Tragedy of Being Married to a Fool | Live Sermon by Rev. Timothy Flemming Sr.

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today i want you to turn to first samuel chapter 25 verse 3. now the name of the man was named nabel and the name of his wife was abigail and she was a woman of good understanding and of beautiful continents but the man was churnish in evil in his doing and he was of the house of caleb i want to talk about when you're married to a fool oh the woman who was married to a fool someone said to me earlier don't say the woman who was married to fool because it's not just women married to a food it's a men married to a food [Music] so they told me just say when you're married to a food let me before i get into the text to exegete this and to exegete it i wanted to go through the story for a moment as to what this text is all about because so many of you don't know the bible and i need to be explicit as i can to make it simple so you can understand let's go through the story before i give you the application first of all the bible says that this prophet samuel has died he was one of the prophets and the judges of israel and of course when samuel judged israel for many many years until they got a king named saul now samuel is an old man and he's died and saul is still chasing david if you can remember the time when david was a little boy and samuel went and anointed him and told him one day you will be king it was because saul had become hard-headed and disobedient and he wouldn't obey god now saul started off as a splendid young man he was strong vitality was in his blood he was an intelligent young man a god-fearing young man and they wanted a king for the first time and he was the man for the job he was a lovely young man brilliant young man bold young man but when he got in power he changed it's amazing how quickly some people can change they can be so nice one moment so wonderful one moment and all you got to do is promote them some folk all right until you give them a mic and that mic will mess up more people than anything in the world just the fact that they got a mic in their mouth and they on the stage or they're being seen you can't tell them nothing saul began to get disobedient and beside himself and when saul became so arrogant full of himself god rejected saul and he told samuel you go anoint a young man named david because i'm going to get rid of saul as the time went by saul went to chasing david chasing them all over the wilderness because he began to get popular david is running for his life now got no wrong sometimes people will just hate you for your gift sometimes people will just go after you because of what god gave you and you didn't ask for it but they despise what god has given you hear this young man didn't ask for all this trouble he didn't ask for this but now he's hated chased all over the wilderness like a flea after a dead dog and now samuel gets old and he dies david has lost his best friend when samuel died david has lost his best support since samuel died sometimes god has to move people out of your life that you are dependent on to show you you got to stand on your own you're not going to always have a prayer partner in a certain situation sometimes you're going to get caught in a dilemma you can't call on the preacher and sometimes they call it preacher that remember come lay hands on me baby you better learn how to lay hands on your own pain you got to learn how to rebuke the enemy on your own and pray over your own body when you can't find a prayer warrior now saul is after david and and the prophet has died and everybody moans is dead now david got to run in the wilderness for the rest of his life still running from saul who wants to take his life he ends up down in this territory he goes down david and his crew and he finds himself in a little village area it was it was it was israelites and i'm just going to make this real plain now he gets down there and that was a man who was a in a land of a man in mulan and he had great possessions where he was around carmel not not the same mount carmel that elijah was on different area but he's a wealthy man and his name is nabal now nabel it's amazing about this man neighbor he's rich he's a wealthy man he got a lot but what's wrong with him he's a fool his name means fool when his mother saw him as a baby she named him fool i don't know why she named him food maybe he came here looking like a fool maybe he came here acting like a foolish baby but she named him food and she named him right it's bad to grow up and have a bad name and you live up to it i felt like she probably named him noble or noble is a good name and he took his life and started acting like a fool so they stop calling them noble and call them neighbor not a noble person but a food people can start out being alright and end up being a fool now the bible says what happened david he comes in the territory and by him having warriors 600 men they would go around and protect the farmland of uh sheep owners and owners of property so sheep owners and the farmers they had a lot of sheep they had a lot of livestock that was their livelihood and david was like police there was such thing as having soldiers come around and protect your life stop while your shepherds are out there because enemies and uh will come around from other areas and come in and take your sheep and take your livestock and kill your family and burn your house down you don't know who can attack you when you don't have no protection so you can imagine sometimes uh these owners were high uh people like david so i believe david was hired by a neighbor and he volunteered to give a lot of his service saying look i'm going to protect your livestock you're wealthy got a lot of money and you know at sheepshare and time which come once a year when you get ready to make your profit you're going to cut the wool off the sheet because that wool is valuable that's how you make your clothing that was valuable stuff sheep sharing time they they would trim those sheep down and take all the wool and they would sell it that was a big big money thing that was that's how they made money when you had a lot of sheep now you made your profit don't pay me i believe that was a contract because they would protect you it's like police giving you service you're paying for