100 BABY CHALLENGE IN THE SIMS 4 (Streamed 5/6/23)

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hello everyone um today is gonna be big we have a lot to discuss um but today's gonna be big so this should be fun I'm very excited um we're gonna play the 100 baby challenge all day that part I'm less excited about um but what I am excited about is that uh we're number one very close to raising a hundred thousand dollars for Saint Jude um number two twitch is matching up to twenty five thousand dollars in donations today so what that means is if we raise twenty five thousand dollars twitch will donate twenty five thousand dollars to Saint Jude um and then the other thing is that Taylor Swift announced speak now Taylor's version so I've had three very big things happen today um that's my life update if you could have seen my face the okay so me and Dan always watch Taylor's um concert when she's like doing the surprise songs um we always find it live on Tick Tock and we watch it um and so we have pulled one up and then we both get notifications on our phone that Taylor Nation went live on Instagram and we were like oh my God it's gonna happen it's happening and then she announced speak now Taylor's version so uh basically it's been a big day I was so excited you guys know I must speak now girly so yeah very excited you also paired the vinyl at me too still singing I was pre-ordering the vinyl anyway um the other thing is that since I went offline last night we passed ninety two thousand dollars [Applause] um we were at like 91 700 when I got offline yesterday so button press to start off the stream we're at 92 000. should I stay or should I tow with the dollar uh maroon who's seeing Taylor Swift tonight oh my God you better come back and give us updates I'm serious uh make twitch pay yay with the five dollars also thank you so much oh my God sorry I just got a DM from from Avery she said good luck today get that 25k milk twitch for all they're worth thank you to little Sia who says uh milk twitch for all their worth for the five dollars um yeah so that five dollars you just donated twitch is gonna donate five dollars as well thanks to you they're gonna do it all at once obviously um but twitch's magic donations so we'll get into the the details but um I'm really excited Tessa thank you for the for the fifty dollars underwater chicken with the forty dollars Momo with the 35 thank you so much I'm gonna get my game ready um so that we can uh okay that's not a game there we go um so we can play the baby challenge oh my God so we started playing The 100 jump scare we started playing the 100 baby challenge um on Monday uh and so we've been like slowly you know working our well we only played it on Monday I've been a bit busy this week doing um you know raising 92 000 for Journey so we haven't had time to uh play again yet but today we're gonna play all day um so far we have like five babies which isn't that many um but we're doing okay uh we were also hoping to do some Renovations today to the house I think uh we're obviously severely out of space so we need to probably start off by expanding the house we wanted to live in a micro home for as long as physically power of tiny home and stop micro we wanted to live in a tiny house for as long as possible um and I've I think I've achieved what I needed out of that I mean I maxed the painting skill the kids are doing well so um now is probably a good time to do some updates to the house um and I don't know we'll go from there the longer I can prolong um having to unpause this game the better because if you guys were here yesterday um look we've been we've been through a lot we've been through a lot okay um and I just I want to avoid infants a little bit longer yesterday we um we had 22 infants in our house at once it was a thing of nightmares it was so rough in every way it was absolutely horrible uh and her sins in honor of your mom um and your granddad Eternal dream with the 20 uh Anna with the 25 in honor of your friend's brother um Belle with a hundred and fifty dollars um you're a nurse that works with adults but you work at a St Jude Hospital uh one of their partner hospitals and get to see all the amazing things they do firsthand thank you for all you do Belle that's amazing news thank you thank you for the huge donation and thank you for everything you do nurses are truly heroes in every sense of the word so thank you thank you thank you Belle um Rebecca and blue and ezzy for the kids it's actually 20 thanks twitch with the ten dollars Angela Charlie Riley uh Zaya thank you all so much Charlie honored your grandfather um Kath gold elbows ring you're doing brilliant Madeline thank you all so much oh my God Aubry with the 200 for your grandpa um Molly Nicole who saved this donation for today to get the twitch match thank you so much um and Mari thank you thank you thank you everybody are we at 93 000. what the heck is happening and did somebody raid I didn't even see I was I was oh no joy hello thank you for coming in I was reading donations I didn't even see thank you hello we're raising money for Saint Jude today um and and twitch is matching up to twenty five thousand dollars in donations today let me explain to you guys what's going on so basically I went to visit Saint Jude uh last week I was I was there in person at the hospital um and they had sort of an event going on with a lot of people who also fundraised for Saint Jude and like tiltify was there there were some people from twitch there and on the last day they did like a a twitch stream on twitch's channel like twitch.tv forward slash twitch you know um and they had like a couple hosts and they were talking about Saint Jude and like everyone's efforts for play live and stuff and they like had a couple people come on and talk they had like um the CEO of elsac came on and talked a couple friends of mine like other streamers came on and talked and then at the end they were like we're gonna do a clip countdown of the top five best clips of of Saint Jude's streams from last year and they showed a couple there was like somebody getting pied in the face there was like somebody's dad and like a chicken hat it was it was all very funny and then they're like the number one clip though and they they're like kind of building it up and then they played it and it was me it was me and my dad last year after I shaved his head on stream the day that we raised three hundred thousand dollars last year um and it was me like uh with confetti and like kind of joking um well they gave us the number one clip and then and I'm not kidding I had no idea about this they're like Kayla we just want to say we're so grateful for you and for that reason we're going to match 25 000 to your stream next week so here I I'm just sitting in the audience uh me and spring Sams are just sitting there watching wait it was like by the way camera cuts to me in the audience we're gonna donate 25 000 I don't even know how to react I was like I don't know I'm it's kind of funny when you watch the clip back because they're like where's Little Susie and I'm like in the crowd anyway it was wild it was absolutely wild um I cannot believe that they did that um anyway so twitch is matching 25 000 in donations to Saint Jude today um so we've got a lot to look forward to are those plum Bob colored nails I mean if you want them to be we could say they are super Dell uh hey Autumn nostalgic Kim Abby Toler Sandra David Olivia bomber with 150 on behalf of your grandparents Angela Amy in honor of your grandma um oh your grandpa sorry I'm so sorry thank you for the donation make twitch pay Clayton um for your friend Caroline thank you all so much everybody I'm sorry I hope I didn't miss anything and oh my God ready with the 500 donation to Saint Jude um did we just pass 94 000. [Applause] huh so the other thing is that we're getting really close to our goal of a hundred thousand dollars um but actually beyond that uh if we raise a hundred and one thousand five hundred and eighty four dollars and forty cents we will have in total over the last few years raised one million dollars for Saint Jude we've done this a few times and if we get to a hundred and one thousand dollars today we will have raised one million dollars for Saint Jude I wanna show you guys this is a picture of me um from when I was at the hospital but um Saint Jude made this kind of fun like TV screen that they made like a software where you can search up uh your own name and like see how much you've raised um for them and this is obviously from last week so it's before the 94 000. um but we had raised as of last week 898 415.60 um and then you know this week we raised another almost ninety five thousand dollars so once we get to that 101 we will have raised one million dollars for Saint Jude and I think we're gonna get there today um so that's kind of uh unbelievable and I don't even know how to respond to that but that's like genuinely when I say unbelievable unbelievable that number unbelievable so thank you all so much um oh my God Trish with the fifty dollars um thank you so much Trish Anonymous with the five hundred dollars oh my God [Applause] oh I'm angry with a hundred and fifty dollars for your dad who is a pediatric oncologist uh Rin Elvira illiterate snack pretty marshmallow cat guys I might have I'm not caught up thank you all so much thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you where do we even begin is now a bad time to try and build like are we gonna be able to renovate this right now laughs are we even gonna be able to do this Morgan Anna Lily thank you thank you everybody so much um I'm gonna try we're gonna try okay we can handle it we can handle it it's fine everything's fine and completely under control if there's one way I would describe me um and my streams is fine and completely under control I went to breakfast with my parents this morning um and my dad was oh the alerts are kind of delayed sometimes um I went to breakfast with my parents this morning um and my dad was like that stream yesterday oh my God he was like the crying [Laughter] survived that 22 infants in the household but he was watching and he was like oh that was rough [Music] honor of your boyfriend's sister thank you for the hundred and fifty dollars thank you so much um oh thank you thank you Stargazer um Dollar Tree to one million Katie Mackenzie with 150 dollars too you guys um this is going a little bit faster than I anticipated it too we just raised 96 000 for Saint Jude um I've been live for like 12 minutes we just got here we did we haven't even started yet I have yet to unpause the game what oh Heather sorry fun fact baby elephants are able to stand within 20 minutes of being born good for them you know you hear things about animals and you're like wow human babies I mean we're not we're not the best let's just say that human babies what do they do sit there we are weak we are weak Monica Alyssa Rosie even the puffer sorry royalty oh my God you guys I hope I'm not missing anything Heather Chuckles Serena Marie in honor of Hector Sarah Emily uh Keek thank you all so much okay okay I'm gonna need to focus fully caffeinated with 150 Polaroid with the 15 thank you so much okay did I turn on move objects yet all right let's think about this seriously for a sec we're gonna try and renovate the house a tiny bit because we need to make ourselves some more space for the babies we only have one bedroom that's not gonna cut it should we like honestly should we like rebuild it oh my God we just passed ninety seven thousand dollars okay are we just gonna bulldozer is that what we're gonna do let me take this stuff um all the uh you know important things and we can just see about about rebuilding it yeah oh wait no sell those it's probably gonna be for the best if we just like try again because this I mean what we have right now it's not it's not that good it's only small P Joanna for your two aunts Lacey um in honor of your grandma Caden with a hundred dollars Brie in honor of my cramps who says I miss you every day um now what was that what the heck okay unlike elephants humans have arms to carry babies okay fair enough fair enough elephants still win though be fact uh filthy Anonymous thank you for the donations according to all known laws of Aviation there is no way a bee should be able to fly its wings are too small to get his fat little body off the ground not this not this not the B Movie again we just got here okay I'm almost done I'm just gonna get all the useful things and then we'll we'll rebuild yeah yeah that'll be a good place to start I think so at least all right now go away yay okay so we need to make sure that we have oh we only have 20 000. oh no I don't Miss Kira and her dogs Ava Harrison V Linda Gabby poorly drawn frogs Caitlin thank you all so much the donation to okay okay okay okay okay okay okay um okay today's gonna be a lot oh you're live I'm a great mod move says um yeah miff I am live in fact uh we just raised 98 000 for Saint Jude um let's get I think you were the 150 Amber Tara Jackie with 150 uh Annie thank you thank you lorianne thank you so much okay okay we have to focus we have to focus no the match isn't counting towards the goal um basically the way that the twitch match Works um twitch is going to donate like the money to Saint Jude directly and then tell tiltify when they've done it and then tiltify will like add the goal um we'll like update it is how they do the matches because they they'll just donate it directly um and so uh it has not happened there's not actual matching happening yet it will later but um they would donate in like a lump sum at the end um so this is just you guys there's no doubling going on right now this is literally just you oh my God Viv um fun Florida fact the state bird of Florida is the northern mockingbird really I didn't know that Elsie is horny for bees in the room with us pretty Tina not this Sarah and all of your Best Friend's Summer um and are there bees in the car Cinematic Universe maybe Michael and Kate Bert Bertie um oh my God ebony lives with the 300 donation oh my God you guys no no no I actually I can't I actually cannot we just raised 99 thousand dollars [Applause] [Music] I don't know what to do um folks Dollar Tree Natalia thank you all for those donations um not this that just scared me my dad told me yesterday um he like had left the stream for a second and then came back like 15 minutes later and this thing was there and it wasn't there when he left because I had like put it there terrified him when he saw like a face in the background scared me when I saw the face in the background I went full cam and I was like uh what's that uh Liz move move bloody giraffe um Annie Megan Nat and Natalia thank you all so much you guys I don't even know what to do we're about to raise 100 I don't even want to look oh my God okay okay okay deep breath get it together get it together oh my God oh my God oh my God ten dollars it hasn't even been a week it hasn't even been a week thank you so much oh my God can I just say I am I'm gonna get emotional for a second so bear with me um I know I talk about this all the time and I tell this all the time and stuff but like getting to do this is is like really and truly the highlight of my life like I am so so grateful um to have you guys and like for the fact that we can do this um because this is just like that doesn't that's unfathomable right like the fact that this has happened and and we just I'm not even playing the game I'm not even doing anything I'm just sitting here I can't even say I'm just out here playing Sims I'm not I'm just sitting here and you guys phrased a hundred thousand dollars for the kids at St Jude I I don't even know how to thank you I don't even know how to thank you um for those of you that maybe don't know um Saint Jude is a Children's Research Hospital here in the U.S um they help a lot of kids a lot of kids that are going through a lot of really really horrible things um and it means so much to me that we're able to do this and and raise this money not only for research to help find cures but also to help save these kids um I know a lot of you guys probably know this already but my dad has cancer um he's been battling multiple multiple myeloma for 10 years now actually almost exactly 10 years now um and after seeing him and what he's gone through and like what our family has gone through um I my God I just cannot imagine a child having to do that I mean you guys these cancer treatments are so hard on adults and I just can't imagine a kid having to do this I think that this year um this is hitting me a little bit harder than it has in the past obviously like doing this is always emotional and stuff but I think that this year it's been like really um it's been really emotional for me like I've been getting off stream every day and just feeling so like I don't know um It's a combination of like grateful obviously for you all and so amazed um but also just um my heart hurts for those kids you know um and so I'm really thankful for you all for helping us do this uh we just raised a hundred and one thousand dollars for Saint Jude um in fact uh when we raise 101 584 dollars we will have raised one million dollars for Saint Jude yeah yeah um we just oh my God how you guys we raised a million dollars for the kids I can't believe that thank you so much I don't even know what to say that's so cool you're making such a difference thank you for helping me do this thank you for helping me do this ha can I press my button [Applause] that's for a million okay press it a million times more oh my God wow okay um I didn't expect this to happen um I don't know I did what I feel like I wasn't emotionally prepared for this yet I can't believe we did this okay um now what like oh I just almost threw my phone yikes oh my God press it again for 102k okay we can press the button twice I'll let us press the button twice well I think I saw my dad in the chat a second ago oh my God we've only been live for like 20 minutes okay okay okay um whoa so uh we gotta up that goal I think uh maybe that's step one maybe that's where we begin um do we dare do we dare double it two hundred thousand dollars I think we can do it and you guys I just want to say also that twitch is matching donations today up to 25 000 so if you donate right now twitch is essentially gonna double it make twitch pay make twitch pay oh my God oh my God oh okay um so I guess I didn't really think this through because I don't have like my I can't I haven't updated the tiltify page with the the stretch goals and stuff yet um but at a hundred thousand dollars I promised that I was gonna uh do a Katy Perry what I call Katy Perry Sweet Treats IRL um in case you're familiar with the most iconic Sims pack of all time Katy Perry Sweet Treats um I'm gonna dress up like Katy Perry from the Sweet Treats cover and I am going to do a baking stream uh we'll do that probably in like a couple weeks maybe on um maybe on like the 17th or something um now this next one um if we raise a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for Saint Jude I am going two reset my Animal Crossing Island um you know how I spent like months and months straight working on that Green Island on my Animal Crossing switch um and we spent like hours hunting for all green villagers and we spent all that um I'll reset it and we'll do it again I'm maybe not green this time I don't know but we'll reset it I've never reset an animal across the island like that um but I'll do it so and then uh this one's exciting if we raise two hundred thousand dollars for Saint Jude everyone's like don't do it oh but what if we did Pink instead you know all pink Island if we raise two hundred thousand dollars for Saint Jude um I'm gonna do well okay if we raise two hundred thousand dollars for Saint Jude we're going to Disney World I want to do like an IRL stream at St Jude all right sorry at Disney World I don't know why I said that I want to do an IRL stream at Disney world like we'll go to Magic Kingdom and I'll stream from there wouldn't that be fun so we'll we'll we're going to Disney World if we're if we raise two hundred thousand dollars for stay tuned um I'm quite excited about it I think it's kind of gonna be kind of a fun idea so um we'll we'll go um well I don't know we'll ride like the Winnie the Pooh ride and it'll just be fun if I arranged it yet no so the thing about that is um I'm not gonna tell you what day I'm going there until the day that I go there you know um and I'm gonna bring like my dad good stuff so um just to be safe but I feel like it's okay because Disney obviously has security it's ticketed like um I think it would be fine um but I probably wouldn't tell you like long in advance just you know you know seems reasonable um we also just raised a hundred and three thousand dollars for Saint Jude while I was talking so um yeah I thought about it a lot but that's we're going to Disney World um my dad said yes dad's going to Disney World we can get Dole Whip I mean wouldn't it be just great yeah I think it'll be fun so um guys I realize that I have not read donations in minutes um so I just want to say thank you so much we just raised a hundred and four thousand dollars for 17. um oh my God I yeah I fear the catching up may be slightly impossible um so I just want to say thank you so much so much this is so cool um and and maybe maybe should I put the game back up should we try I did in fact bulldoze our house so we're we're in an unfortunate situation right now um because now I have to rebuild the whole thing so here we go oh my goodness how did that happen oh I did it on purpose I wanted to rebuild because it was too small um but yeah there's just babies like just one baby two baby that makes sense woo Disney they're here for the donation um maybe I don't move Disney too loud the mouse isn't really my friend at the moment but you know okay okay okay okay okay okay okay what should it look like I don't know we need to have like honestly it's probably in our best interest to like maybe we should have like a baby and toddler room and then like an older kids room for sleeping and maybe we could have like a dedicated space for um for like skill building and stuff maybe we could have I don't know we don't have that much money so we can't be like too greedy with what we're spending um we can do a really small room for the primary bedroom and we'll have the bassinets in there or they don't really need to because we don't keep them as babies do we um oh my God you guys there's been so many donations thank you so much we just passed 15 000 um JM thank you for the 500 donation thank you so much uh these are gonna be so delayed for so long the the alerts so wish us luck here uh but thank you so much everybody okay I've seen a lot of color ideas red because we had red before pink people are saying do a blue Suburban which is honestly also really funny um but um maybe I'll have the okay how about this let's get like a nice hallway situation let's do two bathrooms like this um so here's what I'm thinking I know this looks really weird but it's gonna be good I swear um we'll do like this will be a hallway into those rooms um and so there'll be like the primary bedroom we'll have toddler room kids room you know all that good stuff might need to make it bigger bigger is probably better that might be good and then we can have the main living space over here okay it's not gonna be a tiny house anymore I realize that and it's okay if it's not fully furnished either I I feel like um if we can't fully furnish it like that's fine you know um the main goal I think is probably more so just to have like a decent sized house and then we can expand from there as we're getting more money you know and and decorate better and everything like that um guys thank you for your donations there's been so many and I know so many of you were donating in honor of your loved ones um some of you donating for yourself thank you thank you thank you so much like from the bottom of my heart thank you so much um purple what like for Taylor Swift I don't know maybe we'll see we'll see you guys know me too well oh we are all the same aren't we all the same deep down um all right I feel like this is quite large um but large is probably for the best um should we have like maybe there could be like a spot for the breakfast nook and then we could do oh my God the house is too big you know me all too well yeah there you go I don't know if purple's gonna be as easy as you think here's the problem with purple that I've experienced in the past when I've tried to do purple builds in this game it's like good idea in theory but then in practice there's actually not as much purple stuff as we think there is in this game like when I did the purple not so Berry house it was actually kind of rough um because there's not there's not as much purple as I want there to be did we just oh my God I'm doing six thousand dollars thank you so much um thank you thank you thank you Joe Sage uh Vega cat stinker Bell green Dora Ariel uh him Emily Natalie Jody thank you all so much no it doesn't have to be all one color we can do any color scheme um that we want maybe I shouldn't do any fence actually yet fence might be a waste of our money now that I think about it um oh this tree is like oh no that is inconvenient okay I might have to have the the side yard be over here oh you know what we could do actually what if um if this is gonna be the toddler room what if there was like a toddler patio specifically for the toddlers with like toys on it we could put like a uh one of the little dog doors to get out to it we'll make it big it'll be nice okay Sarah thank you for the donations everybody um oh hold on this has to be bigger that's fine that will do this bathroom is bigger it'll have the bathtub how about that okay okay TV is coming rip me if you guys could have seen the tears streaming down my face last night when Taylor Swift did not speak now I am a speak now girly through and through best day of my life I'm not trying to be dramatic I'm just trying to be honest that's really and truly how I feel best day of my life thank you I was so excited so excited um anyway got her late any babies born um actually no I've probably been playing for real for about five minutes because we spent the first 30 minutes of the stream uh raising a hundred thousand dollars for Saint Jude so I was a little bit too distracted to uh to adequately um to adequately function let's say that um yeah so uh no no babies yet no babies yet uh we've been busy 107. oh my God Mackenzie with the 500 in memory of your mom thank you so much Jen in honor of your mom uh Caitlyn thank you all so much for your huge donations yeah guys I want to put a basement but I'm worried about um I'm worried about money right now so we might have to like add the basement later you know like once we have um Maybe like set ourselves up a little bit better I'll probably put it here but I'm worried about putting a basement now because we only have like 13k but I'll put the basement um because the thing is we wanted to have a basement so I could put this is gonna sound really bad so I just want you guys to understand that um I don't mean it that way but I need to have a basement so I can put the graves of all my baby daddies in it um I'll put the staircase right here I'm just I uh I just can't afford it yet um It's Perfectly reasonable there's nothing to see here but yeah long story short I need to have um I need to have a basement for my Graves oh my God um thank you so much oh my son was so touched by your reaction to hitting the goal and talking about your family so that when he's older he's sick see if you're still playing Sims on YouTube he'll donate 50 000 hundred oh see thank you for the donation that is incredibly generous of you I'm so proud of you when you grow up you're gonna do some good things uh for Amy Kaylee cheese thank you all for the donations too you guys can make me cry that is precious oh okay um also Sage but a different one who says he he who everyone with that name has a good taste thank you so much for your donation to stay tuned also you're so right all right this is taking up a lot of space um I think it should be fine let's put all of our stuff back too because we do have some stuff boo-boo borp with the 150 who says seems to be soon to be 450 through both twitch and employer match oh my God that's actually a really huge thing to point out um if you guys if your workplace matches donations um if you donate today obviously like your work and twitch will match so essentially triple it triples the donation um so make sure you if you're gonna donate make sure you check into that uh your employer see if they match after you donate on the screen um when it finishes there's like a employer matching button you can press as well and it'll take you through some steps to try and find out if your employer matches too a lot of companies match donations to charity so definitely worth looking into [Applause] but make twitch pay and make your job pay you know okay donations too all right um so guys I'm a little bit um I'm a little bit embarrassed by how empty this is gonna be for now um so so listen are we gonna be able to afford a lot no uh it's okay it's fine it is it could be worse we're doing so well right now everything's fine totally and completely fine it's a work in progress is what it is and it's good it's good to start big I think because we'll like keep painting and trying to earn money um and as we're doing that we'll really upgrade everything so well you spend too much no I wanted to make it big so I didn't have to rebuild again so I I sort of made it big on purpose um with the intention of like hoping that it would be big enough to not have to redo another time so are we renovating today oh yeah I built a fresh house paying mad flat donations uh fun facts dollar train um who says uh oh my God I lost it uh-oh never mind thank you for the fun fact um Lori for your Aunt Lori Brenda um Amy and Ellie thank you so much oh flash Felix thank you so much okay okay everything's fine just focus focus we're all fine everything's fine um I guess I'll put all the Necessities in here first and then we'll be able to add to it as we're um upgrading yeah see that's nice in honor of Alfie and Zach with 150 Black Rose Felix thank you for the donations too and we have a decent amount of furniture still so it's it should be okay although we do have to pay for um you know everything still like Windows wallpaper um all that sort of thing okay um that's all the absolute Necessities at least for now I can put a couple of these back in here too okay I had some food as well this thing is useful for the baby challenge because if you have this then you don't have to um if you have that then you don't have to uh like take food out of the fridge the toddlers can just grab it out of the fridge um and then they'll be able to use it without having to worry about you like you know fixing anything which is nice oh I have some cute pictures as well I have some cute pictures she says and then hangs up her drawing of the Grim Reaper no we're gonna play today I'm I'm almost done don't worry this won't take me too much longer Chad I'm not kidding um that's every piece of furniture that we already had and now I have to finish um now I have to just finish decorating the outside which um again also won't take me too long because we only have like 12 000 simoleons so I'll be cute toe time Anonymous with the 250 who says make twitch pay 9 000. UM leave for the hundred dollars empty um currently editing your thesis about babies thank you for the donation also everybody okay roofs are free so that's a good start oh my God these the alerts are so delayed that's gonna be a lot um do I want to put like a roof here or no maybe I won't do a roof there maybe I'll just have it be empty no porch for now I'm not sure Jennifer's with the 500 for your best friend's mom who's recovering from brain cancer uh wolf Cynthia for your grandpa thank you all for the donations are you thank you for the donation too oh my God oh my God oh my God I don't even know what to do oh is this even possible um okay I guess that's actually inconvenient the sizing of that so how are we doing this last time we had like um last time we had Katie just donated a thousand dollars Katie thank you so much for that unbelievably generous donation I'm sorry the alerts are so delayed this is gonna take minutes to catch up probably but Katie that is so generous thank you so much Tristan with a hundred dollars also thank you thank you thank you so much oh my God um what was it what were we talking about what's going on I don't know what to do or say right now thank you all so much and with a hundred and fifty dollars um thank you okay guys that's 111 000 raised for St Jude my cat's here uh-oh the Caddis is um messing with the Rick Astley thing hey Snapchat guess what we just raced 111 000 for Saint Jude come on the desk come here you can see some ears she got on my lap come here hey do you want to thank everybody the camera's right here look here no no this way come here over here she doesn't want to look at you the camera is focusing on her tail though isn't it so that's good enough right stop they're all saying they're a huge fan they love you did you know that no you don't know what twitch is could you imagine she is she has absolutely no idea that 6 000 people are all screaming her name right now totally unaware of the situation at hand she thinks I'm just talking to myself and I miss uh Sierra fun facts dollar trains who says it's estimated that there are 1.3 million alligators in Florida um that's impressive but not a number that I appreciate well thank you for informing us of the alligator facts I you know this is the kind of thing that I I feel it's important for us to know I I think that uh it's it's good to stay informed about the the alligator situation you know um it it's just it's it's our duty to keep ourselves updated on this fact as fun fact no I look I've lived in Florida for a long time I'm not I'm not really worried about alligators does that make you feel better if I say that are you like oh okay good or or do you not feel better because I I honestly I'm okay I think it'll be fine it does make you feel better okay good oh my God I'm sorry I'm so behind the donations again Christine lures for your granny Helen Amber honey spawn who says head cancer thank you so much sick thank you um everyone thank you so much my dad said oh snap my dad always makes me laugh when he when he says that about snap every time okay do you know what I'm kind of wondering if maybe we should like should we redo this should we have the entrance to the house be like over here maybe we could put um if we did it like this I wonder if we could get like a covered patio this might be better and then I can switch oops I could probably switch this into a bathroom could even be bigger and then this can just be where they enter there's a lot of like entrance happening but that might be okay we can make it like really big it could be an extra bedroom or something oh you know what this actually feels Cozier doesn't it that could be like an office I don't know we could take advantage of that if you Maurice sea monkey thank you so much um I don't know maybe I'll open that up um that's where I get my food from I don't know that seems good right what do you think lots of hallway happening lots and lots of hallway happening um yeah I don't know do I need a new bathroom though yeah we need to have as many bathrooms as we can get so I probably should keep it as a big bathroom probably over here um it'll just be it'll just stay big we don't need an office big bathroom is good maybe we could do it where we have like I don't know normally when I play the baby challenge I'll have like essentially like bathroom stalls but we only have we don't have that many kids in here yet so we'll be all right these are so delayed uh toddlers Abby thank you for the donations where's the basement it's gonna go here there'll be a staircase here we just can't afford them we just can't afford the staircase or the basement yet so we don't have one we will have we will have one it's just not it's just not currently in the budget you see so we don't we don't have one now but we will have one you see yeah we don't have that much money I have 10 000 civilians left this house is not going to be fully furnished um Ollie Nadine Anonymous thank you all for those donations too um okay reset up that's cute right maybe I'll make this taller okay okay um there's about 20 quadrillion ants in the world or about 2.5 for every person on the earth if you will um that that upsetting that information didn't I I knew that I knew that there was a large number of ants but it's like it's just like you know when you hear it it really it puts it into perspective in a in an unpleasant way and and I think that's where um that's where it's getting to me you know like you you spend most days not thinking about how many ants there are and then you hear how many ants there are and you're like oh God I didn't need to know that no ants aren't that bad they're kind of like they're not my fave but talk Cynthia Cynthia fun fact Dollar Tree thank you for the donations um I also haven't saved my game a single time I'm sorry I'm I'm working on it hands are kind of cute actually answer yeah okay that's okay that's okay I'm um okay it's 2.5 million per person okay I'm trying to I don't I'm horrified by that absolutely horrified by that when the person put 2.5 and forgot the M I liked it better foreign toothpicks trans