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hi everyone welcome back oh my goodness okay we're doing the shell challenge tours today I'm very excited actually um and miraculously I finished the show very we came very close to this being the first time that I didn't finish my own shell challenge you can blame the charity event I've been very busy but we finished it yesterday so that's good um and we're gonna do the tours today which will be really fun I'm looking forward to it um so we'll we'll do that I'll explain all of these things in a moment I just want to get the game ready um so we'll be good to go um and then we get to do the shell tours hopefully you guys are excited these shell tour streams are some of my favorite that we like ever do just because it's really fun getting to um like see what people have done and and kind of like celebrate the community and how creative you all can be and stuff so I'm looking forward to it we made this shell literally like honestly like 20 days ago 21 days ago I think it was like exactly three weeks ago because we did this on the second day of our fundraiser so it's been a while um hopefully we had some time um I can see the whole chat is like literally all um all Point redemptions so bear with me um and the other really exciting thing um is that when I was offline um today we reached three hundred and ten thousand dollars yay when I got off stream yesterday we were 309 so we pressed these buttons every time we we reach another Milestone and and um we just got there so that's pretty cool um Do We Tour all shells oh my goodness let me kind of explain to you guys how this works okay um so with the shell challenges um when you build them you put them on the gallery using a hashtag right um and it's great fun the problem is there are a lot more of us then can feasibly be toured to be perfectly honest with you um so what we do instead is we have kind of like a system to do it randomly where you can redeem a point reward in the chat so you see a little egg button underneath the chat um you'll see a request to tour your Shell Point reward and then it asks you to give me your gallery username um so that way I can find you on the gallery so mine is little simsy yours is you know whatever pancake simmer or you know whatever your name is on the gallery you give me that so I can look you up and then we can download it um and tour it and stuff but we we kind of do them randomly just so everybody equal chance because otherwise like how do you even begin to pick what to tour you know so we try and do it randomly unfortunately we won't get you all of them this shell is bigger than the last shell um so it you know might take a little bit longer per build and stuff there's lots of factors that go into it um we'll try and see as many of them as we can we always do we really do try our best um and I think this one should be fun because it was like our special um you know charity event one I also have a bingo card um don't worry you don't need one it's like me I'll do it on stream um we do this thing where we make a little bingo card with some of the random things that I expect to see in the shells so you know like items people use a lot uh types of lots stuff like that um here is our bingo game from today let me read this to you so you know what's on it the first thing is a tragic clown painting I hope to see one of those today um a house or a lot that costs over a hundred thousand simoleons I don't think that'll be too hard cross your fingers um a creepy basement I would love to see we have a basement this time so I I expect to see a creepy one um somebody who used the Saint Jude CC from our donation Rewards we'll see um a plant roof somebody that has used a significant number of plants on the ceiling um we got a cupcake machine Farm in all caps with three exclamation points so you know it's not just like a house of the garden it's like a farm right where is the bingo card uh here um we don't like share it with chat for you guys to fill out it's it's just like we all do it together as a stream thing um and I want to clarify also that you your shell doesn't need to meet these requirements this is just like a funny like I put some random stuff on here that would be funny if we saw it some is more likely than others you know like um I don't expect that everybody used a tragic clown painting right like it's just it would be funny if somebody did so I put it on here um we also have the shark Pond from get famous maybe a restaurant that somebody could have built something like really dedicated for occult Sims so like a vampire house or like a spellcaster house you know um if we stay on telescope see like a telescope is a lot more common than some of this other stuff right a pet corner we always put on here and we haven't seen one recently when we say pet corner I don't just mean like oh there's a food bowl for the dog I mean like a dedicated pet space like I want somebody who's got a bedroom for their cat you know like we want like a pet corner um free space we can mark that off um people that have put Graves pink in all caps so not just like a pink house you know but like a pink house you know um laundry we don't see laundry very often I would love to see laundry or some sort of laundry room um terrain tool ponds so different than the shark Pond like when that was made a nursery like room for an infant a glass roof um something only base game Cat Cafe uh blue Suburban a beach house excessive debug which sounds bad but I don't mean in a bad way I mean in a nice way like something that uses a lot of debug um or a bar or a nightclub would be kind of fun to see um so if you're just coming in and you're confused again this Bingo is for us to do together on stream it's not meant for like you to get Bingo it's not meant for you to have like all of the things in your builds it's just like we're gonna randomly tour things and it would be funny if we saw them you know um that's that's the goal it's not like I'm trying to say oh if you don't have this your build's bad no no no no no it's just like funny it's fun you know um and so if you if you built something for the shell if you built with this shell um we started this about three weeks ago so if you if you did this shell the play Live shell challenge you can redeem the point reward in chat to give me your gallery ID so that we can look you up uh on the gallery and and do a tour we're gonna do these randomly okay so that way hopefully everybody's got an equal shot so when I say that it means that um we're not like accepting requests from the chat and I'm not gonna accept requests from donations either sometimes people will donate and be like oh my god do mine and I would love to um and I feel really bad being like no but uh I don't want it to be like a Pay to Win thing you know I want everybody to have an equal chance so um just keep that in mind hopefully that makes sense and I I think that you understand um where I'm coming from with that um and so far there's been 518 519 requests 521 22 23. it goes up fast there's been a lot of requests so we're not going to get to the mall I don't want anybody to be sad about me not getting to their bill we kind of give the same like disclaimer every time um but I don't want this to be like a oh my God d mine I'm so sad kind of feeling and I also want to say I don't want you guys to feel bad about yourselves from the builds like I don't want your takeaway to be like oh mine sucks compared to these like I don't want anybody to look at this and have it make them feel bad about themselves or sad in any way I would prefer if we kind of frame this in our minds as like a fun look how creative the community is and look what I can learn from other people kind of way I don't want you to like take this and make make it be like a negative thing about you you know I don't want to see anybody putting themselves down in my twitch chat do you understand okay with that said ads are about to play so bear with me and then we'll go and pick the First tours all right um Justice with the dollar who says who's got a dollar I got a dollar day 23 of doing a dollar a day to Saint Jude Justice hi thank you so much uh we got Katie bird for for your mom mom uh we got Amy with a 25 uh we got K with oh my gosh the donation for your four-legged friend thank you uh one for each kid with the three dollars for your mom who is a triplet and a surprise oh my God you your grandmother had surprise triplets I always talk about my grandpa yesterday um and how he's a twin and obviously like when he was born they didn't know that he was gonna be a twin and then there was two of them but your mom is a triplet they had a surprise three baby could you imagine come in wow your grandparents are superhuman I think um that's really really amazing um oh my God all right wow we're off to a good start let me show you guys what I built uh in case you weren't here yesterday yesterday was a weird day for me because we finished our 24 hour uh unpause stream and then I uh streamed a little bit earlier than normal after I got offline because I was so exhausted I was like I need to stream now before I literally fall asleep um so here's what I built with my shell um I originally this is embarrassing I expect no judgment okay I originally started building a house like three weeks ago for this on stream never finished it built something different yesterday so what we have instead of the house is this super cute little Rec Center um I wanted to be like kind of a cute um like kids space like kids hangout space so I made this little rec center with the shell um it's got like a cute freezer bunny logo it's very pink the back has a super cute splash pad and stuff um there's like some hangout spaces for the kids we got vending machines inside there's like a kids play area we have some more tables we got an art room um upstairs there's some computers we got a mini gym and stuff in the basement there's a bathroom so I kind of had fun doing this I I liked this one I thought it turned out cuter than my original thought so that's good um but I had fun doing this yesterday so that's what I made um I will show you guys the shell box as well just to re-familiarize yourselves and then we'll go and pick the first random tour hold on um also Anonymous for your grandmother who beat breast cancer we got Katie with the three dollars thank you so much um made a Rec Center too oh cool rec centers are kind of fun Lots it's fun to have an excuse to put like all kinds of random items and stuff but here was the shell we thought it looked kind of like Yoshi um when we made it it wasn't on purpose um but we thought that it looked kind of like Yoshi so we added a tail um when we first did it um so that's what it that's what it ended up being and then there's a second floor that doesn't like Yoshi and there's a basement so one thing that I'm kind of excited about is how many people do you think didn't know there was a basement I bet there's gonna be a lot of accidentally left out basements or maybe intentionally because the basement sucks it's hard to do basements in Shell challenges because with the rules you can't like move them so it's in a really annoying spot look at that so you want to put a staircase like up against the wall and you can't because it doesn't fit there oh stupid basement stupid shell challenge I hate little simsy for this um it truly was a very annoying spot yeah yeah so you had to restart once you found out oh my God I mean I restarted my shell too I think we all suffered with this one a little bit you can blame chat for making make a basement because I didn't want to and then they were like no in a basement bad idea did we learn our lesson next time no basement next time no more um from appear and her dad um Amanda thank you for the five dollars as well Alice with the ten dollars for your grandad who beat cancer and turned 89 today happy birthday to him thank you all so much all right the first show are we ready Lucy meets honey congratulations Lucy meets honey we're going to yours first um please start touring okay chill I'm getting there we got stuff to talk about no one be mean to me today I'm very fragile I've cried like three times I'm good but it's one of those days not that you're being mean don't worry here we go first one play Live shell challenge oh Lucy it's after being passed from owner to owner this house was recently purchased by a family of five and the family decided to put a modern spin on the house until they discovered a mysterious basement that looked like it hadn't been used for Generations oh and they prohibited the kids from going down there but then the kids decided they had their own plans for it oh this is gonna be cute okay let's take a look at this 40 by 30 lot in the New World uh Plus hello okay replying Kitty maze for her Grandpa who just got diagnosed stage for lung cancer I'm sending you so much love uh and Cilla for your grandma we got Kiara um for your Grandma thank you thank you thank you everybody I cannot thank you enough um was it 50 by 40 or was it 40 by 30 I don't even know where I'm placing whatever let's just place it somewhere else and then hope for the best we're not oh my God I cannot think straight I'm not doing well okay here we go here we go I'll just put it here um Ray with the five dollars and donating an honor of yourself you beat you beat heart cancer this this year um oh my gosh that's amazing um I'm I'm so so glad to hear you're okay Ray thank you so much um you can only request your bill to be toured ones it just lets you submit it once so we can kind of hopefully oh I've picked a terrible location to place this I'm sorry here's what it looks like though look at how cute that is I love the color scheme they chose do you know what the combination this is the new siding from growing together combined with the brick from cottage living it works together really well I don't think I realized we had that like nice beige color I love a nice beige that's really good this is really really cute the roofing was so hard on this one wait oh never mind I thought it was a shark pod but it is a pond hang on big day big day big day terrain tool Pond marked off on the bingo card oh one of the thing is that we mark off just one thing per build so if if this person by chance has like a pond and this telescope we'll just pick one to mark off on the bingo card does that make sense um anyway this is really cute they also made this picnic blanket I've seen a couple people do this now where they layer the two rugs together so it looks like a picnic blanket adorable adorable we have this cute little backyard and then when you go inside oh my gosh oh look at look at the lurch I haven't combined two bikes together like that yet that's so cute um oh my God oh my God okay so in here we have a little entrance we'll probably come back to the basement but they put the basements right there um we got our shoes kind of laid out by the front door in here oh look at this cute console they made that feels so realistic too over here we got the kitchen oh my goodness you know what this tile this is from high school years such a great backsplash tile that looks great and I love the gold accents you know over here we got a little dining section they put a bookcase in the nook there we got the living room space this is really nicely laid out I really like this um over here we have a bathroom cute very very cute we got like an office space right here look at how adorable that is and then we have a bedroom downstairs too do you know what these bookshelves from growing together are one of my favorite things in the game I really like them they are so good oh oh I've never thought to combine these mirrors together that looks pretty cool it's like sculptural that's really nice vibes this whole area is really nice fives okay upstairs we've got a couple more kids bedrooms it's so interesting seeing how people do the floor plans you'll see a lot of this today you're gonna have so much fun seeing like how different all the floor plans end up being even though it's the same box you know so we got like a nice stair Landing we got a bathroom I love this little purple bedroom this is one of my favorite beds in the game it's such good colors this is a nice item too I need to use this thing more often that looks really good we got a huge bathroom right here kind of shared between two of them love the Shelf with the Clutter underneath the window I might steal that to be honest that's so cute I need to use shelves more often in my bathrooms I don't usually do it I usually kind of just like don't care about the bathroom but it that like makes no sense you know look how cute it can be we got this bedroom we got this bedroom so much purple up here I love this little kid's bedroom adorable oh I don't think I knew there was a painted butterfly Swatch on this oh oh my God look at how cute that is yeah the windowsill shelf is so realistic exactly I love that I love that um okay and the basement oh so you come down the ladder right here and in the basement the kids are so [Applause] it's all cozy with the old rugs and Furniture but they have like a sleeping bag and some little chairs and the kids are watching movies down here and they have like a quarter ball of storage back here and stuff that's so realistic in real life you'd be like building Forts and stuff down here you know I love that I love that they even made the floor kind of custom by like rotating these to make it combinate like a pattern yes the not so Berry challenge for like the gray gens movie night oh this is perfect I love this this is so cute uh on the gallery their name is Lucy meets honey Lucy meets honey on the gallery Sarah thank you for the 150 donation in honor of your mom by the way thank you so much um Anna with the 18 uh who says when making honorary donations Jews often give gifts of money multiples of 18. symbolically giving the recipient The Gift of Life or luck Anna thank you for sharing that thank you thank you for the 18 to Saint Jude uh we got Haley with the 25 for your family friend um I'm sending her so much love and we got Jam who's asked about the werewolf pack challenge we got Oda with a fifty dollars um thank you all so much you guys thank you thank you thank you let's go on to the next one I'm gonna try and be fast but um it's hard um it's hard all right and Scotty is the next one uh and Scotty is and uh sco on the gallery 210. um that is super cute I'm excited well I am excited oh imagine the gallery stops working could you imagine how bad that would be all right this is Scotty's 30 by 20 lot at the bottom of the Sans Sequoia map thank you for telling me this looks cool already I'm excited oh spoilers in the basement don't look don't look enable cc2 oh don't worry if I if I search and I can't find it we enable CC I know how to do it don't worry um I don't worry all will be well um don't joke about it right yeah don't even joke about it um 13 because you got to go see Taylor Swift's 13th show the other night Alexis that's amazing thank you for the donation um and yeah if you don't have origin I just need your gallery ID you guys it doesn't really matter no one has origin anymore um origin ID is an outdated term I guess um the gallery is all the same I just need your ID on the gallery um this one is Scotty's first of all we have another little picnic blanket hanging out out here there appears to be a new trend forming yeah you have origin well Mac users have origin but like you know console players don't have origin um obviously now the EA app has replaced it on PC so I love this this is so cute there's like a yoga mat and the water bottle and stuff they can read out here I also love the color of this shingle I keep meaning to make a house to use it I really like that the lanterns on the tree they fenced in the pool we always joke about how um the the insurance companies aren't gonna like this when the pool isn't fenced in this looks ugly a lot of the time so none of us use fences but like in real life you know you gotta put a fence around a pool it's not safe they fenced it in I love it I love this like open gate they made by like making the angle that's so cool um over here we got a little Grill section we've got the toddlers hanging out inside the house you see how different the floor plan is isn't that so cool um when you actually come inside they like rotated it so they have the back of the other house is the front of this one um we have kind of an open living room it looks like I love the purple and green combo that's so pretty and this Gallery wall all together come on that looks so good I Love This Bar back here too which one is that oh I don't think I've ever used that one before honest I don't think I've ever used that get famous you learn something new every day that's really nice we got a gallery ball of mirrors too I love that color scheme that's kind of a cute bar I've I've honestly I've never used or seen that I'm serious all right taking notes write that down write that down the little table with the coffee cups that's so cute we got this huge kitchen over here too with some pretty clutter back here we have kind of like banquet seating with a dining room oh and the owls as a centerpiece that's so pretty that is so pretty oh my goodness okay upstairs we even have a door um or like a staircase upstairs and a door glass does that count as a glass roof question does that count as a glass roof I guess it's more of a glass floor than a glass roof when I said glass roof I was talking about the glass roof roofs you know I think this is more of a glass floor we should be particular all right fine not Bingo not being part of bingo isn't a bad thing by the way it's just like a funny game that we're playing they did put baby Yoda the one time that I did not put baby Yoda on my bingo card but there is baby Yoda oh my goodness let's have a pig it's not it's a teddy bear we got a teddy bear um I like this like Archway into the hall and with the bathroom and stuff you guys also put more clutter than I usually do in my bathroom um over here we have this adorable kids bedroom with like Space theme that's so cute and then back here we have a primary bedroom they've got a balcony too telescope telescope telescope tell it where is it telescope there we go yes I love this plant balcony that's so nice and then in the basement oh it's like a TV s all kinds of kids stuff the kids been playing loads they have like their little doll house and everything that's so cute it seems like almost all of us put a bathroom in the basement I did the same thing in my original version this is nice with the board games and everything that's so realistic and like storage underneath the staircase I love that basements are fun it's cool to have an excuse to build more of them you know okay Galina thank you for the five dollars of Saint Jude it's your first time watching live thank you for coming by uh we've got Naomi and Loverboy both in honor of your grandma and your Great Grandma thank you thank you thank you um and Whitney in honor of both your grandmothers were your best friends and they both overcame cancer thank you socially awkward writer too with all your donations to Saint Jude thank you so much all right there's been 733 requests chat so I really am doing my best but um