Child MISPRONOUNCES an Answer - Child Genius (S1, E6) | Full Episode | Lifetime

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last time eight kids from across the u.s returned  to los angeles for week five of the prestigious   child genius competition to do the very best that  you can ten-year-old graham prayed to survive   another round of math-based questions 64. correct  and managed to make top three for the third week   in a row i don't think graham or i understood  that he could really win this competition   the parents of twelve-year-old ryan temporarily  moved the family to la in hopes of improving   his performance what is the next number 100 a  gamble that paid off with a first place finish   but still left his parents wanting more ryan did  fine however he should have done better we have   a different thing better oh that's true no right  we have a different definition of try your best   okay uh grover cleveland no no yeah go ahead  incorrect franklin d roosevelt spelling   bee queen vanya did poorly narrowly escaping  elimination anya has to strive harder i don't   want her to go home as did math whiz benjamin  pass pass pass imagine foyo is much smaller   and in a shocking turn of events  ten-year-old college student tanishq   got sent home i guess that point really cost  him it was just so unlucky round for him today   messing up with that one little answer reminding  the others that no one is safe from elimination   it's unpredictable it's unexpected there's no  guarantees tonight only six kids remain to compete   for a hundred thousand dollar college fund and  the title of child genius final six competitors   are back at home frantically studying the next  rounds are current events and earth sciences   which will include questions in biology geology  and meteorology as the field narrows there will no   longer be a top three this week only one  competitor will win and one will be sent home   graham has been a high scorer the last few weeks  his mom is proud of his achievements but she's   dreading leaving her other three kids for another  trip to los angeles it's actually really nice to   be home i miss my kids terribly it's really neat  to see graham succeed it's an opportunity i'm   so glad that we did it's just we didn't know it  would be this long we never dreamed he would get   this far even though brian's done a wonderful job  they're missing their mom daddy he doesn't play   with us because he has to work that's right that's  true so brian's working from home so all day they   don't have someone to play with them so there's  a chance we're gonna have to go back out again so   no i don't want you to go back you've already been  gone three weeks is it a lot my eight-year-old is   missing us really bad and i'm starting to miss  her and we don't usually do stuff with one child   we make sure that we're always fair and this  going on for so long it's getting harder the   longer this goes but i have to not let graham  see that because i also want him to do well so   a hundred thousand dollars for his college would  be amazing it would help us tremendously so if you   can handle us going back out wreaths then he could  win a huge prize you want him to win a huge prize   yeah but that prize just for him that's true  but it could help him when he gets older maybe   that'll give us more money to help you with your  college when you have more than one child first   of all that we love them all the same and second  of all that education isn't the most important   thing the most important thing is for us all to  become christians and know god and to be happy in california benjamin is taking a break  from studying to focus on calming his   nerves all right ben let's work on some uh focus  exercises right it has to do with breeding and   moving the chi his counterterrorism specialist  dad is teaching him the ancient art of chinese   energy balancing he's been working really hard  these past few days on preparing for this round   uh spent pretty much 12 to 14 hours at least  each day reviewing the material studying   so we just move some of blood flow and energy  together with it right the technique that i   teach is an ancient chinese art called chi kung  which is all about focusing the energy make a   giant ball of energy bring it in when someone  is in a competition so intense like bina mini   is standing by himself in front of the audience  on that podium with all the lights on the camera   at him and his nose he has a very limited amount  of time to bring out of his memory everything that   he can to answer the question as accurately as he  can that will help him to concentrate and deliver   that performance at that time now a little bit of  balance the last round was harder than i thought   but i have been in this position multiple times  during the competition round two round four   round five and i made it through oh that's good  ben but i'm not gonna be in that position again only six kids are left in the competition and  incredibly two of them catherine and yeji attend   the same school it's been really interesting  having both katherine and me and the top six   smartest kids i guess from the us since both of  us go to the same school and it's a public school   it's like congrats to the school right today we  are to have a