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as you can see i am back in france we made it back from new york i'm not obviously at la land this is the petitriano because i'm in versailles today for a ball at the grand trianon tonight and you'll be able to see the ball we're going to be able to visit napoleon's private apartments i will film all of that for you it will be on thursday's vlog but today whilst i'm here i'm going to introduce the sunday video which i filmed many many months ago but only now am i able to show it to you and that is because julia a friend of mine who actually came as a guest to the b b at la land a couple of years ago had been dreaming all of her life of buying a chateau in france and during the pandemic in america she and her girlfriend and her family decided they would all club together and buy a beautiful chateau in france however they couldn't come and see it in person and they had to act quickly so they asked me to go i went with philip and with davey and we filmed a two hour video tour of the whole chateau and she told me that if she bought it she would get permission from the previous owners for me to release it to all of you and that has happened they have signed the very next day after watching the video that we sent to them they made an offer she's been able to go over in person she absolutely loves the place and i'm not surprised you'll see how beautiful it is so here it is for you the tour of the chateau de provida split into two videos the next will be next sunday of about half an hour each because the original tour that we did was really at a two hour walk through it was epic and i hope that you enjoy it every bit as much as we enjoyed it i'm on an awfully big adventure in the back of the car with philip and davey in the front we are the chateau hunting dream team today because a lovely american couple that i met a couple of years ago at la la when they came to visit have asked us to go and view a chateau for sale which they're really hoping to buy but because of covert they can't come over to do the viewing so we're going with them we're all going to be giving advice on how it feels what the atmosphere is like looking at whether it would work for workshops if there's enough bedrooms if it would feel nice as a family home as well because they're looking to move permanently here to look at the local area for them to see what the local towns are like and davey is here because he is our resident garden and all things grown up expert so he'll be looking at the structure seeing what big works might need to be done and seeing what state the garden's in well from the aerial picture the the gardens look really good but of course that's quite a long way away so i'm i'm hopeful i'm afraid you're filming now because we need your help finding the parking uh there'll be a parking just as soon as we leave the turn off we've left the turn off some time ago i know what's happening where are we this is what this is very typical of france in france you're never given the address straight off of a chateau that you want to visit or its name usually you're just given photos in the nearest town and then you're asked to meet the estate agent in a random car park and then you follow them there so this is we're trying to find the estate agent right in true cloaking dagger style we've found the estate agent and we are following him to the chateau that was quick that was really quick absolutely this looks really really well maintained so this is pretty good oh my goodness this is my house it's incredible and the wisteria look established with stereotypes at the moment the property dates back to the 13th and 15th century it's an old lady it was like a fortress you had walls all around the courtyard and this part of the property has disappeared it has been destroyed so now you have that dates back to the 13th century so you have a courtyard you have magnificent giardia references on the other side of the chateau i'm going to come back you have all the reception rooms in the shelter one interesting thing about this shadow don't forget that it is about 700 800 years old yeah and it is light and airy you have windows on both sides we are not lucky but when we have a sunny day it's very light it's very very it's very comfortable and easy to live some medieval shadows are dark small windows it's not the case at all here i just want to show the view from the window as well can you see that it's straight onto the formal garden yeah so uh one note from davey no one prune the hydrangea the curtains are beautiful and the tapestry is the tapestry part of the inventory yes yeah basically everything except personal belongings you know the photos some books it's beautiful a working fireplace absolutely which makes a big difference and i think my favorite part is this way when you just go straight onto the courtyard absolutely and the most beautiful views of the views where you see the chateau itself and on the other side that isn't the hydrangea problem you can walk straight out onto the formal garden i like the paneling inside the window reveals the floor's great this is a small salon or lunch beautiful i love the chandelier i love yes both chandeliers so far have been beautiful and i love the curtains so the atmosphere is a bit 18th century here you know this fireplace is not 500 or 600. it's much lighter and more delicate than you would expect from outside but don't forget that it is a medieval one and here for instance oh that's my favorite but the little nook there and look that's the perfect reading neck oh is that original or a recreation or never they are the original but they don't get back to the 13th century they were made in the 16th or 17th century i love the curved book cases yeah it's like a little boudoir you know yes a small room where you can retie and um you know if you want to and behind this curtain yeah this is obviously the perfect place to leave but i love it for the old side oh you know straight outside yeah actually that would be the perfect place to be in summer