a service david and his 600 men have protected naval vineyard and protected his stock protected everything he got and now that he's getting his money the bible says it's time for sheet sharing and david knows he's finna get his money people know when you're getting a little money and when you're going to talk about you don't have nothing they know you just hit that lottery that's why they're coming around talking about the baby had a accident and mama fell on the floor and and my brother-in-law tripped over and broke his leg and cousin got put out the house you ever got a letter like that they found out you got a little money and when ken folk find out you got some money they come from everywhere i'm your fifth cousin you better not hit that lottery they come from everywhere and you lose more friends that they find out you got money that you ever had since you were broke and people know when you got your money every month too people know when you got a check they start writing you calling you they're trying to sell you something they know you got some money david knew that neighbor had gotten this little change and you know what david said he sent some of his soldiers over and some of his 10 to 10 of his young men said he's uh tell neighbor look i know you got paid now you got your money i'm not setting the price just whatever you want to give me send me some of your food send me some of your you know profit and uh i i enjoy protecting you your livestock and david didn't name no price he left it with neighbor whatever you give me just show me some gratitude for my service and when david sent his men to neighbor they came to talk to neighbor and tell him what the king that leader had said nate you know what neighbor said who is this david i don't know no jesse's son coming around trying to big for bread i'm not giving him nothing i'm just paraphrasing it for you all these handouts every time look around somebody wanted some money from me i don't know him and i'm not giving him nothing wait a minute wait a minute i just protected you and kept people from robbing you and now you're going to treat me like that and they're going to say you don't know me but when you needed me you call on me and now that you got your money you don't know me how many you know people do you like that when they need you call you all day long and when they finally get over and you come up after you know or so let me see you went to school with them they go up north still a little while and come back say you know so-and-so well let's see who is this like you forgot you know who they are but see here's where he is he's getting so big he's ungrateful yeah wow and that makes them a fool in gratitude let me go and finish the story he he he gets arrogant smart and tell the men no the young man go back and tell david they said uh david he said he don't even know you he said he's not giving you nothing david said did i hear you all right what that's what he said king he said look here boys y'all heat up heat up brothers heat up bro you know what heat up mean don't you go get your heat let's get together and go fight let me bring it down to young folk y'all load up load up load up load up bro load up go get your spears go get your sword low down i'm finna wipe him out i'm gonna kill that joker and i'm gonna wipe his house out i'm gonna kill every male in the house kill him everything he got you don't make david mad they was a good man but how many know some folk good you don't make them mad you don't make folk mad who don't stay mad folk who stay mad don't pay them their mind they just live mad but when people quiet and calm down balls nobody don't make them mad okay so david's a good man never bothers nobody and he rounds up his 400 men and 200 he leaves behind and he's headed to neighbor i'm gonna wipe him out and then he gets halfway there a servant runs to abigail and you know what the servant said to abigail misrish you know have you heard what's going to happen in a few minutes she says why your crazy husband read what the word said the servant called him but now you know what that word mean satan bilal means satan your husband is a devil and that full husband and i imagine the servant said please don't tell him i told you but you got a fool that fool from to get us killed and she said what oh my god she said quickly you all go get me some go get the dunkins and go get me some food i want some raisins i want some fig cakes i want some wine i want some corn stock up my god get that stuff quick she moved quickly now get that stuff and put it on the donkey and she got her dunking then uh loaded the donkey down and she went out in the wilderness and met david coming with his men coming with his being firing mad and when she stops him they was saying who is this getting in my path this woman with these mules she gets off she comes for him she gets down on her knees she prostrate herself oh mighty lord oh mighty lord almighty lord please hear me please hear me i need to talk to you they say what you want who are you i'm abigail i'm married to that fool read the test she started acknowledging him she started telling who he is and you know she told him she said king you you know you're going to be the king i see it you're going to be our next king and you don't want to go kill these people anderson because of what my old foolish husband did don't wipe out the whole village don't kill all of us because of that fool i'm living with i have to speak he doesn't know no better he doesn't know what he's doing look i got plenty for you look i got all the fig cakes the razor the corn i got everything you need you asked for i got it he didn't know she had it a husband she said i got it take it and she said you can take my life you can take me king just don't take him don't kill him she sure wouldn't like some sisters i know boy if that been some of our sisters and somebody said to come wipe them out when you got home the car would have been gone the clothes would have been gone the jewelry that house would have been clean and she would have been on the other side of town go and bump you and the king looked and said well well well you calmed me down you know what you told him he ain't worth it it's not worth you wiping out all these folk and when you become king you're gonna look back and be embarrassed of what you did