I Try a SHELL CHALLENGE | The Sims 4

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so I don't really tend to do shell challenges very much I prefer to build my own way and get things looking just as I want them with shell challenges you're very limited because you're not allowed to remove any kind of wall you're not allowed to change the shape of the house too much and I thought you know what I want to do a shell Challenge and that is what we're going to do today and I have found a great one so let's have a look at what we're gonna do so this is the one that I found on the Sims 4 Gallery because of the wonderful YouTube Creator Chrissy YouTube If you're not following Chrissy go and give her a follow over on YouTube great Builder all-around lovely human and they have done a five-year anniversary shelf and I thought do you know what I want to do that so that's what we're going to do today we're going to tackle this here and try and make it into something I have no idea what that something is going to be but we're gonna do it the show for my five year YouTube anniversary happy anniversary Chrissy chill challenge feel free to turn this into anything you want you can use packs or build mods but no CC and also no touching my walls you can however change the height of the walls add foundations etc etc okay well thank you very much Chrissy krishi Chrissy challenge accepted and here is the shell in the world of henford on Bagley on a 13 by 20 lot I think we're gonna go for a semi kind of bigger looking Cottage vibe to suit the area of henford on Berkeley that is what we're going to do today my darlings but if you want to see the shape of it here it is so I've decided this is going to be the front part I kind of like this like overhang little window moment here that we're going to try and utilize now they've been very very cheeky because I can see some awkward little shapes here at the back uh including these one tile wide um moments that we've got going on here Chrissy you're evil evil you are but we're gonna give those a little go and it's overhanging here as well Unsure how we're going to be doing this at the back here no idea whatsoever but I do know as I said I want a nice kind of cottagey vibe from here so that's what we're gonna do let's get to it loves we're gonna put a roof on first I think I'm gonna roof across this area here bring it up just close to the runt bit there and I can't I think I want to make this kind of tall and I might even let me if I can round this off just a little Tad um and maybe even the top let me have a little look at that I think that could work because I'm thinking about doing a thatched roof now I'm hoping there's that roof pieces will fit on here quite deliciously oh they do this like they were born to be their love so we'll keep you up my sweet um yeah if I've been with that okay I'm gonna grab you I'm gonna copy you and I'm also just gonna turn you around to this way and I think I'm gonna do a little moment here as well we're gonna pull those flaps up everybody tuck your Flaps in please and I think I'll do the same on this side here as well and just flip that one over here but maybe just bring the height down of this side a little bit more yeah I think that would work a little roof piece on the top here as well down to around about there so we can get a window above it and I might I mean we're not gonna be able to round this much but just a little smidgen just to fit in with the vibe of the house I think it would be quite nice I'm gonna even bring it down a little bit further let me see that oh it's gorgeous yes I think I might even try a half gabled on this side here and I'm gonna try and maybe do a little moment like this in the words of Leona Lewis thank you whoever is Leona Lewis gone that's what I'd like to know she disappeared off the face of the Earth didn't she I don't need answers to that I'm not that bothered I'm gonna tuck this flap in here yeah I think that could be cute we'll see what happens we'll see what happens but at the minute it's fine by me so what I ended up doing is just copying this half gay board over onto this side here and then I've put in this half-hipped roof just on this part here I kind of wanted it to go in the middle so it looked okay but we've got this like one tile weirdness going on here so what I'm gonna probably have to do is try and match in this with this roof line and I'm unsure if this is going to be okay we're going to have a little look at it I think that would be okay so now this of what we're gonna do here what the hell are we gonna do here I'm definitely going to add in walls this might be cheating but I don't care so I'm going to add in a little chimney stack on that side there but I'm wondering if we could do maybe like a balcony moment here we've put in this fence here as a placeholder for the minute I'm not going to use that just yet can we get some better lighting thank you and I've used this half gabled half-hipped half gabled roof just over the whole top of that area there and I think from the Interiors I'm going to just block this off I'm just going to block that off like that and not use that space unless we could even put something in there like a door or something I'm kind of happy with how the shape the roofing I like that we added in a little extra chimney breast as well so I think what I want to do is pick some windows some doors some wallpapers and all of that good stuff so these are the wallpapers that I've chosen and these are just a couple of the windows and doors so I'm not going to put the windows and doors on just yet until I have figured out the floor plan so I'm using the Stone from cottage living and the kind of paneled beamed wallpaper from get together I think that looks very nice it can all defense we haven't done that just yet um and I like it I like that color tone I think it's very storybook esque and that's the kind of vibe we're going to go for today a