to be honest I will not get through them all I simply will not okay um we got Sunny Side upper on Twitch who is Sunny Side Up on the gallery next um okay let me if the gallery will work give it a sec give it a sec sometimes it's kind of slow um Sunny Side Up is a good username you got just Sunny Side Up on on the gallery not bad not bad oh blue it's pretty all right what do we got hundred thousand we can maybe cross that off we got a tour at first Dr Frankenstein worked alongside her husband is a scientist uh suffering under his many failures until he was tragically eaten by a ravenous cow plant after his death she continued experimentation in the comfort of her basement oh my God oh wow and she's got a few kids that she's had um and now after a chance encounter with Father winter she is experimenting with magical stuff now so this should be interesting dollars to Saint Jude thank you so much all right I I fear there may be a creepy basement in this house I think I think we may have um reach the creepy basement point of the Stream and thank you uh Deanna for the feet I can't speak for the 50 donation to Saint Jude thank you so much third year participating thank you for joint donating again um and Izzy again thank you for the 200 that's so generous you both thank you so much all right I love this color scheme by the way this is like true Craftsman Vibes with like the the wood colors and stuff it looks really good together I'm obsessed it looks really really beautiful now I want to build something like this oh we got this like side patio I love this counter wrapped around the chimney they did oh it's like a door maybe oh it's a car they turn that weird bump out into like an outdoor closet for storage there's like a Decor box and stuff that's so fun that is so so so so so fun um okay uh we have a little back patio we got a pond very exciting but when you actually come inside oh my goodness I love the color scheme in here you've all had some really nice color scheme Vibes this is pretty we have a little living room right here we got an entryway this owl item is so good one of the best things I've added recently in my humble opinion I really like it welcome in thank you for the raid how is your stream going well I guess it's over how was your stream we're doing shell challenge tours today oh I love this oh my gosh these two this together this rug with these chairs and this plant that's like actually perfect like I've never thought to combine those things together that looks so good not bad we got a shelf and everything back here we have a little kitchen also kind of minty themed oh we've got a little Pantry here too look they put like all the food and stuff on the shelves that's so fun I love details like that okay this door I assume goes into the basement and it's glowing so we'll see how that goes dollars to St Jude thanks to you we just passed three hundred and eleven thousand dollars race I just want to say thank you so much you guys uh Mall as well with the five dollars in honor of your dad uh Nemo the 25 for a brighter future and now with the 50 for your mom who just beat breast cancer that's amazing thank you so much um we got this little bathroom here I love the shower they made and like actually put a glass door into because that's so realistic and here we got a little cozy bathroom with some more details and decor back here we've got a huge primary bedroom I love the color combo oh my gosh and look at this like office space I didn't notice that off the front door it's like outside so that it's Public Access so like probably if you have like co-workers coming and going they don't need to go into your actual house they can just come here to your office there's a cat um up the stairs we've got a couple bedrooms we have uh this green and blue kids bedroom that's so fun oh they made a chalkboard wall oh my gosh that's so fun and they put the the decals from the bathroom clutter kit to look like chalk star that's so cute oh my goodness um and then over this way we've got another little baby's bedroom I like this I never thought about that the sectional has the like middle part and they used it to make a window seat I've never thought to use this sectional like that I always kind of forget that it has that like flat piece but that's perfect because it's tileable that's really smart that's awesome we got a bathroom here too and a balcony my cat is now laying on my arm so bear with me um all right all right and then in the basement this part I'm kind of scared of yeah it's kind of like a day bed yeah write that down write that down um in the basement here we go creepy basement incoming three two one oh my oh my I know that they said they were experimenting but oh my God wait look look look look oh no they trapped daddy winter they put daddy winter in jail after a chance encounter with Father winter she is embarked on a new set of experiments I thought she had like a one night stand I didn't know she dressed dim free him free him oh wow what um okay uh I think it is safe to say that we can absolutely cross off creepy basement on the bingo card that's amazing that is a that is a creepy basement I love this kind of thing it's so funny and a little scary but you know who's counting oh my gosh Rissa thank you for the hundred and fifty dollars as someone who works in Radiology thank you for spending this charity event every year Rissa thank you for what you do and for your huge donation uh we got Celine with the 300 donation as well thank you so much uh Monique with the 15 who's leaving for a trip to France tomorrow oh have the best time that is so exciting I'm so happy for you um struble I'm sorry you got final assignments you got this friend you'll get through it uh fire flower um and also oh my gosh someone done it a few days ago um for their bunnies and one of them has passed away I'm so sorry my God I can't even imagine thank you for the donation in honor of Rocco thank you thank you thank you um okay you guys are the best um I think now the next one I must be honest directly under um when we just toured is Riv and I feel it is probably my duty to slightly tour some of the mods shells right so if Riv is directly under missed by one the random tour I think we should probably tour riffs which one do you want riff the community space or the town oh they're probably the same never mind which one put me in coach I have to get dinner miv I rated you and it's a cat cafe miff we can't how much streamer privilege are we gonna give I'll think about it move yard I'll think about it use the town hall because the Maker's face is oh okay this one this one okay let's go take a look um hey Emma thank you for the 20 donation uh for the boy you married in kindergarten who beat his cancer and the girl you did theater with who didn't Emma thank you thank you thank you for that donation to Saint Jude um in honor of your childhood friends thank you so much um it's a gift to tour the mods for them helping with the 24-hour stream that's true that's true although mivyard was not up in the middle of the night like some of us were I'm just saying this is cool Riv by the way um that by the way is a sorry I was just thinking how funny it is that both Riv and MAV are demanding mod privilege um anyway that is a glass roof that is a glass room this looks so good now Rift didn't demand anything I offered it to Riv no I love this I love this actually this is so cool it's a maker space like from Eco lifestyle so there's like a little yard sale table and there's some cute stuff that they made that's being sold we got all these worms telescope all the wildflowers look so pretty too oh there's like a for the kids we got some birds all the kids were doing their homework oh we have a huge Garden going on over here which is so cute oh that's a moon petal that's fun back here we have some more making things like you can make juice fizzing and stuff I really like this too rid of how you hung the plants from this that's so clever I've never thought to do that I don't really use this item that much because I don't really know how to like put it places but that looks so cool the little plants are missing everything like hanging from it around here we got some more plant storage we can uh do some flower arranging there's some vertical Gardens we got dumpsters for woohoo and also you know maker space stuff there's a mural we got some more homework uh and then when you actually come oh it's under oh when you actually come inside all the maker spaces are so fun we need to um we need to go and like build some maker spaces and use those Eco lifestyle Lots again because these are like actually really fun um but inside there's like all kinds of skill items that you can put in this sort of place even like this look for Scouts um we got a chess table what else we got these cool fans too a couple bathrooms oh little kids area that's adorable um in here we got oh one of the fabrication stations so much clutter everywhere we got like a fireplace and that weird Nook that I left uh upstairs oh I love how it's open that's so cool upstairs it's kind of open look at all the nail oh my God here and they've been making oh that's so cute oh I love that what's a maker station oh there's like a maker space from Eco lifestyle it's one of the new laws that came with it and it's really focused on like the Eco lifestyle stuff like this fabrication thingy that you can use um and let the juice fizzing and stuff uh people that like you know make things and then sell them um this also is like a recycling machine um oh cool so Riv added the glass roofs there's a cat by the way um there's like a glass roof there and then they put in like a little art studio in the glass we got like a music room over here there's like Pride Flags everywhere we got a little roof that is thunder I can hear it um we got a little roof with this sorry I'm so distracted um with the woodworking table you can even make some like instruments with it which is kind of fun um and then is there did I see like stuff in the roof Rave put stuff in the roof there's like a hangout space up here oh that's so fun okay and then in the basement okay no murder no no Santa sorry you just gotta you gotta be worried sometimes with these people you never know what to expect um in here we've got like some some cute computers and stuff which is kind of cool uh and then over here we have like a candle making station and the robotics thing even this literally has like everything that's why these maker spaces are so fun because honestly when else are you gonna be able to to use them you know was there a sad clown painting up there where's the Clown did you see it but it's like hard to fit in you know robotics where else are you gonna put robots you know this is your time second floor tragic clown is that the best use of the Bingo machine bingo card I think so tragic clown I already did one oh no wait we already did one yeah we can only do one per uh one per build so we caught we crossed off glass roof I think we'll see a tragic Clown again I think we'll see a Clown again um snap that's my water not yours okay thank you lady Amy happy birthday to your husband Eli with the fifty dollars thank you so much um Matilda uh who's going to Taylor Swift on Friday for your mom's birthday and it also happens to be a year since she was diagnosed with breast cancer oh my God Matilda send her some love for me um oh and Greta with the fifty dollars who's been consuming too much great Saint Jude content with the YouTube vods it was a great time to come over to Twitch and pay me back well thank you for the fifty dollars to Saint Jude thank you so much um and as well Kai fix thank you thank you thank you you were all so generous um okay um I think it's move's turn I swear we'll do randomized tours but the the myths the mods not the moves not the moves the mods listen they've been through a lot recently the moves all right but listen listen listen miff and roof you know the myths it's it's modern if s uh miff I think literally just finished this on stream like seconds ago which is actually kind of funny to be honest oh it's in uh sand my shoe now and it's a cat cafe in the center of Santa myshuno I think the rain is starting I have my oh yeah the rain is starting I have my curtains closed so I couldn't see that well here we go Cat Cafe this one's for the bingo um all right I'm ready oh I'm ready oh my goodness Cat Cafe is in fact on the bingo card myth did you finish the whole thing today or did you um like start it last time and then finish it today this is kind of iconic that looks really good what the heck all the ones we've been to today are so good started before I finish it 15 minutes ago what I've never seen that what debug is that from is that like maybe get together or something what debug is this from I've never seen this it's from cats and dogs debug oh my God it is pouring the rain is like hard against my window that's so cute though oh when you use this thing I never use that neither do my Sims in my unpause stream oh and Scotty in the chat for all other words about my builds oh thank you that's awesome it's raining cats and dogs yeah um inside look at the cute mint color scheme oh my goodness I love this this is adorable all the different cat plants on the different tables we got the cafe where you can buy your drinks uh we have the little crap paw prints that take you to cat oh my God it's like a real life Cat Cafe so you would like get a drink in here but then you could hang out with cats in real life they'd be like oh that's so cool so the cats would be in here in real life and then they're probably like oh like available for adoption in real life oh my God oh my God that's so fun usually when I do cat cafes I just put cat stuff everywhere it's like the cats can be on the table I don't care the cats can be anywhere it's fine so down this hallway I love that giant fish thing on the hallway my parents have a tiny fish thing like it's more like probably this size in real life my parents have like a metal fish thing so this reminds me of them Thunder okay um slows with 150 dollars to Saint Jude thank you so much and Lydia with the ten dollars in honor of your dad I would have been his birthday today oh thank you so much um thank you thank you thank you so much Milo for your grandma and Uncle too oh these are the bathrooms oh my God there's cat so there's like people bathrooms and then and then the cats have their own doors and Cat bathrooms that's so cute oh that's so fun okay and then upstairs you access it from the outside um oh it's like the apartment for the owner oh my goodness that's a no that's adorable I love that they have like their own private entrance and there's like trash cans they got a balcony and it's kind of hidden there's a wall so it's like not visible from the street you know which is smart in real life clearly they have a cat because their cat has their own bathroom too and then we got this adorable kitchen oh I don't think I noticed that green Swatch on this new tub that's pretty nice I like that we got these nice couches around and here we got the bedroom miv you did a really good job this is really nice I'm like I'm very impressed by every build we've seen today this is so cool I'm having so much fun we're like just starting this is so cool I think that it's a yeah it's a cafe so your Sims can come here um and I assume yeah it's got the cat friendly and Cat hangout traits so like there's actually gonna be cats here if you come here miss name is just nivyard on the gallery if you want to go over there and annoyingly ads are about to play because I already snoozed it three times so I'm just gonna let him play and then we'll pick the next name um there we go okay let me see you again it's been storming a lot the past two days yesterday it stormed so much so much um okay um let me check off on the bingo card oops I closed it by accident let me check off Cat Cafe because that was a clear Cat Cafe actually things are looking good for Bingo restaurant plant roof is all we need so far but usually when we do these it's more of like a try and fill the whole card thing um um Julie Julia for your aunt thank you so much for that donation to say Jude also thank you guys um yours has nothing for Bingo oh boy um I guess mine I think mine has nothing for Bingo too mine maybe could be pink but not really not really so mine is like pink and yellow when I say pink I really want like pink you know Amanda's birthday donation um with a hundred dollars happy birthday I'm so happy for you uh and your cousin who's getting married this weekend that's amazing thank you thank you thank you Amanda happy birthday and congrats to your cousin that's awesome all right the next one that we're gonna do uh let me Mark the ones we just did is complete the next one that we're going to do is Caden underscore locks um it's a pool slash Rec Center I love these pool a lot types that's so fun um came back from ass to hear you say pink very aggressively oh no um let's see oh look at they've done like all the shells Legend um this is the pool slash Rec play Live shell took him a long time oh I know I'm sorry I'm so sorry 40 by 30 oh this is going to be cool let's go see it's in our YouTube video today yeah unfortunately um through A Series of Unfortunate Events um Dan couldn't get it edited in time today uh and I thought you know what I've been really stressed out let me make my life a little bit easier for pre-recording this weekend um by not posting today Dan had a root canal today um so uh he was uh unable to finish in time given the circumstances uh we tried to get it done in advance but there's I've streamed for 24 hours over the weekend there's been a lot going on so it happens it happens luckily I think that we've we've got enough content here on Twitch this week to cover us you know uh yeah poor Dan he's had to get two root canals this year um okay here's the pool slash Rec Center I love this did you put like it's a great wall of bubbles I've never thought to use that like that what a cool shape are you kidding that boy loves his sugar well so you can take the best carry your teeth in the world and you just like genetically can be like kind of prone to having issues you know um there's no there's not room to shame people you know um let's not do that let's be careful about how we're uh how we're talking to people you know um so let's not shame people for problems they have with their teeth just honestly be glad that you haven't had to have a root canal and I hope that you don't have to have one so anyway look the bike talking they put how cute is that I love that so much I haven't thought to use like this debug item like that but that's so smart it looks cool from the outside as well and this genius for this space literally I've never used this I've I've like never found a place for this it fits perfectly this is so cool even like this Fountain when are you gonna get a chance to use some of these items this is perfect oh my God oh my God oh my God okay so it's a pool and a Rec Center so in the back we have like all these tables that's so cool uh we got a couple places to buy some food there's like a cafe counter we've got um they sell fish and we got a couple other options in here we have a big like loungy pool and then also a lap pool with diving boards that's really cool I've never thought when I've built pool lots to like put two of them but it makes sense that you might have like a more loungy one and then a more like lap swimming pool um that's pretty realistic we got some lounge chairs there's some treadmills look at the view from those uh over here we have the splash pad I love this black and blue combo oh my God look at that they put tires in the swing so it looks like tire swings that's so cool oh I love this also um shout out to Orcas Legends um anyways when you actually come inside the building uh in here we have uh like a main counter we got a cool fish tank and there's like a door for the employees here and I assume like an employee only basement we got a bunch of really nice vending machines so you can get food um oh it's like with the blue and orange how fun is that we can cross the tragic clown too but they even have like a full kitchen so you could bake a cake if you didn't bring one this is actually really cool I love the idea of of like a birthday party room like this um we have some bathrooms here so there's a couple toilets and then we also have like lockers you walk through to get to the showers and they put a bathtub for the kids that's so fun I love that did we just put oh my gosh twelve thousand dollars raise for St Jude um big gay bird thank you for the 18 um wear sunscreen everywhere uncovered yes um that is a great thing to point out I hope that your biopsy comes back okay my God I'm so sorry um and Sierra Susanna Andrea thank you for those huge donations to Saint Jude too thank you so much um upstairs we have oh is this another party room it's like more of a teens party room they've got like karaoke and stuff so you can play this like an event speaker and we've got the piano there's a little place for you to perform so sweet and then the basement is like employee stuff so there's like laundry for the towels oh my gosh and like some pool pumps I know I know four they literally put pool pumps okay that's actually so fun here's the question on the bingo card do we cross off tragic clown or laundry it's almost like a game of of us to be smarter about this because like what do you think is more likely for someone else to use you know because I'm here's my fear right I think that a lot of people put the clowns because it's like a meme but also the average person would not put a clown in their build the average person might have laundry but this room is like a laundry room so I think I'm gonna cross off laundry we've seen the clown twice and we've only seen laundry once right I did it I crossed off laundry I loved that locks by the way that was such a cool build we have seen so many clever things today this honestly is like amazing um oh the first one had laundry too oh okay good yeah we only can cross off one thing per build so you gotta be kind of careful um it helps that the clown is base game I guess that's that's true all right the next one we're gonna do oh my God there's 848 requests I'll try my best okay um Zayn the pain 06 is who's next uh and their Gallery is Zayn the human let's go see let's go see um I pressed the button for 312 don't worry I didn't forget um oh and the the last person um is uh this W locks yeah I don't know blocks yeah I don't know how to pronounce it I'm sorry I suck uh but this is there this is their their Gallery ID all right here's Zayn let's go see come on gallery come on oh there they are in chat exciting exciting exciting um Nevada from your cat junamo oh that's a really cute name for a cat that um I'll even play The Nightmare Legacy challenge oh fun I love seeing people's galleries because you get like an insight into what they're doing 100 gen 100 baby nightmare Legacy this is the Modern Family Home all right let's go see 174 000 simoleons oh my gosh with five bedrooms and four bathrooms whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay Willow Creek um let's go see 100 gen good luck to you 100 gen and 100 baby like what are you doing are you good um