then because it gets so hot here in summer that if you could have the light coming in from outside it would stay cool in this room i think in this shuttle the walls are yes that thick yeah you stay cool and so it's in all cases it is cool in the chateau but you're right we are in the shower and in the we can have some really hot weather yes more than 30 degrees so here a swimming pool is a good investment yes very good and the swim pool's behind there is that oh yeah right there the terrace needs a bit of work because the tiring froze and it was not the right type of materials that we use but this is a very pleasant area it's beautiful furniture so this is the largest uh the biggest salon yes you have all the very nice reception rooms on the other side in the wing this is the party room yeah yeah sure yeah i love this painting did you see the spiral stone staircase as well yes just as we came in it's a very nice one yes it's beautiful and it goes up to the second floor so we will take the this floor i will show you so here the flooring is hexagonal floor tiles absolutely here it's a mix of this i think is beautiful this is the dining room this is the dining room absolutely correct it's you have a monumental chimney here yeah all chili works it is easy and again beautiful view oh yes it's a lovely thing i'll have a look at that and i just wanted to show you the view of the courtyard from the dining room can imagine stepping straight out in the summer i'm just going to look through here oh very good to have off the dining room look at the lovely ceiling it goes into the wall this is so cool wow straight off the dining room excavating wow yes tunnel that's pretty exciting yes well you can dig out and try to find the treasure it is an interesting seller you can store a lot and keep a lot of bottle of wine and uh that l curve there is that just an alcove or did there used to be a room behind that as well i think so okay you know what it is one well julian lots of things to discover coming up with the bottles of wine ready for the second course yes the clock's beautiful shall we continue it's a very recent kitchen so everything is pretty cute that's so nice to be able to step straight outside absolutely and you have a small terrace on the other side straight out that way absolutely beautiful salon off it this is the everyday dining room with a nice view of the garden it is another walking family of course of course it's quite rare to find a chateau with all of the fireplaces in full working order it's beautiful and on that side you have here a small terrace ah lovely a small terrace so you have oh yes and you can have it here your lunch or you can dance yeah you can have your kitchen lunches yes to live outside i really love the um i'm so sorry for the weather it's absolutely oh yes but look at look at the view look at the view over there it's just unspoilt as far as the eye can see and davey on a serious la land point of view i love these trees like this edge of the head gorgeous atmosphere it's a beautiful lawn yes this is more english here i love it it's a different kind of it's beautiful it's the owners who are gardeners i think they're both keen yes the owner used to do a lot of things because it was his passion yes this is the tv room the everyday salon small room where you watch tv and then down here you're back into this area where the extra cupboard is for the kitchen there's another cupboard in here and here is the downstairs loo with the sink opposite the downstairs lee is quite darling i used to earlier when we arrived um it has a rather famous french twirl of the gardeners i have one actually at leland a little bit of this one it's really cute it's tiny though it's really minuscule inside a cupboard but good to have that near the kitchen and then we go through to more reception rooms if you're getting rid of that little tv room to make it the kitchen there's another little tv room here so you still get a little snug space and this one's even better because it goes straight out onto the main courtyard there's a door here and then a beautiful billiard room she will have the tv station right in the middle of terminal two perfect [Music] two hours and 20 minutes later she's in all them yes so useful it's fantastic and a beautiful tremolo fabric of it walls again again it's just amazing and mirrored double doors yeah can you show what it's like when they're closed phillip sure it's really pretty with them clothes it reflects all the light from the window behind and the view yes that's beautiful it's another rumor when it's closed yeah completely different then behind the mirrored doors in the billiard room there is this study with again fabric covered walls so many fabric covered walls in the chateau it's incredible and that's just behind the stairs this cupboard through the little study you get to the laundry room is that a technical cupboard behind the painting oh a little hidden door yes what's in that i don't know i will be honest with you yes it must be oh nice little bar area there is no more bar at the moment there is no bar little hidden bars like that i think are nicer anyway you can have plenty of space let me show you see if there's a bar so this is another entrance yes oh i love the very very uh modern um glass openings that let all the light through and you have this very very warm door on this side yes another view of the chateau and the arcade and the gate so you can see it's even beautiful in the rain on a gray day if you like it on that day [Music] and you have this beautiful room as well a little bit of stained glass in this room that's the same as on the other side silly yes a stunning ceiling and chandelier floor yes this is a lovely pattern of course another working fireplace all those fireplaces and uh what looks like an aubusson beautiful tapestry so i was talking about the thickness of the walls yeah here is a good example yes there you really see the walls of the building pretty solid i can't see it falling anytime soon uh i think they are quite soon i'm quite