Town wide yard sales! Lots of treasures!

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well it's yard sale weekend be interesting what we find good morning pretty good what do you think this box is clarinet ah what do you get on the box can you do five yeah huh yeah all right i'll do five thank you it's cool box yeah good do we need more buggy boards uh maybe what do you get on the silver plate uh that's right or the whole the what do you get on the [Music] what's it called the silverware and the tray maybe really nice pattern all right so i'd be 15 with that it sounds like a plane what is it so all right i'll i'll do the 15. [Music] where's it up does have a good look pick up the plate underneath see if that's a chinese also that's kind of fun that does have a good good mark and it's kind of still a little too new for us how much is the fire truck that's ten ten the tonka it's an old one they don't make them in steel anymore all right so that would be that's 15. yeah i forgot i was thinking of the uh okay so this one would be 15 and all right i'm gonna pass on that then i owe you 15 with the silver plate and the toolbox thank you just nice teacups but let's see where they're made doesn't say it's chipped from is that the same pattern yeah it's a beer stein not right now do you know what these are no we have them flower frogs so you add the flowers in here and it holds the arrangement all right good morning cool box cap really nice day for sale get some army belts 350 for uh pole vice a swing what kind is it just oh okay are you firm at 30 on her yes compromise i understand she looks really nice yeah i love the frame that's what i think is about it partly but i mean i yeah debated whether or not it was real it kind of thinks that it's probably not original it's certainly fresh i think uh could you do the two belts in her for 30. all right thank you i appreciate it [Music] it's kind of cool that was my uncle's i think it may have been my grandpa my grandparents that the the tray yeah probably aluminum yeah felt aluminum that felt like aluminum chinese empire uh i might actually have one of those i'm going to get the carve lucite flower a friend of mine was telling me that it used to be a thing they would do in uh as a prison craft okay like for making those yeah i thought that was like it's somehow water etched or something now you take the file here's the tent i'm sorry you take a file or a chisel and you carve it out there's like this one's a nice block here yeah how much is the pig chalkware oh here oh all right so there you go yeah i'll take the pig too okay i really appreciate that getting the painting yeah thank you again yeah i think it's a nice one all right have a good day all right let's see if there was anything else good morning five for 25 dad of the bags how much is the tap five dollars five and the old glasses two dollars i'll get the old glasses for two okay how much is one six well it's totally up to you all right let me see which one you're getting the blue did you tie diamonds i did yeah some of my artwork so they're not really yard sale prices but well thank you people are gonna need them for shopping all right got those two this is a big yard sale gap hey buddy how you doing the cat yeah just saying hi to him he's just chilling what do you get for the fire back i know they go for like 600 bucks i'll take 200. 200. i love the stand yeah it's awesome i was trying to see if i could sell the whole thing yep you know well still early yeah but it is very nice all right let's find anything else what do you get on the tie tacks and tie bars uh two bucks sound good sounds good thank you i appreciate it i always like the cut out mercury dime this one could be gold filled too like the glasses i just got we'll have to look it up at it later is going to be this one with one of the better cape did you find one you like gab yeah she she likes the one that's sold oh yeah not that they've gone with the wind dress this one is actually is it a vintage dress this is an 1863 handmade reenactor scam ah that's pretty cool yeah it has um the hoops i have the other skirt in there i've got yeah which one did you want gab this one oh well i know i gotta take that off i'm sorry that's all right thank you very much you guys have a good one oh you might find something else what do you get on the silver plate by the way listen i just want to get rid of it four or five dollars okay um what about all the spider webs i'm gonna sell i was thinking like two dollars each does that sound two four six eight ten for ten daddy henry i know they're really here's the good thing about this well she likes decorating for halloween so really easy to hang and display and storage is easy if that's what you want or we can there's plenty more sales because it is the town wide today yeah and it's early what do you want what do you want to do she has a budget today at 20 bucks i raised it or so oh honey wait wait until then [Laughter] we can come back all right let's see what else we find she's gonna wait well here's some jewelry finally got i left the box i wanted some wrinkles today i'm running low you need some rings there right there how much are your pins by the way i'm sorry the pins oh the pizza depends like what do you get on the copper one uh two dollars all right and how much was this cool box five the old jewelry box i think i'll get that