The Wedding Vlog | WE GOT MARRIED!!

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Today's the Day! This vlog, we are actually dedicating to our future kids. To you guys, to the little ones, if you're a little boy or a little girl. Hey little Timmy! We actually don't know yet. Little Johnny! (laughter) But today is the big day! It is the fifth of july 2017 and it is the day that I marry your mom! I'm so excited for today. It is just after 8 a.m. and we're here in Mykonos in Greece and the whole family's here everyone that is special to us is here for the big day and We're just going to take you along to show you our wedding day, and I'm so excited for you to finally see this I'm sure we've been talking about it for a while, but now we finally sat down and show you a little wedding video But it is a.m., and we literally just woke up. Are you nervous? I'm losing my voice! This is not good! She's losing her voice. We have to think of some little home remedies to help you. I know, maybe you can go make me honey and tea or something. That sounds good. Let's just open the blinds, it is a beautiful sunrise. Gotta open it up and show them! So this has been our view for the week. This has been our view for the week, and it is a beautiful day today So yeah, this is our villa. Your grandma, grandpa are just sleeping just inside there and the sun is just coming up over the area So there's something about your mom and dad that you probably haven't realized yet, but we are, um... We are in love with coffee. I'm pretty sure they would know by now. I think they would know by now! Oh, yeah, this is our area. Oh, this is amazing! Have you seen my dad? Aww! Wow, this is so nice. I wasn't expecting this! Want to introduce you to my best man. This is Ashley. He's my oldest friend and hopefully we're still friends because I kind of like him! Yeah, I think we're still friends. When you drag me to Mykonos, it doesn't help. I mean, it does help, definitely helps. And he is going to be a little dad very soon. I am! His wife Heidi, which hopefully you've met, has got a little bun in the oven! And she let me come to Mykonos. She's very nice! This is so cool. I think Jess's dad, your grandpa, has set this up. We've got some greek yogurt, some fresh fruit and platters. This is so nice. This is your grandpa! Hello, how you doing this morning? And this is the view we have from our amazing villa! So this is where everyone is staying, everyone important, special to us. And let's go introduce everyone else. Good morning, good morning! Good morning! How are you? Dad has been cooking up a storm. Oh my goodness! He's making scrambled eggs. I trust him, he's a chef. Always into his food. He's a chef, I trust him. Ohh, I wonder if I still don't eat ham! (laughs) Unappetizing! Gosh, I slept so good! I feel so much better now. I've got to ring Heidi in 15 minutes. You guys have to make sure you're around. Yes! So we can wish her happy birthday as well. No, we're gonna be here. We're gonna have a coffee. I'll give you the present and then she can tell you what it is. She was like, tell Jess what it is, but I couldn't remember to! She knows what it is? (laughter) She ordered it! Ohhh! Oh, here we go! Noo! Breakfast is ready. Oh, thank you. Oh this looks good. Thank you! You have the big one. There's only one big mug and everyone fights over it, but today it's yours. Aww, thank you! In Greece, they tend to enjoy the small shots of coffee, but it's our wedding day. I need the big one! Thank you. So cute, aww! Heidi did this, didn't she? She did. Let's have a look at it. That looks so nice! It's a good way to start the morning, like it's Christmas with some presents! Aww, this is cute. Aww wow, okay. Hello! Madame has decided to wake up, aunt Chlo-Chlo. Self-proclaimed name by the way. How good is this that David did? What have you got there, Jess? It's Ash and Heidi's little gift. Aww! Everyone's snaps come from the phone. Sorry mum and dad. He's like, I want a camera! (laughter) It's gonna be camera wars, isn't it? Happy birthday!! Wohoo! How are you? Thank you so much! You guys look really cute and like very European holidayesque. Do we? Especially this hair! You look tanned! Yeah, that's called Bondi Sands! (laughter) Aww, happy birthday! Thank you! Happy birthday, way more important. I'm excited! You have to show Jess what that stuff was. Oh, yeah! We're currently in speech riding mode, everyone is writing their speeches for the wedding. Good time to write it, like we're only getting