confident on that point almost every room has got double doors onto the garden which is the nicest thing yeah again yes again which is great insulation lovely interior shutters and what is this room ah this is what i've been looking forward to seeing this one oh it doesn't work i don't have lights that's a shame but i think it's picking up anyway oh it's so beautiful oh this is a heaven this is the possible in the woman oh i love it wait a minute because they're walking yes oh and the prettiest lou which i saw on the walk-through yes look at the toilet i told you about philip on the walkthrough look at that fabric covered wall i love this room that would be the best fabric of the wall in the house oh this is a heaven i love this this is heavenly the mirror is gorgeous the sink is darling and there's even a little arrow slit in the loop so you know if you need to shoot any intruders and go to the loo at the same time you're in luck this is my favorite room i love it i love the painting do you see the ceiling oh there's the handle yes i can't say that but look yay i think the fuse has just been put on i would like a room like this i don't know if the porcelain's for sale too but it's stunning you don't need to say you'd like a room like this for them i know and look there's even cupboards below curved cupboards i don't know who made this but it's all just superb we're going to the first floor using the small staircase we're going up the small staircase oh lovely lovely spiral staircase so it's another stone spinner staircase let's start with this lovely room oh wow we are just above the porcelain i spend all my time in here because not only does this have these bookshelves and a lovely place to read that's a fireplace opposite it's beautiful i love the fabric you have a undeveloped room this is the view from this room oh my goodness so something exciting just happened behind me but i wanted to show you the view first because it's so beautiful the other little door in here turns out to be a staircase so we are going upstairs and as i said there's nothing upstairs except a secret room this could be a secret bedroom because you could completely hide the door downstairs well they are basically living in three or four rooms yes the kitchen the small summer and their bedroom well with the door hidden in that little round room there would be no knowing that there was this little hidden room upstairs so romantic the bedrooms now yes in the bedrooms so you have cupboards here yes the wardrobe there beautiful exactly not the same on the other side oh that's fun oh wow fill up your dream yes so it's one of these bedrooms which needs to gain fabric on the walls in the bedroom as well so the bedrooms are big yes and it's a big bathroom you have everything water etc you might want to redecorate yes um but that's what i said yeah that's it little it's dated but it looks really lovely and clean so there are six bedrooms like this which needs to be yeah yeah yeah if you want you know italian shower i like the fact that you've got a stained glass window in the bathroom because it gives you privacy but you also still have that lovely view and a nice light lovely it's a lovely room okay well there are 11 like this on the first floor oh dear yes as you said so this is a lovely big window in here again needs redecorating oh that bathroom's yeah that's modern you don't need to touch this for a while it's completely usable i suspect the other one is as well actually you don't really need to do anything straight away so far right so that was bedroom number two room number three a bit modern as well but uh yes and and um has a bathroom too so so far you have three bedrooms with three bathrooms and one possible bedroom without a bathroom that you could actually create a bathroom for that's amazing basically you have on the first floor 11 bedroom and 10 bathrooms onto the main staircase coming up from the kitchen oh it smells really delicious this is the only bedroom which doesn't have an ensuite okay you have one advantages this is the view oh wow wow oh my goodness but it's breathtaking this is spectacular breathtaking and you have here for your food information well that's hilarious yeah so all mod cons but at least you've got water in here you have a good girl on the other side and there's also a window on the other side so again just views into the distance now we go back here to the kitchen and the tv room that's the way down to the kitchen i need to give you some explanation this room this is too spectacular [Music] wow oh my goodness have you seen the light filler wow david can you stand under that light for scale it's high and it's really wide as i say again david's nearly two meters tall oh my goodness this is why it is three pieces of the information which leads to the other bedrooms yes here you have the ensuite okay so there is already enough suite directly behind the bathroom we which have everything that needs decorating oh let's have a little because i'm thinking if this could be made smaller it could be it could be made smaller i think we've just fixed the problem of the other room not having enough suite you come through one of the little side doors probably the one on that side yeah and make a shower room there for it and have a shower room here for this one yeah yeah you'd have to remove the cupboards and raise the floor and you've already got the plumbing which would mean that we would actually be now six bedrooms ensuite all of them yeah yes okay great yeah this is not a number okay this is the main staircase so this must be one of the principal bedrooms led to from the main staircase spectacular and you have access to another bedroom okay so you will be able to access this bedroom behind this door from the corridor yes or from there okay shall we go the corridor way look at the fireplace in this room now it's really renaissance it would feel as though it's a older part so there is today i'm always curious whether i need to no okay so a whole new card with oh i love these curtains oh wow i love the curtains