practice round the topic is going   to be medical testing on animals should not be  allowed catherine and i we do debate together   and then we also take flu together with the  same teacher we go to spanish together and   we have the same math class so yeah we meet a lot  it's kind of weird though like i had no idea that   catherine was going to be in this competition  until like the first day when i walked in and i   saw her with the second highest score yaiji for  the first time last week yeji bested katherine   hello my name is kathryn on the proper side of the  resolution that medical testing on animals should   be banned but a friendly rivalry is nothing new  since the girls are used to facing off on their   school debate team however in this process  we're killing so many more animals yeti and   catherine are both friendly with each other but  they want to win it's all business it's clear to   me they'll do what it takes to win allow time  to begin now hello my name is yanji and i'm on   the opposition side of this day first i'm going  to point out one thing from the proposition case   and then i'm going to be weighing this today and  explaining why we won you're going to definitely   want to slow that puppy down last week at the  child genius competition yejin did really well   and i think that what she brings out of me  is the competitive part of me i'm pretty   nervous because katherine and she's like  really good good round you guys really nice so these are the ones you've already memorized  right yeah okay to keep ryan focused his parents   moved the family to los angeles for the remainder  of the competition their plan succeeded and ryan   was the first place finisher last week now ryan's  parents hope for a repeat performance and they're   convinced that his brother allen will help push  ryan to the top volcano um it's a mountain that   has a horn no oh ryan did really good in the  last round round five uh the logical reasoning   and problem solving even though ryan did good he  still should focus and even maybe study harder   it's an opening in the earth's crust where  magma reaches the surface also a mountain   that contains such told you it's a mountain  whatever we have alan to continue coach ryan   uh we kind of motivate island to reward him with  some prize for um ryan continue progress tropical i got the volcano first jet stream i got the one  in the volcano correct i'm helping my brother   study for earth science because if he does well  and gets and gets into like the top four then i   also get a prize which is like a computer so  i'm also motivated to help ryan mandel bloom   i'm not gonna do this incorrect i think without  my help ryan would probably wouldn't have gotten   past round four i don't think so i think so  you're you're wasting time oh my god you're   wasting your life coniferous i refuse to  answer until they give you one story forest   i refuse this week there's only six people left  and one person is leaving um but i still i think   it's still gonna be pretty close because if you  make the slightest mistake you could go home coming up what country had thousands of complaints  of electoral fraud syria incorrect afghanistan   i'm really scared that i'm going to get  out uh we wanted to talk to you about   one of the questions in the current  events round can you say my opinion after many intense rounds of competition  testing their knowledge and iqs   only six children remain to battle it  out for the title of child genius and a   hundred thousand dollar college fund today's  rounds are current events and earth sciences   one competitor will go home today  and everyone's feeling the pressure every morning graham usually gets up and looks at  what's going on in the current events and what's   going on in the world i mean it's usually about  hurricanes but i think he might just have some   knowledge coming into this that he might do okay  graham's fascination with hurricanes will also   give him an edge in the earth sciences round  which deals directly with meteorology do you   recognize this right here wilma i'm impressed  that's hurricane camille it has sustained wind   speeds of 190 miles per hour do you recognize  that one hurricane fred in 2009 are you serious   one kid is going home today i have no idea  who that's gonna be because everybody's   studying like this is all they're  ever gonna do for their entire life   i don't know if it's gonna be me or if it's  not gonna be me um but i hope it's not me   i'm i'm very proud of him for going on to  the next round it's just going on longer   than we expected i'm missing my children is this  competition is it do you think it's still worth it   it's worth it for graham at this point in the  competition these kids they may look tired   but they love to think they feed on it  they wouldn't trade it for the world   it's what they were born to do these kids  are like cheetahs fastest land animals on   earth if you can run 70 miles an hour you  will try to run 70 miles an hour and you'll   see that for everybody that's watching this is an  important thing to know the person who wins this   competition is not the smartest person in america  the person that's the best at withstanding torture the tension is brewing and everyone we're all  studying really hard because we