married in a couple of hours. And of course dad is back in the kitchen, now preparing some lunch for us. Dad is too good! Okay, it has been a few hours later but feel like today's just going to be the day of food. David has just prepared afternoon snacks while we get ready Put some bread, some cookies. Ah this just looks absolutely amazing. This looks so Greek. We've got some feta, some olives. This is going to be good. I see that Chleo is starting on the wedding makeup. She is! Getting mom nice and ready. She is amazing. She has such a talent for doing makeup. Beautiful! And look at the view you're looking out at, mum. Oh, man, I am totally spoiled here. Also, and I think I hear Jessie getting her mum ready. Ooh! Now this is the job of the century! Getting the bride's mom ready is a very important job. Grandma! Yeah, so you guys remember this is grandma! Looks like you're doing a very beautiful job. Say hi to Jimmy! Hello Jimmy! So I'm grandma, which is so exciting! I want to be called grandma. Really? Not grandma Mandy? No, thank you, I don't need a name. Nanny? No, grandma. Okay, I feel like the day has now just officially begun. The photographers and videographer are here. I'm actually going to go check out the beach Alrighty, we didn't get as far as the beach, but that's fine. We realized that our villa just kind of stops there, but that's fine. No problem. Oh, those do look cool man! Found a good greek album, listening to the music. Everyone's working away. The day has started. We're just taking it all in. It's just amazing. I just cannot wait for the day to continue and show you guys. We'll film as many snippets as we can throughout the day and then Can't wait for you guys to see Jess in her wedding dress. It's going to be absolutely incredible The film crew have arrived and look at all their gear. I think Steven's jealous! Look at all this! If one of the backpacks go missing, start looking here! How are you going? I'm good. We're both thinking the same thing. This is amazing. Can we just hire them 24/7 to make the vlogs? (laughter) Well, let me show you guys inside. There's more inside, taking some photos. Taking some shots of the of the ring I'm starting to put the suit on. Let's start with some socks. And the wedding pants. Of course you guys will see this all soon but this is Jess's beautiful dress. I'm so excited for you guys to finally see it. This is my suit, got a three-piece suit so I got a shirt I've got My waistcoat I've got the tie to match the pocket square. I've got this Why you guys need to tell me I've totally forgotten what this is. A tie bar? I think it is. And that's Jess. And we're gonna be in it soon. Cause you want your shirt to be your poking out the bottom of your suit, yeah? Yeah, they're telling me off for being here, but I really wanted to vlog him. I know, I'm leaving I'm leaving. Beautiful, looking good, sis'! Ohh, look so nice! There's Jessie! Aww, she looks amazing! Hello! Having fun? No more nervous? No, now that I'm dressed I'm fine! You look beautiful! You look good, Ashley looks good, photographers look good! Alrighty! All in the car. Thank you, bye! Best taxi man ever! Alrighty, guys, we are gonna go get married! So i'm gonna cut the vlog here we're going to rejoin you guys back at the ceremony, just oh, just after the ceremony So we're gonna go get married and we'll see you guys after we walk down the aisle. I'm so excited. See you guys Alrighty, I decided to pick up the vlog again. We're just in the reception of the hotel. This is the reception, yeah. Anyway, the check-in place. Everyone's arrived! Hey, Lee! How you doing? You look amazing by the way, and I love the headpiece! Fascinating! It's all the rave in England! Yeah, yeah. Well, the suit's from England. You can't go to a wedding without one of these in your hair. It looks good. Looks good. Even if it's windy! Oh, well, my head's going to be everywhere. We've got Phil and Ricky and dad just here. We've got the three sisters, all chilling together. This is amazing, and then Kaily looks really good in her dress right here. Ahhh, so excited! I can't wait! Finally, yey!! We're being naughty, we're having a Coke zero! It is literally just Chleo, me and this huge villa. We're just waiting for our drive, everyone else has left. Oh! You better put some Kanye on. Yes, all righty, cheers! Cheers, Chleo! To your last single hours! Wuhuu! So excited! Yeah! She's in the front because she's got the aircon. Yeah, cooling down. Are you nervous? No, I'm not nervous, actually. I