5 Craziest Things I've Found In Dead Bodies

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It's not abnormal because it's small and  deflated. It's abnormal for another reason. Now, this fissure here, or this crack separates  the lobes here and for those of you who've maybe   taken an anatomy class you've already figured  out what's abnormal about this right lung. Welcome to the lab everyone! Today we're going to show you five crazy things  we found in dead bodies, or in other words,   things we found that we didn't expect to  find while doing anatomical dissections. You see, when we get a donated body we  don't get every little detail about their   health history like previous surgeries,  previous trauma, or chronic conditions. We mostly just get age,  gender, and cause of death. So,   that means any anatomical abnormality  that wasn't related to their death   we wouldn't know about unless we explored  the body through anatomical dissection. So, let's take a look at those  five things we found in the bodies. From abnormal lungs, ovaries, to even  what cancer can do to surrounding tissues. In other words, let's get ready for  this abnormal anatomical awesomeness! So, before we start I want to say thank you to  all those who donate their bodies to science. We could not educate students in the same  way without these amazing anatomical gifts. Sometimes they give us more than we bargained for  by showing us some cool anatomical abnormalities. Let's start with our first one, well counting  backwards at number five with the "Abnormal Lung." So, take a look at this lung  here, this is a right lung,   this is the back side of the lung, the  lateral aspect or the side of the lung. Here's the anterior aspect of the lung. So, if I held it up to me,   it would essentially sit like so,  with the back side and the front here. Now, it's not abnormal because it's small and  deflated, it's abnormal for another reason. Now, this fissure here or this crack separates  the lobes here and for those of you who've maybe   taken an anatomy class you've already figured  out what's abnormal about this right lung. But if you haven't, let's jump over to the  other body to show you a normal right lung. So, here's our thoracic cavity  or our chest cavity dissection. Here you can see the heart and its  pericardial sac and all of its glory here. But, let's take a look at the lungs. Everybody always loves poking the lungs because   they're nice and gushy and  elastic and feel with air. Obviously they're deflated,   but this right lung you can see again those  divisions or these fissures or cracks. Here's one lobe, a second lobe and if I  remove these out of the way you can see   a third lobe down where my  pointer finger is wiggling. Over here on the left side you've  got a left lung with one lobe. If I remove that down in there  you can see the second lobe.   So, hopefully seeing the normal right lung gave  you a hint as to what's different about this one. This right lung is missing a lobe. It only has one, and two lobes. Normally right lungs have three  lobes, and left lungs have two lobes. But, this one was an anatomical variant. Now this person didn't have a lobectomy. We didn't see any surgical  incisions when we did the exploring,   and these lungs filled the entirety of  the right side of the thoracic cavity. So, it's pretty crazy to think  about that sometimes you can get   a variation in lobe numbers from person to person. Now what some of you may be  wondering is if it's missing a lobe   would that affect lung capacity  and again if this is how the person   came and the lobe wasn't removed  surgically the answer is not so much. The important part is the tubing inside. So again if we take a look at this abnormal  lung, here, you can see some of this tubing   that I've exposed by removing some  of the lung tissue from this lobe. But, that tubing that's going down  and branching into the lung tissue   these start as Bronchopulmonary  Buds or little tiny buds of tubes. While you're developing inside mom and those  tubes continue to grow and develop and as   they're growing and developing the lung  tissue starts to wrap around these tubes   and certain fusions take  place between the lung tissue   and the various tubes, which starts  dividing the lung into different lobes. Now as long as the person has all the  Bronchopulmonary Segments or this tubing   going within the lobes that they have, they're  going to have lung capacity that is sufficient. They found variation in different cadaver labs;   they've seen right lungs with  two lobes and even four lobes. In some cases they found left  lungs with even three lobes and so,   those variations again as long as they  have the proper Bronchopulmonary Segments   or the proper tubing going into the variations  in the lobes that they have they should be okay. But, again most of us come with three  on the right and two on the left. Number four, the structure that we started  to refer to as the "Stuck Achilles." For this one let's look at a normal achilles  first and then we'll go to the abnormal one. So as you can see we're looking at the posterior   aspect of the lower leg or  the back of the lower calf. We often refer to this as the calf muscle but  it's technically called the Gastrocnemius muscle.   