we also have these oh i got more jewelry than you know what to do with and both sides roll out that's vintage yeah how much is the rabbit that winks right here and his eyes move miniature oh i see the humbles right there yeah yeah what do you think like oh you see dad i need those earrings the orange ones with the orange flowers yeah they still go with your hair i love it thank you the back of her hair oh how did you do that okay uh she fell in paint mine i just did it from that's a really cool yeah they're all the butterfly pens are all how much are the orange earrings oh two dollars do you have a box i can stick all these do you want this uh i think i'm just gonna go with jewelry right now okay i'm gonna get those to start with well if you have a box and then we can go over the prices and make sure that she's happy with you know i have a loop i cannot use that damn thing to save my soul yeah she bought me this loop and i just cannot this is my favorite so far isn't that pretty i think this is that's all this says 14k if you want it this is old too you can tell the old jewelry that's the wishbone you see the wishbone it's a nice one too five dollars it's not beautiful i really like that yeah no it's not for me though it just has [Laughter] not kidding i just didn't have enough room on the table i really don't want to get rings see when you work you get all dressed up how about this that's a nice ring here the octopus is pretty cool this is an old flag did you have any other trefari do you think oh i don't i don't think okay if we do it's here yep this is i don't know if this is monet or not but they i remember working and they used that what does this say this is monet with the charm the people um trying to think remember another piece that had what's in these blue boxes oh i want to show this lady why she's got the loop i have a ring i can't get it on my finger i can't sing well i think i'm good i'm going to walk to the other side you guys if you guys get a chance to add it up oh yeah no problem and uh before i leave you didn't have any other uh any other gold do you think well i think i don't know what this ring is it says 14 karat gold right which that's oops i don't go anywhere without them all right oh here it is there are nine and a half my uncle warm from the bedroom door to the kitchen door and you couldn't wear them how much for all this what about the stone what do you think thank you all the berry baskets so cute are the baskets yours yeah i guess we'll get some baskets i love this one yeah they're all really really old all right well i'm at five right now and we'll see if there's you should get this dad [Music] yeah we rescued a cat and gave it to grandma how much are the bookends they're uh eight all right so i'm at 15 with them do you have something i could put those in because they're gonna break the candlesticks that's the that's what you're getting all right 17 then hudson how much are the little computer animals like they're three to five depends the little ones i'll even do like a dollar for the little skinny ones but the bigger ones like three three i know they sell and there's a case that you can display okay yeah gumbo yes yes of course are you keeping track on how much you're spending [Laughter] i like this one yeah that one i thought you'd like this one's actually pretty nice how much are the banana i guess i'm going to get the cat if she gets a bandana here's another horse one i'm gonna get this one my grandmother told me you wanted to see me is it yeah would you do you want to sell that yeah all right was it a real diamond or no she doesn't know can i see it sure ow just poke myself all right i'll give you uh so i'm trying the yeah great thing this is for the dog right no it's a well yeah i guess yeah it's either at home the best i could do would be 80. i'm sorry you've got it do you want to sell it for that all right thank you can you tell i like purple i appreciate all the jewelry you got earlier i think that's 80 there let me get you a little bag count that it might be it might be one more but is that a tip yeah it's one more sorry about that thank you and here's here's the money for you i we have i want two so five dollars all together okay they're so cute that came with yeah i really i just collected them i never really look how pretty that house is over there it's a pretty house so let's say you spent what ten dollars seven dollars i think it was it wasn't ten hopefully uh i've only spent three dollars at the last place maybe five dollars maybe you spent five dollars you're saying oh the slinkies are cool you do not need a slinky oh that's what you really want i guess you do [Music] i don't know who this guy is i think the astronaut somebody we might need we need this puzzle if something you want ask dolphins are cool how much are the dolphins by the way um all right we have to do that for a dollar um it's all mixed up mostly beets and things and i haven't had a chance to look for it so it still has ones i want to keep not a problem so if you hold it up i will be like oh not that one i think those fish are going to keep oh you're going to keep the fish oh sorry thank you yeah it may not be these fish this the ring i had yeah [Music] huh yeah i'll give you an extra dollar here this one's gold filled this is a cigarette how does this it's an e-cigarette lovely don't smoke actually it's not all right