Always on the hunt for treasures! Shopping a YARD SALE & a 2 CHURCH SALES! Lots and lots of jewelry!

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so picking up my coffee definitely a good morning the plan today is gonna run to a church sale and hopefully get over to a yard sale but we'll see see how it goes still waiting in line though at the ginger peach got a nice organized yard sale here big faux fur lots and lots and lots of jewelry that's crazy see if there's anything better here that thing's pretty cool that one's pretty that's a that Christmas trees pretty awesome really good Keitel two dollars each on pins it's a big Avon star look silver fishing poles really cool too maybe there is a rhinestone banjo that one's awesome I want a guitar sure those that up pretty fast at $2 each first piece of yard sale treasure did you do can't decide on the dogs kind of kind of rough but that dogwood flower is great this is a sterling cat looks like it's a letter B there's some really nice pins in here I can't believe how much jewelry you have that's good I mean I could see how well you do with it should almost with the location you have it should almost pay you to set up at the set up the yard sale like spring one of many this is like right outside Princeton so alright Emily be my favorite pin it's sterling silver so it mask with a boat like that that's just cool all right I found a bunch of them I got a bunch so I'm gonna get these guys to these blackamoor guys they're pretty funny yeah they're kind of cool are they actually I love these apartments yeah there was a great one that I got grabbed the fishing pole that's the one that I was gonna point out that one really cool that was pretty pretty great I like the horn - I guess yeah I like that one - there was a there was one with tennis rackets but I yeah do you play yeah my wife and I both play so I gave that to my bride my my cousin used to be really good back in the day all right so see what I get so there's fifty dollars for this pile and I just wanted to show you the other stuff there was a ton of books Debbie used to love those the won't history once smoothies I think he has some of the best science kind of early though so I guess we'll swing back here and see if he puts anything else out today so morning very good nice to see you I actually could use that case [Music] that's pretty good see if there's anything else schools kind of cool for five bucks if anybody has anything special or any good ideas of things to pick tomorrow at the flea market please let me know shoot me leave me a message I'm sorry I've just got distracted on how cool these lights are God they've been rewired they're definitely old old breaths kerosene lanterns for a dollar so see what else we could find that's apart pedals but so if you guys come up with any good ideas on something to pick I've been picking the pins because how many it makes my both my girls happy Gaby really likes going through them and so does Lindsey so if there's something else you guys want to see shoot me a message all right I'm gonna go pay for this might be the tightest Church sale definitely a really really tight that's actually pretty cool though price very reasonable Oh try to figure out what it is something it's a bunch of cats cat spirit plate it's kind of fun though how that that piece goes with it you think I like that computer set to so for 10 very nice definitely running out of hands though bird unless looks like a flower frog all right I'm gonna put this down and see how many people are at for jewelry and enjoy jewelry is definitely happening today you got a box of pins 1qp let's look at the box of rings real fast they can carry gold earth probably gold plate and by truth re I just like the B so far that's kind of nice again it's always have fun finding uh finding different things for the family that's some cool necklaces too there's a dollar been good look at that that's pretty nice the butterfly so 4:30 for a dollar NORs bracelet got a handful [Music] almost looks like like the Scottish thistle on that so it's a what is it a grab bag whatever you can fit in the bag for five bucks I wish my daughter was here she'd love this I think I've ever seen that at any sale it's a good idea it's just a lot of stuff unless let's go fill there you go popper pin [Music] I'm just looking for brooches mostly I can't believe how much they have that's pretty cool think that's curling also my daughter's 11 she doesn't have her ears pierced yet yeah doesn't doesn't like the idea that there's I'm actually really nice things in here well the good thing is it all goes for a donation anyway those are really nice all hand on glass beads there's some great necklaces in here [Music] some more sterling now screw back earrings that kind of looks like it's sterling so this one's pretty interesting it's five dollars and you fill up a bag with whatever you want I've never seen it done this way but it's definitely a lot of brooches found a bunch of sorry this was the only corner I didn't do I don't mean to be why do you want to switch to a switch sides alright yeah that way I'm not reaching into your pile sorry about that well that's the only thing they could have done was make it just a hair bigger at the box like spread it out between two but it you keep on missing things that's what's great about it I think I'm gonna have to do two bags Wildman yeah I always have fun picking looks like you makes my day everybody there was I stopped at a sale before here alpha Carter Road packed with jewelry so I I spent 50 bucks I'm glad to do it but it high-end you would you would like it because you know it's I think it's right on the it's in Princeton right outside of Lawrenceville so you know you just go right up you'll see the sign yeah so have you gone to any other good sales yep this is my parents Church okay there you go so actually I guess it's my church Tuesday yeah I'll always have the flea market for some reason oh I go on I go on off these like the Saturdays or if they have a community cleanup or something you support them church on Sunday oh it's more to long as you have it and have it in the back of your head you're thinking about it I think being a nice person and all that others it's not where you go all of them come down to the same thing if you know if you're yep a good person you know do unto others is essentially what come down to there's lots of little silver backs buzzing I can't you I guess I sell lots of clips I wear clips so I'm aware of that I do not sell screwed up because you don't come off easily so like I like the low is where you can turn them into other yes how is that your water nope I have my coffee right here oh I guess that's almost everything then I hope you have a very very good day you too let's better one has better we all have boys so this is five dollars you fill up the bag this is the dollar bin that's kind of nice $4 it's all rock crystal and Jada eats [Music] alright I think that's it for jewelry for me oh no the jewelry is kind of fun do you like this crystal horse though sleddin crystal it's easy to miss stuff every time you look go by these second time going through [Music] shopping against the green I see some right here it's five bucks but pretty sure you know looked like it could have been a silver base it's so cute stuff underneath tables too good morning morning all right this might be