people deserve to be happy thank you for the donation uh and from my cats Batman and Harvey dog shampoos um thank you so much today as well thank you for the donations everybody oh my God okay Tyrone thank you for the donation too I'm just thinking about ants now and I wish I wasn't I really really really really really wish I wasn't oh okay there we go I like the sliding door to be honest I think that's quite cute now let's get a wider window there a little bit in a memory of your husband Dave a little bit thank you for that donation um leafy for your friend thank you all so much all right guys are we gonna um so before we were using the wallpaper that came with growing together I had previously used this one which I honestly like really liked um it does come in blue Suburban we could also do yellow but I don't know I did I did honestly like really like this color but um the that deep blue is pretty nice I hate to say it but and we're building a house with that red color right now for our shell challenge so maybe it'd be better to have some more distinction between them because this deep blue is actually really beautiful we'll change the window colors obviously if we if we do the blue we could do the blue with like light blue windows it's double blue Suburban okay snap you just hit me in the face with your tail I don't want to think about ants anymore with the hundred dollars well then why did you bring it up [Music] shared link with your co-workers to help out oh thank you for doing that that's really generous of you thank you um and Anonymous thank you for the donation also I actually like it in the blue a lot I think that's pretty nice it's a oh elevated blue Suburban chance chat says okay it's an elevated blue Suburban do you hear that did you hear that my blue Suburban it's elevated Anthony Charlie Ally thank you for the donations also um yeah we're gonna go we're gonna have to change the color scheme in here a little bit um but JP Bethany thank you for the donations um JB in honor of your dad thank you so much okay okay what color do we do for the roof oh my God it's dark I need to do a lighter roof color this is one of my faves I also like this one we might need to make it I don't know I don't know is there also like another um I want this oh this doesn't come in the blue Swatch that we're using literally why why why Ethel the Frog ant related fact oh in the wild poison dart frogs like my pet Ethel would primarily eat ants oh in fact it's the alkaline toxin in the ants that gives the dart frogs their poison it's not something they're born with they steal the ants power go Ethel the Frog oh my God Ethel doing your part eat those ants Ethel thank you so much Ethel I'm so proud of you good job Ethel we we are counting on you thank you so much go Ethel go Brooke twin sister Emily Mumu thank you so much for that donation thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you everybody um Okay so I don't like that I don't know what to do with it okay um also this part this is gonna seem really ridiculous okay but this part I intend to be for my toddlers so um did we just pass 112 000 oh my God four cats apparently have 18 toes really um and show you out in honor of your aunt thank you so much like the good kind um but thank you Cheyenne and on Roger Aunt for that donation to Saint Jude thank you so much and Sierra I don't know if your mom Grandma Grandpa and Grandma's and your mother-in-law thank you so much oh oh my God okay um shall we do I want to put this Foundation over here or what I was thinking about um I was thinking about putting like a fence at least some sort of fence I might still do it Sable with a hundred dollars um can we talk about spiders with pet frogs um yeah do you have a good spider for us have we raised twenty thousand dollars today wait are you serious no we started at 92 000. oh my God oh my God you guys remember an hour thank you so much um there's an ant-themed restaurant in New York City really good for them I won't be attending a million ants coming for you no that is not including the twitch match by the way twitch is gonna match all at once probably not until like hours from now um so that does not include the twitch patch but they're gonna do twitch is going to donate directly to Saint Jude and then tell tiltify when they do and then tiltify is gonna put the singing in the goal so that is not including the match oh my God Sally Fair Rachel Bridget thank you for the donations as well Jamia thank you thank you thank you so much um and heart fruit in memory of your mom's bestie thank you so much yeah but it gets like credited onto the campaign essentially um after they do it so but you know what I've never had like strong negative opinions towards ants before but like at this moment in my life I really do I'm sorry to say it but I really really really do it's it's um yeah oh same yeah Hannah more fruit thank you for the donations both of you hi just came in did I miss anything um yeah we raised twenty thousand dollars for Saint Jude in about an hour we passed our goal original goal of a hundred thousand dollars raised and uh after we raised a hundred and one thousand dollars today we have in total raised one million dollars for Saint Jude over the years on our stream so actually you did miss a couple there's a lot Happening Here a day in like a really really good way um let's do two different colors in the bathroom how about this um it's been wild it's been absolutely wild uh so welcome to the stream you guys you called us at a good time if you're gonna tune in to any stream now is a good one to be here because um you know metric with a hundred dollars Megan with a hundred and fifty dollars uh and be anonymous Danny and mocha with the 200 sloth fact um sloths don't bathe in the wild and usually have an entire ecosystem of invertebrate species species living in their fur oh good for them I kind of like sloths neon Loretta thank you for the donations today you quit your job and booked a one-way ticket to Europe very excited Loretta you are living it up I am so proud of you that's gonna be amazing I'm so excited for you congratulations um and Louise with the thirty dollars too thank you so much um they've got built-in friends good for them go slots um okay maybe I will put this tub in here I don't know maybe I'll put it there and move the door over okay that'll be fine um I'm probably gonna like eventually once we have some more money I'll probably upgrade this because this bathroom sucks we just don't have any more bathrooms um if mosquitoes reproduce unchecked they would cover the Earth in a day appreciate ants I reject that I reject that confused thank you for the hundred fifty dollars space fact says if you could taste the Milky Way it would taste like raspberries due to the chemicals that have been found there is that true you guys can tell me literally anything today with these facts trains and I'll be like yeah absolutely Is that real that is true what the heck I've never heard that before that's fascinating I huh first speak no Taylor's version and Golden Bell thank you for the donation honor of your grandpa thank you so much whoa okay I think that that's like pretty much all the exterior that we need to do so let's just make sure we buy like interior wallpaper and stuff um I would really like to have kind of like some fun colors going on like this is cute for the toddler's room and then maybe um I probably shouldn't do this floor should I I just I sort of have this feeling that like why not you know it's kind of exciting so I like it um did you guys see Jesse uh Plum Bella painted her real life office walls to be uh kind of like this pattern like the kit wallpaper um Jesse was sending us updates well uh while painting and I just think it's the coolest thing ever it looks so cute it looks so so so cute um she just did it I'm so impressed by it like actually is adorable I think maybe there's a video on Tick Tock if you wanted to watch it um but it's really cute this is not cute um 150 would you restart the 100 baby challenge for 500k for Saint Jude you know yeah yeah at this point yeah by then it's gonna hurt but yeah Ella with 150 and for Ben with the 50 on what would have been his 80th birthday um we're just getting started and Tilly thank you for the donations um fun fact hamsters are just cute little guys with no thoughts except dig and run all right and Vanessa thank you for the donation too okay I was gonna try and um these beds look horrible this is ugly we'll have to I am a hamster Enthusiast Tilly says I love that as you should be um okay what's sort of fun and exciting oh not the blue Suburbans here we go I'm sorry chat for putting you through this again maybe we can get something kind of cute oh look at how nice that is actually I love that okay that has potential um this has like I'm not really gonna mess with that room right now um I'm more so worried about why the skinny hallway oh there's gonna be a staircase into a basement there eventually I just can't really afford the basements are super expensive um I guess we maybe can afford it I'm just a little bit worried about um about like the cost you know um but we could probably just pay for it it's not too bad yeah we're gonna we were gonna do a staircase into the basement there and then the basement is gonna have um wait the basement is gonna have the graves of my baby daddies and their photos so bookshelf door oh my God we could put a bookshelf door uh next week is Eurovision that's exciting um Barnaby thank you for the donation um in one of those kids and even thank you for the donation also oh my goodness is Nick's mom here hi miff mom how are you doing um I'm spending all this money on this gonna regret it gameplay unlocks okay I would like to get a bookshelf door this is which one is cheaper that one's 300 this one's oh this one's only 350. okay I could do that one okay how are we gonna do this should they be set like on a nice table or something Hannah with the 20 it's your birthday today happy birthday um and Nicole with the 500 donation thank you so much um I did different Nicole um with the 150 but Nicole with the 500 donated uh for your mom who beat cancer twice thank you so so so much guys we freeze 114 000 for Saint Jude thank you so much oh my oh they're caught up yes um okay I'm trying to think about like maybe we should not invest in in too many decorations for this room yet and we should focus on like the um the stuff that we have to put do they go on top of a counter oh they do okay I'm just wondering maybe we should like just leave them on the floor and then focus on this um as were uh I don't know upgrading because right now I'm a little bit worried about money about platforms oh I guess we could do a platform for now that's free oh that could be good okay all right this is Kyle we had triplets right babies one two and three this is Vlad babies four and five you know very ominous that there's so much room left on the platform what also Julia Molly Chloe Helen Abby thank you for the donations all right that'll be good um what else let me sell some of these things quickly it's not a lot of money but it's a little bit extra um the kitchen looks good that looks okay for now maybe if we had a bigger rug in the living space um that might be good for us too backyard backyard backyard I'd love to use like a pretty and kind of fun rug I just don't really know that actually kind of matches this tile Kendra in honor of both your grandmothers Danny um Kaden who says platypuses don't have stomachs their esophagus just goes straight to their intestines oh good for them 150 what is going on today thank you all so much for the donations um what is the buffet table help with oh that's a great question so the buffet table we have this because we can um buy a bunch of food all at once on the buffet table um and then not have to cook so that's why we have a buffet table it's it's to avoid us having to cook basically um oh I honestly underneath it is there underneath the stairs go away yeah you can't even see it so Severina thank you for the 200 for all three of your grandma's your cousin your step dad and your grandpa um who have all battled cancer thank you so much for that huge donation um and Chris thank you thank you thank you for the Donate donation also oh my God your house is lovely Kayla personally I love the basement thank you I know everyone um has really had so many nice things to say about my Sims basement I'm so glad that you like it um I also think that it's uh it's just beautiful so okay we have all this for all the toddlers I'd probably like to get some bookshelves over here eventually but I think for now I'm just gonna buy like some extra beds and maybe a different color um and maybe I'll put some of these like infant things here for now too um and I'll get like a third toddler bed okay this is a mess um is there anything else that might benefit us like oh I didn't do this room yet hold on I could probably do with that and then I guess we might need to get a couple more toys out here for the kids uh Miss for your nan that died of cancer your Granddaddy's fighting it and your nana as well thank you so much I I really appreciate you uh Marta Christina thank you for the donations also maybe second bathroom oh yeah we should definitely buy some extra bathroom stuff um that's probably for the best for us here um I'm gonna put I think I might get a shower I'll do these two things together and then maybe I'll also get an extra tub whatever is happening in the kids room is killing me killing the colors are violent oh it's terrible I know do you like it cow fact they have hooves because they lack toes get it lactose and colleague thank you for the donation in honor of your grandma oh it's terrible I know absolutely terrible maybe I could buy a little bit of um Landscaping last here kits oh should we use this beautiful yeah we should we absolutely should how nice is that you know um it would also be nice if we had some trees that would be a good start um how long will be streaming I'm Gonna Be Live probably until about like seven o'clock uh eastern time this evening so for like seven hours today probably um oh no we can barely fit these trees on the lot okay um that'll have to do because I can't really get much else can't really get much else here um so yikes some Landscaping cows watch sunsets and have best friends really I love cows love from Winnie the hamster in the UK do the three dollars also thank you so much um I'm just gonna do a couple um I really like these bushes as sort of like filler bushes um and then from there I'm gonna probably stop um oh my God I wanted a tree house so bad but I think that we don't have space on this lot so I'm gonna have to wait for the next lot to get a tree house um what we can get though is Maybe a toy box and these kids can do school projects so that should be enough oh and I didn't put wallpaper in here yet so let's do that first well I put it on the gallery please not yet maybe once we've once we've decorated it a little bit more but right now uh I would I would prefer honestly if if I had a little bit more decor oh I don't have my wait where did my money trash can go did I not I didn't bring it oh my God I didn't bring the money trash can oh that's bad okay well we definitely should stop spending money then we should definitely leave it there all right obviously it's not great it's just bigger um and so that gives us kind of a better place to start um also autonomous with the hardware in honor of speak now toller's version can I put the bookcase store on the top of the stairs I mean maybe I kind of like the I'm Gonna Leave This the basement unfinished I kind of like the staircase being there though eventually I'd like to get maybe some more like kids stuff down in the basement um so okay oh mailbox and then we can play yeah it doesn't need to be great it just needs to be like big enough right now um for us to like uh expand into it as we're working on this you know it's never gonna be perfect right now we don't have enough money but that's why we're uh that's why we're working on it okay can you put the kids in um all right we've been doing these names based on uh chat or donator suggestions as well so um can you put the other kid there hello little one would you like to look at some toys so the way that we're playing this these kids are vampires yeah their dad is flat [Laughter] um so they're they're vampires it's kind of cursed um that's why fifty dollars my cat stole my credit card love baby and bear um and Nicole with the fifty dollars for your dad weeks family with the 50 as well thank you so much you guys uh yeah those are those are in fact vampires so they are related to Vlad um so the way that we're playing this with the infants um these were just born like the second I was about to get off stream so um the way we're playing with so they haven't done anything yet but we were playing with the infants is they have to get two milestones in every category but not the life one because that's kind of pointless like they got one for being born it doesn't matter but we'll have to get two milestones in every category and then we can age them up um no this is a fridge so this keeps food good and then I can buy food from this buffet table to get more I don't need to cook that way um reach Milestone see exactly what we needed you to do kid thank you um and Krista um who's donating with ants oh no um I don't want to read that it's a fact about Honeypot ants um with um scary do the ants eat them the other ants um in Leone uh save alert oh God I should save my game good call thank you for the donations also um no we didn't do the names in ABC order because we we did uh names based on suggestions that people had donated with we were randomizing from the list I have a big big spreadsheet of um baby names that people had donated with um and then we were randomizing based on this so um that is what we're doing they're not in order the babies are so white because they're related to Vlad why are you acting so surprised look at who their dad is look at him oh Megan thank you for the donation Anonymous too with the fifty dollars thank you so much all right can we do tummy time with this kid thank you we gotta get these kids ready to age up uh knee for your aunt Anne who recently beat breast cancer that's amazing news thank you for the donation um how did Vlad die oh ways ways I'm gonna kill all of them um how do we were doing the same Jude CC I was wondering what day you're sending out the emails so if you redeem the reward on tiltify let me pull it up so I can show you if you were doing the reward on tiltify um I have to send the emails out uh manually you can donate you can redeem this give me your email and I will send you the CC pack that little dica made for us um I've already emailed everyone that has redeemed it up until today I I have to do it myself so I can't do it when I'm streaming obviously so if you did it today I you can't get the email until I'm offline but if you did it like yesterday or whatever you should have the email already and if you don't check your spam folder because Google thinks that me sending out hundreds of uh random attachments is spam foreign but you did you I sent all the emails um and if you actually didn't and you checked spam um my mods uh we can get you a link to fill out the form um actually I can send it I can just put it in chat if you actually didn't get the email but you like you check spam and it's not there and you should have gotten the email um you can fill out this form and I can get your email that way um that's that's if you donated the five dollars and I will check so um but it might have gone to spam because Google uh didn't like that I was sending out hundreds of emails so check spam first um because it might be there but I sent them all up until today obviously I haven't done today's yet because I'm live but um I have sent them all before today all right kids um would you like to play in the tent so you can get your fun up I'll let you eat something and the kids are gonna go play and then we'll try and do skill stuff um grab Milestone unlocked good job self-soother also good job oh you were a good kid okay um can you feed this one uh more choices baby care bottle feed uh peony much thank you for the donations both you to St Jude also oh my God we're almost at 116 000 raised per second when will twitch match um so I'm not actually entirely sure when they're gonna send the donation um we started today with 92 000. so we've almost oh we just raised 20 116 000 thank you uh we started today with 92 000. they're matching twenty five thousand um but I assume they'll probably do it close to the end of my stream which will probably be around like seven o'clock Eastern time so not for a few hours um but anyway um that's uh that's how it works I'm not 100 certain about these things but I'm I'm pretty sure I don't really know what time though um we shall see um Bethany thank you for the ten dollars the requirement for aging up children and teens is that they have to have um they have to have an egg in school sorry I don't know why I like took long time to say that um but that's how that's how you have to age up the children and teens in this game is they gotta have the the a um yeah I'm gonna stream for a while today that's the plan um no do you want to go play with the thingy so you can get your fun up too and then after you eat all the kids have been given school projects so after you eat I shall have you work on that sorry but you need to build skills so we can raise age you up um okay oh my God have we thought about who the nice baby daddy will be um no I haven't entirely thought I mean I could probably decide that today to be honest um it probably wouldn't hurt if we decided that today um like today in game I mean if we like just went for it right now but I kind of want to give myself a little bit of extra time to not have another baby yet because it's a little bit overwhelming where's my easel there it is do you want to make a painting I don't know um flop Krista oh interesting so the ant facts they were talking about how some some kind of ant um their job is to get drunk from like a water cooler by the other ants ew horrifying the five dollars is a doodle so oh yeah we already had babies with vlads so we can't have lab babies again we already had Kyle and Vlad those were the first two um let's see maybe um Ted could be an option Cletus let me add some of these men um I don't know they're they're just the ones that are there so it's easy really bad good thank you for the donations also Ted's from strangerville so he might be kind of a fun option reach mental level 10. that's because we were living in a tiny house for a while so we uh we got let's just say a lot of bonus skill gain because of our tiny house that we were in that'll be the first and last kid to Max a skill while we're here probably um do you want to just go to bed while the babies are asleep we should probably make an effort to sleep while the babies are sleeping in this um okay how long your grade school C student you also all right we'll try and get you to an A in school tomorrow can you do a science baby with death I don't know I also feel like um good thing to point out I feel like it might be a bad idea for us to do a lot of science babies or any science babies um because uh I think that it's like it's it's almost too easy because part of the challenge is to like have to romance someone you know um and I feel like if we do a bunch of science babies do you think that's gonna be like I don't know it might be too simple so I feel like we shouldn't be allowed to do that um Kristen Becca Kenzie in honor of Your Great Grandma thank you for that donation too thank you so much um okay these two kids finished their projects that's good I sell them how are you doing you're exhausted and hungry okay good you're exhausted and hungry and you need to use the bathroom and shower okay good great yeah I feel like the the science baby thing is maybe too simple for us here uh-oh this one needs it's diaper changed maybe I'll give it a bath yeah and then also if we're when you're pregnant your Sims don't age so we sort of need the pregnancy to um like extend Rose's life you know uh I'm just trying to be realistic here but it's true um ants give off a pheromone when they die so other ants can dispose of them oh wow base for your mom who passed away last February she loved your cat merch thank you for the 150 to Saint Jude thank you so much I'm so sorry um and are you ready to learn with the 50 fruit loop with the five dollars thank you thank you all so much for your incredibly generous donations this is so cool um thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you okay you can go to sleep you can also go to sleep oh my goodness wait oh I put sorry I told you simply to sleep in your bed oops um Auto lights all lights how are you doing you need fed too okay bottle feed how about that no anyone can have science babies Val um it came out in an update a while ago um no when the infant update came out but you can under home you can have a science baby with someone or as a single parent um and then it like instant gives you a baby um can you put Lily Pad down please oh I'm not even wait I'm like fully rested oh my God now might be a good time to do tummy time then okay yeah Sophie there are incentives before 200k but I just have been live so I haven't had time to edit the tiltify campaign I'll probably take a break for a couple minutes and play USA Jude video and like fill out until the five stuff in a second but um I've been Live It All Happened very fast so I I raised the goal but I haven't had time to like add the rest of the things to tiltify because I've been live you know um I'm sure you understand um lower to back Milestone unlocked oh my God is that what you needed we need another social Milestone okay okay um that's fine Do You Wanna Cry see if that helps no try to go night night how about that um yeah we're trying to do two of each category sort of how we're doing it um can you give bath and then bottle feed lunar Anonymous Sarah with 150 thank you for those huge donations to Saint Jude oh First Blood Milestone unlocked good so much show the baby to someone maybe we'll have to see how it goes um there's no one here right now so Abby um for your aunt who recently passed thank you thank you thank you for the hundred and fifty dollar donation to St Jude also thank you so much um okay can you put the kid down can you put the kid down all right uh and Mandy two for your dad and grandma who both survive cancer thank you so much uh it's now a bad time to do tummy time because I'm smelly but I might as well I might as well no you won't okay how about you shower then just take a shower we're losing a tooth that's so inconvenient to me I'm not gonna lie like honestly inconvenient bang who says bait Twitches Pockets hurt thank you for the fifty dollars to stay tuned until he with the five dollars thank you so much all right um should we try to oh I forgot as a thermostat that's what I forgot what's that we're gonna need one of those hopefully today we'll have some time to do some painting Sierra Taylor fun fact ants do have toes oh good for them that's lovely what are the Money Rules oh I'm I'm making money by um painting is that what you mean oh my God you need to get up and shower uh oh um from Norway Christa um the liquid is stored inside a Honeypot ant is needed especially in hard times the worker ants stroke the antenna of the Honeypot ant causing the Honeypot ant to regurgitate the stored liquid like a water fountain wow Anonymous unicorn thanks for the 150 we just passed 117 000 for Saint Jude and to think that it's it's all because of ants no Kit Kat thank you for the donation also just sleep come on you can do it go to sleep it's mythical thank you for the donation too do you want to try to go night night maybe that would be really helpful to me I'm trying to get your fun up before we go to school also because they can eat at school but oh wait two Milestone unlocked that's all we need so you need to get hold on we need two milestones in each category we got two two life doesn't matter we need to work on the gross motor ones and then we need to we have the social okay so we just gotta do tummy time with you and then we'll be good Nikki in order of your aunt thank you so much is that 25k is that the is that where we've raised 25 000 today literally how literally how oh my God an hour and a half we've been live for an hour and a half Winston is the cutest dog with the 250 dollars and Danny with a hundred dollars thank you so much okay so I don't actually know what time twitch is gonna send the match probably not until like the end of the stream so um we um oh my God the match twenty five thousand dollars today um I I don't think any of us anticipated that happening so fast so thank you so much what the heck okay um the kids are all asleep so now's a good time probably for you to do some painting how about that um and Maggie Hannah in honor of your grandmother who survived cancer thank you for the donations both of you also what's going on dude thank you guys all for the subs and stuff today by the way I know I haven't read like any alerts um I've only been reading the donations but thank you everyone for for hanging out and supporting this stream I really appreciate it um should I feed Bailey thank you so much what is going on okay after I finish this I might have her sleep a little bit too yeah sell that painting maybe make a couple more actually while you're here the kids are asleep so we might as well and then how about I call up um who did you guys want Ted we can call up Ted we have amazing compatibility with Ted oh that's because I gave her amazing with everybody I like I set myself to like everyone so I would have good compatibility with everybody Rihanna in honor of your husband's little little brother thank you so much for the donation also you guys are amazing truly truly amazing okay this look you guys I gotta be honest I'm about to try and um romance this guy so I can have another baby so here we go take a photo with him Melody Anonymous emptying gift cards the 224. thank you so much all right how many we have six Sims in the household we might have twins again that's gonna be rough after this we can't have babies again for a while because we got to get all the Sims out of the house so that's actually gonna be nice to be honest one less thing to worry about propose crazy scheme maybe you could uh Romance Embrace stop crying Chris so thank you again for the donation um oh you're hungry okay hold on um bottle feed come on come on you got this no no don't go down there oh my God he's gonna see what I planned for him um yes sure this is your future that's fine it'll be fun yeah we'll have to lock that door next time I think um once he gets out of there his yikes another 150 donation to Saint Jude thank you so much all right I'm gonna impress you the next baby quickly um and then I'll try and have a baby lock him in no first blowout Milestone grades are up oh good job kids maybe I'll buy a better TV so they can get their fun out faster how about that we've got a lot of money so we might as well I like this idea okay um would you like to all come watch the kids network I don't know just to get your foot up and then we'll try to do another school project we're trying to get A's in school so um today for your mom who survived breast cancer thank you for that donation also uh oh I'm getting tired you should get going okay that's fine I guess I don't need to have a baby that urgently so it's probably okay we'll we'll do it maybe once these kids are aged up or something we got time oh let me triple check actually that yeah we've got autonomy on and aging is on okay good okay good he knows too much yeah we'll we'll uh woohoo and then eliminate him tomorrow probably in game I'm just being honest that's the plan um and then I'll probably let's lock this door for everyone I don't think that anyone needs to be going in there it's it's simply unnecessary Tia in honor of your baby boy Skyler to be born in July and Dean thank you for the 25 to Saint Jude also thank you so much um okay can you cheat triplets um okay so here's the thing uh I saw somebody be like don't you have the household size increase I I do have a mod to increase the household size but um I don't I would rather not have more than eight Sims in the household at once in this uh for our own ability to function but also because we can't go into cast if we've got more than eight Sims so I would I would mostly honestly just prefer to have um only the eight Sims I would rather not expand us too far you know so we can do casts and stuff um Eli and Tori in honor of Eli's grandma and Tori's former roommate thank you for that donation thank you so much um it's also against the rules yeah I think that part of the challenge is having um is having eight Sims at once only because um you sort of need to like if you if you do it too fast then like your sim you know will be able to like live through the whole thing and everything so it's it's almost like a little bit too easy um if uh you're able to do that so anyway you gotta pace yourself a little bit with it it's kind of the way wait I think I can age you up oh my God that's all okay that's all the Milestones that's so much more helpful I'm actually gonna try really quickly to do tummy time with the other one um if you donated 50 can you get lower rewards yeah uh Nikki the only thing is you can only redeem one at a time on uh tiltify so that's why in the announcements channel on my Discord pinned there's like some forms you can fill out so I can get your email for the um for the like CC reward and stuff like that so um you can go in the Discord and uh check out those forms basically um so we can fill it out for you Tay thank you for the donation also okay get to work in honor of my dad F cancer you said thank you so much what is wrong with you oh exhausted no no don't no no I want you to start working on this project come on start working on this I don't want you to do the other one I want you to work on projects that's what you get like school bonuses for um I'll put the announcement on Twitter if that's not Discord no so Matt here's the thing um I have a form you can fill out if you donated five dollars and you didn't redeem the CC thing um what I would prefer to not do is just share that form wildly because it makes it harder for me if people like didn't actually donate and they fill out the form you know um but anyway I we have that as like a last resort in case you didn't fill it out and you forgot or whatever um but I would prefer if we didn't have to share that like widely that's why I have it in the Discord um just because it makes it a little bit easier you know what I mean um the Discord has all that information though if you're interested um anyway um trust me I've uh spent a lot of time and effort thinking about this one no no stop you can't sleep well I guess we could try and age up the one baby that's ready to age up and do the other one later um help blow out candles lily pad if you guys only knew the number of hours that I have put in to prep work and planning and like admin stuff for this um you would be horrified top-notch infant how and Angelic okay but it's been it's been a lot I've literally been like we're talking like I've not stopped working for like two weeks straight on top of like the YouTube videos and stuff this is like we're doing like an 8 AM to 9 00 p.m kind of vibe every day with this so um it's been a lot uh but all is well we got this we got this um would you like to uh oh all the food is spoiled okay and we'll get some more um serve assortment Rooney Kim Raquel thank you for the donations you can go to sleep you're not doing very well um you can get grab a serving I'm gonna get rid of all these a whole chicken delicious we probably need less food than this because we don't have that many kids right now this is more of like a toddler situation to be honest maybe I'll just leave one of them out um American Star house Anonymous with a 300 donation in honor of a dear friend thank you thank you thank you for that huge donation guys we just raised a hundred and eighteen thousand dollars [Applause] thank you all so much oh oops oops okay oh the kids are all not doing that well here you're fine um would you like to take a shower and then go to sleep probably you're not doing very well either oh no okay Emily thank you for the 25 to Saint Jude thank you so much oh uh Sarah with the 25 thank you also um and Lauren with the 50 okay thank you for the baby names Suggestions by the way you guys can donate um 25 and I will uh allow you to suggest baby name and we'll add it to the list that we randomly um that we randomly select them from so a pack is the open fridge thing from it's actually from get to work believe it or not um oh my God my stem is miserable just use the bathroom here what's wrong with you can you try to go night night I'll deal with you in the morning um I can't I can't right now hey old wreck thank you so much this is from get to work though it's because you can like uh sell food and get to work in the stores and stuff um so that's why all right you go to sleep also you are exhausted you need to go to sleep too you feel so joined thank you for the ten dollars to stay tuned you go to sleep also oh my god seriously go to sleep and I forgot about you go to sleep all right all is well all is well imagine thank you for the dollar also thank you so much okay everybody's asleep I'm gonna send the ghost away so I don't