very storybook esque Cottage there we go just like that you know that's good I've put it on the front here as well and I'm kind of vibing that I think that's very cute and date it's giving me Beauty and the Beast and that is the vibe that we're going for today test so as I said we need to I need to figure out a floor plan so that's what I'm going to go ahead and do and then that will give us options then on where to put the windows and whatnot so I'm probably going to make this maybe a two bedroom we'll see if we can make it a three and I'll be right back okay I've changed the windows the windows just weren't working with this specific specific Village so we've gone for these ones here from they're from University they're not from strangerville uh so yeah we've gone for these the bigger ones on the bottom and I've put some smaller ones in place uh around the build I will go through and I'll show you the floor plan of set build now chosen a fence up here unsure if it's the right one just yet I've put some uh exit doors as well on the back of the house and also on the small little balcony at the top here so floor plans downstairs the stairs were the most difficult thing to place in this build I just didn't know where to put them so I've kind of gave them their own kind of hallway moment here where I'm gonna put in a small bathroom downstairs here and with access I think the access is going to be in from the kitchen you find that a lot with Cottages as well they have like kind of little small Loos downstairs off the kitchen this being the kitchen so this area here is going to be the kitchen dining room and the living area over here so the living area and the dining room both got the access out onto a backyard area of some description and upstairs you come up here um a bit of a weird layout this but we're gonna go with it come up here onto the main Landing here we've got a main bathroom up on top here this is going to be a child's bedroom here and then we've got the main bedroom here but we'll also have a little ensuite it's got itself a little cheeky ensuite over here so they have got their own bathroom I didn't want the child to have access out onto the balcony here so that's why I put the doors on the side from the main bedroom that's what we're gonna do and I'm very pleased with it I like how it cut it's turned out so far so that's the Bare Bones we've got the Bare Bones in there now now we go in and add all of the gorgeous details so we're going to start off with a chimney we're gonna go for this one here from cottage living as well is that the right chimney I think it is I think it is I think it's very cute very Whimsical uh and I'm for it okay so what I want to start doing now I'm wondering whether or not I want to lift this Cottage up on not a foundation I just want it to have a slight little slope going up to it I think that would just add a little fun Dimension to things there we go Terrain it up I've also put on some stairs right at the front entrance but what we're going to do now is just smooth down this harsh kind of like pointy line that we've got going on here and then we're going to go around here and do exactly the same on the back you can't see what I'm doing there we are gorgeous and I don't think I'm gonna put a front fence down here I think what I'm going to do is maybe put some Landscaping down here and put the front fence at the top I might even wrap it around because I want to do some pillars and stuff here as well so that's what we're going to do oh I like the shape of that it's like it's all higgledy-piggledy and I do enjoy that on a cottage I'm going to raise this terrain up so it doesn't look that ignitive okay and I'm kind of for that so as I said I want to not make this little do so I'm going to move you up to there my love nope stop it stop it we need the Grid on right away I'm going to bring you up to there like that and that will just straighten that out quite nicely as well about as straight as me so and I'm going to do the same here as well sometimes it works okay if you like come down the stairs and use it as a banister I mean it's not great it's very stretched out but you know I'm kind of feeling that Vibe and that kind of works when you've lifted up the terrain and the stairs actually snap to it you can use a fence as a railing because as we all know the Sims team likes to give us fences and no matching railings to go with them don't they yes and as I said I do want to get a pillar on this side so I'm thinking about just slapping a couple of these in one there and one there so it kind of looks like that that's being held up quite nicely moving on to these but these are all going to be kind of the wrong shade of what I'm looking for I think this one here is the only one that's going to match in just so I can get some extra little details at the back here oh I don't like that I don't like that at all you know what let's not put a call there mine it's absolutely fine it doesn't need one it told me it said you know what I don't wanna I don't need a Corporal have you seen me I do not need a core ball and I was like do you know what love you are correct you are absolutely correct I didn't put one on and that is the storyline for today make sure you write that one down because that is Oscar worthy darling sisters oh stunning yes I'm feeling flowers I'm thinking maybe like a pink flower on this build oh yes not too high I think we'll go to about about there oh that looks very copy paste to me um can we move can you stop can you move like oh no maybe like there yeah that's better everyone's probably like there was no difference there but I could see it and that's all that matters I probably want to do this around the bilge so I think I'm going to go ahead and do that so I've went ahead and did that I've put a little window box here I've put some more flowers around on this side as well let's get some better lighting stunning and then all the