will get nervous, I'm sure. We are now on our way to get married and our mode of transportation here is pretty much an Uber. He's our Uber driver. Hi! Let's go get married! There's mum and dad! Thank you so much! Bye! We're married! Whooooo! It was so much fun can't wait for you guys to see the wedding video. It is all done! She's my beautiful wife now! Now we're going to go take photos. Yes, lots of photos! But, in the meantime this is the venue! Oh, yeah, let's show you guys around. This is this has been moved around because of photos, but we had this arch just in front of here In this beautiful Greek church It was amazing. And then the chairs, these ones lined like the isle so everyone could walk around. Oh, yeah, this was our view! There's the wedding party. Bye! Hey, oh, yes, I've got a ring on now. That's so strange. We had some greek guys playing us music. This is the view. We've just caught the elevator up. We're gonna go take some photos! Yes, we're at the reception now, the guests are probably like, what's going on? Thank you so much. Oh, it's a big thing, they will come here soon. You checked yourself out in the mirror, I saw! He's been taking Snapchat selfies the entire day. Chleo was Snapchatting too and Instagram stories, I'm like everyone is gonna see from theirs. I've got a huge long Snapchat story, Heidi's been following, she's like 'make sure you do stories! Please save it for us! Oh, I'll save the whole thing. Thank you Thank you Opa! Oh, we have to say that at the wedding! We should all go, opa! Just a donkey! We have to hide, ha ha. Cute! (laughter) We have a bit of a crowd. You forget when it's a wedding that people...Chelo, we need to teach you! There you go! You forget when there's a wedding that there's a bit of a crowd. Look at them all! Yeah, yeah, you look really good. Jess, you just walking through old town just looks so cool. Allright, up the stairs! Look at them little fashionistas. Got a whole crowd again. So, we were supposed to come along but they don't care about us. No one cares about us. It's all about them! Say something! He's the cinematographer! (laughter) I don't know what to say now, it's weird. I've got the photographer right now filming me, helping us vlog. We're currently in old Mykonos town and taking photos. Are you guys ready for photos? Yeah! If you guys were watching these guys' Snapchats you probably saw the entire wedding. We've been Snapchatting it! Alright, we've come down to the beach and the hunger is now setting it. I'm so unbelievably hungry I think I had a little bit for breakfast. Are you guys hungry? The hunger is real! I think cause like nerves can hide hunger, but now that the nerves have gone Man, I'm hungry. You didn't eat lunch. I didn't eat lunch. You haven't eaten since breakfast. David put out a platter for everyone to just nick pick, just to come eat. You ate it all! He was the only one. A loner! I was like, where's everyone? He was just like, nom nom. Didn't want to come, so I had a lot to eat. I'm fine. I don't even think I had one piece. I gave Jess some cheese because that's what she felt like, and that's all I had. Right, update, how you doing? Whoo! Going well. Are you hungry yet? I'm starving. Yeah? Yeah! I think we're heading back now, to get some sunset shots back at the place where all the guests are. I would never want to be a model because taking photos gets you tired! I just love how every street we turn down is a photo spot! Man, if I could just order one of these right now. Oh wow, this place is beautiful. We need to come to dinner here. Thank you. Thank you so much, cheers guys! Hey, buddy. There's an outdoor cinema here, totally need to come here. Wow, that is epic lighting right there. Oh, I can do the hand thing, but with my wedding ring. Thank you so much! Like really wish you the best for my heart. Thank you so much! Regarde. Thank you! Congratulations! Thank you so much. Thank you! Look at them, and look at all the people. That is such nice lighting. Alrighty, photoshoot is done. We're going to go see the reception for the first time. We've never seen it. We need to properly meet all the guests. We're so excited to just see it all! We've done our entrance and I have to show you the table, it looks so beautiful. So we're all having dinner. It looks so nice. And then this is our view, the pool and the water and the sunset. It is so beautiful. Let's give you guys a tour of the table. My empty plate. So we have a line of olive leaves on the table which goes