need to deal with this exam leave the poster one today yeah I wanted to talk about the Stream I posted early on purpose um I posted early on purpose kid's bedroom is cute you think so it's kind of a lot in there Melly thank you for the five dollars in honor of your dad thank you so much um and no Tess I'm not always live at this time on Saturdays I'm live early I'm in a stream longer than normal today um because we're raising money for Saint Jude so we've been live for about two hours we're gonna be live for about seven um uh that is the plan so we're gonna be here like all day basically um wait what are you doing can you sleep you're so inconveniencing me why did you wake up I didn't realize that he was awake oh that's so annoying that cake is spoiled uh oh so thank you for the 25 dollars oh my God like seven hours straight yeah [Laughter] um actually speaking of which um people keep asking about the the goals I need to like take a second to update them because I've been live ever since I raced it so I haven't had a chance to like um fix fix everything um and so maybe now is a good time for us to go and do that um I'm gonna play really quickly I have a video it's five minutes long um but it's it's about a Saint Jude patient called Lily um so I'm gonna play that for you while I do some like admin work and now's a good time if you wanted to go get a snack or whatever we'll be here for a while today obviously and then you can um you guys can talk to Lily uh while I'm while I'm setting that alive is that okay all right I will be back in just a couple minutes here yeah I'll see you in a sec I was by myself sitting in the living room and my phone rings who's calling me at 10 o'clock at night Lily's dad right off the bat tells me Jessica I have some bad news Lily has leukemia seeing her laying in the bed with tubes coming out of everywhere she's pale white it was terrifying Lily's diagnosis was AML acute mildly leukemia and we found out that her survival rate was only 60 percent but knowing that I'm at St Jude and that they're you know the leading research facility made it so much better for me I think these people come along and they tell you no it's going to be okay you know we're gonna make it better and they did you know I get to take my daughter home my mommy did I get to see her grow up and uh all of that is because of Saint Jude [Music] [Music] so Lily had uh this list of things when she was in the hospital that we would talk about pretty regularly like you know what do you want to do when we go home I want to I want a baby sister which as you can tell she eventually got um I want a dog and I want a yard and so we went home and we went home to a house with a yard and we got her a dog like two days after we came home and two weeks after we came home we found out we were pregnant with her baby sister when we were in treatment we took it day by day by day and sometimes minute by minute by minute and suddenly it was just kind of like looking up and you have forever in front of you to do whatever we wanted if I could go probably anywhere in the world I would really like to go to like um Hawaii I really like I really want to go to like the beaches see like um because I really like mermaids and like stingrays and stuff like that so when we finish treatment our team suggested that we go to a St Jude affiliate monthly for lab work and then every three months we would come to Saint Jude when we went in for our big one-year appointment we did our bone marrow biopsy and we get a phone call from one of Lily's favorite doctors and she calls and said Lily had relapsed you know every time that you hear something that is as devastating as your child has cancer it doesn't get easier from one diagnosis to another we were made aware very early that our best treatment options were chemo um tli radiation and a bone marrow transplant I got to do whatever I want to my hair because we knew I was gonna end up happening at all and so I dyed it rainbow my favorite nurse whenever I was in transplant was um Danielle she made the bad things so happy and she would always make me happy like she was like the best friend I strongly believe that if we had not gotten the bone marrow transplant that we got at St Jude that her treatment would not have been as successful as it was Lily is currently completely cancer-free she can live her life like any other 10 year old can um I'm a really big fan of like drawing Leslie a lot of drawing for me it boils down to her she she is my whole world and the hospital gave me this they gave me years with my daughter that I wouldn't have had otherwise St Jude's Research they are protocols that they develop they didn't just save my daughter's life they develop treatment methods and treatment protocols that are going to help millions of other kids around the world [Music] these kids are so amazing and so strong I hope that you guys enjoyed getting to see Lily I feel like it's um it's really powerful to get to like hear from these kids and their families and and sort of see firsthand what this can do um so I hope that you enjoyed getting to see that I know enjoyed is maybe not the right word but um hopefully hopefully um that was meaningful to you to get to hear from from these kids and what what you're doing because you're doing a lot for them um so thank you so much thank you so much for this um I did fix the tiltify campaign a little bit more so that's good um and and just thank you all for your donations we're almost at 119 000 raised for St Jude already so unbelievable um just unbelievable thank you thank you thank you thank you for your help um mod and Audrey Ann for the kids Rebecca uh mrs701 who is diagnosed with brain cancer at 16 and you're now 32 and thriving thank you thank you for that donation I am I am so so glad to hear that um and Jeremy hajia uh Ria thank you for the donations uh Sith Antonio Mr snow thank you so much uh crude on the bearded dragon who says I did not steal my owner's credit card at all I'm sure you wouldn't of course not of course not okay we're gaming we're gaming everything's fine I'm actually honestly I'm feeling a little bit more okay right now than I thought I would be with this challenge so um I'm I'm feeling a little bit better I uh I was a little bit um nervous of my fear nervous of my fear I was nervous of how I was gonna survive this but those might be some famous last words to be honest we'll see how it goes all right what are you doing oh you're feeding the baby okay that's fine Cam and your cat's soul with the 100 donation to Saint Jude thank you so much yeah after yesterday you know what maybe I'm like I'm really prepared for um for anything after what we did yesterday we are unstoppable chat we could do anything we've been through a lot so we had 22 babies in our house yesterday it was a rough day okay how's this kid doing you need your hygiene fix can I change your diaper oh I don't even think that's gonna help you you need a bath come on what are you doing I swear Sims are so useless she just stands there why what do you think that's gonna achieve Maddie thank you for the ten dollars to stay tuned also uh babies do I think I'll get two today I don't know it depends how many we can get out of the house today obviously we like after we have the next two we won't be able to have any more um until we can get the babies oh they're uncomfortable because of their teeth that is so inconvenient yeah it depends um it really is all down to how many babies uh we can get aged up and out of the house today um because that's sort of like that's dependent on how many more we can have yeah those babies are vampires um their dad is Vlad it's rough um Austin in honor of the 11 year old and your community thank you for the 25 to Saint Jude also that reminds me do just seeing that pop-up reminded me that I'm gonna turn off the day off school for the holiday we're absolutely going to school we are not um we are not gonna skip school for anything we need as much um school time as we can get all right I'm gonna try and get this one how many more Milestones do you need we just need one more gross motor Milestone then I can age the kid up Mr Cat with the fifty dollars to say Jude there we go oh that's it I got it now I can age the kid up okay that is very helpful um add birthday candles to this is that a fly is there like something spoiled in here huh [Laughter] oh the nails here too that's going to be probably gifts from the baby daddies who aren't dead happy infant okay Rue thank you for the ten dollars in honor of your grandmother oh the flight is that from Kyle's ghost standing there speaking of ghosts can you leave I don't need you it's inconvenient all right so you got happy infant and inquisitive you got Angelic and top-notch infant that's not so bad to be honest all right do you want to babble to this a couple times and then I'll let you get some food you have to just go to sleep sorry Lauren thanks for the ten dollars to stay tuned also um yeah that's what I just did Whiting um I I had this um with candles in the fridge and then I took it and you know in and out um so that's what I that's what I do that's what I've been doing all right I'm the nervous in this painting and then I'm while I'm doing that I'm gonna invite um Ted over so we can get pregnant Ted Roswell be right over oh my God Maria thank you for the 100 150 donation to St Jude shall I embrace him oh we also need to start like repairing and cleaning up in here because yikes oh no these bathrooms are not going or that bathroom is not going well um let's play inside this tent come on come on make twitch pay with the five dollars to stay tuned okay um I don't think it should take us too long to woohoo Ted here I think I could probably kiss him now yeah there you go and after we've kissed can I maybe um kiss hands I don't know origami toad who says Peach is the horse for your new pink animal crossing Island all right let's not get you ahead of ourselves yet we haven't reset it yet we're not there yet attempt to seduce come on hey there neighbor leave me alone offer Rose try for baby with Ted okay okay will you press the button 25 times when twitch matches donations I don't think I will I'll press it a few times I think 25 might be a bit much I think I think that the 25 might be a little extreme to be honest um but we'll definitely we'll definitely press it uh a few times uh Dora thank you for the twenty dollars for your grandad and your grandma thank you so much oh my God three to four is probably enough yeah there's like a line you know I'm gonna take a pregnancy test here we go hopefully it's babies ready eating for two okay how many is it two okay yikes all right that's fine I can handle it I can handle it how should I kill Ted fire meteor oh meteor sounds fun no I also okay I don't have his grave I have photos with him I don't know how to get his grave revive him okay good idea you see Command Center some commands maintain Sim revive Sim okay another donation um is it because he's inside of meteorite is an outside death I don't know maybe I'll just kill him in a fire no not self-command sim command maintains Sim kills him oh how about anger that's how I feel right now see ya okay use the bathroom oh my okay I'm gonna I don't want anybody to be sad about this because that's really inconvenient for me so I I will um you know like unsaid them mint hundred dollars let me saying I'll unsaid them thank you for doing don't say dude thank you so much guys we've we've raised a hundred and twenty thousand dollars what what friends thank you so much probably with the 25 ghosts for your dad and our community thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so so unbelievably much you guys you guys have no idea how much this means to me okay let me keep let me keep going so that he kills my sim sorry is that bad to say I mean I'm just trying to be real this is how I what I need I'm trying to I'm trying to increase my collection here so Vlad you've been spending way too much time standing there oh he's gone okay yeah let me just unsat everybody because again them being sad is like so not the vibes I don't want to deal with that all right Channel surf oh I could probably change this thing to say um name Ted this is for babies um six and seven okay we'll hold the road cat thank you for the donation sad is just not the vibe I don't wanna I'm trying to have a good day can you pull out your loose tooth because that is also not the vibe it's really inconvenient for me um and maybe you could like do you know what we have some more money oh you finished the painting we could probably buy like something for the kids to do to get their fun up too um let me get like I have all this toddler stuff obviously but let me get like a kids thing Maybe something like this probably be good yeah I like that I wish I could unstad myself do you know what wouldn't that just be lovely life would be good just right click and fix your mood that would be lovely okay um do you want to come play with this I don't really need to help with their skills to be honest because their skills are like so high already from when we had the tiny home so I'm not that worried about it um when did I start streaming oh I've been live for about two hours today um so we've been live for a little bit after you finish getting your fun up I want you to work carefully on this because all your siblings have gotten the school bonus and you haven't okay um you attention low do you want to babble to this you getting hungry grab a serving um Rooney thank you for the five dollars from your cat and moo with the ten dollars also thank you so much is it only like you for you are you having some lag problems uh-oh um that's no good no I don't want a difficult family Dynamic that is so inconvenient I don't want that at all okay you can go to sleep um your fun is all the way up you could probably do your homework um you got your fun way up but I need you to be able to work on your project I'm I'm not dropping any frames so it's not on my end um but one second I'm messaging Dan about oh I just totally typed out everything I tried to say um yeah it's not on mine it might be your internet is causing some problems I know it's kind of annoying that stinks but uh oh our shower is broken that is very bad okay do you want to come try and repair these things I bet you could do it we don't have any handiest skill yet honor of your grandpa and you also graduate college in one week and you wanted to celebrate by donating hey congratulations congratulations if you will that's super exciting I'm really happy for you um that's amazing news and no the house isn't on the gallery yet because in my opinion summer it totally sucks right now um I will oh you shouldn't be sad I will put it on the gallery but only after I've um let me get a little bit more money so I can finish it slightly more because right now it's like super empty and I don't like it so I'll put I'm gonna end up putting it on the gallery in like an hour probably in real life anyway so instead of doing it twice like we'll just put it up after we've made some more progress on it probably you know what I mean um Emily thank you for the 150 dollar donation you said so thankful for the work that St Jude is doing I'm working on ecology and I'm donating this year in honor of all of my patients thank you so much um and supreme with 150 dollars to Saint Jude also for Todd um oh my gosh definitely you're watching my pods family vods right now and you're on gen 4. um and at that time I was also raising money for Saint Jude that's so funny um that's so so so funny um what what like cool timing that you're re-watching like some of the old old streams when we're also doing the St Jude fundraisers um okay um okay uh let's see how are you doing you need to go to sleep also okay you're asleep your attention is low oh my God oh my God you can come talk to this no don't rename I can't talk to it the Babbling not working anymore is so annoying I used to like only talk to Bears ever and my life was good somebody had a question by the way about um the Animal Crossing amiibo reward let me talk to you guys about this on tiltify I turned on the Animal Crossing reward um I didn't want to have it on every day but I figured I was gonna put it on Just for Animal Crossing and then I was like why not do it on now so I did um but basically on tiltify there's some rewards that you can redeem there's two that are letters from me it's like a one or the other kind of thing um if you redeem the letter and sticker from simsy you're gonna get a super cute card and a letter from me and two stickers I got these I'll show you um this one is is like Pietro um it's timzy clown one of our clown emotes and the other one is this super cute little party emote um so you'll get those two stickers from me in the mail um if you redeem that reward uh and then the other one and this is gonna be like limited to however many amiibos I have so I might have to close it but um the other one uh I will send you a random Animal Crossing amiibo and this card um I bought this is um the like Pietro uh in-game artwork the poster that you can get I bought this um it has like some words for me on the back but I'll send you a random Animal Crossing amiibo I turned that on today so but isn't that really cute I'm really excited about this I think that's so adorable like I'm like really into this card I'm gonna hang it up in my room terrifying what do you mean EST uh Hey total or trade like dollar train but toes oh that's horrible thank you for the donation Natalie is well present um and Anna who says fun fact when making honorary donations Jewish people often give gifts of money and multiples of 18 um symbolically giving the recipient The Gift of Life or luck Anna thank you for telling us that I didn't know that um that's a that's a wonderful fact thank you for sharing that with us and thank you for the 18 donation to stay tuned thank you so much um okay you're asleep in the tent yes Oh no you're oh you're playing in the tent even though your sibling is okay sorry do you want to go to sleep we could all go to sleep you could probably also do well to sleep good good um no clowns are so creepy but not this clown this is the best clown what do you whatever do you mean okay well while my Sims are also oh never mind I was gonna say well my Sims are all asleep um now might actually be a good time for us to do a little giveaway um I have some Sims packs left um I'm just gonna decide what I want to do first oh you know what people were asking earlier about the flooring that I'm using in here this flooring is from Eco lifestyle do you want to do a little giveaway of Eco lifestyle oh my God there's an ad starting soon I didn't snooze it I can't okay we have to wait until after the ads play I won't do it yet I'll do it in a couple minutes don't worry don't worry I won't do it while the ads are playing so we have to wait it hasn't started yet but it says starting soon so I won't do anything we just passed 121 000 for Saint Jude by the way uh Pietro with a hundred and fifty dollars Lena um X who says should I play 100 baby or Legacy oh play a legacy don't put yourself through the baby challenge come on no one deserves that Bianca and a couple Anonymous donors thank you so much thank you so much yeah twitch is matching up to 25 000 to Saint Jude today um and we've raised over 25 000 um so I should probably uh take maybe they have to take it out of the title donate to um because they haven't they haven't matched yet um but we have twitch twitch was gonna match up to 25 000 and we started today at 92 000. so um ah talk to the plants better than morphe oh can the babies talk to plants oh my God wait huge news that's really good to know um I thought that you uh okay once the kids are back in bed oh you're not even tired anymore oh I didn't mean to okay where'd your homework go do you want to do it [Music] five dollars in honor of your grandpa Audrey with a hundred and fifty dollars for Pietro um your Animal Crossing island is all sheep themed really Pietro is one of my favorite villagers of all time um another Pietro donation with 150 um and Callan with the twenty dollars to Saint Jude in honor of your cousin thank you so much oh my God you guys what's going on today um you're going back to bed you're peeing Atlas And My Cat Cora thank you for the donation so many people's pets have donated today huh thank you so much all right after my sim okay you shower and then go back to sleep the ads are done so we can actually open the giveaway now I didn't want to do it while you guys were having ads play that's so annoying I couldn't snooze him any longer or at least I forgot to snooze them so you can snooze them and it makes it wait like five minutes but I forgot to press the button and then all of a sudden it was happening okay so we're gonna do a giveaway of Eco lifestyle um okay I just I'm trying to think of the word to use for this no we're gonna do okay like normal if you would like to enter for a chance to win The Sims 4 Eco lifestyle type the word cow plant in the chat I was gonna say type meatball but that's a bad idea so I put it as cow plant type the word cow plant in the chat for a chance to win Eco lifestyle um I was like maybe I shouldn't have the whole chat spam meet that's weird um so cow plant instead cow plant uh but yeah we're doing giveaway really quickly of the Sims 4 Eco lifestyle I've got two codes um they're PC and Mac codes so they'll work they'll work if you have the Sims on your computer um and they're Global so no matter where you are they'll work um but you can type that word cow plant in the chat for a chance to win I like Eco lifestyle it's a um it's a really good pack uh hey and Olga for your grandma and Great Grandma any Minecraft strings planned yeah two I'm gonna do a speed run stream and a um crowd control Minecraft stream in the next couple weeks so um are you or Dan going to be playing The New Legend of Zelda The New Legend of Zelda toes of the Kingdom oh my I gotta send this to help hold on hope needs to see this message she's gonna like that you said that I don't think she's here right now but hope needs to know um not toes of the Kingdom I was actually I've I've not played a Zelda game before but I was considering doing a little uh late night stream the day that it comes out maybe playing it after our Fall Guys tournament um so the answer is yes maybe um I think so ghosts thank you for the five dollars to say Jude from your dog thank you so much all right so type that word Cal player in the chat for a chance to win uh Eco lifestyle uh get yourselves entered into that giveaway chat um and then we will uh draw a winner in about a minute or so here um my kids are all awake which is good go back to after you eat if you harvest cow plant would you get beef um so you know what's creepy about harvesting from the cow plants in The Sims is you don't get beef you get like Sims juice because you get their like essence of sadness and stuff when you harvest the cow plant we just raised 122 000 for stay tuned by the way Rachel thank you for the 150 um okay um who is a Pre-K teacher donating in honor of your student and you said I'm so thankful for what you do okay my God thank you thank you for the 200 donation I am so sorry um I hate grunkles coincidentally thinking of changing my name to Jude so here's the good names and good causes I like that name that's a good one um rabbit a group of rabbits is called a fluffle really um and Evie today is your mom's one year off chemo anniversary Evie that's amazing use um Nat with 150 uh come on thank you for the 50 in honor of your late granny need all the simsy cards the 150 looter with 150 oh my God what just happened okay I'm gonna draw the giveaway winners here we've got two giveaway codes for Eco lifestyle type the word cow plant one more time um just to make sure you got your entry and everybody just gets one but it makes you feel better to type it twice so type it twice if you need to um and I'll draw the first winner here in a sec um Anonymous donating an honor and memory of all my pediatric oncology patients past present and future I will always remember them thank you for the huge donation to Saint Jude thank you so much oh my God okay I'm for the first winner here the first one that's going to win a copy of Eco lifestyle in three two one is coaster princess coaster princess my friend congratulations you were gonna get a copy of the Sims 4 Eco lifestyle oh my God it was their first ever message in chat with the giveaway entry that is amazing and the next one is Lily jb1996 who in contrast is here every single day and times all the time that's funny Lily congratulations my friend you are gonna get a copy of equalizer for me too I'm gonna whisper you both the codes really fast um hopefully you enjoy them um that's great I'm so glad I love that that there's like a new person and an old person looking to both win that's really cool um I did it random but it's funny when that happens I sent you both the codes um and let me get these on my spreadsheet too so I don't forget uh and then we'll we'll keep gaming sorry I do have more codes where that came from by the way don't worry um all right good nice should you buy Seasons cottage living or cats and dogs oh my gosh all very good packs um you know I always tell people that for me I think that seasons is probably what I would call my like most favorite pack ever um I'm a really big fan of Seasons um I guess the difference is so Seasons I sort of think of seasons and like it so much because Seasons kind of changes everything about the whole game like when you have seasons everything's different because you've got weather you've got these holidays the seasons change like it's a it's a total game changer for your gameplay because it adds so much to your Sims like everyday lives it's really cool um I guess the downside is it doesn't have a new world but I would argue that Seasons makes like every World feel new so it's kind of a win um cats and dogs I love the world of and having pets is like so fun so I like cats and dogs I think cottage living I probably would rank bottom that I would probably say seasons is best cats and dogs and then cottage living as far as like um amount I use them and stuff like pretty much all my Sims have pets and obviously like Seasons affects me every day so um how what the heck is happening uh we're already at 123 000. what what um okay Anonymous thank you for the 150 too and my cat Loki with the 25 thank you so much all right um can you clean this and then mop this and then can you appease a gnome I'm not gonna let my kids celebrate uh Harvest Fest really because I make him go to school but um hey Holly I work in a hospital lab and see every day the difference that effective treatment can make seems that you don't know the good you do Holly thank you for that huge donation to Saint Jude also thank you so much oh my God what is going on oh yeah I think that growing together is also kind of an essential for me now too I I don't think that growing together is as much of uh oh I forgot to send you to school um I don't think the grand together feels like as much of an essential as like seasons does to me but honestly I I love Seasons so much I like actually cannot imagine not playing with it anymore like I I just really really enjoy the seasons pack I think it's such a such a good pack so I I would like highly recommend that one to you um yeah I feel like growing together just because it's so new it hasn't like settled into that like iconic nature you know um all coaster who got the giveaway code they said OMG thank you I watched like all the vods but I'm usually asleep when you stream so I can never catch you live and then the first time you caught us live you won a giveaway That's so exciting I'm I'm actually so glad I'm so glad and then Lily the other giveaway winner said it was their first or their second pack I'm so glad you guys won the packs that's so cool um also sausage Kaiser with 150 uh summer assassin thank you thank you for the donations to Saint Jude too um all right get rid of that let's how you do a flirty painting how are you kids doing skill wise not good enough get sliding um for you you probably need a bath soon but that's inconvenient to me so um how do the giveaway codes work I bought a bunch of pack codes and then I send them to you and you can redeem them on the EA app basically if you win um I don't have one right now open though we just did one I try and space them out a little bit we're gonna be here for like seven hours we gotta do something later you know we gotta do something later all of our creative thank you for the donations okay yeah I okay more than probably the kid needs a bath whatever fine the kid is like really smelly sure sure fine yeah and what um can you give me a bath too thank you how do I buy the pack codes um I usually buy them like online from a we can be Jokers um I usually buy them online um from places like CD keys where you can buy uh large numbers of Sims codes um and then I I do the giveaway that way um we've been doing giveaways literally every day this week we've given away a lot of Sims packs um and Maria with the 150 donation to say Jude thank you so much no twitch did not send the match yet shella so let's let's um think for a sec they haven't matched yet and we've raised this much haven't sent the match I know shella I'm not kidding within the first 20 minutes of me being live we we hit 100k like it happened like that the like the second I went live have I donated it yet yeah actually I've done it um a couple times I donated five thousand dollars the first day and then I did two 1 000 matches this week um I tried to like split it up a little bit um as we're going but I have donated so not today but I have donated um the match thing on tiltify I'm not kidding both the times that I did the one thousand dollar match we raised like three thousand dollars on top of it it was like I'm gonna match a thousand dollars and then you guys were like okay and then it turned into like 3 000 like that it's really amazing how effective the matches are it's so cool it's so cool um what what people do so uh oh you're stinky too okay sorry forgot you want to come get a snack um and twitch is going to match twenty five thousand dollars um today so make twitch pay am I right um how does a match work well so typically like the more standard way um it's like what twitch is doing today where um twitch told me literally they surprised me with this live like I didn't know they were gonna do this until I was at St Jude last week and then twitch while they were streaming was like Kayla we just want to say you're amazing what you do is amazing and oh by the way we're gonna match twenty five thousand dollars to your charity stream next month there I was like live audience crowd of this live stream they're doing and they surprised me with this match and it obviously is happening today and so what they're gonna do um is if we raised 25 000 today which we did um they are going to donate twenty five thousand dollars directly to Saint Jude and then tell tiltify when they do and then tiltify will add the number like almost like artificially add a number to our goal because they're gonna donate like directly to Saint Jude um but tilt if I will put it on our goal so we can see which is pretty cool um and then uh the other thing is like the other way that matches work now there's a new feature on tiltify where if you're gonna donate say like 500 you can set it as a matching donation and so you can make like a matching challenge for chat and you'll you can promise to chat basically like I'm gonna donate 500 if you raise that much in the next you know four hours or whatever um and then tiltify will like know that you're matching and it shows in my like donation page it'll like put it two times next to all your donations saying it's being doubled and that's why on the tiltify like you might see this goal this might look so weird the goal because it's like a bunch of red all these red sections were matches that people did um so that's kind of cool right um so it kind of like and then when there's when there's like an active match happening it like pops up right here and it says like so and so is matching right now and it says like a progress bar of the match also um this big red one is me when I matched and these ones are people in chat matching and me matching again and stuff so um it's really cool though isn't it that's a brand new feature that just came out like last week um which is great timing because I mean you saw how much of the bar was read um that's we've raised a lot of money through those matches so it's really cool and then it sort of like highlights as well that donation and kind of like um it gives like some credit to the person who did the match you know um because it puts it like but it's a great feature it's it's been really cool that they did that I'm super glad they did that um but oh no wait don't worry mints it's totally fine it's brand new so if you haven't seen it yet it's like still new to everybody you know um also a dollar trade to 125k um technically with the twitch match you're only 2K away from deleting your Island oh oh dear oh no I said I was gonna oh God I spent hours and hours building on my Animal Crossing switch um this green themed Animal Crossing Island and I said I would reset it if we raised 150k for Saint Jude but the thing is Twitch is gonna donate 25k and we're at 124. huh well um okay this happened a little bit faster than I expected it to also but here we go I guess we'll we'll figure out a day for that once it happens we'll probably do it in a couple weeks oh dear faith uh in honor of your dad Meredith um hello in honor of your dog and your grandma thank you for those donations uh Mr monarchit Zuko Jay Skye in honor of your sister thank you for the donation Mystic um in honor of your dog agua Anna um thank you free and best for the donations thank you all so much oh we're at 124 000 raised for St Jude everybody I cannot believe this oh you know what I could oh oh you kind of smell that's my bad sorry to this toddler I need to give you a bath soon um Amber toeless toes version um thank you for the the donation for a Dollar Tree the Simpson tears thank you so much yeah Rosa's pregnant right now we're um third trimester in 10 hours is where we're at right now um somebody just said I didn't know Brett's sister was famous wait wait do you think one of my brother's friends saw me on the front page and recognized me hi Brett's friend uh we're currently raising money for charity here on yeah I make Sam's videos um it's nice to see you no I hope that's what happened I hope they saw us like featured on the homepage and they were like wait a minute what the heck that's so funny I need to ask Brett oh my God I think he's working today but um let me ask here I'm gonna send him a picture of this message he's gonna like this I think Brett's sister that's me rip animal toe sing Island forget Crossing no chose um in honor of my dog star with a donation Shrek Clara uh Supernova thank you all for the donation too oh my goodness I actually honestly I worry about that with my siblings a lot I always like I I feel bad that people are probably like oh my God you're a little simsy sister to them all the time which I don't think bothers them that much but I know that people do that to them um and I I'm sorry that that is your legacy um today though today I'm I am Brett's sister so did I get that a lot yeah I think a lot of people at school do that to them at least my sister gets it sometimes so grades are up grades are up oh my God we can be cut oh okay we can become teens here we go chat this is what we needed this is what we needed happy birthday so the way that you age up the kids into teens is they have to get an A in school so we just got a in school we can age the kids up into teens um I don't know thank you for the five dollars to Saint Jude also thank you so much yes yes um your girlfriend is really into Sims so I sent her a link to this stream and I was like this girl is made for you and she said yeah I follow her already well hey thanks for the promo and hello to your girlfriend that's really cute oh we have high self-esteem okay we randomized traits here neat oh that's a useful one for you to have that's really good good choice kid very very good choice gladly accept that that is extremely helpful hey little mouse thank you for the 150 donation to St Jude as well thank you so much all right would you like to make a wish also Peppa's Piggies ooh mushroom his name is mushroom oh yeah I am I usually uh we've been picking names based on uh suggestions that people have donated with we were randomizing it uh Georgie it's a vegetarian good for you and last but certainly not least these kids are Kyle's babies like Kyle Carlson's babies rainbow I've made you cry multiple times today I'm sorry Rachel but hey we've done a lot of good today and Isabella in honor of your nephew who is battling leukemia thank you so much thank you thank you so much um his 10 year old big brother donated bone marrow to him in January and he's finally home on leave playing with his brother and sister again Isabella thank you for that donation in honor of your nephew thank you so much I am sending so much love to your family oh my God thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you unflirty I forgot this kid's name was cheese ball this is the thing when we do these charity streams it's like 50 really emotional like uh heart-wrenching stories and like this beautiful love that the community is is spreading around and then the other 50 is like this cheese