Tour of Our First Home | House Tour & Day in Our Life

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- Morning guys. - Morning guys. Today we thought we would take you along on basically like, an average day in the life of Stephen and Jess. - Now, if you guys didn't know, we live in Western Australia in the northern suburbs of Perth. And we are so blessed because we wake up every morning and we're able to grab a cheeky coffee and go for a little walk on the beach. - So, we know that during this time, it is affecting different areas in different ways but here in WA, we are actually, we're not in lockdown, we're just social distancing and that actually happened the day after we moved in. So, the day after we moved in, we hadn't seen any friends, any family because you can only be in groups of two but it looks like it is working for us because yesterday was the first time they announced that in a couple of states, including ours, there hasn't been one reported case of Corona. - [Stephen] So strange being on this beach and I'm just able to make all these fresh footsteps. ♪Stop trying to come up with an explanation ♪ (waves crashing) ♪ It's not overrated ♪ ♪ To feel like everything♪ - So, we're pretty excited today because we've actually had the hottest autumn, here in Perth. We've been getting days up to 39 degrees and today is the first day we can get all cozied up in our jumpers. - First day wearing a jumper this year. How weird is that? - It's so weird and we just realized that we are spending our first winter in Perth in five years. - Usually we run away, (laughter) but I guess there really was nothing to complain about. Like today's 19 degrees and this is cold. So before we leave the beach, I don't normally do this but seeing as I have a month left, I need it for the memories. I'm going to give you a beach bump update. Four weeks to go and this is how big my belly's got. - [Stephen] Whoa. - And she definitely hasn't dropped. She's still sitting very high and I can feel her kicking all the time. Like last night, she was like kicking you over and over again. (laughter) (slow orchestral music) So, I'm about to make breakfast but I think we have a public service announcement that we need to do, which I didn't know we needed to do until-- - We've never had to address anything in the vlogs before but there were so many comments about this thing in the last vlog. - I think a lot of people got attached to our pink kettle and toaster and - (laughter) - We have some explaining to do. So, (laughter) So what happened was one of the first times that we actually tried to use the toaster, it basically almost burned down our house. So Stephen put toast in the toaster, all excited and then I could smell like burning metal, (somber music) And I even came in and I was like, "Stephen, what is that smell?" - Because I was getting the shot to have the toast pop up to start the next day and it almost burned down our house. - I had to open up every single window of the entire house to get this burning metal smell out of the house. So I have a feeling that the kettle and the toaster didn't last the 12 years in that box and I think they became a safety hazard. So yes, a lot of you have noticed. We've now got a white kettle and a white toaster and I'm very sorry for everyone that was attached to the pink ones but it kinda had to be done. (somber melancholy music) There's also another thing that I found, which I think you guys are gonna get a crack out of. So you know the monkey photo, the infamous monkey photo? (somber music) What is this? - [Stephen] Do you want to put it down and roll it out? - It actually looks old, like. What is it? (laughter) - It's a monkey (laughter) - I've been waiting for weeks to see what this is. (laughter) - [Stephen] It's a self portrait. - It's a (laughter) it's a big monkey. (laughter) So the other day I was actually going through all our old travel photos 'cause I wanted to choose some to print on our walls and I went all the way back to 2013, Thailand and I found this gem of a photo. (slow piano music) Not knowing what it is and this is a massive face of a monkey. It was so funny, even someone commented being like, "Who buys a souvenir that big?" - (Laughter) - So now we know, it was 2013 in Thailand. - [Stephen] I can't believe you remembered. - It just suddenly hit me and I go, "I swear we took a photo with the art." (laughter) We loved that monkey. So yes, we were so excited about purchasing the monkey photo that Stephen and I got a photo with the artist. - (laughter) - And I don't know why we have no recollection of this. Like I cannot even remember buying this photo but young Stephen and Jess was super keen over this monkey portrait, that, yeah, we got a photo with the artist. - So what one of our favorite breakfasts that we've been able to