My Birth Story | Meet Our Baby Girl

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- This video is brought to you by Squarespace. - Even though it was common, it was fun. Like as I'm pushing and they're saying well it's because it also helps you. - Giving birth was fun. - The most asked question is why did we name her Hunter Jayne? Like what is the story behind her name? Hey guys. - Hey everybody how you doing today? - We are coming to you as brand new parents. We are officially at home and we have someone we would like to introduce you to. - Officially not in the hospital at our house. - This here, like how do I hold you up? (both narrators laughing) This is little Hunter Jayne. She's our new little baby girl. She is what's made us parents. (upbeat music) - And she's been so good to us. It has been so much fun the last one, four weeks? - Yes, she' four weeks. Today she's officially a month old. - This is crazy. Like, I feel like it was like a week ago that you were in the hospital. - Oh my God, this is crazy. We can't really try to get a smile. She is so close to smiling, aren't you? (both narrators laughing) You're so cute. But I thought we would jump on here because we've had so many questions ever since we shared our birth vlog and the hospital vlog. And so I thought we could do a little kind of like a birth story video answering all of your questions because. - It was literally thousands. - It was lot. - Also we wanted to say thank you so much to everyone for your kind words. Like, honestly it was so nice. Like everyone was so supportive of her name and everyone, you know, loved watching Jess. I suppose you're putting yourself out there. - Yeah, putting out like a birth video is very vulnerable but I think I just had like, such an amazing experience that I wanted to share it with you all. And it's kind of nice having that memory because it's a major life event. - And it's gonna be so cool and like Hunter's old enough to kind of understand what's going on or like in the future she's like, "Oh, how was I like born?" And she starts asking us those questions. - I wish I could watch mine, that would've been cool. - I know, I don't even think I have any photos. Do you have photos of the actual birth? - Oh no, just after. Yeah, but I've written down all the top questions. I'm gonna go through them today. And the first one that I thought was actually a really interesting question was someone asked, did I wish for a baby when I dropped the coin in the Welland Slovakia? - Wow. - That is such a good question 'cause I actually did. So in that clip, you would have seen that I dropped a coin and Stephen said, "What did you wish for?" And I think I said I'm not telling. So before better I want to make a bitch ready, but we have to hold it together. - Wait, what am I wishing for? What if we wish for separate things? I'm gonna wish for more chocolate marble cake. - You wish for more chocolate marble cake? Alright, ready, set , go. Oh, my dream's come true. And I did wish for a baby and another really fun fact is in April last year when we were in South Korea, we did a talk one day class. And right at the end they said that if I could chop a piece of wood with my foot. And write on a piece of wood. I wish it will come true. And I secretly wrote really tiny the bottom of the piece of wood. "I wish that I'd fall pregnant this year." And I did. Something that was really cool. - So another very funny, what really question was, we have a Hungry Jacks because it's the same initials as Hunter Jayne. - So if you haven't watched the birth video my last meal request was the HJ's meal, a Hungry Jacks and follow you Americans out there. That is what we call here in Australia Burger King because when Burger King tried to come to Australia there was already a Burger King. So they couldn't use the name. So they decided to use the name Hungry Jacks. But I feel like maybe it was like a, what do they call it? - What is like a subliminal. - Subliminal thing where I was thinking I'm the Hunter Jayne is coming or I feel like jets. I don't know why I felt like it. So it wasn't on purpose but she's just very good like yeah. It was a great last meal. So another question was, how did I cope without Stephen during the start of labor? And you can watch the video. So I went into the hospital at 10:00 AM on Monday morning and got induced. And I went into labor at around 7:00 PM that night. And because I was in the induction area because of COVID, Stephen is allowed in that area. He was only allowed to come into the birthing suite once I was two centimeters dilated. And so once I got into labor, I labored by myself for nine hours straight before Stephen could come. And at the beginning of that time you'd have seen I called Stephen and I was like Stephen, I don't know how I'm going to like cope or handle this because I just knew it was probably going to take all night. Oh my God, it's so bad. Now it's making me feel like I'm gonna throw up. - Really? Hey babe just wanted to say such a good effort today. You were amazing. You did so well today. I'm so proud of you. - I think the way I got through it was. I said, I went into like Jess Zen mode. Where what I would do is every time a contraction came, I would just close my eyes and know that it'll be over soon because contractions are kind of like a wave. So they start off slow and they build up to like the peak of pain and then they go back down. So I just knew that once I got like over that pain