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- Oh my, windy. Thought hey, before the drive back tomorrow, let's just go top up now. The petrol station isn't even open at 7:00. This one is always up for a little adventure. So before the unforgettable birthday week continues, we just wanted to say a massive thank you to Omaze for partnering up with us on this video to give away an incredible trip to Hawaii. I'll give you the details later on, but if you wanted to know now, link is in the description below. - All right Hunter, Dad still doesn't really know what he's doin', but I feel like it's my dad duty to teach you how to run this camper van. You up for that? All right. So, we need to first of all, disconnect us from the campsite. All righty, so we need to disconnect the gray water, switch that off. Pull that out. Electrical plug. (playful music) You gonna help Dad turn off the tap? Yeah. Yeah, all right. Thanks buddy. You give Dad a hand? You gonna remember all of this? You're doing it tonight? (baby coos) - Okay. Good morning, everybody, and welcome back to western Australia. If you missed the last episode, it was amazing. Jess surprised me with a camper van for my 30th birthday. And we just kinda drove all the way up to Exmouth, and had one of the best moments of 2020, swimming with humpback whales. It was so incredible, but seen as we're usually not at home for my birthday, my parents said, "You have to be home, it's your 30th." So today's big journey is to get as close to Perth as possible. We're driving eight hours today to at least put a little bit of a dent. Because if you don't know, western Australia, it's humongous. - A lot of you guys have been asking us how Hunter's been going with the long drives. And she's been going so good. I recommend, if you're going on a road trip with a little baby, what we do is we just team the driving up with her naps. So if it's nap time, we drive. And then when it's not nap time, we come play in the car, continue her nursery rhymes. ♪ The eensy, weensy spider climbed up the water spout. ♪ And we've been tryin' to stop off at some like nice places for a lookout. We're really in the middle of nowhere right now. So the the options are, a lot of it is just flat ground, but we did find this little site to look out. We're like cool, so we've come out here, just chilling with Hunter. And Stephen's like, "Oh, you know what? Let's fly the drone. See what it looks like from the air." And feel like someone really had some time on their hands, because we have this beautiful, beautiful view. - Oh my windy. Whew! Try to show you guys the view but, it is so windy out here. ♪ Waited boy forever darlin' ♪ ♪ And I know you've waited too ♪ - Just pulled over at a little truck stop. Jumped into the caravan and Jess has gone to get us some lunch. This one wanted a bit of a stretch. Little bit of a lie down out of her car seat. She did so well. I think we were managed to drive for four hours, yeah about four hours. And you did good didn't you? Yeah, are you tryin' to get into Dad's chips? (relaxing music) We have done such an insane road trip. Just crossed over 2,000 kilometers today. Realized we were insanely low on fuel and I thought, hey, before the drive back tomorrow, let's just go top up now. This town is so unbelievably quiet. The petrol station isn't even open and it's 7:00. Wow, you know this is a sleepy town, when the BP isn't even open here. Also just realized went through all our food today. There's one place open. I think they close very soon. I'm just gonna see if we can get some sort of takeaway, so we can eat some food tonight. (phone rings) - [Woman] Kalbarri Jetty Shack, Belinda speaking. - Hi, I was wondering if I could please order some takeaway? All righty. Just what we're wanting, the only place open right now at seven o'clock at night, what are you doin', is the fish and chips store. I am so happy. If there's anything that's gonna be open, it's fish and chips. And got a little extra somethin' for Jess, because it was a long day today. - [Jess] Here's the fish and chip boy. - [Stephen] How'd you know? - Hello, yes, and baby's asleep. - [Stephen] Oh yay. Have one more. - Today was a long one. Hunter did so well though, by the way. We were very nervous 'cause it was quite a long drive, 'cause we need to get home tomorrow. And she did it. Sneakin' a chip while waiting for Steve. Yum. (Jess chuckles) This is like so much food. What did you order? - I just ordered a snack for two. - Last night in the van. - It's been good. - What do you think about living in a van? - Yeah, I've loved it. It's been good. - I feel like it sparked your want to travel around Australia even more. Like imagine if we had a month to do this, what we did. - That would have been so good. - There's so many spots that I wanted to go to. I just had to get you up there for the humpback. - So, we've woken up bright and early here in Kalbarri and we thought, while we're here, we may as well go check out the national park and one new thing that's here is the sky walk. We've never seen it before, but it's meant to be amazing views of the national park. You excited to see