Farm house finds! Picking at a old farm! Never know what we’ll get. Lots of Antiques!

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well there's this house and a barn over there um i was talking to the owner and they're ripping everything down so i'm gonna go probably first into the house we find something that's uh usable though or sellable he's gonna get a scrap dumpster so as long as they pay more than scrap we can get a bunch of cool things always pays to ask [Music] so that's what we got in this house turn on my flashlight so we can see good little wall sconce nice fun stool it might be a first thing i see something off the bat old photo album let's see and it's empty only uh oh there's a couple in the back maybe there's maybe there's some more i never know what you're going to find good old postcard album or something like that that's pretty cool definitely sellable this is a frame of some sort that's just a frame ah there's another photo album this one looks like it's where all the photos got put that's pretty cool might be one more old ephemera is always pretty cool especially in an old farmhouse they're ripping stuff out upstairs already 1969 these old ash trays sometimes are sellable places like this is where you find your red lines and all that other stuff there's some great old boxes made in england put that with that one another cool jet box basically they have a dumpster everything's getting thrown out these are always great the little chalkboard all right i'm gonna put this all in my basket good domino box [Applause] i have a bunch more cards anything full of a watch no the timex will put a little case sellable put that with the ashtray might be one of the first time xboxes i have no clue when the first time x came out camera shell all right i think we're gonna go to the next next closet i bet there's going to be some good vintage clothes in here just because looking at these no clue what that is it's like old headphones of some sort or head brace uh i know it's medical somebody will buy it at the flea market you like when your jaw is wired shut there's even costume jewelry a bunch of costumes nice enamel take all that these always do well this one's plastic though it's not ceramic pie ten and a safe good little hoosier cabinet kinda hmm must be all razors it's crazy you never know what you're gonna find until you ask i could have easily said no for going through the house essentially a good box like the blue blue dishes these almost look like a fire king got a nice little opalescence to it those might be keeper four chairs good this is actually kind of nice really old this is definitely 80 years old this phase doesn't have a name like tiffany or anything but it's got a good panel but the weight is surprisingly heavy corningware cast iron pot and it's nothing special sweet pea this is fire king brown and pyrex the yellow balls a bunch of glass on this side put sweetie in there another piece of depression glass it might be even uranium glass or whatever pyrex look at this it's got three ends the measuring cup now if all this is here i wonder what's in the barn i think it's a door or a pantry it's locked good too much to be a door let's look yeah now it's definitely a door it goes right there but that fork is nice or the pitchfork all right let's just finish this corner before we go anywhere i want the shame he's broken one good old stoneware jug but now it should be made by hull no but it's still a smiley face we could sell that it is fire king little mug sorry about that noise yeah the teapot's kind of fun i'll put that in the box too make still the best thing we found today all right is there anything else that's from kohl's i'm pretty sure or no it's making ice cream little ice cream bucket it's pretty fun all the old jackets let's see if did square dancing here's a good square dancing shirt vintage with western buttons that's sellable there it goes is it empty yes is that western let's see if that's a western where nope that's good to wrap that and the amber glass will save that put everything in that box i still have upstairs to look at he was boxing everything up right now fun pyrex dishes i had this all boxed up for somebody else [Music] almost flowerpots japan [Music] another timex box i honestly see a lot of timex stuff but i don't know if i've ever had these early early timex boxes i guess this is the watch that went in it would be nice if there was some more uh fire king nothing special in that george pretty enamel flower syllable what do you think maybe fire king yep heat proof has the x or the f with the shield pretty sure that's fire king pair of those uh there's two more under here that's pretty cool good old mixing bowl it definitely hasn't been picked before this house costume jewelry would have been gone that uh if they had anybody with antiques they would have took the opalescent glass so what do you think any cast iron in the bottom there we go here's one no name but it's good old skillet [Music] let's see what this was that's actually a cool cover all right let's go upstairs and i look a basement and spooky basements are always fun too stairs aren't rotted out oh okay some more of these gallon or half gallon uh mason jars in blue there's a big barrel of molasses or something but they definitely did a lot of cannon there's some old pears probably i wouldn't want to try them but we'll grab a bunch of the blue that looks like peaches or beets man look at all these jars i don't think they've heated this for a while and they hadn't broke so glad i don't have to do this clean out there is a lot of stuff down here wow look at the size of that one little milk crates that the barn's gonna have a ton of those number three jug i see oh wow i see a jug there that has a all right i'm gonna put my stuff that we're finding right here so come with a box and put it all away that's actually moonshine probably another i mean i don't know what else would stay clear we're gonna try it but that's my guess what these were good enamel table i might save that not rusted through one good thing about having the masks this is what i saw that looked interesting national liquor company newark new jersey here's a stack of old lids with glass liners save all that this is where you find it look at that wow i haven't found a painted painted croc ever in the wild like this i just can't believe it i can't