Then, you can see this amazing  tendon called the Achilles Tendon. Technically the Calcaneal Tendon. But, this is the largest and strongest tendon  in the human body, and if we get close you   might be able to see a fiber orientation of these  collagen fibers going in all the same direction. Because this tendon is made of a  dense regular connective tissue. Which is really important to help  it be strong in this one direction. Again regular because the collagen  fibers are aligned in these rows   here and when this muscle contracts the  tendon therefore pulls the heel upward. Now look at how glossy this tendon is  up at the Musculotendinous Junction. Here you're not going to see that on the  abnormal Achilles that we're going to show you. We're going to look up here and see a major  difference on the abnormal one in just a second. So the abnormal Achilles is from the  same body, just the different leg,   and you can see it looks relatively  normal from here to here. Even when we get up to that Musculotendinous   Junction you can see that nice distinction  between the tendon and the muscle belly. But if I rotate it towards you a little bit,  here, if you look closely it’s nice and glossy   and then it starts to change a little bit and  the tissue looks a little bit more frayed. I always say "goopy" to people, and the  muscle belly of the medial aspect of   that calf muscle is scrunched upward  more so than it normally would be. This is all scar tissue from a  partially ruptured Achilles tendon. Now one of the things that was  also interesting about this is   when I was dissecting this tissue I  had to reference this tissue here. This white tissue is called Fascia. Now keep in mind that Fascia would continue down  like a sleeve over the muscle and the tendons   here, and usually I can slide Fascia up and  down underneath it relatively easily and gently.  I can peel it away from the muscle or the tendon. But in the case of right here where the   Achilles tendon was ruptured it was  totally fused with that scar tissue. So I want you to think about  that Fascia surrounds muscles   but the muscles still need to slide  and glide underneath the Fascia. In the case where this guy  was ruptured here, the Fascia   and the tendon or the scar tissue from  that partial rupture was fused together. Now think about what would happen every  time the guy got up on his tippy toes. It would try to slide and glide,  it would be stuck to the Fascia. So we would yank on it. Likely this person when they were living had  some tension and tightness going on there   and even probably some limited range of motion. Now most people, when they rupture their  Achilles they tend to do it lower down,   which tends to be a little bit less  of a complicated surgical procedure   because you can stitch tendon and tendon together. When you rupture close to the  Musculotendinous junction that   can be a little bit more of  a complex surgical procedure. But in the case of this particular person likely   didn't have surgery because  again a partial rupture. But it healed with all that excessive scar tissue. Number three, the "Mutant Ovary." Now in order to see this abnormal Ovary  we've cut a body in the sagittal plane   or in other words divided it  into right and left sides. One side's going to have the normal Ovary  the other is going to have the abnormal. Let's take a look at the normal Ovary first. Here, again you can see that sagittal cut. Here's the frame of reference, for the  spine or the lower part of the spine   here's the pubic bone and we're  looking inside the pelvic cavity. Here’s the Uterus and close by we can  see the structure that we call the Ovary. I'll set it down so you can see  its relationship in its size. Here, about the size of an  almond, so not a huge structure,   and we know the ovaries produce  eggs or in other words called Ova. Also, release estrogen and progesterone. But, what about the abnormal Ovary? So, let's take a look at the other side. Again the sagittal cut. You can see the spine, pubic bone, for a  frame of reference and again, the Uterus. But oh my goodness! Look at the size of this Ovary,   it's like quadrupled in size  compared to the normal Ovary here,   and potentially this could be something from PCOS  is what we theorize Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Where the ovary develops all  these cysts and enlarges. This particular body also died of breast cancer. Now there's mixed data or mixed  literature that says PCOS can   be a risk factor of breast cancer,  and other studies say not so much. But it's something to think about. Now it's crazy to think of the size difference. Here again, in the potential  pain that this could cause. So again, women, you are troopers,  we love you and you're awesome. I mean guys could you imagine what would  happen if one of our testes quadrupled in size? We would probably die just from  the emotional distress alone. Number two, the "Confused Heart." Now, why would we refer to  a heart as being confused? Well, that's probably because the  heart "forgot" how to beat properly. Or in other words there was a problem with the  conduction, or the electrical