would go away. So I'll just breathe through my nose, close my eyes and just kind of deal with it. Just know it'll be over soon. Just once and contracting goes it's easier to talk. And also which was kind of weird. I had my contractions in my back not my front. So every time I had contractions was like really bad pain in the lower back. And I'm so right in the end like the last three hours I went and actually went into the shower. So I ran hot water on my back for three hours straight. And that really helped as well. - And how painful was it like? - Oh yeah a lot of people I'm seeing out of one to 10. And I feel like for me because remember I had an epidural for us to send it by four centimeters dilate it. So I didn't feel like I didn't get into like the full blown 10 centimeters feeling. But for me it was probably, it got up to like a seven out of 10. - And just like a big pain threshold. Like I feel like she has a way higher pain threshold than me. - That's really how it looked like I was so calm when I was going through them, cause all I would do is this is what I looked like when I was having a contraction. (Stephen laughing) I literally just had to do when I close my eyes, breathe through my nose. I said to Stephen, it was like, what I do when I'm on a really scary roller coaster. Sometimes when I get so scared of a roller coaster, suddenly I go from screaming to this. So I use the same technique. - So like this is what now I was able to come and see Jess at 3:00 AM on Tuesday. So she had already been in like the induction suite at about 10:00 AM on Monday. And then she called me 3:00 AM the next day. - And it was so funny because from the induction room to the birthing suite, of course I didn't film any of this. Once they said, "Oh, you're like two centimeters dilated. You can move to the birthing suite." I was like, awesome. And they're like, "Can you walk?" I was like, yeah, I'll walk and I'm walking along. And every time I'm having a contraction I'm leaning against the wall just closing my eyes. And then I'm calling Stephen as I'm walking and then having contractions I hold on, just wait. And so yeah, it got to three and so I called Stephen. And another question that came up during that time is why that Stephen vomit. So you already heard me in the video. Stephen's been very good here, at least through at once. (both narrators laughing) The problem is Stephen, do you feel good? - Yeah I feel good. - Saying that Stephen vomited and now it feels way better. So you can explain why you vomited when you first went in the room. - Couple of reasons, getting a call at 3:00 AM. 'Cause I wasn't expecting it. I think in our head like what was going to go on, was Jess was going to get induced on the Monday? And then they'll get to break her waters 24 hours later. - Yeah. - So I think I was thinking cool I'll get a full night's sleep. I couldn't even come and see her till 10:00 AM. So like my brain was somewhere else. You get a call at 3:00 AM. It's kind of like. - From me as well. - From Jeff's been like I'm an active lady, I'm two centimeters dilated. So I'm like. - You need to come. - Oh my gosh, it's going time. And that feeling in your stomach of like, you just woke up. It's like jet lag meet with maybe hangover. You feel like sick. So and then on top of that, it's the mental thing of like your wife is about to give birth. So there's that excitement. Like it's a cocktail going on there. And then I drove up to the airport. - To the airport, to hospital. - To hospital, so I felt like jet lag, drove up to the hospital. But the second biggest thing is I have a phobia like a legit phobia of blood, needles, hospitals, like. - I didn't even know if he was going to be able to stay in the room that's how bad it is. - Yeah, like I think that was my anxiousness the whole time. - He almost passed out from getting a whooping cough vaccination. - You can show this. - We had to give him a lollipop to get through it. - So I think it was like feeling sick in the belly and then just walking in and it's like cool. I'm in my fear, it's a hospital. And then on top of that it was like the smell of anesthetics. (Jess laughing) Like, you know, if you've been to a dentist, like it was just that smell. And then I think. - And also when you first walked in I was having contractions. So I wasn't talking to Stephen I was lying on a bed just going. - And the room was dark and I walked in and I was like, hey Jess, how you doing? And I think she was ingested more, so I think. - And I told him, you explain how you threw up. He walked into the room, sat down on the couch, grab the bucket, like grab the bin and just throw up in the bin. That's the first thing he did when he came into the room. - Yeah, so my HJ was officially out. (both narrators laughing) - And I'd be throwing up all night by the way from the contractions. So HJ probably wasn't the best idea to it, but okay. - I'll be outside, you know, if you've been sick before that it's always better out than in. - Better out than in I always say. - And I'm so actually glad that I threw up because it just made me feel so much better. - Yeah, and I cannot believe it. He lasted like the rest of the entire birth he watched the birth. - Yeah. - Someone who is a big, huge phobia of like blood, surgery, everything and you've watched the birth. So that was really cool. But yeah, that is why he threw up. (Stephen laughing) - We just wanted to say a huge thank you to our friends over at