make is Jess's famous paleo pancakes, which tastes so yum. Probably not so paleo because since Easter we've had so many little eggs lying around that-- - Yeah, I haven't been putting in chocolate in them but I feel like if you guys are at home and really want a naughty breakfast like pancakes, I think I've worked out a healthy way to make them. So you're only going to need a four ingredients. It's basically oats, eggs, banana and cinnamon. (blender whirring) (stove clicking) Then it turns into a pancake batter. (spraying) Okay, and then for the not so healthy, our finishing touch is you just put a little Easter egg in the middle... Yum. (melancholy music) So I may have killed a yowie in the creation of these Easter eggs but it means that all together we can find out what I actually got in the yowie-- - [Stephen] Explain to our American viewers what a yowie is. It's like a Kinder surprise but they don't even get toys in America in the Kinder surprises. - They don't? - [Stephen] I don't know. That's what I read somewhere. - I can't open it. (laughter) Open it. They might not know what an actual yowie is. Isn't it like an Australian mythical animal or something? - [Stephen] I actually don't know what a yowie is. - Thanks for opening it for me. - [Stephen] It's okay. (laughter) - Let's see. Oh my goodness, guess what I got? - [Stephen] What did you get? - I got a tortoise (laughter) It must like Australian animals or something. Yeah it is. It's the golden coin turtle, critically endangered. Oh no, but its not in Australia. It's found in China and Vietnam. - [Stephen] Oh. - I'll add that to my little collection of my toys. There you go. - So we thought throughout today's vlog, we would answer some of you guys' most asked questions and one of them popped up, which was just so strange and I was like, okay, we'll answer this but the question was, it's a weird one but how tall are you guys? (laughter) - And then I realized it's true because when I meet people that mainly I've only watched in videos, sometimes I'm like, "Oh wow, you're way taller than I thought," you're way shorter than you thought - And we fall into more of the second column of, "You're way shorter than I thought." (laughter) - We always get told we're way shorter than people think. So I think for so long we've both been 166 centimeters. - Yeah, I feel like she's been getting in an extra centimeter every now and then. - So for so long, Steve and I were both at 166 centimeters and I think I'm know 167. I think I grew a centimeter, so I'm officially taller than Stephen but we're basically the exact same height and that is why on our wedding day, I didn't wear shoes. (laughter) - [Stephen] Thanks Jess. - [Jessica] It's a little fun with that. No, I just thought it looked cute in the photos if I didn't have shoes on. - That's what she tells me - (laughter) - But also, one of our most biggest requests over the last two videos is, "Can you give us a house tour?" So, we've actually been doing some reno work as you kind of saw on the last one. - [Jessica] Reno work. We took the wallpaper off the wall. - [Stephen] We painted a wall. - We painted a wall and we basically furnished the whole house but now it's up to the part where we need to decorate. So we would definitely love you guys' suggestions but after I finish this pancake, we will show you around our home. - Also, if you guys ended up making these paleo pancakes, let us know what you think of them. Of course ex-nay on the chocolate to make it healthy but-- - Add a whole Easter egg. Trust me is even better. (lively music) - It's actually super strange to be kind of putting our travel bags into storage. So we just don't know when we're actually gonna use these again. (lively music) - Okay, so I think our little tour needs to start at our entryway. So if some of you remember this was the famous stripey wall. It is no longer stripey. We just ended up painting it the same color as the rest of the house. We found some paint in the garage, which was helpful and then we put up this big mirror and some hooks and then we're currently just looking for an entryway table. So if you have any suggestions, let us know. It's like the last piece of furniture we need for the house and if we walked through here, I'll show you kind of like the living space. So this all opens up. So this, we're calling it the coffee, chill, board game room. So we're actually keeping this little area without any electronics, no TV or anything and instead we want people to come and chill and talk and actually communicate with each other. Which I think it's nice and as you can see, we've got all the furniture but again, we need help. We need to find some cute pillows and cushions and blankets to make this room feel more homey but one of my favorite things about this room is this giant print we got