ball like and it it just goes back and forth so fast some wow okay could you add some birthday candles back to this please this is a good tip for the baby challenge by the way make one cake keep candles on it and keep putting it back in the fridge as long as you can get to it before the Sims eat it you're like all set um and and you'll be able to uh keep using the same cake over and over again um yanny thank you for the five dollars um in honor of your mom and your grandfather thank you so much um and Anonymous with the 250 donation thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate that um okay should we look at the kids in Cass I wasn't really planning on giving them makeovers but we can go see the Kyle jeans how about that um I'm ready Katie thank you for the 20 donation thank you so much please guys I really want to emphasize um oh dear God jump scare um I really want I really want to emphasize oh dear God laughs uh this is Pulp it's by Sims dog don't worry about it um what I was going to say this is what I'm talking about with the 50 thing what I was going to say is I don't want to hear any of you apologize for not being able to donate or for not donating enough that's that is just simply not true please please do not feel sorry just being here and helping to support the stream is more than enough and I'm serious I mean let's just think of this for a second right guys people like you hanging out and helping support and watch this are the reason that twitch was like oh this is kind of a big deal I'm gonna match twenty five thousand dollars so I'm I mean it when I say you just being here and hanging out with us is more than enough because you you just being here and helping to support it is spreading the word about Saint Jude but also is is like the reason we're getting this match today right make twitch pay um but also no donation is too small if you please please do not apologize for donating like one dollar five dollars it's it's not like a small donation any donation is huge to charity and it's it's maybe is is just one dollar for you but there's 5 000 people here who have donated one dollar and that's how we get this so I'm I really made it when I say that it's no donation is too small please please don't feel bad and please don't apologize um okay so this Sim looks just like Kyle the haircut and everything that's Georgie this one is cheese ball oh kind of iconic can we wear like a more fun hairstyle I like the um the color on this that could be kind of cool um should we do like a styled look to be honest I don't really think I care that much wait that kind of matches your dollars and Anonymous in honor of your rabbit um max thank you for the donation oh Max says what should I change my username to cheese ball pulp fan 101 oh that's good that's always an option here we've got mushroom and then we have Georgie I can give them each a styled look for everyday wear but that's all you're getting from me is one style look each I don't know how much longer I can manage being in Cass is the main reason um somebody somebody made this in my Discord they made this uh cast background and loading screen and I downloaded it because I wanted to jump scare you guys with pulp yesterday and I keep getting myself because I keep not expecting it so was it worth it maybe Sylvia in honor of the king's coronation day you know what speaking of where's the king pay up Charles Link in the chat pay up Charles Madison thanks for the hundred dollars in honor of your nana Pietro and Pulp quite the group there um Lizzy your mom is almost five years cancer free that's amazing um and strawberry cowgirl who says in Harrisburg Pennsylvania there's a place called Strawberry Square and in it there is a strawberry cow your bucket list does contain getting a picture with the strawberry cow that sounds so cute oh my God you guys we've just raised 125 000 for Saint Jude what Brian thank you from your cat sparley and nacho we did this toe together with the 20 oh my goodness let me get um let me get the kids each some school projects too how about let's do one this one gives you handsiness skill which is probably gonna be helpful to me um James said a Henry thank you for the donations also um start working carefully start working carefully oh you might need to pee and then you can work carefully oh my God yeah so when twitch matches the donations uh guys that means that we're gonna have raised a hundred and fifty thousand dollars because twitch still hasn't matched yet they're not gonna match for a while but when they do they're gonna donate twenty five thousand dollars um which is really cool oh my God I cannot believe this um oh you know what after you finish fixing this stuff ew maybe I should hire a maid I have enough money it probably would be worth it to get the help um hire a service scheduled made and then can you uh cook a grand meal so we can celebrate um you've created a video called the story of Pulp it's a compilation of the best moments of Pulp can I send it to one of your mods yeah um Discord is fine uh twitch whisper is fine whatever is easiest for you um oh my God dica you're here hello how's it going how are you feeling what's up I didn't see you come in um also make twitch pay and Sir Charles who says not quite not quite the king but we call my cat Sir Charles and he wanted to donate because you call them out yes [Applause] um muffin my little boy who is eight is watching with me and we wanted to donate for the children of Saint Jude he also says toes oh no I'm sorry to have um to brought to have brought this everywhere into all of your households um the toe thing it's it's gone too far to say the least but that's okay it's for it's great fun it's great fun coyote Elena Peyton thank you so much I hope you know your merge pants go so well with my Taylor tour shirt oh I bet you look good I bet you look cute I'm not wearing my Taylor shirt today I maybe should have in honor of speaking now Taylor's version I'm wearing a St Jude shirt though so ew ew they pooped twice yucky very very yucky Sharon Amber thank you for the subs Sharon and Isabelle sorry thank you so much um okay why are they so white oh the babies because they're related to Vlad they're vampires I realize they're very pale much like me but they are in fact vampires so they have an excuse Piper and uh Danny and me and another thank you so much everyone for your donations to Saint Jude today oh it tones it's your first time ever on Twitch and see me live well hey it's good to see you thanks for coming by are they real vampires oh I don't actually know um I guess we'll find out when they age up because they're only toddlers right now so I don't know yet hug lovingly talk about art sing a song hug lovingly please won't you be friends Bishop Maddie thank you for the donations I'm trying to get the um communication skill up because then we can age the kids up oh uh oh you could probably grab a serving of this then what if we have raised by this time last year I don't actually know Terry I'm not sure it's hard to um it's hard to compare the years um because like obviously things are so different and like um sometimes the wildest streams will will raise like so much money so it's really hard to like um I don't know think about them like that because it can change so much um let me actually look at the first ever play live stream that we did um when we did oh my God we already passed it the first year that we raised money for Saint Jude um we raised a hundred and eighteen thousand dollars that was not obviously last year that was a couple years ago but um we've already passed that uh which is unbelievable um so thank you all so much hey donating for the Swift toes and Charles with the five dollars summer uh what should you have for lunch oh my goodness what do you have what are the options maybe you should make some pasta that sounds pretty good to me to be honest oh I'm gonna buy a Decor box too um let's see decor because I could put up some decorations you're making pasta right now nice nice okay um the babies will probably be born oh third trimester in three hours oh my God suck communication level two you hug this bear until I can get you aged up um yeah twitch has given us front page time all month all months I'm a little bit confused about the timing because I was told that we would have front page from five to seven p.m eastern time except it seems like it's been happening from four to six pm eastern time most days and right now it's definitely happening so but it's it's three I don't know I don't know I'll take it I I'm I'm into it I can age this kid up oh my God guys another toddler is gone into a child okay um open the cake Pop Lock candles Lily Pad this one's been Tyler a lot longer um hey Lauren with the five dollars um your mom had a toe related nickname for you and your siblings you were pretty toes and your brothers were stinky toes and sneaky toes wait a minute your mom called you pretty and them stinky and sneaky oh you win [Laughter] I'm all the same very similar nicknames no you definitely win five dollars to Saint Jude um and nandy with the 500 donation in honor of your uncle Mandy thank you so much that is so incredibly generous thank you so much Lily Pad is aged up here and is a cat lover um wait wait wait wait wait can you add candles to this please thank you okay um so you know TV dollar trade donating an honor of speak now teller's version the number of speak now donations that just came through you guys if you could have seen me last night when Taylor announced speak now Taylor's version oh I I could have cried I I almost did cry I I'm so excited me and Dan were sat there tears in our eyes watching the announcement I'm so excited okay I bought an extra bed I didn't actually need one yet but it won't hurt to have and then you can go to sleep oh I forgot to take care of these kids and now their needs are very bad so oopsies um you're almost done you're eating okay your parents calls your brother toe jam oh my God how is duck Daniel celebrating the coronation everybody keeps asking Dan about this this is one of those things obviously with Dan Living in America um like all the Americans hear his accent and they're like how do you feel about the Royal Family literally every like strangers it's like the person working at the grocery store is like oh what do you think about the Royal Family and with the coronation happening constantly it's like oh are you gonna watch the coronation and dance like I literally couldn't care less about this but it's all anybody ever wants to talk to about because they're like oh you're British what do you think but it's all anybody wants to talk to him about it you're like walking on a walk you know and the neighbor sees you they're like oh salsa coronation you gotta watch but the Americans get so excited and they're like they I think that they don't have any British people to ask so they're like I'm gonna ask my British friend about this or the British man at the grocery store about this you know but it's really funny everybody like gets really excited to ask about it and he never he's just like that and soccer but they'll call it they'll be like oh you a soccer fan and then he'll be like but they ask him constantly about soccer and the monarchy so and he doesn't have an answer ever okay do you want to get some to grab a surfing please okay um they'll be like what team do you support and he's like um I can promise majority of the UK is not bothered yeah yeah we know um we know the real queen of the UK Peppa Pig thank you for the donation I'm in chambered flying suits LD Kiara thank you so much Kira says what you're doing for cancer researching children everywhere is incredible love you and your videos and streams you're amazing thank you so much and Sammy the cat from your tiny fluffy son Sammy who is turning 16 but next month oh happy almost birthday Sammy that's very exciting um and County Courtney sorry I don't know if your dad who beat Ginger twice sorry Cordy ginger sibs in honor of your dad who beat cancer twice did you see how I just totally like mixed up that whole sentence sorry thank you in honor of your dad who beat cancer twice not Ginger sorry it's misspoke my God guys we just passed 126 000 ways for Saint Jude thank you so much okay you need to get your um hunger and fun and social up a little bit higher and then you can go to sleep I'll let you sleep we can do fun in the morning and you can also sleep how about that um oh and you oh no it's very late go to sleep go to sleep oh no bad bad bad um I can't even read this because it's over look at this look at what I'm reading Baddie slay moment at the house down Kitty girl it's overlapped so I can't read the whole thing for the donation um uh [Music] served so much so true um oh hello your first stage juice food this year oh my God hope actually that's wild to think about a lot has happened since you've been here um a lot has happened while you were busy this week um yeah we've been through a lot together Hope was busy because hope had to go on a business trip to Minnesota anybody in Minnesota in the chat raise your hand not me I'm I live in Florida which is worse but um any of Minnesota here should I dress all of the Sims and bear costumes hmm also thank you for the ten dollars for your grandpa and your friend's dad um and Bex with the fifty dollars who says thank you so much for doing this as a Childhood cancer survivor in the UK I was lucky with the NHS thank you so much Bex for your incredibly generous donation I love you so much um I'm gonna put all the kids in bear costumes jump scare again oh my god um okay um I'm gonna ask Dan how um okay sorry I'm what oh sorry um I Know Dan was um Dan is making lasagna right now so that we can cook it later when I get off stream um I know because I can smell him uh sauteing vegetables right now um wait is that the right color yeah Green for all of them so I was asking iconic that's gonna be fun Marcy Marcy Bubbles and Finn thank you for the donation too um please link Peppa Pig costume um I know dika has it on his um somewhere we'll get it uh uh finished getting all my Bears ready maybe they can wear bear costumes as teens at least these ones maybe not all of them but at least these ones could it's just more fun oh what's up you for this stuff the first um the first uh oh cheese ball can be orange oh cheese ball being orange is perfect that's really good actually which one do you want to be purple I like purple um almost done sorry chat don't mind me I'm just getting all my bear costumes ready imagine if you just came in you never seen pulp before and then you have to see that on my screen then what then what that would be terrifying um one second applying the glue on um okay Alyssa Jack is making the donations also okay kids all sleep stay asleep for as long as we can because we're doing bad um you actually could probably grab a serving of your food please I didn't I didn't oh wait don't grab a serving I didn't put it away what am I doing oh my God that could have been really bad oops um okay and then one more thing oh that's another plate we're getting good money from these plates actually how are you guys doing you probably should have gotten your fun up before school Channel surf oh no um watch TV can you shower before school we can't be stinky at school uh oh um I'm gonna get rid of these plants too because I kind of killed them why are they Bears I don't know I just kind of wanted them to be Lilo and honor of my mama um thank you and Cat uh cage with the fifty dollars of Saint Jude also thank you all so much oh yeah that put him as Bears because it's easier for me to tell who's who in their Bears to be honest otherwise I won't remember I don't remember their name so if make them Bears then I can be like oh that one's the purple bear you know Leah I've actually done that before a video where um you build a house out of like the rooms the rooms in game um okay let me hold on glue on and I are planning something so I'm making sure I respond uh to him in a timely manner we're gonna try and do a collab stream so I'm just making sure I get the days good um yes okay send all students to school alone oh I haven't played the 100 baby challenge since I um obviously since high school years has been out so that's interesting um okay do you want to resume figure painting we gotta paint as much as we can because the kids are gonna um oh no you need a bath because the babies are going to be born soon so we gotta go fast we gotta go fast um uh Long Live Princess Diana thank you for the donation to Saint Jude by the way did you get bathed no why didn't you finish getting your bath what the heck get your bath go to school what are you doing they don't even have level three of their skills oh my God that's annoying you didn't finish your skills I thought I was done I guess we we spent all day working on projects though Taylor Nation posted on Instagram what do they post oh my God you guys you I'm too much I'm too much do you mean from yesterday or is there something new new I don't see anything new new nevermind all is well Laura thank you for the 1 000 donation to Saint Jude um please in order of your stepdad thank you so much Miriam for your uncle thank you guys and Laura with the one thousand dollar donation thank you so much okay I gotta work on this kid's communication skill so I can age it up we need to get one more skill to level three um that is the goal okay everything is fine everything is fine um you do volcano projects usually really okay that's good to know surprising DMS oh no miv are you calling me an aunt no look how cute this is look at how cute this is are you kidding man this is adorable socks to keep ant toes warm little antsy there's a plug maybe this is really cute thank you for sharing that I really like it but thank you also Anonymous thank you for the ten dollars to say Jude oh my goodness oh I'm not going to University absolutely not I will not be doing that um make funny faces a little kiss the One backwards song is cute isn't it wait oh you don't have school oh that's so annoying oh my God we have to wait like all week then all right let's get a volcano project as you suggest I'm gonna make this kid do volcano projects all weekend oh that's actually so bad only this SIM can get their grade up not you because the other two didn't have their skill in time and now it's Friday Skye in honor of your grandmother thank you for the twenty dollars to say Jude thank you so much um oh there's 17K people we're on the front page I I didn't know we were gonna be on the front page at this time today I'm not complaining though I thought it wasn't gonna be until like four it's only three um but that's fine I'll take it if they want to provide me with extra front page Why won't you do it the kid refuses I'm gonna reload um yeah if they want to give if they want to do it now then there we go uh Laura I did get your donation did it did it like lag out and you didn't see Laura we all about lost our minds over your donation thank you so much if if that was you thank you so much um and everybody thank you again everyone for the donation stinky at school with the donation as well oh my goodness all right let's reload and see if this helps us um you heard me say it's only 3 P.M and you were like wow it's dark for 3 P.M and then you realize it's actually 8 P.M here you stuck holding something oh is he glitch holding it maybe it should work now there we go no longer glitch um you're taking a bath that's good how are you doing skill not good enough finish bathing come sit here oh do you know why actually talk to the Bear Let's Get You aged up you finished this too we need to get some more money uh before the infants are born which could be at any second um so I'm I'm growing a little bit alarmed here wish us luck uh-oh who okay okay almost done almost done come on we're aging up toddlers when they get three skills to level three and we're aging up infants when they Masterpiece yes oh I peed my pants oh dear we're aging up Invincible they get two milestones in each category um wow okay foreign how are you did you get the skill yet you did oh my God age up baby age up baby okay well that's good here we go um help blow out candles the baby very nice very good um happy birthday we usually randomize traits here the number of lactose in tolerant Sims we've had this one's gonna poop on the floor too oh my God we actually can't escape it every one of our Sims is lactose intolerant not in this household yet oh I went into labor oh God here we go okay go as a baby it's happening it's happening okay so um we have been naming the babies off of donation suggestions there's like a reward you can redeem on tiltify um where if you donate 25 you can suggest a baby name I've got a spreadsheet of all those baby names here um and uh let me figure out how many there are there's 377 oh my God you guys 377 people donated 25 to name a baby that means we've raised 9425 just off baby name suggestions thank you 100 baby challenge that is Iconic um okay so I'm gonna pull up a random number generator so we can get the baby names Revenge toast Annie thank you for the donations Kaz in memory of a family friend Alex uh and also someone just set up a donation match um would you look at that Corrine is currently matching up to 500 in donations so if you donate right now Corrine will match your donation so if you wanted to donate now is the time because it'll get doubled by Corinne thank you so much Corrine by the way that's amazing thank you so much um okay let me get this ready um 377 is the max all right so we'll have this um for the first baby okay ready hold on I lost my things um the first baby is going to be named 309 the first baby is gonna be named named beef oh my God I don't know who suggested that um the first baby is gonna be named beef and the next baby is gonna be named uh 178. 178 chickie coop okay you want me to name the baby chicken okay interesting theme that's kind of cute though I like the name chickie I think that's kind of adorable interesting well we got twins what a what a funny coincidence those two names together [Music] I got a lot of Miss ducky Liliana Cassandra and David thank you for those donations um um okay like small talk very nice we have to age these kids up straight away give it a second all right I think Jude I don't know there's so many names that are like real names when you look at the spreadsheet and people are like oh donating with my name donating my daughter's name donating you know something else and then there's like beef the baby daddy of that one was Ted Roswell um you guys know Ted Roswell it's kind of dark but that guy okay first baby aged up we got sensitive and age up you can be jokesters agent the next baby too here we go here we go Alyssa with the 300 for Grandma and Grandpa let's beat this thank you for that huge donation to Saint Jude oh my God did we just am I wrong in saying that we're at a hundred were we at 128 before good okay that's a good trait we can be sunny all right that gives us seven babies oh my goodness 128k oh look this one's got a little hat on that's cute great with 150 thank you so much and Holly with the ten dollars thank you all um lady Toe with the ten dollars thank you so much what a fun name okay um let's see I'm gonna sell those things can't wait for the teens to age up and move them out for new babies okay High School B student High School B student High School B student okay so we can't age any of the kids up over the weekend annoyingly uh none of them got the uh the skills that they need in time and they don't have their grades up yet but that's all right we'll manage we'll manage um would you like to work on this um honestly I'm Gonna Get You three another school project last time I was here you had 70k and that wasn't even two days ago what happened there's been a lot of donations today and believe it or not twitch hasn't even matched yet and they will uh thank you I think 57 in honor of your 37 month anniversary thank you so much and corrine's 500 donation just came through thank you thank you thank you oh my God okay I'm gonna buy um some more of those uh I like these because they give me handiness skill and I can try and get them to upgrade stuff for me um would you like to work carefully on this oh you would not like to work carefully on anything probably you can sleep if you need to that's fine we have all weekend so all right um I guess you can just try and activities tummy time again I do like Queen thank you for the ten dollars been watching my videos on stream since 2017 and it's the first time I've been able to donate during play live thank you for the donation that means a lot to me really thank you so much um and Whisper with the five dollars because we should all be there for each other thank you for that donation too um who which one am I which one of you did I send a bit actually can you put um this baby on the mat so it can like try and get some of this stuff done come on here we go there you can sleep now this way the kid I can like cue up some looking at toys try and get milestones um oh can you put the other baby on this mat then here we go Dakota Nina thank you for the donations why are there colorful bears oh they're my teens um they're not totally for no reason they're the teens in my household um I have them here uh so that I don't know I put them in bear costumes because it's easier to see who's who that way I don't really have an answer for you I just thought yeah yeah okay um you're part of the baby what are you doing I thought you were gonna put the baby on the mat hello hello reach Milestone unlocked good job kid no don't go night night play with toys there we go yeah they're easily identifiable this way that's all okay you can look at some toys too kid you got this Legacy update toddlers age up with two toddlers aged up with a bad infantry and both parents are experiencing a midlife crisis and burnout oh no oh you're having a rough day huh I just want to say you got this you'll get through this um I believe in you and I'm so sorry that is incredibly stressful um okay how are the kids doing you're getting a little bit hungry I might have you come feed this one see now we have more than one sim we have like these the the teens in the household they can help take care of babies um KL in order of your dad let's beat cancer with the twenty dollars Sarah in honor of your mom thank you for the for the 120 thank you so much your cat's name is beef really oh my goodness I wonder who suggested it I'd love to know megarina with the fifty dollars to say dude also oh my God [Applause] uh guys we just passed 129 000 raised for St Jude can you not take care of the baby whatever go to sleep you could probably go to sleep too I'll have the mom wake up the 20 question what do you love the most about Dan oh my God do you want a serious answer or a joke answer because this is I'm I feel kind of cringe giving a serious answer um the joke answer is definitely not him being British that's a horrible horrible fact and I wish that he wasn't um um I think this serious answer um Dan is a really really caring person um he's just really thoughtful about everyone um and I I really appreciate that about him so he is nice and also very silly as many of you probably know um you're it's freaking Susie thank Ed it on here like Grand in honor of your late grandfather and your mother and both your grandmothers who survived their battles um and SG another relation memory of Isaiah AKA Spider-Man the real superhero thank you so much as to you with that donation too um oh my God the babies are crying Help oh I forgot to put you to bed oops sorry um can you feed me thank you Dragon quilt with the fifty dollars too how do we meet oh me and Dan met actually on Twitch believe it or not um Dan used to mod for a person that I knew um so we kind of you know how you like make friends and chat and stuff um we kind of made friends in chat and like on Discord um and then became really good friends and then we got married so um but we actually met on Twitch believe it or not um which is kind of cool um obviously he's from the UK uh he moved here to the US like almost two years ago we went through a whole long Visa process and stuff um but anyway do you know a streamer yeah yeah this was in like 20 like December of 2017. when we first met so I was a streamer but I hadn't been streaming for that long on Twitch I I started streaming in September of 2017 so it wasn't that long that I had been live um that I had been live that I had just streamed in general um oh I didn't mean to put you in bed okay okay can you try and sleep I don't know um I don't know um okay I'm gonna go try and send you back to bed um oh my goodness I just got a link sent to me um by Saint Jude they said they said that it pulls um tildify data every night at midnight so I don't know if it's um like how up to date it is oh my God oh my God look at this um they there's a this link shows it it tracks how much we've raised for Saint Jude look at that oh my God that is so cool um that's like honestly that's a good graphic we're gonna have to post that one later um that guys we've raised this obviously is over the last few years um we as of today have raised a million dollars for Saint Jude we we raised that um about 28 000 ago today so this isn't like a perfectly accurate number um yeah we uh as of 101 000 like 500 or something we um we have raised one million dollars for Saint Jude um on our streams so absolutely unbelievable I like really really am struggling to wrap my head around that number I already cried about it earlier um and and I will absolutely cry about it again when I get off stream so I'm pregnant with my first child now and more than ever I realize how important it is for children to have free access to life save Medical Care thank you for all you do to raise money um Sydney Rayo in honor of Sean McDonald we miss you every day Wildcat and Jinx with the 10 she says I look forward to this every year and it makes me feel so good seeing so many people come together in support of this it really is such an amazing um I don't know I just I've it's really cool to me how much of a like obviously it's a community effort because it I mean it it takes a village to accomplish a thing like this but it's really cool how much of a like a community building thing it is like the way people come and tell me like oh my God you know I I was telling my dad about your streams and he's so proud of you and it's like your dad is proud of me like you we're like we we've we've taken this and it's become like such a I don't know a wonderful time this like thing that we do every year and and we're like sharing it with friends and family and it's it's such a cool like group thing that we get to do um and we come together and we we raise 130 000 almost for Saint Jude um so I I truly cannot even thank you enough it's so amazing um Taylor thank you for the ten dollars and you said the story of Pope to my mods okay I'll have to look at it later that's amazing I'll make sure I'll um I'll share it in the Discord after two um okay oh my goodness do you want to feed that baby oh you are are you you are good good oh my God ah Vivian with the 250 donation uh Vivian said hey simsy my dad was also diagnosed with cancer about 10 years ago we're about the same age and hearing your story while I was experiencing it um it was so helpful my dad is still doing okay today so this is in honor of both our dads Vivian thank you for that for the donation the 250 dollars to St Jude um pirate in honor of your dog Dexter who is your best friend Mary um Joy Kimberly um who said I had cancer twice no kid should have to go through that misery even once thank you for that donation and someone else said my friends literally call me beef um good and thanks with the twenty dollars thank you all so much God um okay I'm not fully rested but I might as well um try and like help these kids with their um like we can no don't watch no no no no wait what are you crying about angry from waking up okay reminder to save and drink water oh yeah that's a good idea hold on yeah yeah that's a good idea yeah Lydia Grandma your Papa thank you so much you also get angry when you wake up oh yeah don't we all awake and angry Samantha loves the car Cinematic Universe who says there's a car Cinematic Universe Stanley Humphrey in the Discord in honor of Rags which is tomorrow oh no oh my oh my God you guys they made Stanley as a car this is actually iconic that's so good the mustache as well oh my gosh um I work at a bank and just just to put this in perspective you have raised more than some companies and cities have imbalances oh my God I it's really hard a million dollars for charity is an extremely difficult number to Fathom like that that um is like I it's uh how did how does one even wrap their head around that like but thank you all so much um Rose two with the five dollars for your grandma whose information thank you for the donation to Saint Jude um oh my God this Stanley is magnificent by the way thank you for sharing that um okay would you like to to tummy time together with the kids please thank you I appreciate it oh I should save my game also yeah that's like buttercup with them for your grandpa and sweet pets thank you so much oh my God okay um I okay so I don't know who you're asking um I don't take this off my taxes I have donated seven thousand dollars that's what my I have done it I can write that off the rest of this you have donated you right off does that make sense I don't sit here and write off 129 000 on my taxes dear God um that's not how that works um I I would write off like what I donated and then you would do it with your donations like does that make sense um so that's not that no um I also saw somebody else ask um a question just so you guys know we raised money through tiltify um it's uh like basically a fundraising platform it's how we're able to track donations and all of this the money goes through tiltify Straight to St Jude I don't touch that money doesn't come to me at all um in fact Saint Jude Works directly with tiltify on these play Live Events every year so it's totally legit it's all good and clear um I went to I visited St Jude last week and they like invited tiltify to come to the event like it's like tiltify is is a trustworthy good place so um don't worry um about that I know that um if you haven't heard of it you'd be like what is this place but the money goes straight the deal twice who's saying Jude um and it's all good and clear so um I Anonymous with 150.86 um and hello in honor of your dog and grandma and your best friend's cousin thank you so much friend for those donations um okay um over 50 million dollars has been raised for Saint Jude through tiltify when you hear that number doesn't that just like like huh huh um I can show you guys also um on tiltify they have like uh this is the like play Live campaign page um you can see like this year the goal is to raise two million dollars in May everybody on Twitch together so far the twitch Community just this week has raised seven hundred and eight thousand dollars for Saint Jude on tiltify isn't that amazing yeah twitch is kind of cool the twitch Community is kind of cool um good you fell asleep that makes me feel better why are you guys all awake oh I'm not focusing enough I'm talking too much that's bad bad KJ and I don't know if your dog KJ I'm so sorry my friend I I cannot even imagine thank you thank you for that donation um to Saint Jude thank you so much and Nicole with the donation as well okay um taryn's grandma in honor of Terrence from chat Grandma thank you thank you for that donation honor of somebody from chat uh and Luigi the your pets are all donating again oh my goodness um yeah tomorrow I'll be the same link uh Avery it's the same link tomorrow yeah um you walked 13.1 miles this morning in the Indianapolis mini marathon so here's 131 for the kids of Saint Jude Melanie that's huge congratulations that's absolutely amazing guys we just raised 130 000 from Saint Jude Melanie seriously congrats on that accomplishment that's wild you should be proud of yourself and thank you for that huge donation um also and honest with the 25 thank you so much I get 130 dollars I don't even know what to say am I excited to YouTube stream do you know what I'm a little bit nervous about it um guys don't tell twitch though okay but um I I'm considering you know how I'm a YouTuber I'm considering uh I know I'm not considering I am gonna stream one day one day only special occasion one day only we're gonna stream on YouTube tomorrow I'm a little nervous because I don't know what to expect I've never done it before the chat's kind of weird the mod tools kind of suck um I don't know objectively I consider it to be a significantly worse streaming platform um but I would like to be able to hang out with like the YouTube audience and see um but the the mod situation like the YouTube's mod tools suck also you literally can't unban on YouTube it's not possible you can't like select an amount of time for a timeout like um the the difference in mod tools on Twitch is like night and day there's so it's so much better here so um yeah it's rough it's rough out there um and the way that the chat works I'm not smart enough to explain this but the way that it works um the chat like loads differently so it like Scrolls differently and I think it might be harder for us to read the chat um but it'll be okay it's gonna be a fun experience um it'll be a a special occasion one day only kind of vibe you know um that's the plan oh and we're awake oh and you smell okay that's no good do you want to work carefully