Pro Footballer Reacts to Football Training TikToks

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what's going on guys welcome to the video uh so I was scrolling on Tick Tock the other day and some soccer content just kept on popping up on my feed he knows some tips some training drills some full-on training sessions and I got this idea that it would be pretty cool for me uh professional footballer to go through these tick tocks and kind of give my thoughts on them and review them so this is that video [Applause] [Music] we'll start off with one of my favorite videos that came up on my feed from JT Fitness 15. this drill one is amazing the touch on this kid is amazing and I think there's a little whole training setup is is pretty amazing I mean this whole aspect of controlling a fizzdin ball is something that I think is really really overlooked a lot of people when they think about going and playing at higher levels it's all skill work and bidding your Defender which is a part of the game but this is such an underrated underappreciated part of being a pro that most Pros can deal with a variety of passes fizzed into them and keep that ball moving keep it going control it pass it very quickly so this is a great drill great teaching point the kid is class it's all great next one three easy and effective skills uh this I I will say is one that I usually have a little bit of a pet peeve with um the skill work is great footwork's great I think you should still work on on all of these just for fun but I would not classify any of these skill moves as easy or effective I think that really only a pro is going to do this in a game or even amateur should do this in a game if you're up seven nil you know exhibition game or something that it doesn't matter but an easy and effective skill move is the body faint a step over a cut or a chop a fake pass or a fake shot or something like that but that's not going to get you the likes on Tick Tock so great to work on for fun but I I wouldn't classify this as easy or effective next Tick Tock from Pro Player lab your energy levels are low use these products before a game let's see if we use them Vapor Rub energy gel electrolyte tablets yeah that's pretty common every single pro team is going to have those things a Vapor Rub I've used it before a couple times just kind of helps open up your Airways you can breathe a little bit better especially if you're clogged up or have a stuffy nose the uh energy gels just a form of sugar at half time pretty simple and then electrolyte tabs exactly what it sounds like you just get a few more electrolytes in your water uh before the game so yeah use them all the time this next one from RSC Performance training this drill is I it makes me want to do it like I it looks like it's challenging it's fun and uh it's satisfying to watch them as far as like game realism goes yeah it's you know not the most game realistic thing but I don't think that every single drill that you do needs to be game realistic especially the warm-up drills like this just to get the touch going and to be sharp a fun challenge for a training session like this I think is great Elite athlete training for soccer let's see all good exercises so far dumbbell yep really good all this is stuff that's working on parts of the game like movements and parts of the body that can help you become a little bit more athletic and they're all great movements that are super functional for the field when this stuff pops up I'm always like kind of going with a little Judgment of like okay we'll see but all of these drills and exercises are really really beneficial next we got Ivan Rojas full training session Duo warm up looks pretty straightforward little passing One Touch passing off to the side both feet check away check the shoulder turn receiving I mean that's a great drill a little looks like 30 yard just popping the ball back and forth to each other and then we got some uh 1v1s that's a great training session really great I mean it's simple it's easy it's effective it doesn't take up too much space you can see there on the side of the field really really good session I mean that's something that would look exactly like one of my off season sessions next we got Tony Cruz Academy um I don't think this guy knows what he's talking about I don't think he's got the experience or the knowledge um and he's going over how to do a croquetta this is like one of his staple moves he does it all the time uh and again it's kind of funny it's like this is an easy and effective Move versus getting 20 different touches pulling the ball back flipping it over somebody's head I mean sure it looks great and that can happen you know once a season maybe maybe once every 10 games when you're feeling yourself but 99 of the time when you're gonna beat the defender you're gonna do something like this next from La squadra soccer don't say no don't turn your head to aim for the far post run straight to the ball and impact the ball with power and find the first post so so this kind of falls into another little pet peeve that I have where it's like there's only one right way to do something and I think in football like there's never one thing that you always do always one rule that you always follow because there's always an exception you're always going to find yourself in the game where you have to do something that's unconventional because that's what's needed at that moment so I think the advice is pretty spot on because usually when the ball comes Crossing in from one side the goalkeeper is moving across the face of goal and you want to head the ball against their momentum of the goalkeeper back across to that first post like that's the advice that you generally give but to say to never go for the far post and to say no to the ball I think is wrong because there's many times in the game where that's what's on that's where it's open that's where you should finish and you see professional players score all the time like that so I think for most cases the advice is pretty good but to say never do it is what I have a problem with next Tick Tock Division One Fitness funny story he actually came it was like an exhibition game and um I played against him like I think a month ago two months ago so it's cool to uh see him because I've seen his tick tocks and seen his videos so this is a full division one uh partner training session got the warm-up in got some fast feet activation stuff some fast twitch muscle fibers to warm up uh which is great exactly what you do in a real training session got some zigzag cone weave dribbling some ball Mastery stuff for the cones little cone uh cone weave and then passing patterns this is a really sharp pattern right here I like that so you get the sharp tiny passing all the touches there then you do some turns and then finishing looks like with some Crossing and finishing oh look I got the croquetta here cut in to uh to shooting again a really really great training session I would love to hop in there and do that same session in my off season this is what I'm saying though most