want to do the   best that we can i think that i just have to go  out there and do my best catherine started with   yeti with a personal connection on the other hand  they are in school i mean they compete on every   all the subjects i mean everyone has this one  person they probably grow together and little   rivals uh no matter if yeji is her friend  she will be just play hard and do her best for current events i have some background  knowledge because i'm in the debate team at   school and so in debate we have to research  like what's going on and stuff because our   topics are mostly like um current events and so  yeah i have some knowledge from that and then   earth science we just completed earth science at  school so yeah i'm feeling pretty confident today   i think catherine being in the competition  with yeji it motivates her because she   probably does want to do better i'd be  really happy if yeti is the top today   we need to know points and sex it's kind of  scary because like it started off with like   20 kids and now it's by the end of today it's  gonna be only five so it's like really big change   me for 2014 youngest female to climb the summit  of the world's highest peak this competition   there is no gimmies there is no guarantee so  we'll see how the competition goes i'm sorry i'm planning to go all the way to 100 grand  washington state is the only place only state   in america besides colorado which allows marijuana  to be sold that's right okay this is week six of   the competition uh only six competitors left and  i feel totally awesome on the national baseball   hall of fame in blank was dedicated in terms of  the confidence for ryan for this one we are not   very sure because we are not sure we spend enough  time to prepare the materials it's so hard to keep   ryan to be focused he always gets distracted  so that the efficiency is definitely very low   oh my god this week i think it's still  going to be pretty close and right now   i don't think there's any margin for error  because the slightest mistake can make you   go out i do want to be in the top three but  um i don't know if that's going to happen coming up malava horna became the youngest  female to climb to the summit of what mountain   mount everest correct yeah of course i  want edgy to do better than katherine   there was some dissent about whether to  accept the answer i heard what she said   and i heard i thought that was correct um so  we have the tape if if you'd like to see it in today's current events round the competitors  will have two and a half minutes to answer up   to 15 questions correctly the one child with  the lowest combined score from today's rounds   will be leaving the competition ending their  pursuit of a hundred thousand dollar college fund   welcome everyone to week six of the  national child genius competition first up in the current events round ryan after finishing in first place last week ryan's  parents want him to make a repeat performance   they're hoping studying with  his big brother allen has helped   in the chinese zodiac the second new moon after  the winter solstice rang in 2014 as the year of   what animal of course correct what historic  ship is believed to have been discovered off   the northern coast of haiti more than 500 years  after its most famous voyage santa maria correct   sparking outrage in the ukraine russia annexed  what semi-autonomous region in march of 2014.   crimea correct what republican house majority  leader lost his primary election in june of 2014.   pass dallas seavey won the 2014 running of  what race that extends for over 975 miles   i did a rod correct in 2014 what airlines  suffered two incidents with one plane going   missing in march and another being shot down in  july malaysian correct university of connecticut   correct eiffel tower correct ryan you answered 12  questions correctly great job ryan did pretty well   in current events even though he did a good job i  don't see you know he's going to like say oh i'm   going to do better in another rock anything could  distract him so that's just the way he is grab it's been difficult for me to be away  from my other kids but i'm trying not   to let graham see that because we're wanting  him to do the best that he can in july 2014   what woman completed a journey around the globe  piloting a single engine aircraft amelia rose   earhart correct janet yellen took over as the  first female chair of what government system   federal reserve correct president obama raised the  minimum wage on federal contracts to what amount   seven dollars and 49 cents incorrect  10 dollars and 10 cents in june 2014   juan manuel santos won a second presidential term  in which south american country colombia correct   after unexpectedly high voter turnout in their  april 2014 presidential election what country had   thousands of complaints of electoral fraud syria  incorrect afghanistan what social site founded by   mark zuckerberg celebrates its 10th anniversary  in 2014 um twitter incorrect facebook um procter   and gamble incorrect target bill clinton  correct you answered nine questions correctly current events didn't go so great for me i've  been studying for the next round more than i'm   standing for current events for sure but i'm  really scared that i'm going