on all these kids oh is that not yours are none of them yours what the heck um okay I'm kind of looking to an extension I'm only gonna stream on YouTube Once it'll be okay it's one day I'm sure it'll be all right um Jay thank you thank you for the donation in honor of your grandmother's um Momi uh for taryn's grandmother and Dad Astrid for your mom who died of cancer two months ago Astrid I'm sending you so much love thank you for that donation um and Buffy thank you for the 25 too um but yeah uh shout out to Twitch my bestie um who is not only matching donations but is in my opinion a superior streaming platform um uh twitch icon Legend today so um okay are you gonna bathe the kid oh good actually that's helpful kids need baths that's good for us um silly with the five dollars in honor of your granddad your mom told me how proud he would be of you and if I have to cry so do you you're all oh my God my dad made me cry um this week multiple times by saying how proud my grandpa I'm gonna start crying by saying how proud my Grandpa would be of me um and that means a lot to me so um yeah thank you okay I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good oh the other thing that made me almost cry um my grandma my grandma sent my mom a hundred dollars so that my mom could donate on behalf of my grandma to the charity stream I don't know what grandma if you're here right now um my mom said she's gonna save the donation for an opportune moment which I think is smart um but my my grandma my other grandma sent my mom a hundred dollars so that my mom could donate for her isn't that really sweet so I'm pretty excited about that Kyla um baby slug for your great grandpa thank you for the donations for Ben as well thank you so much stop crying do you want to go to bed maybe I'll put you to bed in the crib I bought that that might help us um is Daddy in chat I don't know I'd have to check let's see my Dad's here um what about so I checked if you were listening see if my grandma was watching I never look at my viewer list I literally don't even remember how to do it how do you um okay never mind I don't know how I can't find it I don't know maybe maybe she's just not here and there is no VIPs and that's why I don't see it in the active mods I don't know it's possible she's not here fifty dollars somebody yesterday for your grandma's passing I know your grandpa and my grandma are so so incredibly proud Katie I love you Katie thank you for that donation um oh my mom's here well there my grandma is not here right now she must be busy or maybe just not watching because why would she be I get excited when I see her in the chat which is why I pointed it out um they're all saying soup because my mom's here by the way that actually reminds me um speaking of chat spam do you guys want to do a little giveaway how about this let's do a little giveaway of get famous I like giving this really good pack um if you would like to enter for a chance to win The Sims 4 get famous can you type the word shark in the chat in honor of the shark pond yeah yeah type that word shark in the chat this is um it's a PC and Mac code so if you've got the Sims on your computer it'll work um but you can type that word shark in the chat for a chance to win it is also Global so no matter where you are in the world as long as you have the Sims on your computer um you'll be able to you'll be able to use it um you're my inspiration we're the same age the the donation and Marissa thank you for the 1.31 cents as well nice even number um yeah type that word shark in the chat for a chance to win um get famous yeah get famous has uh in my opinion the most iconic Sims item of all time so um this will be good okay kids I need you honestly to like help me take care of the babies if you could that would be so useful for me they're asleep right now but um Tilly goes I feel like I've missed something because like why have four people talked about Brett's parents okay okay so earlier Tilly somebody comes into my chat and they're like oh my God I didn't know Brett's sister was famous and I was like do you think that this person that knows my brother saw me on the front page and was like wait I know that girl um so that's why people the chat is joking about um Brett's parents being here um because Brett's a star today apparently um amazing okay these kids did another project too do you want to do your homework also do homework um Laura appear The Tuxedo cat um for the twenty dollars to Saint Jude thank you and I'm sending you a lot of love friend um thank you for that donation yeah it'll work on your laptop if you've got the stamps on a laptop as long as you have the serums on a computer you'll be able to um you'll be able to to get these these giveaway codes so type that word shark in the chat for a chance to win The Sims 4 get famous did I enter my own giveaway I'm going to and I have two codes that I'll be able to give you guys which I am don't nap sleep for real oh I have two codes which we'll do um which is very exciting anyway it's the word shark in the chat um for the winners here in like two seconds um we got two codes two PC and Mac codes for The Sims 4 um for The Sims 4 get to where'd you get that from it's not even yours um what am I doing did you do your homework yet um can you do your homework too you're both doing your homework um Jayden you're watching me since middle school you're 19 now oh my gosh um and in honor of your hamster Beethoven Taylor if a snail loses an eye they grow it back oh my God all right that's a good time for us to really give away because we got two winners coming up for the The Sims 4 get together get famous got it in the end first winner in three two one is uh psycho doll 94. congratulations my friend let me send you let me get this up so I can send you your code um and the second winner one more we got one more winner Josie Rosie Posey congratulations both of you um hopefully you enjoy uh the pack I'm gonna get you your your codes whispered actually first do you guys mind if um so I can get these sent out um do you mind if I play you a super quick video about a Saint Jude patient named Hazel well I send these giveaway codes it's two minutes long I think you're gonna like the video it's about Hazel and her artwork um and then when we get back we'll keep baby challenging yes okay let me send you this video send you let me play you this video I'll be right back I'm Hazel and I am nine years old I used um my creativity to make some art I have this one it took me a while and there is a big heart um some cool designs at the very bottom we did at the hospital and it makes me feel happy that I finished foreign [Music] Hazel is you know just a free-flowing spirit every time she's doodling she's writing be magic Be Kind Show bravery that's sweet I said love I just was doodling right there Hazel was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at the beginning and when we arrived at St Jude her body wasn't responding the way that it was supposed to right off the bat so after more testing and because of the wonderful research from St Jude they were able to give her a Target therapy that specifically targeted those cancer cells so Hazel is proof that the research that they are doing is working you have to be creative with art you have to use many colors and not just a gray Crown like this one it's the world of colors we kind of made this we used our hand and cut it out and we decorated it sky's the limit I want her to go and just see the world and enjoy it St Jude is everything it's made our child whole and happy and smiling daily and we are forever grateful thank you I think Hazel is just so sweet I hope that you guys enjoyed seeing that too I think it's really nice to get to see these kids and and get to see where your money goes and and who you're helping you know but also chicken nuggets uh you know and a couple Anonymous donors Casey thank you for those donations to St Jude I really appreciate that um I got those giveaway codes sent out um um and then let's see um let me go oh what were you doing okay homework I'm like trying to make sure we're sure we're caught up and we know what we're doing um give us the other giveaway code what um Whitney it's an honor of your dad thank you so much um your lady I forgot today was earlier oh yeah I went live a little early today um a lot early today we've been raising money all day um we're making some good progress with the baby challenge my music is on and it's a little quiet I guess I could turn it up a little more um I could turn it up a little more um okay oh all is well can you have a code please Moto we only have a couple more we'll do some more giveaways throughout the later throughout the rest of the stream though we try and spread them out throughout the whole stream um so that way we like um will be able to uh you know keep them going yeah Mouse the problem is it's hard for me to get codes for kits um they don't sell a lot of the kits in the usual places that I buy coats I can get some but I can't buy codes for all the kits um and you can't gift on the EA app anymore so I don't really know how to do kit giveaways these days um it's like kind of annoying to be honest um I don't really know like what the best way to um to do that is because it's like kind of weird now uh yeah the kits are kind of an annoying one to do giveaways for um and similar to like how it's really hard for me to do console giveaways um because console is like region locked and stuff um and so if I were to buy a console code it would be like a Xbox us and so it's like you know half the chat can't more than half the chat canner ninety percent of the chat can't enter because they don't have the Sims on Xbox or they're not in the US you know so um the console codes are really really really horrible to do giveaways for because one oh I almost choked because one I can't get my hands on like International codes really um and two obviously they're so limited that's the bonus of the computer codes is that like obviously anyone can enter because they're Global um and also obviously um the uh the console or the the PC codes because now the Sims 4 base game is free um it's like it opens it up pretty well for people which is good um Kev thank you for the ten dollars for your grandmother um mad the Hat on behalf of my dog Bilbo who was so touched by Hazel's video um uh Leah with the 160 um for your mom who died of ovarian cancer Leah thank you so much spoiled soup um your cat's sushi in honor of your grandma and your kitty thank you for those donations too and you said thank you for signing the hat and taking pictures pixel my sister for me at twitchcon last year oh my gosh that well say hi to your sister for me I remember I remember doing that at twitchcon um I'm glad that you got it and stuff um that's great and thank you for that donation um also China with the 50 for all the creative and artistic children at St Jude in hopes they can all finish their art too um and art supplies for Hazel and friends who says those videos work every time it's easy to make a donation for fun and then remember how how my money can make a little kid feel even just a little bit better thank you for bringing so much attention to this cause thank you so much and Jenny too with the donation thank you all sorry I didn't want to go to prom scary scary scary scary scary okay um oh I slept all day and now oh how are the kids doing they this one needs fed probably so I'll feed you um can we see the murder basement oh I haven't worked on it that much we probably we have some more money now I could probably update it should make it creepier yeah I think so we definitely should make it creepier um packs vampires we can get like some lovely and maybe I'll do like I don't know Jesse you know and I'm raising so much money already thank you for the 50 also could add the tragic clown to commemorate the tragic deaths oh my God um listen you guys I know that you might look at this and think wow that's alarming and and yeah I mean you wouldn't be wrong uh Haley thank you for the donations too um no you would not be wrong but um I I like it so what should we put on the outside of this maybe just like this is just like a darker gray maybe for the platform yeah that's good that's good um what else I'm gonna update the frames to be darker I think yeah I like that okay anyway um we've had babies with Kyle Carlson Vlad and Ted Roswell from strangerville what about a flatty daddy baby oh I had one two I had twins with Vlad actually these are them right here um so you're in luck I guess um edge with the 25 donation um in honor of your granddad and the woman who was like your mom um and call me yon in honor of your dad thank you so much you guys Oh Daddy winter we could probably have a baby with Santa um not yet obviously it's not winter time yet but we could probably do that next okay I would like to put this baby down here and try and do some skill building um please tell me time let's try Tummy Time Tummy Time Tummy Time Rosie and Karen thank you for the donation also how are the Milestones going um you just need to get your gross motor ones and then one more social one okay do you want to talk to your sibling maybe that'll help us tragic clown baby okay maybe you're our next baby with a tragic clown oh something's in my eye oh we could probably have our next kid with a tragic clown I would like that should we do it okay sounds good to me we don't have any space in our household yet so we have to wait till we get somebody moved out but um that'll be good that'll be good what are you crying about your diaper chill fine you can go to sleep too all right we're making okay progress we'll get the first kids moved out tomorrow so that'll be kind of a win um Leo in honor of your aunt thank you so much and then we can have our clown baby once the triplets have moved out it'll be good I would like to also get these infants aged up as fast as I can um that would be no put the kid back to what are you doing what are you doing okay tummy time again we age up the infants once they've got two um once they have two milestones in each category um is how we've been doing it this one's getting there we're not done yet where's the toe with the 25 to say Jude also thank you so much oh my goodness um no Luigi I still have a more than eight Sim mod um typically though it's I I think that um I think that it's kind of against the rules to play with more than eight Sims in this challenge because it makes it like too easy um you're there's sort of like a challenge level in having only eight at a time um and like having to wait until you age up three to like get the night like once you get the teens out of the house so it does take some time um so having more than eight is kind of like changes the difficulty um I've also had more than eight is hard in some ways too because it's hard to manage but I think that at the end of the day having more than eight Sims makes the challenge too easy um so we can't really do that you know I know it sounds really weird but um that's an honest honest reasoning um okay do you want to give a bath to the other one yeah and then we also like can't go into cast and stuff um well put how about you put beef down and then we can these are randomized names by the way from viewers um so I know I know do you even read these read what like the chat that is why I am here that is why I'm here what happened to cheese ball oh cheese balls right here uh we're gonna become a young adult soon as soon as we go to school and get an A we'll be gone um just because I didn't read something out loud doesn't mean um doesn't mean that I uh didn't see it you know um okay hold on I'm texting my dad back um okay one second sorry you don't have any in the first group okay so you need a bath oh God okay let's get you your first bubble bath yeah beef okay Ruby you know you notice Nadia Ingrid thank you for the donations too we had 131 what's going on [Music] what is going on oh my God thank you also know what to say this has been so amazing today you guys we've literally raised like 40 000 today I'm not exaggerating glitter um the can I can I be real with you guys for a second the reason that I'm people are like why are you gonna stream on YouTube for one day why why the reason is that I have a lot of YouTube followers I'm I'm being completely real with you the reason is that a lot of people subscribe to me on YouTube and I'm hoping they'll donate to charity reason I got a lot of subscribers on YouTube I'm full full transparency that's why I'm it's for the kids I'm just hoping it's a new audience and I'm not even if like people don't donate the theory that I have is I could be like hey guys one day only but if you like the live stream have you seen me on Twitch I'm live on Twitch every day like that's kind of my goal is to you know show them to come here you know that's the reason though is it sort of like an audience that I'm hoping to um show the charity stream basically um but anyway that's why that is why I'll be actually that's that's gonna be literally 24 hours from now so that'll be good this is my PC it's because my head it's um it's because of my headphones they're trying to set up with Bluetooth I'm not using them with Bluetooth right now though sorry that you're hearing that pop up um exactly 24 hours from now yeah yeah indeed okay I can age this baby up this one I think still needs Oh no you're good too oh okay I can age both the babies up that's a relief I'm gonna um for all the Ukrainian kids treated at Saint Jude yeah if you guys didn't know um Saint Jude uh flew out I think it was um like six or so patients from Ukraine to Saint Jude um and then they also uh helped to transport a lot of kids out of hospitals in Ukraine um to like near or buy places um because obviously you know um and so they were trying to get them uh transferred into hospitals nearby because a lot of those kids can't travel that far obviously um and so Sanju did a lot of that um trying to help out those kids um a lot of really scary stuff going on and obviously those kids are really sick um and so it was sort of a dire situation for them um but yeah I actually have a video about that um do you want me to show it to you guys I have a video did I put it on the thingy or no let me see I have a video about um the flight okay when I do this let me let me triple check that I have it saved to my downloads still um if not I might have to show it to you guys next time um yes I have this video on the Travel it's uh two minutes long okay let me add this I'll play it for you guys really quickly how about that um you're gonna see a black screen for a second until I get it set up um or maybe I could duplicate things Mom sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry um let me duplicate this um I haven't played this one yet on stream so hold on don't mind me okay let me play this for you that was loud was it loud in the case of these patients these four patients that came to Memphis on Monday they learned at some point you are going to board a bus and then fly to America many of these patients had never left the country of Ukraine much less ever traveled on a plane before and so they had quite the experience it was a small plane I've never been on a plane so small in all of my life so they probably felt the air as they were flying over Europe Landing in Iceland to refuel continuing their journey to Washington DC refueling there meeting the border patrol who were elated to be able to help them with their Journey boarding once again on a plane and landing in Memphis and from there I remember a patient mother asking me and how much longer do we have to go and I said it's only 15 minutes from here and she was so so relieved what I think that they will learn in short time is that this is a hospital and the comprehensive services that it offers is unlike anything that they would have been able to promise their child at home in Ukraine even if we can do nothing about the one battle that they are facing the fact that they've had to leave their homes that at least we give them a chance to survive cancer and to fight that battle and to meet many people who care about their fate along the way okay hopefully you guys uh uh hopefully you um were like able to watch that and it wasn't too loud I realized that there was like a weird audio problem when I first put it up um but that's another video I have actually quite a few videos um from St June that we've been able to um to show you guys today I hope as soon as I hope that you like them but I don't think that's the right word um I I know I keep saying this but I do think it's really nice it's really nice to get to see like where this stuff is going and everything and obviously um like we kind of talked about a lot of people travel really far to Saint Jude not always from different countries but sometimes in extreme cases um but a lot of people travel really far even from within the us to go to Memphis to visit Saint Jude um and that's one of the really amazing things about them is that um obviously like the families that come to St Jude and are treated there they will never receive a bill for anything I mean we're talking about like obviously treatment which is unbelievably horrifyingly expensive but but also things like travel um uh the families that come to St Jude a lot of times their kids are in the hospital for months at a time and they they don't live in Tennessee um and so they they have to have somewhere to stay while they're there for a long time um Sanju puts them up they even cover like the cost of like gas money you know like things um that you really really shouldn't have to be worrying about um when your child is battling cancer you know I mean dear God the last thing that you should have to worry about is how you're going to pay for that you know um and so um thank you all for helping us do this also you guys I saw someone said the Ukrainian flies got deleted my bot we have like a a setting on the bot to turn off like special characters because people put like um like scary they use it to like type not good things but it auto deletes like the flag I think when you put it um like more than one in a row it deletes it and so you didn't do anything wrong it's just the bot we have like a special character setting on and it deletes the flags when they're spammed um but you didn't you honestly didn't do anything wrong um it just is the special character setting so um but anyway yeah people people do some weird things on Twitch with like spam of stuff and so you so you gotta have weird settings on to um protect yourself you know it just stinks when it like takes people's messages that it shouldn't um but it's a safety measure you know um in all of Ukrainian kids and their families thank you for the five dollars to St Jude um Katie as well in honor of your mom who says screw cancer thank you thank you Katie as well thank you so much um but anyway um thank you and I'm sorry if your message got delayed I didn't do anything wrong I promise um we kind of have in general this mentality and I'm sure you understand where it's like you know what at the end of the day it's probably better for the bot to pick up more rather than less because like worst case scenario it wrongfully deletes something but like I'd rather it wrongfully to delete something than have like a bad message get through you know because if it deletes something by accident it's like fine we'll just be like oops did mean to but if bad things get through that's bad so um I think we're all probably on the same page about that concept you know I know it just can be kind of scary when you're when your rest just get picked up but I promise you're not in trouble or anything like that um okay so we were gonna age up the infants yes um let's do it no more infants life is good oh my God honestly today feels like a breeze compared ah I can't track my cake I'm gonna go manage trolls and come back today feels easy compared to yesterday because yesterday we did that stream where we were adding another infant for every one thousand dollars we raised and so right now this feels easy because we only have two and like when there's no crying everything's just fine [Laughter] fine um I thank you for the forty dollars to Saint Jude um Nana who says my best friend is Ukrainian and every day I pray for the best of seeing any kind of support for Ukraine means a lot to me thank you for that donation as well um me Mario thank you for the five dollars uh Thai with the fight with the ten dollars sorry um and proud Ukrainian thank you for the dollar as well um thank you so much for that donation what does that screen oh what pulp [Laughter] you guys every time we do these streams like I mentioned earlier it is 50 wholesome Like Loving energy really beautiful interactions with the donations in honor of people we love and the other 50 is this and it it happened so fast we we go between like a beautiful message to this in seconds hey dark flower thank you for the twenty dollars for your Nanny bird thank you so much for that donation to Saint Jude okay this is not this is not good I wasn't trying to be dramatic but it's no nothing's happening nothing's happening oh I just remembered um somebody said you decided last time not to have babies with Daddy winter because guys I can't put daddy winter in the basement also um my this is completely Frozen nothing's happening nothing's happened I don't know when I last saved anyway I don't know if we can have babies with Daddy winter because I don't know if I can you know guys this is a charity stream for a children's hospital I'm not gonna say the words out loud but I can't daddy winter come on guys we cannot do that it's not right there are people watching with their children and the children would be very upset guys I think my game's broken I'm not trying to be dramatic I don't think it's gonna I don't think it's gonna do anything it's been happening for too long is anybody else scared I don't know when I last saved what do I do OMG what's this who says day six of sending one dollar every day simsy streams thank you so much and Pulp um and in front of your cat thank you for the five dollars also thank you so much oh no if you also F4 doesn't show an option to save yeah but I'm in a loading screen if I'm stuck in a loading screen does it do that oh I think I need to force quit the game you can't even I'm trying to I'm trying to put the game when I can't I can't do anything about it it's gonna it's crashing I'm trying to close it I know all F4 closes the whole thing they're not lying it pops up before it does it it pops up with like the save dialog box um but it's I've never had that work for me by the way but I've seen it it just goes way too fast to do anything um and I'm stuck in a loading screen so I can't do anything I have to I have to quit it it's been stuck in a loading screen I'm trying to close it from task manager it won't open there we go I finally got it I understand it like 15 times okay I have to kill the Sims 4 now this is not good this situation is really really not good so you saved not too long ago I hope so love Isa in honor of your grandma Jen um how close and speak now thank you all for the donations all right hopefully we didn't say it that long ago hopefully it's not too bad I think it's the loading screen no it's not but it feels like it is Pulp killed the game pulp killed the game um Google says all F4 stays in The Sims 4 freezes yeah that's what I'm trying to say um but not when I'm um stuck in a loading screen uh Little Bird and Sally the rescue pup Greg mincy test oh my God not the Greg Nancy can I tell you guys a story about that so basically a couple years ago we were playing a legacy Challenge on Twitch maybe it was like four years ago at this point um oh my it's permanently loading again oh no we're fine um and I really 407 oh oh fine okay oh my God anyway we were playing a legacy Challenge and I saw this really cute dog just walking around and I was like oh I want it I want that dog and so um shift click add to household turns out the dog was not a stray the dog in fact had a family and I took it um but even worse this dog named Greg in my household I love Greg I'm having a great time with Greg next day Greg gives birth Greg was gregnant no so we like found this dog that was so cute we added it to our households and then it turned out I was pregnant it was it was funny it was great fun okay actually guys I think that we're okay I think this is like right when I was gonna age them up so we should be fine um not Greg the werewolf this is pre-werewolves pack um also Ghost with the 30 inspiration to us all simsy uh with a 15 asara Anonymous an honor of a friend I am Nikki with a hundred dollars um and and uh also Anonymous donates 200 um in honor of their brother who just turned 14 um and because when he was really young he was really sick and St Jude was a big help during that time to their family so thank you so much for that donation um and happy birthday to your brother who just turned 14. that's amazing news okay oh my goodness oh my goodness um so 130 132. what fire flower thank you for the 150 I'm gonna age up the babies this was all because I was trying to get the cake out of the fridge and it wasn't working it worked this time so that's good time to age up happy birthday babies happy birthday babies um Scott your birthday's coming up in four days and you wanted to share the gifts happy birthday that's so exciting all right let's help the baby's age up so who are our children oh so we have the ones from before mushroom Georgie cheese ball we had Lily Pad uh we had Nord last time now we have chicky and beef so that's what we're up to ddler okay no no no add birthday candles add birthday candles add birthday candles add birthday candles remote switch match I'm not sure I think probably towards the end of when I would usually get off stream um but I don't actually know um let me I could try and ask um when the donation match will come through Kayla I'm so Saturday so I don't know if my contact will know we'll see permanent black thank you for the dollar thank you so much um okay when did we pass 100K right when we went live like literally within 10 minutes of us being live it was wild um I hope law candles next we got this all babies to be aged up um Childhood cancer survivor um I was 13 when I was diagnosed um I was lucky to have a great team this is for the kids you've got this thank you thank you for that donation to Saint Jude thank you so much you were all so unbelievably generous thank you so much um just ask twitch for 25k oh my God um what if you just called twitch up and you know ask them to donate 25 000 to your charity stream oh my gosh okay cake is back babies are exhausted um you could probably get given a bath before you go to sleep and you could probably go straight to sleep okay um Elaine thank you for the 150 who says thank you for all you do also finke's cross for a chicken villager amiibo Elaine literally nobody else ever asks for chickens when I do these amiibo things so you'll definitely get a chicken don't worry um my dad just texted me what's your favorite cookie what does that mean why can I ask why is she gonna bring me a cookie I mean um Anonymous I'm so sorry you had a bad experience but thank you for the five dollars to St Jude I'm at cookie store which cookie store what does that mean you think you're the 25 dollars what cookie store is to get like Publix or are you at like a real cookie store my dad's a big fan of Publix cookies so oh he said it's Insomnia Cookies oh oh that's good oh that's good thank you [Laughter] um the answer is the double chocolate chip one thank you Dad um what are they doing there oh my sister is so good at convincing my dad to do stuff like this yeah my sister is texting me from my dad's phone right now because he's driving iconic I told you my sister must have been there um do you think that he could bring enough for all of us um Pro there's probably enough to go around yeah I'm sure I'm sure all all ten thousand of us yeah yeah okay I'm asking if they're actually going or not because if so I kind of want one oh I'm out of food oops oops okay can you serve serve assortment they are actually going this is not a joke this is not a drill okay that's big for me okay I'll put some food here this is why I have this buffet table by the way so that oh you can't see it so you can uh like fill it up with food and then um feed yourself oh my God they're actually there they're in the room they sent me a picture iconic um I really appreciate that and Jazz thank you for the donation too um um I don't know what Dan would want I don't know I should have ordered a cookie with your coffee oh you should have you really should have um okay are you I need to have the toddler skill build but they're a little bit tired so that's a little bit inconvenient um sorry thank you for the 50 donation to St Jude um lunar with the five dollars um Lilia thank you for the kind words thank you so much for the donation also maybe Ilya I'm sorry I can't in the font it looks I can't tell if it's a capital I or if it's another l I'm not sure it might be Ilya thank you for the donation um it's so hard when you you know people like with certain fonts how like a lowercase l and a capital I look the same it's like I don't know what it says um but thank you for the donations flu machine too thank you so much maybe all the kids are all getting ready um we could do a little giveaway how about this um I got I'm running out of codes I got Island living you want Island living let's do it um okay so to enter for a chance to win Island living um can you guys type the word how about mermaid in the chat this is a PC and Mac code so it only works if you get Customs on your computer but type that word mermaid in the chat for a chance to win um I want to enter it is global though so no matter where you are in the world it'll work um type that word mermaid in the chat uh currency donkey with the five dollars on are both your parents and watching simsy to avoid writing your dissertation hey this sounds like a good use of your time um it's for charity white chocolate macadamia oh they should have gotten that for Dan he'll probably pick it um favorite cookie Dollar Tree Guys what's your favorite cookie chat tell us oh no you can tell me after you've the giveaway happens there's a lot of mermaid spam right now you can do that first um I love a chocolate chip cookie to be honest you can't go wrong um yeah type that word uh mermaid in the chat for a chance to win um you I need to like can you wake up I'm running like low on money I want to do some renovating okay anyways hit that word mermaid in the chat for a chance to win the code for Island living um and then we'll uh we'll draw the winners here in a couple seconds I got two coats so um we'll give you guys a little bit of time I'm also gonna do some painting tomorrow we can get rid of some of these kids which is going to be great fun the teens will all move out which I'm really going to enjoy to be honest um oh okay you could probably get up and get some food if you want and then after you're done you can play inside this thing a few times Rosa finished your Masterpiece oh good money all right we can upgrade the house a little bit more you know what I would start doing um here's an idea um okay I think I'm gonna try and replace these beds on the bottom with like good ones because if we got ourselves like kind of a nice bed that would probably really help us out right also watching simsy to avoid my dissertation oh my goodness oh this one wait this one is 3300 so it's kind of expensive but what if we just started small and like only got a couple of them um because it's a pretty good bed it's energy eight you know um because the better the more better beds we have the better the more better beds we have the better um hold on um um Taylor thank you for the dollar thank you so much okay I'm gonna tell the winners now we got two giveaway codes for The Sims 4 Island living type that word mermaid in the chat one more time one last time so you get your entry in um and I will draw the first winner here in three two one go Mossy Lily Mossy Lily congratulations my friend you are the first winner of Island living ah I'm trying to put in my spreadsheet but I did it wrong um you were the first winner of Island living um let me pull this up and get your Whispers open and the second one we got one more code left in three two one is Sheba underscore licks oh my God they have a really cute picture of a dog is their profile picture on Twitch that's so good okay um guys do you mind really quickly if I play you like a super short video like a minute long while I get these giveaway codes whispered out to people and then I'll be back um because I want to make sure I get them sent to them uh this video is only one minute long so I will BRB in one minute okay across wait wrong thing bye across sorry sorry sorry I like muted it bad I don't know I'm trying again the vast majority of children with cancer will die no child should die in the dawn of life and that means no child anywhere at Saint Jude we don't care who cures cancer we just need to advance The Cure is the thing we are called to do is to make sure these kids are surrounded by people who know how to provide the very best care possible patients from all over the world can look to Saint Jude to do Cutting Edge research as well as to identify new and better treatments we're constantly developing new therapies for rare pediatric cancer and we share our information globally and that's the Hallmark of Saint Jude foreign I muted the video by by accident instead of muted my