okay okay um Lee thank you for the ten dollars thank you so much Tristan as well thanks everybody um you are so generous all right um oh my gosh oh the back is huge oh this is so cool okay so they have used a lot of platforms to like hide the weird shape of my shell pretty smart to be honest it looks really cool these are also the greenhouse windows from the new Greenhouse kit I haven't used them in a house yet so that's pretty fun I really like that actually and it's it's similar to the last one with the black and blue color scheme you know we have the black and the blue um the blue glass I really this is cool it's very much giving like La Mansion you know I like that okay so around the side we have a bunch of patio space we'll kind of get to that as we're doing the inside probably we also have a greenhouse which is so fun oh oh look they used the desert Luxe kit sliding door for the greenhouse that's nice I like that why is the nation goal so Random it's not as random as it looks the goal is actually how much we raised last year um we passed our original goal of 300 000 so now we're trying to beat last year is the goal um um I like that Greenhouse though a lot and then in the back we've got so much family stuff so we have this cute little patio space right here um it looks like attached to the house we've got a big grill hot tub we have a huge pool we have a huge Splash Pad which is so fun the kids who live here are thriving like they are living the dream look at this too I need to use this more because every time I see somebody else use this I'm like oh my God that's the cutest thing in the entire world like I need to put that more often even the toddlers get to play in the pool we got like some outdoor seating over here we have like a whole playground going on there's even like a little that's so cute um oh my goodness okay and then when you actually come inside the house uh you walk in through right here we got a really nice table very like modern mansion luxury we got a really cute Nursery downstairs I like this living room color scheme too and then we come over here into the kitchen and dining room look at that with the windows that is nice toddlers have their own little seating area uh back here we've got a nice bathroom look at that like luxury walk-in shower do you know what I haven't done the like sunken shower thing I think that's so realistic to have the shower be a step down because in real life like it helps with the drainage you know now I can see your gallery Builds on the cut from console Luna it's the same Gallery just like how you can see my Builds on Con on the console Gallery I can see yours it's all the same Gallery so um don't worry if you're playing on Console we can see it we two are loads of console builds in the Stream so um Chris Marina and one of your mom's best friend Emmy for uh for your grandpa who is nine years gone and still missing him thank you so much Lee as well thank you all thank you thank you thank you um you're so generous um let's go upstairs we've got three more bedrooms look at that cute kids room over here I like this dark blue color scheme this room has like a really nice balcony attached to it oh and look you can get up the ladder to get up there um yeah we don't even know when it's built on Console unless the Creator tells us but a lot of them are promise um we've got another balcony door right here off of this bedroom I like this that's cool too we got like a little hangout space right here with another balcony uh we got this kid's bedroom they're a fan of Minecraft apparently oh I like that that's cute with the lights and then in the basement we got another bedroom I love the color scheme you did and this cute bathroom same thing with the shower that looks so good it's a nice house you all did such a good job I'm having so much fun right now all right um I'm trying to be like reasonable with the amount of time I'm spending hopefully we can get through this um that one was built by Zayn the human on the gallery by the way um and now we're going to she builds houses next oh I didn't cross out the bingo card let me do that first okay costs over 100k I think is the best pick for this yeah because we'll probably see another Nursery but that one was expensive so I see we crossed that off first fun thing in mods when you have a chance um oh yeah I saw that earlier um The Sims is like there's some sort of reap I don't really want to talk about it because I don't have enough information um good going Tilly and I have to talk about it um but the service team is uh doing there was there was like a new logo and like some they hired like a PR Company or something um so I don't know if this is gonna replace the logo maybe they're making new merch I don't know we're all confused about it I don't have Insider info I cannot tell you my final thoughts I don't know it's new I don't know I actually kind of like it to be honest but um I like the font I think but I don't know about the I don't know the article read like maybe there's going to be some official merch company coming which is more exciting to me so I don't know I was avoiding talking about it because I was I don't really have uh fully formulated thoughts it's a dollar a day keeps the cancer at Bay thank you and Abby with the 25 uh 10 years next month since you overcame a brain tumor my God Abby thank you for the 25 to Saint Jude thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you um okay okay okay play Live Magic School I don't know that looks really good but yeah I think the merch um is an exciting thought so we can talk about every company ever going with these like super minimalistic logos but I think the idea of official merch is cool this is a magic Library this is cool she builds houses um she builds houses where like she builds magic libraries um okay let's take a look I'm excited oh there's like a pond outside oh my gosh this looks cool the shape of it what a fun concept oh my goodness oh I really like this um okay okay okay okay okay in the back we have a greenhouse oh look at how cool that looks the way that the light reflects onto this I mean the Shadows I should say onto this palm tree looks so cool it looks so cool oh I really like this okay so I think I put it on the wrong lot I think this is the actual front of the building um but when you come in I love the purple accents there's like brooms all on the wall oh my goodness oh they hid the bookshelf in that weird Nook that I left we got some typewriters oh my God how cool is that this is amazing and here we have the bathrooms I'm seeing a suspicious ladder we'll come back to that um oh look at this long room that is so so so so so so cool okay and then upstairs um we got a little seating area by a fireplace we got a classroom look the kids have like little wands and stuff oh my God and then they have a door where they've got all their telescopes I'm having so much fun with these tours today there's even a bedroom behind some scary bookcase doors okay so here in one of the bathroom stalls you can go under the staircase and there's like a secret hangout they've got a bar they got like the juice you know that's so cool oh what a fun idea for the spell casters I really I really like this part I think the basement like hidden behind this is my favorite part because like it's so hard to figure out where to put the door into the basement I had a like the hardest time with the staircase placement this makes it seem so intentional you know it's really really cool okay well easy cross off four occult Sims I think that is a very magical build I love this I love this um that one was by she builds houses on the gallery all right and the next one that we're going to tour is from Green Dragon 1997. uh let's go over there again you guys we're trying to do these randomly to give each person like sort of an equal chance of um oh green dragon 1997. I don't know if the gallery ID is correct it's okay their name is the same on Twitch if you figure it out and you have any possible alternates can you let us know and we'll we'll do yours next oh 11.97 there we go got it got it all is well don't worry all is well um oh my gosh San Sequoia Apartments a bright apartment complex in San Sequoia for some of the town's more elderly residents to retire in peace but some of the residents may have a more adventurous side of retirement planned oh this is fun what a cool idea oh my goodness okay let's go see um let's go see let's go see let's go see where was it supposed to go was it here we shall find out we shall find out I like the idea of a space for elders that's so fun um hey by the way Kelly who's sewing a Victorian nightgown while watching this cool um Sam with the ten dollars from their eight-year-old Bryce who wanted to donate his chore money in honor of his nana and his Grammy oh thank you Bryce for the ten dollars to Saint Jude thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much that is so generous the here apartment complex is person built I absolutely adore this idea so there's a few different entrances I assume that they've like painted them different colors to help distinguish between which one is which you know um so there's like a pink one upstairs we have this green one here um and then we have another door right here this this one downstairs so let's start with the inside and then we'll go from there um oh there's a door over oh there's two doors over here oh my God okay so we have this first blue unit which goes into the basement oh cool so you walk in they have like a little balcony for an artist look they there's five total units oh my gosh okay we'll have to find them all this will be fun um I love the stars of the balcony I love that I'm like write that down I'm gonna do that because I really like that that's so cute um so they have their kitchen here they've got a pet they must love them because they have this little section I've never thought to put the Shelf like underneath the cabinets but that actually looks so good um they have their little dining table their kitchen and then down their staircase oh my God two of them have basements down their staircase they have their bedroom living room and their little bathroom how cool is that I really love this idea already okay so that's the first unit um with this door right here uh in this pink one upstairs this is their units they have like a little front porch they've got their little kitchen like this tragic clown corner you know what if we're gonna mark off tragic clown for anybody this person's got not one but two I think I think that's a tragic clown on the bingo card if I ever saw one so um oh my goodness anyway this is their like kitchen living room I love this pink Corner thing with this behind it that's so cool um in here we have their bathroom they made like kind of a custom floor tile it looks like um using these little uh corner pieces which is so smart or the triangle pieces I mean um so you can press Ctrl F to get the quarter tiles and then you can make your own custom flooring which they did and it looks good and then they have a little bedroom here too oh this is so fun okay and then also upstairs we have a blue unit look at this oh my god do any of your grandparents have like two recliners in front of where they watch TV because my grandparents they watch basketball in their basement all the time and they each have a recliner and they sit there and they watch their TV there my other grandparents recliner in front of the TV everybody recliners but my grandparents literally have like this exact setup that's so fun um we have like a little tiny kitchen up here I like how it's split in half like that they've got a balcony they arrange flowers and then they have their bedroom here and their little bathroom how fun it would have been to like do this layout I bet that's so cool so that this is that unit and then downstairs back here um we have this unit uh in this area this one's two bedrooms which is kind of fun um so they have like this main living area right here grandfather clock bathroom we got a little bedroom for their guests oh there oh my God this Sam watches Birds um and then we have their bedroom as well they play music and I think they have oh wow oh it's three oh no sorry I was gonna say it's three bedrooms nope different apartment they have their kitchen in the basement that's cool I love that um and then the last unit is this one the yellow one they have their little kitchen in the front and you walk back into their like dining living room space right here they have a balcony they have their bathroom and their bedroom with a fish tank this is so fun and then outside uh there's like some picnic tables the community has a grill they all have this uh telescope they can share look at the view from where they live and then they have this super cool pool area are you kidding their pool is fenced in insurance companies will love it they have a swing set and stuff what a fun idea I love when people take the shells and make like multi-family living type stuff in them because it's so cool like how they try and split it up you know um that looks really really great that's awesome um Hey Brianna Patty Sarah Panda snacky witch with a fifty dollars to Saint Jude oh my gosh Maxi Kelly um thank you thank you everybody for the donations to Saint Jude you were all very generous and I cannot thank you enough all right that was Green Dragon 1197 on the gallery and the next one that we're going to do is Lucy gal I like moose good animal good pick I like niece cozy modern-ish family home all right what do we got you're obsessed with how it turned out I'm excited to see it and you have a pond exciting 40 by 30. let's go see um I shall place it over here now we can move our elders without feeling guilty do you move out your elders do you know what I usually keep them in my SIMS house I usually live like very multi-generational same as families um but if I'm gonna move anybody out it's usually like my next gen Sim that leaves and the elders stay in their house um but and like I say you keep them yeah I usually I I am I kind of play with everybody always so you kill them off okay you move out ASAP really okay um we've got a pond on this look they put a screened-in porch I love that we have screened indoors now that is absolutely amazing the screens are so realistic uh in the back we've got a tree house we got a swing set there's some sunflowers growing um back here we have a really nice patio oh I love this like by the wall we got this little porch space where we have a grill and like a table and stuff I like the color scheme of this a lot and the pond did we already cross off Pond yeah we did okay inside the building oh I like this uh we have a little entrance right here by the front which is super cute and then over to the right we have an adorable yellow kitchen you know I love yellow that's so good um we have this amazing dining room that looks so beautiful I love the blue that is so pretty uh back here we have a living room it looks like iconic what did you use oh this one looks good for that I do this too where I put these things like as legs of the tables they combine oops wrong thing they combined um the cabinets with a table so it looks like it's got legs for a custom console it looks good oh that whole thing is individually placed wait this is cool the like custom shelving unit they placed all that stuff individually it's like each individual square at each of these cabinets wow no write that down write that down chat that's a that's cool I like the color how it's got the blue as well that is kind of a blue right like a bluish gray I like that wow all right so through here we've got a little bathroom uh the staircases are kind of stacked right here uh this takes you to the stairs but also to the patio area we were looking at oh sorry listen listen I sit up for 24 hours on Sunday for the stream um I'm allowed to be tired okay I love the sun room though and then upstairs oh we have little Nursery um we got a little uh like I was gonna say a staircase no that's a desk in the stair Landing got there in the end we got a bathroom another bathroom right here which is an ensuite for this bedroom oh cool with the tiger walls and the yellow do you know what using stuff like this is so fun because like I never I never get a chance to use these fun swatches I don't think I've ever used this yellow closet this is so fun the like yellow and blue bed with the like this is just a cool combo I really like that I would never think to pair them you know and I think that was really smart of you um they have a little private balcony up here which is super cute and then they also have a little kids room look at their little window seat oh I would have loved that when I was a kid to have like a little window seat cozy reading Nook or something amazing Unfortunately they have to share with their with their sibling but that's okay because these two beds look cute together and then in the basement oh this is a fun living area we have like kind of a hangout space we got like a broken old stuff we got a games table basements always remind me of my grandparents because I grew up in a house that didn't have a basement and my grandparents did have a basement so like my only basement experience is my grandparents house you know and like I always play cards with my grandparents and like all these games so like a puzzle table in the basement is is speaking to me like this is screaming my grandma's house right now I love that um they've got a piano and like a little bathroom this also is kind of screaming basement bathroom too I love that no my grandparents live in Illinois Galactic um I was born in Illinois but my parents moved to Florida for my mom's work when I was little um so my grandparents live in Illinois nobody really has basements in Florida so I love this that's so cool you're kind of scared of basements really I think that my mom always said that growing up she was scared of basements but I don't have enough experience with basements to find them scary I I think basements are like cool and they seem fancy you know face bits to me seem nice I say we cross off nursery for infants on that one and annoyingly ads are about to play and I can't snooze them any longer because I did it already three times so I'll let him play and then we'll pick them um yeah we don't have basements here so Rumble Rumble yet there's Thunder it's storming I'm glad it is though it hasn't rained like at all in weeks um sorry my parents are talking about a tornado shot what hold on hold on that was 20 minutes ago hold on what oh no any damage don't know yet about to check okay um um what I don't know my parents are people it's my dad my dad is very um he said not your average afternoon storm dot dot dot dot dot was like five periods Gone With the Wind what is that that mean what are you saying you saying why does my dad dentists well you can take the dad out of the Midwest but you can't take the Midwest out of the dad there you go oh my God all right well um I'll keep you I'll keep you posted um let's go on to the next one what else is there to do except tour shell builds okay Gwen Zimmer congratulations my friend we're going to yours next um uh the only thank you for the ten dollar donation um oh my God Saint Jude was there and saved your little brother's life thank you thank you thank you thank you for the donation in honor of him that is amazing thank you so much um oh my God I'm not going in an order no we're doing randomized ones um there's been 895 requests that we well we have 895 requests left so oh my God this 70s house this gorgeous stunning beautiful house has been left untouched from the 70s keep your Millennial gray and ship flap away from this beauty oh my God that's so fun okay let's go see what we got I'm very excited I'm very excited [Laughter] um I love this I wonder if they were feeling inspired from like the basement kit or something oh I can't wait oh my gosh look at that full I've never seen this in The Sims before a house that that is this shape so they like sunk it a little bit um they put like the house kind of into the ground so like the first floor is kind of a basement you can see they have like terrain manipulation here to kind of sink the the house down a little bit um so it looks kind of more like a one-story house this is probably supposed to be level with the thingies but you know platforms ignore um this is so cool oh they even have a pool back here I love these like glass bits oh my gosh they have a hot tub this is such a cool idea all right let's go look inside let's go look inside so when you walk out there's like a little porch right here we go in through this door oh my God okay okay you're going through the door we have this green and yellow kitchen the color scheme is so fun so fun um hey Rebecca with the 150 dollar donation thank you so much for your sister's best friend thank you thank you thank you um I love this tile combo too and here we have a little bathroom look at this this mint toilet when Elsa are you gonna that's so fun um you come in through here even like these cool designs in the walls um you come in through here we have the dining room with all this mid-century furniture look at that uh over here we've got like a little tiny office look at the curtain oh my I love this dining room favorite part so far is the dining room I just love this um down here we've got like a sunken living room there's two steps down into it the house that I was born in I don't want to say that I grew up in because I lived there till I was like five but the house that I was born in had a step down into the living room just one step but oh that was kind of like that I think I have a memory of that but I was very small so I could be wrong and I think we had a blue couch in there but that's all I can imagine the funky carpet too I love the windows and this like diagonal fireplace amazing with the stone in real life it would probably be like in set the fireplace you know the whole thing would be like a built-in stone fireplace they got baby Yoda I love this so much okay and then you go from there because this is like the top floor right and they had taken the house and like lowered it into the ground like that you know that's how it looks like this so they have a basement but the basement is like where all the bedrooms are um so we have like a little living space right here the fish um and here we have a carpeted bathroom they've got like a stage for the toilet oh my God that's so fun this bedroom my mom told me um that her house uh her bedroom sorry when she was a kid she had hot pink fluffy carpet in her bedroom which is so funny to me imagining because my grandparents still live there it's so funny to me imagine my grandparents like allowing her to have hot pink carpet in her bedroom like I just I cannot see it but my mom had Pink Carpet as a kid um I love that so much that's so cool um and this person has like a door to the patio space right here which is kind of like just so there's light coming in through the windows isn't it um we've got over here another little bedroom for some kids the fun carpet is so good do you know what this item I literally never use this I never use this why don't I use this I'm gonna be completely honest with you I cannot think of a time that I