to get out yay when we first started this competition i  did not expect that i would get this far   or that i would be in like the top six and  i'm getting closer and closer to winning the   hundred thousand dollar scholarship now  i guess i am like trying to win and um   yeah it would be amazing if i could win at 13  years old malava porna became the youngest female   to climb to the summit of what mountain mount  everest correct what novel documenting the plight   of the working class during the great depression  celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2014. grapes of   wrath correct on the 4th of july who won his 8th  consecutive competitive eating championship by   downing 61 hot dogs in 10 minutes joey chestnut  correct what meteorological phenomenon caused   by arctic winds being forced south polar vortex  correct who did novak djokovic defeat in july 2014   for his second wimbledon singles title roger  federer correct panama canal correct maya angelou   correct obamacare correct the united states  traded five guantanamo detainees for the release   of what missing army sergeant who was  taken prisoner by the taliban bell bergdod she said we're not sure you pronounced  your answer correctly per the   rules will review the videotape after  the round and make a decision so for now   you answered 10 questions correctly  with one under review great job so for current events they didn't give me a  definitive answer they said that they would be   um looking at it further that's kind of scary like   you can't really make any mistake in  the competition or you're out vanya now this competition has been daunting and the  six remaining are very competitive and very   brilliant we're very close to the last four we  got a couple more rounds but she's taking it   one topic at a time one round at a time one  question at a time we'll see how she does   bridgegate a scandal involving massive traffic  delays on the george washington bridge centered   around the office of what governor chris  christie correct in june 2014 president   barack obama announced that the u.s government  is working to save what insect population   the honeybee correct what man responsible for  leaking top secret nsa documents revealed that   he plans to work on anti-spy technology in russia  edward snowden correct what annual competition   ended in a tie for the first time since  1962 crowning two teenagers co-champions   the scripps national spelling bee correct in july  basketball megastar lebron james announced he'd   be returning to what nba team cavaliers correct  guatemala correct panama incorrect mexico boston   marathon correct brazil correct health services  incorrect department of health and human services   vanya you answered 12 questions correctly great  job i don't have any anxiety about vania advancing   but we've got the brightest of the brighter  kids and the competition is tighter catherine only one person is going home and i think  that this is creating more tension for us   but i think that when you go up to the podium  you need to be relaxed and you need to have   composure pope francis excommunicated which  group from the catholic church in june   italia mafia correct in may of 2014 narendra  modi was sworn in as the 15th prime minister   of which south asian country india correct  in july 2014 an estimated billion people   watched what country defeat argentina to win  the world cup correct april 17th marked the   50th anniversary of what iconic american muscle  car ford mustang correct on july 18th the world   celebrated the day of what first black president  of south africa who died in late 2013. nelson i think she said this under review in june 2014  felipe vi was proclaimed the new king of which   country spain correct house majority leader  correct san antonio spurs correct ben bernanke   correct you answered 10 questions correctly with  one under review great job i knew the answer was   nelson mandela but i wasn't quite sure  on the pronunciation of the last name   and so i think i got a little messed up then you  mean benjamin is confident that he will excel in   the current events round thanks to his father's  tai chi training session binyamin is focused   and ready to win the top spot in june 2014  bashar al-assad was re-elected to a third   term as president of which middle eastern country  syria correct in may which historic site reopened   in our nation's capital following a nearly three  year long closure for earthquake-related repairs   washington washington monument correct which  team won the nhl's stanley cup in june 2014   for the second time in los angeles kings correct  in june 2014 president barack obama nominated   ex proctor and gamble ceo robert mcdonald to take  over which government position secretary of state   incorrect secretary of veterans affairs  in february a televised tribute marked   the 50th anniversary of what british  band's first appearance on american tv pass pass pass pass you answered seven questions  correctly it is always a challenge to participate   with my son in the competition because  it's like me there on the podium with him he does everything he does with his heart which  means he puts his full effort into it and his soul   and when something doesn't go exactly  as planned then he feels it emotionally