my favorite thing about Church sales is the bake sales that is the cutest apple pie all right kind of want to buy the apple pie and bring it to my mom oh it's so cute I'm gonna get that pretty apple pie it looks it looks too cute I have to go [Music] that one looks fake are the leaves edible on this one Wow I [Laughter] could believe it it's beautiful did she do this one too okay they're both really pretty I'm excited so all right I gotta get something else for $2 so that way I have $20 altogether I think I get that all right that looks good so there's one more church sale I'm gonna run out of money today definitely finding way more than I thought I spent I gave a lot of donations at the last church so I spent 70 bucks there spent 50 bucks at the first yard sale let's see what we find here good morning very good definitely a lot of a lot of vendors here though what do you get on the cane handle sorry I'll come back how you doing what do you got on the cane handle Oh a couple bucks and what do you get on the canes and you got a bunch of what do you want on the the katanas and stuff I what do you want for all of it what do you want I honestly don't know I don't know what would be a good price to get rid of it I'm not sure all right let me just see what else is here I'm bounce more jewelry I'd be I'll take the I don't know it I don't need all of it I'd I resell at the flea market so but you never know what you'll find at a church sale oh you have a bunch of cool shields and things all right I have this little pile of jewelry right there so I found one more big one so yeah so how much was that altogether eleven so far eleven all right I think that's fair thank you yeah so it's funny never know what you'll find out a church sale the I got the three replica katana blades and a bit of jewelry I'll show you guys everything else I got I'm I'm hitting home so I made it back home I bought a lot of stuff today do you like this blue candy dish but I would say the thing I got the most of was jewelry and I think I got a lot of silver jewelry too would be nice if there's is all the stuff in the church sale like the single pieces I got lots of pins this guy see first piece of gold though that's 10 karat that's really nice - it's like a Art Nouveau flower like find a little bit more gold or silver this is a sterling I think it's Goro Christmas tree pen I like that too I think it's almost weighs an ounce also charge this cap in silver cap with a bell that was art think there was some silver on this back pair sterling earrings silver bracelet another pair of silver earrings and I think these might actually be gold like a white gold I can't quite make it out yep they are 14 karat so I got a pair of 14 karat earrings they're doing pretty good with the gold and I believe this was gold filled just a nice tie bar hey I think I might have bought one other piece of gold filled at the other church sale I just can't believe how many pins I picked up at that yard sale I'm gonna try to list all my Halloween and do like a quick sale on them I love the fishing rod all right I also have these are all pins can't wait until uh Gabby and Lindsay get to organize all these but I think there's gonna be some good stuff in my $5 bags I can't believe how much actually so this right here first piece pretty sure that's they have it as a 15 inch necklace but I want to say it's sterling the original clasp is broken but all of the links and one what good way you could tell that it's silver all the links are soldered it has this really nice mother-of-pearl the only bad thing about it not having its original clasp is that tends to be where the artist signs the pieces they ache it's very very cool those are like silver nugget beads this is a sterling silver sailboat this was that sterling Mexican ring with abalone definitely starting to add up the silver yes I should put that over there too thought I saw a couple pieces of those cufflinks with I guess they're bleeding heart they look like they're silver hips marked right there sterling really really pretty these are Art Nouveau you know check all these little earrings sometimes they have small gold marks too I find gold here now I have to go back to the church and leave more money I gave them an extra of $20 I don't think that's gold might be worth testing though didn't see any mark on it I would say when good pin there's a lot of nice pins key pendant this was another one of my favorite pieces at that church sale with the handmade beads and 60 inches long just very cool piece of vintage jewelry another cool pin looks like that has a silver mark right there nine to five so the silver is actually getting to be pretty big probably have two to three ounces of silver my guess is by wait this one's $200 this the nouveau pin the earrings probably another 40 bucks but there's still a lot of silver in here this is a nice piece of leather so pair of silver earrings grew Beck's I didn't think that was silver it's a sterling of siegel trip Ari this is the first first the two bags I bought for five bucks so now these swans I had to take off the card just because the detail is really good another they might be silver I'm not 100% sure I don't think so it feels nice in the Sun today was our first day that we had frost here keep those together on that card this might be gold filled no just plain beads those are silver alright so this one here looks like it could be rose gold has a little mark does it thought it did right there I can't read it of course the Sun glare is just oh it says 9:00 to 5:00 I'm pretty sure I should say 9:00 to 5:00 on that make it easier to read yeah so it's silver that's pretty good another gold wash I think that was the only piece in here that I thought could have been gold while I was picking I know I picked kind of fast but kind of normally stands out pretty easy super pen a nerf Gabby will steal this wood bracelet got another bag it was just the day to find jewelry though I can think of all the other times I've been out and haven't found hardly any joy another sterling dope looks like a pair of silver earrings marked 800 really cool bracelet I think I got probably 50 or 60 pins altogether - between the yard sale and to church sales if you guys would like me to pick something else that I've been neglecting please leave me a message and whatever one gets the most likes I'll try to pick tomorrow at Columbus when I go I think that's about it did get the two swords found those two pieces of gold and all that silver it was very very good day so thank you very much for watching I can't wait to show everybody this pie that I brought from the church sale I just think it's so cute with that little apple I hope it tastes as good as it looks I'm sure it will though everything I normally get from that sale tends to be pretty tasty and I still can't believe I bought three swords for 30 bucks all right see everybody later if you haven't yet please subscribe and we'll catch everybody next video peace yeah he's real I forgot about this pin I think that's pretty cool too Oh to Churchill's in the yard sale
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 43,666
Rating: 4.9197431 out of 5
Keywords: BlueBusDave, Blue Bus Dave, Yard Sale, Church Sale, Rummage Sale, Treasures, Costume Jewelry
Id: ad6as5kvxEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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