have used this in any recent I like I just never I need to use okay write that down too because it's unusable oh really you can't get it to work maybe that's why I don't use it well I'll give it a shot we'll see for ourselves we shall see for ourselves what is it it's like a blocks table from Parenthood I don't know um description is very wrong on it does it not support toddlers is that why um Publishers can't build oh yeah that's confusing I like this part with the platform and the stuff the Decor on it there's duck Dan right there and then the basement has laundry room oh my God amazing we got another bathroom and then we have like an office space oh this is so cool oh I missed a bedroom I'll have to come back to it I love this office space though I like this shelf now sit on the wall that's so cool and then in here we have the primary bedroom I love this I love this the wall of closets and everything oh this is so cool I bet this was like so fun to build it's just funky you know I really really like that it's got like the Skylight and everything instead of because they don't have real Windows they have like the skylights that's so fun this was built by Gwen Zimmer on the gallery Gwen that's like actually so fun uh in honor of your cat Pebbles um who says heck cancer oh my God I'm so sorry thank you thank you thank you for their Donut for your donation um and you're right and this is the thing right obviously St Jude's not an animal hospital but um a lot of people are doing in honor of their pets who have had cancer um and and like this We're All in This Together in every way globally for everyone right things that we learn about cancer and in all things will help everyone in the future um so thank you so much Alex as well with the fifty dollars we got Delilah um thank you thank you thank you everybody thank you so much um okay let's go on to the next one and try and get through as many as we can because I'm being slow um okay okay okay okay Amy renee33 is next um I keep checking my parents um I keep checking my parents texts there's not a lot of information it's still storming really bad where my parents are so I don't know this is sunshine abode it's all yellow wait did your oh my God did the command that randomly um like it just picks like a random name from chat they just did the the heat command and they needed my grandma's oh what it does is it it says like it just like says oh you push so and so and it picks a random name it got my Grandma I was like yeah I don't want to scare you Grandma if you're listening it doesn't mean anything it's just like a red just like picks a random name from the viewer list but that's so funny what did you do Mystic vampire what did you do what are the chances of that oh my God sometimes before I go live people will be like spamming the command in the chat like the early people will be spamming it and it'll be like it'll do it to like Saint Jude it'll be like so and so push Saint Jude but my grandma really who needed grandma anyway um this is Amy's build uh it's a bright and sunny home for their legacy air to move into oh my God I love that I love having insight into how people play like I really like to see what people have set up for their own like house they're using for gameplay you know I'm nosy like that and I just like to see oh I was like I couldn't find to see that the bug tree is covering it I couldn't find the Lots like where did it go there it is oh yeah it has a it has a cool down so you can't all use it at once um it can be used like once every couple minutes so I didn't mean it I'm so sorry no don't worry it's it's really funny Mystic it's really funny that that happened that's iconic I think you have the best one that's ever happened to be honest um it's just a joke it's just really funny that that happened um all right uh here is this build I love the color of this yellow front door and the lights that you've put this is so cute your little garden you made oh my God the fairy lights back here we have the yellow do you think it's for the yellow jet I'm not so Berry or maybe they just like yellow I guess we'll find out they have a little uh the little picnic blanket thing too I think that's so cute this reminds me I saw this Tick Tock speaking about picnic blankets this woman was talking about how her and her family um they go to this like Park performance like it's like put on by the city or whatever and there I think there's like movies playing or something but you like bring a picnic blanket you bring chairs and snacks and you all watch or whatever um and she was talking about how um this family like sort of encroached on their blanket like these people just like started sitting on their blanket this like Mom and a couple kids and the dad was there and they were just like on her picnic blanket and the kids were like climbing all over her she started getting snacks out for her own child and the kids started like whining trying to get her snacks and it's like somebody else's kids and then they started trying to pack up to leave and the family wouldn't get off their picnic blanket what and the the mom was like oh I can't give you these snacks because they're I'm sure your mom wouldn't want you to have them um trying to like nicely tell the baby no you can't have my kids food because I don't know you and the mom was like oh just give her some I don't know you need to get my kids kids food and you're on my picnic blanket what the heck anyway that reminded me of it what in the world um anyway joy and ability in honor of your sister thank you so much joy um and Connie and all of your uncle Russ thank you both for those huge donations to Saint Jude by the way thank you thank you thank you thank you so much um okay anyway here's the yellow house so cute in the backyard I love that this would be fun to play in I need to use this item more outside because that's actually really cute with the like toys and stuff it gives you a good excuse to put like toys outside too oh these stringless Galactic are from the toddler stuff pack okay anyway you come inside um how I like this this yellow yellow wallpaper is so nice I love this dining room I really really like this um okay uh uh over here we got the cute yellow bathroom in here we got the little living room I love all these toys on this or the bookcase or the I mean puzzle game boxes on top this item too I always have kind of a hard time with like what to put on the TV stands um I really like that over here we've got a little bathroom oh this is so nice um did I call it a bathroom oh it's sorry I was reading in my defense um in my defense I was reading my parents texts talking about the the rain coming through the front door and like the storm that's happening at my parents house so it might depends I'm a little bit distracted right now um this is the kitchen this is the bathroom um this is the bedroom I love the yellow this is so fun um and then upstairs we've got oh I love this big bathroom too that's so cute sorry I love this big kitchen yeah my parents are okay I'm just not getting a lot of clear answers um about what's going on so it seems there's a very big storm um we have a little uh baby's bedroom with some toddler and infant stuff we got this super cute kids bedroom um we have this bedroom as well oh my God I love the color scheme in here purple and yellow looks so good together I love that okay and then in the basement oh look at this they hung up curtains behind the like little streamer station that's so good and they've got like the gamer stuff on the wall I need to use these more these are from uh get together they're like Club flags from get together so they've got a whole bunch of symbols on them so if you've got like Sims with a hobby you know there's options it's like a streamer basement got some more gaming posters everywhere oh they got a gaming setup they've got two gaming setups oh and they have them separated that's so cute we got laundry in the basement too they can put a vacuum I need to put Vacuums in my builds more often that's so cool um all right I love this it's so fun seeing like the houses that these people actually play in because that means they probably like have two sims who need their own like computer space you know I don't know it's just really cool it's really cool okay I'm trying to go through as many as we can um let me see ah that was by Amy Renee on the gallery um the next one there's a 908 requests oh oh no okay well wish me luck detective platypus is next um their Gallery is nymeria two two one um for Paco for your dog um thank you thank you so much for that donation to Saint Jude too thank you so much um Perry is that you I remember this person because they built this we toured this one before Oh my gosh all right we are in for a treat my friends um they made this little cottage the Cozy home of the Lighthouse Keeper and his family oh that's cool let's go take a look at this um all right let's see it's in brittleton Bay on I'm lost it's in brindleton Bay and it's on this slot how do you see your builds I'm trying to pick them randomly I'm trying to pick them randomly so that way we can get through as many as possible um because there's a lot of them to be perfectly honest with you so we're not like picking uh based on anyone specifically or anything like that um but anyway Skyla I promise the redeem worked if you saw it pop up in chat then it worked um how many have we toured so far I don't know these are bigger than last time so it's harder to get through as many um all right here's this Cottage I love this with the thatched roof and it's like kind of rounded that is so cool oh my God the backyard are you kidding wait they have like a little deck walking up to it and then around the back they have this beautiful flower garden first of all the blue accents and this get together brick and stuff look so good together we have a huge Farm back here this is nice they even have chickens I think that we can classify this as a farm in all caps because it it has chickens and plants you know it's on the list they even place them look at how cute that is we could definitely Crossfire off the thank God card I really like that and it's supposed to be like the house that belongs to the people who run the lighthouse well if they're selling oh my God they're selling eggs for the people that walk by that's so cute it's like a little Farm Stand oh I really like that idea oh my gosh you guys are so clever how did they oh they layered two windows together I was like how did they get that swatch it's like the the cottage living windows and the university windows together that's really cool I like the accent of that okay so when you walk up we have a huge front deck adorable and when you first walk in you kind of have like an entryway with a staircase and like a place for our shoes and stuff oh they have like weddings oh that's so nice look at all the Sims art they have on the walls do you know what I must say this is an unrelated complaint but I wish you know how you can frame paintings in the game but you can only like frame them with black frame but you can change the color of like photographs frames to pretty like a whole bunch of different swatches why haven't they changed it so you can pick the color of your paintings frames I wish that we could change like if they could be white instead and stuff or like a couple different wood swatches we need better options for the frames of paintings in game but anyway that's unrelated this looks really cute I love this hallway they've got um so over here we have kind of like an art studio oh my goodness that's so cute and they've got paintings everywhere they have like a little kids section too oh that's so guys I don't know if I've seen these I don't really do that many impressionism paintings I guess those are really pretty that's beautiful through here we have the living room area which is so cozy more Lighthouse paintings that's so fun um oh my gosh this is very much like Tangled I love how much art they have we have a bathroom over here I love the shower curtains they got um this is so nice the radiator with the shelf on top uh down here we have the kitchen and dining room kind of I love this oh my goodness I don't really put radiators in my builds very often because I'm from Florida so it's not a thing that crosses my mind if I'm being honest with you so I just don't think about them but they look so good I should use that item more often and even have a mini Lighthouse that's so cute um and then we have like the little back porch over here if you go upstairs we've got a few bedrooms no no this this is a cat corner thank you finally somebody who understands this is what we're talking about this is a dedicated cat space that you've made like a fake cat like wall climbing space with the shelves cat and bread cat sleeping dogs playing don't eat the llama this is amazing pet corner oh we're getting close to bingo chat we are getting close cupcake machine and blue Suburban will get us there yeah oh this is so cool I love this this whole upstairs hallway is like so cat focused that's so cool um oh we crossed off Farm oh no no no no forget the farm pet corner instead of farm we'll see a farm again this is Iconic this is Iconic um Kennedy thank you for the ten dollar sustained chewed um true gave her with the five dollars thank you so much um all right this is amazing I love the color scheme in here too of this bathroom we got a super cute kid's bedroom with the lights and look at all the artwork there's so many more lighthouse pictures than I realized and it's really cute to um like put the the you know less sophisticated paintings as kids artwork you know when you're full grown adult Sam draws something looks like a kindergartner made it put it in your kids bedroom oh I love this color scheme too that's so cute oh these two combined look good I love this as well the Clutter is so fun oh my gosh I've never used this this vintage decorative shelf is really nice when it's all decorated like that write that down write that down it looks it's from high school years but the Vibes are kind of similar to that paranormal stuff do you know what I'm talking about doesn't that have like similar Vibes to this item I like that that's so cute um in here we've got this really cute patio space and then in the basement oh look at this it's all full of storage so they have like old bikes we got like The Woodworking table and all the tools oh this is so cool the old crib and everything that's like so realistic too even like some gardening tools the cat's litter boxes down there oh my God oh my God I hope we see another Farm build this is amazing so they grow like all their own food and they can it all so there's like all these jars of like canned food and like honey and all this stuff they've been making do you know what listen to my thought process we have three options for this Farm pet corner or excessive debug and that sounds bad excessive seems mean but I mean it in like a good way this is a lot of debug work to place all this like the detail same thing with like all this stuff over here hmm we uh but it's like such a pet corner it's like the definition of a pet corner but they stocked the pantry like I think we'll see debug again Let's cross off pet corner I think we'll see debug again but I just want to say that that one is also excessive debug it's hard because like sometimes and it's nobody's fault right like it's not a bad thing if your build doesn't Mark off one of the Bingo options but sometimes the builds mark off like three Bingo options and it's like what do you do but like no one's building for Bingo You Know You're Building to build I just make a random card to play for fun of what I think we might see um you'll be trying to cross off just one per build Wonderland it's kind of like a game that we play um we make the rules so we could change it but their name is nymeria221 by the way on the gallery nymeria221 is their name if you are looking for it um okay let's go to the next one shall we um all right so I lost my I lost it let me pull it back up all right the next one is genster 79 genster 79. and their Gallery name is Jay gothier79 no I didn't put cow plant on my bingo card this time I wonder why I didn't put cow plant on my bingo card this time that's a good question okay am I being silly or do I not see the shell they did the like a bunch of the other shells the little one and the welcome shell third one on top no this is the last shell I marked a cc already I already clicked it um may go to their Gallery page see hold on come on game come on gallery you can do it I believe second one it might have been the second one I'd have to look at it oh come on gallery here we go sort by Lots newest maybe this is it does this only the shell to you I don't think so no I don't think so maybe they did the the little one and they didn't know that we had a newer shell this is the tiny shell from last time it looks cute I like it and we didn't make a video on this shelf so they could have easily not seen it but I like it jenster this is a very cute build I can go look at this one for the record in the future you guys this person probably did it by accident so it's like not a problem but if you actually didn't build for this show I don't want to like start a precedent of people um putting like builds in the tour list that weren't for this show but look at this one because it's probably an accident so you might as well you know um here is their tiny shell I love the pink in there that's so cute see the tiny shell we were all the tour a lot more because um it was so small this one the shell is like four times the size five times the size even so it takes longer to get through them each but this is cute pink in all caps no I don't think we should Mark it off on the bingo card I feel like um it needs to be pink on the outside too to be counted as pink in all caps it needs to be like pink this is not pink this is pink not pink pink not pink you know I love that though Jessica that's so cute um let's go to the next one I'm trying to get through as many as I can I swear um Emmy May m watson27 M Watson you like The Sims I'm sorry you probably get that joke all the time I'm sorry so sorry they built two we've got a base game home my sister got heated too what the heck what are you guys doing to my fully you got Shanna with the Yeet command too chill what are the chances of that it literally picks a random user out of the 5 000 people that are here it picks a random name oh anyway which one should we tour four bed four bath farmhouse or a base game home because Farm base game gets us bingo base game gets us bingo all right let's look at the base game house let's look at the base game house shall we um okay this is gonna be fun I think it's their second attempt for the play live show that's so cool and it's their first ever only base game build they've done you can't imagine doing the shell twice yours was a nightmare I did the show one and a half times does that count for anything the fact that I did it one and a half times and I didn't um finish it the first time Emmy says pick whichever okay I'm gonna do the base game one because I want to get bingo was it 40 by 30 or was it 30 by 20 I think it was 30 by 20. you did it twice because you forgot the basement in the first one oh no oh no oh it was 40 by 30. good going little simsy it's because I was so distracted by bingo hi Niels thank you for the 20 sustained Jude by the way we got glider Envy as well with the 25 Tori uh and Morgan thank you so much who says uh donating every day so the people like me who have tumors all over their body and have everyday chronic pain can be one day closer to a cure Morgan thank you thank you thank you for that donation to Saint Jude also thank you so much you guys you are so generous um don't forget to comment oh did I not comment on it I'll do it when we go back then um when I open the gallery again so what is being needed nothing happened to me sexy okay Shanna it's um it's like a chat command that people can do don't spam that chat it only works once every few minutes so if you type it right now it won't work people already did it um so don't try it right now and well I promise it won't work uh but it's like a chat command where it like picks a random username from chat and then it's like so and so you push so and so um and then ran um and it just picks a random name from chat so it was funny because it happened to Grandma earlier and like what are the chances of that and then it happened to you also Shanna which is just it doesn't mean anything it's just like funny it just picks a random username um but it's silly when it happens to like you know my little sister you guys scared my sister you should be ashamed of yourselves probably scared my grandma too wow that is low this is Beautiful by the way Emmy this looks so good we have this super cute uh base game Oasis Springs house um I really like the shape that you did with the chimney and everything this looks really cool so we've got this huge little patio I love this palm tree with the lights uh kind of around the back we've oh look at this we've got a really really nice backyard with a huge pool and a hot tub we got this super cute area with with like the almost like a Pergola kind of thing um look at this we got like a sun room with the open this is so pretty all right so when you actually come inside you walk straight into the kitchen it looks like which is so adorable and from there we have the little like patio seating area with the open arches um and then through here we've got this cute dining room I swear like three people have used this table today what a fun table we've seen a lot of it today um this is so nice through here we have living room again um we got my favorite item the boat uh we got this way like a little hallway for the basement staircase and we got a bedroom and an ensuite bathroom it looks like um yeah honestly I didn't know it had a plain white and black wood Swatch I've never seen that until just now I have the same thing dica um Nicole and Karen donating with your mom to get her employer match that's amazing um by the way you guys good thing to point out a lot of times your workplace uh will match donations that you do to charity so definitely worth uh looking into that and see if your work has a policy for that because it's really common that people's work will match sometimes they'll even like more than match they'll like offer to Triple your donation which is kind of wild so if you donate ten dollars they'll be like okay well I'll donate like 30. which is pretty cool so it's it's worth checking um even if you don't think they do they might actually do and you just don't talk about it that much so um worth checking if you're gonna donate make them pay uh oh I didn't notice this uh this part too with the grill and then upstairs we've got a little bathroom we got a cute little uh like art studio space this purple kid's bedroom they've got a balcony oh they love spill oh my God the kids love space they have all the space stuff and they have their own like really cute little telescope that is adorable oh my god oh we have this cute little like maybe teens bedroom they have their own table with an iPad and everything um we got a little office right here this is nice all