coming up hi yeji the child genius  question validator needs to see you   real quick so if the entire  family could just go inside   what term refers to the loss of ice from a  glacier due to melting or evaporation pass the current events round is over and for some it  went very badly one competitor will be eliminated   today and graham is concerned that he's in danger  how do you think you did on the last round not too   great did you try your best yeah graham's scared  now because he got one of the lower scores and   he doesn't want to go home he wants to stay in  the competition so i'm going to have to help him   be able to handle it because he's a 10 year old it  just matters if you do your best all that matters   okay hello you got in the top six that's crazy  town but if you want to get through you probably   should study before the next round right there  okay finishing in last place has benjamin shaken   dad elon is taking benjamin outside to center his  energy before the next round you go for stable i'll be the main and i am outside and  review some of the breeding exercises and   energy transfer from the martial art also qigong  and tai chi and i think it comes and now allows   him to focus better yep one more time take it in  inhale now push out exhale so he wasn't uh too   far from the next competitor and he believes he's  got a really good chance to do real well in the   next round it's one of his strongest subject earth  sciences he knows that this is you know his last   push he has to make that and pass that well in  order to continue to the next round i've done it   before where i've made a big comeback so i think  i'm going to be able to do one now no problem   after round one vanya and ryan are  tied for first place with victory   within reach vanya's dad keeps her on task time  management you'd learn that better this time   although i think the one question you spent a  little more time than what you wanted to but i   think overall this is how it should be today vanya  is starting out well with a pretty decent score   as always uh we've just tried to quiz her  as best as we can hopefully she'll make it   to the next channel drink some water please  all right drink some water oh yeah thank you ryan's parents have promised alan a computer  if he helps ryan get to the final week of the   competition so each brother has their eye on a  prize the phenomenon in which the normally strong   currents are the equatorial pacific weakened and  warm waters that has piled up el nino relating to   the warm regions of the earth that lie between the  equator and the tropics of cancer and copper corn   tropical ryan perform however maybe he's lucky as  well he's not driven he's not mature and he's not   focused at all a characteristic landscape  formed in regions built of water-soluble   rocks especially limestone i'm gonna continue  helping ryan study so that ryan can get the prize   because i also sort of get the prize and also  because it shows that since i'm smarter than him   everyone will know that i'm smarter  than him and he's the smartest kid   which means i'm smarter than the smartest kid  so which would not make sense because if i'm the   smartest kid in the nation like 12 and under then  technically he doesn't count he doesn't qualify   what action on the glacier creates  icebergs by shedding ice blocking calving   a deep valley during the round the judges ruled  that catherine's pronunciation of nelson mandela   would be reviewed they've seen the tape and now  the judges are calling catherine's family in to   hear their verdict last week catherine watched  her rival ten-year-old college student tanishq   lose a point dispute that sent him home  it was just so unlucky round for him today   messing up with that one little answer so  she understands that every point counts   hi hi i know you wanted to uh meet us yeah uh we  wanted to talk to you about one of the questions   in the current events round while it was going on  there was some dissent about whether to accept the   nelson mandela answer and we went back to the  tape to review it again and katherine actually   said nelson mandurah which we can't accept can  you say my opinion sure so while we're sitting   in the audience i heard what she said and i heard  i thought that was correct so we have the tape if   you'd like to see it okay that's right let's see  it yeah what's interesting is that the parent   knows the child knows the answer so that when  the child says the answer incorrectly they hear   it the way they wanted to hear it and some take  the challenge better than others when it goes   against them this competition offers a fantastic  prize that can change their educational lives   forever whenever there's a lot at stake there's  going to be more argument on july 18th the world   celebrated the day of what first black president  of south africa who died in late 2013. nelson mandela so yeah well i thought i said mandela   unfortunately we can only take what came out of  your mouth though according to rude if it's a   reasonable derivation you can see she is trying  to say that word the problem is you're changing   a letter particularly the e to a u so we can't  take mandurah or mandula even if you said that   all right you're still doing a great job thank you  thank