from Salty Wings. They're these guys that take amazing drone photos all over W.A and this one is a drone photo from a beach in Albany and that is one of the beaches that Stephen grew up on. Absolutely, so beautiful. Then coming through here, here's our kitchen, which you have seen earlier today and then over here is our dining room. So we have a massive dining table and we've changed the lights that used to be like Ikea UFO lights. (laughter) We changed those and then we are going to put this print up on the wall. This actually used to be orange and we're gonna put a print on our wedding up on the wall, which I think is nice. And then I think this is Stephen's favorite room in the house. This is kind of like our theater room. So we do have a TV, it's just put away and I think we found the largest couch that we could. We really wanted this room to be really comfy and cozy and you just sprawled out. You can have a bunch of people over and watch movies. So I'll show you how big it is. I feel like you need to sit on it to see how big. Can you tell? - [Stephen] Yeah, that looks massive. and then if you can come through, you can have a look and see. We have a TV, all of Stephen's console games and we just want this to be like a really fun game, movie watching, TV watching room. So this is the theater room. - [Stephen] Also, we're thinking of what to put on these walls 'cause they're a little bit bare. We did see some cool posters. - So we're trying to work out something movie related. - [Stephen] So if you guys have any suggestions. - Coming through here, I'll show you all the bedrooms and rooms. So you've all seen this before. This is our bedroom. We've kind of gone for a basic beachy kind of theme I guess and we have two prints that we're gonna be putting up onto the wall. We also have a walk in wardrobe and this is like the biggest wardrobe we've ever had and it can actually fit all of mine and all the Stephen's clothes all in here. And then up in the baskets, our winter clothes that are way too warm for Australia. So we've put them up in baskets for when we go traveling again. But look, you actually walk into our wardrobe. That was very exciting. And this room also has an en-suite. So if you walk around here, - [Stephen] Kinda see. - you'll see our little bathroom and our toilet. - [Stephen] And then we made some changes. They had a silver bar here and we prefer hanging up. So we put some matte black hangers on there to fit our towels. - Oh yeah, I should tell them how much of a handyman I am. - [Stephen] Yeah. - I went and bought, from Bunnings, these $20 handles, matte black and I changed them myself. - [Stephen] You did so good. - They used to be silver handles and I changed all the handles in the whole house and I felt like such a handyman. But then if you come through here, we call this area like the nook. I think the previous owners were using this as a study area and we weren't too sure. So we're currently... This is in the decoration, construction zone kind of area right now but we have put in instead of a desk, we have this cabinet and it's for one thing. - [Stephen] And one thing only. - Board games. - [Stephen] And? - I've collected so many board games. We actually, in our shed in the backyard, we have boxes and boxes of board games. So I've just chosen some of our favorites to fill up this. So if you ever come over our house, you're gonna be versing us in some board games. - [Stephen] Also, if you know any other good board games we can add to the collection. - Do we need more? There's always more, isn't there? And then we bought nine little square frames. I'm gonna put them up on the wall of our travels. I'm so excited to get that done and when we moved in, Claire actually gave us, instead of a bouquet of flowers, she gave us this bouquet of dry dead flowers. They last longer which is really nice, so thanks Claire. And if you need a little sneak peek, there is our stroller that you saw us build and this we just bought, it's actually our car seats. We actually got a, capsule car seat so you can click this from the car onto our stroller, which I think is pretty cool and so this room is our guest room and now for us it was really important that we did have a room that if guests are coming around they can stay because we've had so many friends and family let us stay in their homes. So if anyone ever comes to Perth, they can come and stay in this room. Again, we've kind of gone for a beachy theme and this is where we've hung up our print of Melody beach, which is the beach that I grew up in and yeah, we've also built... You would have seen us actually. We built this chest of drawers, ready for them to put their clothes in and then we've got some hangers here and some guest towels. So, if you wanna come over, after all this is over of course, you need to