Squarespace. They're massive supporters of our channel as well as our journey, so if you are new round here. Squarespace's the amazing all in one platform that allows you to easily get your dream website or blog for your personal use or for your business online quick. So some of our favorite Squarespace features include they've built in geo-tagging which allows you to mark the locations for your travel blogs as well as being able to present beautiful portfolios on their professional website designs. On top of that you can use their powerful blogging tools that allows you to share updates, post photos and videos and you can even get traffic updates to see what your most popular posts are and how people found it. So if you are interested in a free trial, you just want to play around with their different designs. Make sure you check out the link below. Also, if you're ready to launch we have a 10% of code of your first website or domain purchase. Thanks so much. Let's head back to the video. - Another question was, did I regret getting an epidural and what does an epidural feel like? 'Cause for me I didn't exactly know what an epidural was. All I knew is that it would help with pain. And I knew I was going to get one but that was always my plan. And so once I got into the birthing suite, oh, she's falling asleep. (Stephen laughing) She is cute. Yeah, so the moment that she told me I was four centimeters dilated as I call it an epidural and you'll see me telling Stephen like I'm getting an epidural, so you should go get a coffee or something. - And I've organized the epidural and I am just waiting. And I already told her that when the epidural person comes she's going to show you where the coffee room is. - That cool. - Maybe you should leave the room. And then I went to the midwife. I was like, can you be my husband just for like the next five minutes? And she was like, yes, I can be that for you. 'Cause I knew Stephen wouldn't be able to handle it. But it really wasn't as bad as it sounds. So basically what you do is you have to sit on the edge of the bed and like curl over like this and I'm hugging a pillow and I'm just holding my midwife's hands. And what they do first is they numb you in your back. Kind of like what you would do if you were numbing your wisdom teeth. - You are just like major dental service. - Yes, it was like a little tiny needle that numbs your back and then they bring out the big needle which I didn't see. You don't feel the big needle. You just have to, the hardest part is you have to stay completely still and you're having contractions. So that's why I was just holding onto the pillow and holding up to the midwife's hands and just like breathing through the contractions. So you're not really thinking about what they're doing. - And you're saying like your contractions are seven, eight out of 10. So then what would the numbing needle feel like? - Oh, it feels like a little tiny pinch. - So it's like one out of 10. - Yeah, like it doesn't even hurt. So then once I had the epidural, I guess everything kind of goes numb from your tummy down. That's why I stopped feeling anything. But it's not like you're numb where you can't move. Like I could still wiggle my toes, kind of move my legs. If you pressed my legs I could feel you're touching it. The only thing is I wouldn't know if what you're touching me with is hot, cold, sharp. So it's like you don't get any more of like the pain feelings but you still can move your legs. You can't, of course you couldn't stand up and walk but that's the thing. You're not like completely numb that it feels like you've just completely gone. No which I think was really cool. And then from there I was able to then dilate from four to a 10 all day have naps, talked to Stephen, we listened to Jack Johnson and children. And that's why I knew I wanted one because for me like I knew it would keep me more calm. I've had the epi and I feel amazing and I'm so ready now. - You look so much better. - I don't know for me, it's like the technology and the medicines there and I don't need to be in pain. I feel like I want to take it especially 'cause I would never go and get like a root canal without having like numbing. - Not me. - Yeah, so I don't know that's just what I. - I could personally see like the difference, like Jess walking in not even able to speak to me at like 4:00 AM and in what you have the happy at 5:00 AM find it. And then from there she was like happy, she was chill. - I need to see this one. - Like, I mean she didn't stop pushing until 6:00 PM. If it was that same nine hours that she had already gone through without any pain medication to then do that for a further 13 hours. - Yeah, it would have been crazy. So I'm glad I got it. - It was a nice day. Like I think we both had a nap. I think I set up the bed and we just listened to Jack Johnson all day, we just chatted. - Which goes to another question which everyone said, well, is it as calm as it looked? And it was so calm. And even when it got up to the part where she was at your 10 centimeters dilated and it's time to push, even though it was so common, it was fun. Like as I'm pushing and they're saying, well it's because it also helps you have fun. But it also helps that you literally feel no pain. It's like you feel the pressure of the contractions pushing her down but no pain to go with it. So every time a contraction came I could feel the pressure of her head. And it's so exciting because then I've got