smaller Windows I've put on a window box the big windows I didn't want to because they've got that lovely detail at the bottom of those windows I love that and I didn't want it I didn't want to cover them up I wanted them to have their own moment so that's what we've done and I've also pulled out a couple of trees here I do need to sink them down with the tool mod I will do that but we're going to play around with a bit of terrain painting now my love so I've perfected the terrain paint a little bit more now and I've also done a round the back area too and we've added in this small little growing veg guarding down here I was going to do a like a little uh Chicken Coop but I decided not to I decided not to and we've put this here instead we still need some um landscaping and stuff around this part obviously and what I've done over here is I've just carried I've extended out the fence through there and I've just carried it on around this area and put the gate over on this side so they've got their own little Courtyard kind of Walled in moment um coming from that side and I'm kind of happy with that kind of happy with that indeed so as I said I really want to get into more Landscaping now we'll start here I'll do a bit off of camera as well but we'll start down here I want to get in some of that lovely lovely lovely grass that I absolutely use to death because I love this around fences it just looks so natural and I'm very much for it a little cheeky one there like that oh very nice very um kind of that looks a bit too uniform it doesn't look natural there we go and then what about if I just like spin span you slightly like that oh that made the biggest difference in the world that did it really didn't but I like to just pretend that it did and you can float float nope you can go there just something like that I do like that maybe some cheeky mushrooms down here as well I always find these a bit too big so I always like to size them down a few times there we go my dear and I'm going to flop you a little mushroom here like that yes I like it I do like it I'm thinking about adding a hedge back here just a big head with like a big bush there but I'm gonna do all of that with the tall mod uh and the same over here as well I'm thinking like maybe utilizing some of this stuff and that is in this pack I can't remember where it is but we'll find it putting that down there and also around the tree as well we'll do that too so let me get that done and I'll be right back Landscaping is done I've just lifted it around and made it look a little bit more natural here and there I'm still unsure that this mailbox just yet but I'm going to leave it there for the minute I don't like where it is and I don't like how it looks I might even just put one of the wall yeah I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do that I'm gonna put on one of the wall ones up here and we can match it in that color oh because I've got a stupid face on it well it's got a face on now yeah we'll do that instead we'll do that instead it doesn't make sense to me because that was a like a British inspired pack and we've got lettered boxes there can we just have our post putting those about things thank you um and I also did the same around here so let's get some good lighting back here I put in a big head all the way around the build so it kind of swamps it and just makes it feel a little bit more private you know put a tree there as well and just perfect it up the terrain paints everywhere all around the actual build itself and it's looking marvelous yes it is so we're gonna make a start on the garden I'm thinking like a little patio table and chairs here like a lovely little entertaining but maybe even a picnic and bench would look cute here I might do that actually just to give us that outside Vibe um some flower boxes I think on the floor around there and there we go a couple of flower pots I put a candle out here as well for when you come out of an evening and I've also hung a few of these flower um boxes around I put one around on this side here as well just for some extra details and I pulled out some planters we've popped the Planters around there with a little hose pipe and I've also put a light on each of the doorways as well so all of the doorways are going to be lit up beautifully but that I think is enough enough for the exterior itself and which means we're going to be moving on to the actual interior now now to do that what I want to do is just get down all of the flooring and wallpapers change the stairs up and get some doors and stuff in and we'll make a start on each room all of the wallpapers and flooring have been chosen I've gone for a very natural Vibe what I can imagine being in a cottage some wood some exposed stone walls here and there but I've gone for a bit more of like a terracotta tile in the kitchen which I've carried on through into like the kind of main entrance and also in the bathrooms as well now in my head some grandparents live here and they have got full guardianship of their maybe grandson or granddaughter so we need to do a kid's bedroom but I want to make this look a little bit more oldie oldie world is that's what we're gonna do and we're gonna start by going in the living room so first things first this is the perfect little Nook to put in one of those wood burners so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna flop in a wood burner here we're gonna go for a dark black one that's better we'll get that one there we do some lovely curtains up on the wall and we'll go for these ones here from Seasons I just think they fit in quite nicely into this room I did try multiple of them but as we all know or as I know because I'm very fussy the curtains are in the Sims 4 I just can't bear any of them so this is quite a weird layout for a living room so I'm gonna have to figure out where I want things to go so this is what we're doing the TV is gonna go in this area