come. Oh, also something that's pretty cool is we went and put in ceiling fans because this part of the house was to get the air con, so we thought we'll put a couple of ceiling fans in, so I'm glad we decided to do that. And the next door is Stephen's study. Now, he has been so excited to have his own study and he has one now. So again, we put in a ceiling fan and then this is Stephen's work desk and we're thinking of getting a nice big lamp that we can put here but he's still looking for one. And then on this side, is where Stephen's gonna keep all his technology and again, we're thinking maybe a plant or something here. Let us know what you think. And then we have a couple more frames that we're gonna put up on this wall and then this is Stephen's kind of like printer, storage, office-y section and something pretty special that we're gonna be putting on this wall is we have our YouTube play button right here but also what's cool is when we graduated, Stephen decided that we should get them, instead of like, on paper, we got them on these metallic kind of frames. - [Stephen] Pretty cool. - And they kind of matched the play button. So we have this one is Stephen's and then we've got mine and then Stephen also did an honor's degree. So he's got his honors here as well. So that's all gonna come up on this wall. - [Stephen] Which is gonna be awesome. - And then I guess the last few bits is there is a construction zone area right now. (laughter) Stephen put this up, he thought it was funny. That is gonna be the nursery and we're currently doing it right now. So you're gonna see that in next week's video. I guess the last little bits is here is the main bathroom, which we have not used at all. So I guess this can be our baby's bathroom. - [Stephen] Yeah, there's a bathtub in there, which is good. - Yeah, and then this is our laundry and I guess I'll give you a little sneak peek of the backyard. - [Stephen] And then here is our backyard. - It's quite good because all of this grass is fake. So it means that if we go away traveling, our grass isn't gonna die on us. And another thing that's quite cool about the house is every single window and every single door has shutters. So it means that when we're leaving, we can shut up the whole house. So really lock it up, hopefully nothing will die and yeah. - We just wanted to say a huge thank you to Rosetta Stone for partnering up with us on this video. - A question that a lot of you keep asking is what country is the first one we wanna take our little girl and the place that we really wanna go to is Japan. Also earlier this year if you saw, we surprised my parents with a trip to Asia. You're going to Asia. And let them choose whatever they wanted to go and they chose So I feel like it is the perfect place to go as a family when she's old enough. - Also, I've had like a huge interest in learning Japanese. In school, I started learning Japanese and we even had a couple of exchange students come and stay with us when we lived in Albany. Rosetta Stone is an easy to use app on your phone or laptop with over 20 million learners where you can learn the language, not just the words. For seven years in a row, Rosetta Stone has been awarded the best language learning software with a five star rating on the Apple store. - We absolutely loved using the app, especially at the moment because we do have all this spare time and a bunch of courses to choose from. So we've chosen the travel one. So we've been working on it 30 minutes a day and it's gonna last for six weeks and by the end, I feel like Stephen's Japanese accent is gonna get good. (laughter) Stephen is not that bad at Japanese. - [Instructor] On'nanoko. - On'nanoko. - What did you just say? - Girl and boy. (laughter) - Something that I've found really awesome about this app is that it actually helps your pronunciation and your accent and Stephen's been practicing. You have to show them (laughter) 'Cause I'm not the best but Stephen's so good, go. - (speaking in Japanese) (laughter) If they're any Japanese people watching, they're like, nah. - No! - So if you guys are interested in learning a language with us, make sure you click the link in the description for all the details on Rosetta Stone's monthly plans and they even do a lifetime access where you just buy it once and then you have access to all their languages, just the one time fee. If you want all the information, make sure you check out the description below. - [Jessica] Hey Steve, speaking of Japan, guess what just got delivered? - [Stephen] Really? - [Jessica] All our pictures got back and we got two big rolls as well. Oh my gosh, I cannot wait to go through these. Why do I feel like we're about to go for a walk down memory lane? - Oh they look so nice. - It's the first time we're ever seeing any of our photos actually printed