right and then we also have a basement oh and there's a primary bedroom maybe like a guest room in the basement I'm not sure either way same thing we got a guest room and an ensuite bathroom in the basement that's so nice um that is so so so so so nice um what a beautiful house you did a great job you guys have all done a great job um let me hold on I was trying to go back to the gallery and then I didn't and then the meteor comes yeah yeah that was by m watson27 on the gallery by the way I meant to comment on it because I didn't before um love in all caps I commented on this one didn't I oh no well I saw them both so I'll comment on them both all right let's go on to the next one we have got 933 requests we're never getting through this okay I just pulled up for Jillian who says requesting for a mods build to be to it okay uh did I need which one which one who dica okay fine literally they they did it to is yours just a little dika all one yeah okay for Jillian thank you I'll mark yours as complete dica built the Bay Area weather Forks oh weather oh my God everyone's favorite place Forks it's a reference to Spoons weatherspoons in the UK it's a bar um by the way base game only marked off bar slash nightclub marked off um love me and cheeky Forks that's so funny um anyway we got to mark off the base game one from last time so now we have bingo in a row that's fun um okay the Bay Area weather Forks is the club to be for Samsung for San Sequoia nightlife located as the name suggests by the Bay Area this little club offers loud ear damaging music it thirst quenching drinks and the signature all over red lighting to reach the downstairs level please show your sim ID to the bouncer by the stairs ear damaging music okay I'm ready let's go see it 30 by 20 in um San Sequoia you say is that on is it this one I think so you hope I love it okay well have you been to a spoon Seeker because I've been to a spoons um yes okay okay you know everything with Kath actually oh great what's the spoons it's like a chain of I'm gonna call it a bar and they're gonna be like um it's a pub but it's like a chain of bars in the UK um I'm speaking to my friends in America it's a chain of bars it's like a and they have like cheap drinks and stuff um but it's when you hear Pub you're gonna think like oh cute little British pub no it's a chain of bars so and they have food there too yeah um see they're all yelling me on pubs see you bars and pubs are two separate things well when I think of what I would I to me like I don't know it's a pub but I'm I'm translating English what the heck is the difference I don't know I think that when an American hears Pub they're gonna think like cute little British pub The Vibes are just different oh like Applebee's I honestly yeah I think it's kind of like Applebee's I would I would I would give the yeah I think that the place that it holds in society is very similar to Applebee's yeah so do you see what I mean pubs serve food bars mainly drinks well yeah they have food there at spoons um so it's like an apple base that clears it up everybody in chat is like okay okay Applebee's is a bar with food 100 yeah exactly anyway this is um Apple Forks weather Forks here we go everybody can chat can sit now okay good you a non-american no idea well cheap restaurant cheap drinks um chain there you go um I like the red lighting except I don't actually because it's red but anyway Tikka is so good at Community Lots I don't understand how he does it Applebee's does not have cheap drinks I don't know how much Applebee's drinks cost to be honest never been to an Applebee's so um I can't I can't comment on that um but um I don't know they have the one dollar drinks do they at Applebee's they do one dollar drinks at Applebee well there you go you're wrong Applebee's has cheap drinks how have not been to an Applebee's I don't know I don't get out much anyway um here's where you come in you walk in through this front wow it is red in here oh my God he wasn't kidding okay um wow so we have a little dance floor look at this jukebox that's kind of fun um we got the actual bar space there's some games the floor is lava uh we got a bathroom dica really has been kind of on a kick here with um you're not allowed in the bathroom he said oh no here hold on hold on hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait got you bestie it's fine fixed fixed um dica has been kind of on a rampage recently with these dirty scary bathrooms the glow cubes were a last minute the glow cues were a last minute Edition I see um anyway he's been making some stinky bathrooms recently upstairs we've got some more tables another dance floor and some more glow cubes some more glow cubes some more glow cubes wow we got like some outdoor seating I like the red on these mosquito stuff windows it's kind of fun and they said um you'd say oh some more glow cubes you gotta show the bouncer your ID to get down here um oh okay so there is a woohoo spot um very exciting um over here we have some drinks and stuff when else can you use this honestly kind of iconic um oh I was zoomed in I didn't I was zoomed in so it was um okay this is a charity stream for a children's hospital it's the structural pillar it's just a poll I don't know it's anyway um there's a pool we've got some more dance floors and stuff this actually is really fun though you are really good at building Community Lots I don't know how you do it because I feel like I suck at building Community Lots I'm impressed anyway uh Vandella for the ten dollars to Saint Jude um who says Fork cancer pun intended um thank you for the donation honor of your dad thank you so much um you're right Fork cancer okay I must say I've never been to a weatherspoons that has um or an Applebee's that has that um but who knows crab attack what what are you building oh it's just okay it's like a restaurant it's like the crabs are attacking now well that's scary okay um the next one is Sage simmer Sage underscore simmer um the crabs have been attacking apparently their name is Laura underscore x456 on the gallery oh they made a tree house last time oh that's cool that's not this time this time is this one but that's cool okay notice Christian given we got this cute little house they have a garage and everything 30 by 20. we toured that one did we really oh that's fun the crabs are attacking I'm scared help help make it stop it's scary out there anybody else scared oh I put it on the wrong lot dang it okay well imagine if it wasn't sideways this is really nice I love love love their fake Garage in the driveway that's so cool I think we've all been very inspired by growing together recently we have this super cute little backyard with the patio they've got a bunch of balconies too I really like that actually um we got a swing set this is a nice swing set this is the one that came as like an early purchase item with growing together and it really is cute isn't it it really is cute flip it around oh you can't because it's horizontal and this lot is vertical so um all right I've seen people have the same people been picked multiple times well before they have I'm sure honeybee um I'm sure it's happened before um all right let's go and see let's go and see inside we've got this little entryway so cute I love a hallway in The Sims um to the right we got to use the beautiful new Archway and they have this super cute living room the fireplace from this pack is one of my favorites in like the whole game I just think that's so adorable um they've got a little bathroom right here we have an office kind of this way I like the little Decor the family stuff they put in the shelves that's so cute um um hello probably Peter thanks for the raid we got another bathroom right here we're doing shell tours today so we're looking at some uh people's builds um honestly thank you for the 25 to Saint Jude also thank you so much um and here we got the kitchen I love this that is really pretty we got a little dining table and then we have a full like dining room right here upstairs we've got oh my gosh cute little bedrooms we got this little kid's bedroom with like some gamer stuff around uh we got this little kids are doing this kind of space themed I love this poster it has such good swatches it's so cute I don't know if I've seen that swatch that's cool we got a bathroom we have a little baby's room and the baby has their own balcony Legend um I like this rug too um and then we have the primary bedroom they've got a little bathroom and their own balcony this is a nice layout um and then downstairs in the basement oh cute we have laundry in the basement and then we have like a little games room that's really nice also I think we must be on the front page besties I don't know seems like it um but I I don't know not certain but it sure seems like it um I love this house this is super cute do we need to cross off no because we already crossed off Nursery we're running out of things to cross off now all right let's go on to the next one I'll try and get through as many as we can uh we're gonna do absolute Walnut 96 whose Gallery is Christina and Tiana next um all right you are pop up first when you open Twitch oh nice nice they don't tell you where you're gonna be in the slot they told me they were going to give me a front page slot all month but sometimes like it doesn't happen and they also don't tell you if you're gonna be in the front or if you're going to be in the back or if you're gonna be so there's no it just happens to you as it did happen just now so if you happen to be watching from the front page right now we're actually raising money for the kids of Saint Jude um it's a Children's Research Hospital here in the U.S um we've raised three hundred and twelve thousand dollars for Saint Jude in the past couple weeks we're still going um so if you'd like to donate we have a link in the chat um thank you for helping us do this all right here is their build um a sister location to The Goth house oh that's cool oh my gosh okay so it goes it gets placed next to the goth family that's a really fun idea I haven't seen anything like that I missed the basement no I wait in the basement don't worry Lisa I did go in the basement I promise um this one is by Christina and Tiana on the gallery um all right let's go see oh my God it is a sister location of the goth house I love that that's so fun page dollar train summer thank you both for the dollars to Saint Jude thank you so much you guys um okay what do we got so when you first walk up we have this beautiful little pond with the bench by it I really like that that's so nice um around the back oh we got some pretty lights on this tree I don't really use this tree much anymore I used to but I have it in a while we got this before we ever got seasons didn't we funny funny funny how that works um in the back we have like a little patio space they have a picnic bed um we got this so that we can uh kill Sims um we got some pet stuff Grill some toys and everything um oh my gosh I love that and then when you actually walk inside oh wow I love all the black all right we have this beautiful dining table that you walk up to over to the right we have a really fancy kind of Gourmet Kitchen which is stunning uh we have this nice big bathroom with laundry built in we got some pet stuff over here um back down here we have the living room and like kind of an office space I like the open floor plan in here it's nice um and then upstairs oh we got a bright red room it is very much giving sister to The Goth house um we have a nice big hallway right here so we can access the bathroom we have all the kids stuff in here um we got this little tiny nursery for the baby that's so cute oh okay there's a creepy gnome in the nursery um we got Bella goth's room again we have this ensuite bathroom and then we have this cute maybe like teen's bedroom here I like this room oh scary uh we also have a basement I we have this like ladder right here and they've got like a hangout space Oh that's fun I like how everybody has kind of collectively decided to have like corner for storage and then like fun hangout items and all the basements um it's like so normal um oh they drew you oh you actually got me really good with that I'm not gonna lie that was a funny one that's their first message I think they're in trouble from the front page but that was kind of funny you got me you got me I'll take it I'll take it anyway I like this basement a lot um First Love Lacey tater tot thank you all for the donations um that's really really kind of you thank you so much all right I love this house I love these back balconies too there's so many balconies that you guys have added to yours they look really good um basement is way different is it really I hope we can get a chance to see yours then um okay we are on to the next one uh this person is batty cats and their name is giggling Goose on the gallery front page makes you laugh oh there's some really interesting people that come through the front page like really interesting people that come through the front page this is our second Cat Cafe of the day yes giggling Goose has built the tortie Cat Cafe um Palace thank you for the five dollars to Saint Jude somebody asked me um speaking of torties somebody asked me uh because I do like the donation reward where I'll send people um where's Pietro I'll send people this card of Pietro and then like a random Animal Crossing amiibo um then I let you request if you've got any like preferences you know um and uh somebody was like uh they want something that has the same Vibes as Authority for their cat so this one made me think of you what if it's them it probably isn't them but that's fun do you love kitties with a little bit of cattitude very nice it's a 30 by 30 lot let's go see let's go see um Kiana thank you for the donation to St Jude too okay I was trying to go to copperdale that was you that's right it was you uh no I've got yours I sent it already so hopefully you like it I honestly don't remember what I sent you so we'll have to see I remember I tried I didn't have the one that you asked for so I had to like try try um but hopefully you like it I don't know oh my goodness no I didn't do like 600 cards on Sunday I did like 280 cards on Sunday or something um here's their Cat Cafe though oh my God I am obsessed with this they made it look like a cat oh that's so that well I also didn't send them I just addressed them I didn't finish stuffing them I just addressed them on Sunday um so they're not done um but I was redressing things all day I love this part this like little window with the bird feeder in front of it is amazing there's like a cat tree I can see um we have these little cat topiaries there's a birdhouse bird bath oh my God around the back we have like some cat toys and everything this is so adorable oh my God I cannot get over the cat on the front okay okay when you actually come inside um you can walk through here look at the custom flooring they made that's so cool uh they have a little paw prints to take you into the cat area um and this is the cafe part so we have like where you buy the food you got some tables to sit at they even have a high chair for the babies I love the flooring though that's so cool and then we have the door into the cat space and the cats have access to like all this so you can come sit over here with the cats they can eat they got scratching posts the cats have their own front door uh we got a bathroom in here downstairs we have some more cat hangout space look at this oh my God we got the cat bathroom obviously um and then upstairs look at cats they have so many little beds they even made like fake cat tree like type raised cat beds for them the cats have their own balcony up here there's cat trees everywhere this part with the cat tree in front of the like bird feeder is so cute cat cafes are such a fun thing to build it's just so like it's so silly to make like an entire house for a cat and like focus on like what will the cats like it's just so fun it's just so fun I'm glad I got to see two of them today because that I love that um we already marked off Cat Cafe on the bingo card so I don't know if we have we're running out of bingo options we need to have you St Jude CeCe plant roof cupcake machine Farm shark Pond Restaurant Graves pink blue Suburban Beach House excessive debug that is the goal all right let's go see Elizabeth with the 150 dollar donation to St Jude thank you so much um Emma with the 25 who says you notice all my hard work thank you Emma I really appreciate you um Coley with the ten dollars we got Alice I'm glad we could help cheer you up Alice I'm sending you a lot of love my friend thank you so much um thank you thank you thank you okay I just realized that person's name was batty cats so I suppose it's spinning they built that that was their twitch username um I love that I love that all right Marissa renee4365 M renee4365 on the galleries next there that previous one was giggling Goose on the gallery okay oh this is cute oh I like The Vibes of this let's go take a look shall we okay there's Marissa in chat oh good I'm glad okay cats and dogs um hey selin thank you for the five dollars you work in a nursery um and you know a little one with leukemia oh my God someone thank you for the five dollars thank you so much and you what you do is Amazing by the way um I'm working with little kids like that you are a superhuman I must tell you so thank you so much for the donation um people that work uh taking care of the little ones Angels truly um you you do amazing important things all right let's go and see what we've got shall we oh I love this already I really like this like Barn Door they've got as the garage door that's so cool yeah Paris we made this shell um we made this shell back in like the second day of the fundraiser so it was like three weeks ago exactly almost when we did this um yeah I love that door it's the garage door that's so cute um in the back we've got a pool we've got this super beautiful swing set I love swing sets in this game they're just so nice I love the like driveway too how's Barn Door made oh it's um it's from a pack this is the anti-social sliding door it's actually from the industrial Loft kit believe it or not um which is kind of cute and this pergola isn't from anything they made this with fences actually uh these pergolas you see the people like basically draw um a fence down and they kind of make their own like custom shape for it so that's how it works um it's pretty cool though right it looks really good um let's go and see oh this flooring is from Jungle Adventure it's one of my favorite ones in the whole game I just like it um okay um all right let's go see what we've got uh We've sorry I was charged by my mods chat um sorry in here I love this flooring um we've got this really cute little living room space this item is from Jungle Adventure jungle Adventure 2. it's so good for this kind of thing we've got this kitchen and dining room over here I like this combo this tile we got so many nice wallpapers that came in growing together like this just looks so good as a backsplash um we've got this cute dining table here a little desk Nook um oh they have a big laundry room too oh because it's the garage duh um they made the garage into like a laundry storage space that's so cool that is so so so cool um upstairs we've got a little hallway how your floor plan I feel like came together so much easier than mine it this is why it's so interesting to see how different people do the shells because like this one is two bedrooms there's two really nice bathrooms great size great hallway then like somebody else will have four bedrooms up here it's just so interesting how people are so good at like making such creative and different layouts like it's so cool to see um how different they all are I don't know anyway I got a little bathroom right here in the hallway we got this super cute pink kids bedroom I really like these two beds together that's like a really fun combo I need to use like this bunk bed combo because I like that um write that down uh do you do with the with the donation thank you so much as well we're almost at 313 000 you guys um I love the okay don't laugh at me I love the blue color scheme in here listen you know you know I love blue all right in The Sims whatever whatever everything's blue this looks really nice though for real like this is really cute um we have this nice bathroom too this turned out really good Marissa I love it I love it um let's try and get through as many as we can I'm slow it take they're they're big they're big um okay we next have uh Sherry Noelle who is the Sherry Noelle on the gallery uh that one was M Renee three four three six five before all right oh annoyingly ads are about to play I might have to wait hold on I didn't realize basement did I not go in the basement Oh I thought I did oops I'm going back I'm going back Emmy thank you for the for the dollar donation oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you so much they said I work with young children and I can't imagine any child having to go through cancer treatment Emmy thank you thank you thank you for helping us do this thank you so much um oh the basement I did forget the basement how did I manage that this is cute I like the ping pong tables I need to make more of an effort to put ping pong tables in my builds because this looks really good like really good oh they even have the parenthood thing oh that's nice and a fish tank is that a heater oh it's the space heater I never use that either listen I live in Florida space heaters are they're simply not something that crosses my mind if I'm being honest space heaters um they don't come up much uh you guys can I just say we just passed 313 thousand dollars thank you thank you thank you for helping us do this we got Sarah's mom with the hundred dollar donation uh who says thank you for raising money for Saint Jude thank you for that huge huge huge huge huge donation um I appreciate that so much you guys are so cool all right and now now we go to Sherry noelle's build very good for cold Winters yeah um Florida though do you see let's there it is play Live shell challenge oh this is cute lovely home with a music studio and basement office fit from musician and a business sim a music studio I feel like we don't see a lot of music studios that's gonna be cool let's go take a look so take a look and again I want to thank Emmy and Sarah's mom for those huge donations thank you thank you thank you again for donating um you guys are so cool also from Florida but near the ocean we need the heaters here yeah even when it um I I've I've never turned my heater on in this house I probably should have because it did get below freezing for a couple days um but I was kind of thriving in it I'm not gonna lie it was like this is my moment I want to feel cold for a sec and right now guess what was I cold then yeah but today do I long for that yeah I do I wish it was that day so take it while you can yeah Abby the the odd number is because it's how much we raised last year there is a reason that essentially raised last year so it isn't just like a random number it's last year's amount race okay I love this by the way uh sorry this looks so cute the black and white color scheme on