mic um so oops but it's fine it's fine I got it I got it I got it um so let me say the game too hey pickle and pink for your granddad and your great Nana and your great aunt thank you so much I love the twenty dollars cozygamer who says the fair cookie is a snickerdoodle and cursed with the hundred and fifty dollars to Saint Jude too thank you so much all right everything's fine we got everything completely and totally under control do you want to try and do like some extra credit work while you're at it you too and you are doing extra credit work okay stripper likes pistachio cranberry and white chocolate chip uh cookies that sounds really good kind of jealous oh my goodness okay let me get rid of this triple chocolate oh that does sound really good do you know what um one thing about me is I hate white chocolate I gotta be honest with you I am not a white chocolate girly I do not like it to me it is gross and I do not like it at all in any way I do not like it um I like dark chocolate a lot I do not like white chocolate to me it is gross ick but anyway maybe it's vegan like chocolate no I've never liked white chocolate I've I've always hated white chocolate I've never been a white chocolate person I think it's gross always have I like dark chocolate a lot but I do not like white chocolate which I think is maybe an unpopular opinion I don't know but it's how I feel but with the twenty dollars in honor of your grandpa Bailey thank you so much oh my goodness okay would you like to get leftovers Maybe um Natalie for your granddad thank you so much emoji with the twenty dollars to say Jude also um okay uh Bobs of Canada for our family members and the kids we should upgrade the bed so we can keep using them oh what which ones these or what I've been trying to upgrade these beds slowly as we've been doing it um we just need more money okay there we go would you like to make a classic painting a large classic painting um no the triplets aren't going through a bear phase at the same time I just um it's not a bare phase I just I just dressed them up as bears so it's not so much a phase as it is um I I simply individually chose to to dress them as bears it's not a phase it's life you know who says sorry Kayla my hamster Momo got a hold of my debit card thank you 25 um can we get it mods do we have a command with the baby's names can we get one the newest babies names are beef and chicky randomly selected from chat uh or not from chat from the donations which is weird because they're they're sort of similar um but yeah hello have you come to say hello you're a snickerdoodle girly oh that's a good pick to be honest okay we're getting rid of all this money or we're getting all this money sorry not getting rid of this money what am I saying you're gonna go get some food that'll be good how many cats have I got I have one cat my parents have two cats also so in total I would say I have three cats but um as far as you are concerned I have one cat that lives here and it's this one come here Snappy do you want to say hi come here can you come so you they can see your face you're like slightly out of frame it's kind of inconvenient I sell this too let's make another one as soon as you're done there you go proof of cat I can't see my needs you can go to sleep um sorry you meant upgrading with handiness saves money oh like the beds um I guess we don't have a high handsiness skill um but we can we'll we'll work on it we'll work on it um did you just hear her purr maybe I don't know I didn't hear it but you might have um she her face is like right near to the mic so um that is entirely possible yes uh okay save game save game we have a basement yeah I'll show you look this is where I keep the baby daddies uh oh anyway um anyway don't worry about it ever tried Ruby chocolate has a very distinct taste and you like it I have tried Ruby chocolate I didn't like it that much the Ruby chocolate that I tried um but it was a long time ago so I don't know um Quirk revealed loves wake up time that's so inconvenient you're also needing to eat very badly so um Anonymous thank you for the 25 to say dude also thank you so much and will I play Among Us in a couple weeks we'll play among us with our uh Sims friends we've got it planned already so we will do it soon um oh do you want to get a bath that would be really helpful to me as long as I had snap week I snap when she was a kitten um and I was nine years old um and she is now 14. almost 15 years old so um we've had snap for a long time lilac thank you thank you thank you for the three dollars to Saint Jude last says I pray that every child in Ukraine will be safe we'll be able to live in our country peacefully and happily without worrying about our safety thank you for mentioning us they're doing such amazing job in fundraising it's incredible lilac thank you thank you thank you for that generous donation thank you so much um okay uh and Allison from your dog's Freya and Finn who says also as a pediatric nurse this fundraiser and your hard work is so appreciated thank you so much um my cat is staring at the screen she's like totally watching this I'm gonna try and get a picture so I can show you oops I moved my oh she was laying on my hand I moved it and she moved never mind I can't get a picture anymore oops wait I thought you ate did you not finish oh and our weekly bills have been deducted that's not pleasant okay okay um what do you need to use the bathroom and eat we're all oh these are all broken okay go very nice use bathroom you could probably get yourself some food oh you need to use a bathroom and shower before we go to school I want to make sure all these kids have like perfect needs by the time they go to school today because I'm really hoping that I can age up these um the Bears and get rid of them 254 what kind of useless cheap painting is that oh I don't even need it if it's gonna be that cheap that's stupid Quirk revealed destructive oh God okay that's no good that is no good uh Ross saw with the five dollars third year of joining this cause thank you so much for the donation it's good to see you thank you for donating um take advantage of rebate day oh we definitely should we should try and do some like um some more big paintings so we can get a little bit of extra money and then use rebate day is it okay if I draw you or is it weird no it's not weird at all um not weird at all feel free to do that if you want to don't feel like you have to but if you want to you totally can um okay how are we doing are we ready for school I'm really hoping that we can get our grades up everybody these kids are close so I'm really really hoping um hold on my mods are asking for the baby's name so I'll do it it's mushroom Georgie cheese ball Lily Pad Nord beef chicky okay hopefully that helps the only one that we were missing was um mushroom um it's so it's a one or the other thing delphiness it's one of the other things so you can donate for the amiibo or the sticker card does that make sense um it's a it's a one or the other because um otherwise I won't be able to manage to keep up does that make sense um the amiibo I'm only gonna have on sometimes though the card is like sort of a month long experience and actually it's two stickers which is exciting um okay you are all off to school I'm gonna make every single one of you study hard today very nice and then hopefully we can get um the kids to get all their skills up because if their skills are up then I will be all set grab a serving um would you like to hug lovingly sure why are they in bear costumes because the because I can be I can tell them apart better as bears it's just a little bit easier for me you know no no eat eat what are you doing you are inconveniencing me oh you need to eat too we have good schools active I thought I did but they're making me nervous um oh my gosh no because I bulldozed oh my God did that really get rid of the launch rates okay we had on lay line too um and maybe Child's Play Mama's Pharmacy with a hundred dollar donation from Grandma who says very proud of you mom Grandma you actually picked a really good time to donate Grandma's donation just then Mom I don't know if you did it on purpose but literally just before you did that Sophie started a match um so Grandma's donation got matched by Sophie and it counted twice um and we are at 133 000 for Saint Jude um Sophia is they need a cat thank you for the donations also everybody um but thank you Grandma for the donation Grandma coming to clutch for St Jude yeah seriously I was telling um Chad earlier my grandma sent my mom money um so that my mom could donate for her because she didn't know what the fire is confusing though I understand um 46 simoleons okay bye kids are eating oh you are not doing well um maybe I can get a bath after I sell this too oh you're getting tired I'm staying up all night also my cat is laying across my arms so I can't really move in hello wake up wake up get it together okay give a bubble bath to this one smooth wind Anonymous thank you for those donations as well did the maid put the food in the fridge oh that's kind of interesting well-meaning I suppose I can age up the teens as soon as they get an A in school it kind of um took us a while because they had to wait for the whole weekend but look this one's gonna get an A they all all the teens that we have in this household should get A's today um which means we should be able to age them up today which will be good um and we need to get uh movement and communication skills with this toddler they I feel like they've been sleeping literally constantly so I've not been doing that good of a job but I'm working on it I'm working on it um okay oh my goodness are you gonna make a gallery wall the baby handprints I probably should we have so many um we do have a toddler party yeah it's in there in the other bathroom um okay I guess you can no you can sleep for real not now um X just lost my grandma last year so in honor of her she was a gift of my life thank you for the donation again thank you so much uh assistant YouTuber Max loves geese not cheese allergic thank you for the donation we told Max to change their name to no Kyle go away to cheese ball uh earlier because they were asking um apparently Max is allergic to cheese so never mind Max loves geese is a good one though oh and the three teens can age up thank you so much oh my God we also got um some extra school projects from them which is pretty cool um so I'll keep those before I get rid of them I will be aging the teams up though and moving them out because that's the 100 baby challenge okay um let me get you guys your cake and then you can all leave Ellen who says Darcy the terrier giving in memory of her beagle friend Molly thank you Ellen with the donation um Anonymous thank you for that donation also first kids out yes yes this is very good um happy birthday see you later high maintenance okay glad to see you go valedictorian oh not bad um let me get these next ones too Angela with the 25 in memory of your grandma no oh one of the Sims ate the cake I'm furious I'm devastated how will I go on this is unbelievable unbelievable go work on your project you too oh maybe you could play first here and then you can work on your project how dare you how dare you is anybody making the cake like I asked you to come on I chose take a piece instead of add candles is it was it my fault or did they are you sure they didn't just get to it before I added the candles I think usually what happens is they take it when um they try and like grab a slice before you have a chance to put the candles back on so who's the ghost this is Kyle it's actually the Three Bears uh dad so it's only fitting that he would be here right now um but also kind of inconvenient Greg didn't donate her back to vote Greg for baby daddy oh Greg would be a fun one we're gonna need to get pregnant again soon actually um we could try and add people to this club better um I don't really know who to go for oh Chris that's not Greg but that could work do you want to do him next baby daddy fingers crossed for baby meatloaf with 150 dollars and Gem um with the five dollars for your grandpa's uh two grandpas that both passed away thank you so much for that donation um oh no never mind we're gonna have a kid with a tragic clown I forgot sorry we promised already to have baby with a tragic clown so um please hold where's the cake there it is okay you already aged up it's your turn next add birthday candles blow out candles happy birthday yay I won't forget rebate day don't worry I'm just trying to make sure I um get all the good stuff done that we need to today clumsy that's a good one graduate with honors Vlog candles um Victory thank you for that donation in honor of your mother thank you so much animal Enthusiast that's a good one Okay add the birthday candles back my cat is like in awe of this right now she's like her head keeps moving while the Sims move she's watching she's watching oh please finish saving please finish saving okay I'm gonna get the kids kicked out hello oh my God you just terrified me oh snap is sitting on the desk she's watching cookies thank you you're welcome there's only one you want to say hi to everybody Snappy oh you say Hi to Dad and Shanny it's my snap because they can see your tail in the thing yeah they can see her tail that one how do you like not look at yourself in that one this is my dad and my sister well I'm busy because I'm gaming so I can't look at myself laughs thank you for bringing me cookies that was very nice to you oh my god proud of you Sophie your batch was met thank you for the 500 donation in honor of your mom Sophie thank you so much and thank you Dad I appreciate that no see you know what thank you they can't see you and they probably can't hear you either she ate on my cookie she ate all your cookies no no I was belly so I didn't oh well you've done so much work it's unbelievable and everyone here you guys are awesome you see that Dad 133 she thought I was pointing in real life she was like see what 133. that's insane you guys are awesome I'm gonna I'm gonna come back and be part of the stream a couple times in the next couple weeks that's true today I'm just saying hi he brought me cookies I bought you cookies yeah you can have one if you want Snappy I need to fix my hair don't take all of them though okay my sister is obsessed with the purple Doritos oh snap loves this this has been fun I'm glad does she actually just like yeah she sits like lays across my desk like this oh my God obviously she's sitting up because she wants to say hi to everybody but um she's been almost 130 she's been sitting here just like laying across my desk thank you that you are for the fifty dollars to sing to you thank you so much grandma sent some oh yeah Grandma donated 100 apparently um grandma gave Mom some money so that Mom could donate on her behalf I got a grandma donated uh during there was a match happening so actually it got doubled thanks for something um so people can uh put up a match until to find out yeah so Sophie uh basically donated 500 and said like or Sophie said hey I'll donate 500 if we raise that much money right now don't pick her up or snap well now they can actually see her but um so Sophie did that and so Grandma's donation got matched as well the snap spot okay they can't see her wrong way she does like to hang out in this spot um [Applause] careful anonymous with 100 name the clown maybe Pietro interesting idea also creative and dollar trade thank you for the donations oh I don't know if you guys were here earlier but somebody came in to chat and they were like oh my God Brett's sister is famous I think they might have seen me on the front page are you serious yeah isn't that so funny it made me laugh out loud Famous by the way is a strong word they are no but somebody was like Brett's sister and I assume that they just tell me something on the front page they didn't know remember the name of them it was Carson could be just somebody from school I don't know it's weird though not weird sorry they might still be here Santa was famous she could be if she wants to be okay um sorry I mean Snappy leave now I feel bad yeah you did make Snappy leaves so yeah does he does he know you're here did he get what we should bring him his cookies oh those the right ones yeah these are what I wanted he doesn't need his cookies right now serious wrong what they said I'll see I'll see everybody in a week maybe I don't know we'll figure it out whenever we'll pop in right those are Jackies no those are not turkeys that's pulp you don't know who pulp is no do you want to see my Sam's dog it's a dog it's a dog Caleb it is it is a dog no it's a dog it's a dog let me give you hold on oh fun oh this is Pulp let me show you all these images look why are they opening the wrong place look at this um here's more of Paul oh here's more of Pulp here's my favorite one of Pulp that's the one that won right yeah what do you mean hold one what oh Pope has an emote now that you thought was a turkey oh pulp is in my opinion not a real dog she looks like an alien worm doesn't she yes it's like a boxer mix no it's a Puggle it literally does but it has a tiny little nose on the remote yeah maybe on tops of turkey I'm sorry that you had to see this now you know about pulp wow what wow oh wow Barry thank you for the hundred and fifty dollars of Saint Jude your family is the best with the ten dollars don't be too nice of them while they're still here uh but they said watching your family and your father being so kind fills my heart with Warmness thank you so much hand it to you and pink Emma thank you all for the donations thank you so much anyway let's pull my dad is like staring in awe by the way I like how fast the chat is moving and at the donation page so I don't know how you do that I honestly I know I don't know the amount of work it did not this one puts in is unbelievable and Saint Jude is just is an awesome place we'll talk about it more in detail when I come back I just want to surprise you because I love you so much thank you Dad for my cookies and Shanna had the question um did her cow plant survive her Sim survived the cow plant her cow plant is dead this morning she was like um does the Cowboy come back after the winter and then I was like oh so it's just dead forever now yeah but I told you it's so shiny in the backup hold on in the way back of the Oasis Springs Park okay I want to tell you where to get one okay nice hold on guys we're going on a detour because we need to find the park for Shanna so she knows where to get it you see this Oasis Springs you need to go to the park I've like literally never gone toys well you're gonna go to the Oasis Springs Park okay please hold wait for it to load I made the loading screen pulp don't worry about it how do you even do that you can I you can make CC you can find CC loaders I didn't make this one from chat did but I can make you one if you want I don't even know so once you get to the park go this way this way this way this way this way if you fish back here you can fish up a cow plant Berry okay so in the back you can get another one please and then the high fishing skill no you can get one of these that's not what you plant but you already have one yeah oh nice I like cow plants you know you can cheat to make them grow right away yeah I found that out you know are you asking if if I know how to cheat in The Sims 4 . you can make them evolve yeah oh and if you actually Shanna if you really want one really bad here's a pro tip if you just want it urgently and you want to cheat to get one if you go on the gallery they're not putting a cow plant about if you go in the gallery and you search cow plant people upload stuff like this so the gallery just like a room that has a cow plant in it so you can just download one it'll be full grown already oh wait that's good you can even download like a hungry cow plant so that but see people have like just uploaded them so you can just take one and then place it so listen they just like eat people when they walk by no yes they have to like actually eat the cake this one's not hungry um they don't autonomously eat it twice either they'll autonomously eat the cake but they won't autonomously eat it and die because you have to eat it twice to die oh so it was actually very terrifying I only pause yeah I got my sister she um she messaged me asking how to feed the cow plant because it wasn't working she said and then I I went oh just press eat cake and then she did it and she goes Kayla my sim is inside the cow plant is she dead yes did you know that there's 250 million ants per person I remember that because it gives me the creeps laughs okay that's enough there's something like that it's horrifying I love you okay love you love you bye are you gonna go bother Dan oh yeah yeah okay good okay no we're not taking this cookie I'll say anyway that's my dad and my sister um thank you for that chat oh my gosh Laura thank you for dollars the same time um Aaron wearing my cool cats against cancer shirt Emma Carrie and Grace in honor of your grandfather who survived colon cancer and your mother who survived cervical cancer thank you so much oh my gosh my sister is so pretty oh I'm gonna tell her you said that she'll be glad to hear that okay we gotta get pregnant again let me get a a tragic clown painting so I can Spawn the clown and then have a baby with it don't mind me chat don't mind me few tragic clown here we go how many kids so far we've got seven total I just moved a couple out so we're kind of thriving um oh these kids are not thriving right now Stanley Humphrey thanks for 20 20 thank you so much um does she also stream who my sister um okay [Music] um are you gonna shower like I told you to no my sister does not stream I don't think she wants to are we just gonna leave the cow plant in the Park yeah absolutely okay let's get a clown here we go all right this painting fills Rosa with such a profound grief her job um hey we're playing the 100 baby challenge things are rough out here we're doing our best but it's rough hello hello okay what are you doing skill wise you need to get oh you haven't done your imagination skill yet oops oops okay um you could probably go to sleep you could also probably go to sleep you need to get your communication skill up make funny faces make funny faces blow a kiss flute thank you for the 75 for The Sims the family not the game um no I don't want to be gloomy that's really cringe I don't want to deal with that I'm trying I don't want to have like bad traits I need help as if this the the way that like the thought of seeing this painting made her so upset that she was like gonna get the gloomy train okay I'm trying to get pregnant with the clown but it's not spawning me a clown oh there it is further away than I was expecting here we go no go introduce yourself to the clown please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please no more other children in grayscale oh because their dad is a vampire come on come on come on come on why won't you change the clown I'm gonna cry is this is the clown like bugged come on I don't think I can have a baby with a clown I don't think it's gonna work it doesn't work I can't do it what am I supposed to do the doors locked by chance no maybe if I reset you so I have more time oh here we go I reset the clown it worked all right okay don't be so sad be glad because you're talking to a clown it's great fun selfies hey okay no no no take another selfie I think we're gonna have a hard time with this how much for a dadsy Fall Guy stream oh my God I'd have to think about it I'd have to ask him first too my dad had a really hard time playing Fall Guys last last year he was like going backwards I'm not kidding so um hard to say you know um okay okay let me try and romance the clown now we're very close friends um so kiss hands offer Rose oh the clown doesn't like me can I just cheat it oh that worked don't leave don't leave the Clown's been glitchy it's not my fault Bailey Faith thank you for the donations to Saint Jude both of you too thank you so much pregnancy pregnancy start okay we're having twins it randomized that's actually pretty good science baby I don't want to do a science baby because the science baby um doesn't have a pregnancy and I think that part of the challenge is having to wait the three days you know um that's fine I started pregnancy it worked Now kill the clown oh rebate day I didn't forget oh I did forget don't worry about it I was busy um death by laughter no no I didn't mean to do that I wanted to revive the Sim care bear thank you for the hundred dollar donation to St Jude oh this is scary very very scary is anybody else alarmed because I'm alarmed all right um empty Command Center sin commands maintain Sim revive Sim Command Center should I add them to my household maybe that'll be a better way to make sure it works and then I'll kill him I've got plenty of photos with him probably took like 20 photos with him okay same commands maintain same kills him embarrassment that'll work yay well not yay for you but yay for me okay after you finish showering do you want to get some food okay good excellent kids kids it's fine oh you need to eat too by the way I cheat away their um the sadness because that's really unpleasant and they shouldn't have to worry about it so I'll be doing just that you just got here and someone's already getting murdered no no no no no no no no it's not murder necessarily it's um it's for charity so it doesn't it it's just it's not murder so much as it is um elimination of a clown okay so this is uh the Clown whose baby wait no no rename clown baby eight and not no babies eight and nine oh looking forward to it okay um would you like to go to sleep then everybody I'll get rid of the sadness because that's unpleasant and I don't like it um can you pull out your loose tooth also and then go to sleep uh oh I ate Dairy now I'm gonna poop my pants Oh no you also are gonna poop your pants or you did poop your pants and you need to eat okay got it got it got it got it got it got it Darby with the 25 only would Aubry with the five dollars to stay in tune thank you so much oh my goodness hello can you go away Grim you're kind of like okay good I was gonna say you're kind of weirding me out so I don't like it you're kind of scaring me okay these two need to talk to each other to get their social skills up come on oh and don't be sad anymore you don't care about the Clown don't be silly don't be silly okay are those vlads kids yeah these two are kids um the Kyle's kids have since moved out we're pregnant with a clowns kids um that's what we're up to right now make funny faces blow a kiss Babble about sibling yeah the clown or the the um first kids moved out triplets are gone now which is probably a good thing Jayden and Jakari thank you for the twenty dollars to Saint Jude Frank with the donation thank you all so much um or flats kids vampires I'm not actually sure it's a 50 50 shot I don't know if they are or not Kyle Vlad uh Ted Roswell from strangerville and the clown Christine have been the baby daddies the family tree yeah I can show you it's not that exciting though it's only small so far um so it's not that good yet yet the money trash cans base game Stitch um it's not even from a pack um it's just base game can you go to sleep can you go to sleep school for you starts in about an hour okay that's fine yeah these toddlers are Ted's kids yeah um no little beans I don't know when twitch is going to do the donation match I'm assuming it'll be towards the end of our stream um okay because but I I don't I don't actually know um so I'm not sure um I'm I'm not 100 positive what their plans are yet um we'll have to see we wait we wait um okay you're painting what's happening what do you want oh school's calling we'll be live for another like two hours probably um so we're not we're not quite done yet cat thank you for the five dollar donation you said your best friend was saved by Saint Jude when she was suffering with intestinal cancer is because of them that I still have her cat thank you thank you for that donation in honor of your best friend thank you so much um oh I didn't take a pregnancy test but I did start the pregnancy so oh wait MC pregnancy pregnancy phase let me put it in first trimester I forgot because I cheated the pregnancy um it's weird oh my goodness I saw the collector no Cambridge this goal is for the whole month um he has that goal set up with our with our goal for the entire month of May um would you like to take a piece of your cake would you like to take a piece of your cake you don't even have your imagination skill up yet oh my God I'm doing a terrible job with these kids absolutely terrible job with these kids it's taken me way too long to get their skills up I mean in my defense I've been a little bit overwhelmed today um but I think I've made great progress oh can you get your sibling to give you a bath wait no way The Sibling came to visit lace for your three grandparents thank you so much um and can you give a bath to the other one this could be good this could work oh I don't think that you're gonna do it okay never mind the triplets just moved out love um it took us a while to get him aged up and moved out but they just moved out finally we have some kids gone um oh look at how close they were to getting their grade up so close okay we'll be teens tomorrow for you both then um stress today this is our second stream with the baby challenge uh we did it once before we we played it on Monday also but this is our second stream technically with the baby challenge um so why don't you summon Matilda instead of paying a maid because it's really hard to stop in bone Hilda you say it like it's easy to get a hold of her your sim has amazing compatibility with Santa oh dude also thank you so much um okay are you done yet uh no don't take baths are you gonna bathe that one give bath to that one come on give bath to that one whoa you destruct what is wrong with you that's so annoying so so so so so annoying okay well your siblings are here and the clown is here virus thank you so much for that 150 donation to Saint Jude thank you so so so much battle about sibling hug lovingly oh my goodness how much longer will The Stream be probably like another hour and a half hour and 45 minutes is the plan um so I'll be here for a bit we got everything completely and totally under control uh yeah Vlad is their dad everyone so many people come in to chat and they're like why are your kids so pale and then I get to be like flat their father is a vampire literally everybody is like why are the kids so pale Vlad Vlad Ty with 25 donation uh in honor and in memory of your brother Ben Ty thank you so much for for the donation I am sending you and your family so much love um flatty is their daddy you guys no I don't always stream seven hours on a Saturday uh today is the first Saturday of our big charity event this month um so we're kind of uh we're celebrating this special occasion you know um okay would you like to make funny faces hug lovingly trying to get their communication skills out faster it takes ages come on keep it up joji cat dollar train if everyone watching donates one dollar will hit 150k you're right oh my God thank you for that donation that's a good idea actually you guys I kind of have to pee do you mind if I run to the bathroom I might play a quick oh sorry I might play a quick video for you um I have a I haven't played oh do what I haven't played my highlight reel um Dan made us a new highlight reel of some funny twitch Clips um do you mind if I play that quickly while I run to the bathroom um and then uh I'll be back in exactly three minutes yeah okay I'll BRB [Applause] you know I'm getting really sick and tired of this oh [Music] no thank you when do you think you will retire Kayla I'm 23. but you want me gone maybe he won't recognize me in the rain oh no oh no no no oh did you see him in the rearview mirror he's on the floor they fixed the price of the Bigfoot stuffy no no no no no no no no the pack is ruined oh my God inflation strikes again how could they go and do that so when we're in the realm we're the same size as buddy and was I don't think you can hashtag booty in the description I don't think that that I don't think that that will let us upload it I was holding onto the handrail and I wasn't even going fast sorry I feel like I didn't emotionally prepare you for that oh wait [Music] they're already babies so why are you so excited bestie no hang on there are not already babies not like this babies are stuck in a box what are you talking about do you want to play with this the dolls did you see that Rickroll me Daddy dollar I think we are the Rick Rolling people right now aren't we oh my God I don't know I wasn't paying attention is it this one oh my God that just got all of us rounded Tower no friend I look round it's it's all fun and games until you actually try and make a rounded house and suddenly it's not fun or games anymore hello hello Tyler can you hear us hello oh my gosh can you hear me oh who is cackling in there what's happening there's also some baby teeth that you can pick from what is that even my cat turned around to look oh my god well why did you do that why did you floor did you poop on the floor it wasn't worth it from lactose intolerant trait did you poop on the floor because you ate Dairy oh sorry it restarted I didn't okay you guys took that dollar train idea very seriously while I was gone we are almost at 135 000 raised for St Jude um St Jude Foster kittens who says I have three week old Foster kittens Kayla Logan Murphy and Nigel I got them at the start of the St Jude fundraiser and named the only girl after you oh my God oh my God that's amazing um and that is the twenty dollars dollar trade oh and sister um monkey was leafy Anna Gryffindor um Marsh Leanne grave Valley thank you all for the donations thank you so much um oh my goodness okay uh where were we okay every time when you're like playing this challenge I swear you come back and you're like okay back in the zone Focus what do I need to do it's very stressful I was trying to get the skills Max which is not going very well because these kids are so tired all the time um dollar trained to 135k thank you for the donation by the way um oh my God all right blow a kiss make funny faces what did Rick say in the video he said Rick roll me Daddy could you not hear it I can get us I can try and get that part turned up but he said Rick roll me Daddy yeah yeah it's kind of quiet okay I gotta be honest uh I can't even hear it at all when you guys listen to it silent for me so um that's good to know is the whole video quiet or just the Rick part um communication level two that's good you can go to sleep for a bit longer then once you get communication level two I'll put you to sleep also meatloaf short brunette Lauren Kade ferret facts they're long also anxious Oliver Elizabeth um yay dollar trade thank you all for the donations are you exciting the new Hunger Games movie oh my god do you know I was so obsessed with Hunger Games in Middle School I read that so many times I read The Hunger Games I'm not kidding probably like five times in middle school I was obsessed with Hunger Games in middle school I am very excited about the new film weren't we all yeah I know I was obsessed dollar trade Amelia Amelia um Tardis sandwich thank you for the donations everybody too um sing a song Maybe are we talking about this uh because somebody donated and asked um Elise who donated 20 and said in honor of the cancer patients I've lost because they were scared they couldn't afford treatment Elise thank you thank you for that 20 donation to Saint Jude um and thanks to you by the way we were just able to raise 135 000 for the kids at St Jude um brindleton Faye with the 25 who says you're using your Sims 4 builds and your official portfolio application to landscape architecture school no way that's so cool um also Siri Rose dollar trade and Sierra thank you all for those donations also how is this possible and you guys we've raised so much money for Saint Jude today thank you so much okay um how are these two doing skill wise and need wise you're gonna get your grades up tomorrow at school absolutely like 100 so um you can maybe do your homework I guess while we wait for the morning um oh my gosh yes twitch uh is Matthew donations today up to twenty five thousand dollars we've in fact raised a lot more than twenty five thousand dollars today um so twitch is going to send the match I assume so when they've done this before on my stream I told twitch that I was gonna be live until seven so I think they might have queued it up to come through like right at seven but I don't actually know because they didn't say but I I think that it's queued up to to happen like then or maybe not I don't know I don't know we'll see we'll see uh but we have raised we started today's stream on 92 000 raised for St Jude um so it's been a wild day I'm Annabelle thank you for the donations also um yeah I think I think that they'll do it like when I had said I would normally get off stream does that make sense um that's what I'm assuming at least okay you can go to sleep also everyone to bed we can have a nice peaceful evening why are the siblings in costumes everybody keeps asking me this there's not like some deeper meaning I literally just have the siblings in costumes because it's easier to tell them apart so I did that there's no like hidden meaning it's just it's easier that way so I don't think I'll make everyone into a bear just those two probably as those two three there were