here just right up to the curtain there I'm gonna use an older TV as well I'm not going to use the big screen in this room it just doesn't suit it I'm gonna put this little rocking chair over in the corner here this is Grandad's chair Do not sit in Grand dodged hair or I will fart on you and call you a um this is a sofa I've no idea where that came from I have no idea um I'm gonna put the sofa in that orientation there so it's kind of got this like little um entrance bit towards the back of it and then I'm gonna put in the little lamp over by the rocking chair granddad's rocking chair off muted there plant needs to go in that corner we haven't picked a plant just yet and I'm gonna flop in this little moment right there little rug little fluffy rug this side table with a lamp I'm gonna put on right next to the sofa area there I think that just looks very nice just little hints of blue here and there just so I can get that blue out from the cushion and I'm kind of vibing with that so I do want to plant I want to plant over in this corner I hate the lighting on this plant though it's horrible we will put that over there that works quite nicely actually so I'm thinking I would love a bookcase and this would be the perfect place to have a bookcase that one's not too bad actually let me get you in there I might even just bring it to the Forefront as well just so there's details pop out oh yeah yeah that's kind of cute actually yeah I do like that and we could even have like a little sitting area there to read a book from as well I'll try and figure out what to put there but I like that yeah that works and then over on this part here my loves I would like to put in a nice little desk here oh gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous I don't want anything too fancy so I'm going to use this one here just a generic desk chair over in that corner and the same with the PC as well lovely plant on this side picture up there picture there as well can I put in a little Hall table there oh I don't think I can I think that might be a bit of a squidge so let me pull out those few few things and also find a little bit of seating here as well for a little reading Nook and I'll be right back and there we go I've just put up a little cheeky Hedgehog plant I think that's a hedgehog and I've bought out some like military-esque pictures I'm just thinking about the older couple maybe Granddad was in the um Royal Air Force I've bought out a couple of them just to tell us story what else did I do I put some sconces up as well and I've also chosen this chair here with this little side table some books and a plant a little rug down there just as a nice little reading Nook I thought that was rather adorable and I'm kind of gonna go for it yeah cute that's a nice living room I do like that I think it just looks very realistic um and it is semi updated I wouldn't say it's like updated as such but yeah I'm kind of happy with how it looks okay well we'll move on to the kitchen we're going to go for this one here we're going to go for this kitchen here which is from cottage living as well so I'm gonna put an end piece in there though bring you to there I think that would be the perfect place for a sink I'm gonna flop you into the corner there my love in fact that would even be a perfect place for a sink like around about there we'll see what happens you're gonna go to here I'm gonna put the oven on this point and then I'm gonna carry around this corner moment to there and then finish it off here with a fridge I think I think that's where I'm gonna put the fridge that's kind of nice little layout for a kitchen there I do like that lots of nice workspace as well which is cool yes lovely we definitely need some curtains up at the window I think and I want to use the little granny ones that you go up halfway in the window and I might even pop a bit of color there too yeah there we go I've used those little curtains there and I've popped them in the in the color yellow as well I'm kind of vibing with that lovely okay right let's get to this then so I don't want to put these cupboards like all the way around here I think I just want it on this wall and maybe coming around this corner here now the only problem with using these is that I say this every time I use them but like the main cupboards and stuff I've all got objects on it and it just looks very copy paste you know like I I it annoys me so I think we might get away with it here because we've got a bit of an odd shape going on and you know what I'm vibing with that loves I really am because we could do that little corner moment there oh that's cute yeah we'll do that stop you to there and then to finish it off I'm gonna do one of these yeah that's cute I like that okie dokie lovely gently what could we add here there needs to be something up on the wall there no idea maybe that could be a bit of a coffee and tea station so maybe that kind of vibe can go there and I said I wanted to get out the little breakfast nook here so let me do that so I've gone for like a little dining table in this little breakfast nook area and you can see I've put a shelf in I've also put a little cheeky blind in there and I put in some pet bowls as well just in case they've got some pets I can imagine maybe having a cat or a dog um plates some pans up on the wall there I actually reduced this in size so I could squeeze a bin in this area a little dish rack rug going down here I've put a little tea set up there my loves some baked goods and also a little radio too for when they're out here doing a little bit of baking or cooking kind of feeling that Vibe yes I am a joke now this being an older generation I wouldn't mind some of those China cabinets in here as well so I'm gonna flop a few of them in or at least a couple or even like a big Welsh dresser dresser big Welsh dresser I think that could be a good vibe actually now I always forget where these are and this is