of the stuff that was popping up in my on my feed was was really good you know there's nothing really I can criticize you know because we have FC motivate are you tired of lacking power in your shots the reason why these guys can strike the ball is due to their Elite fascial connection from the foot to the glute and abs but don't worry you can start developing this connection with a simple exercise known as the towel curl of course the towel curl facial facial connections um yes it's a good exercise and I've talked about this before good exercise definitely should but a towel curl is not going to completely revolutionize and and add tons of power to your shot you add tons of power through your shot one through technique and fine-tuning that technique and so you're hitting that ball with perfect connection every single time and then just developing the strength of your body overall from your hip flexors that Pop the ball pop your leg forward to the glutes to the ABS yes and even the feet for sure but trying to say that one exercise like a towel curl is going to make your volleys way way better I think is a bit of a stretch 90 minute Duo training let's see five minute warm-up fantastic I used to never warm up as a kid so that's I'm really glad to see these guys warming up volleys is a staple drill the three cone high knees through really good laces and InStep ball Mastery little cone weave looks great different variations of it looks 20 minutes of that great touches from the kids passing combo great work all One Touch passing and moving a little check of the shoulder all good so far placement shooting that's a I like that drill a lot the uh the run outside and that's a super realistic thing as a striker as a guy who plays up there I mean you're constantly passing the ball opening up going in behind and receiving that pass slip through the defense like that so placement shooting both the right foot and the left foot and then Fitness at the end doing something really game realistic cutting turning like a shuttle run like this great session great session Michael Cunningham again can't go wrong with Michael great touches here I love to I like it's so short it's only three four five seconds or something but he's showing you like that's what the quality should look like that's what the tempo should look like it's very simple ins inside of the foot passing but this is at the professional level so it's great to see that range soccer training this is one of my other favorite tick tocks that I saw scrolling down I love this drill keeping the ball tight great touches and then constantly checking the shoulder with that little iPad with the numbers and the colors I think that's great like I love when I see something that pops up like that and it makes me think to myself I want to try that drill and this was one of those drills we got the squadra again if the defender is running you don't stop the ball it'll give more time to the fender when you see the ball try to dribble with the first touch breaking lines and beat your direct opponent with one touch yeah I'd say again in the majority of cases that's spot on if you have a guy flying at you you want to take your touch against the momentum in the opposite direction so that you can break their line and you get more time and space but you know there are times where if that guy's a couple steps back and he's still flying at you you want to bait that Defender a little bit more so you do kill the ball at your foot stop to allow them to come a little bit closer and then break your lines with a touch but again it's situational it just depends on how fast the defender is coming how much space you have there's so many variables that you don't want to say oh always take your first touch into space because there are times where you need to kill the ball bait them in to then break the line division one footballer technical training session from Alex stir cone weave variation this is a sick little training setup a little cone weave different variations croquetta outside the foot inside the foot both feet left and right I love that wall too it's if you can find a turf field with a wall like that that's a great setup Soul rolls around the cone fantastic very technical ball Mastery stuff like that then we go to the wall wall passes 100 each foot very simple but really really effective we'll pass and turn a little pass into a lacrosse goal this is great this is again like I said one of those sessions where I'm like I want to go there I want to train him there I want to do these drills it looks fun effective looks great to touch while juggling 10 minutes again really really simple but I mean this is a division one college soccer player this I mean this is a quality session this is exactly what you know Pros do it's not about how complicated the drills are how crazy the drills it's is it going to improve me keep me sharp get me sharper improve my um fundamentals at 100 does next we have Pro Player lab this one stuck out to me because that is me in the video training in off season it's always funny when I'm scrolling on Tick Tock and I see myself pop up and it's not my video uh but you know it's kind of weird they're using my training sessions my drills my everything to promote um their training programs or something whatever another train with me video from Logan Phipps warm up 10 to 15 minutes great warm up high knees butt kickers Hill Sprints three by five perfect Hill Sprints are like one of the most underrated things you can do to improve your Sprint speed juggling 10 minutes Logan's looking smooth curb passing this is great 30 minutes of this and again it's so simple I mean anybody can go out find a curb and just do exactly this I love that too because the ball's popping it up he's taking great touches killing the ball exactly just keeping like being really smooth oh that's unfortunate that always happens but uh great I mean this is a great great drill anybody can do it does us 30 minutes I did the same thing during the pandemic I got the log I was doing the same exact thing hitting the ball against the log it pop up and I'll just do the same thing just kill the ball take a touch keep it natural like that verbatav just getting tons of touches and it's fantastic freestyle dribbling 10 minutes amazing um and there we go great session really Technical and all you need is a ball and a curb anybody can do that coach Stefano soccer stop juggling like this toe juggling not challenging enough instead use your laces chest to head level no spin I think it is really good advice that if you start to get to the point where you know juggling with the toes below the knee is getting way too easy and you can rack up thousands of juggles then you do want to start adding in some form of challenges to make it harder popping the ball up way above your head trapping it right into a low baloney juggle again using the just laces with no spin at head height using other parts of the feet spinning the ball doing something but you know I just don't want you to get the idea of like oh never use toe juggling