quite make it out right there but it's got number three on that side man that is awesome they might not sell it but it still was awesome to find but it sounded like they got everything they ever wanted out of this so there it is [Music] i think we definitely have a good shot of being able to buy it let's go check this big one make sure it doesn't have any paint on the other side now both green beans there's another craft what's cool about this one it's got the wood handle all the bottles they saved cokes and pepsis all right i'm gonna go get a box well i guess you don't need to open a window here good old hunting jacket and those always sell old shells bunch of old shells oh those are those old pool cues now it's an old stool jacket actually might be sellable if it's old enough oh man i'm going to miss you just throughout i'm seeing it there we go it's just the box but it's still that's the good one was there any hess trucks or something i see you had the throughout the one and this is your fault is there a lot of paper in the other rooms farm journals there's uh breeders digest there's american science oh really well i'm glad i caught you before you started toss you said you tossed a bunch of it out the window or just a little magazine not a single one no all right now i started tracing this there's some good ones i've got a john glenn on the cover of uh time magazine i believe oh cool 1964 i believe that's actually a good pair of jeans just ready enough there's another pair these are not levi's but they're old there's one more gotta love old farmhouses definitely so any old t-shirts that you saw come on oh empty i don't know the box right there i'm saving was it you don't have it here do you the skirt that you saved what's it look like i just want not that i i need it i just wanted [Music] you keeping these magazines yeah i mean okay well i mean they're i haven't seen anything later than 1989 and that's the absolute latest one he'd already done all these rooms was there a way to get up to the attic or no well i did manage it but it's from downstairs there's a spiral staircase uh-huh is there anything there there's metal i didn't take a good look all right good coffee tint that's uh one of 40 or 50. this one out the window oh really yeah good i'll go grab save some of those oh there's two cast iron tubs out there he's gonna make some money he should is there a lot in the barn i believe i saw a big piece of iron upstairs it looks like a motor maybe i don't know again it was dark and i was at a bad angle how would you get that upstairs i wonder once upon a time they're a farmer so imagine they had something yep you went up this fair staircase oh yeah that one i'm sorry yeah yeah i'll try it bump oh wow i don't know hopefully you guys think this is pretty cool because i definitely do turkey vulture i was more excited about the pair of pants but he was scared another pair of pants or old farm work shirts look at that old label syllable syllable more right here i know they look disgusting but sellable old overalls what makes these so good is the old patches on them look how they fix the crotch these are riveted through the back wow this might be the best denim fine i've ever had doesn't look like they threw one away not as good as finding men of mine but what's nice is you got good cross flow with the windows being open i see a good radio let's see if it's broken see that red one oh it's painted i think it's just painted plastic but if it was that's still sellable that guy's roached old convection i've been kind of roached don't know what this is but i don't know but it's fun classic chair all right let's just go make sure there wasn't any other denim in that trunk probably where all that came from believe it or not i'll still get top money for them just have to dust them off let them figure out the let them figure out how to clean them you don't want it to fall apart on you necessarily i see a box of old toys all right the box old toys wasn't in here not sure what that is oh it's like an arch support for your old razor box there's the razor it's pretty cool what's nice is there isn't a ton of right here's cool photo though look at that western that would be awesome if some of his clothes were in here it used to be an old fair not that far away that maybe some of the another razor straight razor i think we'll take some of this paper to maybe figure out who that photo is let's take this whole little box in here all right let's see what's in the bottom of this trunk there we go one more good pair of no levi's yet but there is a ton of denim world war ii world war one it's world war one uh jacket military something sounded was this ring like a key ring let's see when this was packed i got the paper here i don't see it don't see a date fun 1920s hat you figure everybody and their mother had a hat like this back then pretty great i guess they came home from the from the war and went bought themselves new hat felt like a million bucks these suits actually could be pretty good all right let's move this box and see if there's anything here i don't see any more there's some denim here that got really roached i'm going to take that i'm just going to throw it out the window though this got wet so see the old victorian shoes and stuff here's the western wear that we were talking about oh man that is done so sad yep nothing left to these pants it's all blue jeans maybe this side nope nothing left to that side either oh well at least we got lucky and got the ones we did it's actually a denim shirt i know all these little pieces of denim still worth money but we're not going to save everything right today all right i am happy with what we got definitely got our lucky lucky lucky all right let's see what else we find oh yeah that was the box of toys i thought i saw it's behind this heater right there two baby vultures leave them be [Applause] i'll go over to this side more aluminum actually let's make it to this first empty remember whatever we can save doesn't go out the out the window fun iron and it doesn't look like little drummer boy is kind of fun save him the big top save that front of a truck old ball goggles for an old car be cool if there's another one so that's the bed of the old truck there's a wheel kids kept some crazy stuff so you never know what's in one of their junk boxes here's another goggle good fuse box the