Yard Saleing. Blown away by my kids money management. Got to see it

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hey so we're going in the yard saleing me and the kids Gaby they don't want to go look at this one hello oh you're right fallen over they got some little cars that's a good belt nice vintage belt what do you like dar tell you have teller what you want dollar each that's a goodbye typewriter 60 did you make the stained glass it looks good okay so it was like alright I got these state our walkie-talkie you guys with some batteries I don't know you got ten bucks so you have to decide if you're gonna get those how much are your shoes by the way okay both of those ten both were never warned they're like Nikes he writes about 90 of a solution what size are they these would be like a women these were just a little too big for me I wear like a seven would you take five for these sure yeah I'll take those yep yes thank you I think these will sell the cool what oh all that yeah it's all brass alright well good luck thank you so much thank you or any of the bags like better so this is a really awesome bag for who Sammy and I'll give you ten on it but I look I mean oh it's nice because you can carry it both ways yeah the rest of these probably are a little bit more sleek I don't know if it's cool I'll leave that on you I would leave that on top or on the side just because I'm sure yeah no we're not getting that right now who do you want to get it for I think Fenians they would like it a lot but you only have ten dollars to spend that's half your me so you have to decide you can buy him that but then you only have five bucks left thank you Larry so his first sale we'll see how many we get - he's okay he's gonna go check out your toys all right we're gonna check out the exam cheeks over here dividing conquer I guess this is what that one is she always has nice stuff it's pretty cool if you guys saw that [Music] thank youing good morning looking for a sewing machine and I got one of those it's on the bus I got one on my bus I said I have one if you need it yeah it's over at my house right now but I'm not set up today it's cast iron the old yeah exactly okay well what I'll do is I'll stop over and I'll like after the sales and stuff but if you didn't find one then I'll bring it over I go to borrow bean a lot so oh it's a nice one he'll like it sterling let's go see what the kids looking at he's got his hands behind his back he's shopping I saw the boy toys I figured he might find something anything cooled are not bad at all just trying to rough that up in the back of the truck for a while I it's one of those yeah I'm trying to de-stress it how these things work this doesn't have any games right doesn't have anything with it no but it's whatever came in the box all right are we have to go next place one dollar it no it has the cash thing see these are 25 cents look come here and see the 75 look look at this grater you want to get these two for the garden and I only count as a dollar cuz I'll buy one for Sammy so what's one - you're ten do you want to do that alright go bring them over to the truck all right he's getting those two [Music] hopefully we find something to sell at Brimfield today so is your bowling ball like a lucite bowling ball or is it no I see it over there I was just wondering if it was something like a pretty color you have a bowling ball collection too my friend mark that's who I was asking for he collects bowling balls well he was putting them all in the garden I like the ones with the metallic flakes and stuff but no yeah I know which ones I think this is pretty nice that one's different yeah how much does the tray the tray is 10 that's kind of cool almost looks like a bark hey it's Dave oh how you been leo I haven't heard from you forever um everything's pretty good how about you uh-huh yes of course I I've been to go for lunch or something Leo you have to call me back like but yes hello I'm Dave I said my name is Dave okay I buy like I buy antiques and like weird stuff mostly yeah no I'm just saying that's what I normally pick up so yep not lately leo has it just and he's a good guy so I don't know if you ever worked with him before and now he's one of the one of the me and him and Brant a farm together for a while so yep now I've known him for about 15 years so you know alright thank thank you bye anything well figure bhana dark earth Gabi Teldar when we're gonna go walk down that way we're gonna get to the other side come on this is all old stuff now let's go up over to the middle because that's where I want to go get in [Music] there's about 100 sales today so you never never know what you're gonna find it's just Main streets always picked out like I can see so far that I know so where I like to shop is this next road over there's a church sale too but down here there's always good stuff we're following him we gotta go and then we'll walk at the end and go get breakfast and stuff - normally there's somebody who's selling donuts this is one of my favorite streets this one in the next one oh no it's the next one but all these nice large houses you never know what you're gonna find oxford dictionary wood chipper nobody on the noida right now jab he turn that off please I'm sorry yeah we're doing a little YouTube right now I like the look how cool the new is always like this street will go down this street and then we'll go over to the next one do you really want to be the camera girl I guess how about when we do the church sale because the big church sale is at 9 o'clock okay I like this idea all right now it's a neat color house I think it's more pink than purple though gab alright she saw a game here and it looks like some costume jewelry others keychains it's a keychain collection yeah worst case scenario does look like a fun game we got old I don't know about loaded questions but pretty good it wants to be a millionaire all right yeah that's true all right let's go next place oh I'm sorry we have to go quick I gotta beat all the other dealers how much