Stephen and my midwife who was amazing saying, "Oh my gosh, I see your head and being so supportive." That part was amazing, like so fun. But again, another question is how long did you push for? And I always pushed for two hours. - It's five to six, June 2nd. - Five to six, okay. Definitely having an evening, baby. Yeah, it's not. So the issue is after pushing for almost two hours, I realized that I've got a quite a small birth canal. And so a head just wouldn't get. it's like a little bend I guess, where they need to have needs to get around the bed to crown and then you can push her out and I've got quite a small birth canal so she just was not coming out. And that's why the video, I say, "I think, Oh my gosh." Dramatic entrance into the world after I gave birth because in the last 10 minutes I suddenly had four doctors come into the room and tell me, okay, you've got a really small birth canal. I'm not too sure if she's going to come out. So then they ended up having to do an episiotomy and use a vacuum which like kind of attaches to the end of her head and sucked it out. And they said that if I don't get her out in the next push it's gonna be an emergency C-section. Cause they were worried that she was going to get stuck down there and she wouldn't be able to get out. So they did the episiotomy they put the vacuum on her head and I pushed like it was the hardest I ever pushed. Like I felt my head was going to explode. I was like, I need, - Give you three pushes. It was like push, push and then she was like. - Wait, the next contraction, we have to deliver your baby. - You get her out on this one also C-section and Jess was like, oh no I'm pushing it hard. - And I pushed so hard and then they were like, oh my gosh, I see her head. And they were able to get it out. And I was like, thank goodness. So they got out and. - 'Cause you started pushing out, I think I said just after six in the video. - And she was born at 7:44 PM. - It's crazy. - I know this, it felt like I pushed for like 10 minutes though. Like in the moment, time goes so fast when you're pushing and it's really exciting especially again, if you don't feel all the pain. But that's why it sounded dramatic at the end because I just couldn't get her around the bed like. But luckily they were able to get her out for me and then she was completely healthy. It was all fine. And then she was here and all that moment of when they first put her on my chest because I hadn't slept all night. - You haven't slept. - And you gonna see my face. I was like, oh my goodness, I'm so tired. And she's finally here. And there was that little stressful bit at the end. And that was probably that's like the best moment in my life when they put her on my chest. I always wait. Okay, now I'm gonna cry. I cried too much. I'm going to cry. All right let's say you sit next I stood next question. Oh yeah, and this was another question a lot of people ask is how do I feel about birth now that I've actually experienced it? And would I do it again? And totally like, even I said to Stephen like the moment I had her, I was like Steve, I would do that all again. Like it did not scare me off at all. I think it was an incredible experience. I mean, I went to like it's kind of crazy. You made life, like I've just created a brand new human into the world when she's falling asleep. Like what an amazing experience. And now she's all asked to keep and she's just the sweetest little baby. I just love her so much. - Another question you guys had was, do you think going through pregnancy and birth has made you guys closer? And I think the biggest example I can use is that when we got married, a lot of people would think or would say like there would be this extra love that would come out. And yes, our wedding day was amazing but I feel like we love each other. - You just feel different. - Yeah, we loved each other just as equally as we did the day before our wedding of course wedding was amazing. But I think when the contract came into our life, I think the is different. There's like this extra love that was just and now we're getting sappy, just like locked away or they does like I feel more love for Jess. And I feel like all this love for Hunter, yeah. - I said, now it feels like what I expected marriage to feel like. - I would say so. - Yeah, which is really cool. - It's not like say that you're like relationship like needs to have a baby to be the ultimatum but it was. That's just our experience maybe because we have been together for a very long time. (both narrators laughing) - No stuffy now and she is just so sweet. And the last question, the most asked question is why did we name her Hunter Jayne? Like, what is the story behind her name? 