple things so here we change our melee to Shield throw and our grenade to suppressor grenade the reason we change our melee to Shield throat is because it now lets us have a ranged option to be able to proc fter of Dawn and then the suppressor grenade is specifically because it is a void grenade which will let us weaken the boss with facet of dominance those are the only two changes you make to your damage Loadout now you might be thinking well I'm going to lose the abilities when I swap well no you won't because if you pop Transcendence on your damage Loadout it will give you those abilities back instantly then of course for the damaged Loadout we are going with surges unflinchings loaders targeting time dilations you know the normal stuff the key thing to remember is just that you change your grenade and melee right so enough of me yapping what does this rotation actually look like well it is fairly simple you're basically just emptying the mag of cloud strike and then swapping to your rocket and if you have your Thruster available use that before you start shooting your Rockets So say for example it's just the beginning of the damage phase I'm using my super so pretend I use my super after that I would throw a Mele then a grenade just to get them out of the way and then I would swap to my rocket Dodge and then shoot two rockets from here then I would swap back to Cloud strike empty an entire mag of cloud strike I would reload it and then back to rocket shoot another one and then back to Cloud strike if I have abilities in the mix I would again use them and once I have my Thruster back like I do here eventually once I finish a full mag of cloud strike after I reload I will be doing the same thing again I would swap back to my rocket Dodge first and then start shooting Rockets so yeah it's pretty basic it's literally just empty the mag of one empty the mag of the other if you have a Dodge use the Dodge if you have a melee or a grenade use them both at a reasonable point the only other small thing I would mention is that for fights specifically like the witness I would recommend having a shoot to loot explosive payload weapon like the vulp pecular or I know hung jury can get it as well mainly just for shooting ammo when Final Stand starts but you don't need this it's just an extra thing that can help you get through Final Stand more consistent so how much damage does this actually do well please enjoy this example of me using the cloud strike rotation with the Crux rocket oh there we go that was it pretty that's actually pretty juicy that was good that was good I feel like that's 36 36 36 S I think mid 36 ooh damn so 3.7 million is pretty good for a Titan compared to the hunter which I tested about a week ago it hit around 4 million with the optimal still hunt rotation so a difference of around 300K isn't really that bad so is there an alternative to this well yes there is you could also try this rotation with still hunt and a solar rocket the main reason we did an arc rocket with Cloud strike is because of the surge matching so again here we are using still hunt with Apex so now let's see how much damage the still hunt rotation does compared to the previous oh this is pretty good yeah yeah nice damn that's it's pretty good that's 537 like 3 oh yeah it's about it's about the same it's about the same honestly that's good I'm happy with that again around 3.7 million the rotations are quite similar so at the end of the day it's not like one is massively better than the other but for me personally I prefer the cloud strike rotation because it's just a little bit more intuitive you don't kind of have to cut the magazine off halfway after you use your cage retributions and I just like using Cloud strike because it's a cool gun however there is one final thing I did test which is with a star to class item because I wondered what if you just foro the Exotic chest piece entirely and just went with bolstering the damage of your super would it make that much of a difference well here are the results Jesus I just keep track of my rescu here oh my goodness me that was good I it's just yeah Greg RNG man Greg RNG yeah I'll take that that's perfectly fine so again very similar you could put this down to a number of things it could be because the Hazardous propulsion is still bugged which means it would do more damage in the long run once they fix it but I would still recommend using hazardous propulsion so for those of you that are Keen to see an actual practical example of me using this build I'm going to leave you with this witness kill of me using the cloud strike rotation and the damage numbers at the end as always guys the dimm link for these builds will be in the description if you just want to copy them hasslefree so please enjoy the final clip and I'll see you in the next one oh this is Kirk oh looks dude is swarming in the resonance all right we can kill him get him up get him out get him up get him up Final Stand everyone panic panic mechanics mechanics look for mechanics damage that was Lama day one hands sh hands front right yes yay finally where's the Jude over first try first can we redo that so I can freak out not bad second on the team I'll take it after after flux is a hunter right just need to confirm for the YouTube audience there we go second on Team Titans are back if you made it this far thank you so much your support means the world and if you're really into the content I create consider becoming a member of the channel which not only lets you support me in the best way possible it also Nets you a whole host of awesome perks along with it a massive shout out to these members up on screen and I'll see you in the next one bye for now dear viewer [Music] [Music]
Channel: Llama
Views: 64,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2 titan dps build, destiny 2 titan prismatic damage build, destiny 2 best damage build for titans, destiny 2 how to do damage as a titan, destiny 2 optimal titan damage, destiny 2 titan cloudstrike rotation
Id: n9pVUb5g2Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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