in real life, which is so cool but the first photo, that's right on top is our trip to Japan. On this trip, my goal was to learn how to ski better 'cause I really suck at skiing and I feel like I did improve. - [Stephen] You did pretty good on that one. - [Jessica] But the thing that I remember the most is that we found these kid sleds and then we stole them and we'd go down to the beginning in the track them and all I remember is you giggling (laughter) the entire time. - It was fun though. (laughter) - Aw. - Oh wow. So this one, - Aw. - This one's from Vietnam. This was on our very first Flying The Nest expeditions where we invited 10 of you guys to come and travel with us and it was so much fun. This was-- - [Jessica] One of the last nights. - [Stephen] One of the last nights, yeah. - [Jessica] Last days, and then we woke up super early. We asked everyone, "Do you wanna go out "and do a sunrise photo shoot?" And one of the girls on the trip took this for us and, oh my gosh, it's so cute. I love that. - [Stephen] It looks so nice. - This, okay, another sunrise. I always recommend if you're going traveling, wake up for sunrise because I'll never forget this. We woke up, we were all so tired but we decided to go for it anyway and this was our view. We were in Turkey, surrounded by hot air balloons. - [Stephen] And this has actually got a funny story behind it. So our guide was incredible. This was towards the end of the day and we said, "We have this photo idea, do you know a good spot? Do you know where we can potentially get some rugs or some like pillows," and he's like, "Leave it with me." - [Jessica] I'm pretty sure he found a bike or a Moped, went around to his friends' houses and collected rugs for us and then yeah, we set up this little photo shoot and everyone loved it. It was such a good morning. - That was so good. Oh wow, okay. And this one's at Sri Lanka, - Sri Lanka! - At the famous seven arch bridge. This is another sunrise photo shoot as well. - We woke up super early and made everyone we were traveling with come with so we could all watch the train come past and the train never came. - [Stephen] And then it's funny because you see this photo, it's quite a common photo for this one but to get down through the tree leaves, you have to almost slip down muddy roads. - [Jessica] We were covered in leeches, remember? - [Stephen] Like cut up our legs and then you just see us and we're just trying to hold that smile-- (laughter) - While leeches are eating my legs. Okay, this is one I won't forget. Stephen actually surprised his parents and his sister on a trip to Croatia and we spent a week living on a catamaran. - [Stephen] And my main memory from that, it was so much fun hanging out with my family but the main memory was we were just moored somewhere and it was evening. We were playing Scrabble or Bananas? - This is about the drunk guy - This is the drunk guy, and we just see this Croatian guy with this hat come up on a little dingy boat. He's like, "Mojitos?" and we're like, "Yes, we want mojitos." And I'm pretty sure he was drinking his stache. Thank you. (cell rings) - Oh, phone call. (laughter) - [Stephen] Thank you so much. (cell rings) - As he was making them. - As he was making them but it was one of the strongest drinks I think we've had. - Yeah. (laughter) Aw, this is a recent little selfie photo from Finland. So this is where we had our first proper white Christmas. - [Stephen] We went on sleigh rides, we met Santa Claus, we went to the post office, - [Jessica] The huskies. - [Stephen] The huskies. that was such a fun trip. - Magical trip. - Definitely when our girl's old enough to understand all that, we're going back. - Oh, we're going back to Finland for sure. Okay, so if anyone ever asked me what my favorite food is from all our travels, it is this little ice cream shop in Split in Croatia. We've been twice already and I really wanna go back again. This ice cream place is amazing. You can just tell from our faces how much we love this ice cream. (laughter) - Aw, this one's so cute. It's not often that we travel with photographers on our trips but there was actually this girl that was shooting on a film camera and we were Iceland and we hiked up to the top of this mountain and she took the shot. - [Jessica] I love this photo. This is one of my favorite photos of Stephen and I but I remember how hard it was to get to this place because we went in a bus. The bus almost got filled up with water going through rivers to get us to this glacier area. We were camping the night, we brought food supplies, we were traveling maybe with 10 people and then we realized that we'd brought half of one night's food supplies and half of another night's food supplies. - So on one night, we wanted hot dogs and the other nights we wanted tacos but we bought