'Cause as some of you picked out or worked out that we had picked her name out a long time ago. - Yeah, 10 years ago is when we chose her names. I guess I'll tell you the story. So first of all for my whole life I absolutely loved really like strong female names. I really liked gender neutral names for girls as well, as you can tell by the name Hunter. And it was like 10 years ago, I was about 20. And my mum was watching a show called Bold and the Beautiful, it's like a show that she used to love. And one time I was watching the credits and there's this one character on there called Taylor and the actress's name is Hunter. And when I sold it in the credits I was like wow, I've never thought of Hunter for a girl before but I absolutely loved it. And it was like, I know it's like really strong and powerful sounding. - Yeah, it's a really like, yeah powerful, strong name we absolutely love. - And so then I told Stephen and I was like, Oh, I love that name Hunter for a girl. And he was like, wow, I love that too. He was like, okay, if we ever have a girl, if we have they'd be, let's call her name Hunter. And ever since then, I've always known that if we have a girl her name's Hunter. And the moment that we opened up the envelope, when we were finding out the gender and saw it was a girl straight away we were calling her Hunter. We just knew it. - If we had a boy 'cause initially we were thinking, we gonna have a boy. We wouldn't have used the name Hunter. We had a completely different name Victor. - And when I hear the name Hunter only can picture a girl. And that's probably because I've always thought of a girl as Hunter. And that's just how I felt. - And then of course the flip side is because there's such a strong, powerful, like first name. We needed a more like feminine middle name to like balance it out. So it's Hunter Jayne. But I also knew that if I was ever gonna have a girl, her middle name was gonna be Jayne ever since I started dating Stephen. And that's because my sister's middle name is Jane. - And my sister's middle name is Jane. So it's kind of cool to connect the two aunties that way. - Yeah. - And like kind of keep a bit of legacy. Like our two families joined together because of course we've joined our surnames Perry and Valentine to make Perry Valentine. So it's nice to kind of connect. - And like by having both our sisters be a part of her. - And then we really liked the unique way of J A Y N E 'cause I think a lot of names is J A N E. - Yeah, I don't know why. - So funny when the Amazon product like the wrong Amazon came in and it was Jane Austin. That was not planned at all. I promise you and so many of you were like, "Oh, is the name Jayne? Is it a hint?" - Yeah, I was like, what? This like kind of a hint to me and by mistake. But I just think it's so nice that we have both of our sisters to be like a part of her. - Yeah, I know they both loved it. - Yeah, and Hunter Jayne I think there's so well together, the little Hunter Jayne Perry Valentine. - Little Hungry Jack's. - Little Hungry Jack's, little Hungry J's but I hope that answered all your questions. And she is still very sleepy, but I'll give you guys another little look here. - And of course, if you guys had any other questions, I know it's sort of so specific to the birth, leave them in comments below. And maybe you can answer some of your questions below. - Yeah but after this we did film our first proper week at home with a newborn. So it's going to be the next video. So you can see what it was like when we were first, like, I guess learning the ropes of parenthood. - And not being like in the hospital. - Yeah and not being in the hospital. But she has been such a good baby. We've been so lucky. She loves her night's sleep. - So thankful. Yeah, she fights her day naps. - Yeah, she just wants to stay awake with us all the time. So this is weird her being asleep right now. Like, I'm like, wow, you've been very good for us right now. But usually in the day, she's like, I'm going to stay awake with you guys. I don't want to go to bed. And then at night she's like zonked out all night, which is amazing. We're very lucky like that. - And we've done some like photo shoots with her when like, we want those cute newborn sleepy face, she refuses. (camera shuttering) She's like, what are you doing? Let's hang it up. - Yeah, what are we doing now? - If we want to do those sleepy newborns, it would have to be like three in the morning when she wants that done. - That's what we want our sleep. So it's not gonna be doing that. And also she loves going on adventures. We've been taking her along with us whenever we go out and have our coffee or going walks on the beach. We've also been like kind of travel training her. So she's been loving the car seat, loving the prayer we just got her. - She's so good. She actually sleeps better during the day when we are out. - Yes, rather than being inside. 'Cause we're actually doing something and then she's like, oh cool I'll have a nap now. And we just got her a travel cart ready for some upcoming trips. So she's definitely going to be our little adventure baby. - And yeah, because we're getting to travel. - Oh my goodness we are getting the travel beach. Ever since she turned a month old, I was like, maybe we can go like a little local getaway before she grows and gets her two month checkup but oh, she's so cute. All right, say bye. Bye bye. - You think all this is not normal. Thanks so much for watching guys. If you are new around here please hit subscribe and we'll see you next time. - Okay, bye.
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 220,485
Rating: 4.9583015 out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, birth vlog, birth story, first time mom, first baby, natural birth, my birth story, labor and delivery vlog, positive birth, birth video, aspyn and parker, baby girl, live birth vlog, labour vlog, natural labour, fast labor, hospital birth, natural childbirth, real birth, positive labour, third trimester, calm birth, pain free labour, healthy pregnancy, daily vlog, cute baby, cutest baby, post partum
Id: WqweiwRLAHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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