the outside is so good um oh look at that this outdoor kitchen that looks cool I like the shape of it a lot that's nice we got this little uh like seating area over here they have some cute flower gardens oh sorry I didn't mean to yawn oh no sorry Atlas thank you for the 15 to Saint Jude Morty the Boston Terrier with a ten dollars um very generous dog we also got Ayla who has a great name it's like mine um but missing a K thank you for the ten dollars too thank you so much I just made everybody on I'm sorry in my defense I stayed up for 24 hours straight well I slept for like two hours probably on Sunday so bear with me I love how many greenhouses we've seen I wish that I had put greenhouse on the bingo card I didn't I didn't think about that that was silly of me I should have put it because then I would have crossed it off by now um I will now introduce myself as Kayla without a K thank you Ayla I like your name I always think it's beautiful I'm a little bit biased but um it's a nice name we have a little like pool bathroom here which is kind of cool um and then when you actually come inside the front door is over here when you walk in we've got kind of like a little entry space here I love this living room we got a little chess table TV this kitchen do you know what this light wood with this like kind of minty tile that is really pretty I like that combo it's just nice like peaceful Vibes I like that's the kind of thing that would be so pretty in real life you know I mean most of this would but I like this kind of thing I would put in my real life house you know that's so beautiful um back here we've got a little bathroom with again with the mint very cute they use that nice sliding glass door too oh and the weird like bump out they put the plant in it that's smart um down here we have the music studio oh my gosh do you know what I never get to I never use this DJ booth I never never use this DJ booth how fun to have like a whole dedicated music space what a cool concept um upstairs we've got like a big stair Landing they have the heater too you guys been cold recently oh that's so nice uh we got in here a little bedroom they got a fish oh I like this bedroom combo that's pretty um and then we got a little bathroom here and downstairs we've got the office space also a heater here um the heaters from Snowy Escape um this is really nice well they have yoga too my favorite part is gotta do the music studio though I really like this that's so nice is it weirdly cold in La where you are oh my gosh really yeah I actually cannot relate to you at all they also Catch Fire a lot the heaters huh in The Sims you're saying like okay write that down write that down write that down Hillary thank you for the twenty dollars to say Jude oh now you're interested Kayla okay oh now she cares about the space heater all right we got casserole four um who oh only redeemed it 14 minutes ago their name is CeCe bug I made two versions one with the Saint Jude CC and one without yes yes all right come on game load load load oh these are cute play Live shell challenge CC included yes I love it okay let's go take a look at this you have one in your office in North Central Florida because it was cold in the winter with no Central oh and it caught fire at work was it bad I left and came back do I need to reset my request oh she builds houses I actually have horrible news I toured yours so you don't need to resubmit your request because I actually saw yours earlier I'm so sorry that you left and came back and I got two while you were gone oh no it was awesome we loved it though we loved it Kayla's like I have horrible news I toured your belt no it was amazing that we loved it we loved it um okay this person used the um Saint Jude reward that we have if you donate five dollars to Saint Jude I will send you a really cool CC pack made by little zika with some cool St Jude items in it I can show you the real life ones first really fast um but it's actually really cool because Saint Jude is gonna send these out to people who fundraise um there's like a backpack and this hoodie the T-shirt there's a mouse pad there's a skateboard deck and an LED light and they're gonna send these out to people who fundraise but uh dica made those things for us in The Sims that we're sending to people um and uh you'll be able to see look like look this it's light isn't that so cool they put a couple of the things in here okay let's look at the outside sorry oh look look out here there's a there's a plane Swatch too um but it has like the the one from the thingy um but anyway they have some bikes on the skateboard together I love that I love these hanging plants these are from debug look at how good that looks right there in the front of the house it's like it was made for that spot you know um in the back we have another Greenhouse we've got this super cute patio space with the hot tub oh they put a splash pad this seems like so played playable you know Kayla with a C thank you for the five dollars to St Jude you have a beautiful name my friend not as beautiful as um some other names that I know but you have a beautiful name my friend get it because my name's Kayla with a k anyway thank you for the donation um donated twice and you didn't get anything well did you um did you redeem the thingy on tiltify um if you did not there's a form you can fill out but there's a there's a thing you got to fill out on tiltify so I can get your email to send it to you um and if you didn't do that uh then you can fill out the form and my mods can get that for you um anyway this is the this is the outside of the house inside we have this kind of cute uh entryway right here so realistic with like the magazines and the letters and the keys and stuff even the shoes down the hallway oh my God I love this door honestly this door from high school years is one of the best things they've made in a long time it's not so good every Swatch is so good um but yeah I I send out the CC every night after I get off stream so um make sure that if you donated you got it all sorted and if you need help we can help you the mods can help just ask um but anyway this is so cute I love this kitchen I love this minty color um and then over here we have a super cute dining table I love this living room I'll look at all the Clutter they put on the bookshelf oh that's so good I love like the realism of stuff like that with the board games and the trophies and everything that's so adorable this one too that looks so good together this top shelf are you kidding those three things look so good they placed all that separately look at that um okay so back here we also have a little sun room oh my goodness that's beautiful high school years has such nice stuff um like some really really really nice stuff doesn't it um beautiful okay and then we have a little tiny toilet right here upstairs we got a hallway that takes you to a couple of bedrooms so we have this super cute yellow bathroom oh I love that uh we have this little pink kids room I think this wallpaper is one of my faves in the game I really really really like it honestly I just think it's so good um and then we also have the polka dot bed that matches it um Anonymous in the name of your grandma and your aunt who passed away from cancer thank you so much um uh we got stream shell a lot with a donation as well thank you yeah it does kind of look like confetti isn't that cute um and then we got this super cute primary bedroom they've got their own like TV and everything and in the basement oh it's like a nice storage room I like that the basement kit is so fun for stuff like this oh wait honest did not know it had that purple Swatch that actually changes things for me for this ironing board I didn't know it came in purple and white and like this the laundry next to it that's so weight okay I didn't know about that swatch I like that I'm gonna use that next time I build and you'll see it I will uh that was from casserole thank you that was so cute I I love that I just love the shell challenges because I feel like we honestly see so many things that I'm like I see people using them in ways I've never seen before and I really like doing that um they use the Saint Jude CC so we're gonna Mark that off on our bingo card we just need plant roof cupcake machine Farm shark Pond Restaurant Graves pink blue Suburban beach house and excessive debug let's see what we got um oh my gosh email with 150 for your papa who passed from cancer thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you are so generous um all right let's go see what we got the next one is gonna be from Molly 3304 mk3304 on the gallery you have a creepy Farm that is good to know was not a blue Suburban yeah but we can only cross off one thing per um we we sort of have has have as a rule um we sort of only cross off one per thingy per house you know um and so we just we won't um I remember this person's ice cream build from before yeah look at that I remember this one this is cute they've made a celebrity home wait all caps is better shows excitement you finally made it big in Del Sol Valley and brought the lot on and bought the lot on top of the hill the Swanky home comes with a photography studio a huge closet a gym movie room and pool oh I've been watching um yesterday are toilets included do you think it has toilets uh yesterday I started watching the new season of selling Sunset if you haven't seen selling Sunset um probably don't but if you haven't seen selling Sunset um it's a show about these wealthy mean real estate agents in LA um it's more and they show like some fun houses but it's more about the mean real estate agents um it's kind of iconic I'm not gonna lie um it's so bad that it's good Oh wrong lot oh this is not the Vibes hold on um but I like a reality TV show so it's a little over the top um but it's fun you watch selling Sunset over Queen Charlotte yeah well here's the thing selling Sunset is more of like a I I'm less interested in following the plot you know The Vibes of them are very different I will watch Queen Charlotte but selling Sunset is what I needed yesterday no unfortunately Pam I couldn't post a video today um in my defense I've been exceptionally busy this month um but the main issue was that Dan got a root canal today and couldn't get it edited in time and instead of me trying to do it I thought you know what let's keep recording so we're ahead of things um so anyway you can blame Dan's teeth for why there's no YouTube video today ouch okay honestly obsessed I'm not gonna lie um this gate with the fountains I think it would be so cool to have a house with your own gate like wouldn't that be so fun I would like that skipping Malibu Barbie yeah maybe I just like this a lot I think that's cool um okay around the back oh I like the back this fence looks so good right there we have a little fire pit we've got a bar we have a huge pool some lounge chairs look at The View when I was watching selling Sunset yesterday um they were talking about like the view and how amazing The View was and I realized that this is not the ideal view for me like what do you when you guys think about like what's your um what's your ideal View I think mine is more more nature related than like you know this is cute but I think mine is more like I want to see nature I want like water but not ocean I think mine's more like Lake related because I want to I want to have like trees and stuff you know Del Sol Valley is really pretty at nighttime though look at that anyway um Sam in honor of your brother thank you so much um thank you thank you so much and honor of your brother who lost his 12 year old 12-year battle with Childhood Cancer I'll always be grateful to Saint Jude for the time we did have Sam thank you thank you thank you um and and grappy in honor of your grandmother and dog thank you so much you guys um you are so so so generous okay so this house has oh oh they've got a gym a little bathroom right here I like the trash cans kind of Hidden Away too I like that that feels so realistic to me that a house like this would have something like that um trees bring too many Critters for you I want to see birds I love birds I'm not gonna lie I've realized in my adulthood that I'm like a bird person I get so excited I always my mom whenever we're like driving around and she sees a bird like she'll see like a sandhill crane and she'll literally go oh my mom has always done that and I'm not gonna lie that's me right now I'm I'm the same way I am an ooh tall birdies person but my mom has always done that my whole life and I'm turning the exact same way I think birds are so cool though um I like birds make me happy they're fun she is so real for that yeah I just think birds are cool um anyway anyway uh in here this is the front door I love this like fake garage they've got um and they kind of have like the driveway and stuff obviously um in here we oh oh it's very La all the white very la Selena thank you for the 25 to Saint Jude thank you so much I like the laptop and this this on the table that's kind of good you work on a farm and you still get excited about farm animals yeah they're just so cute you have roaming peacocks in your neighborhood oh wow that's actually really cool um anyway we have this beautiful like all-white kitchen they got the fancy coffee makers um in here we have a bedroom downstairs uh we got this living room back here they have a guitar oh the meditation stool I need to use that more often actually I always forget about it I should use that we got a little bathroom down here oh they've turned the garage into like a photo studio we've seen a couple like cool career focused rooms today with the music studio and now this like Photography Studio I always like to have photos of my Sims but if I'm being honest I literally haven't used uh like any sort of photo studio photo backdrop at all since I did the 100 baby challenge the first time and I had like all the James just donated one thousand dollars to Saint Jude James my friend um thank you thank you thank you thank you uh in memory of your wife who bravely battled breast cancer for nine years my God James thank you thank you for that huge donation to the kids of Saint Jude in honor of your wife you're gonna make me cry thank you thank you so much for helping us do that thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you oh my goodness thank you so much um I never know if I should like read people's the like when they put names I never know if I should read it out loud or not they put it because I want it to be but it's like should I say it in front of all these people but um James thank you so much for the donation in memory of your wife I I really cannot thank you enough that is unbelievably generous of you um thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you um and Selena and crowd control Minecraft again thank you for the donations I don't know about the crowd control Minecraft I tried to do it last week and I had it wouldn't work so I'm nervous about doing it in case it doesn't work again it makes me cry again so we'll see um and James again thank you so much I really I know I keep saying it but wow thank you um and somebody else who says thank you for always being a distraction thank you for the donation you guys are so cool um it is our month-long donut goal yeah Bree we have about a little over a week left of our fundraiser um and we've raised 314 000 like pie you know anyway upstairs um oh wow look we have like a hall bath and then this really huge main primary bedroom um they have this really really beautiful bedroom that walks you into like a closet area there's a sitting area uh we have this huge closet with like their new shoes and everything um outside we've got oh my God massage table oh these people are rich rich rich rich rich oh my God I love these lights too in this little desk they've got oh my gosh another balcony what do you think the basement has oh it's like a movie room they have the bar and all these cool movie memorabilia little bathroom too that's really nice um Leah in honor of your mom a two-time breast cancer survivor uh we got Liz in honor of your best friend and your mom with the 150 as well thank you thank you thank you so much um wow you were all so generous um and I just want to say also I have so much fun doing these shell challenge tours um I I just think that it's like such a good Vibe you know it's everybody is so positive we're all kind of like celebrating each other um and I just think it's great so thank you for helping us do this the next one is uh Sophie loves coffee and dogs uh and their Gallery they put two so I don't know if it's like either or sometimes people can't remember what their Gallery name is um but we'll check this really fast yeah I feel like you get so many cool ideas from them too like seeing what people build and then uh thinking like oh my gosh I've never thought to use this in that way before you know um I don't think that's the shell I don't maybe it's their other Gallery ID Andy underscore fire 1973. Sophie loves coffee and dogs I like it um oh there we go here's the shell um also Emmy with the twenty dollars um whoa whoa fun bird fact Woodpecker's tongues wrap around their brain to avoid concussions by cushioning the brain now that is weird vibes the dollar donation as well thank you guys so much all right let's go take a look at this um we've got a huge house here for all age groups um wait what lot size was that I wasn't paying attention that fact just blew your mind yeah mine too uh it's 40 by 30. oh that's a cute lot let's go look um your eight concussions in and you kind of wish you could do that I I too wish that you could do that I hope you're okay oh wishing hours I think we're on the front page right now um I didn't know we were gonna be on the front page right now but it appears we were in the front slot of the front page right now so um there you go what purpose that um uh they're talking about uh what's it called woodpeckers so they like constantly are like stabbing and so you know they're trying to not hurt their brain by having their tongue wrap around it ew I have a fun fact about this okay this item this like weird snail from debug believe it or not this is a nod to EA's campus like the EA Studios um because they have like a little garden like a little tiny snail in the middle of it like a little snail statue thingy um and so this is from cottage living debug but it's actually a nod to the one that exists in real life so um there you go you get to know I've seen it with my own eyes this house is pink if it's pink inside we're gonna be in luck they got a bunch of kid stuff outside too with the toddler things and the tree house and everything um what the heck my mom my mom my mom must be on a walk or something um she said she saw a mouse she sent a picture of a bear I didn't see it because I'm streaming um my sister started texting about something else and my mom goes no one cares about my bear question mark because nobody replied and my sister changed the subject I don't know she saw a bear I think it's far away in the image good for her yeah like out in the wild a bear I care about the bear Mom sorry I'm just streaming stream cares about the bear um Ellen and baby Grayson Who Says Baby Grayson is so impressed with all these builds oh my gosh Ellen with this oh my God Ellen's babies born the other day when my parents were here oh baby Grace and I bet is very impressed with these builds as he should be um Ash I don't know if your grandma Rita who passed away from lung cancer thank you so much and wumble who says fun fact snails cannot run oh poor snails um and Elin in honor of your grandmother as well thank you so much you guys thank you so much let's take a look inside I hope it's pink oh uh chat I think that we are well within our rights to cross off pink in all caps yes we're getting there we need a plant roof cupcake machine Farm shark Pond Restaurant Graves blue Suburban beach house and excessive debug so I'm getting excited okay here's the outside inside you walk in they have like a little kids play area sectioned off for the little ones so cute um over here we have the living room I like the brick accent we got a little pink kitchen I never thought to use like this uh these are the paintings that the debug paintings that you can get um but I like how that looks with the pink it's really pretty um in here we have uh oh [Music] there's a bunch of knives on the wall oh my God and ads are playing oh wow we can really uh take this room in I guess while we're waiting Jamie thank you for the dollar to stay tuned um there yeah there's a bunch of knives on the wall there's some more knives there um there's some sort of baby Yoda shrine um we have a voodoo doll and some gold bars on this table with some chickens and I'm gonna come back to that I'm gonna come back to that Julia the dog native of the Taylor Swift song oh my gosh um roju with a dollar um for until you Grandpa died but also a dollar for your birthday oh my gosh thank you for the donation in honor of your grandpa um and happy birthday um happy happy birthday uh to you thank you so much and somebody else says fun fact I didn't know bears were wild in Florida oh yeah we got bears there was a whole incident a couple years ago where there was a bear on my college campus just walking around by the dorms if anybody I guess it was more than a couple years ago at this point but if anybody um has been to or like knows about UCF at all there was like a bear outside of towers and if you are familiar with the area that's weird um but there is a bear just like out there there's somebody here who's gonna be like what um but anyway just wanted to learn it was just studying wow with the knives though um I I would encourage you to avoid this room um but they also have over here a little Nursery little bathroom we got a primary bedroom here um upstairs oh my God they have so many bedrooms okay we got one two three four five six seven bedrooms not bad not bad they said it was a family home we got space for everybody they said and they were right this is cool I like how different all the Vibes are of the rooms oh okay we've seen more than one Grim Reaper gnome today I'm into it to be honest it's so funny when people do stuff like this we got a nice balcony too this is actually really cool I like how um it's a this is a really good example I think um of like just how different people's floor plans in the Shell builds end up being because like one person that we saw today had two bedrooms in their house this person has seven but like obviously the rooms are a lot smaller it's just so cool how different um people split them up you know and take the same space and make it different the rest of the basement has some more like hangout stuff um we got like a games mat and some game tables and things um uh Jamie who says uh in Canada we have two dollar coins called toonies really I've never heard that they said toony trained to 315 000. thank you for the two dollars uh we got Shadow and owner of her childhood friend thank you so much wow interesting build that I'm not gonna lie the the like jump scare from oh look how cute this pink room is too oh there's a bunch of knives on the wall in here your one dollar is called Looney yeah after the loons that you have on