half the taco mix and half the hotdog buns. - [Jessica] So we had hotdog tacos or what did you call them? - [Stephen] Hotdog tacos. - [Jessica] Taco dogs? - [Stephen] Taco dogs, I think it was but it was so much fun 'cause that's just travel, things just stuff up but you still love it. - It makes for the best memories. This is a photo of us in Egypt. We just saw this random guy and we asked him if he could snap a photo and he took such an epic photo in front of the pyramids for us and I'll never forget the day I first saw a pyramid. Remember I cried? - [Stephen] Yeah, I remember. That was pretty-- - [Jessica] I've only actually crying seeing two things in my life from travels and that was when I saw the pyramids for the first time and when I saw the Taj Mahal for the first time and you actually noticed in the video. We were walking up to the Taj Mahal and I started watering, my eyes started watering. So I walked off camera. - Yeah, 'cause you didn't want to cry-- - I didn't wanna cry on camera and then you will notice that if you go back at the spot where we first saw the Taj Mahal, I started to cry. So our next photo, we had to print off at least one from our wedding. So we actually got married in Greece and this is one of our favorite shots we got. We actually got married in Mykonos but this photo was taken in Santorini 'cause we found out our photographer's actually based in Santorini and a couple of days after the wedding, we were in Santorini and he asked, "Do you wanna wake up really early and go for a sunrise photo shoot, no extra cost" And we were like, "Yes." So we woke up at 5:00 am, jumped on the back of ATVs and drove around and took photos, like a million photos. - [Stephen] And we loved it because like, if you've been married, on the day it's a little bit stressful, there's a lot going on and especially when you go and do your photo shoot, it usually happens and your guests are kinda waiting around. So you kinda want things to hurry up so you can go enjoy your dinner and hang out with everyone but this, just me, Jess and my sister, on ATV's is going around Santorini, no stress at all. And all our favorite photos from the wedding are actually from Santorini. - From Santorini. Yeah, a lot of people actually ask us, I was thinking just then, how we get all these photos because all these photos are of Stephen and I together and we actually don't travel with the tripod. Usually we just ask a stranger to take a photo. It's either a stranger or if we're traveling with a friend or family or if we've met some friends on the road, and usually what Stephen does is he just frames up the shot and then tells them just to hold down the phone. Like hold down the photo taking button. I'm clearly a photographer. - The shutter. - The shutter. And they end up just taking like 50 photos of us. And the we go through and look for a good one. And this is just like this photo here in the Philippines. It was the sunset in El Nido and we saw a guy taking some photos and we asked him if he could snap some of us and he did such a good job. - Yeah that looks really cool. - And if It's not photos that we got someone to take. - Then it's a selfie. - Like this one. - This is in the Sahara desert in Morocco and we had to go on a camel for several hours to get out to our camp where we camped for the night and wow. - This is like probably my favorite selfie that we've ever taken. - Well it'sb ecause he looks so cool. - No it looks-- - You looks like female Indiana Jones. That's a pretty cool outfit. - Oh and then I final little photo. - It's an Epic place. - I mean it's not, everyday you go to one of the Wonders Of The World. And you can see why they call it this. This is Machu Picchu and-- - It took us like three or four days of hiking just to get to this spot. - Yeah. And it was so worth it. Like Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu. It's just one of those places that your mouth physically drops. And you can see why they've named them that. And yeah, that was pretty cool. We even got like a local poncho from Peru to where there and a little beanie as well and there were llamas? Wild Packers? - One of them. - One of them everywhere at Machu Picchu. So that was pretty fun. I actually got a cool little self with one. - Oh yeah, and then we also have one more photo. It's a really big photo and it's probably our favorite photo we've ever taken on our travels. Well we didn't take it again. We wore up for sunrise went to the Taj Mahal. Saw a guy taking a photo from a cool angle, and we were like, "Hey, do you mind snapping one of those for us," And look what he got. - How Epic is that? And we actually went to the Taj Mahal without group in the evening? - Yes. - But we weren't. It was nice, but it was busy. - Really busy. So I definitely recommend if you're going to the Taj