three how pregnant are we second trimester in two hours oh not that good not that pregnant that's okay even your sister saw and asked about the bear costumes really oh that's so funny it's a it's a highlight for everybody huh yeah I was streaming for like seven hours today honk probably um so we'll be live until about seven o'clock it's currently like 5 30. um so we'll be here for like another hour and a half today probably um can I make you go away so I can triple speed please let me see cheats makes them leave go away here we go oh and of course my stick just woke up as soon as I did that my sim wakes up okay that's so typical that is so difficult okay let's um can you classic painting also we'll try and get some more money so we can update the house a little bit I'd like to get like 10K probably um that would be a good number for me right now I would be very pleased with that amount of money okay can you hug the bear a few times maybe I'll get used buffet table for food that's what I do black rose um so we have the buffet table and then um we buy food on that and then I keep it in here I have some in the regular fridge too but we can like uh serve food on this buffet table and then I put it in the fridge um which Speaking of I have run completely out of so it's time for us to serve food again on the food table so I can show you oh you can serve oh it's Winterfest oh good see that's how we that's how we get more food then we don't have to cook it it's a lot I don't really need to have that much sitting out in this fridge thing though um okay kid you desperately need to hug this bear so I can finish aging you up I've been really slow with these two toddlers um did you not even get your communication skill high enough oh my God grab a serving let's go maybe you can talk to your mom blow a kiss hug lovingly I don't know did it it's got Miss Madam Annabelle thank you all for those donations to sing to you too um uh yeah Angie when we first hit 100K earlier today um I had been live for like 20 minutes or something even unpause the game um so it was a while ago but it was wild um yeah they will be sweet I'll have the stickers um as a reward for the whole month of May so um just hugging brand communication oh maybe hugging doesn't do it maybe that's why I've answered a hard time because I'm not actually talking to them I've sort of there we go that's level two you can go talk to the bear next you can hug this bear as many times as I want you to and then you are also not there yet so a little bit longer a little bit longer and then you need to also oh you haven't even done imagination that toddler is doing terribly that's my bad Zoom large classic painting we didn't hit the 25k after 20 minutes but we raised a hundred thousand dollars on our stream total in like 20 minutes um a Molly in honor of your uncle um thank you so so so much Mommy Dearest with the 25 in memory of Casey uh Cassie and Lauren um your sister who treats the kids that same dude every day thank you so much Mommy Dearest that donation thank you so much um okay oh you kids can work on projects if you want that's fine by me next baby daddy oh the tragic clown is our who we're currently having a baby with um communication level three oh finally we can age the kids up oh my God you need to um play inside that for like two seconds and we can age up these toddlers that is a huge relief oh wait the kids didn't go to school oh I forgot I didn't set I forgot it was a holiday I didn't set the day off no no no no you have to go to school you have to go to school you have to go to school oh that's bad they need to go to school as long as possible oh no sell that painting okay Let's Help blow out candles the first kid are they working hard they should be okay they've got the the grades ready so um I'm not worried about it it's we we have it already it's more just like a oh Gladden that's a good one um it's more no don't you I was too slow to make her stop eating a cake I could cry you have to cook another one if you can stop them fast enough you can make it so that um that is totally destroyed if you can stop them fast enough you can make it so that uh they don't eat the cake and then you can just keep using it you know um okay I want to get you the volcano these are for the kids to work on cowella thank you for the 150 donation to Saint Jude thank you so much oh wait no you can use the bathroom first use the bathroom start working carefully okay okay Valley with a hundred and fifty dollars in honor of your bad or I don't know if your Dad sorry oh my God why can't I not speak today that's really like unfortunate timing to misspeak Valley let's try again thank you for that 150 donation in honor of your dad um lifelong with the five dollars Jenny with a 20 five dollars thank you so much I really really appreciate that you guys seriously thank you so much um okay you're working on this as soon as the wait did you not finish the cake why these Sims are so annoying okay hamburger cake let's go let's go oh you're gonna pee your pants that's really really great that is really really really great just perfect oh do you know what else I still have like decorations up from the last holiday I'll put up Winterfest ones I did pee my pants um that sucks have I planned who the next baby daddy will be no we're pregnant with uh the tragic clowns baby right now but after that I'm not sure who you didn't get your grades up you didn't okay um Maybe daddy wins are gonna be the next dad even though I don't want to have to do that but okay so Winterfest has effectively ruined my whole day Courtney thank you for the five dollars remember to save and drink some water Courtney says you're so right I'm not doing a good job at that today the saving or the drinking water Gotta Get It Together they were late well they didn't even technically have school today it wasn't that they were late if that they had the I had the day off because I forgot to uncheck this um so they they weren't supposed to go to school today and then I sent them anyway and they still didn't get um didn't get their grades up okay let's age up this baby come on here we go let's get this baby aged up did you just destroy that I will cry okay goofball that's not so bad in honor of Pietro can you add birthday candles to this patchy next baby daddy can you even have babies with patchy I know everybody keeps telling me to do that um but I don't know if you actually can I'm not actually 100 sure you can interesting that uh I hate to say it that really complicates things for me though I think only groom is off limits yeah apache's just a Sim in a costume I don't really want to do that though I'd rather have babies with like Mortimer goth before all the townies die off you know um you can but you have to add them to your household and make him initiate that's what I thought there was like a weird thing about patchy that makes it kind of hard to have patches babies um you know I don't really I don't know uh D with the five dollars um Anonymous in honor of the daughter of a family friend thank you so much and skull with the two dollars thank you thank you all seriously for what you've done for Saint Jude's today I mean this is unbelievable you are so so so so so generous okay do your homework you do your homework too these two have to that's not your bed this is your bed wait what I hate when they just nap instead of taking oh when they nap instead of sleeping for real and you don't realize it's so annoying so so so so so annoying yeah we haven't had babies with like any of the classics yet we haven't had like a land grab baby we have to go through all of those still you know you can't have babies with grim um so that won't work it would be fun I suppose but it doesn't it doesn't work um okay you go to sleep after that you guys keep doing your homework you keep painting all right Zen thank you for the 25 to say to you too homework complete do you want to do your extra credit work then I'm trying to get you aged up you take so long oh Santa um I don't really care about doing the present pile I guess I probably should care huh I'm just overwhelmed is all um fine fine fine fine um do you want to open presents with everyone wake up wake up uh oh open presents okay no open presents come on wolf eel extra credit complete can you open your presents please I just want the gifts um okay Amateur hour child's violin Yuki okay I can probably sell some of this stuff so we can upgrade the house also I saw somebody asking the mods again um that they donated for the CC and they don't have it yet let me remind you guys that I have to send all of that out manually um I I'm the one who sends it out and I send it like when I get off stream um so if you donate it today and you don't have it that's okay because I I have to send it out manually and I'll do it once I get offline all right um it doesn't like automatically send um I have to spend some time after each stream sending out the donation Rewards does that make sense um okay everyone go to sleep everyone go to sleep very good very very very good [Music] can I cheat the ghosts away too or not cheat well maybe I will cheat the ghost away so I don't get haunted oh that's the fish I got I'll sell that fifteen dollars for your grandparents thank you so much then Pearl as well thank you so much oh and if you if you redeemed it uh before today check your spam folder because you will have gotten an email from me I promise um so check this fan folder what is the CC my friend little zika made some kind of cool Saint Jude CC I can show you guys um he made it for us uh in honor of the streams so basically um on oh let me show you the stuff in real life first so St Jude sends out like some prizes to people who fundraise um like this this year it's a skateboard deck an LED light the T-shirt a mouse pad this hoodie and a backpack and I I reached out to dica and I was like hey I kind of want to make these t-shirts in The Sims and then he was like oh I'll just make all of it well okay um and so dika made the T-shirt the hoodie the skateboard the backpack all that stuff and if you donate five dollars I will email you um I will email you a copy of the CC pack we'll put it up publicly for download after the month is over um but this is kind of like a fun this is the mouse pad it's like desk height we have this super cool LED light which is amazing um and then we have the little backpack it has like some regular swatches too there's a plain Swatch of the skateboard so um it's kind of cool it's kind of a fun little uh little touch so that you guys can have some of the Saint Jude merch in your game um so marine and miserable an anonymous and chess thank you all for the donations thank you so much um yeah I know night it's so annoying this with them going to spam um it's because uh Gmail thinks that I'm being suspicious by sending out hundreds of attachments every day um and I don't know how to stop that I don't know how to make Gmail not think that I'm being suspicious um but I am sending out hundreds of attachments a day so I can I can see why they might think that you know um I I can understand where they're coming from when they say that oh that's the wrong I meant to okay so I didn't mean to I didn't mean to have you work on that one that's not yours this one was yours but okay oh there you can work on another one well there we go that's fine um and you when your needs are all fixed okay but anyway check your spam folder if you should have gotten the email because I sent them all already I promise um all right so the next thing that I want to do you guys do you think that now might be a good time for us to do a little giveaway I've got um I've got a giveaway of let me get my thingy open um I have a giveaway of oh why did I buy this I've got mosquito stuff you know um that's not how it's actually pronounced but I I say it effect to offend the pack um but I've got two copies of mosquito stuff that stuff pack um it has like the cool camera stuff in it it also has some weird fashion items I don't know um to enter for a chance to win um it's actually called Moschino but I say mosquito on purpose like the bug um people correct me and I have to say no I did it on purpose no okay if you would like to enter a chance to win the mosquito stuff pack you can type the word cow play in the chat this one is a PC and Mac code so it'll work on your computer um if you've got Sims on your computer it'll work on there um and you can type that word cow plant in the chat for a chance to win I got two coats um so I will I will pick these two winners um and I'll send it to you so hopefully you like it um and while you're all entering I'll have my Sims eat well you're all entering the giveaways we'll get my Sims eating here um do you want to watch TV because your Fun's kind of low you can eat how pregnant are we give birth oh God any time all right we're gonna give birth any second it's happening it's happening I'm kind of scared of it um you're fine there's nothing more that I can do for you I suppose once your fun is up you could probably do some homework a little bit Yeah type that word cow play in the chat for a chance to win the mosquito stuff back Lindsay with the ten dollars remembering Elijah um Marie miserable spice thank you all so much for coming by and for donating um Patricia in honor of your granny thank you so much you guys seriously thank you thank you thank you so so so much um all right everyone to school everyone to school I shall have you all study hard at school so we can try and get our grades up um there we go study heart there we go Kyla thank you for the twenty dollars to say Jude um who's the current baby daddy oh we're having a baby with uh the tragic clown I'm not kidding we're having a baby with the tragic clown um Tommy with the five dollars to Saint Jude who said for my aunt who had a childhood brain tumor and Saint Jude didn't have the equipment yet to help her Tommy thank you so much for donating I mean it is that breaks my heart but it really is amazing just how much science has progressed even in like recent years to to really we have so much more power to treat so many of these things that really not that long ago we could not I mean I don't know how many of you guys knew this but um the most common form of Childhood Cancer um in the about 60 years ago when Saint Jude was first founded the survival rate was 20 and today it is 80 um largely in part to people like you helping to donate to to research like this um which is an unbelievable statistic um hey poet thank you for the 100 donation for your Aunt Barb who passed away of breast cancer she was the best person in your life and you miss her every day poet thank you so much Chris and Emily my guinea pigs Loki and Thor um thank you so much everybody for your donations stop calling calling sorry okay type that word cow plant in the chat one more time you guys and I'm gonna draw the winner here in a second we got two copies of the Sims 4 mosquito stuff um my videos got you into playing The Sims oh I hope you enjoy it um that's awesome and Anonymous and Laura thank you for the donations too all right ready the first winner type the word cow plant in three two one is draw and Trench black underscore Mooney congratulations my friend you are going to win a copy of mosquito stuff and the second winner in three two one is who nuts all your profile picture's a cute little cat uh thank you both for entering I hope you enjoy um your your prizes let me get you both whispered with your codes um and then uh we'll keep gaming okay I just want to thank my mods by the way because as we're doing this even without being asked my mods are sending me um because I have all the codes in a spreadsheet and they're sending me a message with the codes in them that's like congratulations here's your code here's how to install it and then I can just copy and paste that message to the people so um thank you to the mods for for the help with that because I could not do this alone um it is very difficult okay should we try to do some Renovations we've got like 11 000 now or maybe y'all how about this how about I do like one more painting and then we do some renovations a little bit more money no I went into labor okay well that that inconveniences me okay we'll have the babies and then we'll we'll uh renovate the house a little bit okay so we have a spreadsheet of baby names um that we are going to pull from here uh these are names that were suggested by people in chat um or by people who donated I'm sorry um so that way we can um we can use them and randomize them so we randomize it I've got the number generator here first baby is number 48. oh my God 48. Ryan oh I like that name Ryan and there's another baby oh God there's another baby and that second baby is going to be named 196. the second baby is lunar B oh we're going into usernames now lunar B I like that actually should I make it like two names lunar B that's pretty I like that anyway we we were doing it uh based on people who donated they put their name in the list um by donating um and that way we were able to uh hopefully honor you guys with some fun randomized name suggestions um I'm gonna age up both these babies here that'll be step one I love the name b that's such a such a cute name okay I'm gonna paint for a sec because it takes a minute for it to let you age the babies up there we go now I can do it baby care age up all right we're back on infant time here we go lunar is sunny sunny and Ryan is cautious sounds good to me okay we aged them up into infants straight away um now that we have the infant update so that's how it works they don't like the rain though which I suppose checks out so I actually don't think we have had an intense infant yet I I'm pretty sure we have not had a single intense infant don't speak too soon Harry Styles you know thank you for the um for all those donations thank you so much all right would you like to look at toys there we go I'll let them keep looking at their toys maybe you could sleep a little bit because it's getting kind of you're getting kind of tired daddy Stanley Humphrey with the 25 to say Jude also all right we're up to nine babies now eight nine okay reach Milestone unlocked good job kids you can try and play with your toys now the cat is back hi Snappy uh oh what come here I know you want to sit with me come here we can sit together you want to go on the desk Yay good job yay um okay can you play with your toys too trying to get the rest of the Milestones up and I should save the game you are so right thank you you are so right my cat looks and uncles are your cat oh really is that it's not friend that looks just like you apparently do you see that crates are up a student oh my God that's such a relief okay that means YouTube oh that means you two can become teens um which makes my life significantly easier I got like cat hair in my mouth all right let me get everything queued up before I get started here so you might want to go play to get your fun up oh you can watch TV to get your fun up you can shower while your sibling is aging up and then you'll age up first okay all is well in memory a baby will thank you thank you thank you a memory of will F who is six years old thank you for the five dollar donation to Saint Jude um and Quinn in memory of Trish and Julie Who lit up our lives thank you for the 25 as well you are all so generous thank you so much um Emily too thank you so much you guys all right we're getting aged up happy birthday Vampire Lily Pad has high self-esteem and it's adventurous that's the second adventurous Sim we've had actually which is kind of funny I think um you see the basement oh yeah we're gonna uh do some house renovations in a minute I was just hoping to get um my Sims all you know taken care of and whatnot um what are those urns for oh they belong to the baby daddies here they are in a row so [Laughter] are you a vampire no first baby not a vampire okay you're doing pretty well actually I need to get you um oh I can't do a school project for you yet loyal that's nice cute um I'm gonna get another chemical reaction volcano for hopefully for you to work on and then your fun is up you can use the bathroom take a piece lost oh my God can you add birthday candles to this cake come on okay good now you can get your fun up that's a good place to start um and then we can go look at the midcast I guess as teens neither of them are actually vampires that's actually kind of Lucky for us uh no idea that you and aerodynamic thank you for the donations both of you so much um okay um oh you look just like Vlad and also this one Lily Pad also just like Vlad should I dress them like in Vampire clothes there's no style books for vampires that's stupid why wait it's kind of iconic wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait guys we might be onto something with this um can you wear the same clothes for like every day even for swimming so hard to click that stop oh my God I can't do it I actually like this Sim I think he's quite cute and then your sister Love Takes with the 150 donation to Saint Jude oh my God you guys we just raised 136 000 for Saint Jude oh my god um this one's kind of iconic do you want to wear it how about in blue I kind of like it in blue I don't like I don't like um your earrings though or the gloves cute cute I don't care about their shoes it's more just like it would be really helpful to me if they were sort of like easily dressed you know okay that's fine uh love you at all I'll make you the five dollars to say dude also why is your cast cursed oh it's just pulp what foreign what's the problem okay happy for you too you're both doing very well um time for you to wake up cause um you need to get fed we'll start strong Sims oh my God okay baby care feed bottle feed yeah come on come on come on why don't they listen why Amelia with the twenty dollars the same dude in memory of your father who is a fellow Sims player and my dog Peppa says hi with the two dollars thank you so much um okay can you please feed the baby that's one baby good job very good very very good your attention is going up um you use the diaper that's actually smart of you to use it while I was holding you because I can change your diaper now and then I can put you down and try and do your baby tummy time while your sibling is asleep tell me time yes okay I feel good about this I feel really good about this um you two you need to eat I guess um oh you got a void critter from Santa um no snap please don't get into that that's my button thank you okay okay I want to buy them both um some some stuff too actually maybe I could spend some time now doing the updates to the house we kept talking about and then we'll up finish it up okay I've been meaning to update the house a little bit for a while um you just haven't gotten around to it because we've been so so overwhelmed so it would probably be nice if we could buy some extra things um let's see from the Paranormal stuff pack I might get a couple of these red chairs um we could honestly oh the way this place is kind of annoying that's okay that's okay um I like that no I don't like that actually do I need to put like maybe a column can I move the TV oh I'm actually gonna get a bigger here you know what I'll do how about this let's just build a bigger wall maybe we can really like decorate in here a little bit more with some cute stuff like couple call no any sort of column these might do now they can get a bigger TV the really good TV this is gonna be like a very significant portion of our money but my thought process is kind of like if we got like this one that has fun eight which would be so helpful you know um court and Kate and it says congrats to court for graduating college today donating on their behalf congratulations Court that's huge that's amazing news I'm so excited for you um okay uh yeah that's good that'll help us with our fun need um baby count right now is nine we've had nine babies which actually is not really all that much um but we're doing our best we're slowly slowly working our way through it um that's an update to the living space I was thinking about wanting to buy some upgraded bathroom stuff too um yeah it's only our second stream playing and I would argue that because the first stream was like day one of the of the fundraiser I mean it wasn't our finest Hour let's just say that we like we weren't exactly um able to game and like focus on the game as much as we maybe normally would if um it were like a regular day because it was the first day of a fundraiser so um hola oh no it's midnight where you are and you're studying for an exam with the stream up in the background um kind of like it's background noise and your mom came by and was like are you playing Sims instead of studying no you are studying I swear I swear you just also have a SIM stream up but it's for charity so it's fine okay let's get a better shower too something slightly upgraded would be a nice Improvement for us I probably don't need a better bathtub I've not been trying to get the kids to use the bathtubs um Pax Parenthood are there any fun swatches on this oh like the leaf one could be kind of cute I like that um comic thank you for the taller for your mom thank you so much um we'll get this I'll get this this is just Decor it's probably not like the most useful way to spend our money but I really want to have like I mean look at these bathrooms it's horrible we really need some updates um how long am I live today oh I'm Gonna Be Live for in total like um will end up being here for like seven hours so I'll be here for like another hour um Bagels thank you for the five dollars to say Jude thank you so much um yeah we got kind of a ways to go here we're only just getting started okay see is that like maybe kind of a waste of money probably am I gonna buy it anyway yeah let me get two toddler potties I've not really been using them but might help uh and we'll get another mirror oh yeah that's like this already honestly I feel like it's made a difference because the bathrooms seem more like lived in they feel more like a real place which is good oh I like that that's cute maybe I could make this like green and orange yeah Emmy in honor of my parents who had to deal with me and my health issues thanks Ma and pot I mean thank you thank you for the donation to Saint Jude also thank you so much okay um let me grab this too what is that bath mat from oh it's from um that bath mat is from Parenthood it's pretty cute isn't it I'll probably decorate this more later on I'm more just thinking like bare minimum what can we add right now just to make it look a little bit cuter and that's a good start I think um the 51.30 thank you so much and Jason with oh my God uh Coley with the five dollars also okay we got some updates there we don't have anything really in the entrance which kind of stinks um it would be nice if we had like something a little bit more um entrance worthy I guess but we don't so I almost don't want to spend money on the entrance either I'd rather spend money on like buying a better bed again or whatever um if we had like some bookshelves we also don't have a desk oh you know what a desk would probably be a good use of our money so we can get them a computer probably right I think so um I don't know which color is the EA app broken for you right now uh oh that's no good um the EA app is uh the EA app is let's say really something special how about that really something special sorry that's not working for you make it a pink rug it doesn't need to be that fancy I just want to have something kind of like pink to match the walls I don't like that Taylor Swift with the 25 to Saint Jude also thank you so much um no I don't like any of those yeah we have been live for six hours it yeah when you put it like that it sounds like a lot um I don't know what else to get we have our better TV maybe that's the main goal maybe like better TV and you know what else over here let's like fill in some of this you know oh never painted that wall okay see good thing we noticed it uh it's raining and disgusting out BB dot show hidden objects baby dot show live edit objects okay let's get a couple bits of debug Landscaping too um no the house is not on the gallery uh I was hoping to like have it be less empty before I put it up on the gallery in my mind I feel like it's just not done um and I was kind of hoping to have my sim do a little bit more um money earning before we uploaded it to the gallery because I I do feel as though it kind of stinks right now you also can't even see these flowers the house will never be done I mean that's true realistically like with anything we could probably be here all day um and never fully technically finish but I don't know there's so much stuff like we don't have lights outside it's like I just don't I hate uploading like a weird half build and then having to upload it again you know um once we finish it for real so good thanks from dollars to St Jude match this twitch the 25 Anonymous with the 40 thank you so much um okay uh we have like 1100 do you know what I've not been using the um we've like genuinely not been using the second crib so maybe I should just get rid of it and like Embrace um having just the one crib because I have them just stay here don't I you have different roof textures oh I never fixed the back either see this is why I didn't put it on the gallery because it's a mess it's not done it's just not done and I don't want to spend too much money on like simple Decor things right now considering like we're still trying to um finish adding stuff to the house that's more useful for us like I never even put fluorine down here oh don't put it all the way just do it in those two pieces um once we expand this house life's gonna be easier maybe a tree house in the side yard there's like no space the tree house one we don't have enough money anymore but the tree house is too big I don't think we can get the tree house until we um until we move to a bigger lot because it's really huge forty dollars to sing Jude also thank you so thank you so okay um would you like to there we go just get a little bit terrain paint because terrain paint is free um sorry thank you for the 25 um with for for your husband's grandmother thank you so much for that for that donation oh my God I can't speak um where will you move I'll probably just do a bigger lot eventually we don't need to do that yet but we'll probably move to a bigger lot um honestly like the next time we stream this we'll probably move to a bigger lot I think um but for now we're slowly working on expanding this current lot you know um is this a multiple video 100 baby challenge yeah so this is gonna take us probably like the rest of the year in real life to finish I'm not kidding um this is our second stream playing this takes a long time to have and raise a hundred children um it's a lot of work it's not quick that's for sure um I don't like how this part looks but I don't really have enough money to fix it yet I also really really really really really would like to have something different like here I just don't know what because I feel like we can't afford it so I guess we'll see for now we'll just leave it um Saint Jude play Live tweeted about me hitting one million did they no I haven't been on Twitter obviously I've been um I've been a little bit preoccupied I've been here um I've been streaming so I didn't see um oh my gosh that's pretty cool though if they did um okay oh my goodness all right hallway table with clutter yeah that's kind of what I'm thinking I kind of want to put some shelving with some clutter in it uh it's just that like right now we don't really have um the money that I wish for in order to do that oh here's the tweet with this those times theater Community is officially surprised one million dollars race for Saint Joe oh my God oh my God I haven't watched the clip back yet I don't want to cry again there was there were tears in my eyes I can't believe that ah dad just got a prismatic Shard from a Sprite in the mines Dan just got a prismatic shark from a from a Sprite in the mines oh that's actually pretty cool sorry us raising a million dollars for Saint Jude is more important than Dan getting lucky and having a Sprite give him a prismatic shard in stardew Valley sorry I just I love story Valley so I got excited when I saw that that's really rare that's pretty cool um that is pretty cool uh Anonymous uh with a 20 zebs in honor of your grandpa who passed from lung cancer this past January zebs thank you so much for that donation to Saint Jude I really appreciate that all right let's get these kids to work um and then I'm Gonna Make You probably use the bathroom and then like take care of the kids um take a piece I thought Dan was making you lasagna no a couple hours ago Dan was like prepping lasagna that we're gonna cook later before he went live he made um some food that we can stick in the oven later you know uh that was the idea let's try and make it a little bit easier on us um I'm gonna mention about the Prismatic shard that's so good um okay okay Mari thank you dollars thank you so much I'm gonna drink some water hi shella how are you doing how's your day been um all right do you want to use the bathroom too okay um the Sprite dad got The remnantic Shard from says what did I ever do to you Dan you're still here I went on a run eight into this stuff and spent hours yeah we're gonna be live for like seven hours total today probably you're playing Rock Band Chella with friends you have friends that's so good honest I'm I'm like really happy for you that's super cool that sounds like fun okay let's um activities tummy time activities tummy time let's do it Let's Do It um okay 150 donation to St Jude thank you so much um all right I'm gonna try and uh take care of these two you're gonna eat uh Mario with a three dollar donation to Saint Jude also thank you so much friends who's that all my friends are here right now I got a lot of them here right now actually so go closer to the twitch match well we've raised over 25 000 today we actually believe it or not started the stream at 92 000. so we've raised a lot of money for say June today um I know twitch is going to match I'm I don't know when I'm guessing that it'll happen right at seven o'clock Eastern time I'm pretty sure um but I don't know I don't know when it'll come through all at the very least we know that they're matching 25 25 000 we know that they're gonna donate directly to Saint Jude and then tiltify is going to put it on our campaign so that we can see it um even if it doesn't show up like straight away we know that it's happening and it will be on the campaign so um promise guaranteed um but so anyway we've raised like 44 000 today on our own which is unbelievable um not even counting the match um because the match hasn't come through obviously it won't yet so and then I mean imagine how many like people's employer matches have happened um so that's pretty cool yeah they announced the match in front of like literally a live studio audience on Twitch they were also live streaming so they will do the match I just don't know what time it's gonna come through and it's a Saturday so uh I asked and I don't know if they're gonna get back to me like my contacts might not be the um isn't the person who's doing it so um I don't know we'll see we shall see okay use the bathroom um oh my goodness okay um let me get this open I'll put a little bit more food here you probably have to go to sleep but I might let you work carefully a little bit longer I'd love to finish working carefully on this that would be absolutely ideal if you could both finish your projects um wait why are you sleeping in there oh my God okay why would you sleep in the tent instead of in the real bed why why um maybe with ten dollars to say dude also thank you so much everyone keeps asking about these kids they're they're vlads kids you guys that's why they look like that they're they're vampire kids that's the reason um Vlad is their father um okay would you like to add activities tummy time again almost mediocre with the five dollars thank you all so much um okay I feel like a kid would do that because I think his tent the tent is fun okay fair enough I understand why the kids are actually doing it but it's still inconvenient to me personally it is inconvenient that they would sleep in the tent instead of sleeping in um the beds so okay they finished the extra credit project you gotta do yours too we'll see if we can get it yeah see plus I'll probably get off stream in about 40 minutes here um that's my plan at least um maybe a little bit longer I don't know but usually I would get ostrich about seven so um all right I'm taking care of the babies you're not really tired so once you put the kid back oh that scared me put the kid down put the kid down put the kid down Vivian for your grandma and the chaos of your poor saves and Victoria with the five dollars too thank you so much let's do Tummy Time come on come on um Caitlyn with the five dollars the same Jude also thank you are you gonna eat Autumn with the two of 25 2 55 sorry thank you so much um I read it wrong you can take a shower when you're done all right put the kid back down put the kid back no put the kid down put the kid down okay Celeste with the 50 for your aunt and your second mom both of my Lots lost to cancer in the last year Celeste I am sending you so much love God I cannot even imagine thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for that donation to Saint Jude um okay let's see how much farther we can get with this the kid's miserable but that's not my problem um do you wanna do your homework also