what how much is it well that's your $10 for the day if that's really no it's just this thing but you really want to spend that as your $10 today what do you say hey each kid gets $10 Darwin spent one so far and then will at the end I'll show you what the kids picked up and what I picked up but that might be a whole nother video just because it's gonna we got at least an hour of shopping all right all right here we are we got like six in a row here so see what's up all right we'll come back to this one we'll go down this way and walk what do you guys think can you see the other ones over there there hold my hand we're gonna cross your path this is some cool shoe store what's gonna your size I like the bb-8 I think wow do you want it it means you'll be a 1-9 what is that Hey all right take it with you what do you say see if you let them hold their money they'll lose it but it's kind of fun having them make the decision and then you know soon you're gonna run out of money and then you're gonna be all sad that you good morning how are you how much are these posters so 5 for the pair I'll do that pretty cool do you have change of a 20 by any chance I do so early in the morning I'm sorry I totally forgot my change a little water damage but they are cool look at that a cross stick how much is the lacrosse stick two bucks is it busted or is it um Wow yeah no no no but it's not busted busted all right put that with my thing too it's kind of cool here yeah I just leave it with my pictures I'll be otherwise I'll I'll hit people out of the way and get in trouble no you don't need this they're cool all right well come back though I'll have more stuff by the time we go to these two yeah look here's your first snack snacks don't count against your money yep alright how much are your cookies what one dollar alright so could we get two for these guys and and then you have to give them the change alright cuz how much is the stuff in this box alright I got a I got somebody who's a big Peppa Pig fan these are good for Sammy but they're all farm people Gaby I see something you might want My Little Ponies for the market to sell it's all free it's up to your booth now do you get to carry it hey Dora look at this fishing game it's a buck how's your lemonade and cookies kids so hard I want to go but I have to wait for the kids all right come on guys well I can't help that one will have to come back you can't you can't buy more that means all right kids let's go across the street and what do you say everybody and Barbara what do you say just come on kid we can cross I know we're gonna stop for breakfast I just figured that's like glass I could sell at the bottom how much is the busted lamp do you have other pieces now you're fine but how much is it and since I don't have the other pieces you can have it I sold the others for 10 I will take seven and you had a couple other this light bunch kind of cool yeah well actually all these are kind of the same vintage yeah I was like I really like the bass on that yeah it's probably the last thing they get their $10 that they're allowed to spend so they're they can think and buy what they want buddy what do you think for what add it to your budget so you're back to ten that's such a good idea but no now grab your bag in your thing how much is this guy sorry if she says yes it's all on her this wonderful yeah it looks like a good glue does it does but for a dollar you could you could love that use it as a as a paperweight honestly I would let the kids bring it to school it is a real but I taught yes I taught I took fifth grade for 36 years thank you and that was something I had in school thank you see what I found her what do you missed it it's mine what is it they're fossils big snails are actually they might be now I think they're snails maybe it's a rattlesnake tail I don't know hey father sorry about that we're yard sale thank thank you bye by the way yeah that would be for like parakeets or little uh we're just shopping me and the kids I hope well maybe I think that might be I'll talk to you later how much how much was it there how much you think we got truck it's a true bicker and I remember yet to remember your budget so you have to think about it is that what you really want you can get it if that's what you really want way more than that yeah but all right come on we're gonna go next thing we can always come back to this is the first time so he's not doing bad and then what I would say was how about three or I might take 250 right but yeah I want to be polite when you do it that's the whole idea that's why it's fun for me to just like I could say she I kind of like this lamp but I don't know what I would do with it so I could say would you take five and she would say maybe you're what I say ten you said seven oh seven yeah I'll take five those missing the one thing yes I'll take five and you know this this I think you know a little rusty but these are I'm kind of I'm gonna probably take it apart and make a different lamp oh because it's missing too many pieces for me unless that doesn't work Oh how's your lemonade's fine so how much strive to give daddy back every team oh she's good but she's also and doesn't let him get the answer you know what and when kids would do that in class I'd say that was great if you answered 15 questions I said but let's let him have a chance she she that's okay that's how I would handle that she runs her own cash register at the farm oh do you well we her grandparents do huh thank you all right three here come on walk over I got it come on No so I don't know I think this New Zealand thing that's probably one of my favorite things I found today all right thank you come on guys let's cross the street together I see some scrap how much are your limps Lindsay's got to pick out her own chairs all right we're gonna get one two three four five so I'm gonna get five of them here you go here's five how much are your succulents really cool I just need isn't it I do ten for all of them fortune and glory that looks like an interesting board