Abandoning Our Van

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- This video is brought to you by Squarespace. Hi, we're Stephen and Jess and little baby, Hunter. And for the last few months we've been converting a cargo van into our dream tiny house on wheels. And just as last week we've finally finished building Cooper The Van, packed him up and we're ready to hit the road. - And now you're probably all looking at the title of this video and thinking, "Wait, you're just about to abandon your home, "Something that we've all been working on "for the last four months "to head on a plane and fly somewhere internationally?" Well, uh, yes and no. Let us explain. - So, just got back from the licensing center. So we bought this van as a cargo van, converted it into a motor home. So what you have to do is, you need to take it through the pits. They need to get someone to come through and give us an engineering certificate. Take off that we've don't the build correctly and then it can get licensed from a cargo empty van into a motor home. So that's all good. However, it seems like every Australian out there has the exact same idea as we do. And at the moment it is a three week wait until this van is licensed as a motor home, which means technically right now it's probably illegal to be driving this van. Three weeks. What a way to deflate the celebration. Jess is going to be so sad. So it's been a couple of days since we've come to terms that we had this massive lead up and we can't leave for three weeks. So tell them your plan, Jess. - All right. So we haven't been able to travel internationally now for over a year. And it's actually been a couple of months ago where we were allowed to travel between the states here in Australia. But, only a week ago New Zealand announced a travel bubble with Australia. - I can confirm that quarantine-free travel between New Zealand and Australia will commence in just under two weeks' time from 11:59 pm, Sunday, April 18th. - I know, I still cannot believe it. Which means that we can travel to New Zealand right now, quarantine free. Like, New Zealand is doing better right now than Australia with COVID. This is going to be amazing. And yes, I may have just booked some flights. - What's today, Wednesday? We're hoping to go tomorrow. - [Jess] We always do this. - Totally forgot that I need to renew my passport. - [Jess] You can see us in the-- You can see I'm eating a donut. (giggling) Yay, new passport. - Oh yes! - [Jess] Yay! - Shall we plan a little trip? All right you guys, we're abandoning Cooper, just for a few weeks. And decided to fly to another country. (soft instrumental music) - So car is all packed and it still feels so weird to say that we are currently driving to the international airport terminal. - I know, I don't think it's hit me yet. - I didn't expect Hunter to be able to go to her first ever country before one. And I'm feeling so grateful that we get to call Australia home. And how New Zealand opened up to us, which is so awesome. So, we're heading off to the airport and, uh, let's go to New Zealand. (laughing) - I don't think it's actually hit me that we're about to step foot in the international terminal. I don't think it's gonna hit me until we actually get into New Zealand. You look like a mom ready for an adventure. - I am. I'm ready for an adventure. Are you ready, Hunter? Yay! (laughing) - [Stephan] Are you gonna be a good girl? - All right, we are all checked in. We have 20 minutes until we board. So we're always cutting it late. But we decided to do a night flight, 'cause we're hoping little Hunter will sleep on the flight because this is gonna be the longest travel day we've ever done with her. It's a 10 hour travel day. Six hours to Auckland. And then it's two hours to Christ Church. And we're going to be changing, what is it, four or five hours of a time zone change. So we're gonna have a little jet lagged baby on our hands. - And honestly, the process was super simple because with the travel bubble, they pretty much see New Zealand as another state of Australia, so we didn't need to do any COVID tests, we pretty much just had to apply on the New Zealand website for a declaration, which came through instantly anyways. So, I'm pretty sure if you forget to do it, you can do it when you arrive there. All right, see you later Australia. - It's like this one giant bird. Yeah, that's our plane. Can you see it? (babbling) (laughing) All right, let the long flight begin with this little crazy girl. (light instrumental music) - We definitely think booking the night flight worked in our favor with little Hunter. With the departure of 7:45 pm, way past her bedtime, she may have gotten a little bit delusional. Chatting to the passengers walking past, making friends with babies, making friends with safety cards. - [Jess] Where's Hunter? Where is she? There she is. - [Stephan] And with Air New Zealand for an extra 29 bucks, you can book in for a seat with a basinet. And that day this was the best 29 dollars we ever spent. Hunter slept the entire six hours. Waking up just before landing for some cuddles with mom. So after arriving in Auckland and a very slow check in, we caught our final flight for the day for some extended cuddles with mom. (blowing raspberries) (laughing) (laughing) (laughing) (laughing) (laughing) - I think we may have a delusional baby on our hands. (laughing) We survived the flight, everyone. I definitely recommend if you'd be flying from Australia to New Zealand and you have a little one, firstly, do the night flight. And for an extra 30 dollars you can get that basinet area, which means that little Hunter slept in a basinet for the first flight. It was amazing. - I'm exhausted. She slept, doesn't mean we slept. - You slept. Oh dear. All right, is it time for sleep? We're gonna sleep all night. Bye. - Good night, everybody. - See you in the morning. (slow instrumental music) (laughing) (laughing) - [Stephan] Where's Hunter? (laughing) (babbling) Late night snack. Oh. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yeah, that looks pretty good. (laughing) - [Jess] Hello. (laughing) Hello. (laughing) - Good morning, everybody. Welcome to our first official day here in New Zealand. - We're currently in Christ Church and we're here for the next two days. And look how beautiful the colors are right now. When we were in Perth, it was autumn there as well, but we don't get the autumn colors like they do here in New Zealand. And I totally forgot that they do. So we got here and I was like, oh my goodness. The leaves here are so beautiful. We're staying at an Airbnb just across the road. And this area is called Hagley Park. And there's this beautiful river that runs through. So this morning we're gonna go for a little walk along the river. ♪ Put your hand in my hand darling ♪ ♪ Say go ♪ ♪ Keep your eyes on the horizon ♪ ♪ Stay bold ♪ ♪ All I need are your eyes ♪ ♪ You're my arrow ♪ ♪ Now we're running into the wild ♪ Look at the birds. Where are the birds? Hunter is currently obsessed with birds. And this is her first time seeing ducks. They go quack, quack, quack. Can you say hi? - We just wanted to say a massive thank you to our good friends over at Squarespace for their continued support of our channel. And this feels strange not doing this in our living room. But if you are new around here, Squarespace is the amazing all-in-one platform we can easily put together a website or domain. So we're definitely gonna be putting a blog post together of all the beautiful photos that we're gonna be taking from our tip here, in New Zeeland. And it's so easy, thanks to their award-winning website design. So if you are new around here, make sure you check out our link in the description below for your free trial. Plus, when you're ready to sign up, you get 10% off your first order. Now, let's keep traveling. - So, we've just headed over to Riverside Market and I think we are looking for something sweet. (light music) Hi, can I see have of the Whittaker's-- Awesome, thank you. Found a fresh Whittaker's chocolate chip cookie. (indistinct talking) You have to have a bite. - I'm a sucker for Whittaker's. (light instrumental music) ♪ Do you drink tea ♪ ♪ Can you stay a while ♪ ♪ Someone tell me that you're kinda sweet ♪ How do you find these places? This is so cool. - Look at this ramen. Hunter. Hunter's first ramen. (laughing) Do you see the ramen, baby? I feel like to get over this jet lag, we have just been going out and eating. And Hunter is a big fan of it. I feel like here in Christ Church there's so many amazing places to eat. And we've come to a place called The Little High Eatery. And it's really cool. It's like a really fancy food court. With eight or nine places, like local places, you can eat at. And you can basically just walk around and choose what you wanna eat. And then eat, which is awesome. So if you're looking for a place to eat with a bunch of friends, and you all like different foods, it's great. Because one of you can get wood fired pizza, one of you can get the ramen. But I think it's time for Hunter to be initiated. Are you gonna try some ramen? (babbling) Hunter, that's a chopstick. Oh, dumplings are ready. (babbling) Okay, this is the fanciest food court ever. Look how this is presented, Steph. Spicy. This is so good. (laughing) Try it! (laughing) You have to open up. Hunter, like this. Yes! (laughing) Initiated into the ramen club. Yum. (laughing) I'm gonna have to cut these up a bit. - So, in the heart of the city they have the most epic playground for Hunter. They built it in the post 2011 earthquake recovery. And we think it's probably a good place to get out some energy. (laughing) You don't know what playground means yet, so we're gonna introduce this to you. This is a good way to get some energy out. But what do you think about going down the big, big slide? All right, we've got two options. The underground slide, or, let's test this out. What do you think of this slide, baba? And wee! (light instrumental music) (laughing) - Look at her face. Was it fun? (laughing) I feel like she got G-Force. (laughing) All right, a bunch of you told us, when you saw that we're in Christ Church, that we need to go and grab ice cream from this place, Rollickin. Rollickin ice cream. And I've decided to go for the Hokey Pokey because I know that's a New Zealand ice cream, I'm pretty sure. But Hunter's never tried ice cream. And I just feel bad not letting her-- (crying) Okay, I'll let you have a taste. Hang on, quick taste. - [Stephan] Mom's first taste. (laughing) Okay, one more lick. (laughing) I think we might have an ice cream lover in the house. - [Stephan] She got that from her mom. (upbeat music) ♪ Someone take a chance on me ♪ ♪ Come and lay your hand on me ♪ - Good morning, guys. Today we've decided to leave the big city and head an hour and a half east to a place called Akaroa. For one thing. Here is one of the most rarest dolphins in the world. It's called the Hector's Dolphin. And you can