yeah get that um what about this that one um you know what you can have that one thank you yeah all right i owe you a dollar for the dolphins thank you gabby almost missed it how much are the vintage pins they're pretty cool what would you like for the whole box all right we'll do the five thank you awesome that way she can uh yeah that way you can like really look through yep she that's her uh that's her new thing she really wants um all right well you're excited about those though granny peace brigade all right let's see if we find anything else oh it's a log splitter trying to figure out what it was good morning good morning how about a halo head what's up do you see all the kinetic sand hair gab like you know how you make a like glass okay yeah yeah good morning good morning how are you very good should we get best of pillows for our couch you don't need gloves right check it is that something you'd wear it looks like it's huge though for you um old suppose that'd be fun if that was a 14. how much is the leather jacket how much 20. okay thank you what do you get on the belt buckle 10 10. it's got good deep detail dad do you need a face coaster do you think it's old the pig is cute all right i'll give you 10 bucks on it i don't i can't say i've ever seen it before thank you how much is the leather bag too five all right how much is the wicked witch sign all right i all right so 16 all together okay thank you hello are you giving away the garden cart too yes that's uh roger you're giving well i think i have use for it so it's very nice i like how it folds i thought there were pieces that go on the end but i can't find them oh so there might be i it slides in somehow but that's fine no i don't remember somebody it's all good i'll i'll use the dustpan too good friends were moving and begged us to take it and we've never had a use for it so if you have a use for that and everything's free on the table i appreciate the the garden cart and the abalone dad look at these are you selling anything you want to sell anything i'm happy to buy all right thanks thank you i appreciate the cart oh you know that scratching thing for somebody with air as gorgeous as yours you have one already do you really i've never before seen one of these have you already yeah amazing thank you nah but i did need a good dustpan i don't know the last place we went i don't think it's a original the only reason i liked it was it had the sword uh but whenever you see the tiffany company it really really means it's normally a reproduction but still a cool belt buckle all right i'm gonna go put this in there how much are the pants that is free i it was in the box and i didn't just take it it's really cute that's not old well anyway we're going to look around it was good seeing you see you man maybe i'll see you around and stop throwing those oranges yes i will that orange story is one of the best stories ever how much is the five um that's great do you have any jewelry i don't have any jewelry out here thank you 65 you said yeah did you think somebody popped the top at one time or it just says that's the way it always is yeah but it's nice it's early too it's red wet yeah oh you know it's very very how do you get the coins out you have to break it to get the coins out but that's why they didn't put anything in it i guess and how much is the bottle two dollars would you drink the worm syrup no [Laughter] what is in this box a little tie tech tie bar and that's a swank type and i don't think they make swank anymore and that's just a towel do you put it like this it's a good it's good haircut well honestly that's what people do clip it on their open sweaters like a cardigan sweater gib i've seen a lot of people do that with the with a tie bar i like it i'm going to see if i i paid up on a on a ring already so i have to see if i don't find anything else and we'll be back there's it looks like one hairline on the top and that's the only thing that making me show me yeah not pulling the trigger here you see where i'm talking about right where my thumb is yeah i guess but i can't tell i'd i'm gonna give you a dollar on the jeans so thank you what would you want to do how about the drawing kit snow hat for you [Music] i don't want a good figural knob what do you get on your doorknobs uh those are gonna be uh five bucks for a full set with a rod is that belfry are you looking to die yeah i was looking at that how much is it that's going to be 10 bucks [Music] i think i'm just gonna get this set right here for five yeah thank you all right full pair how much is the the keyholes covers uh those like those can go through the sensors all right i'll get here why don't we do uh so i got five six bucks okay though uh yeah all right thank you so did you guys yeah the bees are in the backyard that's pretty cool how much how much honey do you get from your hives every year i mean getting it ready for getting ready for this i just i just harvested last weekend awesome i uh yeah we've always had bees at our uh at the farms and it's it's interesting watching them swarm and everything yeah these actually all the like i was about to give up and then i sort of i had a couple years where i wasn't really getting much and i was getting frustrated and then i started catching swarms like literally up and down the block and i think they were just all my bees but like so it's like this is