game I'm gonna get this this pot here though that's pretty cool what do you want five bucks for well that would be five let's walk to the other sales real best Hey all right so I'm gonna come right back and park right there so and then she's probably gonna spend her first she gets ten dollars to spend so she doesn't get more hey buddy he's super happy that's the kind of one I want a little dachshund but okay it's a hot dog dog hot dogs or sausages we fulfilled the scrap quota what size is it is it now I need I need the round up right one for friend of mine how much are the magazines it's all written in German makes it harder to read unless you read German mom this is actually old cap see how it's milk glass how much is the rosary all right I'll get that in these earrings so I got a dollar how much are these thank you all right you really want that for three dollar stir that will leave you with five it's three bucks it says it on the top come on let's go let lets walk to the next one and see there might be Darwin you like him is that somebody you've always wanted pretty good we're shopping with the kids you buy anything put it back right now come we'll go for a walk and then we'll now I'll let them buy a present gab look at these saltwater taffy books I don't know it just looks like these all look like books you read what how much are those by the way it's 5 bucks for the whole thing I don't know does that something you really want to spend your 5 bucks on now imagine if you bought that last thing for 3 would you have the money to buy this still actually would you'd be lucky so so look you have eight dollars if before before you start playing with it you have eight dollars how much would you have left all right so here here's five you can go but you can always ask will you take four and that way you have extra dollar okay but you can ask he's on a budget so we're trying to so I don't know if he's going to get it yet would that be okay cuz that's his last five what do you say there erasers so what would that make you at you you sure you want to spend your money on erasers and school stuff what it's awesome oh one of these crowns the crowns yep yeah I don't know if he needs a crown we just got a big box all right dark come on we're gonna go what do you say all right so how many dollars you have left because you spent four there you had eight all right let's cross now I see something else that you might need here but he doesn't have the see if it has any pieces inside it so you're missing the satellite dish and yeah it's kind of cool how much is it did you asked are 50 cents Wow of course I'm gonna buy this 50 cents Wow all right well here put it in with your blade blades oh no it's it's all good one dollar yep you want another dollar so hold this you're at eight and Darwin's at 350 right what is it Austrian crystal you don't even have your ear spear so you really want to waste your dollar on it you do better buying it from my friends instead of should we get the Peppa Pig book for addy and she'll have me reading it five million times all right and how much are your self covers alright so we're at two bucks there you go makes it easy dark come on look at your you're playing with all your stuff now you can't do that till we get home oh so you got three of them that's pretty good three of them four bucks and you got arena stickers little arenas that's pretty neat thank you thank you very much well let's cross look at these plates gab much up for these cars come on get off the street yeah how much are the bikes so the bikes are 200 150 or $80 each $80 and this is a nice bike cab all right come on we're going back to the car I got to go pick up those lamps [Music] you're gonna spend your five bucks on you meet bucks but we're not done yard sale and we still have the church sale to go through you guys are gonna be really sad at the church sale we missed this let's go down here look how cute that little yard sale sign is cab you can buy whatever you want if you want the plants you can get the plants well they're not gonna sell you just one out of her arrangement but you can ask I already gave your president gave you $10 is their sale back there somewhere what do you guys want to do yep you want to go back uh-huh it's a nice day to go yard saleing isn't it yep there's a rooster on the top look at that garden it's an actual garden bed don't you get it isn't that a good one you chose wrong kid it's all antiquey stuff nothing nothing you're gonna want to look at here's an ostrich those are defined thank you good morning reading elephants first piece of pewter it's kind of like you look in the building and then we're look at all this stuff they took a long time to set all this up yeah here you go I saw one thing that looked neat that I know I can sell online antique a hook but we'll buy that for three you like any I mean the folk art course is kind of them look at this study up up here dar hello Darwin here yep come on here's three bucks thank you I got to get the hay hook I got to go like the other kid got out of the car it's time to go get them that's so easy to lose track of them what you saw where we went see what he's doing all right we're gonna go to another sale catch you then that's a big house sure somebody does is that a barn at one time well I mean with that loading dock and stuff it is a nice big house I did not check in one last little spot have fun punch online stuff but the sales always good for antiques that's why all the antique people are out so we'll see what's up is the huge house you're not yardsale doubt yet yeah how much is jewelry I'm just picking out stuff okay yeah they're gab what are you thinking about spending money on a friendship bracelet they're opening what's in that bag see what's in that bag it's not gold it's just earrings yeah but if we're doing more than you're gonna be sad see that and it says it there you don't see what they say one second gab [Music] that's made by the Linux see what she says which made kind of me hello father again yeah today's not the