only find them here in this part of New Zealand. You can't find them anywhere else in the world. And I've heard that they are the smallest dolphins. There's something a little bit unique about the tour we're about to do, is that they use something quite interesting to find the dolphins. Hi Buster. (laughing) It's a puppy. (laughing) - [Stephan] Meet Buster, the dolphin spotting puppy and Hunter's new best friend. To be honest, I was a little bit skeptical about Buster's skills. As we sat around, taking in the views, but boy, oh, boy was I wrong. And Buster certainly delivered. He found the dolphins for us and let them know to put on a good show for us. (light instrumental music) - [Jess] So cute. (cheering) (indistinct talking) - [Stephan] And honestly, after such an incredible day, Buster totally deserved all the pats. - [Jess] I think Hunter has just made a new best friend, little Buster. - That was seriously the funnest afternoon and those dolphins were so unique. They were so small, they almost didn't look like dolphins, but it was the best day ever. We are all so unbelievably pooped. - So guess what we've ordered. Hunter, don't eat that because that is our ticket to collect our fish and chips. We saw it when we got off the harbor. There was a place for fish and chips. And it's like, how have we been in New Zealand now for three days and we still haven't had any fish and chips. Little Hunter needs to try a local delicacy here. And, luckily we are only staying five minutes away from the harbor, because this one is also due for a nap. So we've just arrived in Woodlands, is it? And Hunter is now fallen asleep. We've only driven five minutes and she fell asleep. How can she have one minute's sleep and suddenly be like, "Yep, I'm refreshed, I'm ready for an adventure." Where are we going, Hunter? (laughing) We really are in the forest now. - So this hut that we're on the hunt for, is like five minutes outside of town, up on this incredible hill. I can't wait to show you the view. - [Jess] Oh my gosh, it's beautiful here. - It is. (inaudible talking) - Oh my gosh, look at those views. Wow. And this here, this is what we're gonna be enjoying tonight while looking at those views. An outdoor bathtub. How cool's that, baba? - [Stephan] That's wicked. - Wow. Oh, look at it, Steph. Oh, the bathroom's outside. This is so cool. So we're staying at a little hut. Right up in the mountains. An we got an outside barbecue. I'll tell you why there's no key, it was left open. (laughing) This is so cool, look at this. - [Stephan] This is gonna be a cool little night. - Bouncy bounce. Bounce, bounce. (light instrumental music) All right, Steph, you doing the honors or me? - [Stephan] You could do the honors. - No one's been to New Zealand before and you have no idea what this is. So this is, I guess, I would say the New Zealand version of Bundaburg Ginger Beer. Because Bundaburg Ginger Beer comes from Australia, everyone loves it. L&P comes from new Zealand and it's kind of like a lemonade. And I don't think I've ever seen it anywhere else besides New Zealand. - [Stephan] I didn't even see it back home. - All right, cheers, Steph. Back in New Zealand. Oh, just as good as I remember, Steph. - This view is just so amazing. It always makes-- Like, you feel emotional. We are so thankful that we are able to be traveling. I've missed this. This has been so amazing. Just look at that view, guys. - New Zeeland is so beautiful. The little one is absolutely down for the couch. She was exhausted. She's gonna miss out on our first fish and chips here in NZ. - [Stephan] Might have to save her a piece, if we're not that hungry. (laughing) - Guess who woke up just in time to watch the sunset. Good morning, little one. It's a pretty nice view. - Yeah, she's got a snack. - [Jess] Hey. Sorry we didn't save you any fish and chips. - It's okay, peanut butter sandwich is pretty good. Yeah. - It looked like she cuddled you but I'm pretty sure she just wiped of her-- (laughing) Food onto you. - I just had a shower. Mom, we need refills. (water running) (light instrumental music) - Right, so we've had some requests for scrambled eggs for breaky. And I think this is a really cool kitchen setup. What a way to start our morning. Splash, splash, splash. - [Stephan] Good morning, everybody from the most epic bathtub in the world. - This is like Hunter's first time she's having a bubble bath and she is amazed. Look at the bubbles. Splash, splash, splash. (light instrumental music) (laughing) - That was adorable. All right you guys, I hope you enjoyed our first little vlog here in New Zealand. Totally surprised, wasn't expecting to be making any vlogs over here. But hey, make the best out of our current situation. So if you are new around here, make sure you hit subscribe. And we've got some fun New Zealand vlogs coming your way. See you guys next time. - Bye!
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 307,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying the nest, van life, living in a van, vanlife, van life build, van life build series, van life couple, end of van life, van life vlog, van life tour, off grid tiny house, tiny house, final van build, van build, van conversion, van life begins, full time van life, were moving in, move in vlog, tiny house on wheels, abandoning our van, abandon our home, we had to abandon our van, ditching the van
Id: gLRoEqD-140
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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