the one I meant this one is from oh God it's from cats and dogs I'm gonna flop you to there put you directly in the middle because I would probably want to put a couple of sconces either side here is that at the right height I think that might be a bit High a bit High down you come it'll flop you to there beautiful yeah that's cute I actually had to size this down as well because it's massive anyway you'll see the size of it so I sized it down with the talk much just because the plates go through the ceiling we don't want that to be done do we Darlings no we do not if you've got that there I'm thinking probably oh I'm about a circular table here no because I've got an idea for these two little nooks here and there so what I'm gonna do is find a nice dining room table and chairs so what I've done is use the cats and dogs table with the uh cottage living chairs but then what I was thinking maybe they get some extra guests so I'm going to flop in a couple of extra chairs either side here so they could pull these to the dining table themselves and Bob's your uncle fannies your absolute Aunt you know I think I'm gonna do that I don't think I'm gonna do that I know I'm gonna do that I'm gonna move that there though just so it's directly above the dining table just like that yes very nice very nice indeed I would love a like a long sort of size table there but I think that might be a bit of a squidge I mean they could walk around here so you know and sometimes in Cottages you've got to do that kind of because Cottages my loves are small you heard it here first breaking news everybody cottages are small yeah that's nice I do like that I do like that it's almost making me want to use another one of these paintings out here but I know that those were the only two military-esque ones to be honest oh do you know what cowboys my granddad like Cowboys why not you know I like Cowboys as well but for a very different reason to my grandad filth loves that's why I like Cowboys what is it what is it about a cowboy oh oh absolutely what and if you have got a southern American accent front of the queue my love absolutely front of the queue there's something very sexy about that accent I've said it here on the channel and I'm saying it here again I've said it here before on the channel sorry and I'm saying it again Tom's like excuse me oh well you know anyway moving on we're gonna flop you today I'm gonna move the door because I think this would be a lovely space or a plant yes yes that's perfect absolutely perfect definitely want to put some pieces up here so let me grab out a few little trinkety bits maybe something for the table as well maybe and I'll be right back there we go just a bunch of flowers a and also a little box that I would imagine maybe it was a beloved pet they had once and that's their ashes um I've pulled out a little drinks tray as well and popped a little plant on there and you know what I'm vibing with that I'm happy with other downstairs looks it feels very lifting very real uh so we're gonna go up and I think we're gonna make a start on the actual main bedroom itself so let me just pull out a few objects also get some curtains and we'll make a start so here we are in the main bedroom I've actually put in a fireplace I put in a fireplace so that made me putting an extra chimney so I put in an extra chimney too uh I just thought it would be nice because of this access here I couldn't put the bed in here and I was like oh what could I use this for and then a fireplace came in and I was like do you know what you're going in we're gonna use this bed we're gonna use this footbed from um cats and dogs I think I'm gonna flop it into that position there and I'm gonna put two side tables either side I'm gonna go for these ones these base game pulley old-fashioned kind of lamps I think they would suit this room quite well a bit unsure about that color let's see if I can change that color up a little bit um that's better yeah we'll go for a little bit more of a Blanca Vibe yeah I think that's okay okay yep happy with that so we've got all of this area here to like utilize now so I'm thinking we definitely I would love some kind of dressing table so I'm going to put a dressing table in this room somewhere it might even be better if I did the dressing table up against here and did two chest of drawers rather than using um a wardrobe I think I might do that so I changed my mind about the fireplace I just I just kept looking at it and I was like do you know what why don't we try and get a wardrobe in here instead so I've used one wardrobe uh this chest of drawers and this dressing table here now I know your Sims can't come here and like put their makeup on and stuff I wish that was the thing with this it kind of makes sense that object I don't know why they didn't do that missed opportunity as far as I'm concerned uh and I think what I want to put into this corner is maybe some kind of like floral chair a little floral chair in the corner here maybe even of a side table Maybe not maybe not in fact a lamp I'm gonna put a lamp here yes that one in the corner there lovely lovely uh and I know this isn't usable but I am gonna think I think I'm gonna put a little bar stool here what do you know what that Green's not too bad yes we'll pop this here so this could be where Margaret she's called excited and that is where she puts on her makeup in the morning she loves to look nice every day design Mark Marge does that Marge let's get a couple of combs up there because I reckon Albert likes to look Albert I reckon he looks likes to look nice as well douses himself in um Old Spice I've already put teeth in the bathroom but we could put a couple of couple of gnashes out there as well yeah that's very cute maybe some kind of storage down here would look nice now the only problem is all the storage in the Mist section it's just they just don't fit the vibe oh I know this is a toy box but I this