we're awake in the middle of the night we might as well we're definitely gonna get our grade up tomorrow so that'll be good no why are you putting fine cork revealed gassy okay okay star crew alley with the ten dollars Saint Jude also thank you so much are you killing the dads yeah when you say it like that it sounds really awful but it's just because I have this basement it's kind of cute right so that's why um I was just trying to take advantage of my basement and and put a line of gravestones in there so yeah yeah first blowout Milestone unlocked oh my God here we go okay let's give the kid a bath no a bubble bath give bubble bath Ryan let's do it definitely didn't start killing before we could afford a basement I've been meaning to make this basement for as long as we've been playing this challenge you guys this is uh the highlight of our life seriously seriously last time I was watching you was 60k what happened what happened was people were incredibly generous today we've raised a lot of money for Saint Jude today it's been Wild um okay the kids are all gonna go to school we'll hopefully have them just go as soon as they all have them sleep as long as they can okay up up are you ready are you ready all the kids are pretty much ready what else are you gonna put in the basement I think once we get some more money I would like to um try to expand like this way and have like a skill building sort of area is sort of what I'm hoping for but we're not really quite there yet I shouldn't thank you so much thank you thank you thank you so much um I really appreciate that guys we're almost at 30 100 no not 37. we're almost at a hundred and thirty seven thousand dollars raised for St Jude um can you also feed the baby quickly to celebrate finally having your grad school happen congrats and try Sarah tops thank you for the donation too um all right baby care feed bottle feed yeah please please please please please please please please please please please please okay put Ryan down thank you come on come on can you tummy time with Ryan too I know you're getting a little bit tired but I'm trying to get like while Ryan is still at least a little bit awake I want to get some of the Milestones done that would be very good oh wait can you uh study hard at school today I forgot to set it to study hard you guys don't need to the kids don't but the teens do um love for all peoples with the 50 donation for your mom who's a breast cancer survivor and cars Universe Queen Elizabeth with a dollar icon could you get rid of The Cribs and use play that's only yep I mean probably triplets at 140k well the problem is we don't have enough space in the household for them it'd be fun but um we're not we I know that it sounds wrong to say this but I think it's a little bit cheaty to play with more than eight Sims in your household in this challenge because it lets you get ahead like the part of the challenge is having to wait for a Sim to age up and move out to have another kid so when you have like extra it's almost kind of cheating you know uh guys we just raised 137 000 for singtune oh my God Alyssa Jill thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you um okay how's this one doing hungry um can you get carried here please so you can sleep Maddie for your granddad thank you so much have we raised 45 000 today not including the match are you kidding you guys we've raised 45 000 today not including the match wait I meant to get fed uh oh okay fed get fed get fed get fed get fed wrong say it wrong same I love pizza with the five dollars thank you so much did you okay that one's fine this one is not fine try to sleep you can do it I believe I believe okay um you are the fine one so I'll have to like try and um uh oh don't pee your pants don't pee your pants don't pee your pants don't pee your pants go who says um come with the dollar um I don't even want to read this out loud well thank you for the donation I saw your joke and I thought it was funny oh my goodness um I liked it I liked it um okay I'm trying to sleep a little bit longer hopefully the kids can get their grades up although probably not no and it's a Friday no I'm gonna have to keep the teens all weekend oh that sucks that sucks that sucks that sucks okay grades are up the kids at least have bees so that's good hi Dad are you back hello how are you [Laughter] um you need to keep going honestly I'm sorry to say go work carefully on that and you can go work carefully on yours and you too did not get your grades up that's okay you can Channel surf and you can also Channel surf uh that has a coordination with the five dollars to stay true thank you so much do I think it'll get easier or chaotic and harder as the time goes on honestly panda um 100 baby is definitely harder in the beginning um it's one of those things that like as we're as we're starting off here we obviously have a lot less money um we're still building our skills you know stuff like that um and so as we continue on and the house gets bigger and we get that extra money um this is gonna just keep getting easier from from there um so we we do have that going for us at least um we'll we'll be able to have uh life get a little bit easier as we're as we're doing it um because the house becomes more optimized basically and then also like um well just I mean just in general money but money solves everything doesn't it so once we have a bigger place and more stuff like it's just it's easier but it kind of depends like how many because sometimes you know if you get unlucky and you have triplets life sucks and it's really hard so it kind of there's like waves to it Avery We're not gonna finish before May ends we're not finishing by the end of the month we'll finish this but this is gonna be like a many months long challenge like we're not finishing this by the end of May there's no way um Rachel with 150 silly goofy frog um Kelsey with a 50 thank you all so much um yeah we're not um we won't be able to finish it today that's for sure and we won't finish it this month either Belle thank you for the donation too can you feed your your little sibling please thank you makes my life easier okay okay also I see my sisters here hi Shanna Emmy was a donation in honor of your your dad um and your mom and older sister thank you so much friend um I'm sending you and your family so much love and uh Lil dad's the American Truck Sim stream incentive he's been begging to play truck Sim literally begging to play truck Sim so okay shorty Rodriguez calling to chat no I don't want to talk to you put me down me down I'm trying to sleep put me down put me down put me down this game sucks um Iceland Daphne thank you for those donations both of you too you can try to go night night you can try to go night night too put me down put me down put me down put me down put me down roll over to back Milestone unlocked wait hold on do I have all of them two two oh I could age this baby up what about the other one oh you're not ready yet you have a lot more you need this one's ready well that's asleep okay let's age up that's helpful okay um this one wait it is this one right which one they're the same haircut no not this one it's this one who can be aged up candles help let's go from yesterday with the 150 dollar donation who says no child should have to live with cancer thank you for that huge donation to Saint Jude also all right foreign fussy okay we haven't had a fussy toddler yet this is the first one that's fine it's just one it's just one fussy toddler we can handle it we can handle it it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good okay you need to eat something kid you want to grab a serving of that I believe okay um and then I'll put you to bed go to sleep um you're asleep you could probably take a shower and then everyone could go to sleep that would be good so do you just have 100 babies with one simmer how does this work okay so basically um in this challenge the goal is to have a hundred have and raise successfully a hundred kids it is possible to do it with just one sim but usually they might end up dying before then unfortunately oh she's wearing this shirt they might end up dying before then then you would do with one of their kids and keep going um but yeah the goal is to have a hundred kids but it's hard because you got to raise them and stuff um Breen and Jaina um in memory of oh your dog jaina thank you thank you for that 15 to Saint Jude thank you so much um okay let me try really hard here to make sure we're all set up for the evening um there's full literal entire chicken okay this kid's going to bed these kids are going to bed too here we go come on um everything's fine everything's fine we got this you also need to use the bathroom shower and then go to bed too afire for your nephew who's been in remission for two years campfire that's amazing news thank you for sharing okay let's save game and drink water so we're good yeah you it's possible to do it just one sim as long as they're constantly pregnant so they don't age you can do with one sim my sim has not been constantly pregnant I need to get pregnant again um I'm gonna do it tomorrow um but I've I've not been constantly pregnant um so you know that's my bad I suppose I think I would like to have a baby with more and more goth next do you guys remember what Morty's traits are because I want to add him trait at least one of them so I can try and get him to join the club Bookworm okay I'm family oriented so we'll get those two traits here for the club um oh I can keep Christopher hey yay okay that's who I'm gonna have babies with does uh with thank you for the donation Katie with a donation in honor of your mom um who's been battling stage four breast cancer Katie thank you so much um I I cannot thank you enough and and uh pistachio with the fifteen dollars too okay everyone in bed it's going okay I feel good snap plus you I don't sneeze do you want to come sit with me come back you can jump up I'm right here jump yeah jump come on okay she went on this side come on jump no you're just looking at me come here come here you gonna jump up come on the people want to see you she can't decide where she's gonna jump she's like looking at the desk and looking at the chair she's not sure come here come on oh my God snap seriously I know there's a lot of choices here but like well now she's leaving oh my God we've been abandoned that was actually rude of her even she looked at me like she was gonna jump up and then she just didn't okay eliminate cancer thank you for the 25 donation to Saint Jude also now I feel silly okay let me wake up and take care of this kid um bottle feed come on come on it's 2 A.M that's all right I'll feed the baby I'll give Ryan a bath she got overwhelmed by choice and just decided to leave yeah yeah beef lost his tooth oh good dump dad with the rain hey um Dan we've raced 137 000 for Saint Jude now as of today oh my God how was your stream I know you got a prismatic shard um and my chat guys if you don't follow Dan on Twitch um my monster link is channel in chat for you um you should you should okay um trade the most expensive item in The Sims 4 is not the violin but the 15 100 Simoleon unlockable computer with the get to work scientist career um yeah isn't that wild it's so expensive that computer it's kind of cool um okay we got this you better follow Dan they're a package deal yeah there you go can you fall asleep please I'm begging you to try and sleep don't pick the kid up okay are you good kid's back okay we're asleep it's New Year's Eve that's good I'm gonna make my Sam do some painting that's my plan did I just hear snap here jump okay she actually is hanging out now I don't know what she went to do but she she uh teased us left and then came back minutes later did you feel bad that you abandoned me yeah you should have yay um okay okay okay we can try and work on skills and stuff all day today that would be ideal um get the teens doing some school projects and stuff um and then I like the electricity experiments because they are um they are good for oh you're hungry good for handiness and having Sims have handiness skill is useful to me okay hi snap I'm hanging out I'm hanging out I'll pet you I'll pet you I know I know I know um okay how are we doing why is this I keep noticing this this one's fun neat it's like yellow but it's full Holly says fun fact did you know that sharks do not wear shoes that's shocking and snake that you were the five dollars too thank you so much um okay what happened the other three oh they moved out that's the goal of this challenge is to have babies and move them out as much as you can um that's kind of the whole uh the whole concept here with the baby challenge is to have babies and move babies out so we did just that they uh got their grades up to an a as teens which means you can age out to young adults and then move them out so okay we paint again I think I should probably get some school projects for the kids as well probably wouldn't hurt um do you want to do the volcano one I would like that you start working carefully you start working carefully oh no you need to sleep go to sleep you need to eat and then after you eat you can work on your skills that'll be good okay would you like to play inside this a few times good very good Hayden with a thirty dollars in honor of your friend's mom thank you so much okay um you're working on this you're doing okay your sibling is asleep you're painting again as soon as you're done painting I want to try and take care of the baby just that way the baby can sleep a little bit longer is today a long stream yeah we're gonna be live probably for about like another half an hour or so tonight um that is the plan at least Celtic collector Celtic collector there you go um maybe I'll wake the baby up how what Milestones do you have oh my God you don't even have all your fine motor ones I've done a bad job taking care of this one that's my bad okay let's get the nail and then let's invite over Mortimer as well I think that will be a good use of our time we can try and have a baby we got some toys in the mail which is good money um Holly with the 50 donation to Saint Jude Holly said my dad just got diagnosed with cancer anything I can do to help research this disease Holly I my God I am so sorry I'm so so so sorry I my that just breaks my heart I I unfortunately know the feeling very well and I'm sending you and your family a lot of love okay I'm so sorry all right SWAT baby Milestone stories that's cute okay got him let's take some photos together we can be besties um another Holly Shark fun fact too sharks do not eat their food off a dinner plate what first they don't wear shoes now this my goodness horrible and Haze with the 25 for your partner who is now cancer free thank you so much friend okay no we haven't had a baby with Daddy winter yet we aren't sure that we want to have baby with Daddy winter here's the problem I I've been killing all the baby daddies all right and I think that in this charity stream for a children's hospital it feels wrong to kill the daddy of the winter variety you know like you can't guys I don't want Don't make me say it but you can't just kill like s-a-n-t-a in The Sims that doesn't feel right there's little ones listening with their parents right now it's not right Steph and soap donating memory of your grandpas thank you so much um did I say s-a-t-a what did I did I spell Satan no surely I didn't you're just saying that right I did I actually I didn't did I okay I spelled it right okay I was like did I actually do that oh my God no okay we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine I really thought I did it because you guys said that all right I kissed one of our goth now I'm gonna try for a baby with him here we go this little one needs fed um can you help bottle feed clovernova today's your birthday shark fact despite what you think sharks do not have toes so in honor of your dear friend Millie who's been cancer-free for five years now um Gianna as well thank you for those donations everybody um okay I'm feeding this baby who is exhausted again it doesn't sleep the baby doesn't sleep okay they're boohooing do you want to take a pregnancy test okay good very very very good we had another uh we're pregnant again we're off to a good start um Morty no not self command sorry Sim commands maintain Sim kill Sim what do you guys think about freezing sorry I didn't get let you ask I'm gonna freeze him watch this watch this watch this watch this ready ready ready ready here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go oh um I'm alive daddy winter don't say that you can't say that dude did you see the alert and Good Vibes for my twins annual screening she's been canceled for five years um Holly shark Holly with the shark facts sharks do not watch little simsy on Twitch it's a shame I know and it's it's so rude of them he won't sleep can I just oh I spoke too soon okay well I cheated it whatever I haven't done a single needs cheat all day can I just say that I haven't done a single needs sheet today that's actually honestly that's really impressive for me so I used to cheat my toddler's hygiene need every time I haven't done that a single time today uh-oh who's calling oh you're calling let me know that more and more goth has passed away oh no oh no okay let me put uh Morty over here um add a frame so Mortimer is going to be the parent of baby number 10. Mortimer Maybe 10. our first not twin oh my God purple professor thank you for the 500 donation to Saint Jude um who says in honor of Evelyn who is eight years old and fighting the good fight for the second time Professor thank you so so so much uh we faced 138 thousand dollars for Saint Jude huh um Jay and Sharky connections and Holly thank you so much everybody um for those donations as well I don't even know what to do or say all right um the kid is asleep I'll let the kids sleep longer um Morty's gone so that's helpful maybe you could just like do a classic painting all the way for the kid to sleep um all right that's why are you down there I left for a few hours and you had babies with a tragic clown yeah about that I'm [Music] thank you so much for your friend Sonia thank you so much um okay do you guys want to work on your your needs a little bit better here because you don't seem to be doing the best job and by you I mean me I don't seem to be doing the best job but I'm trying all right kid do you want to go slide a bunch of times until you're absolutely too tired to slide again Satan's toes the twenty dollars um Anonymous who says I had cancer my senior year of high school and it was the worst experience of my entire life I can't imagine having to go through that as a literal child I'm going to be two and a half years cancer free this month and I'm donating so that every kid can celebrate that Milestone and many more after can I just say friend you were a child and I'm really sorry that happened to you um I I'm so glad to hear that you're okay and my God I can't even imagine what you've been through thank you for that donation um and I'm so sorry I'm so sorry and Michelle with the 25 too thank you all so much I I kind of mentioned this earlier you guys but I feel like um this is not the first one I've done this like we've done this fundraiser four times now um and for some reason I think that this year it's hitting me a lot harder than it ever has before um I honestly it might have something to do with the fact that I like got the chance to visit Saint Jude in person um and like being there and seeing it it's I mean obviously it's one thing to talk about it and and like say look at these amazing things that Saint you does but I think that being there um was a really really emotional experience for me um I think that's part of why this year is hitting me so much harder I mean literally I've been getting off Sherman crying every single day um and I don't mean that necessarily in a bad way um it's hard to explain because there's there's like a lot of emotions that happen when we do these fundraisers obviously it's like a combination of like absolute heartbreak and horror at what these kids go through but also like Joy at how amazing it is that the community can come together and do this um so it's it's just like I don't know it's been a lot it's been a really emotional um experience so um I'm sure you guys can probably understand I'm sure you guys are feeling the exact same way probably um but yeah it's just um it's it's a lot this year it's been a lot it's always a lot but I feel like today especially it's been a lot um but I really I can't thank you enough for helping me do this you guys seriously this is I keep saying it but this is unbelievable like unbelievable I I don't understand how how um I'll win with the 25 says keep up the amazing work everyone um Chloe with 150 for this week kiddos Rosie with the fifty dollars Holly m not the shark one um do anything again snarty Krista shark that watches little simsy on Twitch oh my God the sharks are here sharks how is it out there in the ocean you feeling good sharks we just were talking about how the sharks aren't here and you are sharks uncanceled they have arrived to the Stream oh good oh goody I'm so glad okay I'm gonna try and have these two talks so they can um get their social need up a little um Babble about sibling Anonymous in honor of chat members short musician whose little sister is in treatment oh my goodness that's not the first time today that somebody has donated on behalf of somebody else in chat by the way and I just want to thank you guys so much for doing that that is so kind of you to to see someone in chat talking about these things and then donate on their behalf I mean seriously thank you uh are you guys saying that there's a new Samantha car dropped what kind of car now okay Samantha has now drawn another version of a car from the car Cinematic Universe this is flatty Daddy if he were a car oh my God the goatee as well and the fangs are you kidding this has really been so much fun this car's business has devolved so much and it's been so much fun this is cool and it's like what um D shark facts wait despite what some think sharks do not brush their own teeth um instead they have little helpers called cleaner rats who do it for them is that true fish fish are brush on a shark's teeth like when they get chewed up is that what you're trying to say like when they well wait like in Shark Tale wait do they actually clean them no they're friends oh they're friends okay no one's getting eaten no one's getting eaten no one's getting eaten um all is well it's fine it's fine it's fine they the the little fishies eat the dead stuff off the shark's teeth it's a symbiotic relationship no Little Fishies are getting well some little fishes are getting eaten by sharks but not these ones I don't care I should watch Shark Tale again I love that movie iconic the Hedgehog with the fifty dollars donating in honor of your husband this is 10 years posted final treatment for leukemia and he is cancer free a recent med school graduate and about to be an uncle for the first time this is the future you're giving these kids thank you oh my God um wait wait wait um guys twitch just matched twenty five thousand dollars that was the match twitch just matched 25 000 dollars oh my God we're at 163 000 raised for Saint Jude honestly Hedgehog thank you for telling us that story about your husband because I think that that is such an amazing thing to point out that this is the future you are giving these kids your husband finish his final treatment 10 years ago and he is now a recent med school graduate I mean think about how much these kids can do when they grow up thanks to you all thank you I mean oh my God I don't know if I can press this button uh 25 times but I'll press it a couple times just for good measure [Music] and thank you chat uh when I said make twitch pay you took me very seriously today we raised what like 45 000 today and then twitch donated 25 on top of that when we started the stream today we had raised ninety two thousand dollars unpause this a couple more times thank you twitch but when we started this video we had raised 92 000 and we were at 163 thousand dollars no way thank you all so much um Swift wind in memory of Jackson Maylin Shanna oh Shanna is that did you just like use Mom and Dad's card to donate she said proud sorry sorry that was mean my sister donated with her own money I'm sure Jenna thank you so much for the fifteen dollars Gianna as well thank you all so much thank you so much I can't believe this um no I actually am giving the money back nice shitty is that your first ever charitable donation you didn't have to have to do that Shayla thank you so much kind of you you guys um I just I want to point out again I know we tell the same story over and over again but I just really wanna I really wanna talk to you all a little bit about how much this means to me because um Saint Jude is such a wonderful place that helps so many people uh in case you're not familiar Saint Jude is a Children's Research Hospital here in the U.S um so obviously they're helping a lot of patients there a lot of kids that come to St Jude but they're also a research hospital so the research that they're doing benefits all of us I mean all of us right like they are their mission is finding cures and saving children and they are working hard on finding cures for for so many diseases I mean things like cancer things like Sickle Cell I mean they're doing a lot to help a lot of people and that research goes a long way to help everyone here um and I can't thank you enough for helping me do this um I when I first started doing this a few years ago I mean I've I've been fundraising on Twitch for a long time now like I I first did Charity streams back in like 2017 you know um and obviously it was a smaller scale um but we've been we've been doing fundraisers for a long time and and when I look back even to when I was a kid because um when my dad was first diagnosed my dad has cancer um when my dad was first diagnosed I I so badly wanted to do something you know and I I think a lot of you guys probably relate to this horrible feeling where like there's this absolutely god-awful nightmare thing happening we just raised 64. 164 000 percentage of my god um but I think a lot of you can relate to this where like this this god-awful nightmare thing is happening and you just feel so helpless and you're so scared and you want to do everything in your power to do something to help and you just don't know what or how or what you know um my dad was first diagnosed I I put a bunch of beads and I tried to make bracelets to sell um to raise money for for cancer research you guys I don't think anybody bought one I'm serious I I think I spent money on I still have a bunch of the bracelets it but it made me feel better when I was a kid you know I I was 13 I want to do something and I um I was really proud of that you know and when I look back on that and like how how badly I wanted to do something um if I could tell myself then what would be happening now I mean 10 years later like today we reached a million dollars raised for Saint Jude we've been doing this for a few years in total we've raised a million dollars for Saint Jude as of today that is unfathomable that's so much money and I I feel like we just come here we just sit here and we play The Sims I mean we sit here I'm I'm playing the 100 baby challenge I got vampires in my household I got a grave basement and this we we've taken this and we we did that with it we've raised 164 000 for Saint Jude in less than a week it's just amazing it's amazing you guys thank you so much for helping us do this I raised a hundred dollars with those bracelets I did I raised a hundred dollars with those bracelets I didn't know that that's actually huge it's not quite a million dollars though weak 13 year old simsy do better I'm just kidding yeah that's cute little simsy that was mean I'm sorry I'm just joking that's a good job 13 year old Susie doing that is what led us here today we wouldn't be here without those bracelets let's be honest um you should sell them with the bracelets oh no I need them those are mine I'm never getting rid of those I'm sorry uh that is an emotional uh emotionally important thing to me so I won't I won't ever get rid of those bracelets those are mine um maybe we could do a little bracelet game sometime we could do like a craft stream and make bracelets I have two of them I don't have a lot of them I have two of them though um yeah the sentimental value is important to me so but I do love a little bracelet stream so um you guys are so great this is just so cool I've seen a bunch of donations here again um Cairo and using the cats um race with a hundred dollars uh share uh K leopard shark um but you're proud of you Susie Caitlyn Dollar Tree and Christina Victory eclectic thank you so much everybody and twitch can I just thank twitch again for matching donations today you guys earlier um sorry last week no literally like oh exact week ago I was uh in Memphis at St Jude um getting to visit the hospital in person and they did this um like twitch was there and they did a live stream on twitch's Twitch Channel at twitch you know um and they they did like a stream about St Jude so they had like uh the CEO on they had some fundraisers on um and then at the end they did this like clip countdown where they were going through um and showing off some funny clips from like people's St Jude streams I had no idea they were going to do this by the way no idea they were going to do this and the the last clip the number one clip they said that they played was from last year when we raised three hundred thousand dollars it was like the day that we hit 300K and my dad was here um and I just shaved his head so he looks like an egg um and we were sitting here we were talking and I had like some confetti and we hit 300 000. um they played that clip and then they sort of cut to me in the audience and they started talking about me and they were like Kayla we just want to tell you um that we're gonna match twenty five thousand dollars on your Twitch stream let me show you guys the clip so we can watch it back together um I had no idea they were going to do this absolutely no idea I mean it was it was amazing um I'm gonna feel awkward and embarrassed when I see myself in the audience by the way so hold on I'll let you watch it though all right so now that leaves us with our number one donation could it be let's see who it is maybe somebody we know more fun for you my heart is racing you'll understand oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh for myself with it nice yeah [Applause] unbelievable I'm gonna hate cleaning this up oh my God I'm gonna hate cleaning this actually when I moved there was confetti behind my desk that I never got I didn't realize it was there because I have like Ikea Alex drawers they were like behind the Alex drawers and I didn't know so yeah yeah 300 degrees that's so beautiful little simsy who is in the audience right now by the way I didn't know how to react he goes he said by the way your dad is jacked by the way that's what he was about to say when he got cut off but it cut to me in the audience and then they said they were gonna match twenty five thousand dollars and they just did laughs I was like I went up to them afterward and I was like my dad's gonna love that you said that I'm gonna tell him um but anyway twitch thank you thank you for doing this I mean I it's really cool it's really cool [Music] so today we are at 192 000 what is going on okay you have a headache from crying Tilly I'm sorry well that's not good and back to the Grave basement um t-back says imagine be able to tell 14 year old you who would just raise a hundred dollars that you'd raise a million dollars for these kids your community did this you should be so proud I the thing is it's so unbelievable I ca I can't wrap my head around it I can't rub my head around it I just can't I have I it's I don't know how is that even possible how is this even possible [Applause] also High tiltify honey so um in honor of somebody lost to cancer many years ago that loved games thank you B you've also made bracelets by donation for charity events they and you saying that I just want to do it again oh be that's amazing um Burger thanks Haley thank you all so much oh my God okay so you guys I have no giveaway codes left I'm serious we're like out out except I have one I have one um I have a giveaway code for the pastel pop kit I feel like I owe you at least one last giveaway for today you know you know we gotta do one more we gotta do one more um let me get this giveaway open um what should you type to enter hmm okay can you type the word vampire in honor of flat for a chance to win the pastel pop kit I don't know why that came to me I just saw his grave there and I was like that's the one that's the one okay I'm gonna have all my Sims set New Year's resolutions too but type that word vampire in the chat for a chance to win uh the pastel pop kit I don't even know what to do with today I'm so grateful for you all seriously this is just I don't know I don't know I don't even know I don't know every time we do this I feel so like Dan just entered the giveaway I'll enter every time we do this I feel so like in in awe of you all and and almost like a I don't really understand how this is possible kind of way as well where like I honestly feel like I've just been sitting here with my little Sims for for a few hours and and you all just came through and we you do so much good I'm so lucky to have you I'm so lucky to have you thank you so much I honestly this is just amazing I I can't I I again I can't open my head around it so thank you so much um you were so cool you were so so so beyond cool um okay I I was trying to get them all to set their resolutions but I'm so distracted I don't know did I finish yet okay you want to raise a skill you can set Yours to be raised a skill as well um I fix missing tooth oops I didn't mean to do that okay and let's save the game seven hours of the 100 baby challenge can I say also I'm very impressed um with myself right now and my level of composure after playing this challenge for seven hours I think what we did yesterday really prepared me for this moment like the fact that we had 22 infants in our household this piece of cake no problem I feel fine right now I'm not even that stressed yesterday was so unmatched that like I'm fine um Jessica with the 150 donation who says I love this time of year I'm proud to be part of your community thank you so much um and Lily and loving memory of your gorgeous best friend Amelia miss fish we love you cimzy thank you for the donations all right you guys type that word vampire one last time I'm gonna draw a winner here in a second is it for the pastel pop kit um the good one with the strawberry wallpaper you know um type that word vampire one last time um this code actually was donated by a member of the chat so thank you to them um and I will draw and enter in here in five four three two one draw intern Neptune's oh seven Neptune's 07 my friend congratulations um I'm gonna send you a code of the Sims 4 uh pastel pop kit I almost forgot what it was called oops oops I'm gonna whisper it to you right now thank you all so much um I'm gonna buy I don't have any more giveaway codes left I'm serious I'm out um but I'm gonna I'm gonna buy some more um so we'll have more for for next time here um and and sincerely from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for helping me do this today this has been the coolest thing ever and we're not done yet I mean we got a month left this is week one we're still going we are still going uh but I think I think with that though um I would like to go and find somebody to raid um maybe perhaps somebody who is also raising money for Saint Jude um I would really love to do that um so um let me go pull up twitch let me see who all is live actually oh my God one of my very best friends in the whole world Spring Sims um I think has started his St Jude fundraiser today just went live um I think that now is a great time for us to go right spring Sims you guys I've been friends with Stephen for years I I would consider Stephen to be my first ever Sims friend like I I didn't know anybody in the community and I met Steven and he is my longest Sims friend um and I just got to spend a bunch of time with him at St Jude as well he got to go to the summit as well so we were hanging out the whole time um and he's raising money for universities playing The Sims um let's go over let's go over and send some love shall we um hey Kate with the 25 thank you so much breakfast as well don't know from my Stanley plushie and Susie boo pillow who stole your debit card the plushie is donating it's got a mind of its own and Ashley with 105 150 as well oh my God thank you so much you guys um so I will see you tomorrow have the best rest of your night happy Saturday thank you so much um say hi to Steven for me okay I love you and I miss you already um and I'll catch you all later okay I am gonna go cry now I'm like I can feel my I'm feeling a little bit emotional I'm trying to compose myself on stream but ah okay I'll see you in a little bit though okay I love you I'll see you later good night everybody okay goodbye
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 112,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: IkVO2PtA2nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 431min 12sec (25872 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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