about they're literally about as local as you get because these are actually that's pretty cool well thank you very much putting out scrap looks like uh two rotors and aluminum aluminum rim i can fit those i'll come back with scrap truck for that throw these in the back of the truck starting to get some good stuff they uh there's another sail right there too i've been scrapping a bunch uh i haven't really filmed it recently but uh i probably take a hundred dollars a week to the scrap yard that i go use at the flea market definitely a fair trade scrapped for flea market can i look at the cds sure go ahead thank you 10 for the bag well we might have to do that it seems all right thank you frames there's a really nice old frame it's got a new picture in it but it's a nice old frame how much is the copper it's very nice and how much was the frame at the end but the one with the print man i taught her well that's the you go to the presbyterian church you know just ask how much is that gold frame there 10 bucks i'll give you the 10 on that that's a nice early frame for the gallery here's the tent on that was there anything in the dewalts are they just the boxes out there some japanese painted fern good morning doing pretty good so free on the right five dollars on the left and a dollar down the center so wait the plates are free all right i'll take that whole set it's really nice oh my gosh uh we'll have to pull the truck up and i think i got 10 or let's see one two three so i have five dollars here plus the plus the set of plates okay thank you very much thank you it looks like an old set of plates it is it was my here's five okay it was my wife's sister's mother's set from years and years and years ago did you have the teacups or the teacups my daughter wants oh that's fine that's all good there's a couple tea there's one tea plate if she's keeping the cups okay so i'm happy with the bowls and the plates and everything else thank you so much okay there's more right there yes all right and that was i got this right here for five thank you i'm gonna pull down i'm i'm parked i'll get it out of the way here for you thank you so much i'm gonna go look over there all right let's go check that one and then it says everything is free morning good morning darwin would like the little bug you should almost grab that for him it's on a keychain too yeah can you grab that like little clock for me and the bohemian belt fun yeah it's very 50s yeah you should start looking at cds because you can you can always copy them onto your uh yeah is there anything uh there's fiona apple mom went to one of her concerts i think well take your time and look i'm going to go pull the truck down well it looks like one more sale with a bunch of tools how you selling all the wire yep and what do you get a roll how much are they a roll i'm right here there's some really good jewelry making tools in here oh would a bunch of good antiques at this hey what do you get on these the stuff underneath makes mostly these guys yeah like two three bucks a piece okay and what do you want on the wire wire um you know yeah i can't believe how expensive it got each one of the new rolls is about 200 bucks is it really 200 now yeah for uh 14-2 i didn't know that it was 200. i'm glad i didn't scrap all mine no that's i mean i didn't i didn't even realize until i looked this morning i mean obviously i'm not asking 200. um yeah i think you'll find an electrician yeah i have uh i have a big pile mess of it for scrap but yeah i'm not going to do it anymore the first guy looked at he wanted to scrap it i was like nah do you want to scrap this right now since it's up there and it looks like it's going to stay high too for a minute yeah all right so can we do uh 10 bucks on this pile yeah thank you yeah any other small like jeweler type tools or yeah i mean most of stuff is there's some stuff out here all right i got i have the pen in my hand a lot of these things you know i threw a bunch of different stuff in i got a bunch of cool um there you know there's probably more of that kind of stuff laying around you know i mean it's out there i happened to uh cleaned out a place and the guy was a scissor guy oh so that's where you got all the scissors did you sell all the scissors or uh i got some upstairs uh i'll actually bring a box down they're real nice yeah i i would love to take a look at them this is a cool toolbox i always like when they have the let's see what he wants in that toolbox i like that one what are you looking for gab um how much is the um they said and what do you get on this nice tool box here a couple bucks all right i'm going to put my other stuff in there and then come chop your scissors [Music] yeah i'll give you five give me one second let's just look see what it's a big cat you need five right kid yeah you're going to get me changed but all i have is 20. i always thought you can make stuff with these old ones but these are i mean these things have never even been used in those things make sure hey i was wondering all right german oh i know whenever the scissors say made in germany they always uh sell for meant a good good price i have a big pile them so i put them out did you get a lot of straight razors from the guy too that was a handful you know what they're really good for doing the fine carving work for fixing uh fixing like sculptures and stuff these are good for