you all right thanks thanks i heard she said   correctly but according to the pronunciation  rules we just respect the ruling and move on   yeji also has an answer under review hi yeji the  child genius question validator needs to see you   real quick she is currently tied with her rival  catherine so if the judges rule in yeji's favor   she will gain a one point advantage over catherine  hi angie there were a few questions that we needed   to review from this morning we found that instead  of saying bergdahl you said bergdod so we can't   accept that answer because that's not a reasonable  pronunciation of how his name is spelled   okay thank you thanks yoji thank you okay  i'm gonna try to do better in the earth   science round and then yeah make up for  it i'll gotta be yeah good news bad news   bad news just same here oh really we we  gotta take i said beau bergdon and it's both   the mozilla i did mendura instead she doesn't  really say that i'm going to win this thing but   i know that she probably wants to win this now  they're going to be competing against each other   yeah of course i wanted to do better  than katherine coming up stalactites   correct basaltic lava correct catherine she is  officially an alien and what state of matter   does the outer core of the earth exist in liquid  correct i'm not going to go down without fight round two today will be earth sciences the  children will have two and a half minutes to   answer up to 15 questions correctly at stake is  the chance to continue on toward the title of   child genius and a hundred thousand dollar college  fund welcome back first up in the earth sciences   round is yeji because i'd pronounce a last name  wrong in the current events around i'm kind of   nervous that i'm closer to elimination so to  be safe i'm going to have to like try harder   and get like at least like one point more than  i'd expected diamonds originate in pipe-like   intrusions called what kimberlite correct what  term describes anything relating to the colder   parts of the northern hemisphere between the  arctic and temperate zones let's pass what ice   masses hold over 75 of the world's fresh water  glaciers correct igneous rock correct shield   volcano correct stalagmite incorrect flowstones  you answered 12 questions correctly great job ryan ryan can maintain his lead from round one and  snatch the top spot but his confidence is shaky   it's time to find out if his brother  alan has been a help or a hindrance   the processes by which soil and rock material  is loosened and removed from the earth's surface   are known collectively as what erosion correct  what is the process by which magma rises   through the earth's crust onto the surface  eruption incorrect volcanism tectonic plates   correct calcite incorrect geothermal energy  passed you answered seven questions correctly   um it sucked i don't think i did uh  extremely well oh i i think i did   slightly worse than okay so you did bad bonya i feel good about banya going into the  earth sciences round she's read pretty well   but we'll see how it all pans out right now  the top half is very closely tied together   what is the thinnest layer of the earth crust  correct what large engineered structures supply   almost a fifth of the world's electricity um  hydroelectric power plants incorrect dams what   type of rock is transformed from older rocks of  any type by heat and pressure within the earth   metamorphic correct perennial incorrect annual  riverbank incorrect delta limestone correct   waves incorrect an earthquake bonya you  answered seven questions correctly thank you   vanya did not do as well as she anticipated  this round and her lead is in jeopardy   her father's unrelenting coaching is not  paying off as much as he'd hoped catherine   catherine was tied with yeji coming into this  round but now on the heels of yeji's strong   performance catherine will have to score  big in order to pull ahead of her rival   what type of forest are found in the humid tropics  rainforest correct roughly parallel ridges of sand   that can extend for 12 miles or more are known  as what linear dunes correct or tornado starts   to form as a funnel emerges beneath what type of  cloud cumulonimbus correct what name is given to   the narrow winding ribbons of strong wind and the  upper troposphere jet stream correct what are the   natural building blocks of the rock materials  of the earth minerals correct ice field correct   stalactites correct basaltic lava correct tight  correct micro climate correct fossil correct wow catherine you answered all 15  questions correctly great job wow she had perfect scores in the past like  twice as well but this time felt a bit different   because her first round wasn't the best and so i'm  pretty happy that i didn't change her confidence graham i think i might know where science  is well enough to maybe make it past   but i don't know current events i got nine right  which was um pretty much almost the worst score   of anybody the center of the core of the earth  is comprised mainly of iron and what other metal   nickel correct warm sinking air forms the calm  area of a hurricane known as what i correct what   term refers to the loss of ice from a glacier due  to melting or evaporation past what dark shapeless   clouds may