because you know like for example if someone pops into our professional training session and we're doing a little juggling session or something and they're using their laces like this to juggle the ball I'm thinking what is this guy doing it looks like a amateur like doesn't know how to juggle and every Pro that's just going to juggle the ball is going to use their toes because it is the easiest way it is the most efficient way it is the best way to juggle a ball so I agree if it's too easy start challenging yourself but I disagree in the fact of like oh never Juggle away your toes because I juggle with my toes 99 of the time dribbling drills for footballers part one from prolific soccer left foot only right foot only these are very clean touches roll and touch great pull and push great yeah these are great drills I love to like when people show the examples really like going full speed like professional game realistic like this this is great um a little soul roll sequence there that's awesome because prolific soccer here is saying like this is what a high level cone weave looks like and what you guys should all try to one day get to the level of if you're not already at the level there um it's great coach Michael California again we got the box dribbling chasing your partner Alyssa Thompson this is a great drill I love that too because not only you're working on getting your touches and going fast but then you have that reaction component of like starting stopping following your your uh partner got a little sequence here looks like a little race dribbling through the cone and then put the ball on top of the cone yeah these are great drills I love the little challenge aspect to it because it makes it even more game realistic and makes these players push themselves even more of like oh try to catch your opponent or try to catch your team it or try to race your teammate and put the ball in Cone first it makes you really go like that one percent harder or one percent faster so great drills and great players next we have Isaac mamave this is one of those drills where I think it's more for getting the views in for tick tock I always kind of rate them based off like oh would I enjoy doing the drill would I get a lot out of it like how would I react if a trainer wanted me to do something like this in off season and for me if I'd be like you know let's let's let's work on my first touch let's do a passing pattern let's do Crossing or finishing um I think the idea is okay but I think it is a little bit more of of trying to get the tick tock likes and Views non-stop progress a simple Striker drill Ronaldinho and finish here's a drill three to five seconds fantastic and done at a very high level I mean it's great hopefully if you're a striker watching this you see this on your Tick Tock feed you go yeah I really want to try that out that looks great because it is injury prevention for footballers from Emily Burke I do simple exercises to your next gym workout little ankle hops banded little knee reverse whatever hit flexor work that is great 100 those are all really common areas to all get injured because you have the ankles you have knee and then you have hip flexor which have all been problem areas for me and I've added all those exercises to my rehab or prehab or gym routine I mean that's great advice three footwork drills with a friend elastigos around a cone some soul rolls with two balls inside outside I think that's fun I think it's okay I think it's a little bit more kind of gauge to Tick-Tock and getting some views some little patterns that look really cool um if I was doing this in a session I'd kind of ask my partner like are we doing this for a tick tock are we doing this like you know are these actual drills to improve they will improve you they're okay but I think there is that little Showmanship for social media next we got Karen Higgs higgsy I like his content a lot especially with uh Connor as well I think the videos they put out are class so he's saying don't do this simple shooting drill here do this we got some fast feet variations attacking the cones finishing at high intensity dribble back repeat eight times so I like it I mean the idea behind it's great I mean it's basically saying do stuff at higher intensity uh really incorporating more aspects into the drill I think that's fantastic the only thing my only qualm with it is sometimes there are sessions where I don't want to be that high of a toll on my body and I want to just get in you know 50 shots with each foot and I don't want to go through all the cone work and off season it's more like yeah this is just a technical lighter session so during those I don't want to add in all the extra fast feet work all that kind of stuff beforehand I just want to get 50 high quality shots with each foot so that would just be my only thing is just because it drills simpler and doesn't incorporate a ton of extra movement doesn't necessarily mean that it's worse you know and I'm sure that Kieran would agree with that the squadra again when you see the ball back on the 18 don't shoot with your left foot your body is not in good balance Don't Close Your kick as well instead go towards the ball and stay on top of it and this way you'll be more accurate again it's exactly like the headers nine times out of ten when that ball comes to you from that right side of the field you do want to use your right foot and Tuck that ball back into the right side of the goal because that goalkeeper is starting to make his movement over to the left side of the goal and then it's harder for him to stop plant and turn and then go back across the goal it's way easier for him to continue across the face of gold with his momentum so again the advice is right for the majority of times but again my pet peeve of saying never do that is is wrong because again if you see the goalkeeper way over like he's not coming across the face and he's almost cheating for that near post then yeah you do want to close off your body and hit it to the far post same thing sometimes that ball you want to let it go across your body over to your left foot depending on where the Defenders are at so situational you this is good advice for the majority of cases but there are times where you're going to close your body and aim for the left side of the goal and there are times you're going to let that ball roll cross your body and use the left foot so that is all I have for you guys I hope you guys enjoyed this video it's a little bit different than usual but if you did please let me know in the comment section give me a thumbs up button if you did enjoy it and subscribe for more videos and I will see you guys in the next video alright guys peace
Channel: Become Elite
Views: 401,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soccer, football, sports, vlog, matt, sheldon, become, elite, professional, pro, footballer, athlete, workout, weight, lift, train, training, saint, louis, fc
Id: Cw-G_4JWFX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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