them right the um that's so cute that's so cute Looney's in toonies I never heard that before um that's news to me yeah we got fooled by the pink apparently what's your favorite American state oh my God that's actually a really interesting question what's the um what's the criteria because where I'm from look I don't think she's high on anybody's list but I can't speak positively about like the West Coast even though if you know maybe they win a lot of things I'm from Florida though so we have a lot of issues anyway let's go on to the next one shall we okay uh the next one that we're gonna do is from Michaela 16. okay I like your name Michaela good choice oh that's their Gallery oh that that's their Gallery name yeah uh-oh come on gallery please please please please please please please please please please please please work please work please work um oh my gosh maybe it's live again why is miv live again I thought miff was live earlier moves live now what why did what did me if like stream to finish the shell and then take a break and then come back because honestly I respect that all right we got Goldie's Greenery hold on sorry I got really excited just then um things are looking good for us thanks to Michaela stop into Goldie's store stock full of all your plant loving and gardening dreams oh that's so cool okay um 30 by 20. let's go take a look at this shall we yes we shall Remy the Ratatouille your kitten is named Remy love um we got toony tray of the two dollars um and lights in Wonderland or maybe I'm am I reading this wrong Elise I don't know Wonderland thank you for the donation for your mother um who's from a mission for ovarian cancer that's amazing news and dark fairy with the I post in the wrong place okay dark fairy with the 50 dollars annual donation in memory of your mother and grandfather but also to celebrate your father being cancer-free for five years All In Hope for a cure thank you thank you thank you dark fairy for that huge donation to Saint Jude um thank you so much you see Taylor Swift in nine days oh my gosh how many of you guys are seeing Taylor Swift this weekend you guys probably know uh chibi Laura and Goose Kingdom from chat um but chibi and hope are both going to see each other this weekend so that will be exciting we'll be getting updates probably um you see your July 28th cool cool very fun um oh my God look at this oh this looks beautiful the way they did the roof you would never know is a weird shell the series of cow plants in the back too we have this huge greenhouse because they sell plants um we've got like a selection of pots that you can purchase that's so cool um on the outside we had this beautiful like Fountain area over here wow I really like this uh I think that we can cross off plant roof as well which gives us bingo in two more directions how weird that we haven't gotten like so many in a row like the ones that we're missing aren't really like you know I guess we're kind of getting like winding down here so we could probably cross off some of the things that we've seen but we just saw like they had two things crossed off should we do that now we crossed off one per build before but we haven't seen like a we saw a farm earlier if we crossed off something else we've seen a restaurant we crossed off something else we saw excessive debug we crossed off something else and we saw a blue suburban and we crossed off something else so all we really need is a cupcake machine a shark Pond Graves and a beach house so um oh Ellen for the No Sleep Gang from Discord chat during the 24 hour stream we are bonded for life I love that thank you for the donation um and tuning train was at two dollars we got Steph um love how your family chat went from there's a tornado in the backyard to random bear pictures well that's because my mom is traveling for work right now so my mom's not there for the the chaos of the storm um so all right I'm surprised I haven't seen a beach house though okay on the inside oh wow this is a retail lot so you can come here and you can buy plants they have like all these gardening books um we've got a bunch of seed packets and like little flowers plants that you can buy um oh this is cool this is so so so cool did you miss the restaurant oh did we not actually get a restaurant no we saw a red I swear we saw a restaurant we didn't get a restaurant was it a cafe instead well maybe we didn't get a restaurant and I'm imagining things hmm okay no restaurant still I love the plants in here though this is so cool this is the kind of place that would be fun to have your sim no the the pub that dika built was actually a bar so um this is pretty fun though we have upstairs this is the apartment for Goldie who lives here this is so cool what a fun idea oh my gosh we talked about Applebee's that's true oh I love the pink and black tile combo this little bedroom is so cute I love this build I want to shop here this is Goldie's Greenery by michaela6199 on the gallery um okay I'm gonna try and get through as many as we can before we um before we head out um because I'm not I'm not ending stream just yet okay the next one is Tori Mars um Tory Mars on the gallery is the same as their twitch at no yes come on Tori Mars uh oh we'll see basement oh I didn't go in the basement okay hold on how did I mess that up even I forgot about the basement oops also you guys we're really close to 315 000 race for Saint Jude I'm not gonna lie that's wild didn't we start today at 310 oh my gosh um Emma who says they've been watching me since I was in high school and it's been such an honor to see you use your platform for good keep it up Emma thank you for the fifty dollars thank you so much oh it's a gym in the basement oh that's cool oh I totally I totally missed the ladder right there that's amazing um I like the gym Vibes that's pretty good you want to use your mod privilege card okay Christine I'll I'll do yours after I do um Tories here next um I got you I got you um wait what did Morgan say everybody's saying congrats to Morgan I didn't see I'm checking chat history hold on hold on hold on hold on um oh you got the job the job oh my gosh Morgan that's amazing congrats I'm so glad that's amazing all right we got St Jude simsy shell you tried your best to make a functional hospital but make it kid friendly like seeing Jude oh wow oh wow they turned this the shell into a hospital okay I can't access the um the hospital lot from get to work very easily because we don't have a SIM who's in the career but I'll put it on this 50 by 50 lot here um and crusty earlobes thank you for the donation oh wow what a um yeah wow that's lovely I so many oh mine's it's backwards oops my bad so many people were like oh you should make it into a hospital when I was doing it and I was like I think it's too small but you managed to do it I'm impressed um oh we got golden thank you for the twenty dollars to Saint Jude um and toony trade with the two dollars as well thank you so much I really like the color skinny went for it's pretty cool and this like uh rounded part this is nice um in the back we've got a basketball court and like some kids play areas we have a splash pad for the little ones um and then on the inside you said it was functional so it should have all the stuff we've got like the front desk that you need we have some kids play areas oh my gosh look at how cute this stuff looks together oh wow you put bubbles too I never even thought about adding bubbles to my builds um yeah it's like a clinic that's so cute um I like these chairs with the puzzle table those are base game now they're new um we've got some cute artwork look at how adorable it's like it's like the patient art that St Jude puts everywhere I love that look at how cute that is we got some bathrooms back here um with changing tables even we've got some more artwork oh look at that one I don't think I've ever seen that one uh we got this room down here um with the patient beds in the basement we have kind of like the the like staff room tragic Cloud painting I like these wow guys look cars in The Sims 4. soon um and then upstairs we have a bunch of the other stuff that you need so we have like the um what's it called the treadmill thingy for tests we got the X-ray machine we got the like lab stuff this must have been fun to build I love this do you know what the hospital career honestly is like really fun being a doctor in this game is actually like one of my favorite careers um it's really cool I love that um okay let's go to the next one I want to try and get through as many as possible there's 977 requests as I mark them off more just come in um okay okay toxic rainbow is next um Tori but not the Tory who built this one who said you said my name on stream and I had a heart attack for a second but it wasn't about me oh my gosh I know everybody always gets so scared when I like say and it I mean it makes sense you hear your name and you're like what okay not me oh I was gonna do Christine next oops sorry Christine you can be after toxic rainbow whose name is RAR Bean on the gallery whoa they made a Barcade in Bowling Alley before it's not for the show but that's cool you get that when I say it's ruined you hear it's Bruin wait really also we just passed 315 000 raised for Saint Jude what the heck that's so cool um Nicole with the 150 dollars thank you so much um oh this person says it's the most time they've ever put into a Sims build it really sparked their creativity and stepped out of your outside of your comfort zone that makes me so happy that's like ideal situation is that you feel inspired by by the shell that makes my day so I'm really glad to hear that that's like the whole goal so I'm really I'm really glad all the shelves are so fun I love when we do this together um Tootie with the two dollars as well the Canadians are really coming through with this huh thank you so much can't relate you've never said my name okay Sapphire doodle all right here's what we got oh I love the pathways they did oh that's nice like with the lights lining the path how cute and the all the swings are in the front yard I want a swing set in real life I want a swing set that's my dream um back here we have a hot tub oh we got like some plantains growing I'm gonna make banana bread later oh you have just inspired me I'm making banana bread when I get off stream okay thank you um in the back uh we have this super cute sand pit with like some toys oh crusty earlobes again with the five dollars thank you oh I love this with like the trellis over the bench that's adorable my grandparents had a thing like this in their backyard um and I always thought it was so cool didn't have anything growing on it it was just metal but I thought it was so cool um oh no Logitech are gonna send you oh my God you're I mean you're right I'm like I said I didn't have speakers guess what showed up speakers I said I didn't have a wheel for my racing games guess what showed up a wheel um Logitech I don't have a swing set no no no no no no no actually do you know what I do have from Logitech um we're gonna do the giveaways on Saturday um but Logitech has offered a couple of the full Aurora collection to give away um this weekend which I'm really excited about um they so the Aurora collection is like the headset that I use the headphones the mouse like the whole thing they offered a couple of the whole collection to send to people that we're gonna do a giveaway of on Saturday which is huge like that's huge um I really love these headphones I you guys know I'm like not a headphone or at least I didn't used to be a headphone girly I got these Game Changer they're so cute so anyway um shout out to Logitech they're really cool um they've been sponsoring me for a while now and I've just had I like them a lot the people are really cool and um and everything like that so um this tree was not sponsored but um they've offered us some some prizes for you so earlobes another one oh wow and Lisa with the tuning train thank you so much um okay anyway this is the backyard I love the lights that you did that look so cool the little Lounge uh chairs and stuff we got this covered part with the fire pit that's adorable we have some Garden space over here oh look at this that's amazing and then in the back we have this little shed oh it's like it's like studio for for someone to come stay in like a guest house that's so cool um they have a full bathroom and like a little studio apartment sort of space that's really nice um and then in the actual house when you first walk in they have this super cute entryway I love The Umbrellas I need to play with the umbrellas more like I need to actually um I need to actually like play with the umbrellas you know I've placed them I don't ever actually use them oh they used my favorite fireplace um you need me to add Tyler to the gallery from the unpause stream I did put Tyler on the gallery I did don't worry speaking of the unpause stream actually I'm gonna say this earlier and I forgot to bring it up but um some folks during the unpause stream were like working on this Google doc with like everything that happened in the unpause stream ever and like clips and everything and I just want to say that you guys making that Google doc absolutely made my life I and I mean this the time that you have saved me with making the video you have literally saved me like hours of work for the YouTube video that I'm gonna make and I I cannot thank you enough that is so cool that you did that like you you saved me so much by doing that and I didn't ask and it was really cool that you did so um it was awesome they have this like really cool it had like a table with like how many fires a certain SIM cards and everything I mean it was wild so um anyway that was very cool of them to to have done so um shout out to the Discord server who worked on that that's just amazing um they made like a dock with all of the information from the end pause Stream So they had like everything that ever happened like oh these people who these people did this these people did this so cool so cool um anyway I love this rug I never use that I should use that that looks so good with that table oh my God that's from growing together I haven't used that swatch oh wow we got this cute bathroom down here too oh they have a sunroom oh my God it's a screened in porch I didn't even notice I was so distracted by how cute the backyard was there's a screened in porch too with some more garden stuff oh that makes so much sense with the plants right here I love that um we got turtley for your mom who's almost 10 years cancer free thank you so much um thank you thank you thank you they said uh kids should have free treatment kids really should never have to go through any of this thank you for helping us do this you guys um you're taking so many notes for your builds yeah seriously um upstairs we've got this little hallway that leads you to a balcony so cute um we have a pink bedroom oh my gosh iconic I love this is that from University oh it's size down oh my God I didn't know it had that cute Swatch that's a nice item look at those fun like sticker swatches that looks so good see this is why shells are so fun I feel like I'm I'm like seeing items used in ways that I've I've like seen this before but I just don't really use it I didn't know it had those cute swatches write that down uh there's so much cool stuff that you just don't realize exists oh this is cool they have this huge uh primary bedroom and they've got like an attached Nursery space oh look at this shelf do you know what this shelf from dream home decorator used with like the cool stuff for the um the babies that's so good um I love that Sims they have so much fun with this game um in the basement they've got a bathroom we got some storage oh they have like all their holiday storage they have a Murphy bed like guest bed they've got a TV room laundry oh that's so realistic that's so cool that is so so cool wow okay I'm gonna try and get through at least a couple more before we get off stream here because I'm kind of having fun so we'll see um all right all right all right all right all right the next one that we're gonna do is the Autumn May um let's go take oh my God I'm sorry I get in such a habit am I like okay reload go to the thingy okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I gotta do autumns first I said their name already I think they are a console user because they have a very long username so if you were a console player and you were like oh she can't see mine you're wrong you can see console players it's the same Gallery don't worry uh oh besties I have no idea how to I have no I have oh I have no idea how to fix that here's their twitch name oh it's the real one oh weird look it's both Christine I swear I swear Christine Christine Christine Christine Christine Christine okay there's these weird glitches on the gallery where um when you change your username it like maintains the old one and stuff it's it's normal I've seen it before it's really annoying this is this one though let's go take a look at it let's go take a look um um okay okay okay um we got joycey who works in Pediatrics thank you for what you do and thank you for the 25 to Saint Jude I have a lot of uh we got Cali with love from the cats bumpy body and while thank you so much oh your cats are very generous look how cute this is I love this Swatch this is adorable oh and Autumn's in chat oh I'm so glad okay um so here's the outside beautiful like kind of purpley blue color we have a super cute backyard all the turtles a couple people have done this I used to put the turtle decals in my pools way more often I haven't done it in a while it's so fun though uh we got a little uh like place for some plants we got a swing set we got a death trap uh we got some more toys lots of fun gameplay stuff out here oh the color scheme of the inside's so fun okay so you walk up we have this little entrance right here um and then you come through here I love your floor plan through this beautiful Archway we have the dining room and the kitchen I had the hardest time I like oriented my house the same way that you did I think I put my kitchen right here though I love this with the entryway and the kitchen here because I was like really struggling with the size of this part I didn't really know how to do it that's why I never finished it um well you did a great job with that we have this kind of hallway with a desk and a fish tank we got a piano and some little pet things we got baby Yoda we got a little kid's corner and a huge living room we got this little bathroom right here um I thought it was blue too I think this is kind of like a Periwinkle color almost it's blue but it's not let me show you the blue blue you see there's like a little bit of purple in it you know anyway upstairs oh we got some cute kids room so we have this little pink or little purple kids room I mean um we have this little blue kids room I love this Cloud rug thank you so much um we have this Red Room I'm scared of the color red but it's iconic um Autumn is a console player they use PlayStation nice that's so nice um we also have in the basement oh pink oh I love the different colors he did in all the rooms that is so so so so so cute oh my goodness the pink bathroom too you did a great job with this this is adorable um and there you go I like it console player see I promise it's the same Gallery I promise don't worry everybody always gets nervous but um okay we're gonna do Christine's next annoyingly odds are about to play and I can't snooze them so I'm gonna let it play and then we'll do Christine's I promise um Faith thank you for the 10 58 who says fun fact snails can jump uh we got aggressive ketchup with the 50 in solidarity of the Tomato lady don't be nice to her Christine's getting mod privilege right now yeah the snail thing I don't know about that that's scary I don't know if how I feel about that I don't know how I feel about that that is actually really alarming information um I'm struggling to uh accept this they're like all muscle oh I guess that makes sense hmm um and Nadia with the 40 dollars for everyone in your family who battled cancer last year Nadia thank you for that huge donation to Saint Jude too thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you everybody um wow about still can't stop thinking about the snails I'm not gonna lie so is that why you saw a snail on the roof of a car once oh maybe Jade thank you for the five dollars to Saint Jude too oh I don't know how I feel about snails all right here's Christine's build when the gallery will load hold come on game hold on foreign books it's a cafe it's been a staple of the windenburg Waterfront for many years originally a small manufacturing plant it's been converted into a coffee shop in recent years in the top floor holds a bookstore and in the basement your Sims can browse the small thrift store for some cute clothes and you can also support local artists and creators Through The Outdoor Marketplace oh my God that is so fun all right let's go see it let's go see it the windenburg here we go I'll place it here on this 30 by 20 lot yes be nice to Christine the Tomato lady with the one dollar okay Christine is that you Christine no oh wow the Tomato lady all right here's Christine's place do you know what I was just thinking about this I always forget about this sign this is the one from strangerville there's actually quite a few swatches on it oh look at that yeah do you know what we need to think about that sign more that's nice it's a good sign and it has like the cafe stuff too this is so cool Christine I love these tables outside we have a little maker space stuff that's so adorable uh oh and there's a piano outside and there's a spot for tips on top of the piano oh this is cool this is so so so cool I love the detail we have a little tiny Splash Pad too um there's like a painted garage door oh the orange Swatch on these flowers is pretty good I haven't seen that I like that um we have a little bunny sign when you come in we have the actual Cafe place oh my God that's so realistic to have this along the edge of the step um is so that people can like tell there's a step it's more obvious like visible to the eye there's a step there that's so realistic to have that in a public space like this um we have a little cafe right here um I love these little tables this is one of my favorites oh The Sims 2 soundtrack has ended try again um I love these little table swatches um and then over this way we've got some more seating there's a computer we got a couple bathrooms right here I saw Christine talking about trying to figure out how to have the basement open to the first floor the basement has um the little thrift shop that Christine was talking about how cool is that um sleepy bee with the dollar thank you so much what's your favorite color oh I never know how to answer this question oh my god when people ask me I get so indecisive and I can't figure it out um I like pink I like green I like yellow I like purple contrary to popular belief blue is not my favorite color um I like I like pastels we kind of talked about last time I was asked this I just like pretty pastels in almost all shades so that's my answer I'm really indecisive and bad at picking favorites of anything though people