they're lovely i love the color of this corridor yeah you need some painting of you you've got your work cut out at la land davey [Music] it will take some years to have the same but yes it was because they did it's a beautiful view this is the other bedroom that you could get to from the main staircase with the same fabric that we saw in the downstairs lou so here would be in fact you have here the stone staircase you remember yes yes most grandparents were living here and it was you have a full and stunning flat above on the second floor but here it was the bathroom and you have a small kitchen so it's up to you and you convert this into another bathroom a huge suite yes yes so i think that's a good like either a huge suite or ice i think two bedrooms with two bathrooms would be much more usable yeah it's the same wallpaper again yes you have another nice bedroom here yeah so turn this kitchen into a shower room so you have the toilets on the other side you have everything got all the plumbing here and then you have two beautiful bedrooms chandeliers oh it's like the one that i've just got yeah venetian this is the cover beautiful finish from chandelier another beautiful achievement yes i love these renaissance chimneys in this side so the rooms are light you have big windows yes so lovely colored as you go through there and what do you think of this bedroom oh wow oh i love it i love the color i love it i look at that yeah the fabric isn't it's spectacular the only thing you need to do is put a beautiful antique bed there yes because everything else is perfect it's amazing i'm not going to show you this okay we're not going to see that now not yet not yet okay we'll see everything it's a cupboard yeah that's a camera uh covered in that and another just stunning fireplace keep in mind that this bedroom is an ensuite bathroom that's going to show you okay so it's the sixth bedroom which needs to be right and here you have like a cupboard behind this wall is the ensuite yes there'll be a room that i like oh so in fact the cupboard should become a bathroom for here you have a sink and you have here a toilet oh there is a toilet and it was this little maid room so ins you could remove those from here turn the cupboard that we just saw into the toilet and this thing keep the ensuite for the other room as it is and then this also gets its own our suite and you don't have to have a loo in the room beautiful i like it just beautiful and you could get a double bed in here there's space for a double coming out from there and i love this because it's got the original stone seats in the window so have you seen this fabric oh of course it is but well spotted yes it's the celia fabric the same as my dress it's a sign [Laughter] sadly i'm not the one who could buy it beautiful i would keep that and then just put a double bed there coming out this way oh wow oh that's quite some tiles oh yes there's even more space there actually you could without any problem yes use the spain behind yeah and where does this door go good question now let me show you one of the most beautiful toilets i've oh my goodness no way oh in this stone walls are behind under the stairs like the stairs going over it incredible and then just opposite oh we are going upstairs this hidden staircase in an ensuite join us next week to see the incredibly renovated attic and the unrenovated wing and the gardens classified by the french state as jardin isn't it the most glorious place i cannot wait for julia to get here and hopefully go and visit her again and do another tour for you i'm very very excited for them and if you want to see more of their adventures they've started their own youtube channel called lady of the chateau productions and i'll put a link to it here they have one video up so far their channel trailer called dreaming of a chateau in which you can discover more about julia her girlfriend and her family and their dreams of moving to france you can also check out her instagram and i'll put a link to it in the description below thank you so much for joining us for this see you next week with the amazing gardens including a maze a huge thank you to all of our patrons who make this vlog possible and the duffans and dauphines of la land yadel and ether alice allen dan bander whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise berenstainel bernankovich jill bidwell candice blackburn candace ned borkowski clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalakhani lindsey c shelton steve and sarah cole linda sue concepcionary zoe dork sylvia dem jim de merzmann and richard patternord sakura dennis zane dixon jason w jackie allison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first to kevin fossum abigail grant fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine hallbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson camilla herrera jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hoop lissandra hawley melissa jamson brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy cam nadia kennedy lisa laforge dave and summer la land morgan lowly angel leonard victoria lepine janet huff lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton karen nicholson kathy nerd maureen palmer ellen person wendy piatek frank popovsky and james snow tomorrow price almond ramen tonya renee rjb bettina roject hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks rebecca shurik carl and laurie c but theresa sloane patty suhu susan stevens montes de pora sabrina suret and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer rene valley victoria jessica walker brandi walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whittaker linda wiest christine wilson wins la cockapoo greg wood david young and lodovicos ordonazo [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 346,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, chateau tour, castle tour, home tour, castle for sale, manor
Id: Q6zqgCnHGGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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