when you become king you don't want this haunting you in the night when you become when you get where god wants you to be you don't want to look back and say i kill all those babies she's telling him some stuff is not worth your time don't kill it you're already dead [Music] the king withdrew took his crew and left she went home and when she went home she wanted to tell him what she did and he was drunk having a party and so full of wine just out she didn't tell him nothing she waited till the next morning to tell it and when she told him he got so excited i can't believe this you know they were gonna kill you last night what what what what would you lose your mind you mean tell me to even finna kill me last night for real she said oh oh oh what oh 10 days later dad had a heart attack when he heard the news i believe he had a heart attack because he was still reading hell or what she gave him what's the application when you're married to a food let's go back and look at it number one abigail was a woman of good understanding and then married to the devil and how many times you've seen people look like the worst folk get the best folks and you trying to live right and then got hooked up with a fool i don't know what it is you can't get the people of your dream the people you always pray for you ask god for a rose and you get a thorn bush you pray all your life lord send me somebody my life gonna make me ha and he give you just the opposite i believe god is building your faith and building your character because negative and positive get reactions think one of the things that i want to draw out in this application about abigail and i hope this is not true that can have you marrying a fool don't marry a man for his money see neighbor was rich i wonder in those days you know a woman didn't pick a man the parents picked him i wonder if a mother and father picked neighbor and told her you got to marry him because that's what they did then you didn't have no choice in the matter because he had money and the worst thing you can do is enforce your son or daughter they're gonna marry somebody because they got a chain around their neck and gold in their mouth and ride riding in the daddy's car and eating the mama food talking about i'm somebody look like he got money and most of you get married to food because here's your thing how much money you got and when you find a good man doesn't have no money i don't want you with your old broke self you broke why are you gonna talk about him broken you bro trying to introduce somebody nice job yeah that he ain't got no money you don't have any either so we even let me tell you something about neighbor neighbor had a million dollars but he wasn't worth a cent some people are worth a million dollars but don't have a cent some people don't have a million dollars but they worried something they may not have but a cent but they're worth a million and some people have a million but ain't worth the cent they just got money and you're gonna marry them because of that money and you find out something money came by now let me tell you something else about her when she found out that neighbors was about to be attacked she interceded well it's bad to be married to somebody who's doing stupid things and this is what we have in our message today a man who hacked the food but he had a wise wife abigail old neighbors he was crazy acting but this is life sometimes we just have to deal with some foolish people but you got to learn how to live with them and it's not only just that it's in every area of of the world you can be on the job where you're working for a food it could be when you're buried through a food it could be when you have to deal with the food food is kinfolk oh don't let me go down the line when you connected to that situation some foolish kid folk out there it's just life we got to learn how some guy can't just run from some stuff you got to intercede as abigail did and let god handle them amen this sermon is a part of the series of sermons called the tragedy series and you can have it today call us on that 1 800 number and get all of my sermons on the tragedy series i am about to pull them off now i'm about to pull them off so you better start calling and get them now i have 16 sermons on this tragedy series you get the sermon entitled the tragedy of lying in church the tragedy of tragedy oh would a man lose his soul that's a tragedy the tragedy of being in a hurry when god isn't the tragedy of the ungrateful nine and the grateful one the tragedy of christmas you know christmas coming up soon there was some tragedies about christmas the tragedy i always liked this one a plane in the sand are you building on the rock or just playing in the sand the tragedy of missing church the tragedy of missing the bridegroom yes the tragedy of the man who said he would but couldn't the man who said he would but wouldn't and the man who said he would but did i know you're gonna like that when you get that the tragedy of when you can't see for looking the tragedy of being married to a fool i had to pause a little bit on that wow the tragedy of being married to a fool which you heard today the tragedy of letting your past mess up your future the tragedy of when you're doing the right thing gets you in trouble oh yes i like this one too the tragedy of stopping the preacher's sermon stop the preacher's sermon the tragedy of the almost christian these sermons are long and don't forget that other one the big one biggest one of all the tragedy of when you have to pick your own switch do you remember that mama made you go pick your own switch yes that was a tragedy i won't forget that myself and she made you pick the one you didn't want to pick yes and you can get them all right now friend call us on that 1 800 numbers i see it we're about to take them off we've been playing them all summer long call and get them now if you can't get them all just get as many as you can i want you to have them before we go on to something else okay god bless you friend don't forget i'll be on impact every sunday at 3 00 pm see you next week
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 8,029
Rating: 4.8435755 out of 5
Keywords: mcbcatl, timothy flemming sr
Id: ixYhLJiV2Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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