day I want might work I think she is working but I don't it might work how much is I'm sorry this one's nice right I would say three dollars I could do both for five all right I'll do five thank you that was a good vice for five bucks Oh pewter missed it how much is [Music] you do $1 six it's fine oh I didn't know what was for the stuff all right so thank you very much thank you oh no it was happy got my sterling frame and I'm coming with your four bucks and these are sterling here what six dollars darling stop mostly scrap okay so Dar with is that honestly the best thing you bought yes or no and you can change out their arenas that's pretty cool that's what these do they go into the center [Music] don't lose your the spinner carts I bet on our wood floor it would go pretty good to know all right you get in the truck please all right she's buying a friendship bracelet all right thanks for watching I guess that's all of our yard tale stuff I bought I bought the scratch never start a good buy this is one of my favorite things I bought today the cool copper kettle for five bucks and I guess the first stop was that vintage belt I'll get like 12 bucks for these vintage belts that are snapped trying to think I got it probably though the best thing I bought was that pipe that Dunhill pipe we're gonna shop somewhere I'm just gonna stop filming though everybody have a good day so of course right when we were wrapping it up we decided to stop at some more yard sales and of course I put away the camera and of course I bought a gold bracelet it is you can just tell by the way it's made I don't know what kind of kind of gold it is but it is heavy it's about close to an ounce it is says it on here Italian holy Italian 18-karat I got that and I bought this little bag of jewelry too that was a Gabi I'm glad we didn't go to the church sale you just made me a bunch of money how because I bought this jewelry and that's one bracelet but look at this gold ring too I got I got the gold ring for two bucks I got the bracelet for a dollar and I got these right here like the inlaid 500 yep so you did a good job you got toys and games man I should almost give you guys bonus bucks for making me go yard sale and longer right morning guys I guess it always pays to look at jewelry star look at this hamster cage by far way cooler than yours look at that how much is it so the lady in the orange right there Darwyn I got you guys would be very very look at this one by far the best thing I bought all day 18 karat it's real heavy it was my dollar that buy and I turned off my camera of course to go buy it I was so pissed off but I haven't hit any of these I always bought good stuff underneath these trees and then the back the back room is further back right down the street here so Dan it was probably about five five for a dollar see you later you guys want to buy that Darwyn what do you think come here look all right all right look at all the stuff you get for five bucks or then you're out of money I don't know his hamster is small it might run out he's got like one of those pygmy hamsters oh really Chinese go hamster Tywin maybe you just need the accessories yeah how much are the accessories I don't think we needs accessories oh that sounds fair I'll do that you have changed yes and I'll throw in the cage if you want it thank you can you hook that spring on all right catch it next yard sale so we bought an American Girl doll for two more dollars and Darwin bought it how many dollars you had left on your yard sale challenge of spending ten one you're at one more dollar because he just spent uh no you're at two I think because I gave you an extra dollar or I let you spend one of your dollars just like Gaby did because my daughter cheated - she had a dollar in her pocket so I let him so it's all $11 challenge so you have have two bucks left you do have a gun again you don't want to point that at drivers you complain about your sister no I'm kidding but I don't know the kids we def yeah I showed him the showed him the gold that was I still can't look gold I'm gonna give as a person the ring I'm gonna give as a present but but but the bracelet will probably have to scrap because it's way too much gold all right I don't see anything over this side which way should we go left or right let's go left I know I like this neighborhood back here all right we'll get back to you guys still at it Gabby has three dollars left and Darwin has two dollars left how are you guys doing and not much you got some neat stuff the perfect shade how much heard of the pigs pigs we're selling pigs today they got a old go today what how much do we get from Gabby this would be something you could I don't know I she she sells ice I sell with my daughter at Columbus but this would be something she could sell I think fairly easy normally I like her to sell toys though so she deals with the little kids but I'm sure there's a lot of crazy pig ladies that would buy out their bills cough medicine no offer refused well that looks fun would that be something you want to sell Gever no that's picking buttons Hey what a yes I could you have to ask them that's not my you negotiated that I gave her the money so I guess that's pretty good right come on dark we're gonna go across the street come on bud what I think it's a good idea but let's walk and see what else is around I know you want um but no come on let's go let's go walk across and see what else is here it's not I I didn't say it was a bad price [Music] let's see we will end a little bit about this junk yeah you found that earlier today what do you need what do you need how much worth yeah I'm trying to see where the gig is okay yeah real small Oh the slinky what cat no you haven't how many dollars you have leftover how many dollars you have left you have three how much does she how much does she want for the game well did you ask if because you only have $3 left did you ask but you don't have to you can just sit there mope Darwyn 50 cents you have you have 50 cents in the car what dark Deb you really want