are like favorite song and I'm like oh my God I don't know they'll be like favorite song off such and such album and I'm like I don't know I don't like picking it scares me I love this this is pretty um oh I like this sign saying like go downstairs to go to the thrift part what is that oh my God oh it's the chalk from there's like um decals from the werewolves pack that's really cool like the chalkboard sign I've seen a couple people do like uh chalkboard type of things almost I really like that these windows look super cool too and then upstairs um we have the bookstore oh and there's like a little kid's corner so they can read I really like this there's another bathroom up here too that's awesome what's my least favorite color red I think red is scary I was gonna buy Taylor Swift merch with the heiress tour but it seems like a better place for oh Brooklyn thank you for the ten dollars to Saint Jude thank you so much um Taylor merch is very expensive at the era's tour I must say it is pricey and unfortunately not the best quality I must say that's the problem with oh I say as I have red nails look I painted them red because I'm raising money for Saint Jude and it's their logo color listen I'm just celebrating Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital thank you very much okay let's go to the next one Emily Adventures is the next one that we are going to go and do let's take a look oh Gallery come on I don't know what it is with these like these giant artists but they really don't have the best merch you think it's a lie and I secretly love red no no the reason that I don't like red that much is so um the reason I don't like red that much is because as a child I was very I would say paranoid and anxious and I used to associate the color red with blood and so I was like you can't look at the color red like if if I had to have like a red folder for school I'd be like oh no I don't want to so I used to be really scared of it as a child and now I just Harbor a dislike for it but not like that I am slightly more reasonable as an adult childhood fears don't make sense okay um I was just very paranoid of a lot of things I had a lot of little things like that that I was scared of anyway um Megan sucks they said ignore the display name is an inside joke from Sasha and diaper glue on I know uh and this is for your uncle who passed away from bone cancer thank you Megan I mean sorry Megan sucks so no thank you Megan for the donation to Saint June um okay okay anyway this is the luxury Alpine chalet from Emily Adventures design is a rental home in Mount comoribi that's cool I like that it's snowy we haven't seen anything snowy today as a child you used to think that wearing black would give you bad luck and now you wear all black oh my gosh I used to you know like all of the like little Superstition type stuff um about uh you know like don't step on a crack or like don't walk under a ladder you know I used to be so scared of like where am I going not going Robbie I used to be so scared of all of those things all of those things um so you still don't do that yeah you both step one crack still oh we are all the same we are all the same you won't go on our ladder yeah I still wouldn't go under a ladder you're still afraid of breaking mirrors or like opening an umbrella inside I will say I never thought that about black cats I know some people have like a little superstition about black cats my my uh love of cats outweighs the you know I never had that but [Laughter] um but anyway this is the uh really beautiful Chalet that this person has built um okay look at the back I love the snow it's so fun building in snowy worlds as my dad would call it he didn't remember the name for Mount comorubby so we kept calling it snowy whirls snowy Escape it's close enough uh here's the front entrance so you walk up here we've got like the place for all of our snowboards and stuff when you come in oh we have like a rack to hang up our coats and everything there's some storage we have a beautiful dining table a little cozy living room I love how the windows look in the winter time and stuff in The Sims when they get like frosted over I just think that it's soap like pretty and cozy seaming you know um I don't I never knew about the train tracks one I guess I we don't have a lot of trains in Florida we do have train tracks here like you know you drive a train tracks sometimes but I guess when I was little I didn't like I wasn't like around train tracks a lot so I didn't have any superstitions about that um that's interesting though wow we were all the same okay anyway we got a little bar area over here is the kitchen I love this mint Swatch I've seen it a couple times and I just think it's so pretty it's a good color of the tile this is a nice color scheme we have this really cute like sun room snow room if you will there's a space heater again um um oh my goodness I love that somebody said solicitatively is a child oh my gosh they said they're white passing and their grandpa has dark skin and also does not eat mayo and you asked him why he didn't eat Mayo when you were like four and he told you that Mayo turns you white and that you're so pale because he fed you a lot of mayo as a baby and you believed him for like eight years oh my God why are grandparents such trolls that's so funny Mayo that's that's big Grandpa energy right there I could see my grandpa just making up some ridiculous like and you believe them because you're a kid and like what kids are so funny he probably did he like forget that you believed that too because I can see him being like what are you talking about and then you're like you told me like Samantha loves black cats also um who adopted your black cat um oh my gosh because she was next to four freshly birth uh births birthday I can't speak striped kittens oh and you were anxious you wouldn't get adopted because of the superstitions I know a lot of people um are like weird about black cats aren't they um your grandpa used to say that strawberry milk came from pink cows yeah I've heard that one a lot too that's funny um That's a classic one um you convinced some kids that you babysat the ice cream truck was just a nice music truck so they wouldn't ask you for ice cream oh my God I ruined when I was a kid my um my like crib when I was a baby was in front of the blinds like in my bedroom because it was like up near the window and I like absolutely destroyed the blinds you know the blinds that are kind of like metal um they're like you know really thin I absolutely destroyed them as a baby because the like ice cream truck used to come around near my nap time and I would like pull myself up and stand up and like pull the metal blinds down so I could watch it and I ruined them and my parents like talked about it loads as if it was my fault move the crib I was baby sorry your fault your fault where the duty from Canada um we got and Emil says positive Superstition of mine is to add at least a cent uh based on a philosophy of paying it forward with the five dollars and one cent thank you so much um I really really appreciate that thank you you guys are all telling me all these funny things that your grandparents and your family used to tell you oh my gosh um okay anyway this is the upstairs of this place it's got a really nice upstairs actually it's like all one room um there's a nice little oh it's like a vanity table look at that um and here we got a nice bathroom with a beautiful shower this is Good Vibes right here this walk-in shower um this is a really nice building and then in the basement there's a gym oh cool that's really nice that is really really nice your brother actually thought the moon was made of cheese until he was like nine oh wow see kids are so funny kids are so so so funny oh my gosh um all right let's go to the next one uh Emily that was great that was Emily Adventures on the gallery that made that by the way lizard breath is the next one Soul Ellie I like lizards one of my favorite animals um and they built I don't think this is it Maybe this one and that's the tiny one is it this one oh it is this one oh it is this one I'm silly it is this one I just thought it was too big but it's attached for like a greenhouse it's not um it's from your Black Cat spot oh very generous cat thank you so much spot um oh my goodness okay let's go 30 by 20 in windenburg let's go see um you would get really excited whenever you pass by graveyards because your parents told you they were golf courses why what you say graveyards reminded me that um as a kid one of my like deep fears was I was too scared to look at graveyards like when we drove past one I would be like because it scared me um but as an adult well as a teenager I was like I'm being ridiculous I need to chill so I started being like hi go past the graveyard and to this day I still am like hi everybody when I go past the graveyard and I got my parents to start doing it because they thought it was funny but I'm being serious so I always wave at them now when I go past do you wave at them too I think it's nice I'm just trying to be nice you always hold your breath yeah I never held my breath I just was like too scared to look at them but I wave so I I figure I would like that so I'll do it [Laughter] um Anonymous your stepsister thought that baby Jesus was actually a lamb sorry because of all the references to being a lamb of God in the church yeah it's true Jesus was a sheep yeah that's amazing I mean all that church stuff is really confusing when you're a child they I mean it is weird it's very very confusing how are you to know actually he was a car okay this is the butter bee cottage which by the way is absolutely adorable this is so cute are you kidding oh my gosh I adore this we got this little chicken coop um oh my gosh we got uh some bees we have a little cottage back here oh little house this is so cute I love the kitchen in here this is decorated really nicely I love the layered rugs I like this shelf underneath the TV too that's cute oh and one of my favorite things I don't know how many of you guys know this but if you look at the like extra cabinet pieces a lot of the more recent cabinets have some really cute um like end pieces to them like look at that one too there's some really nice Corner cabinets that you should look for um so anyway adorable we got a cow plant we got some more garden stuff back here um around here we got a chess table Decor box all the useful items oh easel and everything um and then when you actually come inside to the real house oh this person donated they believed in the uh holding your breath Superstition by graveyards yeah I've heard of people doing that but I never did that one when I was little um all right inside we've got a little beautiful entryway I love this the Shelf underneath this window that's cool um in here we've got a super cute kitchen they've got like some bread on the table a little desk uh we've got a little tiny toddler room oh my God the toddler set up a tea party oh that's so sweet I love doing that do you know what the new table the new like end table nightstand from the update is a good height for this I used to have to size one down but this one is a lot shorter than the other ones are see so it works out pretty well for that write that down um we got a bunk oh there's a bunk bed too so the kids share a room I was so distracted by this that's cute um over here we've got the living space so much clutter how adorable is that so so much clutter we got this super cute little dining table oh look at the greenhouse attached I love this flooring from the greenhouse kit that's adorable we have a bathroom and then upstairs it looks like we've got oh sorry I didn't mean to yawn I probably made you all yawn just then my bad I got a little hallway it takes you into a bathroom right here we've got um this bedroom oh no sorry wait not bedroom balcony they even put oh my God that's so cool we've got the telescope and everything we have this bedroom with a little uh infant Space by it we've got a hallway with some more toys for the kids and then in the basement we've got kind of a cool like hangout space so there's laundry some some storage piano I like the layering of these things together it looks really nice actually this house is pretty I really like it I'm thinking I don't know if we're gonna finish this Bingo chat I'll probably okay how about this I'm gonna stop at eight o'clock it's currently 7 49. so we'll try and get through it like maybe two more shells um that was by Soul stool Ellie on the gallery by the way um so we'll stop and Link two more shells let's do um Sarah lizzy89 next is the next one um we'll go over there oh my gosh what do we got um oh it's a cool pink house this is fun yours is a cupcake machine oh really well that's cool all right let's go see this one shall we um Blue Creek um what a little creek I'm not gonna have time to do another strip of this this month Troublemaker um we usually only do one stream for the shell tours just because it's impossible I mean no matter what we do there's 989 requests left and that's after I've checked off all the ones that we've done like no matter what we're gonna disappoint like a thousand people um so it's it's like impossible to um to get through them all unfortunately do you know what this one I think crosses off the pink in all caps for sure oh I closed it by accident with that we already crossed it off but that definitely crosses off pink in all caps um this is really pink this is so fun they have the wishing well annoyingly I almost put wishing well in my bingo card and then I didn't good going Kayla I could have had that marked off but I didn't oh wow there is a very significant amount of fish in this pond we got this little sitting area I gotta be honest I did not know that this rented garden stuff came in this hot pink Swatch it's kind of iconic we have a little bar out here in the back too um we've got like some cool pillars kind of holding the house up I thought this was fun to build how do you get into the front is it over here oh maybe I did it sideways this is the front I think so you walk up the staircase oh maybe not no no this is the front oh this is the front with the Llama duh this is the fry I didn't see it because the Llama was so beautiful I just you know you get up here we have a really cute sitting area uh you walk in the front door right here we've got some very elegant look at that very elegant living room over here we've got a collection of fancy eggs and clown paintings iconic very elegant dining room as well do you know what I never use is this salt and pepper shaker I need to make more of an effort with that because that's kind of cool uh we got a little cute blue kitchen I also never use this white and blue Swatch you know what I don't need is any more ideas of how to make a white and blue Sam's house don't write that down Kayla I never use this this is just the base game counter but it's got a white and blue Swatch I never use it I should maybe try it um so over here we got a little bathroom and then upstairs oh my God it's lofted like some very fancy artwork and then we have this uh we have a really fancy bed too and then in here we got a bathroom we've got a gym and in the basement oh little like TV room space that's fun I think they probably had a lot of fun building this because this is really funky on the outside the color scheme is so fun genuinely I had no idea we had this pink Swatch of these columns it's legendary were there spiders oh my God I literally didn't even see that scary um scary scary scary um oh my gosh really Maria thank you for the donation we got fire flower thank you all so much for the donations to Saint Jude you guys this is so cool um didn't know we had a basement at all no a lot of people forgot about it don't worry don't worry a lot of us didn't even see the basement so a lot of Us wish there wasn't a basement I must say all right simmered mango is next this might be our last one for today um just because we're getting Kai is getting kind of late and some people need to eat dinner some people are me um we got simmered mango big blue oh it's got a yellow oh my gosh oh my gosh let's go take a look at it this is uh right after my heart so there can't be a beach house with the basement well it could have been in tartosa but yeah actually I forgot I forgot no you're right they can't you can't have a basement on the beach Lots it could have been in tartosa so I'm really disappointed I must say that we haven't seen any Graves there's still time mango is your house full of death probably not probably not oh this is cute oh my God I absolutely adore the yellow front door this is like my favorite thing they've added in years oh I got you bestie don't worry it does that to itself um that's so cute okay anyway we have a really beautiful big front porch we got this cute cow topiary I love your layered terrain paint into the path in the back we've got some bees uh we got this really cute Chicken Coop we have a greenhouse oh look how nice that is oh my gosh the greenhouse is one of the best things they have ever added I'm so glad we have it it's so fun all this slip and slide do you know what I need to make more of an effort to include slip and slides in my builds too and you have a little kiss oh you put sleeping bags oh my gosh that's so cute I love that you got a froggy chair oh my goodness around the front beautiful yellow front door uh you walk in behind off this open floor plan so we have a big entryway we got the kitchen over here oh this lavender color on the counters is nice um in the back we have a little dining room do you know what this table centerpiece from growing together is so good and you know what else um using this like weird Nook that I left in the Shell as like a pet space makes a lot of sense too um that's pretty smart and here we got a little bathroom with some beautiful blue counters we got the living room over here so cute we got a little bedroom right here too oh look they're all crafty they've got all the knitting stuff I love this Nifty knitting actually has some really cool furniture in it it's really nice I love that um and then upstairs we got three bedrooms so we have this little Nursery right here um you know what I haven't used this item in a while this is from Eco lifestyle it's got some kind of cute little like puzzle piece like Vibes almost this is one of those flags from uh get together as well I should use this more often too because it has some fun like hobby stuff like the other one does we talked about that earlier um we've got this cute kid's bedroom shared between two kids they have a stinky stinky box what's in it it's leaking what do they do that you we got this bedroom too I love this this chair has so many good swatches on it it really does um and then we have out here wait oh my God oh my God they use they size up a shelf put a bunch of plants on it and then underneath the Shelf is the pet space so there's like a little cat bedroom there's like a litter box they've got like some they put cat beds in the basket oh that is a pet corner that's so cute I thought it was just a platform I had no idea it was like hidden that's cool I really like that idea what a fun way to hide the litter box for your Sims too I'm actually I might try that because I always had a hard time figuring out where to put litter box in my sims houses I usually put it in the bathroom but it's cool to have like a dedicated space like that for the litter box that's really smart all right chat we're getting so many ideas today Haley's comment with the five dollars that your first time donating thank you so much Haley I really appreciate that um those are functional cat beds too are they oh it's not raised up oh my god do you know what that's so smart this is a debug item it's actually small it's from Jungle adventure and they sized it up and then put the cat bed in it I've never tried that that's really cool okay um we're learning things we're learning things and then in the basement oh it's a Karen and Connie do that oh that's cool um in the basement we've got another bedroom it's like a teen space it's all messy look how fun that is I love doing clutter like this oh do you know what I never put cameras in my builds like as clutter but that is such a fun thing to add because like this Sim maybe they're into photography I love that oh my God wait and there's more oh that's really cool it's yeah it's good for storytelling right I love that oh I've had so much fun today you guys honestly this has just been the best I really really like doing these shell tours I know that um there are 989 of you who have submitted a request that I have not gotten to yet and for that I must say I am so sorry I'm so sorry um I'm gonna try my best to go through and comment on some more on the gallery and stuff um so I can see some more and everything um but I really had the best time I do need to go and eat dinner um we're gonna be here tomorrow I'm actually streaming twice tomorrow um I'm gonna be here in the morning we're gonna play Animal Crossing and then in the afternoon at the regular time we're gonna play The Sims 2. so if you are interested we're gonna play some Sims 2 together um tomorrow uh around this time well not quite like four hours ago but you know um so we're gonna we're gonna play some more Sims two togethers will be fun and then Animal Crossing also because I just reset my Animal Crossing Island so we're gonna play it again um I did that last week so that is the plan and then uh I guess on Thursday let me triple check I think we're gonna play the 100 baby challenge on Thursday on Friday we're playing Among Us um and then on Saturday we're gonna stream like all day so I'll be live for a while on Saturday and we'll do probably a lot of things um but I think on that note I'm gonna go and find someone to raid I will definitely um oops I opened my own twitch you don't need to see that we never finished the Bingo but I think we got closer than we normally have so that's a win um that is a win um I feel good about this not bad team not bad let's go see who is live um actually you know what might be kind of fun Dan I think is going to be streaming for a while longer tonight um I don't usually get to raid Dan because usually he's live at the same time as me and then we both get off at the same time but I think Dan's Gonna Be Live for a little bit longer he's gonna play dead by daylight which is not um The Sims but um if you want to go over and see we can go say hi to Dan maybe because you don't usually get to rate him so everybody uh go say hi to Dan for me um I am in fact married to him so you were legally obligated to be nice and say hi to him um that's how that works um and I will see you all later okay thank you again for hanging out this has been really awesome I love shell challenges it's so fun for us to get to do this um I'm gonna go make dinner and probably some banana bread now and I'll see you later okay okay good night I've stopped Street
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 50,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: bc6yhV1cUn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 242min 5sec (14525 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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