it? - [Stephen] I think someone just woke up from her nap to be honest. - Yeah, she's very confused. She was like, "What not a long drive, we're here already?" - We actually came here about two years ago and there's this beautiful nature's window that's definitely the highlight, but- - [Jess] Bit of a hike with a baby, I would say. So I think the skywalk's the next best thing. And I already see it looks epic. - [Stephen] This one is always up for a little adventure. - It is so pretty. Oh wow. Remember when you came here last time and then you abseiled. - Yes and- - That was so cool. Yeah, I remember. - All righty, now it's the big drive home. I think what, six hours to Perth? - [Jess] Yes. Six hours to Perth, and we'll be home. - Be home. If you guys remember last year we teamed up with Omaze to give one of you an incredible trip on the Orient Express. Well, they're back again this year and they wanna give one of you an opportunity to win a trip for four to the Hawaiian island of your choice. You get to enjoy a week-long vacation on your dream Hawaiian island. Yep, if you win you get to pick from big island Maui, Oahu, or Kauai, plus $2,000 to make the most of your trip, from surfing lessons to kayak adventures, plus this also includes your flight, as well as putting you up in a four-star hotel. If you guys remember, Hawaii was the very first spot that we landed when we started Flying the Nest. Plus we went back again right before having Hunter, so it would always hold a special place in our heart. So make sure you head to for your chance to enter, with each donation going towards an incredible cause. - [Jess] Guess who made it home in time for their birthday. - Yes. - [Jess] Stephen is officially birthday boy today, which means. - Big three-O. - [Jess] Another envelope. - Are you gonna help Dad open the Christmas card. - [Jess] This one's from Hunter and me. - Oh is it? Oh, do you wanna hang onto that? Merry Christmas. Happy birthday, Poppy, I love you. Aw, thank you. Yeah, where's your card. - [Jess] All right, Hunter, do you wanna give this one to Dad? - 16, that's the day of the birthday. You timed that quite well. - [Jess] Oh yeah, you should probably tell people what these envelopes are, if they didn't watch the last vlog. - Oh yeah, if you missed the last vlog, when Jess kinda surprised me on the ultimate birthday week. She's been giving these little cards, there's 30 of them. Yes, there's 30 of them. And I find out something new every day. Oh, and she's decided to put them all into Christmas cards. Shall we do brekkie at your fave spot? - [Jess] Shall we do brekkie at your fave spot? - That sounds good. - [Jess] Shall we do brekkie at our fave spot? - Hello. - [Jess] Someone's gonna crash the party. - [Woman] Always, this is for you, avocado on toast. - Birthday brekkie. - [Woman] What's up there Stevie? - [Stephen] Thanks, thanks for joining us. - Yeah, of course. - [Jess] One, two, open your eyes. (Stephen laughs) Stephen. - [Stephen] Chef Jessie makin' an appearance. - Open this. - I can guess what it is. Tonight, oh my family's comin' around for a fam bam dinner party. - [Jess] Yes, and there's a very important question in the second envelope. - This one doesn't just have a card. It has a pen. It says, is it a choice, dinner and dessert. - [Jess] You have to put in the card, what do you want me to cook you all for dinner and what do you want me to organize for your dessert? - Wow, I am such a bad hand writer. - [Jess] What do you want? - Lasagna. - Okay. - And birthday cake. - Okay, any flavors. - Oh carrot. - Okay, done. - Literally was about to watch Jess cook and a birthday present I think, came in the post. And I think I know who it's from. The Grinseries always send these incredible little edible kind of blooms I think they're called, like flowers. "Your favorite fake Canadians would like to wish you a very happy 30th birthday. We hope you have an awesome day. We miss you all very much, love the Gs." - They're fake Canadians 'cause they're Australians living in Canada, by the way. - Oh, it's like a whole- - It's like a hamper. - Oh, from the Margaret River Chocolate factory. - Oh my gosh, yum, chocolate pretzels. Oh my gosh, how cool is that. - A chocolate 30th, that's cool. - That's so cute, wait you need to show this better. - This is from like, if you've seen any of our million vlogs of us going down south to Margaret River. - This is like the place we always go to. And we always go to the chocolate factory. There's the 30. - Thanks guys. - Hundreds and thousands. - Oh, what's this, this feels like- - Oh, yum chocolate licorice. I love chocolate licorice. - This is like, - What is that? Oh it's the thing, oh, what's it called. (both laugh) He's like what, it's a frozen bag. Chef Jess has entered the building. And do we remember for my birthday chef Stephen, was that when Chef Stephen was born? - [Stephen] It was yeah. - The chaos in this kitchen that night, - Cookin' Indian. - was crazy. And this little one was in my belly at the time. And now she's here, so she can help. - [Stephen] Shoe chef Hunter. - Sous chef. - Shoe chef. Shoe chef Hunter is here to help. I am making lasagna, a Jess version, where I, instead of using pasta sheet, I use vegetables, bit of a healthy lasagna here. All right, let's do this. Literally when you bathe her by yourself. So I had to fire my sous chef because I mean my shoe chef, because she had a little smelly and then she got a little sleepy. So she's currently left the building. But, I have made all of the elements for my lasagna. I've got my tomato sauce. I've got my vegetable layers. And the most important bit, the white sauce. How good is lasagna white sauce? And now I'm going to turn this into lasagna. (plastic crinkles) (doorbell rings) - [Stephen] Hello. ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ Happy ♪ - Hip, hip hooray. - It's so good to see you on the day. - [Jess] It's done. Homemade. - [Woman] I'm getting smiles. I'm getting smiles. (Jess chuckles) - [Stephen] That's looks good Jess. ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ Happy birthday dear Stephen ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ - [All] Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray! - Do you know what's so cool. One year ago, we were giving you guys the cake to say that we were having Hunter. - And it was the exact type of cake. Carrot cake with a cheese cake. And now she's here. Candles out. - The candles. - Can you help Dad blow out the candles? - Ready. - Steady. - [Woman] Go! (people laugh) - We need some help. - Keep going. - Where's my breath gone? - [Woman] You've got too many girlfriends. (people laugh) - I need some help. (people cheer) - [All] Hip, hip hooray. ♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪ ♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪ (people clap) - Ah, thanks for coming. - 30 today. - Okay, so we are now at Ashley and Heidi's house and we've sent the boys off to go to the movies. - I'm in the car with Ashley, it's just us. And I've been told to open up this envelope, it's says, "Give to Stephen." Do you know what's in this? - [Ashley] Nope. (Stephen chuckles) - All right, wanna see a movie? - Little does Stephen know that he's actually gonna go and play video games in the cinema for two hours, which is pretty cool. - "To Steve, I lied. Well, we aren't watchin' a movie, instead we've hired out the whole cinema to ourselves. We brought the PS4, plenty of snacks and no kids. Gonna spend the next two hours playing video games on the big screen." Really? - Yes. - Oh, that is so cool. Oh that's so awesome. I didn't bring anything. - Well, I brought everything we need. - Oh you did? - I did, yeah. (Ashley chuckles) - That's so cool. That's such a cool birthday. - But, we are setting up a surprise birthday party that Stephen doesn't know about. Hugo, what's the theme of the party. I've only seen a view of this, I haven't seen it in-person yet. So this is the theme of Stephen's birthday. - Yeah. - You haven't seen this? - No. (chuckles) (women laugh) - Open your eyes. - Oh look. - Oh my God you did so good. That's so cool. The ice? - Yeah it's sugared. - Oh wow, that is so good. Stephen is going to love this. We like ordered them specifically because no one seems to make Bundaberg-themed party supplies for some reason. - Oh that's so good. Oh I hadn't seen, it's so cool. - Oh my gosh, this is so good. Yeah, it's Bundaberg ginger beer themed. - [Hugo] Stephen. - What's he doing? Oh he's so chill. All right, let's see. - I guess it has to go at the top. - [Woman] Whee, we did it. - It's three. - Oh is it a three? And who's three. - I am three. - [Woman] You are three. - [Stephen] We've got all the snacks just. (playful music) - [Jess] All right, it's not a ginger beer party without, ginger beer scones. Yeah have you got it? Yeah. (playful music) - [All] Surprise. (women laugh) - When did you even get this done? - Have you seen also the balloons? - [Stephen] Oh I didn't even see the balloons. - So what's the theme of our party? - Bundaberg party. (Jess laughs) - This is so cool. - Bundaberg ginger beer scones? - Really? - Did you bake those? - Sure did. - [Jess] We just did. - [Stephen] You made this? But it's got like fake ice and stuff. How did you make this? You literally did all of this. - [Woman] Yeah I did this morning. I didn't do it while he had the kids. - [Stephen] That's so impressive. (logo whooshes) (subscribe button clicks) (notification bell dings) - So just real quick, make sure you head to for your chance to win a tropical holiday for four to your Hawaiian island of choice.
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 142,305
Rating: 4.967886 out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, flying the nest, tiny house, van life, tiny house tour, tiny home, Wonderland RV, RV Solutions, Exmouth, Humpback whales, Whale Sharks, Jurien Bay, Sea Lions, tiny homes, tiny houses, house swap, living in a van, tiny house on wheels, skoolie conversion, school bus, small house, bus life, caravan life, campervan life, tiny home family, tiny house family, living big in a tiny house, off the grid, birthday, exmouth, van conversion, van tour
Id: JMwuTCnuF3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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