could fit the vibe of having little Trinkets and stuff in there yes and that's watches not too bad either yeah we'll pop you there why not and there we go just finished it off with a few trinkety bits some laundry a bunch of flowers I put another flower up there and a little photo or a little painting around on that side and I used this rug from Paranormal just to bring a pop it's the same kind of tones of color but I just wanted to lift up the color a little bit so a nice yellowy tone I also furnished the ensuite as well as the ensuite bathroom is completely furnished um along with the main bathroom didn't show you that because bathrooms are boring but I've um yeah done that bath full shower two things it's got it all going on now I'm gonna furnish this room for a team I was gonna do a children's bedroom but I don't want to I've decided that the teen now lives here and so that's what we're gonna do that is what we're gonna do now we've got this funny little Nook thing and I'm wondering I think that could be the perfect spot put a desk in like a single tile desk okay I kind of went off on a bit of a tangent then and just furnished this room for some reason without talking I was just like and we're here we're here I decided against putting the desk in there it was just looking really weird and it was making the room lay out just feel I don't know strange so what I've done let's put the desk here I put the desk here with some trinkety bits on some glasses I've also put up that little poster session up there I reckon this teen is a bit of creative so I've put an easel in here as well with some newspaper underneath where they can get creative listen to some music and put some music in there as well as some gym equipment I also put in this little egg chair and with some incense maybe they're very much in touch with nature that kind of goodness and obviously the Wardrobe as well uh and that's it my darling that is it the only thing to do and I'm not gonna do much out here at all I think I just want to put in a nice little comfy looking uh sofa like this out on this little Nook here and just so they've got somewhere to somewhere to come and sit out on the balcony I mean there's not masses out there but that's what I want my darlings we are done with this build that window is glitched out how very dare you so let's have a little look around shall we so this is the front I like how cute it looks very nice cute cottagey moment we've got going on here very much for Rhett um a hard shell actually this was a hard shell to him to do come around to the back here let's get some better lighting back here as well so we have got the let's get the trees back as well we need the full moment please thank you we've got the little uh tiny little growing area where they can grow some fruit and veg and whatnot I think that will work out quite well um same up here as well more Planters around here then you come in for the little fenced walled in Courtyard moment and this is the back of the build I changed the roof line that roof shape there was bothering me so I've gone for a bit more of that Vibe now uh cute cute but again it was a hard shell to work with it really was but I think I've done semi-okay with it um I'm not massively proud of it but I still think it's very cute this build going in through the front door so you're coming through here into the main little entrance hall that goes off to either side this side being the only downstairs bathroom but it's got a full shower and everything in there gorgeous you come through this way straight into the living area living room in here gorgeous gorgeous things and as with this room it has got access out onto the back Garden area there little office Nook over into that side coming through into the dining room gorgeous gorgeous things in here as well again access out to the back from the dining room as well and then into the kitchen um yeah the kitchen looks very cute the kitchen is probably my favorite room I think just got a nice vibe in here uh but I do like it and again it's got access out but this one goes out to the side right down into the little veg patch down there I'm not going to go through the floor plan we're just going to go through up here too much of a walk gloves and this video ever this has already taken me three hours to record this so for goodness sake uh into the main bathroom upstairs kind of dated a little bit cold looking but kind of into that story lines and into the room that we just did I've just shown you around this one the teen room lovely jubbly and then into the main bedroom uh the main bedroom is cute as well like how the main bedroom turned out I really do and we've access out onto a balcony as well I might put a little bit more out there before I put it up on the gallery it looks a bit bare doesn't it it really does and then you come in here into the ensuite from how high is that is that supposed to be that high well knowing the Sims yes yes it is and you can also just have a little look at the floor plan as well if you were interested in that kind of thing so that is the upstairs area there and then down to the ground floor area there um but yeah we are done for today my loves we are done for today let's get some good lighting to finish on please thank you um very cute little cottagey build Chrissy thank you so much for letting me play around with the shell even though it's very hard um but yeah thank you so much for watching my darlings leave me some lovely comments down below and I'll see you on my next video goodbye
Channel: Devon Bumpkin
Views: 61,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, devonbumpkin, lets build the worlds, lets build, the sims, the sims 4, the sims 4 house build, the sims 4 build, the sims 4 gameplay, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build
Id: sDa_AGuy45Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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