system of the heart. Every once while we'll open up  cadavers where they have a pacemaker   and on this particular heart you can see the wire. The wire is often referred to as  the lead of the pacemaker system   and if I get close you can really see how that  wire is going into the Right Ventricular Chamber. It attaches to the heart wall or  in other words, the heart muscle. So, when it gets an electrical  impulse from the pulse generator,   that's typically implanted in the chest, it  can control rate and rhythm more properly   for those who have had issues with  the conduction system of the heart. Now one other thing I want to mention  about the pacemaker system, is that the   heart of the pacemaker, pun totally intended,  is again that generator which has the battery   and creates the stimulus that goes down through  the lead and therefore makes the heart contract. Now it would make a lot of sense to place  that generator in a more superficial position. If say like the battery ever died or we needed to  replace that generator it's a much less intensive   procedure or less complicated than having to  replace the lead that's connected to the heart. So definitely we want to get this right  and leave that in relatively permanently. But if we had to ever replace  the generator of the pacemaker   that would be a much less  intensive surgical procedure. Number one, "Cancer and  the Wimpy Greater Omentum." Now what's a Greater Omentum? Well, funny you should ask, because we're going to  take a look at this in the abdominal cavity here. Now a lot of times when we think of the abdominal  cavity we think of the guts or the small   intestine that you can see in my hand here. But you would actually see this apron-like   structure draping over the small intestine,  and this is called the Greater Omentum. Now it's not attached inferiorly. It's actually just attached up to  the stomach and the Transverse Colon. So you can actually reflect it  away and then bring it back down.   When we first opened up this cadaver  the first thought I had was “wow,   this thing is so thin comparatively to other  Greater Omentum that I've seen in the past,   and it's also shifted over to the left side.”   Now to really appreciate that, let's  show you a normal looking one.   Now here you can see the abdominal  cavity of another cadaver.   Just to orient you this would be your six-pack  muscle underneath this white tissue here. So you reflect the muscle away and that's the  first thing you would see is that Greater Omentum. You can see this one is a lot  thicker, does a better job of   covering the majority of the Small Intestine here. What's cool about the Greater Omentum is  you could see from that yellow tissue,   it is a place of energy storage. Because it's made of Adipose Tissue. It also has Lymph Nodes to  provide some immune function. One really cool thing is it actually will migrate. Remember it's not attached down here, so there's  some freedom of movement for this structure   but it can migrate to areas of  infection or even areas of trauma. So let's give an example, let's say this little  structure here called the Appendix ruptured. They have seen cases where the Omentum will   migrate around that a little bit and shift  over to there and encapsulate that infection   in hopes to essentially stop it from spreading  to other areas throughout the abdominal cavity.   So back to this abnormal or the "Wimpy  Greater Omentum" that had been thinned out. This particular body died of Colorectal  Cancer that metastasized to the Liver. You can actually see some of those nodules or  those areas where the Liver is unhealthy here. That's eventually what unfortunately  caused this person to pass away. But in regards to the Greater Omentum with  the cancerous nodules in the Colon and the   Rectum here, the idea is it possibly  shifted the Omentum over to that side. Oftentimes when people are on  chemotherapy and drugs of that nature   it can cause a lot of weight loss, so that might  have also pulled some of the adipose from this. There is a theory that possibly even the cancer  cells may have used it for an energy source. Thanks for joining us on this tour of five  crazy things we found on the human body. Go ahead and comment below if you've heard  of any crazy things that people have found   in human bodies or just for future ideas that you  guys have for videos that you want us to create. Also you can see we've got  some cool Anatomical Artwork. We'll put that in the link description  — it really helps support our channel. Please smash that like button and  subscribe if you feel the need. We'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Institute of Human Anatomy
Views: 8,805,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 craziest things, ovary, ovaries, pcos, polycystic ovarian syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, lungs, abnormal lung, achilles tendon, achilles tendon rupture, calcaneal tendon, cancer, liver, liver cancer, greater omentum, appendix, pacemaker, heart, human heart, human anatomy, human body, top 5, institute of human anatomy
Id: J5vvQk7IKeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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