appear to be illuminated due to gaps  in the cloud revealing paler clouds above pass   fossil fuel correct metamorphic incorrect best  graham you answered nine questions correctly i have no idea if nine's going  to be enough did move on today   but i do know he tries his best so whatever  happens i'm proud of graham benjamin i got the lower score on the last round  but i'm not going to go down without fight   a ring of coral reefs enclosing a shallow central  lagoon is called what barrier reef incorrect atoll   what unit of weight is used to measure diamonds  carrot correct deserts incorrect tundra   ice sheets correct thailand incorrect  karst you answered five questions correctly i know he was under a lot of pressure  and anytime he got a question   wrong or he passed on a question i  knew that he felt more under pressure after two difficult rounds of competition the  scores are tallied and everyone hopes they'll   be continuing on toward the hundred thousand  dollar prize for the first time there will   no longer be a top three only the child in  first place will be recognized and the child   in last place will be going home the highest  combined score in today's rounds is catherine thank you catherine great job unfortunately  one of you will not be advancing to the next   round when i call your name please come up  and receive your certificate of achievement benjamin we had a great run ben did a fantastic job i'm  very very proud of him this is just the beginning   for ben i mean we have not seen anything yet  so he's destined to do great thing and he will it's been a great experience for myself and my son  a lot of hard work but that's a lot of fun as well   so many things in life are like that you work hard  and you reap the benefits good job buddy great try   it's okay yeah tough question huh ah let's get  some water come for us together it's been a really   bounding experience and he taught us that we can  do many more things together very proud of you   still quiet i need something okay i got extremely a lot many a lot  closer to my dad and we've formed much   stronger bonds than before and i think that's  one of the best things about this competition that's right to the rest of you please stand congratulations you are the final  five and are advancing to next week   being first is one thing but being perfect you  have to be so much better and to see her witness   her do that i think that's just um amazing amazing  experience we're all so proud of her thank you kathryn is a very strong performer which is not  a surprise because a very strong competitor is   chinese girl first of all very dedicated chinese  type so yeah i think chinese girl is very strong   nomura is a very strong performer you're only  saying that because you're a chinese girl   kevin's gotten a perfect score a lot of times  and that's like kind of really like scary she   is officially an alien while some are  outspoken about their feelings on competitors   others are keeping their opinions close  to the vest how competitive do you see   this group of kids being i can't really say  how competitive the other kids are my kid   isn't competitive who would you stay right now is  right there neck and neck with catherine i think   all the kids i mean they have all scored really  really high uh the approach that we take even   when we go to spelling is focus on yourself right  because you're competing against the dictionary   same approach we applied here as well but with  only two weeks until someone takes home a hundred   thousand dollar scholarship everyone is focused  on reaching the finish line congratulations   i think what's interesting about this competition  is each round is a clean slate and if you don't   perform well in one particular round could  get eliminated so i think we should stop   thinking about how well we did this week and  start preparing for the next one coming up   next time on child genius just memorize everything  in here okay it's the last round before the finals   and with only five competitors left oh my god will  you let me set up tensions are at an all-time high   i want to win and i will win no one really wants  to be that one person who drops out when they're   one round away honey if you want to win this  you got to know everything engine incorrect it's   totally a piece of torture you're the one who's  giving me all the pressure one mistake at this   point in the competition philadelphia incorrect  could cost these academic warriors a hundred   thousand dollars there's no room for error i've  dealt with pressure before but nothing at this kiln you
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 348,076
Rating: 4.8717151 out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, lifetime tv, lifetime channel, mylifetime, child genius, child genius season 1, child genius show, child genius clips, child genius full episodes, child genius competition, american mensa, intelligence competition, episode 6, these kids are like cheetahs, Child Genius season 1 episode 6, Child Genius se1 ep6, Child Genius s1 e6, Child Genius 1X6, full episode clips, Child MISPRONOUNCES an Answer, season 1, Current Events, Earth Sciences, two tough
Id: MxIi4P32cuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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