Mahal, wake up early and go for sunrise. - Look how epic that is. Like look at the shine going through your little outfit there. The sun popping up, like half of it's shadow - And I love it. - Such a good photo. - I feel like I'm going to be spending the rest of the afternoon just framing all these photos. - [Stephen] Hot choccy sunset. Cheers. - Cheers. - [Stephen] Did pretty good with the photos I think. - Oh my gosh, I love it so much. - [Stephen] Also, when you capture us sitting on our outdoor furniture, for the very first time - Yeah this is our first time we've sat down because every time it's just been too hot. Now we can actually chill outside during the sunset. Oh, this is going to be exciting for winter. - But you guys still had a couple of more questions. This one is actually directed at you, Jess. So someone asked, how was your pregnancy going? And you're about to give birth during a pandemic? - Yeah, there has been a couple of changes. So first I actually I haven't seen my midwife in over 10 weeks. Because it's all been put over the phone now. So only if you're a high risk pregnancy. Do you go into the hospital? So I actually haven't physically seen a nurse or a doctor or a midwife for 10 whole weeks now, which is weird. Also all our antenatal classes got canceled because they of course they don't want us to be going into the hospital at the moment. So we probably have no preparation. So I feel like the next time I'm going to see the midwife I'm sure it will be before I have the baby. But we have no antenatal classes. So I'm not going to know like any skills, you know how to breathe or what the room looks like or what you do. But in the end of the day I don't think we can stress out Stephen and I are just going of wing it. Luckily he's allowed to come into the hospital. So that's the main thing. - But the more important question is Jess, as important as the last one is. But this one I think ranks a little bit higher when are we going to take our little girl to Disney for the first time? (laughter) - I love how well you guys know us and definitely we've had this discussion and I've no idea. Like if any of you guys have kids or you went to Disney as a kid. What was like the perfect age to go to Disney? Because Stephen and I, we have a goal where we want to try and go to every Disney in the world. We have two left. We still need to go to the one in Hong Kong and Shanghai. And if we can go to one of those with her? - That'd be... I've heard the Shanghai one is really good. - So what do you think like three - Is that when like the, the magic is still there. Like what's the ideal age? - You want her to be able to go on some rides? But yeah. You also want her to still like believe in princesses. Alright, are you ready for these finishing touches. - It looks so good. - This is my famous. Famous? I've only tasted it. - I've made it twice. - I've made it twice, and it's very famous. - It is my sauteed thyme ramen. I'm not too sure if thyme and ramen go together but it works so good. - It is the best dish. - I will admit that you've made under this roof-- - Ever, right? - All right ever. - It has been so much fun cooking actually cause usually we don't really cook too much on the road. Look at that Deedee. - That looks so good. So this is basically how the end of our night looks at our household. It's just catching up on animal crossing. - I'm kind of addicted. (laughter) I never had time to play game before. This is like really bad. - And she's kinda making me watch MasterChef because-- - Yeah MasterChef Australia is back. - There's a lot of Australians that are watching right now that are also excited about this. - So, that's pretty much how we've been ended our nights. So hope you guys enjoyed this little look into our normal, mundane kind of day, in the life of Stephen and Jess. If you guys are new around here, make sure you hit subscribe because next week the most requested one. - Nursery week! - Nursery week, so we're going to show you guys doing up the nursery, everything we've kind of got for it. So-- - Hopefully get to finish in time. - Yeah, it's a construction zone at the moment, but thanks so much for watching guys. We'll see you next time. - Bye!
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Views: 283,020
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Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, house tour, new house, fixer upper, empty house tour, building a house, morning routine, new house tour, family vlog, isolation vlog, our first house, home tour, home renovation, how to buy a house, house finance, day the life, house tour flying the nest, finance house, real estate, new home, moving vlog, moving day, new home tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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