tin [Music] as i said they keep some crazy stuff shotgun shells flashlight i don't know what that h stands for but it's kind of cool save these tractor tires or just that one tractor tire the other one's kind of roached all right what the heck is that that's a pretty fun old button tab there could be anything in the barn i'm telling you i feel pretty lucky that we got the jeans we got serious money up in uh brimfield or you have the right vintage buyers probably ebay would be pretty good too all right i'm gonna bring down these treasures even though it's a hairy staircase definitely was worth coming up all right well we got a little bit over here oh man the old heads are good they're not rotten yet and we'll see what's in this back room oh more stuff a little showcase i think we're gonna have to come back and do a second trip but once you find a place and you don't want to leave anything that you'll really regret because other people will will find it just as fast so there's a trunk back there mystery trunk all right we'll save that for next video grab that shoes bunch of belts man this is just the coolest blown away with the denim just because the show stuff's out here still [Applause] look outside real fast do you know if uh this had a top here did this have a top i haven't seen it okay [Music] i think it's an old milking bucket but thank you i'm down here so just don't throw anything until i leave anything with the some of these tops old shoprite coffee i don't want to see what he drew out but yeah i guess we have got the lid now all right sheet metal that shut let's see what else we can find i don't know this was there any more of them down there did you get them all no there's a there's a ton down there okay what was interesting is a lot of the mason jar still had uh never froze in the basement no there's still good food in there yeah somebody told me that food is preserved it might be edible i don't know if i'd eat it yeah i think there's a bunch of moonshine i saw so i don't know if the hell out of here i'm pretty sure like the one shelf is all moonshine so there's a lot of uh wax beans i saw you ever smell that is it with debbie alright or is that yeah but the gallon the gallon plastic ones probably held out better in the basement so i'm sure as long as it bubbles up right away but i'm still not gonna drink it uh i'm just fascinated the the best thing i found was this guy right here okay um i'd pay a hundred bucks on that if you want to sell it just on that one unit just on that one the other stuff doesn't have anything near the same value as that but that one this moonshine bottles yeah but these these catch my eye i don't know about all these guys yeah no no no you keep whatever ones you want i'm just saying what'd you find on this that did you find anything marks on it or nothing i've pulled it from the basement to your porch and then you can look at it you need to look at something here it's got it's got a writing but i don't i couldn't read it because it's too blurry in the basement brunswick new brunswick new jersey yeah okay so but it's got it and something it's a shame it's got a little chip yeah but that's a nice looking piece okay um that's fine and probably uh without the jars that you want uh these are definitely worth something i know that these without the jars you want i probably do another 300 on the rest of the pile if you want to do that so it'd be 400 bucks all together all right the only one i want to keep is this one okay and you can have that other one that's a business unless you'd rather have that bigger one i mean this you just keep a brown one i've got i've got one you got the one brown one right you kept that aside on the table right that's different but it's here yeah it is there yeah yeah from what i always hear and they're worth 50 bucks a piece but i don't know uh the with the writing they are with the writing but this is just damaged and since they don't have writing i i'd sell them for 15 20 bucks each at the flea market is that right okay um but that's where i'm at and if there's anything else you want to pull out just there was uh i thought those were cool boxes are cool i don't know if you want them that's fine there was one cool vase in there that i pulled that it didn't have a name but it's nice and old i'm going to go check the barn canvas back you can have it i'm going to keep the ring neck in the grouse that sounds fine and if you see anything else you wanted it's fine just put it aside you're making a few bucks thank you very much i'll go check see what what else we can find all right so that was definitely a win 400 hopefully uh you guys like this video if you haven't yet please uh give somebody a call who might be alone please be safe out there and i don't know if you want to see what's in the barn check out the next video see everybody later peace i had to show you from the pantry did grab a few sunflower seeds i left all the peaches um and the green beans i did want to see if this was actually a moonshine no just water so basement must have had a little bit of water in it and the jeans were my favorite thing of the the day it's a shame some of them are pretty far gone i'd say this is the worst pair and it's got the nice canvas tops i don't know i honestly uh never had jeans this old so definitely look like they're from the 20s a lot of tom rogers i have to look that up these are a little bit newer but still you have the rivet all the way through button fly is always important i think everything's button fly there's no zippers on any of these so all right just to show you the jeans i think we ended up one two three four five six pairs i don't think there's one more on the truck we'll go look oh yeah we had one more on the truck seven these are actually nice early ones too butt tripped out of them but i also have to show you the how nice the painted jug was that's my favorite thing that we got today definitely was a good deal but better than everything getting thrown out you
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 22,385
Rating: 4.9488635 out of 5
Keywords: Picking, flea market, selling, storage unit, pickers, antiques, treasure, jewelry, dumpster diving, vintage
Id: 4byrHeWfkqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 26sec (3026 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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