all the way down there, and then we have our menu here which we brought from Perth and we even brought the cutlery because we couldn't find anyone to give us gold cutlery. We've got a little sprocket going and we've been printing some pictures for our guestbook. Okay, oh, and it's going to go in our wedding book and then I will show you guys around. Later we could introduce everyone. Yes, definitely. So, we have a bride and groom sign which looks really cool from the back and there's a little kitty because Cleo fed her some steak. So it's currently loving her. And are there we go again! Someone misses Princess. And then we have like a buffet, so we've got like oh some meat for everyone and then we have like some potatoes and rice. As you can see everyone's dug in especially the mashed potatoes and the mushrooms We have some seafood and some other food there as well. Another table of all this stuff and then here is the table. And it just looks absolutely incredible because you can see the pool just behind there. It's perfect! And this is our wedding book so people can put some stickers in there and then they can print out on the HP sprocket. It's going to be good. It's a little kitty. Again? Yeah! We're not in Mykonos if we don't have a... Hey, it's our little friend. Hello! It's the best time of the night, dessert time! Do you want some dessert? Yes, please! My wife, that sounds so strange. Aww, this is where all the dessert is. This looks good! I'm vlogging! I found a new sneaky way, which she found out. of vlogging without you guys knowing. Finally, it only took my wedding to finally get a slice of wedding cake! And it tastes so good! Your speech was so good, Chleo. Aww, thank you! I loved it, honestly. Yeah? It was so good. Aww! Like really, you made me cry. It was so good. Aww. Guys, it's playing right now! Alrighty, I think we need to introduce you to your family who are here on our wedding day. This is aunty Kailey and uncle Ricky right here. Hopefully, you have a little cousin. Ohh, we'll see. Potentially. Oh, potentially. Here we go, here we go, hey, hey. And we love you already! Yes, you have to come be in the vlog. So this would be your great auntie. Oh, have you explained it to her? No, I actually haven't explained it to her. So this video is dedicated to our future kids, so when they watch it they know who was at our wedding. And this would be your great auntie Nikki. Woohoo! The crazy one! I think I'm crazy. Steve, are you sure they're great aunties or aunties? I think it's great aunties! Ohh! Because Chleo would be the auntie. Aunt Chlo Chlo! Auntie Chlo Chlo in the house! This is, we'll just call them uncle Paul and auntie Beck. I so hope you've met them and also their beautiful kids because we want to be friends with them for a long time enough for you guys to meet them because they're incredible people. They will be, our kids will probably babysit your kids. Please, ring them. Or we'll come visit you! I can't wait for you guys to have babies. I know, that is weird. I mean, it's not weird, we love you so much. You guys have the most wonderful parents. And lucky, lucky children. Aww, thanks, Beck! You'll make a great dad, too! Aww, thank you! Thank you so much for everything. man. I really appreciate it. I wish you all the best. Thank you so much. I'm excited to see it. And, there's no rush. Alright, I wanted to introduce you to my beautiful cousins which would be your second cousins I think. This is Melinda and this is Lee and they've been amazing at the wedding today. You heard it from your cousin Lee! I gotta go now or I'll be in trouble. Bye-bye. It's the end, that is a wrap on an incredible wedding. It is all getting packed up I just want to just look at it for the rest of the night. And I want to take it all home with me! I know! Cheers, Jessie!
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 390,835
Rating: 4.9320436 out of 5
Keywords: flying the nest, stephen parry, jess valentine, santorini wedding, santorini, greece wedding, Drone Santorini, Santorini, Santorini Island, Greece Vlog, Greece Travel, Mykonos Wedding, Greece Wedding, Studio Phosart, Ateliar Zolotas, Saint John Mykonos, Mykonos Wedding Photographer, Weddings In Mykonos, Mykonos Videographers, Destination Wedding, Wedding Video, Wedding Vlog, YouTube Wedding, Wedding Film, destination wedding greece, Wedding in Greece, Greek Wedding, Greece
Id: oOII9iayG7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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