to use your last three dollars are you sure is that a game Harry Potter game you have or no oh and that's number two I get the change she doesn't that's the last I heard money they both got ten dollars to spend and she just finished her ten dollar shopping spree so we're gonna have to go she died are you sure you let's walk before you buy that slinky just to see what else you have all right come on come on Durr the church appears having a sale to get alright so that's that's her final is it sealed no no it's not sealed but it is nice and clean Harry Potter game Darwin has two dollars left and then we're done with this video well now we have to show you what they bought all right with Gaby we just found some free bikes I think what's the name of that one gap how you say it it's French you know who Joe but it's a very good ten-speed men's and it's like oops what'd you do I'm sorry I didn't do that on purpose yeah okay all right come on I don't know I'm happy with this bike that's definitely a $50 bill found in the trash the lady gave me some nuts and bolts too and some other scrap but that is a good thing you still want to negotiate pigs I don't know about the pigs how many pigs are there why don't you count them there's not that many pigs and we're starting to get pretty filled up where do you put the bike so it doesn't get messed up I just got this stuff over here for free like the exercise bike and all the nuts and bolts in that little trash can that worked perfect tie that down tires are still okay and you have to bring your own shovel yeah I know I'm just deciding if no they're all cheap plasticky so if they were ceramics and stuff they would sell okay all right say thank you to the lady though [Music] that's worth grabbing - all right here goes shut Darwin what he got dar instead of buying something for her for last two dollars she bought something for you with your last two dollars and they light up so what do you think what do you say and here I got you a brownie so you want that all right we finally finished they spent their 20 bucks or their ten dollars each they cheated they added a dollar of their own money that they snuck snuck in but still I got a full truckload now so might stop at one or two more sales but that is the end of this video everybody put on your seatbelt and then say goodbye oh yeah I forgot about that alright so we'll pull it all out and let's show everybody bye alright so here's the wrap-up the first thing I bought was the I think they're pretty good those are the brand names that voice I also got the Dunhill pipe my guess is gonna bring about 70 to 100 bucks online Dunhill always does really well I didn't bring everything out you know you saw me buy the Nikes I thought these were good for a dollar so well online sterling silver frame I'm gonna sell that online looks really good I'll probably give those to my daughter to sell the sterling necklaces I got them for a dollar each my gold bracelet of 18 karat and I bought that for a dollar at nine o'clock and that was all my daughter's fault because I was either gonna go to the church sale or go to another yard sale and we went to another yard sale at like 905 910 and found a huge 18 karat gold bracelet for a dollar it weighed 33 grams found this in the trash people were throwing its a sterling handled knife people are packing up bought that for a dollar it's a really neat sterling a bracelet it's got a lot of weight it's about 2 ounces the Japanese we're not either Chinese or Japanese brass teapot all hand hammered it was pretty cool it's just missing the handle all right it's still sellable oh no here's the handle I thought it was missing a handle so they're right there so everything's no go right in I'm try that online the American Girl doll I don't know her name but I know that American Girl dolls are really good I have both shoes the other shoes in the truck I bought some silver scrap for five bucks a little cup a little sterling candlestick I've been buying board games because they've been selling at the flea market so I bought this for two dollars it was just a neat vintage game looks like the tongue comes out of the snake or something and you have to maneuver it into the other person's goal and this one looked odd it's called fishin ah Polly I I'll probably play them one day with the kids and then sell them for ten bucks each at the flea market it's my guess I got this LL Bean bag with the arm strap and I got that first dollar I'll probably end up using that instead of selling it I know it will sell well online though but it has like these nice handles it's just better than my overnight bag so I think the best thing my daughter bought was the Harry Potter game it was very very minty inside all the figures up she was playing with him for a minute where did it go once missing other areas so all the figures only been played once or twice if it if at all and my son's the best thing he got was the bb-8 clock still works and my favorite thing of the whole day was when he got tired of shopping because he was playing with some of his toys and you let my daughter have his last two dollars and she went and bought him the Minecraft torches that he he was really really stoked about it that made me feel good so hopefully you guys got to see that and everybody thank you very much for watching this is I don't know one of my better yard sale hauls I did get some other stuff but I just thought this was interesting things alright everybody have a good day
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 75,327
Rating: 4.8309436 out of 5
Keywords: yard sales, yard sales with kids, Blue Bus Dave, yard sale hunting, toys, vintage toys, antiques, garage sales, garage sale hunting, NJ yard sales, yard sales in New Jersey, how to buy at yard sales, video games, video game hunting, yard sale video games, nintendo ds, lessons for kids
Id: UskoKxcOTBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 27sec (4527 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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