my tackle box what'd you get oh you got a skateboard nice skateboard too it's a penny board awesome i don't know how to skateboard yet but i will well that's actually a good uh it's actually a good board and then look at the toy how uh how much for these right here the bigger ones this i think you gotta give me like 40 bucks 40. isn't it great dad it's a cat got your post with the that is pretty cool let's see one two i'm gonna go make sure the did she drive around or did she go park somewhere i'm not sure very much so sounds good yeah i'm gonna i'm just trying to decide if we should do the 40 bucks on that that's a lot of money it's these look like they'd be good for their garden how much for just these two small pairs give me five all right do that thank you and uh for the two chisels bucks to the all right yeah why not thank you and so i just picked up a bunch of rugs for five bucks each and uh i think it's gonna be my last sale of the day let's see what's see what's here oh that's actually not a bad bike good morning i guess that's that's it i'll show you what my favorite pick of the day was question so would you do you have any other uh actually you have the gamecube do you have any other parts to it or just that um i honestly don't know whatever is in here is what we've got and what do you want for everything oh he has ten dollars all right i'll give you the ten bucks oh wow you got there's a bunch of games in here it's pretty cool thank you you're welcome one person's trash is another person's treasure you know i i can't wait to go into town my husband said i can only bring back what i sell want me to throw a couple things on my truck for you and just tell them i only get this for three bucks too but all right thank you honestly that it made my day this this big box of games i i missed it i was leaving and i just just stumbled over it a good way to end the day well we definitely found some stuff yard sale in today uh got this awesome victorian frame for ten dollars it's just a print inside um but i got all these actually three boxes full of dishes for uh free that was one of our best uh we're uh gonna give this to you for free picks um there's gotta be they they kept the tea to keep the teacups and there's got to be service for 12. so i don't know how much it's worth but it is a nice english iv pattern the good i bought the german scissors the gold filled glasses gabby was happy to get the honey for uh eight bucks uh i really like this tool box with the old strap probably only get 20 or 30 for it at the flea market um but this toolbox at the first sale we went to it was pretty uh it's like a little doctor's bag the dolphins for a dollar guessing it's a berry basket but i'm not sure you can see it being a berry basket with a little piece of cloth in there but it is definitely early oak basket the cobalt salt and pepper shakers i spent a hundred dollars if you include the gold ring at the jewelry table but this uh trefari butterfly i'm pretty sure we'll pay for that and uh it's just a really nice 1950s trafari uh i mean there was a couple other trefari pieces i believe this and that were trefari so got the cats for i think three bucks they have one one eight or i guess it's a three i'm not 100 sure too much paint on it one one three is the code on the back the jeweler's tools were really nice for 10 bucks another good pair of scissors i know sometimes these uh the hair barber scissors can be high value online um and then i got to my two best things i bought it was between this painting just really really well done with the sv i'm not sure who that would be as the nice early label from paris to new york but uh between that and my 10 box of video games the only thing that would have made this better is if he threw in the gamecube console let's see if any of these have uh yep there's mario kart no instruction booklet in that it looks like they're all there let's check the ds games i know the ds and the gamecube games are all pretty good there's gotta be let's see one two three four five six seven i don't know that's not a gamecube game now so that's six seven eight nine ten eleven gamecube games and uh i want the brand new never been used the wreck-it ralph sealed mario kart let's see if mario karts are in there yep madagascar sealed so we got one two three four five six seven uh ds games three of those were sealed and a ton of uh wii games one might be decent it's in there with the instruction booklet one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. so about 25 uh 25 wii games in the 10 box definitely pays to go yard sale but be interesting i know this is about 200 bucks and maybe even more and i know i can get two to three hundred bucks for her online if i tried selling her but maybe that artist is somebody all right hopefully uh you like this video me and gabby had fun and uh appreciate you guys watching if you haven't yet give somebody a call who might be alone and please be safe out there we'll see everybody next video peace yeah that's my pick for the day
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 31,366
Rating: 4.9301076 out of 5
Keywords: Picking, flea market, selling, pickers, antiques, treasure, jewelry, vintage
Id: 8Z6gfroToMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 46sec (3286 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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